about 5 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

29s let's do this
41s [Music]
112s [Applause]
114s [Music]
117s that was the switch of that hey guys
120s welcome to our matching stream we're
123s here today look at an hour of switch fun
125s we do are you ready yes an hour of
127s ribbon unlock Yanis I have four failed
129s ribbons on my Nintendo switch account
131s that I have accumulated over the months
134s that we are going to unlock today so we
135s have four ribbons to unlock and then
137s we're gonna play a game of yugioh with
139s them so we'll display best ribbon we you
143s guys can all rate the ribbons after
145s we're done and we'll go from there but
146s we are here it is 10:00 a.m. Eastern
148s time in Canada and London Ontario we
151s have a switch report for y'all so we'll
154s talk a little bit about top 5 news
155s pieces for you oh hello
159s oh my god were sisters I'm even think of
164s wait oh oh oh it's perfect hey guys here
170s we go
170s there are no twitch drops today but if
173s you stick around after the stream you
174s can visit our raid partner headshot he
179s will be entertaining you after we are
180s finished so stick around but bury death
183s is live this is the event in which you
186s can repair thermia fractures get your
188s diluted thermia and had to fight the
191s exploiter orb so there's some good
192s children fun in your future plus them
195s toroid so you can rank up some standing
196s all good stuff it is live and check it
199s out well all consoles can be playing it
201s right now these are medicine it is true
205s we are also aiming to send the planes of
209s idle on remaster just certain this week
211s so you're a bit of the expert on yes so
213s I'm gonna get an update today we're
215s we're good and then but yeah so you can
217s expect status threads of course as usual
219s for ps4 Xbox and switch and we'll go
222s from there
223s once its insert we just wait a little
225s bit and maybe your data knows yes so if
228s you don't know what is in planes of idle
230s and remaster it is a visual and art
231s overhaul of our first open-world the
233s planes of idle on it introduces a new
235s enemy the thumper BOTS it has
236s conservation it's all kinds of gorgeous
239s it's free you'll just get it your
241s capture a tile will automatically be
243s the plains of eidolon remastered 1 so
245s you can take some pretty screenshots you
246s can play some fun mer goo hunting
248s perhaps and it's gonna be live on
250s consoles hopefully soon there you go yes
253s and of course save the date 10 o con
255s 2019 is July 6 the digital pack is on
258s sale now on all platforms this gives you
260s the sweet and awesome at n o con 2019
263s armor the display the glyphs a whole
265s bunch of platinum lots of good stuff so
267s get it before it's gone because one of
269s the best things about this pack is the
270s weekend itself you get access to bear
272s okie tears relay so he has one of you
275s might have heard that he has these
276s exclusive parties perhaps the most
278s famous of all his parties is the Tenno
280s con relay where he sells everything he's
282s ever sold so his entire inventory will
285s be offered at that time so if you missed
287s primed animal instinct on PC last week
289s you can get it then when it comes back
292s but either way it's guaranteed to be
293s there on that weekend yes
295s in other news things that are also live
297s equinox prime so equinox prime is
300s finally here you have your day your
302s night and your metamorphosis this is our
303s latest prime access it just launched
305s last week April 2nd it will be you know
307s we usually keep them around for about 3
308s months so if you want to get the
310s exclusive cosmetics the cliffs check it
314s out it's there were you thermia
317s fractures has ended on consciousnesses
319s href are yeah the the collecting of your
323s yes sweep sweet rewards yes you've
326s collected enough thermia you can still
329s run the exploiter fight dilute it
331s through my eyes yours and as you guys
333s may or may not know the intent is for
335s thermia fractures to come back
336s systemically so it will be back very
339s soon on pc probably today and then on
342s console maybe a week or two yeah so stay
344s tuned the workroom sixth anniversary
346s alerts you have four hours left to do
347s this so if you have missed your chance
