7 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
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103s [Music]
149s oh
156s [Music]
167s [Music]
179s oh
184s [Music]
209s oh
218s [Music]
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241s [Applause]
248s [Music]
250s [Applause]
257s jump scare hi everybody Welcome to Dev
260s stream 174 thank you so much for being
263s here sorry about the little uh technical
265s diff difficulty at the beginning refresh
266s you should what happened there Megan I
268s don't know Steve maybe you're new power
270s is too strong for this stream's haunted
272s stream's haunted so excited to have you
273s on here today we got lots to talk about
275s so much to talk about it's crazy thanks
278s Steve all right uh let's just get right
280s into it we're going to introduce the
282s lovely people on this couch we'll start
284s at that end uh hello hello my name is
286s Pablo I am the the design director and
289s I'm dressed today as Pablo from
291s devstream 167 you guys know the fit so
295s love it uh sir yeah yeah hey um yeah I'm
300s uh Ste Steve uh you know been here for a
303s long time and really excited to talk
305s about some uh lots lots coming for tenno
307s today you know just really really
309s excited about graphic stuff today you
310s guys are going to love it thank you
312s Steve thank you uh my name is Megan uh
316s I'm the community director and I am not
319s a robot who are you I'm
323s Grant it's great to have a program where
325s we can talk about
326s C++ some other program program rushes on
329s something really awful the past never
330s let us on you know they have me and I
332s you know made the engine
334s so we didn't need anyone else yeah but
337s uh yeah I'm dressed as a previous uh
339s devstream guest back when we used to
341s have the shows yeah fire trucks and
344s ambulances driving by interrupting our
347s stream come yeah you are the Platinum
349s priz awesome remember those Sirens going
352s by you having to talk over them hey
355s everyone uh Eric lead sound designer and
357s I'm I'm sleeping in the cold below got
359s my comfy slippers on and yeah feeling I
362s wish I thought of that you're making me
363s look dumb here
365s Eric I just wanted to put PJ's on work I
369s don't know how Steve talks not like that
372s I what would he do what would he do what
374s would he do remember when he said later
376s before that that you're neurotic and
378s Steve is not yeah am I too neurotic
380s neurotic okay I'll be cool chill Steve
383s chill Steve welcome to the stream we're
386s doing a little Halloween stream because
387s this is the last Dev stream in October
389s and we're obviously going to be missing
391s the Halloween so we like to do a little
393s dress up every now and then but now that
395s we have couch intros out of the way
397s let's get into twitch drops you're going
398s to get a built Forma 30 minutes for
401s watching make sure you're all linked up
403s we will be keeping this stream to 1 hour
405s and 1 hour only yeah I'm busy I'm the
407s CEO now I just got so much to do man's
409s got stuff to do uh but of course after
412s the stream starting at 3 p.m. eastern
413s time for 24 hours we do have the gift of
416s the lotus alerts Orin reactor and Orin
418s Catalyst could be yours if you you want
420s to go in game and play those alerts
422s shall we do a little bit of housekeeping
424s before we jump into the nitty-gritty of
426s things that's 10 VIP just happened yeah
429s where was our invite Megan uh the CEO
431s does not travel with us
433s peasants makes sense makes sense makes
435s sense uh the community team was in Las
437s Vegas at ten VIP and twitchcon and we
439s saw so many of you there which was
441s wonderful so thank you so much for
442s coming to Las
444s Vegas which I will never go to again is
446s that right Vegas is the pits really you
451s Vegas even with that giant bald there
454s you don't want to see I guess the sphere
455s is cool you're right be very careful
457s about talking about a giant ball in
459s Vegas he's like you know what I'm saying
462s giant ball no you're right Las Vegas
464s isn't for me anyways uh we did show some
467s Whispers In The Wall concept are while
469s we were there we will show uh everyone
472s here on the stream what we did show uh
474s they got a little first peek at some
476s stuff never foreen concept art but we
478s will get into it later on you're going
480s to show stuff that I haven't even seen
481s you approved it oh I mean wait no rev
484s approved it yeah I haven't even seen
485s what you're going to show Steve hasn't
486s seen
487s it so we'll get into that uh and then as
490s well Quest Conquer Cancer it is only
492s October 27th and we have reached our
496s goal of raising
499s $100,000 for Quest Conquer Cancer way to
502s go Community thanks Steve uh yeah we hit
504s it last night on prime time which was a
507s core memory for me it was so wonderful
509s cannot do it without you without our
511s wonderful creators taking part in quest
513s Conquer Cancer uh obviously you have
515s gotten it you've reached 100,000 and now
517s we're just doing fun little stretch
519s goals because October isn't over yet we
520s still have more streams we have a big
522s finale stream on October 31st so there's
524s still lots to do have I donated yet I
527s don't know Steve I don't think I have
530s donated I really should donate okay
532s exclamation point donate if you would
534s like to donate Steve yeah tweet at Steve
537s and remind him dear Steve dear CEO
539s remind him what he said on
541s stream can we get a an IOU from Steve
545s please I know Rebecca donated she did
548s donate yes you're right but not Steve
550s not Steve Steve Steve busy guy uh the
553s quest come cancer does continue you can
554s do exclamation point donate uh our
556s stretch goals are at 105 110 115,000 and
560s we are extremely close to
562s 105,000 so if we get it on the stream I
565s have brought the uh stretch goal of the
568s Whispers In The Wall concept art that we
570s can show live if we do hit 105 so
575s exan only I can donate if only I could
579s donate Steve exclamation part donate if
581s you want to donate to the wcon cancer
583s continuing on speaking of tenno VIP one
586s of the things we did was we gave away
588s the first ever Vasa kavat floof there it
592s is there's two out in the wild only and
594s then there's this one if you want to win
596s it you're about to maybe Danny would you
599s like to run
600s a twitch picker of a Vasa kavat flu
603s we're giving this one away this one
605s could be yours this Vasa cat purs while
608s dreaming I mean that's super cool yeah
611s that's real real cool stuff that's so
613s cute that's so funny that's so cute
614s these are going to be added to the
616s official Warframe merch store in
618s November uh but you can win one here
620s who's going to win it if there's any can
622s you white withed Ivy congratulations Ivy
625s congratulations please whisper the
627s Warframe twitch Channel you're watching
629s right now with your in game Alias
630s platform you play Warframe on and we
631s will get you your Vasa kette floof we
633s also need your shipping uh if you're
635s comfortable sharing that with us if not
637s we can uh Converse over email but we
639s will send this Vasa kette floof to you I
643s really want one of those that's that's
645s super super cool are we like can I get
647s one also yes how uh I mean Reb can get
650s one
651s how by being my
653s friend lucky lady lucky lady suck at
657s Steve just kidding uh
660s they will be going uh on sale in
661s November so if you want to get your
663s hands on one stay tuned for more
664s information on that but withered Ivy
666s message us we'll get you your cavat
668s floof I just saw someone ask about
669s deferred rendering Lighting in that
670s purring and we do have some deferred
672s news today I got lots to show you guys
674s for some graphics for uh our new
676s enhanced rendering there was no such
678s chatter he made it up no you will love
680s it I saw the chatter I saw the chatter
683s talking about deferred I just saw
685s someone saying that my reworks are
687s amazing and I look great today oh wow I
690s think that was for me that was for Steve
693s Steve reworks uh before we jump into
695s this sorry Steve WS Steve Sinclair but
699s I'm the
701s CEO let's run a thousand platinum and
704s then we'll jump into our evening so what
708s we're going to do is we're going to go a
709s little bit backwards and a little bit
711s forwards we're going to talk about abysa
712s de goth because it's finally live the
715s players have their hands on it we've
716s done the most ever reworks and quality
718s of Lifestyle stuff we've ever done Grant
720s was sweating doing Companions and all of
725s that heating up like Grant is has been a
728s cod to Here For What how many years have
729s you been fulltime since 2019 but I
731s co-oped in 2016 so I've been around yeah
734s yeah he's stuck around yeah yeah you've
736s seen you've seen it all and yeah the
737s companion rework was really a lot of uh
740s what's going on and why now and then you
741s transition to Steve
745s voice you're like two people right now I
749s feel like I'm going what I was G to
752s longer long longer sword longer sword
756s long sorry 1,000 Platinum is yours
759s please whisper the Warframe twitch
761s channel you watching right now with your
762s ingame alas platform play warmont
763s will'll get you your 10,000 Platinum
765s long we reached the goal
769s 100 Chad thank you so much that means
772s our first uh stretch goal has been met I
776s don't know Danny if you have oh Danny's
778s got it all right introducing Whispers In
781s The Wall concept art know
784s this yes yes
786s yes damn look at that does it look
789s familiar chat does it look you can see
791s Tiny Excalibur over in the corner he
793s Square always if he looks straight right
795s in the picture he's like way over there
797s in banana for scale we use a yeah that's
800s that's our banana uh Steve what are we
801s looking at here well from what Rebeca
803s told me uh what we're looking at here is
806s the way we want to approach the tile set
808s this is a space that uh Alber in has uh
812s hidden away and this is where he was
814s doing some what we're calling failed
815s experiments things that were hidden from
818s the family above and for that reason
821s there's going to be things there that uh
822s will will surprise the tenno and others
825s so we're really looking forward to
826s getting this sort of Gothic
828s Frankenstein's lab meets sci-fi meets
831s eldrich horror space and at a concept
834s level we knew we were on to something
836s with the core inade architecture applied
