about 5 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

14s [Music]
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233s hello welcome to Xbox one at one with
237s myself I'm Megan Everett thank you for
238s joining me today as always I'm joined by
240s the disembodied voice of Helen hello-o
243s today we're gonna be splitting our time
246s between chimera prologue which is
249s spoilers by the way and cracking the
252s night wave sortie and if we're bummed
254s out by those puns or you just don't even
256s understand my backwards humor I'll ask
259s you to leave did you get it Helen I
262s gotta go I gotta leave out anyone in
266s chat understand what I was saying hey
269s anyone come on chat come on save me
272s think about the Chimera chimera prologue
274s what's weird about it
275s hold on hold on I'm there I think we
278s scream crash because I can't see
279s anything
280s Oh welcome to our world
283s oh we have a BOE from as Dax so I don't
288s believe that anyone understood whatever
289s size anyone welcome to the stream let's
293s jump into the week report what is going
296s on don't at me no one understood it no
300s try again try again um okay I'll say it
306s again okay I think I understood so I
310s said today it will be splitting our time
313s between Khmer prologues and cracking the
317s night wave sortie if you're bummed about
320s those puns or don't understand my back
322s words humor then I'll kindly ask you to
326s leave okay
334s anyone anyone okay okay anyone in chat
339s alright people are you okay there we go
341s okay so get it by II just just too smart
346s for us that's all there is to it ballast
348s exactly
350s rip ballast it's true get real Megan's
352s like split chimera kind of thing no it's
355s because it was like buttah split in half
357s oh no I need to pay more attention I pay
361s a lot of attention too that's where I
363s was going and we report what's going on
366s in the land of war pretty a lot is going
370s on you guys have a night wave obviously
372s that is the current hotness situation
375s for you oh I have a present coming
380s through the story that's why the door's
382s unlocked you're wondering why I asked it
385s I was like Oh read this worried what
386s restream today okay let's like make sure
388s the doors lock so worried we're worried
389s about caffeine though no worried about
391s the gift Oh kevie oh it was good are you
401s drew on it oh thank you is it supposed
404s to be my face she's camera shy she cute
409s thank you
410s should we shove it off before we do the
411s report here I can't step back yes see
414s your little face Oh
417s there that's my face it's cute all right
422s what was I talking about night wave
424s actually over the weekend we had like a
426s plan there's no on PC to do the
429s hour-long kuva survival with a friend or
434s clan mate so like I came to work at like
436s 10:00 in the morning and like Reb was at
437s home jetty Hutu just delivered that and
440s been on our team we all like we're
442s talking and I got together and played it
444s we actually failed the first time we
445s tried we got I think of 46 minutes into
448s it and we through you know playing the
452s game ourselves we found a bug
455s especially on PC because of the client
457s swapping changes that came with the
459s Buried debts update it was that if a
463s Beastmaster took a client's weapon they
465s could never get it back oh my god but I
467s was the host and I could see all these
469s weapons on the ground no Mike it's here
470s it's here and they're like I can't see
472s it and I'm like okay so they end up
474s having no weapons and it was just like
476s really bad so we failed but we passed it
479s the second time and we found a bug and
481s we found a bug that's how these things
482s work live testing that's how it works
485s anyways you guys have a night wave I
487s hope you're enjoying that we will be
489s doing there is one night wave active
491s that is doing three sortie so we'll
493s probably have time to do one of the
495s sorties today after the chimera prologue
497s doing but for console ps4 and Xbox one
502s sorry the Buried deaths is going to be
505s the next next major update for you guys
507s that we're actually looking to submit
509s that bill to cert by the end of this
510s week very very hot take news right there
514s Danielle and I will have four on threads
516s up in the forum's having all the details
518s as to what it will include so stay tuned
520s for that so hopefully by the end of this
522s week we'll be submitting to cert with
524s hopes that it goes live potentially next
526s week if the testing is successful so you
529s guys might be getting buried it's way
531s sooner than you thought well fingers
534s crossed
535s three torch three sorties would have
537s been a lot nicer for I think it's an
540s elite one anyway so if you must not be
542s elite enough you know I'm feeling that
545s you're just not elite hit him with it
546s hit pot takes you come here for the hot
550s takes I know you
551s oh it's five sorties super-elite or
556s cease fire I can't say sortie I'm saying
558s Tour tees forty forty sorbet tomahto its
563s elite delete for a reason five five you
565s can do it I believe in you just five
567s days right want to do save the date
569s speaking of days Tao no Khan 2019 is
571s July 6 it is a sold-out event of
575s physical tickets so thank you if you
577s purchase a ticket and will be coming to
579s London Ontario this year on July 6th
581s they sold out within less than a week
583s which was super exciting for us and then
586s digital tickets will be going on sale
588s starting March 19th so if you cannot
591s come to the event or you know you wanted
593s to and you weren't able to grab a
594s physical ticket to come I am sorry I'm
597s sad that you cannot attend but there are
599s digital tickets available starting March
601s 19th so you will get the 10 o clock 2019
603s themed goodies in your account before
605s the event actually starts and then of
608s course you have your ticket to Barrow
609s CATIA really that is everything he has
611s ever sold and don't miss that because
614s that's the hot ticket right there
616s literally there's a new episode of
618s deconstructing podcast is with Tim and
620s Elyse of the animation team so you
622s haven't checked that out please do let
624s us know what you think I know that there
626s are some sound issues with my microphone
627s we will be fixing that next time so stay
