about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link

PSN Call of the Tempestarii: Hotfix #1
Friendly reminder: Consoles are now back to a non-simultaneous release cadence for Hotfixes!

This hotfix is being treated like an update in terms of downloading, so you will have to quit Warframe and ‘check for update’ to receive once it has deployed. 


  • Lensflare on the Tempestarii Railjack Skin will now update when hovering over customizations.
  • Crewship Health Bars now disappear once a given Crewship is in the destruction phase so you know when to stop shooting.


  • Fixed a crash when returning to the Orbiter after extracting from a mission with a bad network connection.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur at the start of phase 1 of the Call of the Tempestarii Quest.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during the 2nd phase of the Call of the Tempestarii Quest. 
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to launch a Solo/Quest mission from the Railjack Star Chart while playing as a Client (in this case the Client had completed a regular Railjack node then decided to play a Call of the Tempestarii mission). 
  • Fixed a crash related to a Cy Transmission.
  • Fixed a crash when Client attempts to load a solo-quest mission (Call of the Tempestarii) while playing a mission on another player's Railjack.
  • Fixed a functionality loss when Exiting the Railjack as a cinematic is playing during Call of the Tempestarii Quest. 
  • Fixed a massive hitch when selecting ‘Begin’ on Call of the Tempestarii in the Codex before completing the Deadlock Protocol.
  • Fixed Kuva Larvlings killed by Sevagoth’s Shadow resulting in a Kuva Lich who has no Weaknesses, Resistances, Immunities or Weapon bonus due to the Shadow being the progenitor. 
    • We're working on fixing accounts that Vanquished the "broken" Kuva Lich, thus giving themselves an invalid Kuva weapon.
  • Fixed items picked up by Sevagoth's Shadow being duplicated whenever you switch to him.
  • Fixed Clients getting a black screen after attempting to enter the Corpus Freightlinker.
  • Fixed FX spam in Void Storms (potentially). 
  • Fixed mouth animation discrepancies in the Call of the Tempestarii completion screen due to Railjack Crew member Transmissions occurring. 
  • Fixed localization text for launching Countermeasures during the Call of the Tempestarii Quest. It now shows the correct input binding (Ordnance) instead of (Secondary Fire).
  • Fixed issues with locked doors and hacking panels in the Corpus Railjack Spy vaults during the Call of the Tempestarii Quest.
  • Fixed inability to see squad member's Void Storm Reactant count when using a Necramech or K-Drive.
  • Fixed an issue with Component Stat changes reverting when opening the Railjack Mod Configs.
  • Fixed some Crew weapon skin choices not saving.
  • Fixed Railjack Shield HUD bar sometimes appearing black.
  • Fixed floating Kuva Lich heads appearing near the end of the Call of the Tempestarii Quest.
  • Fixed Nautilus Sentinel Mask and Tail not respecting chosen Energy color. 
  • Fixed the Call of the Tempestarii Railjack Skin not taking chosen Energy color.
  • Fixed Void Sinks dealing radial damage when enemies touched them instead of dealing damage just to them in the Railjack.
  • Fixed Sevagoth not going into Shadow form after death if Sevagoth previously died in Archwing.
  • Fixed missing firing FX for Grineer Crewship weapons.
  • Fixed boarders showing up at the Dry Dock after aborting an Orphix mission.
  • Fixed Revenant’s Danse Macabre ability loop sound staying active when Client aborts mission while ability is active. 
  • Fixed Revenant’s Danse Macabre ability ending sound playing when entering the Pause Menu while ability is active.
  • Fixed missing collision on Excavators.
  • Fixed a rare script error that could happen on Host if they quit the game while streaming into a new mission.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Seeker Volley on the Railjack, 
  • Fixed a script crash if players return to the Dojo just as another Railjack mission is starting and while streaming into the mission.
  • Fixed a script error when starting a Void Storm mission that's just about to expire.
  • Fixed a script error when entering a Railjack Turret.
about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
Just now, (PSN)PoopyMcMuffin said:

Ps4 isnt allowing the update and says it needs to update. 

Restart your PS4 and 'check for update' once its rebooted :) 

about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
2 minutes ago, (PSN)VereskHoney said:

Is not letting players in is also a part of the hotfix or nah? 'Cuz The game asks us to update the game...but it's already updated like..wha??

2 minutes ago, (PSN)KiddBrooklyn24 said:

My PS4 won't let me play

Restart your PS4 and 'check for update' once its rebooted :) 


about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
30 minutes ago, (PSN)coppind said:

Any eta on the fix to address railjack wreckage being unlootable? I'm thinking it's not just a visual issue as the amount of wreckage I collect is sometimes less than the number of unlootable icons.


