almost 4 years ago - [DE]Drew - Direct link



  • Lensflare on Tempestarii Railjack skin will now update when hovering over customizations.
  • (Spoiler) music will still play in Call of the Tempestarii even if the music slider is down.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to launch a solo Railjack mission as client.
  • Fixed FX spam in Void Storms (potentially). 
  • Fixed several crashes that could occur from aborting a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed several crashes throughout the Call of the Tempestarii quest.
  • Fixed a prog stop in Call of the Tempestarii that could occur from using the Parazon while playing as Operator.
  • Fixed incorrect localization in part of Call of the Tempestarii quest.
  • Fixed Call of the Tempestarii quest granting additional final rewards for repeated playthroughs.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if Helios attempted to scan while playing as Sevagoth.
  • Fixed floaty Lich heads appearing near the end of Call of the Tempestarii quest.
  • Fixed items picked up by Sevagoth's Shadow being duplicated whenever you switch to him.
almost 4 years ago - [DE]Momaw - Direct link
1 hour ago, RTG_HighTCAH said:

I was wondering how would u guys treat the people who use Sevagoth's shadow bug? As I know from the game a lot of them had already get tons of essence of steel, empowerment, and specialization points. Are u going to give them a punishment or just let it go(just cruise).

With Update 30 we shipped the new Sevagoth warframe. Unfortunately at release there was a significant bug where you could gain far more loot pickups than intended by exercising the frame's "Shadow" mechanic. This led to some deliberate exploition of the bug to gain unearned rewards, but a lot of innocent players also gained unearned items simply through normal gameplay. We do not share details with the public about administrative actions and punishments taken against specific player accounts, but, rest assured that we are going over our records carefully. Extreme results will have their exploited items removed, and temporary bans will remain in place. There is never any amount of deliberate exploiting of bugs that can be considered "safe".  We will always reserve the right to punish exploiters.

almost 4 years ago - [DE]Momaw - Direct link
11 minutes ago, FranciscoPizalo said:

Excuse me,It has been two days, and the market may have been flooded with some Arcane, relics and purple cards copied by BUG.
Can you tell us how these things will be cleaned up?
How should we avoid being punished for buying these things?

Players who generate suspicious mission results are automatically forbidden from trading. You don't need to worry about getting in trouble from trading with somebody and receiving something that was exploited by this bug.  Though it's always a good idea when trading, to be skeptical of any offer which looks "too good to be true".