630s tuned for the next episode the moa
632s animation contest continues until is it
634s this week it ends yeah it is so this
637s week it will end you will not know the
639s winner right away because we do have to
641s kind of compile them at least our
643s animator will then be picking five we
645s will be pulling the Design Council to
647s pick the one animation that is the
649s overall winner that will be made into a
650s MOA companion animation so stay tuned on
652s that the bonus weekend continues it's a
655s double credit this weekend we just
657s finished the double affinity there are
660s twitch monster drops active for the time
664s of the bonus weekends so we just did
667s like I said the offend anyone which it
668s was the shield Lancer so if you watched
672s a warframe partner and they were able to
673s kill one of the very specific monster
676s shield Lancers then you got the awesome
680s cage arm scroll of the greeting milk
681s this weekend will be the
683s Ospreys their oxime Ospreys and it will
686s be the Tenno scroll of tesha
688s which is super cool again you have to
691s watch the warframe partner all the
692s information is at warframe and calm if
694s you want to check that out and the
695s prestige pack is it 1313 XIII you got it
699s my favourite name
701s I get Oh ten and three that makes so
703s much sense yes 13 for CH pack 13 twin
708s ricotta Jade skin also works on the
710s single ricotta the Jade Clem emblem if
713s he ever wanted to rock a Clem emblem in
715s the Xbox screen you can change the color
717s that's fine you can get it in this pack
719s super cute the affinity boost your
721s credit booster and platinum so check
722s that out if you're interested and that's
724s all I have today
725s speaking of interested that's to 400
727s platinum prize we're on a roll what's up
730s Megan the host of host I'm having a
732s great day I had a great weekend like I
734s said we did the coolest survival night
737s wave which was really awesome and then I
739s just hung out with friends all weekend
741s we have fat Doc's 806
746s it looks like an eight an eight fat
747s Doc's ate on Twitch and dismal behavior
751s on mixer you both have won four in a
753s platinum please whisper the platform
755s that you have won on with your in-game
756s alias and the platform that you play
758s warframe on so we can get you your 400
759s platinum of fat Doc's ate on Twitch and
762s dismal behavior a mixer
764s oh crap ghost shirt great band great
767s band
768s well chimera prologue be replayed all if
773s it's not already then yes probably I
776s think there's a bunch there's still a
778s few that we need to get through to be
779s replayed well I believe but I hadn't
783s played it yet because it is quite
785s spoiler heavy you know it's oh it's like
788s next level to to ballast you know
793s sacrifice and all that soon I didn't
797s play it for a while it's been out for a
798s while but haven't played it for a while
799s but I get really annoyed with the whole
803s pop-up of you have a quest to do and I'm
805s like oh I want to do it so bad so we're
808s gonna do it today so big pre-emptive
810s spoiler warning if you haven't played it
812s if you have played it no wait if you
816s haven't played it
817s maybe look away if you don't care then
819s keep watching but I just want to get
822s through this because it is a really cool
823s little prologue it's pretty juicy it's
826s pretty fun actually we'll see how well I
828s do why the duo's Oren's is so tiny
830s uh-huh I just don't know well voice
834s prize ever be were playable I'm not
835s quite sure about that one I'm not quite
838s sure
838s because there is a lot of like inventory
840s stuff that has to happen to me was a bit
842s much some are covered getting prepared
847s oh she's hot she's shy but she's the
854s fluffiness effects are wonky if you're
856s on PC we are kind of working well we are
860s always working on effects and stuff like
862s that but with the weapon changes that
865s went live a lot of kind of the effects
866s are a bit bit wonky so we are aware of
869s some of those I know the next PC topics
871s will have some effects fixes in there so
873s there's a an issue please let us know
875s what kind of coffee is that I wonder if
880s I can show see the horrible on hounds on
884s it the list of stupid customisation that
890s I have to do it is a venti blonde
894s vanilla lattes half sweet and lactose
897s free milk if you cared to know thank you
899s you're welcome
900s thank you actually I went up for
903s breakfast yesterday and I had a dirty
904s diner coffee like we were talking about
906s you had the craving had the craving and
908s I mean it happened and I didn't get a
910s Starbucks at all yesterday whoo hey
912s talking about how much for the digital
914s ticket I believe it is I want to say 25
920s USD don't quote me I can tell you in
924s five four three two $24.99 USD is what
930s the industrial package and actually I'm
932s wearing some of it right now no I'm just
935s kidding in-game if you wanna go to my
937s game all right you got ignore I get out
939s my way so I have Garuda on here you can
942s see my actual obstacle yaar smell that
945s it's gonna be way better to show that
946s off rub has shown this on the dev stream
949s so
950s have seen this before but here I have
953s put your arms down
955s it doesn't help because I have the blood
957s everywhere but I had the chest armor the
960s shoulder armor which like Reb said we're
962s looking at a difference to the what it's
964s a little bit weird on Garuda just
965s because her arms are like hunched
967s forward a bit and her stance but they do
970s kind of go outwards almost like wings in
972s love and then we have the leg armor as
974s well and my glyph is the tunnel court
979s when t 19 and there is a emote that's
983s this one I could do it but I can't do it
989s one thing it didn't do anything
997s oh I'm pressing my guitar I'll do it
999s again I'll show you again yes those are
1001s stuff you get amongst platinum and then
1003s the ticket to the bear could you really
1005s it's no luck for a mixer I can see you
1006s right now I see I'm never ignoring you I
1010s have you on my screen right now thank
1012s you for handing you eight more weeks is
1016s that until 10 o clock is it really in a
1018s weeks no that can't be that makes me
1021s want to vomit that's if channa can do
1022s things if that's true
1025s no.8 actually that might be true no no
