about 3 years ago - [DE]Zach - Direct link

Hey Tenno,

We are investigating issues regarding login in the South-East Asia region. Thank you to those who sent in reports.

We are working on a fix to re-establish connections to our Tenno in the affected areas, and we will update you here with the most current information!

If you are having login issues, please contact our support with your logs! You can find your logs by following these instructions: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200182250-What-information-should-I-give-when-submitting-a-ticket-

Sorry for the inconvenience!

EDIT @ 10:44am ET: We have narrowed it down to a specific ISP issue and are monitoring if this is something we can fix on our end. It is possible the specific ISP will need to provide fixes.

Edited by [DE]Zach
about 3 years ago - [DE]Zach - Direct link

Thank you all for your reports on this issue. We will continue to update the main post with relevant information. As of 3:15pm ET we are investigating the issue, but it is likely the fix will have to come from the specific ISP. 

If you are experiencing login issues please send your logs to support using the information provided in the main post. 


Edited by [DE]Zach
about 3 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link

I see no support tickets mentioning PLDT for over 24 hours...

On PC: go the launcher settings, "Get Logs", send that to support, list support ticket number here or mention PLDT in your ticket.


about 3 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link
3 minutes ago, patrickflores24 said:

I already sent a ticket with the files of my logs attached in there this is my ID numbe #2696762  hope it helps ^^

Thank you, this confirms it's the same problem again.

about 3 years ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link

FYI: this is seems like a PLDT issue -- packets go into their network and then race around and around in a loop.

Furthermore our network partner doesn't even directly connect to PLDT so we don't have direct support to even tell PLDT that they have a problem. They're trying, but they don't have official channels to do so.

If you want to complain to PLDT as a customer here's the evidence you'll want to supply:

1) confirm  https://content.warframe.com/akamai/sla-test-object.html won't load for you

2) test that link with https://www.uptimia.com/website-availability-test and confirm it *does* load for dozens of test locations

3) in a command prompt run "tracert.exe -d -w 1000 content.warframe.com" and look at the IP addresses in the list: if you see the same couple of addresses over and over it suggest there's a routing loop in someone's network. Copy that trace for your support ticket.

4) paste one of the repeated addresses into https://ipinfo.io/ and see who owns it; it's probably PLDT

With this evidence in hand you should be able to tell your PLDT that they have a problem, it isn't our servers that are down, and give them enough information to determine where the routing problem is.