349s to get the decks Lizette skin which is
351s not an alert it's just there but all of
353s the past deck stuff whether it's the
355s deck stack Kragh decks Fury's Dex
357s Sybaris decks Miceli decks excalibur
360s skin alerts four hours left all
362s platforms don't miss out get it
364s call your boss call your call your mom
365s called say go gotta go mom I can't clean
368s my room right now no I can't do it you
370s do it alright we're back I don't have to
372s lean anymore hey not gonna do your
375s chicken
377s all right I'm goofing off hey got
382s ribbons to unveil we do
384s all right chat let's let's come on over
386s to the game play mr. Marcus is running a
388s stream today okay you think you'd know
390s hey Marcus
390s excited for Game of Thrones yes I stood
395s to visit a game of Thrones stream yeah
400s no Game of Thrones allowed it's only a
403s game of ribbons but we will we will name
411s our stuff after Game of Thrones
412s characters for you today there you go
413s the sweet-looking revenant can't be
416s helped
417s oh right so we have four ribbons to
419s unlock on the switch account we have the
421s KITT gun which is catch six fish without
423s missing a throw we're gonna finish with
425s that one because it'll no doubt be the
426s most entertaining way to kill thirty-two
429s enemies while sliding without dying or
431s becoming down we have to find 16
435s syndicate medallions and we have to find
438s two caches with an active presence rate
441s though I dropped my animal instinct
443s because without you okay so what we're
446s gonna try and do is we're gonna do two
447s in one so we're gonna do the medallion
449s well we can't do too long cuz I can wait
451s eight medallions but we're gonna do the
452s medallion and to kill half the medallion
455s one and happy yeah kill one more
456s probably the whole kill one in one
458s mission so we can probably just do a
463s capture merge conference yeah get the
465s objective and then just yeah okay and
467s there's to capture missions great do we
469s all right let's do it
470s so because I'm max rank with all my
473s syndicate we get lots of missions are we
478s going to get an ability and capture to
479s choose what mutation state Knight
481s appears him that would be a very nightís
484s I've actually really requests yeah it's
489s jean jacket day it is jean jacket day
491s and black pants Canadian tuxedo ahoy
493s it's actually only two degrees here
495s today so yeah I walked out and I was
497s like wow I am ill-equipped it's almost
500s as though winter is coming
504s well the East Coast got way more snow
507s than I think they bargained for recently
509s mom
510s sent me lots and lots of pictures of
511s snow interesting in it is your mom's
513s named Catelyn Stark by chance well is
518s loving this alright what was not meant
522s to be a game of Thrones stream very
523s quickly became alright so should we
527s start by getting the objective or would
530s you rather we look we should look
531s because we don't want a backtrack but if
533s you see any enemies I'm gonna spin
534s attack them so yes that's gonna make
537s sure as you do with the ghoul I know
540s alright so far we've got four enemies in
542s one spin very very good and since melee
546s 2.0 phase 1 is here I get to feel cool
548s I'll do it exactly it's the Grand Slam
551s oh oh I'm I have a problem when I have
557s animal instinct on where anything at
559s every oh I found one really well I might
561s can you get it or do I um I I will mark
565s them just so that you pick them up
567s because since it is your yeah alright
569s guys if anyone can guess the ribbons
572s exactly we will give you Oh we will give
575s you some street cred exactly well oh I
579s that was me that's okay like oh oh I
583s swear it wasn't me that was me
585s the gamer bourbon stream all right oh I
588s think we're approaching the capture
590s target which is fine looks like he's in
592s another fuller fuller fuller well can
597s you get him I'm just gonna thought I'd
598s kill some stuff I'm gonna also slight
600s kill him come here you
602s excuse me sir sir I need you to me do
606s you need assistance
608s all right on mobile tap to stream in one
612s of these things that a feeder should be
613s the resolution Oh people are looking to
615s see higher res gaming I get it I
619s understand