1028s no coz a treats would be two months I
1030s think we have it's March April May June
1033s July
1038s right correct so not even do you Mathur
1043s me I don't know I would be like two
1045s months away we have two times that yeah
1048s Mexico a scheme makes me think of killer
1049s Easter bunnies well it is almost Eastern
1052s many eggs are the best chocolate you can
1055s quote me on that
1055s Cadbury sponsor me please alright I'm
1060s gonna play the Khmer prologue it is solo
1062s I'm just gonna put myself on solo anyway
1065s it's just so it doesn't nothing weird
1067s happens I don't want anything weird to
1068s happen so again pre-emptive spoiler
1071s there were spoilers in this quest it's
1074s lower heavy energy well there's a
1077s character in there if you don't know who
1078s he is and this is gonna kind of be
1079s really confusing for you we'll get
1081s through it it's quick it's quick but
1083s it's good also when I was playing the
1085s Koopa survival over the weekend with Reb
1087s and others she was playing with the
1088s Paris thesis which is something that you
1090s get from this quest and I was just like
1092s dying because I'm like I want that so
1094s bad that's just gonna make it happen
1096s ready home I'm ready ready defense
1098s cadbury its cat what do you mean
1101s Oh Marie or Cadbury they're making fun
1103s of my pronunciation I've heard it a few
1104s ways berry
1105s Marie Cadbury it just sounds pompous me
1109s so Cadbury
1110s actually that sounds weird now that I
1112s say had a berry all right sorry Cadbury
1115s sorry pronunciation police take me in
1118s sorry
1119s is there a special Easter color set
1121s there is actually an Easter color
1123s palette but actually I think I might use
1126s the pink from it all right are we ready
1130s I'm ready ready wrong game's up twitch
1133s it no low for gloss 'it's looks like
1137s chuck covered raisins gloss 'it's oh wow
1140s and this approach supposed even had a
1141s guest for that don't love or no they're
1143s also talking over peanuts yeah you're
1146s right they're covered raisins but I
1148s didn't know they had a tasting I used to
1150s love raisins as a kid now they're just
1152s nasty I'm sorry here we go
1157s terrifying first of all terrifying don't
1161s like it at all glam shot her skull you
1164s said a thing where you're the police
1166s don't arrest me please all right are you
1169s ready
1169s kinda shadow I don't know if we're ready
1171s I warm was dumped that I need you tell
1173s me if we're ready
1174s please check craisins are on fleek
1176s though no I think reshoot crash again I
1179s think that's you know fear I was
1185s actually wanting to repeat this quest
1186s well you can live vicariously through me
1188s as I can do it on Xbox go just do it
1192s already
1192s are you getting impatient chat touch it
1195s touch it touch the helmet nah I don't
1199s want it I don't want it I feel we're
1201s gonna sit here all it's gonna sit here
1202s is look at it I remember I think I was
1205s watching Megami play it may be DK one of
1207s our partners play it and as soon as this
1210s happened they're like can I wear it cuz
1212s like the operator you know was wearing
1214s it was it was sitting there like does
1216s this mean I get to wear it I know big
1217s thing they were not able to wear it so
1219s sorry sorry body's ready touch the
1222s helmet don't be yelling do it tomorrow
1224s do it tomorrow okay let's do it tomorrow
1227s I'm getting are getting it joking
1230s alright what's gonna happen spoky
1239s spoiler spoiler warning we we you
1241s spoiler that's why spoiler warning we
1246s hmm I touched it a little bit
1258s all right we on the moon we're in space
1271s [Music]
1275s so I left nope
1282s rude
1286s [Laughter]
1290s oh ho I did not didn't see it coming I
1293s didn't knock me to dread dread my own
1297s operator that was predicts it really
1299s your own operating sorry
1302s yeah really mad about that I didn't
1304s think I was gonna work out
1307s yeah it was quite loud about shooting
1309s there I'm gonna do it again though
1310s another one all right what if I could do
1313s it while she's chilling so barbaric a
1320s speeding novel
1322s well technically Oh thinking I am
1325s hitting her because I get my mirror so
1329s don't kill him I have to she coming
1333s after me
1335s sorry gotta kill your little
1345s my blood alter one of them oh sorry Reb
1351s I'm gonna die I'm / I bleed bleedin oh
1356s we're okay that's fading back oh how
1360s barbaric can I make this run Oh
1364s Garuda Garuda makes anything pop now I'm
1367s covered in revs blood sorry not sorry
1374s Ripper oh well that's actually how Rev
1387s last you she did the voice actor yeah
1392s I'm gonna blood alternately yeah they're
1397s actually giving me how so they do
1401s believe Wow have you believe it mom on
1415s another
1418s Goethe is psycho chick brain pretty
1421s crazy wolf won't give me blood no lead
1429s proc is not good for Garuda oh yeah my
1433s my blood my hell if it bleeds we can
1437s kill it I agree
1440s all right last lunatic over there just a
1453s little tip like a revenant mascot oh
1463s just as she was
1480s all right let's see how well I can do
1483s this you've never done this
1494s [Music]
1507s [Music]
1521s behind eyes
1525s but
1549s Fortin noodle it's like the Justin
1552s Timberlake Robin that's doing styling
1570s what are the crack oh wow
1575s never noticed yeah I can't believe it
1578s [Music]
1585s she's trying to do a flawless run I
1587s didn't do it just keep your mouth is in
1590s the way
1596s glam very good a Viper blending into
1603s wood
1666s he does he needs a warm coffee blanket
1677s [Music]
1692s this the Indian player
1700s it is the only way stupid masks good see
1712s my face I don't know it was still on
1714s haha prevalent represent it yeah
1722s [Applause]
1728s there are the hills there it is
1731s come here bro we did it he needs more
1734s than coffee maybe an antidote yeah he
1737s needs some antibiotics for sure he did
1742s we got expose yeah heat some milk
1745s because he just need some bones he needs
1748s a lot I can't see my face
1751s oh my oh hello spooky hello beautiful
1756s what happened
1758s give me the mask give me the mask oh no
1765s man did it we did it oh well done well
1775s done there it is there's your chimera
1777s prologue tah-dah to put on the
1785s pussy says good game cheap
1789s abcdefg oh I got a cramp oh I got
