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about 3 years ago - /u/DE-Marcus - Direct link

If you're still encountering the issue, we got a fix for you!

Microsoft recently rolled out a new system update that should have a fix to the "Get Platinum" issue whereby it would fail to load the Microsoft Store. The affected OS version 10.0.22000.2655, and the fixed is 10.0.22000.2656.

To check what version your console is currently on go to System > Console info > OS version.

If you have "Keep my console up to date" (under System > Updates), you should have automatically grabbed this update when it was released yesterday. If not, you try manually grabbing it via System > Updates > Update Console (which displays if an update is available).

Note: It does take some time for updates to roll out across all locales, so if you don’t see it right away it may appear at a later time.

Thanks Tenno!