over 7 years
ago -
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Coming back to the game after a break and it tells me I need to verify my account when I try to log in. It says it expires after 30 minutes. I've tried about half a dozen times and a couple hours later have still not received any of the verification codes, so I'm completely unable to play.
I tried submitting a ticket and they gave me some automated junk about restarting my computer and running a directx diagnostic. I was wondering if anyone else has run into a similar issue or knows a way to solve it.
I'm using outlook, I was going to try switching emails to see if that would help but for some reason they don't give you the option to change your email on the website.
I tried submitting a ticket and they gave me some automated junk about restarting my computer and running a directx diagnostic. I was wondering if anyone else has run into a similar issue or knows a way to solve it.
I'm using outlook, I was going to try switching emails to see if that would help but for some reason they don't give you the option to change your email on the website.