1797s something aggressive Duckett's a lot of
1804s ducats that I don't have thousand of
1806s them we'll get to that later what I want
1809s to do a search team because like I said
1810s I'm a leak and I want that elite level
1814s sortie
1818s what does it hi I'm sorties so hulex
1820s join me on xbox one sortie
1822s please shout out your name in chat we
1824s can join before we do that it's to a
1826s foreign plot and friends okay you have
1829s to build it good luck alright 400
1836s platinum on Twitch has gone to primary
1841s fry memory and then on a mixer yogi to 0
1848s for 7 graduations please whisper the
1849s winning platform that you have won on
1851s with your in-game alias in a platformer
1852s you play war Freemont and we will get
1854s you horn a platinum robbery and yogi to
1857s zero okay all right
1859s lilius here I'm just see what slips
1862s whoops
1866s I'm playing switch sides here they're
1869s all what is it rescue your God we have
1872s nice man 42 really interesting over
1882s there I know was it Nate 10800 weird
1887s elites be at work pretty cool man 42 all
1892s right Nate man you are in here and see
1895s if on mixer who I got infinity goats I
1899s like that when one goat it enough and
1905s two is too low
1906s giving infinite amount of good oh no
1910s isn't it oh dear God
1913s okay this might take me a hotdog
1924s surprises it's a painting we decided to
1927s do every other letter a oh boy
1929s that's tricky that's where a person I
1932s said sign in with that I know this isn't
1940s it all that for nothing goats
1944s where are my goats how rude
1947s well how about robbing one seven to come
1950s in I'm into it Robin won money 172 yep
1956s and your upline while right let's see it
1961s let's see what about grand ball 5 8 1 0
1965s 3 grand mole Oh
1968s GRA and you know and I am perfect five
1974s eight one zero three yep yeah ambulance
1986s mission I think that might be the
1987s assassinate her her I need one more yes
1993s we have monkey Mike one zero two
2005s doesn't exist is there space in between
2008s 102 it's just all one word sure or money
2012s it's not money it's it's not okay
2014s oh it is money money not monkey
2020s did you say monkey did that was on me
2022s first area can we hurry read that cuz
2025s that would have been ashamed for a buddy
2026s night I gotta take off the Roo duck
2028s she's not allowed snot ring 30 yep sorry
2032s sweetheart you're a simple person go
2034s back and I'm gonna get my boy there is
2037s [Laughter]
2041s alright here we go
2044s get your ARCA plasma I have it do I not
2046s and the last mr. shotgun meant for me
2050s this is my day onward onward we go
2053s sortie Ram ranch knows our lord sub says
2060s hello it's me hello it's you get your
2068s Valcke Inside Man why okay I can switch
2072s after I switched my back
2075s do you have our car plasma ribbon banana
2077s waffles I don't I wish I did I have yet
2080s to be graced with an arc of ribbon and
2083s everyone around me seems to be getting
2084s art kuribon's it's not this girl this
2089s girl because you're back here is more
2091s beautiful than your own artist Kyle oh
2093s you're not wrong she is beautiful
2096s Inara awesome can you buy it digital
2099s tickets through steam wallet
2101s I believe you can yes because we're
2104s selling the digital tickets on the
2107s actual platform so you can buy it for
2108s Microsoft's or the Sony store and I do
2110s believe steam you shop there a bunch
2115s whatever your platform is to get
2117s directly all right here we go first man
2123s rescue ok he going down
2132s great thanks crap Zack on loves this
2137s song so there you go
2138s well we will be rerunning a 1000 Tunes
2141s soon your are a music person who can
2147s make music unlike me work right you
2151s could be the next time wow the shields
2153s are high so I can't good enough
2161s Megan have you met the wolf of Saturn
2165s 6fy yeah
2166s I have yet to see him I haven't met him
2169s yet on either platform but one day I
2172s will I have the faith captured a lot of
2175s fugitives but I haven't met daddy yet
2179s savvy fugitive daddy I have a spare arc
2183s i ribbon if you want it says well
2184s Moriarty tempting but I like to earn
2188s them that is a temptation that's my jam
2191s that is my goal in life
2197s Phoebe scary says Raygun 46 he's pretty
2200s beefy I used to be scared of you know
2203s like when the stalker showed up or
2205s whatever but you know I'm not scared but
2208s sometimes when they grew snog 3 show up
2210s I'm like oh my god it brought about BC
2214s they are leave a camera I am
2219s I'm coming everyone I'm Gary hey Roboto
2222s 8088 has met wolf wolfy he calls him so
2227s there you go they have nickname it was a
2229s no it's true it's persons MOA is named
2231s chicken legs good name
2238s look at those shields so many passed out
2241s Oh baby boy even though we've got to run
2245s we gotta run to extraction when is a new
2253s war coming I can't tell you
2256s does anyone really know when the new
2257s Wars no oh we're saving myself very good
2262s saving rescue target Maggie yeah I love
2265s when that happens
2266s freaks me out so when I hear it on
2268s people stream it's like I'm usually like
2271s listening and like working and if I hear
2274s that I'm just like no myself I don't
2277s really hear it and back here anymore
2278s like when I watch people play back here
2280s and I don't really hear myself but the
2282s rescue target I definitely hear and I'm
2284s like I wish there were a video of you
2286s recording that scream no I was so sweaty
2289s like probably the room was hot like the
2292s sound booth was hot I was like just
2294s standing there screaming goodness or
2296s just like dripping in sweat not a good
2298s look not a good look I met the wolf solo
2301s went jacket egg a versus his hammer oh
2304s my I feel like I'd like to see that that
2306s would be sick wait what the recipe
2307s target was Reb I don't think Reb is one
2309s no I'm the female rescue target and then
2313s James one of our CSR is the male
2317s but craft boy he's available
2320s that'll be DLC
2325s my squad took them with the stug I'd be
2328s impressive
2329s what's that signed-in I'm wearing the
2331s bolt are assigned in it is 10 Oh Jen one
2333s of my favorites because it looks like a
2334s spine yeah
2336s always down thanks for the ghost shirt
2339s I'm glad you like ghost lots of love for
2342s the ghost shirt today Stan what's up I