838s to this sort of hidden lab that we
841s wanted and uh the team nailed it and
843s we're excited to you know you'll get to
845s play this world uh this year of course
848s but um that's a Steve promise so if we
851s don't ship it this year blame Steve I'm
853s gonna make a laundry list Steve is
856s promising on this Stream CEO promises
858s yeah and uh for us it's yeah it really
861s lifts the the the Sci-Fi meets eldrich
863s meets Gothic horror Inspirations came
866s from not only our own inate styles of
868s course but we
869s felt that the idea of you know like what
872s would Frankenstein's Lab look like in
874s Warframe and all of from top to bottom
876s from concept to initial sound designs we
878s really wanted to hit that that Vibe so
881s yeah absolutely can we talk about what's
882s being like built what's the vi over
884s there that is what we're calling a a
886s vessel the vessels you would have heard
888s at Tenon that the vessels cannot awaken
891s until the sleeper does so what are the
893s vessels what role do they play you'll
895s learn in The Whispers And The Walls
897s update this year but yeah that's you'll
899s have to wait and see vessels weren't
901s built in a day as they say just like
905s Rome all right moving right along all
908s right we're going to go backwards a
909s little bit like I mentioned we're going
910s to talk about abyss of De God yeah it's
913s out it's kids are playing it oh sorry
917s dth just leave me
920s alone of dag is out uh like I said the
924s one of the most chocked full of quality
926s of life hydroid rework was in it compan
930s all of that but one of the most
932s beautiful things was how much sound was
934s in it Eric and the Beautiful s and we
936s showed it at the beginning and maybe
938s Danny can play it while we're speaking
940s the the go
945s yeah mean silence yeah we love your work
949s here ah there it is very good Eric tell
952s me about making some spooky sounds what
953s was the vibe here well we wanted to go
955s for something pretty classic for this
956s Halloween update um I'm a big Halloween
958s fan fan uh so really wanted to drive
961s that home with the music we listened to
963s lots of different stuff and and really
964s wanted to go for something that felt
966s familiar but had a little bit of a an
969s interesting kind of vibe to it so yeah
971s Matthew chers did an awesome job uh
973s writing this piece working in some
975s Woodwinds which we don't have in any
977s Warframe OST before this we've been a
979s woodwind free game this whole timee G I
982s don't believe it I don't believe that
984s about time time we had some Woodwinds
987s zero oh I forgot my soundtrack for you
988s to sign a Steve why Steve is a
993s forgetful I'll sign it sometime no
995s Woodwinds no so this well this was the
997s first time we kind of featured it
998s because we we wanted to do the kind of
1001s theramin spooky woo kind of thing but in
1003s a different way so doing that with some
1006s Woodwinds and uh yeah incorporating a
1008s bit of Danny Elfman Vibes in there as
1010s well so I've always been afraid of
1012s Woodwinds so it makes someone just said
1014s sounds very Danny Elfman es they they
1016s got it he said yeah glad you picked up
1017s on that woodwind let's do some music uh
1021s 101 101 here a woodwind is a wind
1023s instrument made out of
1027s wood think of a a flute is made out of
1030s metal a woodwind is made we're talking
1032s obos we're talking yes clarinets yeah
1036s yeah we really don't have any Woodwinds
1038s I'm sure now I'm getting texts from
1041s Keith power and georgeos right now
1044s saying we had Woodwinds but I check real
1047s quick can we get a woodwi
1050s yeah immediately that that is shocking
1052s to me it's been established we've been
1054s woodwind lless we've been woodwind lless
1056s for 10 years are you kidding I don't
1058s believe it I don't believe it uh another
1060s thing I don't believe is you sent over a
1062s video that was titled uh horror machine
1065s horror machine yeah so Matt Matt sent me
1067s a text one day and he was like oh I
1068s ordered this really cool horror machine
1071s from Italy and I was
1074s like so he he got this horror machine
1077s just in time to put it on this track
1078s track uh so it's pretty cool little
1080s device all right we have a little video
1082s of Matt and his grippers uh playing the
1085s horror machine
1088s [Music]
1100s so what are the Italians
1107s doing
1116s it's my favorite one coming up right
1127s here the like middle ball this middle
1130s one's so
1133s weird yeah don't leave a composer in a
1135s room alone this thing like AED
1138s woodpecker
1143s [Music]
1144s this is the most terrifying if if you
1147s wonder where horror sounds are born
1149s chill does that thing have her real name
1151s pardon does that is it called horror
1153s machine no it actually has a name on it
1155s that's much less spooky than that okay
1157s it's called like a SPI or something yeah
1162s spelli it had yeah it had a name on it I
1164s can't remember anyways in as
1169s okay like okay I'll allow it never mind
1174s was that is man in the wall used for
1176s that or no cuz like that one thing on
1178s the the right was very man like ooh that
1180s sound yeah no I didn't use the ASM bells
1182s on man of the wall May
1185s should Italian man in the wall Italian
1188s well inade yeah he is that Italian yes
1190s the whole the whole conceit is the and
1192s Troy are Italians it was intentional
1195s Italian family Matthew chers I'm coming
1198s over over to grab that machine from
1201s you watching the Ontario's only ASM Bell
1204s Heist is about to take
1206s place an AP on a missing Asen
1209s Bell anyways so that was part of the
1213s login music that we're feature yeah
1215s that's right yeah so we use that to kind
1216s of weave some interesting spooky
1218s Textures in there and and the the piece
1220s that actually plays when you're in the
1222s mission is kind of a strip down version
1224s of the login piece so you can kind of
1226s hear that stuff a bit more clearly yeah
1228s and that I think that was really cool
1229s that the Abyssal Beacon Mission we
1231s actually put just straight up horror
1233s themed music in it yeah yeah yeah trying
1235s to be as thematic as possible for season
1237s Y yep you nailed it speaking of thematic
1240s is possible dth herself being a horse
1244s energy kind of gal uh you provided a
1247s little behind the scenes video well Paul
1249s Paul made a video yeah uh of her fourth
1252s ability yeah one of our sound designers
1253s Paul put it together a little behind the
1255s scenes for us um so yeah take it away
1258s let speak for itself say hi to Paul
1260s everyone hi tenno my name is Paul and
1261s I'm a sound designer of digital extremes
1263s today I'm going to show you how make the
1265s sounds for Daka fourth ability first
1267s let's jump in game and take a
1275s lesson okay now we're going to take a
1277s look at my Reaper session this is quite
1279s the large and complex session so I'll be
1280s showing you the various group layers
1282s that make up the ability rather than
1283s each sound individually let's start with
1286s the vocal
1287s Shout
1289s the plug-in chain used here is also used
1290s for all of D's vocals here's how it
1292s sounds without any plugins
1294s enabled the aggressive processing of the
1297s vocal is achieved with some creative
1298s filtering saturation ring modulation
1302s some delays and some
1304s reverbs next up we have the cast
1308s sound the impact of the cast comes from
1310s the smack layer which sounds like
1313s this this is mostly made up of design
1316s sounds I made ahead of time in
1318s preparation for dag the horse vocal
1321s layer which is comprised of Ki vocals
1323s from duviri with some Reverb in delay to
1324s help it simmer in the
1327s mix in Dag's vocal layer the main sound
1330s used to Chief her vocals was the death
1332s whistle which has this hollow ghostly
1334s scream quality which we found was very
1336s fitting to represent her haunting
1340s past and now the impact of the
1345s ability for the horse name vocals I
1348s wanted them to sound distinctly
1350s different from the caves so I opted for
1352s a more natural less processed
1356s texture here's the vocal
1359s [Music]
1361s layer and of course the smack layer
1364s which is adding the impact in subways
1365s with some additional Thunder cracking to
1367s add more to the overall spooky
1372s Vibe for the horse Hooves I used some
1374s coconut recordings from my library along
1376s with some saddle Foley and stumped
1377s sounds
1382s lastly for when the horses dissipate we
1384s decided would be cool to reuse the CI
1385s despawn sounds I had made for
1390s dveri because we play that sound
1392s positionally on the CI you were never
1394s able to hear it in its full stereo width
1396s so it felt like a great opportunity to
1398s make that despawn sound really stand out
1400s with dth Okay let's listen to how the
1402s ability sounds assembled in game one
1404s more
1407s time
1411s thank you for watching this quick behind
1413s the scenes and I hope you enjoy playing
1414s with
1416s dth thanks Paul thanks for the video
1419s Paul thanks Paul it was coconut long it
1421s was coconut
1423s we and did the Coconuts we did the hiah
1426s it was straight cowgirl that's crazy I
1428s had no idea now but and we were just
1430s saying like now that you can kind of see
1431s the layers you hear it now like I didn't
1433s really hear the H until I knew there was
1435s a h and now I know there coconuts
1436s there's Thunder damn
1438s sound be wild we be layering we be
1441s layering we be
1442s layering all right besides deth her
1445s beautiful sound spooky sounds horror
1447s machines Woodwinds that we've never had
1449s in Warframe before we're going to get a
1451s citation on that I asked the I did ask
1453s George for proof cuz I I just I don't I
1456s don't believe it if I was in Vegas again
1458s and I were a betting man all on green
1460s against this claim all on green we'll
1462s see we had a lot of quality of life like
1465s we said and the community has been
1468s pretty well received for this update
1469s which is obviously great to see some
1471s questions about the abyss of De goth
1474s update uh one of them being the keyshare
1476s mentality of the Abyssal Zone and why we
1479s decided to kind of go back in time and
1481s do keyshare mentality
1484s thoughts well the honest answer is I
1486s like it and um it was
1490s it in the measured and Method method
1494s methodological I can't talk right now um
1497s it's really just about is there a place
1499s for coordinating a squad uh at a at a
1502s mission level again in Warframe it's
