about 1 month ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s this week it just I'm refreshing refresh
3s nothing yet once we're confirmed live oh
6s things are looking good here we are are
7s we live we're here okay here we go let's
9s make sure everything's going and then
10s we'll hit start chat you need chat up oh
13s I know I'm just making sure can you hear
17s us uh I see oh yep there we go okay okay
21s uh if you haven't joined this is Dev
22s short 11 I think 11 11 10 11 if you
26s haven't joined one there's an ad I
27s always forget they play ads I know okay
30s if you have us about food okay I'm going
32s to pause well no we'll just get going so
34s welcome to our devb short for the next
36s 15 minutes we're going to we we do this
37s weekly show just to catch you up week
39s over week what's going on with Warframe
41s and this week I have a timeline and I
43s had a cool pink hat there it is I have a
45s highlighter timeline we are going to
46s talk about Dante starting with a
49s timeline of things that have happened
51s and where we're going from here no we're
52s not you're shaking your head actually
54s I'm going to call you so we had a fun
57s Eclipse uh that was totality so I've
59s I've done the timeline for Dante kind of
61s like the solar eclipse we just had we're
64s going to start on Tuesday April 2nd 7
66s days ago so this this was us where the
70s dev short went live and chat says they
73s hope the stream doesn't get nerfed this
75s time this is almost exactly what
78s happened on Tuesday April 2nd Y and it's
82s your fault so I'm not going to it's my
84s fault it's not your fault it's my fault
86s we were too flippant on the last Dev
88s short with the reactions r away when we
90s started the stream we don't Nerf Dante
92s don't Nerf Dante and we knew we were
95s making changes and we didn't treat it
97s even though we're a little bit Wayne's
99s World uh we didn't treat it seriously
101s enough to give you the information you
102s needed um so other things became part of
105s the narrative when we could have solved
107s a lot of the problem on April 2nd
109s obviously we can't go back in time so
111s that's behind us we could have
113s approached it differently and but the
114s Moon is exactly the correct size to
117s olude the Sun from Earth what are the
119s chances it is
121s the chances are crazy it has to be the
122s moon's fault for the Dante Nerf I don't
126s disagree but I'm going to take that one
129s not the moon I feel like the moon and I
131s are yeah that was I think we I think we
133s botched that we've done this in the past
135s where we've overshot or we we didn't
138s test like uh rag doll cases and things
140s like that and obviously we're sorry and
143s uh most of that stuff's been corrected
144s as I understand it so Thursday we put
147s out like okay here's the Dante tweaks
150s that we alluded to they did not go over
152s well and then yep it was like staring
155s into the sun yes on your phone don't
158s stare into the eclipse okay don't stare
160s into the don't play the Thursday version
162s of Dante don't even aim your phone at
163s the eclipse yeah don't the moon could be
166s a magnifying glass so this is the
167s timeline we had Tuesday then we had
169s Thursday then we bounce back to Friday
171s where we realized that the
172s implementation of the line of sight
174s wasn't only bad for Dante in terms of
176s rag dolls occlusion it's bad for a lot
179s of frames so like it's sort of like a
181s we're lifting a lot of line of sight
182s checks as a result of this but so that
185s was Friday and then we gave you a PSA on
187s other things we were changing so let me
188s see if I can do like a I I'm looking at
190s chat that I think they're I think uh
192s they're sort of understanding cool uh
195s still very fun very powerful uh there is
197s some question about maybe Dante blocking
200s his four accidentally we have plans to
203s fix that okay great and then the other
205s one is uh I'll rephrase this so it's a
208s little less spicy but like C C is really
210s important in the endg game make sure you
212s guys aren't just killing CC and I know
214s that's not our intent even though we
216s screwed up right before the eclipse
217s happened it was not the eclipse's fault
220s we would like to blame the once in a
221s lifetime event but I don't know if the
225s moon is exactly the right size to
227s include in the totality okay so anyway
230s on the timeline I'm going to do like a
232s fun you are here mat this Crow tastes
234s good you're eating crow I I'm eating
236s crow we are here we are on Tuesday April
239s 9th so we gone through so Tuesday April
242s 9th is right now right here and now uh
244s we I'm going to tell you the next steps
245s as we kind of already gave you a heads
246s up on um Friday in our PSA I'm going to
249s reiterate those talk a little bit more
250s about them and then from this next step
253s we'll get to when you're actually going
254s to play the changes which is sometime
256s this week so today yep and and I think
259s for Ana as well there's a little bit of
261s we do intend on doing a h tweak up on
264s the Neja augment I don't know the exact
266s numbers yet it's not going back to what
267s what it was but it's not staying at what
269s it is so we have final info there
271s absolutely uh overgard I'm going to talk
273s about overgard first
275s OG one of sounds good one of the pieces
278s of feedback I was going to say problems
279s in air quotes but it actually is a
280s problem so that's not appropriate but
282s overguard is if I'm playing in a squad
285s I'm Dante your nidus or Ur anaros you
289s have your cool energy regen Bill oh my
291s God I can actually spin you on the chair
293s okay you have your cool energy regen