2344s miss just I miss my chance to see them
2346s in Toronto last year oh no it was a sad
2348s time all right what is the next sortie
2352s defence energy reduction whatever
2356s whatever feels ignored man feels bad man
2363s I am a streamer to says that's too many
2365s feels is that a direct relief charity
2370s 2018 good
2374s can we get a four-armed warframe I am
2377s all for the term quadropod quadropod
2383s I think sound like when they run on all
2385s fours kind of thing that sounds right
2386s when when Steve was talking about and
2390s maybe Jeff as well last upstream talking
2393s about parkour and wall running and how
2396s we're gonna kind of change that up oh no
2398s Steve was talking about it on his stream
2400s from home when we were shipping Barry
2402s debts that's what he was talking to that
2404s but in my mind when he was talking about
2409s that and how we wanted to change it to
2411s not be either like hopping a lot to wall
2413s I immediately thought of like all war
2417s friends when you want to like climb on a
2419s wall or like wall jumper whenever you go
2422s on all fours like like that was just
2425s like that's not happening but I'm just
2426s saying like in my mind I was
2428s yeah there was some odd images and I
2430s looked up codger pet just now
2432s yep I believe it it was really good but
2435s of of that nature for example of that
2438s yeah i'm doki suggestive just i remember
2441s there was a the meet Joe you're a four
2448s legs MOA pet I would change a lot of
2451s overlays
2457s I got the hiccups I dry my coffee wait
2460s meet a hornet warframe also down sends
2464s beat oh my god I forgot about the dude
2466s where is he
2467s he's down save them I keep thinking it's
2470s the middle thing that we say but it's
2471s this dude I should have gotten never
2473s forget you done can't go wrong with that
2478s warning halo nothing wrong sharing is
2482s caring
2483s Mannix Pat oh my manic Oh that'd be
2487s terrifying terrifying I keep thinking
2489s he's up here all the time one of my one
2493s of my favorite like sounds in the game
2496s is the medics laughs that's a good one
2500s enjoy that greatly as ever time changing
2502s Canada on the weekend actually yes
2504s now that you've mentioned that we have
2507s sprung the forward so we've lost an hour
2512s so we went ahead so I was actually out
2515s and about with friends Saturday nights
2517s and when it hit I want to say 2:00 a.m.
2520s that's when it moved forward so instead
2522s of it being 2:00 a.m. it was 3 a.m. and
2524s I was like well I'm up late yes yeah
2529s does not feel good no I'm feeling it
2531s time changes really mess with me I'm
2533s changes Rios guys minute time I don't
2537s like it but I enjoy the fact that it now
2539s gets its as
2542s still light out when we leave the office
2544s at 8:30 p.m. after primetime you know
2546s I'm into that it is very sad when it is
2553s pitch black at 5:00 p.m. it doesn't feel
2557s good Albert I went from 1 to 3 that's a
2565s 2 hour difference really oh my gosh I'm
2568s really bad with like knowing oh yeah
2570s because like I learned recently that
2572s Europe doesn't do that or these parts of
2575s Europe don't do the dishes
2577s that is not a thing there and I was like
2580s all right I can't recall exactly why we
2584s have them I heard one decided they just
2587s wanted to mess with everyone yeah kinda
2591s got something to do with farming I don't
2593s know if that's true maybe maybe not
2596s put your app no there is no twist drop
2598s acting there will be one this weekend
2600s we're partners so if you watch a partner
2602s until a wolf that's the operative kill
2605s the axiom osprey it will trigger a drop
2609s I can see operator I keep shooting him
2610s and you'll get a cage Armstrong if
2612s you're late
2613s that's a speaker all-american 440 says
2616s that started during World War one damn
2619s history lesson for whip and pox out
2622s people's I'm watching
2623s amazing oh no that's
2629s I think it's to reduce electricity
2631s consumption all right we are first years
2634s in 1908 want to hear a fun Canadian fact
2643s I love a fun Canadian event while
2644s Germany and Austria were the first
2646s countries to use DST in 1916 PST
2650s yeah which thinks their time in which it
2653s is a little-known fact that a few
2654s hundred Canadians beat the German Empire
2656s by eight years
2658s hmm it looks like we were first to go
2661s for it we are the owners to preserve
2664s daylight by changing but that sounds
2667s like godly where is this man going like
2672s I want to protect you but I my team this
2676s is what happens when you walk away where
2678s are you going like you're kind of going
2680s to safety and I'm okay with it but like
2684s I feel bad that I'm not helping my team
2687s okay operative knows what's up yeah oh
2689s here comes people Oh leave him alone
2693s he's done nothing where is he
2695s okay so it looks like for a walk in Port
2699s Arthur which is today's Thunder Bay they
2702s change time to preserve daylight and the
2704s rest of Canada followed suit and it kind
2705s of just everyone did their own thing but
2707s if you've seen northern Canada you'd
2710s know why they felt they needed to do
2711s that right that is dark and dark and
2714s cold just tough and it's tough it's
2718s tough winters out here huh takes
2720s hot takes take away his guns he'll not
2722s move so much well he's killing it with
2724s those I'm just gonna let him do his
2726s thing just go for a walk
2728s so I'm just following him
2732s you saw what I didn't see good job team
2735s we're high five
2738s wow this guy's got seven waves left oh
2742s boy he's just yeah put yourself in there
2745s get in there
2746s stay there
2749s oh my gosh poor tired 909 right now they
2753s say had two national exams to take
2755s during daylight savings was not fun
2757s having to make sure my alarms went off
2759s correctly so I didn't miss the first one
2760s that is scary because I know like phones
2763s nowadays they change automatically like
2765s you don't have to do anything start like
2766s I'm microwave where it's not gonna
2768s change time phones do it automatically
2770s but I have the fear always that it's not
2774s gonna do it I still have nightmares but
2776s missing exams that I'm not at school
2780s maybe I'll just leave this guy right
2785s you're gonna have it covered
2787s like I don't want to take his work out
