2 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s of our prep going uh just so we could
4s update available no oo moner Hunter wise
7s B this live par me monster hunter Wild's
10s bait is live oh is it cool I have to
12s make my hunter
15s nice okay I think we're live I have
17s twitch chat open am I going to open
18s YouTube then yes you will open YouTube
20s welcome everyone before we really get
21s started we're just going to make sure we
22s can see you read you and be on our merry
27s way oh there we are I see us I don't
29s think we have twitch drops oh add an ad
31s for what something that is spectacular
33s what is the spectac jawdropping visuals
35s looks like Call of Duty the best Call of
37s Duty in you I've never played a Call of
38s Duty really yeah maybe I'll start with
41s you got to play some Call of Duty
42s Hunters versus hunted operator well okay
45s now I'm getting okay hi welcome if you
47s don't know if you've never been to a Dev
48s short I'm going to hit start on the
49s timer doesn't matter what we're talking
51s about at the 15 minute Mark we stop the
53s stream because we got to get back to it
55s so thank you for joining us for a Dev
56s short let us begin to begin the dev
59s short welcome Doo says we are late we
62s are not we had to go 30 minutes late
63s today you actually did the soul short
65s before this I did but it's pre-recorded
68s so a little little less chaotic yeah a
69s little less chaotic um I actually wanted
72s to start this St short with a really
73s rare opportunity someone I won't say who
77s name starts with a p and ends with oblo
79s accidentally bought two call statues and
82s I am of the mind that out there in the
85s planet someone has Statue 175 so like
88s you know their Collector's Edition all
89s the numbers handwritten on the bottom
91s okay so I'm like there's a chance that
93s this call 175 statue is call 175 you
97s know what I'm saying okay so I want to
99s unbox it and see I want to read the Bas
102s you don't agree let's see what chat says
104s like what if this is call
107s 175 like what FAL Knight says the only
110s Call of Duty you need to play is Call of
112s Duty okay can you um good can you hold
115s the box I guess not I can y sorry for
120s spending time on a Dev short on this but
121s I really wanted to know unboxing videos
123s are all we do now I need a blade a sharp
127s blade that's not something that I have
129s handy um my office is very I think it's
132s in the top door there use this little
134s pin okay use like a little thumb tack
136s okay let's see is it call 175 all right
138s this says top so this would be maybe I
140s should take questions from chat while
142s you're stalling go ahead go ahead yeah
145s take chat questions um new Warframe
149s unboxing Channel apparently it's not I
151s just want to know if I got 175 someone
152s asked where are the cat ears that I
154s didn't promise that's very funny you
156s promis cat ears uh someone says they
159s like the throwing and Liberty trading
160s system can you learn from it oh I saw
162s that that was a very popular game
164s interesting descri describe it to
168s me describe it this PL someone someone
171s likes the satisfactory game yeah Steve
175s come on buddy that's is what
177s they all right a one two 2 two so close
183s one two two oh well one two two oh well
187s do we know someone has 175 someone has
189s to we made 615 of them so call 175 is
195s out there somewhere any plans for a Valk
197s here rework um nothing to talk about
200s Bandit 74 nothing to talk about right
202s now we're very much like super focused
204s on 1999 will you ever come to Croatia
207s beautiful country I would absolutely
209s love look at that
210s I've heard amazing things about C
214s ship
216s um call welcome welcome to the office
220s call someone's saying stream died rip
223s rip refresh rip rip rip over already no
226s good good two-minute Dev short what is
229s that a YouTube issue I don't know I'm
231s still seeing it do you think I can eat a
233s I'm I'm watching it live and still
234s working can I eat it maybe you have to
236s refresh stream is fine Sil gel silica
239s gel
240s should you eat it throw away quote oh it
243s says do not eat but it's in quotes quote
247s eat it's in quotes do not eat okay where
249s does this go on him so usually when he
251s put something in air quotes like that he
252s sort of being sarcastic aren't you where