1504s just like a testing the waters I think
1506s the the biggest issue the biggest
1507s mistake I made with this one is a lot of
1509s people didn't realize it was a key share
1510s so you'd click it and people are like
1511s the nod's dead the node's dead but it's
1513s like oh no it's actually pre-mades are
1515s are the way and you know there is a way
1518s to turn matchmaking on for it but then
1520s you get into the whose key is going to
1521s get eaten by the the the server beast
1525s that's going to want to eat one of the
1526s matchmaking keys so we're just we're
1527s just dabbling a little bit I I
1529s definitely want to look at a you know if
1532s we do Co if we ever do content that
1534s requires pre-mades we need to flex those
1537s muscles a little systems wise give it a
1539s poke give it a poke here and there so
1542s yeah yeah I mean it's not like we're
1543s trying to do something
1546s incredibly I don't want to say wise but
1548s uh just how do people approach doing
1552s pre-mades I think part of it is also
1554s like you know we have um maybe roast
1558s tinted glasses of that era of key
1561s shares that um you know we're like oh
1564s yeah I remember when you used to go with
1565s a team and spend four hours in a
1568s survival uh maybe in practice is not as
1571s nice as it is in memory but yeah it's
1573s just about trying and learning and that
1575s will be what we do for a very long time
1577s so uh well-reasoned answer to that is
1580s try to see how folks just experiened
1584s that type of content back yeah it's been
1587s we got rid of void keys in
1589s 201 18 17 earlier than that maybe I'm
1593s very about a temporal location so I'm
1595s just going to say in the past yeah
1596s Rebecca would remember but I don't uh so
1599s yeah in the past just just checking
1600s things yeah see how it goes uh Grant we
1604s talked about companions in terms of you
1606s did a lot of work for the companion
1608s rework yes yeah that was that was a lot
1611s of fun to work on um I I was never like
1614s a you know a pet person go into it but W
1619s let me tell
1621s you I'm never coming back but um I think
1625s I took a really good time like I I went
1627s him on my public account to just like
1630s let's figure out all the stuff about
1632s pets um I compiled a big document just
1635s like of every single thing that touches
1637s Companions and like thoughts on it and
1639s what we we were going to do I didn't
1640s want to like leave anything out um and I
1643s I found it really enjoyable and like at
1645s the end of this rework I'm definitely a
1646s pet guy now don't worry don't worry
1648s Saed um but uh yeah it was it was a
1652s really interesting um rework to approach
1654s because um there were so many Avenues we
1657s could go um with it um and we initially
1661s identified that there was basically that
1664s one big glaring thing was pets die and
1666s like you go to any like tier list video
1668s or whatever I watched lots of Creator
1670s videos um they were great great help and
1672s reading um at player threads and it's
1673s like pets die I can't use my favorite
1675s pet because he dies in steel path right
1677s away so first thing we had to do is
1680s tackle that um so we had a few different
1682s ideas for that um and we ended up with
1685s something where they pet survivability
1687s still matters but in a way that it's not
1689s an end all Beall it's not just you're
1691s either running Jin and vulp ofila um or
1695s your pet is dead um so I I think that
1699s was a that was a huge deal um right off
1701s the bat and like it we had a lot of
1703s other things um that we wanted to do
1705s with that reor which I can talk about um
1708s but uh uh like precept reworks um there
1712s is a lot of precepts that need some
1713s attention some some of these pets are
1715s really old um some of the precepts don't
1718s even kind of like work the way you would
1719s expect them to um some ones that come to
1722s mind are like uh the I think it's a
1724s sunas Unleashed um it was one that like
1728s oh the original Kubo batches yeah yeah
1730s like it tackles capture targets but then
1732s it can like clip them through the floor
1734s so then you can't shoot them and like
1736s it's a very narrow use case stuff like
1738s that um so I eventually we were building
1741s up a whole big list of stuff we could do
1743s there um and we eventually just we had
1745s to bundle that into a part two and focus
1748s on part one which besides just the
1750s survivability changes um we wanted to
1753s inject some fresh blood into the mix um
1756s in terms of
1757s modding uh so how that manifested itself
1761s uh was in the bond mods um we wanted to
1764s have something that major pets feel like
1767s they were
1768s um someone you cared about they weren't
1770s just running off on their own doing
1772s their own thing and you never you never
1773s checked in on them um or um you you
1777s basically they were doing their thing um
1780s and you would like abuse that maybe um
1782s but I would I'd much prefer that we have
1785s our pet system where your actions are
1787s doing things for your pets and your pets
1789s are doing things back for you and that's
1790s what the bond mods ended up um in the
1793s end there and I I loved seeing um all
1796s the cool combinations that that and
1797s ended up creating our our designers um
1799s it cooked up some really interesting
1800s ones um and we iterated on those um and
1804s there's still some changing changes
1805s coming in for that don't worry I got
1807s some Buffs coming next
1808s week wow he shows up on your screen and
1811s promise
1812s Buffs I I have permission I have
1814s permission Loose Cannon a loose cannon
1816s on this stream my God my God yeah um but
1822s yeah there's um my favorite Bond mod is
1825s the manifold Bond um I love that it
1827s opened up so many cool synergies it was
1830s a it checked a lot of boxes that I think
1833s were what we were looking for in this
1834s rework where pets are visible pets live
1837s um you see the unique aspects of your
1840s pet um so it's not just a matter if I
1842s have a pet um it's I have Durga um doing
1846s like its cool stuff with manifold Bond
1849s and so I'm seeing it cast its abilities
1851s um rather than just maybe some generic
1852s stuff it's putting on all your
1854s survivability mods which isn't fun um so
1857s yeah that yeah I mean the fact that I
1859s got to talk to son again in damos to get
1862s my bond mods I I forgot well I didn't I
1865s was reminded that he had a arranged
1867s marriage before the fall of the or one
1869s of his dialogue lines is you know I was
1871s to be married you know and I I told like
1873s I was like oh my God that's right so now
1876s no I don't know yeah like it should have
1878s been me I mean should have been
1882s Rebecca my goodness uh well said Grant
1885s so kind of touched on uh it's going to
1887s be part two coming look at precepts what
1890s else we kind of looking at do you know
1892s no promises yet make promises do it I'm
1895s not going to promise all the BS it's not
1897s this year it's not a this year thing
1899s yeah in the short term yeah there is
1900s going to be um some more changes um just
1902s kind of uh up until we stop doing hot
1905s fixes um but uh it next year we're
1908s definitely going to be looking at um the
1910s precepts are the big ones um making sure
1913s that they're all kind of useful in their
1915s own way um and I I think we want to take
1918s a look at how um how pet ballot sits um
1923s I think there's kind of some clear
1924s winners um with the uh Sentinel weapons
1927s especially oh yeah um and yeah so we're
1930s going to we're going to kind of take a
1931s look at that whole Space um and see what
1933s we can do um to make things a little bit
1935s more diverse um I love having options in
1938s Warframe so yeah absolutely yeah we're
1940s already you know looking at the stats
1941s from this rework and seeing kind of
1943s where companions are now kind of
1945s changing with all the rework stuff so we
1948s got stats we got stats except the one
1950s that never changes SM
1952s always well that might change next year
1955s just kidding maybe not well we shouldn't
1957s we shouldn't be Cavalier about people
1959s have invested in SMA but we are
1960s reviewing charm to bring um other
1963s companions trademarks up and then CH
1965s charm will be getting uh a change in how
1968s it works next year sometime we don't
1969s have any details today but it is going
1971s to get changed so it do be it do be
1974s changed uh Pablo hydroid hi Droid how do
1978s we feel about him now uh pretty good I
1980s think I'm pretty happy with uh with that
1982s I think uh from what I've seen most
1985s players are enjoying him maybe a few uh
1988s confusions with like the the aiming of
1992s of the new abilities doesn't really
1994s match what the description says so I'll
1996s have to tweak a few things there but for
1998s the most part is it more economical as a
2000s game developer to change the description
2002s or the ability Well the description is
2005s the one that's wrong so that's the joke
2008s change change the text maybe that's a
2010s loophole I'll start writing wrong
2011s descriptions and say make it match make
2013s it match Steve would do that would Steve
2016s did that Steve would do that I have seen
2018s quite a few uh like why if you add the
2021s puddle when we kneel down or something
2023s like that and it honestly it's just like
2025s a lot of stuff to maintain for kind of
2027s like a meme I think I also heard some
2030s crazy person saying maybe we canot it as
2032s a helmouth ability who what crazy person
2034s would have said that Rebecca she's not
2036s here right now so I wouldn't I don't
2038s want to talk with back but um and do you
2041s agree with her idea of adding removed
2043s Powers as helmouth ideas uh not
2044s particularly is there reason you don't a
2046s bit to update to maintain a so but if
2049s just hypothetically if undertoe already
2051s worked and you could just put it in the
2054s helmet is there any reason not to uh
2056s every time we change things like over
2058s time things tend to break there's an
2060s entropy to game to maintaining a game
2062s for 10 years uh so yeah I know nothing
2065s about that that's news to me
2068s the more we add and the more time passes
2070s it just kind of you have to main so I
2072s actually I I I follow your Twitter Pablo
2074s and I saw you tweet Steve that you were
2077s going to add the broken mods because
2078s your boss told you to my boss's boss
2081s yeah yeah referring to Steve yep so
2083s Steve told you to put under toe I
2086s probably would yeah he's a CEO what am I
