about 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

HOTFIX 2 is now live!

  • Fixed various context actions displaying the wrong Button prompt/callout.
  • Fixed Crewships being spawned as Tenno Faction, which resulted in numerous issues such as not attacking you, Fighters attacking it instead, and Railjack Turrets not doing any damage to it. This also fixes a fatal crash related to this bug.
  • Fixed failing a Railjack mission while Piloting an enemy Crewship resulting in becoming stuck on a black screen with no indication of loading.
    • Please note we’re working on a fix for Clients still experiencing this.
  • Fixed missing controller key callouts on the Railjack Tactical Menu. You may notice no callout at all, which means the Tactical Menu is not bound to anything and you must bind it first.
  • Fixed [PH] text when attempting to Upgrade Grid slots or Avionics Mods.
about 5 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
20 hours ago, (PS4)Ultimaknight said:

Anyone else having trouble using Blink?  I try the "tap L1" but only moves down.  I have tried it on three different Archwings.


This seems to be affecting players who have never customized or manually defaulted their controls (this would include brand new players or players who have never ventured into the Customize Controller screen). 

But fear not! We have a workaround for this: All you need to do is go into your "Customize Controller" screen in your Options and "save" on the way out - you do not need to make any changes to your bindings! Simply save and exit.

almost 5 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link


This Hotfix is bringing in some behind the scenes goods to be revealed at a later date! We are still building for a bigger Update that will bring many Railjack changes and fixes, thank you! 


  • Added long requested Wisp Walk, Run, and Sprint movement to Melee weapons, and fixed her movement when equipped with the Shedu.



  • Tenebrous Ephemera Removal and Future Acquisition: 
    • TEMPORARILY removed the Tenebrous Ephemera as a drop from Reinforced Sentient Containers aboard the Sentient Anomaly in Veil Proxima. The drop method is causing numerous issues in terms of connectivity stability and player frustration. We’re going to be changing the acquisition method that won’t involve a direct drop rate in a near future Hotfix/Update, and will instead be closer to a token system (complete X Anomaly missions to buy Ephemera from a vendor).
      • The Tenebrous Ephemera will be coming back as soon as possible in a better acquisition method
  • Made performance improvements to Vauban’s Flechette Orb projectile FX.


  • Fixed the ‘Hijacked’ Grineer Crewship spawning inside geometry. 
  • Fixed players becoming stuck in an infinite loading tunnel when launching Railjack missions from the Orbiter.
  • Fixed getting a mini Grineer Hacking Panel UI that is unhackable if the hack is canceled upon hitting the context action. 
  • Fixed purchased Warframe skins still appearing as available for purchase in the Arsenal. 
almost 5 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
1 minute ago, (PS4)DeZaruu said:

Thanks for the hotfix! 🙂

I assume the cert build you're building will adjust the drop rates for materials in Railjack?

It will address many many things indeed - changes and fixes alike! Including but not limited to: 

  • Increased the refund from Scrapping repaired Wreckage to 80% from 50%.
  • Significantly increased the amount of Common Resources awarded by the End of Mission Rewards. This touches on our plans for Economy balancing within Railjack, and should lend a hand to furthering your Wreckage and Payload crafting projects!
  • Asteroids now drop multiple Resources! Alongside other Resources, this significantly increase Titanium gains; a prominent feedback request!
  • Asterite Resource pickups now reward 2x as much Asterite.
  • and much much more! 
almost 5 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
2 hours ago, (PS4)DidelphisV said:

Oh for the love of god, you could have at least included the Shedu patch. Why is that not a much higher priority? Ours is still basically unusable ;-;

Unfortunately the Shedu fix requires changes to native code which needs to be approved via Cert in order to be fixed. Apologies guys! We know its a frustrating one - we're working on a build that includes a fix. 

almost 5 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link


This Hotfix is bringing in some behind the scenes goods to be revealed at a later date! We are still building for a bigger Update that will bring many Railjack changes and fixes, you can read our plans for the first console update of 2020 in the PSA we posted earlier this week. 


  • Fixed being in Operator mode in the Dry Dock and then starting a Railjack mission resulting in your Operator being in it’s non-combat Dojo state.