2 hours ago, TienAnnen said:
TYPE: [RJ Configuration]
DESCRIPTION: 80% of my avionics are gone. Like Bulkhead, Hyperflux etc...
2 hours ago, -SR-Newswordman777 said:
All the avionic i had that were max and equipped on my rj are gone even the predator mod i spent plat on to get but my rj ability mods are still equipped.
2 hours ago, SmokinMoses said:
TYPE: [RJ Configuration]
DESCRIPTION: 90% my avionics are gone. I lost so much progress.
REPRODUCTION: None - simply launched the game after the update.
EXPECTED RESULT: Having my full loadout of maxed avionics where I left them.
OBSERVED RESULT: Lost most of them.
REPRODUCTION RATE: Non-applicable I guess.
2 hours ago, Ztype32 said:
TYPE:In-game (Dry Dock)
DESCRIPTION:Me and my friend don't have our Avionics installed on Railjack, we lost them. (I had Bulkhead Zetki Q^Q pls fix this)
REPRODUCTION:I don't really know that, for what i know only me and my friend found this bug
EXPECTED RESULT:I should have find all my Avionics in there
OBSERVED RESULT:I went to Dry Dock by Orbiter using the Railjack, then i went to console in Dry Dock to manage Avionics and i didn't find anything
1 hour ago, Reyhulko said:
Same 4 me, lost most of my avionics
TYPE: [RJ Configuration]
DESCRIPTION: All of my INTEGRATED avionics who where above rank 0 are gone. Lost much progress and resources. BATTLE and TACTICAL still there
VISUAL: none, i should have done a screen of my previous avionics, bud didn't expect this
REPRODUCTION: none, just went do dojo to chech after update
EXPECTED RESULT: Having my avionics where i put them
OBSERVED RESULT: Lost all ranked INTEGRATED avionics
REPRODUCTION RATE: I guess non replicable
38 minutes ago, MeeTHooR said:
DESCRIPTION: Avionic from railjack gone also from inventory too

EXPECTED RESULT: Restore all my avionics and dont do that again 🙂
32 minutes ago, Swamarian said:
TYPE: Railjack Configuration
DESCRIPTION: Prior to the update, I had everything maxed out, with about 50 avionics free.Now, I've run out of avionics with a slot still empty. Also, Hardened Casing wasn't touched by the update. (It was still slotted, at max).
REPRODUCTION: Start slotting and upgrading avionics
EXPECTED RESULT: I should have a lot more free avionics
OBSERVED RESULT: Ran out of avionics well before I expected.
Please re-read the section about the Avionics changes in the patch notes:
Each Integrated Avionic Type will now only exist with a single Manufacturer rather than three Manufacturer flavors. What this means is that there won’t be 3x variants of the same Avionic.
The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script on login.
The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of its Type.
ALL Dirac used to upgrade Integrated Avionics will be refunded. This applies to both retired and remaining Avionics.
ALL remaining Integrated Avionics will have their Upgrades drained.
None of your avionics are gone, you will have an unranked Vidar Bulkhead, Lavan Hyperflux etc. in your inventory. Please re-rank them to gain the same values as before the update.