almost 5 years ago - [DE]Saske - Direct link
1 hour ago, Cyborg3201 said:
  • TYPE: ingame
  • DESCRIPTION: Mutiple(2) Hull weave versions in avionics
  • VISUAL:  (no faction)
  • REPRODUCTION: can equip both version , 100%
  • EXPECTED RESULT: 1 version , as all other version should been removed by script
  • OBSERVED RESULT: 1 extra version with no faction


30 minutes ago, Zambad said:
  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Similarly to the one quoted above, I have two Hyperstrike avionics, one Vidar and one with no house. Both can be equipped, but only one at a time.
  • REPRODUCTION: Probably by owning a houseless Hyperstrike avionic along with a Vidar one prior to running the script to remove copies.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Should have only Vidar available.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Have a Vidar and a houseless variant of the same avionic.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Consistent.


The extra Hull Weave, Hyperstrike version (Sigma) is one of the three avionics you obtain for free after building your Railjack.

almost 5 years ago - [DE]Saske - Direct link
2 hours ago, TienAnnen said:

TYPE: [RJ Configuration]

DESCRIPTION: 80% of my avionics are gone. Like Bulkhead, Hyperflux etc...


2 hours ago, -SR-Newswordman777 said:

All the avionic i had that were max and equipped on my rj are gone even the predator mod i spent plat on to get but my rj ability mods are still equipped.


2 hours ago, SmokinMoses said:
  • TYPE: [RJ Configuration]
  • DESCRIPTION: 90% my avionics are gone. I lost so much progress.
  • VISUAL: None
  • REPRODUCTION: None - simply launched the game after the update.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Having my full loadout of maxed avionics where I left them.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Lost most of them.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Non-applicable I guess.



2 hours ago, Ztype32 said:

TYPE:In-game (Dry Dock)
DESCRIPTION:Me and my friend don't have our Avionics installed on Railjack, we lost them. (I had Bulkhead Zetki Q^Q pls fix this)
REPRODUCTION:I don't really know that, for what i know only me and my friend found this bug
EXPECTED RESULT:I should have find all my Avionics in there
OBSERVED RESULT:I went to Dry Dock by Orbiter using the Railjack, then i went to console in Dry Dock to manage Avionics and i didn't find anything


1 hour ago, Reyhulko said:

Same 4 me, lost most of my avionics

  • TYPE: [RJ Configuration]
  • DESCRIPTION: All of my INTEGRATED avionics who where above rank 0 are gone. Lost much progress and resources. BATTLE and TACTICAL still there
  • VISUAL: none, i should have done a screen of my previous avionics, bud didn't expect this
  • REPRODUCTION: none, just went do dojo to chech after update
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Having my avionics where i put them
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Lost all ranked INTEGRATED avionics
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: I guess non replicable


38 minutes ago, MeeTHooR said:
  • DESCRIPTION: Avionic from railjack gone also from inventory too
  • unknown.png
  • unknown.png?width=1164&height=655
  • after
  • REPRODUCTION: Drydock Dojo
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Restore all my avionics and dont do that again 🙂


32 minutes ago, Swamarian said:
  • TYPE: Railjack Configuration
  • DESCRIPTION: Prior to the update, I had everything maxed out, with about 50 avionics free.Now, I've run out of avionics with a slot still empty. Also, Hardened Casing wasn't touched by the update. (It was still slotted, at max).
  • FsdXUuT.jpg
  • jIwUDZt.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Start slotting and upgrading avionics
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I should have a lot more free avionics
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Ran out of avionics well before I expected.

Please re-read the section about the Avionics changes in the patch notes:

  • Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors. What this means is that there won’t be 3x variants of the same Avionic. 
  • The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script on login.
  • The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of its Type.
  • ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
  • ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.

None of your avionics are gone, you will have an unranked Vidar Bulkhead, Lavan Hyperflux etc. in your inventory. Please re-rank them to gain the same values as before the update.

almost 5 years ago - [DE]Saske - Direct link
43 minutes ago, Lyndylyn said:
  • TYPE: In-Game, Chat
  • DESCRIPTION: Chat linking and viewing X Relic would redirect you to Lith S8 instead
  • VISUAL: Z9WPDpg.jpgqZYoqZ0.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Linking and viewing any relic other than Lith S8 in chat (Clan, Alliance, Region, etc)
  • EXPECTED RESULT: View actual linked relic and its components as intended
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Redirects the link to Lith S8 as default


38 minutes ago, D2N13L said:
  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: visual bug with relics when pressing a relic hyperlink
  • REPRODUCTION: Press a relic hyperlink
  • EXPECTED RESULT : Selected relic
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Lith S8 relic
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% when pressed

Hey Tenno! We are looking into the issue of any relic linked in chat displaying a Lith S8 relic.

almost 5 years ago - [DE]Saske - Direct link
1 hour ago, Orbdrin said:
  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Fishing is broken after the update, one or two seem to spawn but stay in place / can't seem to be caught, they don't highlight from Oxylus/Dye.
  • REPRODUCTION: Go to any fishing spot, tested on both plains and orb vallis.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Being able to fish.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Not being able to fish.


8 minutes ago, Nethernome said:

TYPE In-game Fishing 

DESCRIPTION Can't see the fish even using luminous dye (but Helios scan works), you can hit them but you can't catch them (you only hear the music)

REPRODUCTION : Go to any fishing spot and try it
EXPECTED RESULT : Fish glow (Luminous Dye effect), Fish Catch scene
OBSERVED RESULT : Invisible fish, and fish can't be catch


7 minutes ago, HellsHammer said:
  • TYPE: In Game / Fishing (Both Plains of Eidolon and Fortuna) 
  • DESCRIPTION: Fishing in Plains of Eidolon and Fortuna with Luminous Dye deployed. 
  • REPRODUCTION: Happened on any fishing location on either Fortuna or Plain of Eidolon
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Fish should have been highlighted. Fish should be moving. When speared fish should be caught. Fish should be spawning. 
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Fish are not highlighted. Fish do not move. Fish cannot be caught even when speared. No fish spawn. 
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: It occurred 2 out of 2 times on Plains of Eidolon and 2 out of 2 times on Fortuna. Attempts were started by relogging into the game.