2088s going to
2089s do interesting who signs my checks so I
2093s do what I got to do you know interesting
2095s all right all that to say B of dth is
2097s alive lots of quality of life reworks
2100s jump in check it out play the mission
2103s have fun with it it's spooky there's
2104s horror machines and all that interesting
2107s stuff with the goth yeah it's um really
2109s nice to be able to do a an update with
2112s that much focus on very specific
2115s elements of Q we're measuring a lot from
2117s it there's a lot of you know minor new
2119s player changes that together make up
2121s pretty major ones especially you know
2123s removal of broken mods removal of Mark
2125s one weapons from the quest Junction
2126s change so we'll be doing a pretty
2128s measured approach to how those things
2130s looked uh because yeah we were really um
2134s wanting to make sure that every update
2136s we do we touch a little bit of the new
2138s player experience to make it a little
2139s less bumpy a little more streamlined a
2141s little more sensible in some ways just
2142s some like the game wouldn't be where it
2144s is without the decisions from 10 years
2146s ago but some of them are truly
2148s 10-year-old decisions so they just need
2149s a rethink here and there so yeah I mean
2152s that's one thing that we we showed you
2154s at Tenon abyss of dth it's officially
2156s out and now it's kind kind of like we
2158s are doing hot fixes still there's
2159s there's some bug bug fixes coming for um
2161s abely many many things and then many of
2164s us are working on the final big update
2166s of the year so I don't know how much
2168s before we get into that we're going to
2170s move a little bit in our timeline we're
2171s looking at the beginning of November as
2173s soon as next week uh just a little bit
2175s of housekeeping I actually saw a comment
2177s about the gotha prime when question mark
2179s and the gotha prime was if you're
2180s unfamiliar our Tenon drop and it's going
2183s to be in Barrow next week oh there it is
2185s the the go for Prime for of us perhaps
2187s at tennocon all day didn't get it get it
2190s what a shame didn't get it so if you
2192s were uh you know unable to get it busy
2194s that day got things to do that's fine uh
2196s barer will have the gotha prime next
2199s week on all platforms on Friday yep
2201s November 3rd he'll show up bring him a
2203s coffee bring him some duckets it's so
2206s yeah looks good looks great thanks Steve
2209s uh and then obviously I'm seeing
2210s questions about plague
2212s star happy to announce that we are
2215s looking at returning plague star on
2217s November 7 we're just looking we're just
2219s looking we're just looking so we're not
2220s returning it we're looking at returning
2222s it we're looking at returning it on
2223s November 7 I'm just being safe I'm just
2226s being safe Steve you tell me when
2229s November yeah November 7th on all
2231s platforms plag star is returning and
2233s like a broken horse what like a broken
2236s record you
2239s probably broken horses got the horse
2241s brain uh you've probably heard me like a
2244s broken record talk about uh
2247s us wanting to return plag star but
2249s wanting to make changes to it first just
2250s some quality of life uh some feedback
2253s we've obviously gotten from the
2254s community on uh plag star itself so I'm
2257s actually going to jump in the game real
2259s quick hold the iPad no okay just trying
2262s to help Megan Che thanks Steve you're
2264s the best uh all right plag star we
2267s haven't run it since I want to say 2021
2270s pre new war is the last I recall because
2274s we had to test it in the post new war
2277s PLS B on yes uh so basically the
2281s mentality between of these changes are a
2283s couple things one we wanted to address
2285s leeching which was a common feedback
2287s that we got about plag star uh and what
2289s that means if you're familiar with plag
2290s star is you have to bring your idolon
2293s fil axises and your infested Catalyst to
2295s the mission put them in the mixer and
2297s you can progress either getting the
2298s hemoc site the difficulty it Alters the
2300s mission based on how many you put in and
2302s a lot of people were finding that you
2304s know you bring all your stuff and when
2306s you go into the mixer there's only one
2307s person putting it in and you're kind of
2309s just you know is anyone else going to
2311s put anything in the mixer no I guess I'm
2312s putting you know all eight in or
2314s whatever you want it to be uh so the way
2316s we are going to be addressing that one
2319s is you no longer need to uh have it in
2322s your gear wheel at all uh and we are
2325s just removing the hole putting it into
2327s the mixer uh functionality of plar and
2329s I'll get to that in a second uh the
2332s second one is we're adding steel path
2334s very highly requested give us more
2336s difficulty with plag star uh it has some
2338s advantages obviously to it as well uh
2340s but we are adding a steel path variant
2342s so as per usual when we go talk to kanu
2345s we'll see it's like oh my God where' it
2347s go uh we'll see plague Stars so first
2349s and foremost there's going to be three
2351s essential Bounty tiers of plag Star
2353s first is going to be very normal and
2355s this is as if you are going into plag
2357s star and no one is putting in any
2360s infested Catalyst or idolon phais this
2362s is at its base level its base difficulty
2366s uh prog through it you know there's
2367s obviously your rewards and everything
2370s that comes with it but this is at its
2371s absolute base and you actually don't
2373s need at all in your inventory an
2375s infested Catalyst or an idolon phylaxis
2377s you don't need anything you can just
2379s play these and get these rewards now
2381s when we move on to the we'll call this
2383s one the advanced middle one you do need
2385s at least one idolon phais and infested
2388s Catalyst in your inventory it doesn't
2390s need to even be in your gear wheel
2392s because what this mission is going to do
2393s everyone in your squad needs to have at
2395s least one in your inventory when you
2397s start this bounty it's going to subtract
2398s that from your inventory as if everyone
2400s has gone to the mixer and put in their
2402s goodies and you're going to progress
2403s through this with your hemos sites with
2405s your difficulty and all of that that you
2407s would normally want to do when you do
2408s your 4 and four type of mentality so no
2411s more leeching I put it in quotes uh
2413s you're just going to have it in your
2415s inventory it's a ticket it's a ticket
2417s ticket to the ride to the pimple and the
2419s plains okay there it is and then of
2421s course steel path so this is exactly uh
2424s like the middle one here where you just
2427s need one of each in your inventory your
2429s ticket takes it from your inventory
2431s you're going you don't have to do the
2432s mixer uh but it does have additional Kua
2435s and Endo uh rewards in it as well as
2437s being steel path the difficulty is
2439s ramped up of course so we'll see if you
2441s can uh do steel path plar and we are
2444s keeping built Forma in the reward table
2446s so I saw people last switching it to to
2447s BPS a very Steve comment to make the
2450s Forma kids want the former don't they
2452s Steve I don't know if he would make that
2453s comment it doesn't strike me Steve's a
2456s former guy sounds deeve like to me okay
2458s oh very well anyway so those are kind of
2461s the main changes to Steel path um so
2463s it's not like a a re steel PA sorry it's
2465s not like a rework or anything to plag
2467s Star but we did want to address those
2469s two very common Community feedbacks can
2471s we just pause for a bit do we hear a
2473s woodwind in this once the once the
2476s Melody comes in hear a woodwind when the
2477s Melody comes
2479s in oh I know what you're talking about
2481s you know what I'm talking about it
2482s sounds like it's made of wood it
2485s does you know what I'm talking about Y
2488s is it a woodwind I don't know perhaps
2491s you I think it might be a woodwind we're
2493s on the woodwind hunt now I know what
2496s you're going to be doing listening to
2497s all the tracks every track ears are
2499s burning uh anyway so all that to say
2501s plag star is returning November 7th on
2503s all platforms uh get your your Zs that
2507s obviously people saw weren't in the
2509s naous rewards like we said we were
2511s returning plag star so they're back in
2513s their normal spot there we go
2517s perfect that'll be great yes that starts
2519s November 7th all platforms um did you
2522s talk about cross save not yet re okay I
2525s mean I mean Steve thank you please don't
2527s fire me CEO uh but we will move on to in
2532s the more futur is Whispers In The Wall
2535s oh okay we are going to get into our
2537s next GI update and there is the
2538s wonderful key art of inti Mr Albert
2541s conati Callos and Lloyd's there are you
2544s saying was are you saying giant update
2545s cuz there's a giant in the key art The
2547s Vessel don't quote me okay don't quote
2549s me uh
2551s Steve
2554s fog here we go I was made for this
2558s moment I'm ready I'm sitting back and
2559s relaxing so um Warframe Graphics so fog
2564s and Warframe has always given us a
2565s little bit of that um you know realism
2567s we're looking for the the cold planets
2569s to feel cold with fog maybe when you're
2571s playing through the new war and there's
2572s all the the fog and smoke from the
2574s sentient Invasion on the plains of
2576s idolon you're seeing all this fog in the
2578s game and and that fog has been you know
2579s Warframe fog it's Ray marched fog it's
2582s it's you know it's put in the game and
2584s we love it but when I've been working on
2586s Soul frame with the team we we had a a
2589s new um advance in fog Tech so we are uh
2594s backporting the fog uh that we've put in
2596s Soul frame to Warframe for Warframe to
2598s use in The Whispers And The Wall update
2600s because it does require our GI lighting
2603s system to work because this particular
2605s version of our system is lit real time
2608s so our prior fog uh it either had to be
2610s baked or you know it would really only
2612s care about the the Sun and and other
2614s things like particle effects would not
2616s work well with our prior ra Ray marched
2619s fog system uh other things you would
2620s have noticed probably is that it would
2622s stomp on some particle effects so if you
2624s had fire and fog they would not play
2626s nice together but with our new fog
2629s system that has been backported from