29 minutes ago, (PSN)Alcoth138 said:

Hold on, I would like an answer to this. Do y'all know that sometimes the void bursts just spam not just VFX, but also the damage, instantly killing any AI crewmates in the field. I was lucky enough to be playing Hildrin the entire time and never got killed myself.


25 minutes ago, (PSN)TheWrakkar said:

- Fix: not being able to pick up weapon wreckages in railjack missions

Edit: thanks for the hotfix btw, you guys doing a great job, I like the update very much 

24 minutes ago, (PSN)Hayden_Prime said:

the bug of not being able to pick up components while running missions solo isnt addressed here. plz fix, a grinding game that doesnt give loot is extremely NOT fun to play.

20 minutes ago, (PSN)sister-hawk said:

The wreckage not being picked up is definitely not just a visual bug. I’ve played missions where there are 5 pieces of wreckage I can’t pick up, and when I return to dry dock I only have 1 piece of wreckage in the reward screen.

18 minutes ago, (PSN)Hayden_Prime said:

no, the loot not being collected isnt visual. isnt it fun to play a looter shooter without the loot though. kek....no, it isnt.

So you are not seeing the wreckage in your end of mission screen or in your Railjack's inventory after mission? Could you give date, mission node, and what you were supposed to get as wreckage so that I can cross reference. Thanks! 

8 minutes ago, (PSN)DeZaruu said:

@[DE]Danielleany update on inability to reset the crew points? Pressing Triangle just zooms the cursor to the mid left

Having a look!



about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
53 minutes ago, (PSN)Royal_Viper_52 said:

Is anyone else having problems with Particle Ram not activating?

46 minutes ago, (PSN)KillahBear17 said:

Particle ram still broken 😔

1 hour ago, (PSN)GhasttBR said:


It isn't activating

So when you use the default binding nothing is happening? Or do you guys have custom Railjack bindings? 

More information would be great! 


about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
1 minute ago, (PSN)DeZaruu said:

For me, it's only purple drops (wreckage), which sometimes isn't picked up. So far it's just been one per session, but can't pick up via RJ or AW. I've been tracking with the progress screen and all, so it's definitely not just a visual leftover 

And thank you! I saw people had the reset bug on reddit, too, so I assume "triangle" is linked to some weird command, like a hidden dropdown menu (as that's how it behaves)

Ok! So I am seeing that today you played a Railjack mission and that you received the VIDAR SHIELD ARRAY MK III in your inventory. Could you confirm that you see that in your inventory? 

about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
16 minutes ago, (PSN)PlentifulOrgans said:

@[DE]Danielle When you press R1+square to activate the middle battle ability, nothing happens. doesn't matter which one is slotted. PSN consoles can use the swipe pad down as a workaround, but R1+square, the default, just doesn't work. The other R1+commands for battle abilities work properly.

As far as I'm aware, R1+face buttons are the default bindings for railjack battle mod use.

Yes! You are correct, we are looking into it :) 

about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
4 minutes ago, (PSN)Malekeithx said:

Same situation for me. Nearly every single railjack mission since launch there has been unlootable wreckage in my mission. @[DE]Danielle , im fairly certain its an issue with Zetki reactors/shield array/engines/plating. Since launch i havent had a single drop of any of these, and ive played 10-20hrs. So stands to reason the unlootable wreckage are zetki components.

Taking a look at your account, I see many Zekti armaments but little to no Zekti components. So you might be onto something. Sharing this with the team ty!

about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
3 minutes ago, (PSN)DeZaruu said:

To add to this by @(PSN)Malekeithx, you can check my drops, as I don't think I've seen Zekti components. Actually, that might be why I've been so surprised by the amount of Vidar and Lavan components, as that's all I've been seeing past few days

I do get plenty of Zetki armanents, tho

I am seeing one here that you received yesterday ZETKI REACTOR MK III, that is the only component I am seeing at the moment. But there may be other things at play, either way I have brought this to the team! 


about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
24 minutes ago, (PSN)kadeliza740 said:

Is any one else getting  massive amounts of crashes since the hotfix playing with others? Sometimes seems fine other times the game crashes after each successful mission, has been roughly a crash every 3 void fissure missions(not void storm) now where as before the hotfix has been months since warframe crashed on me, especially 4 times in about a hour and a half.

Oh boy, are you on PS5?

about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
2 hours ago, (PSN)Zer0-Rama said:

Still no fix for lavos liquid that's is missing from his vials and syandana and the missing vials on his side. This has been going on since his release😒😒😒😒

This is a known issue! We're looking into it. 

about 3 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
3 hours ago, (PSN)Alcoth138 said:

Hold on, I would like an answer to this. Do y'all know that sometimes the void bursts just spam not just VFX, but also the damage, instantly killing any AI crewmates in the field. I was lucky enough to be playing Hildrin the entire time and never got killed myself.

This is noted in the 'popular feedback' list on our public Trello Board: 