2789s oh you bout Oh leave him there
2794s Oh kylos bloody car doesn't even change
2798s time automatically screwed some cars
2801s down mine does this does yeah yeah thank
2804s goodness I don't know how to change a
2807s time on a car I get the manual out for
2809s that yeah to be serious
2816s wait alright we've cleared almost
2819s someone over here you do have one more
2823s platinum practice so we could do it we
2825s couldn't go for it I believe Avenue
2829s Hoover he's manuals only when I shop at
2831s IKEA yeah I need to
2834s did he come all the way back would you
2836s tell always don't forgot about this part
2839s of the oh sorry everything on Twitch and
2848s lower lower man on mixer you've won
2852s foreigner Platinum please whisper the
2854s respective platform you have one on with
2856s your in-game alias and the platform you
2858s play on so we can get you your foreigner
2859s platinum everything on Twitch and lower
2861s man you doin everything is this that's a
2866s familiar name which is chilling floating
2871s Osprey needs to be done before it chat
2877s was really enjoying that song by here oh
2879s I save him he bleeds out super quick ah
2886s that's good it's good
2887s everything's fine see I regret making
2889s him move Anke teleports no matter what
2891s though when you go down so we were
2894s screwed in that oh we got a core in here
2898s oh oh
2901s how do I whisper this pages do w /r it /
2907s w /w and then play warping or just for
2911s fun just work and I do believe I do
2919s believe what is funny but the show so
2925s there's a mean I'm just not sure what
2929s does it mean you almost got it a verse
2931s saying /w space warframe you can do it
2934s and that will give your message
2936s oh no I'm gonna have to look up this new
2940s honey bunny thing I could be saying
2944s something very oh I know right I always
2946s walk right into these poor soul
2953s four ways oh okay well urban dictionary
2957s says term of endearment invented by
2959s Quentin Tarantino and made famous by the
2961s movie Pulp Fiction don't know what could
2963s be bad about that I'll take that over
2965s central badness yeah honey bunny dot CA
2973s is a thing do I want to know um yeah
2976s it's just it's just a product okay the
2982s beginning of their little interest
2983s payment here is it is simple really
2985s organic honey makes all the difference
2987s in making great food there you go so we
2991s are not sponsored by honey bunny
2992s perhaps you all in chat are anybody is
2995s abandoned what does it mean well now I'm
3007s confused
3008s I don't know guys
3012s does anyone want to explain it to me or
3014s someone just spamming the word honey
3016s bunny now I look like a weirdo I want to
3019s be part of the memes I want to be I
3020s actually hope for today's stream my
3026s Twitter post I made the meme earth I
3031s made my version of that like scared
3034s hamster mean but it was like the hey
3037s kiddo I made it but then I was like I
3040s don't want people to think like I'm okay
3042s with like scaring hamsters which I'm not
3044s so I didn't even close to it I had a
3049s wonderful hamster after University in
3050s Harley and I heard him wake up from a
3053s nightmare once it was the saddest sound
3057s he was so scared the little sweet
3060s hamsters are the best pets
3061s I had one hamster named teddy and then
3065s another hamster named Teddy jr. very
3069s very good at naming I love what did you
3074s have them when I was like mariya oh they
3077s were like my first pet other than a
3078s goldfish you know wonderful nice he was
3082s brown like a little teddy bear hence his
3083s name teddy yeah super cute he ate
3086s through the drywall and he died cuz
3088s Nathan's away from her
3089s hamsters will do that it's just get out
3091s and they just run away they really do
3093s and you find him in the wall after he's
3095s eaten a hole and your mother is not
3096s happy of it it just happens to us all
3100s you know it's like why is there a hole
3101s in the wall on the corner in the ground
3102s away maybe Teddy also it occurred to me
3107s why they said honey bunnies a bandit
3109s mm-hmm it's the robbery in Pulp Fiction
3115s right I've never seen I have this
3119s picturing like that cartoon bandit when
3122s they said it like a Looney Tunes like a
3124s lunatic okay can't handle any more sad
3131s hamster stories in chat oh yeah please
3133s hurts my heart sorry oh no hamsters
3136s back in the day we're like 10 cents I
3137s hate it
3139s stop talking about hamster I hate it I
3141s love them too much it's no I think chap
3148s is as shocked as I am that you haven't
3150s seen Pulp Fiction
3151s when your cult classic have you seen
3154s another Tarantino films names inglorious
3157s basterds yes okay well hey we have back
3160s going for I've never seen I don't even
3162s know I don't think this is it well when
3164s he just catapults himself sir I've never
3168s seen a Kill Bill people get really upset
3171s okay oh yeah Sasuke in chat is shocking
3177s Sasuke are you really instruct you know
3180s me something must be done I mean I don't
3185s want to overhype it no I take that back
3187s I don't think you can over hype it will
3189s be Burt kill Ville or will you chill
3193s bill or Pulp Fiction
3195s what's pulp pitching about why would I
3197s want to watch okay so what is pulp
3201s fiction about okay because there's three
3204s narratives happening at once I've seen
3206s Django cuz I okay I love me
3215s okay
3217s Titanic oh you think you've Django and
3223s chains
3223s oh oh why can't I lose a Titanic okay
3227s hold on why can't I think it was named
3228s Leonardo DiCaprio thank my goodness yeah
3230s yeah that hard it's hard to do
3233s Phineas yeah that's good love me some
3235s leo
3236s continue um there are three narratives
3239s happening at once it's a little tough to
3241s explain
3242s you know gangsters mm-hmm fortuitous
3245s violence but also comedic what's the
3248s movie about like mobster gangsters where
3253s how do I say this
3255s starts them off young and grows up
3257s that's obviously that's every mob I can
3260s trim right now I can't remember it's one
3263s of the good ones I don't think it's Pulp
3265s Fiction no no but the departed fellows I
3269s love that one Chris tell this nice if
3271s you're if you're into that genre I'm not
3273s that's why I'm surprised I like it I
3275s don't like Mia Wallace
3277s I don't like Sopranos oh no I haven't