620s oh there's nothing more out there you
625s look at them nothing more satisfying
626s than melee slamming somebody from across
629s the room big time all right we're on
631s so this is there I think I have a pistol
633s in the mail a ribbon right now yes okay
635s because we have the sender get one
636s active yeah all right I'm going to do my
640s round this I start finding maybe I'll
642s loop back it would have some pretty good
649s person to get missions to yes if a
650s Morocco those creeps yep crackles Chris
654s I can't be down to this I gotta keep my
657s member Mesmer skin up or else or else so
663s there's something on the other side of
664s that room interesting I missed it what
666s type of what type is the medallion
667s ribbon we have a ribbon one and a ribbon
671s obviously a red one
673s it's going mailee I think yeah thank you
677s oh man now the hunt truly begins right
683s is okay we found one someone just trying
688s to find any needs to slide kill I won't
691s touch any of them I mean the enemies yes
693s all right well this are yours all right
700s well I feel like I've ran around this
701s room 16 died and there's always new
705s items that appear am I good losing my
707s mind no okay
708s oh and I just exploded a cryo barrel why
712s don't you cry about it okay this is
720s there's got to be one around here
721s somewhere right
721s oh my god now the fire is everywhere oh
724s we're green anole fire um no that's not
730s it either
732s oh come on oh wait a minute No Oh what
738s that one coming
740s gonna mark it pull this there you go
743s getting there no I mean I guess we both
745s pick it up so it doesn't really really
747s matter now but I will mark for your for
751s my precision yes uncle
754s Oh
757s Nellie's I cry about it I'm dead no one
762s so I'm thoroughly enjoyed your oh I
764s found another one I mean I'm just
766s looking for God we got God if you're on
771s PC there may be Garuda's first off it's
776s exciting video and then you share
778s evidence as well
779s oh really yeah stay tuned you showed off
783s her deluxe didn't you yes yes chat had a
787s lot to say about it
792s Oh start an ayat' and that's the one
798s speaking of aya tans work there's an air
803s ayat' an alert that rewards you two of
807s the sculptures because there was a up c
810s on with main line when it comes to the
814s night wave challenges so there's a
815s little bit of a discrepancy from PC and
817s consoles so we thought we'd give you
819s guys a little bit of help get you that
821s challenge all done up I found a
823s medallion nice so what's that for I
826s think you're about four so if I find all
827s eight in this mission and then we do a
828s second mission yeah so we'll have one
830s ribbon guaranteed done by the end of
833s this if I actually kill enough there's
836s something so satisfying about finding
838s every single medallion yes every time I
840s do it I just need ten more enemies to
842s slide go we got it got it
846s I'm excited to see what you get it is
849s possibly one of me
850s hyah is Marcus here today he is oh I'm
854s stuck in a room
855s oh I don't got it
859s ciphers ciphers whoop teambeard frame I
862s know between hydrate and revenant fire
865s beards water beards oh no I don't want
869s to die
869s nope that's not what I want to do an
871s enemy was in the air how dare he
875s okay I dare you use flight praise Marcus
882s good morning Marcus good morning Marcus
884s Oh friends get out of here yes there is
895s nice ah nice all right I'm making my way
898s back making my way back
900s oh look at all oh all of it how did you
909s not here'sh there we go
910s oh I feel like I don't know where I'm
913s going here come on really
917s oh we thought it really drew is in the
918s same a so capture mission as I was
920s hey nice Jews found another one okay
924s okay five at eight we're making progress
929s I'm just trying to a spy kill everything
932s and you know without dying or becoming
935s down so far it's so good so far did you
940s say one was and yeah it should be marked
944s oh I see yeah she'll be working let's
947s see
947s got it it's also just a great way for me
951s to get resources I don't really need but
953s you know it's in my way so I might as
955s well get them this week is Atlas deluxe
958s it is on PC that's the plan I saw you
963s freaking out over though my yard today