254s does this go on him oh on the hip I see
256s do you have an agenda or are you just
258s doing this the whole the whole time call
260s is done there you go Welcome to our Dev
263s short I have an agenda so what we
265s announced on the dev stream this is a
266s bit of a devstream recap thank you for
267s watching the unboxing video of call 175
270s we are here to talk about zaku prime
272s access do you remember when it launches
274s Pop Quiz no I don't remember when it
276s launches November 13th all platforms do
278s you remember what's in it no I don't
280s remember what's in it okay uh it's got
282s uh zaku prime quases prime and trumna
285s Prime along with some very incredible uh
288s Cosmetics including the necra operator
291s and Drifter suit which you probably saw
293s looks pretty cool I actually I didn't
294s waste ink today so today I will show you
298s a digital version of the image
300s so this is the
302s zaku that's a whole buch of dentist
304s photos there zaku Prime AIS all right
307s smile
308s Steve okay and then was a smile am I
312s last time I was reading uh chat someone
314s said look like an owl someone called you
317s an owl yeah I was like Steve you look
319s like an owl I need these to read close
321s up now I don't know what the Hellen I
323s need them to see I need them to see but
326s not far away but not far away okay so
328s well yes and uh that art for that Prime
332s is incredible they look amazing yes so
336s very very cool very excited yep please
338s look forward to
339s it please look forward to it please
342s enjoy please enjoy please enjoy okay
345s moving on we also did we actually did a
347s lot on that Dev stream so fun fact we
349s got a new printer because the one kept
351s breaking and it prints front and back
353s now so I am struggling to like that's
355s cool so let's actually jump to the
357s bottom of the agenda with uh Steve
359s what's going going on how did you enjoy
361s your second Dev stream what's going on
363s with
365s preludes uh we we tried to make it short
368s like these and we went 20 minutes just
370s talking about what's in the new preludes
372s because there's so much stuff in fact
374s the team is arguing right now but things
376s to remove because they're not quite
377s ready yet so anyway things are going
379s well uh zarch says Steve we need a k
383s references for Tommy cycle and I agree
385s with this completely I promise you you
386s can you can be Akira cycling until
390s there's some strong references in there
391s you'll be you'll be you'll be just fine
393s uh one thing to note about zaku prime so
395s zaku Prime comes on November 13th on all
398s platforms we actually are going dark
400s until then which is to say no hot fix or
402s deploys we know that there's one really
404s nasty bug that we're working on with the
406s deos mining uh issues where you either
409s can't access veins it's just I think
411s someone on a message board called it
413s like a hot mess but we're here to clean
416s up the mess but not until November 13th
418s unfortunately which we do apologize for
420s time but we had to go dark for got a
421s tech issue there yes but that is a fixes
424s maybe they didn't say hot they said
425s something I don't remember what it was
426s but uh yes so that is something to be
428s aware of for Warframe like immediate
430s future situation Alesa tanos says hello
437s happy Halloween happy Halloween and to
439s you as well do you have a Halloween
441s costume for October 31st I do not have a
443s Halloween costume I'm GNA be going as an
445s aging Game Dev with with failing
448s eyesight that's that's my costume okay
451s all right pretty good but you are
453s totally into Halloween you that's your
456s favorite holiday isn't it something say
458s Megan's is uh Christmas I think it is
460s and yours is Halloween it is for sure I
462s don't even know what my favorite holiday
463s is we actually do and Halloween isn't
465s just special because it's Halloween
466s we're actually ending our Quest To
467s Conquer Cancer uh month on October 31st
471s it's the last day of October so the
472s community team and the community are
474s doing like a big I've heard there's some
476s crazy stuff going on like a like a
477s Warframe themed DND d module that
481s Conor's doing yeah they're doing
482s something super fun so we won't spoil it
484s but if you're looking for did I just