294s build you're Naros you're playing with
296s me I'm Dante I put overguard on you and
298s I prevent your um rage energy regen
302s build from working we're making a change
303s to frames Naros and uh nidus if you have
307s overgard on from another source yep your
311s rage builds will work that's like a very
313s general um okay mission statement but
315s that's the vibe we going for if you
317s received overguard from another source
319s like Dante and you're playing as a Naros
321s or as nidus uh your rage strats will
324s work that's bucket one and then bucket
326s two is Vex armor which is chroma as you
329s know sometimes chroma players will stand
331s there and tank all this incoming damage
333s to get their Vex armor uh up we're going
335s to let it work with overguard um and
338s sorry we're going to let it work in so
340s far as that was not that was a new
341s thought ignore the overguard comment
342s there I'm I'm choma I'm out there I'm
345s shooting Fools With My Guns I'm killing
348s people with my melee y my Vex armor will
350s receive Buffs from that the the uh
353s damage portion of Vex armor will get
355s buffed if you're getting ranged kills
357s and the armor portion will get buffed if
359s you're getting melee or ability kills so
361s we're kind of like lifting a whole bunch
363s of things as a result of the overguard
365s conversation and all those things so
366s these are all happening this week so on
368s the timeline I'm telling you about them
370s here sometime this week they will be
372s live not tomorrow I don't think we need
373s more time to test which is probably like
376s SIN number three we we we rushed out
378s some of the Dante things so we're just
379s taking a bit more time so that this week
380s you can get your hands on line of sight
383s improvements across many abilities not
385s all but many some need code and we don't
387s have uh a code build this week the X
390s armor stuff the rage stuff with anaros
392s antis from other sources what else is
394s there the Dante General picture is just
398s some sort of real talk uh his ability
401s it's radius is the and I think this is
404s correct I I did check but if I'm wrong
406s you can correct me it is the largest
408s radius AOE in the game that does damage
410s to Targets in range so uh it's now line
413s of sight just because it is so big if
415s you look at something like zaku's vast
417s on time that's 25 M AOE the
420s range on the radius of tragedy is 30 m
424s flat unmodded so the line of sight thing
426s we should have done it from the
427s beginning uh it shouldn't have gone down
428s this way it's our fault but it's still a
430s very powerful ability and it still kicks
432s a ton of butt it's just a bit of the
434s line of sight implementation that we
437s rolled out too quickly our fault isn't
440s working on ra or wasn't working on rag
442s dolls there's blockage with Ray casts
444s you know well you don't know I'm telling
446s you those are the problems but we're
447s working on it and then by the time we
449s get to here
450s which will be sometime this week we'll
452s have more next week to share on how
454s everything's going so that's kind of
455s where we are yep okay so I would say
459s chat is sort of divided um some people
462s saying uh still very powerful still very
464s fun I think um maybe if you haven't
468s checked out after the l site fixes went
470s in you should you should want to check
471s that out uh and maybe uh just to give
474s your opinion just a second uh a second
478s chance there with the L of site checks I
480s think some people in chat are just like
481s revert like don't do the line of sight
483s check but the range is still extremely
485s large yeah um and again we listen that's
488s why we're here talking about this stuff
490s eating crow and explaining the changes
493s and yes that first roll out was a botch
496s for sure and we're sorry about that and
497s it all started Tuesday April 2nd yeah
500s and it could have been avoided if we had
502s the power yep so uh yeah so if only we
505s hadn't been making this game for 12
507s years and had 12 years of experience to
509s lean on never make a mistake again uh
512s well I I I think we will but the most
514s important part is uh we're not too proud
516s to uh to change to change those things
518s and to listen to you folks so give it a
521s try again I know some people would
522s really like that the uh losos checks are
525s just killed um but you do have that big
529s range yeah the r like the base range is
532s huge it's the biggest in the game yep um
535s and I think if we took away the line of
537s sck we probably would have to shrink it
539s like I think that would be the equation
541s some people are talking about that as
542s well um and I'm not saying we're going
544s to do that we might be in a nowi
545s situation where I don't think anyone's
547s going to be uh happy about it CU it's
549s you kind of rock the boat uh but again
552s give it a change with the line of sight
553s uh fixes if you haven't and uh yeah
556s maybe we'll be talking about this next
558s uh Dev show I have plenty but we just
560s need another solar phenomenon to get
562s through um so anyway let me just recap a
564s little bit of I saw a couple questions
566s about uh fix iOS and I'm very curious
568s about uh there's a few things there with
571s inputs for quests that are prog stops I
573s have seen a few prog stops uh those are
576s getting worked on if that's what you're
578s um blocked on very sorry and those are
581s uh known and uh getting worked on very
584s quickly I even wore my Dante shirt to
586s talk about Dante if we talk about him
587s again next week I have to do laundry
589s really okay well we'll see what we can