964s yeah he looks great
966s yep and there's a little his little
969s Rumblers oh customer upwards rock babies
973s wrong way the trick is using motion
975s controls I don't know to which you
977s prefer motion controls is the a luxury
981s force which yes while aiming so helpful
987s this backyard is here hmm backyard Asst
990s hey hello I just saw someone mentioned
992s them in chat how'd he do what's up okay
997s why aren't some of my slime kills
999s counting oh this did you already look in
1001s this extremely densely packed blue room
1004s up here I don't think I did
1006s oh right don't think I did see survey
1011s says I think this song has the corpuscle
1014s arm in it and it's throwing me yoga it
1016s does hoo hoo done we got oh triggered
1020s this someone said it's sad that
1023s revenants 4 doesn't count first in kills
1025s oh I oh can we make it okay two enemies
1032s left and then we got to find the last
1034s medallion okay which I probably one of
1037s my weaker oh I think you've already been
1040s in here yep it looks like you have she's
1042s collecting all of the scraps left behind
1045s all right let's see scold the dead says
1048s nice energy colors on revenue thanks
1050s don't forget to energies colored wool
1053s energy you're coming it's very exciting
1055s as long as you have something for mud
1058s but sign Donna's etc cosmetics of that
1061s kind yeah I have to be applied to
1062s something that has for my rate so that's
1064s that that's the ticket but it is free
1068s any plans for Korra deluxe you know what
1071s yes oh yes we do
1075s let's see every frame will get a deluxe
1078s but I can say that Cora will get one
1080s maybe willing to show by next step
1082s stream maybe okay okay
1084s that is exciting I must say okay oh
1089s that's not one I was tricked
1091s I need two more enemies to slide kill
1097s there's nothing else nobody else nobody
1100s else wants to come in get kill revenant
1104s these no one's accorded to luck
1106s confirmed well every prima yeah I got it
1109s everyone we're gonna do like where is
1111s this thing
1112s my eyes are so old I was right in front
1117s of me I think there might be a medallion
1118s under the stairs no no somewhere in the
1121s extraction room but I'm gonna backtrack
1122s a bit I had to for my Trinity just to
1125s unlock the energy color because it was
1126s fully modded with that form of the price
1127s of fashion frame truly oh I think I know
1130s what you're looking at
1132s yeah I mean above us I think your
1134s youthful eyes well I will okay I think
1137s enemy spawns have a batiste alright
1140s we'll go and then do we still enough
1143s syndicate missions like a pro yeah you
1144s steal it so look I do a couple different
1146s ones
1146s lots of captures you know some quick yes
1150s we're having deluxe then a deluxe garage
1154s prime is gonna use some diamonds I
1161s assume that was auto correct
1166s gara fried our prime key Darren's prime
1169s is this a deaf stream it is if you want
1173s it to be yeah Atlas that yours tight
1176s until now have a sense of style very
1178s true well he's still very stylish as is
1182s Barry
1183s that's her be stylish as is hurtless her
1189s bacon adds yeah Benari deluxe oh yeah I
1193s guess we're gonna have to have a little
1195s Jeff we need to do all right let's get
1201s back in get more get more syndicate
1203s medallions
1204s kofi annan my chat said hello good
1207s all right we're going to Olympics
1210s incidentally where the Titans are
1212s incidentally Atlas also freakish very
1215s girl
1216s it's a dad stirring yes are there any
1220s plans for rukon deluxe we showed the
1221s concept already so the answer is yes yes
1224s tis indeed so that was in the bacon abs
1227s that's correct
1229s good restream stop three circus I think
1232s it did No hey lobster freak twelve I
1238s like your brother crab freak better love
1243s me some crab legs all you can eat
1246s oh yeah like ice for our deal Oh God
1250s thank you sick oh oh we're back to
1253s restream okay there's some sort of Atlas
1262s with older cross oh very good Robecca
1265s don't kill the synthesis target it
1266s wasn't me
1267s last time I got a slide kill some things
1270s and we go and I also I should pay
1272s attention to what is on the mini-map
1279s we're here for the arbiter in the Texas
1281s oh oh oh hello I found us a little