2631s Soul frame uh you're going to see a very
2634s very updated and more realistic looking
2636s fog
2637s uh now we're going to show you a video
2638s of it uh that we've put in but just so
2642s you know the point of this video isn't
2643s just the fog which I am going to talk
2645s about it's also um giving you another
2647s listen to the first major audio uh
2651s soundtrack queue from Whispers in the
2653s walls that you would have heard at Tenon
2655s so I don't want to talk over that
2656s because that would be missing the point
2658s of the audio part of this video but I'll
2660s I'll talk after that do you want to say
2661s anything about this the song before we
2662s continue uh yeah this this this piece uh
2665s features a vocal list by the name of
2667s Alex samaris so we will be samaris samis
2674s like music oh wow but we'll be hearing
2677s more from this vocalist in the update as
2679s well on some other cues so very excited
2681s to have him back for some other
2683s cinematic work that we'll be doing on
2684s the update that's right and just I see
2686s some people talking about performance in
2688s theory the new fog is better because our
2690s old Remar fog is using screen space
2692s which means that if the bigger your
2693s resolution the more you're working with
2695s the more it will impact performance but
2697s our new fog system is actually using the
2699s camera uh which means it's fixed and
2701s constant for us that means performance
2704s in theory should be better the same or
2707s better I'm not going to overpromise perf
2710s but uh the intention
2713s stwood stink actor it'll be much better
2717s performing fog at the very guarantee of
2721s that's fog
2723s promise Let's uh take a listen and a
2725s look
2731s [Music]
2741s [Music]
2755s for
2766s yes so really trying to set a different
2768s mood with Whispers in the walls uh and
2770s thanks to back porting in uh some
2773s graphics Tech it'll feel and look a lot
2775s different than any other uh tile set we
2777s have in the game the GI lighting um the
2779s global illumination which is what you're
2780s seeing here that the fog is being lit
2782s real time so that means that you know
2784s every character every environment assets
2786s uh as you're walking through are going
2787s to it's going to be more consistent
2789s which is going to really punch up the
2791s way that this uh will look and feel and
2793s at hopefully little to no cost to
2796s Performance however it's important to
2798s note that this will signal the end of
2800s the classic renderer for Warframe on PC
2803s abyss of dth got rid of the classic
2806s renderer on our console platforms so PC
2808s will be uh the last hanging on of the
2812s classic renderer will be gone because
2814s all of this does rely on our in ened
2816s renderer or deferred rendering
2817s techniques uh to work yeah thanks
2821s gorgeous sounds
2825s gorgeous Steve you're so in line with
2828s Steve same brain me and that yeah don't
2831s be sad about the death of classic we're
2833s really uh working hard to U make sure
2836s that uh well I'm not going to
2837s overpromise anything because I'm not
2839s Steve but or workan art we're measuring
2841s we're taking a measured
2842s approach there you go all right uh also
2846s Whispers of the wall skin shaders
2849s hopefully hopefully hopefully this is a
2851s um broader uh Improvement that's coming
2855s uh with our skin Shader Tech uh
2857s hopefully Whispers in the walls you'll
2858s see some of these improvements um this
2860s is a hope not going to promise it on the
2862s stream but when we did make the move to
2864s the enhanced renderer uh you'll you may
2867s have noticed depending on how you
2868s customize your Drifter SL operator that
2871s the darker we go in skin tones the
2872s shinier and more plasticky they looked
2874s so before our um skin tones used to look
2877s like this uh so you can see here as we
2879s get to those like dark Rich colors we're
2881s actually seeing a bit of a plasticky
2883s look and this is because in the Deferred
2885s renderer The Way We Were encoding things
2887s just got that result so we're we're
2888s doing some changes to show make darker
2891s skin tones specifically but as well as
2892s all um human human skin well we'll call
2895s these humans tenno skin Drifter skin uh
2897s look a little more natural so this is uh
2900s one of the uh improvements that we're
2902s hoping to ship in Whispers TBD exactly
2906s but the these type of changes are going
2907s to be because we're changing the way
2908s we're encoding we're doing some uh
2911s texture changes as well just to give you
2913s that more natural look which really
2915s really uh will punch up and add that
2917s natural look to uh to skin tone so it's
2919s a huge lift you can really tell the
2921s difference um and yeah we're we're the
2924s the the tech art team the art team
2927s everyone is really uh trying to see the
2929s best way to to ship this out because it
2931s does involve touching old content it
2932s involves um you know figuring out the
2934s best way to roll it out so when we know
2936s know exactly how we're going to roll it
2937s out we'll let you know but we're really
2938s excited that we're going to get such a
2940s big lift for characters so yeah looks
2941s really good it's going to look good on
2942s my uh my blue skin too yeah oh yeah yeah
2945s yeah lots yeah I just got a text from
2947s Matt chomas did you really who said hi
2949s Matt we have used Woodwinds in the past
2952s but more in an orchestral sort of
2955s background fashion this this is more of
2957s a time where something he's worked on
2959s he's featured Woodwinds so I was
2961s completely what was it wrong what was
2963s the woodwind song he did oh we've used
2965s it
2969s as a layer but yes
2971s so thanks for watching for yeah thanks
2974s thanks you
2976s Matt hi Matt we loved your socks Matt
2980s yeah you got some good socks could you
2981s send your Asen bells to us
2983s is wwin aen Bells um also in quest
2988s Conquer Cancer we did another piece of
2991s Whispers In The Wall concept art uh
2994s internally named slinky
2996s SL that's show Slinky shall we yes
2999s little thing the cursed Slinky Slinky uh
3002s yeah it's one of the enemies you guys
3004s haven't seen yet from uh you you guys
3006s saw the the Tenon demo we have some
3009s weird looking enemies uh and this is
3012s this one of them uh yeah you guys will
3015s get to see him it's more of a a bit of a
3018s VIP enemy on the on the
3020s faction but yeah why why is his name
3022s Slinky uh his name is linky it's a
3026s reason cuz now they going to want it to
3027s be Slinky originally one of the thoughts
3029s was for him to move as a slinky but it
3032s was really uh really not very conducive
3035s to moving fast on the
3038s levels need stairs to move
3041s anyway uh so he no longer he he's still
3045s pet named Slinky but now a more
3048s appropriate name would be wheel so more
3050s of a wheel man Slinky that's a wheel
3054s when he
3054s moves
3057s he Wheels I know but think of the
3059s dissonance you're creating in our
3061s community right now that that is
3064s wheel really Reinventing the
3067s yeah Justice for Slinky I agree he'll be
3071s Slinky in our hearts don't worry always
3073s s uh and then at ten VIP like I
3075s mentioned we showed two other Whisper In
3077s The Wall concept is that right one of
3079s them being the man of the hour Albert
3082s Anda tell me about this re yeah
3086s so I'm not going to all right I am going
3089s to leave it at we really wanted to
3093s there's probably a couple clues in here
3094s for people knowing what we wanted to
3096s convey with um what he's doing and what
3099s his journey is but uh it was really uh
3103s fun to work with the team to come up
3106s with a character that is very important
3108s for the future updates of Warframe and
3110s that's all I'll say I love that uh last
3113s asset we showed at Teno viip little bit
3116s further ahead we're looking at you know
3117s maybe a little 1999 is was one of the
3119s infested enemies did show obviously at
3122s tenno live for a hot second but we got
3124s some uh CRT action going on here yeah uh
3128s clearly in our Tenon reveal uh we showed
3131s you that Whispers In The Wall is coming
3132s this year and that Warframe 1999 is
3134s coming next year and we really want to
3137s focus on 1999 as a slice of its Tech and
3142s what the infestation as a faction would
3144s do with that so that's all I'll say on
3147s that but CRTs were
3150s the most important thing most important
3153s part we actually had a lot yeah we had a
3154s lot of fun um figuring out how to apply
3157s like real commercials to them and and
3159s everything so we've been working on uh
3162s lots of very fun uh silly projects to
3165s populate the television channels I'm
3167s sure there's more to come too definitely
3169s more to come I like it uh also Whispers
3172s In The Wall a clan operation perhaps
3176s oh oh okay all right yeah we're doing a
3179s clan event yeah um this is I guess a
3183s advanced notice for those of you who may
3185s want to get your Clans up and running
3187s for a what would what would be our first
3189s Clan operation since um orix Venom I
3192s think I think so yeah yeah because that
3194s was after Scarlet yeah Scarlet spear was
3196s March 2020 we did orfix Venom in 2020
3198s with Laos at the end of the year and
3200s then we 2021 was new war so it all it
3203s all lines up mhm yeah so operation is
3206s coming back Grant what are we going to
3208s do Grant's working on I mean like it's
3210s it's still pretty early days on that but
3212s there's there's definitely going to we
3214s can't say too much I can't not going to
3215s say anything your dojo is going to be
3217s involved somehow so you know yeah just
3220s just we we want to um give you a heads
3222s up that operation gar girl's cry is
3224s going to be coming and launching so
3226s Whispers In The Wall will come out and
3227s then we'll have the clan event turn live
3229s shortly after maybe a day maybe a week
3231s TBD uh but it's going to be more of um
3235s hm more of like a lore conducive event
3238s but there are going to be Clan goals so
3240s this is going to be a chance for you to
3241s kind of I guess if you're a very
3244s organized Clan member warn folks that uh
3247s there's going to be something for you to
3248s earn and do as a clan uh we are likely
3252s not going to do leaderboards this time
3254s just as a warning shot and expectation
3255s setting uh if we do do them we'll we'll
3258s add them once the full loop is done uh
3260s because we want this to be more about
3262s you as a clan together achieving
3264s something rather than a compet ition but