485s spoil it I don't think so I saw a tweet
486s go out about it all right um but yeah
488s you can look forward to that we actually
489s have hit our stretch goals as well so
492s $130,000 have been raised we dropped um
494s another concept art for another piece of
496s fashion that's coming in 1999 which
498s Speaking of let's talk
501s 1999 we did a whole bunch at our uh
504s someone saying I should be Al actually
505s then that actually would be you are late
508s you you could wear the hat you Sheldon
510s has the I think we have a couple of
511s those Hots around here yep it's a good
513s idea I'll do it I think we have a well
516s the coat would be tough but it's doable
518s I was thinking you could you could be uh
521s number one why not get a red voy on you
525s oh is this jjk stuff yeah you could
527s Beuna all right The Boy The Boy okay uh
531s 1999 so we announed I finished it by the
533s way I got well I mean I finished the
535s anime in the movie yeah very good do you
537s see what I have up on the wall here what
539s do you have you probably have like a
541s this is an autograph for digital
542s extremes from sudakin Josan oh my God
545s voice of namami that's his autog this
549s office is becoming a uh a shrine a
552s malevolent Shrine duckman's claims
554s birthday on Halloween and they are
556s excited very good okay back to 1999 we
559s announced on our Dev stream that 1999 is
561s coming in December of this year and we
562s gave you a walk through a lot of the
563s tech rot and sort of the world Vibes you
565s can expect more in our November Dev
567s stream about the scra and other things
568s but I think one thing that we showed you
570s images of were the seasons so you can
572s kind of see 1999 through the lens of
574s four different seasons to play through
576s the world will sort of ooze and awe in
579s different ways depending back in the 90s
580s when we had four seasons I know I know
584s that's actually very Grim that's very
586s Grim very Grim y so it's a fictional
589s world it's extra fictional extra
593s fictional and not at all based on our
595s planet however uh yeah I think we went
598s through all the weapons that are coming
600s we went through some of the Gemini skins
601s and we talked a little bit about the
602s Trinity light rework and tweaks so that
605s is good to know uh if you were looking
607s for more INF on that we had two slides
609s we did just talking a little bit about
611s how her passive is changing and just the
612s usability of her abilities making some
614s interactions a bit more natural and all
616s of her Casting will I think at this
619s point everything will be cast while
621s moving so which is to say upper body
623s only cuz one thing that happens with
624s Trinity even me I have like three yellow
626s archon shards on her just to make her
628s cast speed go up uh We've made it so
630s that you can cast while moving so lots
632s of lots of lots of good left lots of
634s tweaks yes uh we also showed you the
637s first batch of some of the Tommy cycle
640s skins so if you didn't see those this is
642s the graffiti bike that you can't see at
644s all my screen is creating like a huge
646s reflection graffiti bike graffiti bike
648s what else do I have oh yeah and here was
650s the sort quote unquote goth Drifter
653s cosmetic uh concept art from liger which
655s we showed the 3D model of as well oh
657s yeah I love that one so much put your H
659s up and you're like one I know I could
661s get in there you could be the goth of
662s your dreams yep I'm wearing some Thal
665s kind of shirts I me that's that's like a
667s modern day goth isn't it totally or not
670s a modern day goth like a adjacent goth
672s thing um what else do we have going on
674s for our agenda here uh oh yeah people
678s were asking about the ax 52 it does come
680s back in 1999 uh we did show you some
683s infested Tech rot faction expansion with
686s some some running Fellers and like a big
689s a big sort of B Vine looking unit I
691s guess you could say yes
693s Bine I would think it was like slightly
696s CSH Bine your vocabulary is excellent a
699s lot of War sector comments so guess
702s we're going to have to actually make
703s that game for real eh yeah uh also saw a
706s couple saying uh uh fix mobile I'm not
710s sure what that's about but it'd be great
711s if you post our Forum so more details
713s about
714s that um someone uh storm fin says will