3279s think well here we go here I go I
3281s haven't seen so your hands say I've seen
3285s like sporadic of it and I'm just like
3288s I'm not into it it's also super old
3290s right yeah older than like I can't watch
3293s black and white movies as I fall asleep
3296s you haven't seen the right black and
3299s white movies then like I can't even
3301s watch like what's the classic Christmas
3302s black-and-white movie oh um the one like
3305s every time a bell rings an angel gets
3307s its wings seven It's a Wonderful Life
3310s yes I can't watch that no and I know
3312s it's like one of the V but it's
3315s literally like one of the most top rated
3317s movies of all
3317s and I can't fit the black boy like I
3320s will fall asleep maybe it's something it
3324s to work up to like just need to be
3327s drinking coffee 20 like every second as
3330s I watch ya treat yourself
3332s Sopranos enough I know a surprise aren't
3334s super old but it it like wounded soprano
3337s start there's some good old movie fra
3339s knows I got into watching silent films
3342s because it's just really different like
3344s it's not
3345s I saw the Sheep it was first episode was
3349s 1999 no one wasn't really what am I
3353s thinking of well I'm thinking of
3354s Sopranos but what's like good six feet
3356s one six feet under is that a mobster one
3360s nope that's not what I wanted either oh
3362s yes
3366s [Music]
3369s yeah sitting out at 5:00 I was alive
3375s wow it's tough I'm not sure if you're
3377s thinking of I don't know but hey
3378s gangster films I've been around for a
3380s while
3382s nice work that first when the first film
3385s Noirs and I think he's like a gangster
3388s to him also so-called em yeah
3392s yeah I went through a big Fillmore face
3394s to be fair 1999 was 20 years ago
3397s yeah but that's not as old as I'm
3398s picturing in my head that means I'm old
3401s you're picturing like older older like
3404s it's something my parents would watch I
3406s fix when they were my age okay okay I
3410s don't know it was something really cool
3413s films look sexy the seventies so this is
3416s except good I don't know what it was a
3418s godfather maybe actually oh yeah hold on
3421s hello you're not talking about the guy I
3422s don't know I feel like that's what I was
3424s thinking of this whole time the
3425s Godfather that's super old 1972 that's
3429s exactly what I'm thinking of thank you
3430s yeah yeah that's a Godfather I haven't
3432s seen that either like that is breaching
3434s like fall asleep levels yeah okay what's
3437s the one is the Godfather the one where
3439s he talks about a little hello my little
3441s me the day of my daughter's wedding and
3443s is that also the say hello to my little
3445s friend
3445s no you're thinking of whatever that is
3452s to Scarface thank your face yes
3454s I've watched that but it was it was a
3457s hard to get through
3458s yes have a shot gun shot e time oh I got
3463s it
3463s is it just because the subject matter it
3465s doesn't like really I shot the whole
3467s discard face in chat they just are like
3469s if you know me you know I am very bad
3471s with movie references so I do apologize
3475s this is a bit of a neat Donna you know
3477s maybe it's not maybe just us it is
3479s because we watched anime yeah yeah it's
3482s not an anime or like you know chick
3485s flick or horror like I'm all over the
3488s place but but not here but not here
3495s check on concrete see someone just said
3498s like what if it was a mafia anime like
3500s even that it's like how I don't really
3502s love and I wish I did but it's just like
3504s I can't grasp it is like time travel I'm
3506s a really hard time like watching shows
3508s or movies about time travel
3510s because I have to watch it like at least
3512s five times to get a grasp on have you
3515s seen Donnie Darko
3517s a long time ago yeah were you able to
3519s kind of know I have no idea what
3521s happened yeah I got one one got me for a
3524s while first time I saw it I thought
3526s something had happened that hadn't at
3528s all mm-hmm
3529s I don't know how to explain because
3530s there's that anime steins gate that
3533s everyone talks about and I watch maybe
3535s two episodes of it and I was just super
3537s lost on cuz it's all about time travel
3539s as mega watch inception I love inception
3541s that was one that took me a while to
3542s understand even though it's not really
3544s time travel and I cuz I'm obsessed with
3545s dreams so that one was a bit more on my
3548s my side his Megan see one punch man yes
3550s I watched it all in one day can we do
3552s this yet money Mike heck yeah God Squad
3555s money you oh yeah I mean Garrus Acharya
3561s says Donnie Darko isn't that complex
3563s it's just really vague which i think is
3565s well said I've never watched the
3566s director's cut I hear it makes more
3568s sense
3568s directors mm-hmm shotgun my name Megan
3574s have seen Ergo Proxy
3575s never heard that in my life I'm so sorry
3578s good title equalizer is that with them
3581s Denzel Washington does I feel like I
3584s have I don't know about that one's
3586s always got the Corinth alright he's
3588s ready toss K says yes
3590s Denzil yes perhaps man so maybe I don't
3595s know yes it was Denzel I'm here academia
3599s to heroes I actually haven't seen that
3601s yet it's not anywhere that I can watch
3604s have you seen a leader battle angel yeah
3606s I was in yet I want you though oh
3607s there's so many I want to see I want to
3609s see Lita I want to see Captain Marvel I
3611s want to see that new appeal movie is it
3616s Keys us it's called us with the scissors
3619s oh you know oh yes yep that's it he's
3624s like seven deadly sins um seven deadly
3627s sins is that the one with yes I know I
3633s didn't like it sorry I didn't think it
3635s because I I at the time I watched the
3640s English version of it and we had this
3642s conversation how it's the same voice
3643s actress as while atever garden and I can
3646s and it really off put me and I just like
3649s I couldn't do it
3650s maybe if I watched you know the sub yeah
3654s go for the side always look Tanya oh
3663s Miyazaki any shame anything which just
3667s fills your heart with yeah you can
3669s remember you're wrong with me
3672s sub / dub says Junko always
3676s over done get that tattoo don't watch
3684s dubs I'll be honest they wash tubs I've
3686s got to be real with you yeah I do I try
3690s to watch subs but I want to focus on the