3266s that remains that is the current pretty
3269s concrete thinking but uh yeah there
3272s should be things for your clan to do in
3275s the update not only is there going to be
3277s a quest of course and things to play
3280s there's also going to be a clan
3282s operation yeah and you know we'll talk
3284s more about that next up stream I think
3286s but yeah that's generally yeah you know
3290s just letting you know we got yeah we got
3291s schemes Brewing scheming spicy uh there
3294s will be solo Clan support of course we
3296s never rule out solo Clans from our
3299s equations like you like when we when we
3302s balance for ghost um Shadow Mountain
3306s Moon am I forgetting one Ghost Shadow
3310s Mountain storm storm storm Mountain Moon
3313s um we uh we consider ghost to be
3316s balanced for a solo Clan player
3318s obviously that's not something we're
3320s going to change this year next year at
3323s all that's kind of been how we do it but
3325s but um but obviously if you're in a clan
3327s with more people which is obviously the
3330s intent of a clan you'll have an easier
3332s time you'll have an easier time yeah
3334s yeah friendship all right also coming in
3337s Whispers of the wall we did show this at
3339s Tenon during the arch panel sagoth
3342s Deluxe is coming with Whispers In The
3344s Wall that's right we got a deluxe skin
3346s we have a delicious liger concept art
3349s here for sagoth in Deluxe in Deluxe seag
3352s goth Deluxe uh and he does have a name
3354s an official name name we're going with
3356s seago Glaucus am I pronouncing that
3359s right that's Rebecca she's not here oh
3361s Rebecca uh and I won't spoil it because
3364s I think it's really exciting but uh this
3366s skin does have a tie into the hydroid
3369s deluxe skin the flavor is Flavor
3372s flavorful the flavor is there uh and
3374s something unique we're doing with seago
3376s seag goth Deluxe is some music perhaps
3381s Eric yeah so we haven't we haven't
3383s actually done anything like this before
3385s can we trust you we've never had
3386s Woodwinds we've never
3388s done your characters yeah I yeah I've
3391s rewind time and remove woodwind com fine
3394s continue sorry sorry to interrupt no we
3397s haven't done this before with the deluxe
3398s skins so when you acquire this skin uh
3402s there's a custom remix version of
3405s sleeping in the coal below that you will
3406s get as a somac cord and we're also going
3409s to play it during the uh the exalted
3412s ability so that will play in the
3414s background so when you're in your Shadow
3416s SLE the shadow play it Danny so this is
3419s the first skin to have a soundtrack with
3422s gameplay I didn't it so boom you trigger
3424s seo's Shadow and the song
3427s plays so cool and for yeah for those who
3430s uh who seag goth Main and listen to
3433s their own music it will be tied to the
3434s music fader so you can still if you want
3438s crank it
3441s [Music]
3444s Danny
3448s [Music]
3456s is it going to be a directional if I
3458s have it will you hear it
3460s no
3463s he damn jamming just jamming out yeah
3467s very
3468s cool so keep it going it's
3471s awesome I just yeah so he basically is
3473s the first frame with Boss music
3475s yeah essentially yeah damn it so
3479s cool definitely going for a more sort of
3482s pirate Under the Sea Briney kind of
3484s version of it oh yeah it's giving that
3487s it
3488s is yeah damn what what a what a what an
3491s enhancement that is to the deluxe
3493s offering to give him his own theme song
3494s in Boss mode that's so cool so so cool
3498s uh also coming with seago Deluxe um a
3502s tombstone looking uh cuz as we oh
3505s yeah seag goth Deluxe is an interesting
3507s one cuz not only do you have to do seag
3508s goth and his shadow and his custom death
3511s State it's it's there's a lot of pieces
3512s to seot Deluxe but uh hell yeah you're
3515s so I guess when you die which may be
3517s impossible with the shield gating
3519s changes uh you may see this when it
3523s rarely happens we'll probably sell this
3526s as a decoration in the bundle I would
3527s imagine yeah that's a good idea yeah
3529s yeah not bad uh as well the signature
3532s weapon is going to be the epith deluxe
3535s which I think is the epap CED if I'm
3538s pronouncing that correctly little
3539s concept art for it very cool and oh my
3542s God D Steve's here oh
3544s no he just said Deluxe with music uh oh
3548s there's too many Steves there two Steves
3550s oh who are you that's me on my phone oh
3554s that's you on oh okay your alt account
3555s got it got it uh and then also coming
3558s with seag goth Deluxe which might be the
3561s most important piece of seag goth Deluxe
3565s is a armor piece this is the most
3567s important piece of seag goth Deluxe and
3569s it is the single most important uh
3572s accessory we may ever release I it is
3574s this is uh introducing this is Gilly
3577s Chap and Gilly chap has this is the
3580s concept if you want to go to my game
3581s Danny uh here I have vanilla sagoth as
3585s you can see but uh Gilly chap
3588s here is ready for action it's adorable
3591s yeah I love G chap Gilly chap is seag
3594s Go's best friend he would follow seag
3596s goth into the void into battle BOS and
3598s Gilly chap the Brave and beloved crew
3600s mate of seago glaus always ready to
3602s follow his captain Into the Heart of a
3604s void storm enjoying his company as he
3606s swims around the shoulder piece plate
3609s Reef so Gilly chap is the loyal and
3612s steadfast companion of uh the seot Delux
3616s look at him look at him look at face
3619s yeah he is perfect so Gilly chap is I we
3622s are working on offsets and stuff here so
3624s he may seem a little uh lacking in
3626s physics for this demonstration but I
3629s assure you he means well look at him he
3631s will follow you till the end Gilly chap
3633s will yeah we love Gilly chap so all that
3636s is a part of seag got the Lux he's got
3638s his own boss battle music people are
3640s already calling him Gilly Chad Gilly
3642s Chad I'll take it Gilly Chad is great we
3646s got Gilly chap uh Deluxe got his
3649s Tombstone and Boss music Boss music a
3653s let's see if there's any graphics with
3654s that you know
3656s any fog can we get better fog can we no
3658s because it has to be in like the The Fog
3661s Works in a g lit can he be G lit can we
3664s G lit if you go in Whispers in the walls
3667s yes you will be actually we some of our
3670s new marketing shots have uh been GI uh
3672s using GI lighting so if you look at the
3675s launcher for this update um some of the
3677s accessories and stuff that multi media
3679s team we we're making for Whispers no no
3681s for for D yeah you know GI volumes who
3684s would have thought who would have
3685s thought all right me that's who Steve
3688s would Steve always thinks of that not me
3689s others uh one thing we did want to talk
3692s about with Whispers In The Wall is story
3695s skip oh yes so uh this is a point in the
3699s Stream where I do have more serious
3702s things to talk about but I know I look
3703s like Steve so I'll just roll with it so
3706s Warframe is a 10-year-old game and when
3709s we release something like Whispers in
3710s the walls we basically give players a
3712s choice to you know and the you know I
3715s don't want to say the preferred path but
3717s when you approach Warframe if you
3718s install it when Whispers And The Wall
3719s launches you have 10 years of content to
3722s play we obviously are trying to remove a
3724s lot of grind there you know the necrom X
3726s have never been easier to build uh the
3729s last deth update has pages and pages of
3732s what type of barriers we're moving but
3735s sometimes that's still not enough for
3736s people that don't want to invest time
3737s and they just want to skip so what we
3739s are doing or hoping to do uh currently
3742s it's in the testing and implementation
3744s phase is Implement a story skip for
3747s platinum so basically what you would do
3750s is if you wanted to just play Whispers
3752s in the walls and you didn't want to do
3754s all of the things that came before it
3755s there is going to be a path for you to
3759s use platinum to basically get your
3760s account ready for Whispers In The Wall
3762s so if you have a friend that you want to
3765s play Whispers with it's Platinum so it's
3767s giftable so we're trying to treat it in
3769s a way that you can get your friends
3770s caught up um I know there's a lot of no
3773s so let's talk about why because I want
3775s like I don't want to screw it up so it
3777s sounds horrible pay to skip hate that by
3781s L yeah let's see pay to skip that
3784s doesn't spark Joy poor choice what skip
3787s l oh that's not good well I kind of
3789s expected that so we'll have to think of
3790s a way to do it but is there a I play a
3794s game where I paid to story skip for some
3796s things but I can see that this might not
3798s go over so well so we'll probably have
3800s to reconsider aspects of it a little bit
3802s and a way to get someone caught up but
3804s if you don't use that which you don't
3805s have to um we have a story catchup
3809s that's totally free in the lab so if you
3811s haven't played in maybe 10 years you're
3814s going to be able to actually just listen
3817s to The Story So Far in like a cool
3819s little way where you'll be able to have
3821s a character tell you about what you've
3823s missed so far from a certain perspective
3825s because what we're anticipating is a lot
3826s of folks coming back um and not
3830s remembering maybe something from the war
3832s within 5 to8 years ago so we are going
3835s to give you a little like fun way to
3838s just listen to The Story So Far coming
3840s left our heroes what would they exctly a
3842s recap yeah so that's obviously free but
3844s the paid story skip uh if you want to
3846s just do like an organized feedback
3847s thread on that I'll review it and let's
3850s see is Warframe yes good it's not it's
3853s not a greed thing it would give you
3856s things that you would get from the quest
3859s so for instance you can already buy a
3861s railjack for instance and then the quest
3863s is just story at that point
3865s um then in this regard all the quests
3867s are replayable so you're just getting
3869s all the things it's clearly
3871s controversial and that doesn't mean
3873s we're um going to just go ahead with it
3875s anyway I am going to take this back and
3877s try and rethink and and fix it but yeah
3880s it's tough so not to put words on your
3882s mouth but I think that like the main
3884s thing that's that you're trying to solve
3886s or we're trying to solve is whenever we
3889s do a big update we go like oh Whispers