1285s lawful medallion I have my glasses on
1288s but I still can't tell what these your
1290s glasses my contacts like the vision
1292s enhancing my mic on concave convex tears
1298s no vision contacts are really weird I
1301s know I was reading about like the
1303s invention I think already talked about
1304s as I'm right so I'm not even gonna talk
1306s about they're like glass I'm like an old
1307s person I'm telling the same anecdotes
1309s with their history god make it stop
1311s are you
1312s my dad told me when he first had
1315s contacts as a kid that they were so
1317s thick that every time you blinked you
1319s could feel it and I'm like oh no thank
1322s you I'm good do you not want okay one we
1323s ready me in this oh nice try Laser door
1326s I kindly Drive yeah yeah all right
1330s ribbon unlocked nice what's a good I
1333s think this was the moon oh shoot
1334s pretty sure this was the one I'm yeah
1339s that would make sense because it was
1341s sliding right yeah I got a medallion so
1345s we should I decide the salvage bin is
1354s just compacted it's just a golf bag
1358s garbage okay oh I can do my own ornate
1362s wave Natalie now that I can finish my
1367s someone just asked if wolfs points
1370s expire they will throw thread they do
1373s their season specific so I spend all
1375s your wolf creds before the season goes
1377s away coal wrecked and then the next
1379s season of course there will be something
1380s similar of the kind and then it'll be
1383s the same dealio oh my god the number of
1386s enemies all right I got some some
1392s medallions to find here vernier get out
1393s of it out of the way I'm looking for
1395s medallions in school I wonder if they
1397s walk by them in wonder hmm left these
1400s here which which which hide-and-seek
1402s masters why is will spread so low after
1406s tier 30 it's hard to get stuff um we
1408s again it's pretty experimental I think
1411s you'll find that the next season will
1413s front-load creds a bit more generously
1415s so that people won't be in that
1417s situation so you'll definitely see a lot
1419s of changes in iterations yes between
1422s seasons you'll have way more
1426s no system requires a PLC yep what solemn
1431s the name of the baby all right I found
1434s one I think I'm mark I think you're I
1435s got words I got sick okay well I'm gonna
1442s start heading towards the extraction
1444s area put on the boots on down that way
1449s someone does ask any spoilers for next
1452s season I know what for the O conducts
1459s all I have to say is my tears the whole
1470s season is about Steve's Vendetta
1478s it's weeks away so don't not not like
1482s not anytime you think it's not next week
1484s you're not do you have to say whisp with
1487s the bunny I know is we look okay no
1490s Steven must've been very happy very
1494s excited to see where the newest or the
1497s to be newest war for a meta temporary I
1501s know everyone's always sad about their
1503s limited time only events well it's what
1504s makes them special
1505s exactly take all your capture shots one
1507s can yeah we take away the pumpkin head
1509s and the bunny ears that we leave the
1510s candy cane skin in the name of sugar
1514s lobbyists of God must maintain a certain
1519s locations Weidman until the gooery
1521s lobbyists call it oh man there's a thing
1531s you know some people say that Halloween
1533s is a is a holiday isn't even considered
1536s a holiday celebration yeah reads you
1541s know
1542s something that should be celebrated
1543s always
1546s oh this is a big ol room I'm in the big
1550s over a lot of stuff suffice we're
1552s looking for a dalliance chat help us
1554s look at all the money back to us look at
1559s all these chickens oh oh I found a room
1564s I found a room as well with the man oh
1566s my god
1567s nice my room wasn't as cool a little
1572s pond in it that was kind of nice the old
1575s desert fox was it a mirage oh I don't
1579s know did it have migrated oh my goodness
1583s Reb is the the big room like the feather
1586s medallion Dragons Marcus medallion
1591s Khaleesi of medallions great alright
1596s where the heck is that there are so many
1599s on this mini oh and they're all salvaged
1603s compacted garbage it is true don't think
1606s I understand where this marked middle oh
1609s I see it's in a secret in this little