591s do someone says their stereo is not
593s working and it might be our fault I
595s stereo oh yeah I think they're just I
597s think they're just being factious oh
599s well just return it to your point of
601s purchase okay so uh things we wanted to
603s go over in this someone's having a
605s download problem problem on mobile
607s actually so that is something uh that
610s I'm curious about
612s we if you are patient enough to uh hit
615s our forms uh I know the team would be uh
618s very eager to hear from you yes recap it
621s we do have a hot fix this week on all
622s platforms the it is currently the 9th of
625s April by the end of the week there will
626s be hot fix out it's going to like I said
628s touch that Vex armor it's going to touch
630s the other sources of overguard on you
632s letting your um rage is I'm just using a
636s catchall with rage there for nidus and
638s anaros Y and you know when you're
640s getting overguard on you from another
641s source that is not your own because you
644s can't create it as those frames you'll
646s get some builds things we have other we
648s have actually tons of other fixes in the
649s update overall um there is a problem
652s where you weren't able to matchmake on
654s omn officiers with the zerman and
655s Albert's lab so if you were trying to
658s get some squads in you for those new
661s Omni off Fishers in those locations they
662s weren't working with matchmaking so
664s that's a big fix so you don't need to be
665s running it solo coming this week yes
668s excellent uh the um this was mentioned
671s last of short and I think we didn't we
674s didn't chase it down um red colors is
676s looking pink or energy color we did
679s Chase it down I just didn't tell you
681s there is a fix that's only a console bug
684s right now there is a native code fix
687s needed to get it on consoles update it
690s is something that is I uh there might be
693s another version of that bug but the the
695s the red looking pink you're probably
697s playing on Console red colors are very
699s much pink still is uh can you confirm
701s you're on Console if you're seeing that
702s we can do some real time y it's most
705s likely someone's saying red is pink on
707s PC too uh
710s uhoh uh someone's saying yes on Console
713s yes on Console yes on Console yes on
714s Console yes on Console so uh yes red is
718s pink on PS5 I'm so curious what that bug
721s was then um I looked at it and I forget
725s the exact details but oh I might have to
727s look at the code and check it out one of
729s our lovely teammates sent me the record
731s for someone is saying though my PC is
733s good and then someone's saying yes on PC
737s so uh maybe we need to uh I'm pretty
740s sure it's okay on PC because I looked at
742s my um Proto and it was fine it was fine
746s okay but that's not to say that it's a
748s fix verified issue I just when I heard
751s it was console only I was like okay yeah
753s that's someone's accusing us of being
754s color blind that's not true that also
757s could be true I can't confirm or deny
760s that after looking I put on a green
761s shirt today and I'm not color blind you
764s actually are kind of color blind what no
766s way yeah absolutely not yeah absolutely
769s not so you're blaming this whole pink
772s is Graphics if you're Graphics
776s engineer anyway not the point we'll do
779s we'll do some Q though let's get let's
780s get real to it uh we just want to talk
783s with everyone in the step short we have
785s two minutes left Q&A so uh turbo amibas
789s saying red is pink on some pallets on my
792s PC as uh also only certain Reds though
796s uh that weren't before so um
800s maybe do you think that's related to the
802s lighting changes in the Orbiter there
804s could be a third version of this
806s conversation that is GI okay well we
808s know that fashion frame is life so we
813s will uh take a look at this as well uh
816s and no we're not renaming red text to
818s Pink
819s text so um pink although that doesn't
824s really look pink but it is I swear red
827s pink red red um someone says please fix
830s the operator bug so that would be
832s something um that is not specific enough
835s to know no that's
837s not well it could anything um was it a
842s change in palettes cuz someone's saying
843s the smoke palette's acting a little
844s different as well smoke palette is white
847s and black there's it's only black and
850s white values the smoke palette has no
851s color this is reminded me of like the
853s time when I changed gamma God when you
856s changed gamma when was that 2013 2013
859s and we had to release a legacy Color
860s Picker for free cuz of the G and we
863s actually have an in-game setting for
865s legacy gamma yep yeah I remember that
869s yep an in-game setting that is now 11
871s years old from a mistake I made in 2013
874s imagine if we did Dev shorts
876s then yeah that'd be
879s spicy um right so just checking chat
883s again um there is please fix trade bug
886s in ranked up mods that is a dojo
889s specific bug I believe if you rank up
891s you can't trade them in the dojo if
893s they're ranked up or if you do rank them
894s up in the dojo I saw someone chasing
896s that last week so that is known I don't
897s know when it's going to be fixed but
898s that is known here's another one
900s operator camera flips 180 upon
902s transference sometimes can you confirm
905s if you're a client because I think that
907s might happen in DUI if you're a client
910s but please let me know someone says
912s thanks for making things much better I
914s guess they missed last
915s week Steve sorry timeline the timeline
919s everything went wrong here Sor we
921s definitely uh we definitely have the
922s best intentions and we when we mess up