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This is a list of every Syandana in the PC version of Warframe has has a round cylindrical object that hovers away from the players chest or in the case of some, barely stick out of the chest. These are likely Accidental meshes added to each that are not supposed to be there, and are a fashion frame nightmare unless you wear a thick chest plate to cover it up. The object appears to be the same or similar to the one behind the default simulacrum arsenal object, hovering in the air.

Apis, Buzhou, Igaro, Kunshu (Tennogen), Cathode, Sarva Harness (Tennogen), Sovereign (Tennogen), Thiazi (Tennogen) Barely poking out of chest, Tonaca (Tennogen) Poking very far out from chest, Yomo - Barely poking out of chest.

To see the most obvious example of this error: https://i.imgur.com/f2gEsar.png

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almost 3 years ago - /u/DE-Marcus - Direct link

Hey u/Darthmufin, can you DM me your PC ign? I tried to repro on my end but couldn't see small object (checked out the Tonaca on Mag/Nova P)