about 2 years ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Before we begin paving the way for our next major Update: Veilbreaker, we wanted to bring some additions to your Arsenal and a couple Quality of Life changes! The team will be Hotixing where necessary in order to clear the path for Veilbreaker.



Ready your Arsenal for another incredible round of TennoGen creations! Check them out now via the in-game Market and support hard-working Tenno designers from the Warframe Community.

TennoGen Round 22 Part 2 to follow soon - stay tuned!


TennoGen Bundle LXVIII

  • Vauban BonaparteSkin by Hydroxate & Debbysheen
  • Gara Adora Helmet by That1Cactus & blazingcobalt
  • Mesa Insomnia Skin by Goosmo
  • Caerulea Oculus by Awk'Q-Luz & blazingcobalt
  • Lamassu Shoulder Armor by LostEpoch


TennoGen Bundle LXIX

  • Lavos Kuvael Alchemist Skin by Erneix
  • Revenant Tenebrus Helmet by Awk`Q-Luz & malaya
  • Alchemist Chemtank Syandana by Erneix
  • Asteria Chest Armor by led2012
  • Kalynex Polearm by kakarrot2812



Originally introduced in Update 15, the Syndicate system brought new characters (where my Cressa Tal fans at??) and a handful of new goals within the system. Part of that system included the eventual introduction of Syndicate Medallions; unique objects gathered within missions to redeem for their respective Standing.

Fast forward to 2022 and Update 31.5 Angels of the Zariman introduces the Holdfast Syndicate and their respective Medallions; Voidplumes. While the Medallion system itself is not new, the Zariman tilesets spurred conversations around individual vs team wide pickups due to the grandeur size of the tilesets themselves. The feedback we received from the community expressed pain points related to necessary backtracking in order to collect the Plumes, which meant deviating from the Objective and causing longer than necessary mission times in order to collect them all. Similar pain points were what brought forth the squad-wide pickup change to Railjack.

With that being said, Syndicate Medallions (6x Core Syndicates + Angels of the Zariman missions) are now a team-wide pickup, meaning any Medallion picked up benefits the entire squad and no backtracking is required! This also applies to Voidplumes dropped from Angels and Medlica’s Cache to keep everything consistent. We’ve also removed the ability to waypoint the pickups since there’s no need to individually find them.

As an additional lateral change, Riven Challenges for Syndicate Medallion collecting have been changed to be Solo specific and the amount reduced to 8-12 instead of 12-16. Already existing Rivens won’t adopt this change but will instead lose any complicated conditions and just be “Find X Medallions”.


While maintaining our original intentions to connect Railjack to some more ‘core Warframe’ style rewards, we’ve made a few changes to have Ash components be more new player friendly for those starting their Railjack journey. Having them live only in Rotation C brought feedback of accessibility concerns for newer players trying to complete their Ash build. While Oberon parts do drop in new player friendly areas, having his Neuroptics reside within the Veil Proxima was a steep climb to have a chance at collecting all the parts you need.

  • Added Ash part to Corpus Railjack Exterminate/Volatile (4.82 - 4.88% chance), reducing Endo drops slightly.
  • Added Ash part to Corpus Railjack Survival/Defense Rotation A (13.33% chance), reducing Endo drops slightly & rearranging the drop % of rotation C.
  • Moved Oberon Neuroptics from Veil Proxima to Earth, reducing Endo drops slightly and rearranging the drop %.


  • Enable Character Shadows toggle in the settings.
  • Replaced the duplicate Meso H2 Relic dropping in Tier 2 Defense with the correct Meso H3 Relic.
  • You can now search for Incarnon weapons in your Inventory by typing “Incarnon”.
  • Removed the Necramech 'Engine Low Power' sound due to excessive repetition when using it for a long time at low power - warning will now only occur when the engine is fully depleted.
  • Adjusted the Peculiar Audience Mod sounds to have more prominent laughing.
  • Adjusted textures of Orokin Heavy Gunner Arctic Eximus so it doesn't use Blitz Eximus textures.


  • Fixed Arcane Ultimatum not proccing off Ash's Bladestorm.
  • Fixed occasional progression stoppers in The Glast Gambit Mycona Colony Defense Mission:
    • Fixed Myconians sometimes not spawning.
    • Fixed Myconians sometimes do not use the door console to unlock the gate.
      • Added a timed fallback to open the door in case they couldn't path to it within 30 seconds.
  • Fixed a script error when opening the locked door.
  • Fixed an Operator functionality loss after Void Slinging into the Angel's teleport volume.
  • Fixed a crash occurring in the Corpus Ship related to Turrets.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when Octavia’s Passive triggers.
  • Fixed a crash when Volt’s Speed ability expires.
  • Fixed Octavia’s Resonator spawning behind locked areas in the Orphix tileset.
  • Fixed spot loading hitch when ranking up in Nightwave.
  • Fixed not loading into a Railjack mission when a Client player leaves during the warp transition (load tunnel).
  • Fixed music playing infinitely for Clients in the Fortuna Heist backroom.
  • Fixed last Bonus in a Bounty displaying as silver (bonus objective failed) even if the bonus is fulfilled.
  • Fixed letting Cauldron die in the Deimos Assassinate Bounty stage not failing the objective.
  • Fixed missing Hacking Console texture when a lockdown occurs in the Railjack Capital Ship.
  • Fixed inability to Chat Link the Peculiar Audience Mod.
  • Fixed inconsistent casing (some words being proper and others being all caps) when hatching a Kubrow or Kavat.
  • Fixed inconsistent casing for ‘Tenno’ in the Interception UI.
  • Fixed missing Cephalon Cy dialog during one of his Call of the Tempestarii Transmission.
  • Fixed customized color not being properly reflected on the Targis Prime Chest and Knee Armor plate.
  • Fixed Lua Rock (Small) and Lua Rock Column (Large) being listed in the Orokin category for the Dojo Architect menu instead of the Nature category. Fixed Inbox Gift opening animation playing every time if you repeatedly click the screen.
  • Fixed seeing a Narmer looking mission UI when opening Navigation right before a Hotfix/Update deploys.
  • Fixed numerous level holes in a certain Zariman tileset room that could be escapacble with Titania.
  • Fixed certain VO playing out of order during The Sacrifice Quest.
  • Fixed missing explosion sound on Akarius projectiles.
  • Fixed missing Ordis dialog subtitles in the Limbo Theorem.
  • Fixed Transmissions using wrong name tag colors in Ambulas fight.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur during Mastery Test 9 or 19.
  • Fixed a script error occurring when casting Mirage’s Sleight Of Hand ability.
  • Fixed K10 Relic localized as K9 for German.


NOTE: the Lavos Kuvael Alchemist Skin by Erneix shipped with some liquid fx missing in the back flask and in the main glass helmet. The artist's original intent was for liquid to be in these two sections, and after communicating with the artist we will be correcting the liquid fx as soon as possible.   

about 2 years ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Regarding the questions about the decaying stack bug, this update is a Hotfix, not a Cert build, therefore it doesn't contain any Code integrations. A Cert built / code integration is required for this issue to be resolved. During the August 26th devstream there'll be more information on when to expect the next Cert build.