3891s in the wall and we put a lot of
3892s marketing and then people like that have
3894s played Warframe see oh that looks really
3897s cool with the giant things and the the
3899s new til set and the crazy enemies and
3901s whatnot and then they open the game and
3903s it's like okay now you have to play for
3905s 120 hours before you get to that thing
3907s that you just saw that was super cool
3909s and that trailer that you just saw so uh
3912s first we do have to somehow reconcile
3915s the fact that obviously we have all of
3917s this gigantic game but we also want that
3920s when people uh start playing or you
3922s invite your friend to play with you all
3924s sorts of things like that we do want
3926s them to be able to join you in some way
3929s essentially um and if yeah if you think
3932s of any like MMO or whatever whenever
3934s they release an expansion essentially
3935s all the content before it kind of
3937s disappears in a way um so yeah that is
3941s kind of what what is been trying to
3943s solve here and we've been trying to
3944s solve this for a long time and most of
3946s the effort has gone into just making the
3948s game easier to get through uh yeah I I
3951s think I can really break down the
3953s thought process here and what we're
3954s trying and the reason we're talking
3955s about it on the dev stream is because we
3958s wanted if we do it so let me be clear
3960s I'll I'll do compartment one is if we
3962s give players instant access to Whispers
3964s in the walls what does that look like
3966s that's a player that has to have a
3968s railjack a uh necrom and they had to
3972s have done all the quests which are my
3974s favorite things in the game to be clear
3976s and the where we've had the most heated
3978s discussions is it looks disgusting if we
3981s tell people to skip our story because we
3983s love our story and playing Warframe is
3985s playing our quests but some people just
3987s won't do it and they'll bounce off and
3989s they'll never play the latest cool
3990s content so what do we
3992s do yeah I mean I mean we we agree and we
3996s just yeah we've had this discussions
3997s many times but yeah it's a it's a
3999s complicated one for sure yeah so it is
4002s complicated H it's no it's not let's see
4004s Co-op story Quest would be a decent
4006s start it some quests allow Co-op but
4009s that's not
4011s um what was the last Co Co-op Quest we
4013s even did it's like the honest the honest
4016s answer with the co-op quests they they
4019s take considerably longer to make so then
4022s is like the first thing to go just
4023s because they they increase the
4025s complexity of making quests like a lot
4029s so because of that we tend to not do it
4032s um you know like obviously anything can
4034s be done it just takes time away from
4036s other things so it it is just kind of
4039s that that situation yeah cuz where we're
4042s at right now with Whispers well and
4043s again this is just we're having the
4045s conversation is the new war is the
4048s prerequisite for it so it's like we
4050s already know how much time it takes a
4053s player to get there so how do we how do
4054s we try and get them there sooner to play
4056s this cool content so that's where we're
4058s at right now but there yeah so this is
4060s the only pre because usually when we do
4061s a big cinematic Quest we say you know
4063s get ready for the quest in this case if
4065s you've done the new war you're ready for
4066s Whispers in the walls uh you're good to
4068s go so yeah that's all you with full
4071s acknowledgement that like I we know for
4073s us and for a lot lot of players when you
4075s ask what's your what was your favorite
4077s moment in Warframe and I we know a lot
4079s of people will answer the second dream
4081s so it does feel it does feel crazy to
4084s skip it yeah uh but at the same time
4088s like you know I I if I'm if I want to
4092s join if I want to invite someone to play
4094s Warframe with me it's kind of impossible
4097s because when the new update comes you
4099s know that they're going to join and it's
4100s like okay well play for 100 hours then
4103s let me know so that we can play together
4104s you know and that is that which is the
4106s status quo right like do that is the
4109s status quo and that is that is it so if
4112s a player wanted to get to Whispers in
4114s the walls and yeah I I I don't want this
4117s to come across in anything other than
4118s this is the types of conversations we're
4119s having internally and the reason we're
4121s talking about it now is to be open with
4122s the community about about it we would
4125s only in in a current version of this
4129s replayable quests are what you get right
4132s so you can go back and play them
4134s immediately second dream War within
4137s sacrifice chains of herrow and the new
4139s war um it's just about trying to figure
4141s out a way to get to get people through
4143s 10 years of content uh if they want to
4145s play the new stuff day one it is the
4147s biggest issue uh and actually with dveri
4150s Paradox we we even we tried to hit that
4153s right we said all right d Paradox is
4155s available as the new starting point to
4157s the game because historically we've seen
4159s when we release something at the tail
4160s end of the game which for a lot of us is
4163s what we're most excited to work on so we
4165s really want to keep adding things to
4166s continue the
4168s story sometimes those things just don't
4170s work for for for update after update so
4173s we're trying new things or we may try
4175s new things I like we will not we're not
4178s going to go dark on this and you won't
4179s hear from it uh next Dev stream we'll
4181s have another conversation about this for
4183s sure because it feels I can see that
4185s people were even offended by the idea so
4187s that's like an emotional reaction so
4188s what is sustaining and fueling that
4191s reaction because it's such a right of
4193s passage to play the Warframe story and
4195s to have like a pay to skip which is our
4199s general pay to hurry up free-to-play
4201s model you you buy Cosmetics or you rush
4203s things you know what is the healthier
4205s balance and what is the approach we need
4206s to take so yeah lots to talk about oh
4210s yeah take it all back this is going to
4211s be the only thing on my mind for a month
4213s so I will do a giant write up all those
4216s things okay well we're going to move on
4218s a little bit to but you don't want to
4219s sit me and have me talk about this even
4221s more save cross save cross Save Right
4223s cross save
4224s um earlier on this week are you okay
4228s D sorry I see people saying just one one
4231s more thing uh we work how the game
4233s progresses with quests we have been so
4235s we've changed Junctions to be more Quest
4237s focused be more story focused the ten
4240s guy is pushing people through quests we
4242s got rid of some um crafting uh
4244s prerequisites crafting times limbo
4246s theorem can be done much faster now we
4248s are cleaning up the house before we even
4251s consider putting this poster up like
4253s like this is definitely not a an
4256s operation in um not caring about the
4259s core just just to be clear anyway sorry
4261s now I've gone too far but it's okay uh
4263s cross saave earlier on this week we did
4265s launch crossplatform friends and clans
4269s meaning if you want to join your friends
4272s clan on a different platform you can you
4274s can even be friends with them on a
4275s different platform so I can you know ask
4277s my PlayStation player to be my friend in
4279s Warframe and you can I can join their
4281s clan we put that out this week uh back
4284s in I think Tenon obviously we were
4286s talking about abyss of dag we were
4287s saying there's you know backend code for
4290s cross save and things were working on
4292s and this was kind of another big step
4294s that we needed to do in order to get
4295s ourselves to cross save so we're just
4297s continuing along the strides of getting
4299s cross save ready but we do have some
4301s things that uh are going to have to
4303s change for the name of parody which is
4305s cross save oh yes so yeah like you said
4308s the social database merge has occurred
4311s so everyone can now be friends and clan
4313s members together together um across all
4315s platforms so before we can launch the
4318s cross save feature uh we have to have
4322s parody on all of our offerings so right
4325s now um there are things that just aren't
4327s the same on PC and console so the first
4330s example of that would be something like
4331s the Ember initiate pack that's something
4334s that costs platinum on one platform and
4337s cash on a different platforms so those
4339s things aren't in pair so they need to be
4341s brought to parody I think we're just
4343s retiring that P yeah you're going to
4345s there there's a few things you know per
4347s platform that aren't on other platforms
4349s so we're just going to retire some
4351s things you we'll give you heads up
4352s notice on on retiring those things but
4354s yeah that's yes yes so the we do need to
4357s just do basically a store audit so that
4360s we are compliant with everything that
4362s allows cross save to exist with multiple
4365s platform Partners so the things like the
4368s Ember pack the initiate pack are going
4370s to be retired I think I know I just said
4372s that but the other thing that has to
4373s change is Prime access because that is
4375s different on consoles and PC so on PC
4378s you can get Prime access in technically
4381s four bundles which is tier one tier 2
4384s tier three and then Prime accessories
4386s separate and on consoles you can do two
4389s bundles which is just accessories and
4391s just the prime gear so we're merging to
4395s the console way but adding a complete
4399s pack cuz right now on Console you have
4400s to make two purchases to get everything
4402s you have to make your accessories
4403s purchas and your uh frame purchase and
4406s then you have the whole pack so we're
4408s adding a full pack to consoles and then
4410s on PC we're making a full accessories
4413s pack and we're actually adding more
4415s accessories so every Prime access
4416s platinum in the access yeah but cool
4419s accessories too so everything yeah
4420s there's going to be more platinum in it
4422s uh oh and just in general there will be
4423s platinum in it but we're also just
4425s giving you more so every Prime access is
4427s going to now come with additional items
4429s for accessories so your accessories pack
4432s will have more in it um to match the
4435s value on on consoles so there will be
4438s three packs total this will start with