718s we ever have a frog frog Warframe ivara
721s is a frog she's a poison frog there's a
724s frog vibe there like ivara base ivara is
727s very much a frog so um I would say
730s Bionicle nerd says Tech rot Warframe win
733s that's a good idea there's some sketches
735s there's some sketches obviously we're a
736s pretty open open book here so there's
738s some sketches she is a frog question
740s mark she kind of is she has the tree
742s frog markings and Vibe she has Dart
745s arrows you know she's not that frogs use
747s darts but you know like poison dart
749s Arrow vibe back in the day this was
751s heavily inspired your average chroma
753s says I hope a publisher picks up War
755s sector don't don't hold your breath
758s don't hold well they didn't in the first
759s the first time we tried yeah so don't
761s hold your breath we're told sci-fi sucks
764s yes so we is that why you made Soul
766s frame no that's why we made Dark Sector
769s into kind of a I'm joking contemporary
771s setting instead I'm joking yeah uh is
773s there a best option for steam Deck
775s Profile oo I feel like that would have
777s to be somewhat user generated at this
779s point I was playing it on my steam deck
781s in Tokyo but uh Dev RB and owner Steve
785s what are your most played
787s frames owner Steve you're owner Steve
790s now I'm owner Steve what are my most
792s played frames probably sarin because
794s that's the default engine one when you
796s log in to work on the game mine's
798s actually locally overridden to be
800s original excow oh okay okay I think
803s statistically mine is mix but if you go
806s by the year of averages like over this
808s the course of this year
810s it's
813s probably Dante I would say really
817s mhm chroma would be up there for me as
819s well but sarin is default that explains
821s so much not what you think it's like a
824s it's like it's the sarin the first sarin
826s Deluxe we did if you boot without an
828s account it has like it has that yeah
830s yeah y That's the dev that's like a
832s choice Glenn made for he made it so
834s reasons that are lost in time no I know
836s why why he wanted our team that like
839s maybe don't play the game all the time
840s to see the variety of visuals that a
842s player might it was like a a stochastic
844s grabbing of like random loadouts players
847s I mean our team can see a little bit of
849s what a player might be playing the game
851s using that's what it was sasquash says
853s it took you for a MAG took me for a Meg
856s I have been I have been with Meg a
858s little bit this year but it's been a bit
860s more Dante I think that's just because
861s like at the beginning of the year I had
862s the most time so I was just playing all
864s the time uh H1 z018 I think that
868s probably is some lead speak I'm not
870s getting will we ever get more realistic
871s guns like the ax 52 in the future yeah
874s we're working on uh batches of sort of
877s um the scdra Arsenal uh you can probably
880s you can hear a bit more about our plans
881s for that next Dev stream with a bit more
883s of a realistic timeline cuz we got a lot
885s going into 99 so you can look forward to
887s Scala Arsenal stuff uh maybe not with
890s 1999 the pistol in the demo was also
891s yeah the bester 77 for sure if you
893s haven't played the demo play it grab the
895s veser 77 we are uh tweaking a ton of the
898s atomy cycle controls as recently as
901s today they're putting in another pass so
903s that we can get it feeling sharp and
905s responsive nice do you think you'll ever
908s shorten the crafting times another
910s crafting question we get these a lot for
913s warframes yeah I do I think um okay I
916s think uh K was a 20 our first 24-hour
919s craft time frame and I I think without
922s setting expectations too high with the
925s release of um another update we might
927s shorten a very small hand of others but
929s we'll talk more about that on the dev
931s stream just cuz I don't want to like
932s make promises make
934s promises I don't want to misspeak with
936s 20 seconds remaining on the we but we
938s are looking at it expect a full report
940s truly we'll give Propet says the pistol
942s was so cool had Metal Gear Vibes hello
945s what a agreed agreed oh you're going to
947s sing a Metal Gear song
950s Darkness ogre
952s frame uhhuh to's we got we got a toome
956s we got a to or two Zoo asks a very
958s important question gender