3693s art so much but I start to get
3694s frustrated mm-hmm
3695s although you know now that I'm really
3697s into k-pop specifically twice I've been
3700s watching all of their shows yeah and of
3703s course you can only find subs so I've
3704s gotten pretty good at reading the
3705s subversion snow I'm a very fast reader
3712s like when there's text on the screen
3714s like I can read it super quickly like
3716s Reb and I are playing persona or about
3719s halfway through oh boy and we're both
3724s really fast readers so the like how much
3726s dialogue there is we don't like it built
3729s a paragraph will show up and like they
3731s don't even get through like the first
3732s three words of like talking and we're
3734s already like on to the next like we just
3736s you know press next reading at such a
3739s fast pace wow that's impressive I'm
3742s ready I am impressed by that I've never
3745s been able to so that's valuable skill
3747s thank you even though I can't read words
3753s that are not words and trying to figure
3755s out what their name is real words I'm
3758s okay with kind of except for somewhere
3760s it's hard it's hardly now we see wookie
3763s I was loving the twice lemon chat thank
3766s you for joining me in that I really love
3769s twice please come to Canada twice
3772s like how have you and red band playing
3774s persona it's on ps4 so ever you mean we
3780s well she plays it and I watch you know
3783s yeah oh the undersigned is saying what
3788s about black pink isn't that your
3789s favorite Megan it's my favorite girl
3791s group yes yeah I'm also a BTS fan not
3794s gonna lie
3795s a classic BTS yeah they're just like
3799s dominating the world CC is BTS
3802s dominating the world they sold out
3804s Wembley Stadium and like um oh my
3807s goodness ridiculous
3809s you don't you be beating me what can I
3811s say
3812s worldwide domination they're taking over
3816s wonder if I came not going on great news
3818s videos where the army hope someone else
3824s got Oh
3825s hi Megan hi a whole minute BTS army
3828s slacking I know
3831s there was a good time thanks Trey are in
3838s my Ghana has that means that I'm more
3840s gone on Megan reference because the I'll
3842s take it kyla asking how your weekend was
3846s my weekend was fabulous to create some
3850s more brains plan together which was
3852s wonderful and then I went and saw play
3856s here in London about Donnelly's oh it's
3860s okay cuz they're from Ireland in Ontario
3864s well from Ireland moved Ontario and they
3866s were you know in the news they were an
3870s awful family were they really you don't
3871s know anyways it was a great play I cried
3874s a lot in public and get him and then
3885s hung out with some friends went on a
3888s hike out of who's the creator of the
3893s Twitter picker actually he came over and
3895s changed the joique on casings on my
3897s switch and Oh
3900s so let's fabulous by the way thank you
3902s very it was like I don't know much about
3905s technology but I had no idea that I
3907s think the joy cons are like literally
3909s tiny computers like they had like a chip
3911s and everything in there I was like he
3913s opened it up and I was like ah maybe we
3916s shouldn't do this quite scary my
3918s goodness
3919s I could never yeah it was it was
3921s something I don't have the guts
3923s [Music]
3927s well some of the top say they love sue
3929s you open twice or suyi I'm never sure to
3932s say it but I don't know how to say their
3933s names
3934s yeah save my life she's excellent any
3939s advice on ambulance I'm struggling says
3941s NF 88 kill him that's device I can offer
3948s you got I got I got I actually really I
3953s really enjoy the end of this fight
3954s Centauri favorite ones it was fire boy
3963s just when you run around all speedy if
3966s you're sarin very good I need to eat
3969s some know you are my victim mini t-rex
3973s is down big Hoss 1779 just did this well
3983s yeah I would assume so
3984s cuz if you're on xbox you're doing this
3986s RT oh oh so it is 205 I just really I
3991s literally just look at my lower makes a
3993s crime accents uh yeah let's do that
3995s sorry good I'm just my head is in my own
3998s cloud over just in a movie head scene
4002s yeah we're just started talking about
4003s movies and mobsters got real distracted
4007s um Mesa prime max has gone to outrage 0
4010s 1 5 on Twitch
4012s whoops gremlin and kitsune nyeh
4016s that's not an anime named fire of it you
4019s have also one makes a prime access on
4021s mix era please whisper your winning
4023s platform with your in-game alien
4025s you play war Fremont we can get you all
4027s the prizes oh my god
4032s please look for us this is going to take
4035s a long time so I might just say goodbye
4038s and continue this afterwards because
4041s this is going to take a long time
4044s I'll have to do six are we doing a raid
4047s we are doing right oh oh wait and there
4050s are a whole God always is a lot don't
4052s kill me
4054s the two Xbox one community game hub
4057s winners have gone to course can core
4062s scan and a rocket launcher not a rocket
4065s just a rock a rock launcher you both
4068s have one Mesa prime access
4070s congratulations it will magically appear
4072s in your account
4073s soon after the stream when I am done
4074s doing this and then you'll have mace
4078s prime access so congratulations and yes
4080s we are raiding the lovely Torquay he's
4083s all about staying energetic always
4085s letting good vibes flow he's a lot of
4087s really good listening music it's good
4089s jamming music as well he has a great
4091s color scheme for his warframes it's not
4093s as good as mine but it is great and he
4095s also has a really rockin accent I don't
4097s know what accent it is but is it also
4099s better than mine cuz I don't even have
4100s one so hope you enjoy Torquay a lovely
4103s warframe partner and ps4 for tomorrow
4106s Wednesday switch dream and primetime
4108s this Thursday and possibly at upstream
4110s so it's gonna be a busy week we got a
4111s lot going on so stay tuned and for Xbox
4114s one and ps4 the next update when we
4116s shook the cert will let you know
4117s hopefully by the end of this week we
4118s will have submitted so you should see
4120s some status threads up in the forum's
4121s from Danielle and myself I'm gonna
4123s finish this off screen so have a
4126s wonderful day and we'll see you later
4127s bye
4164s [Music]