4439s our next prime access and it will it has
4443s to be in parody for all platforms for
4445s cross safe to work so that means that
4447s with the next prime access you will see
4449s three packs um which is actually a
4452s change for both platforms because PC has
4453s four right now and console has two so
4455s everyone will have three and they will
4457s be identical because right now they are
4459s not uh
4461s identical yeah yeah that's Prime access
4464s that's Prime access that's Prime access
4467s moving on as we mentioned Dev stream 175
4470s so November devstream is going to be not
4473s only our last Dev stream of 2023 which
4475s is actually crazy uh but it is going to
4477s be our Whispers In The Wall dedicated
4480s Dev stream we'll talk more about cross
4483s save and how that's progressing um I
4485s think I have a SL how are we handling
4487s tenen I see people asking for cross save
4491s we have some plants okay so there is lot
4494s so not only is it technically the
4496s biggest thing we've done in a long time
4498s to get cross- save working just
4500s economically and and 10 years of things
4504s getting everything squared away so
4505s there's a very clear this is how it will
4507s work and this is how it won't and I'm
4508s talking about every you know item that
4511s we sell has to be the same in all
4512s platforms hence this whole Prime access
4514s and the Ember changes um and then
4516s tennogen is going to be its own item
4518s where here is exactly how it's going to
4519s work because eventually when we talk
4521s more about cross a we're also going to
4522s talk about account merging and if you
4525s you know your PC died so you started
4528s playing on PS5 what happens there so we
4530s have to cover every single case um with
4534s exactly how it's going to work and I
4535s think we should have news on that in the
4537s November depam November deathstream is
4539s going to be the cross saave conversation
4541s we'll talk about trading like where we
4543s land on that but I don't think just for
4544s people that are interested in tenen this
4546s year we're not even releasing any more
4548s tenen this year cuz we want to get our
4551s systems in order before we add anything
4553s else to
4554s and the the one big driving factor of
4557s tenen for cross save is we do not want
4560s to like affect the actual artists like
4564s our main goal is to make sure that
4565s everyone is good for tenen if you are an
4568s artist we're not trying to screw anyone
4569s over we just need to make sure we have
4571s parity but we also want to make sure we
4572s take care of our tenen artists yeah and
4574s I think like it's so it's not funny but
4576s when you ask about cross save we're like
4578s yeah it's coming but if we could spend a
4580s whole hour explaining every F like it's
4583s just it's lot we are Absolut it's the
4585s most requested feature I need it so
4587s badly so it's just we have to do it
4589s right cuz you can't unring the Bell you
4590s can't close it's like you know there's a
4592s lot a lot a lot a lot yeah there's a lot
4594s of conversations that still have to be
4596s had that we are having it's still a 2023
4599s initiative that we're we're doing for
4601s cross save um but yeah it's just the
4603s main thing is you need to have parody
4605s across all Platforms in order for it to
4607s be allowed so that's just what we're
4609s doing so we're trying yep and I think
4612s that the the big thing about uh 10 gen
4614s is it will collapse if we like close the
4618s steam purchasing of it so that is going
4621s to stay open um because otherwise like
4623s Megan said we have to do right by the
4624s artists so number one goal for sure yeah
4627s but deing 175 in November is going to be
4630s our big talk more about it when we're
4632s done I know you said an hour max so
4633s depending on how close we're getting to
4634s there I'll go over everything we're 15
4636s minutes over are we actually oh no oh uh
4641s death stre 175 will be our big Whispers
4643s in the W devstream and it will be
4645s everything cross save uh we're working
4647s on you know even FAQ web posts and stuff
4650s for cross save so we're really we're
4652s pulling it all out for the November
4653s devstream um which will again be our
4655s last one of 2023 because we're not going
4657s to do one at the end of December because
4659s it will be in Christmas mode I didn't
4661s say the c word um but just to recap a
4664s little bit for Whispers In The Wall I do
4665s have a slide um just what we talked
4668s about on this stream um this is not at
4670s all an exhaustive list of what's going
4672s into uh Whispers in the wall because
4674s there's a lot more again that we will
4676s talk about in the November Dev stream um
4678s obviously the story skip thing we will
4680s take back and have conversations about
4682s so just because it says option coming
4683s doesn't mean it's actually going to come
4685s we'll have more conversations about it
4687s um but you know seag got Deluxe your fog
4689s and your skin Shader uh retiring classic
4691s render for PC GI volumes and fog Tech
4694s and there is a new Warframe coming we're
4696s finally reaching the Q Warframe we got a
4699s q guys we got a q what is corvex who is
4702s corvex I really tried to convince her
4704s that the first queue should be named
4706s queso but she refused queso like the
4709s cheese yeah I I was I was into queso but
4712s I didn't think I could uh justify it
4714s from a lore point of view to have queso
4716s the frame but corvex is our uh corvex is
4720s our frame coming in h Whispers in the
4723s walls you'll see more about him in
4724s November Dev stream we will show more I
4726s did spoil that name to a few people at
4727s tenacon so thank you for not uh
4729s spreading it yeah sorry boss C out of
4732s the bag you let the Q out I think we
4735s said we didn't say it on tenna live did
4737s we I think you just you mentioned like Q
4739s is coming that's fine uh you'll learned
4742s all about corvex uh on the November Dev
4744s stream and and what that Warframe will
4746s be did I get all my assets Danny yeah
4749s yay all right we're going to wrap it up
4752s because like I tried to keep it an hour
4754s I really tried I'm so s b Q&A a bit a
4757s Q&A sorry Meg you can't let you did we
4759s do prizes have we done gr Prime only did
4762s one yeah the keeping me honest Grant
4765s thank you run another thousand platinum
4767s and I'll answer some questions while we
4769s wait very well if have any questions for
4770s de Steve he is a here in the flesh yeah
4773s that's right please yeah okay 1,000
4776s Platinum going
4777s to impending doom 15 ending
4781s Doom that's a bad Omen uh please whisper
4784s the war from twitch toan you watching
4785s right now in game's platform play Warf
4787s from on will'll get you a thousand
4788s Platinum impending doom 15 should just
4791s run it R again Danny if you don't mind
4793s yeah
4793s back to back back to back yeah uh yeah I
4797s think just as a general punctuation mark
4800s for the probably the you know in in the
4804s scope of this Dev stream talking about
4806s the story skip punctuation one is I'm
4809s very humbly suggesting that this is very
4811s work in progress and I if we do it I
4813s want to do it right so definitely let
4815s you know reactions thoughts comparisons
4818s even I was doing a lot of research in
4820s other games for these types of things
4822s and just trying to figure out how
4823s how do we do it should we do it um and
4827s we've came to conclusions but of course
4828s we are working with the community in a
4830s very humble manner to figure out exactly
4832s what would look appropriate there um so
4834s please reach out to me on that I'm not
4837s going away in some never think about it
4838s again mode and then yeah so the prime
4840s access changes is the other one but is
4843s there a winner congrats runik Robin you
4845s can read that from there yeah that's so
4847s impressive I'm all not B you think those
4849s are for show those are those are some
4851s specs highly tuned glass
4853s yeah runic Ruben roben roben please
4856s whisper the Warframe twitch you watch
4858s right now iname platform play warfame on
4859s we'll get you thousand Platinum let's
4861s run grindle Prime access M back to back
4863s baby that's a lot of prizes all of
4867s prizes did they talk about cross we did
4870s we are doing it this year we're getting
4872s everything going we'll have a lot of um
4875s written word on how it's going to work
4877s mhm uh oh we got a winner oh diagnosis 7
4882s diagnosis s
4883s please whisper the Warframe twitch
4884s Channel you watch right now in game alas
4886s platform play Warframe on and we'll get
4887s you your grle Prime access
4890s congratulations yeah uh yeah soul frame
4892s you know got lots of Soul frame news
4894s this year yeah do you Steve big GE sure
4897s do big gear for soul frame lots of cool
4901s stuff and what else we got any prizes
4904s moment that's right we do have a prizes
4906s moment we do have more hot fixes coming
4907s out for abyss of dag Steve actually just
4909s texted me so I'm
4911s nervous we do have more fix is uh in the
4914s works Grant's got to fix some uh some
4916s companion stuff yeah there's there's
4918s still a few things here and there yeah I
4921s actually did see some uh issues as well
4923s for um some of the crossplatform Clans
4925s so we're looking into some of those
4927s issues as
4928s well get your Clans together for the
4930s event yeah I mean what a better time
4932s join someone on a different you can do
4934s crossplatform Clans now we could have
4936s our oh oh crossplatform Clans why not no
4940s well I mean they they're there so I'm
4942s just saying I want if there's anything
4943s fun we could do the to to celebrate with
4945s this our first Clan operation that's
4947s crossplatform Clans we should do
4949s something
4949s cool like if you yeah's like
4953s yeah yeah yeah Grant's like yes wait am
4956s I implementing
4958s this that's why I'm looking at you I'm
4960s like yeah yeah is you're going to be
4962s hooking it up so do you have
4965s time yeah all right I think we're wrap
4968s it up unless you want some more Q&A RB I
4969s mean Steve Graphics Graphics graphics
4973s shaders fog
4976s fog it up it up I need the
4980s poop okay bye bye thank you for watching
4983s the dev stream oh my God okay bye happy
4986s Halloween everyone listen to Rollo
4988s tamasi I love
4989s rotasi listen to rolot tamasi all right
4992s we'll see you in November for de stream
4994s 175 bye everyone thanks for being here
4997s everyone bye bye
5001s bye
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