Hi Tenno,
Round 18 is here, featuring some brand new TennoGen content and creators!
I know we’re all waiting for the list, so let’s just cut to the chase -- more info about this round and feedback for non-accepted items can be found at the bottom of this thread.
Warframe Skins
- Baruuk Bedouin Skin by Erneix and Karu
- Garuda Tiamat Skin by Vulbjorn, the graphical walrus.
- Ivara Graxx Skin by Faven
- Ivara Zamariu Skin by led2012 and daemonstar
- Oberon Youkai Skin by HitsuSan
- Wisp Delusion Skin by prosetisen
Warframe Helmets
Weapon Skins
- Heavy Blade Mizar Skin by Girtan
- Heavy Blade Suprema Skin by HitsuSan and Reil
- Polearm Ion Skin by Yatus and HugoPolo
- Polearm Jotunheim's Trident Skin by Mz-3
- Two-Handed Nikana Arashi Skin by Lubox
- Armalyst Syandana by Faven and Debbysheen
- Sethar Syandana by led2012 and Kevin Glint
- Zamariu Syandana by led2012 and daemonstar
Chest Armor Pieces
Operator Accessories
If you have a favourite item that didn’t make it, don’t fret! There’s a good chance we’ll be working with the creator to help get it across the finish line. Usually technical or stylistic issues are the main cause for rejection, but we do our best to help pieces with great promise get accepted to the game.
Feedback will be sent out as early as next week, but if you’re a creator and you’d like some critique on your submitted pieces, please feel free to send me a forum DM and we’ll do our best to send you a quick write-up.