1611s secret room over here
1614s I am only because you marked those
1617s watching this to haphazardly walk around
1620s until they find medallions how would you
1622s not haphazard we do it we're using the
1624s mini map as our yeah and then we just
1628s kind of go this is how I run every time
1631s you get mission yeah it does take me a
1633s while to get there you know like we
1634s could use some AOM ours like to the nuke
1638s the medallions with vacuum but where's
1641s the fun in that
1643s yeah ok we also need
1648s so I think we can probably just do in
1650s another yeah I think I think we could
1653s put I can do a different ribbon if
1655s there's a saboteur true you have your
1658s the cash 105 the cash one oh I found
1662s another one hey great by extraction yep
1665s so we need for Mauricio we could coming
1670s to collect I'm soon oh okay so we only
1678s have to morally that's where I left to
1680s get so I think yeah all right let's move
1682s on to the next Cora to double stack
1684s animal instinct is fire agree and now
1686s that we have primed animal instinct I
1687s have a good shot Hey
1689s so good all right what will the ribbon
1692s be the first of her name mother of
1695s containers all right all right
1700s but will the ribbon Oh far I recited
1702s okay I think it was melee let's see okay
1705s just in this first safe so what's the
1708s Paris uses Paradiso katsu if so oh if
1712s it's Tatsu I will cry okay I'm gonna do
1715s one during rolling days okay so I'm
1717s gonna say for melee it's gonna be the
1719s Vanka if it's a rifle one side of my
1722s board it is it's gonna be or the synapse
1724s and if it's pistol it's going to be for
1726s the spirit okay
1731s survey come on press wipe it on me
1735s what's it gonna be what it's a six well
1738s balloon or o or o here we go noodle
1746s alright that he - multi-shot oh god it's
1750s gonna be like negative alright
1752s oh we got it use it so you're gonna roll
1755s it all right there we go
1757s I was wrong was not the spirit lie to us
1759s hey it's okay now we know now we know I
1762s forgot it was for the the melee one I
1765s guess that is this'n to get deep I guess
1767s that's fine with me
1769s alright let's see if we can uh alright
1773s vexy ignition oh I don't have any kuba
1778s I can I've needed nine hundred needed
1780s water I use some Cooper farming all
1781s right we will finish the melee one and
1784s then we'll see what that is okay
1786s snow or good with hair oh there you go
1789s is there any sabotage on right now
1792s I see no nothing no I don't say okay
1797s we'll just quickly get will do
1800s exterminate quick given I have a synapse
1803s ribbon that gets my corrupt 168th on my
1806s DC account my synapse Riven is possibly
1808s my favorite new cork and now is shoot
1811s backwards oh we haven't any privacy okay
1818s yeah let's get going because some
1819s platinum sorry under platinum for high
1824s need that nuclear is now solely for
1826s aesthetic reasons yes
1830s Oh glam is here oh but separ okay hi
1835s separate lot on Twitch one for platinum
1838s in Alex for twenty you've won on mixer
1840s there you go it's almost your day it's
1843s almost all right hope you live in
1849s Colorado you more Canada oh yeah alright
1854s alright Oh got a cracker all these
1856s barrels yeah okay now that we know this
1858s is the melee one chat place your bets we
1863s need to put a Cracker Barrel in game a
1865s Cracker Barrel looks like the rest Oh
1869s oh my god wow wow above us oh so you're
1885s not entertained
1890s someone just a jaw sword for sure okay
1893s you're in
1894s alright alright Casa war I actually
1898s really like the cows cows are sick I
1899s think I just have an affinity for any
1902s kind of polarizing I know when I had the
1905s gwen dowon you're like oh my god I love
1906s this rundown
1907s any book I love it
1910s oh yeah I do I do enjoy okay we gotta
1916s find these in the need a Janos Oh just
1919s too lonesome Grenier in this tiny room
1921s you know you wanted to take a break you
1923s wanted to step away from the madness
1925s SEPA wants you to agent just knocked out
1928s a laser trap for me what really happened
1930s Meili hey hey either way actually being
1933s helpful I'm into it you mean oh my god
1936s one nice alright three more to go
1939s all right three more you following me I
1945s usually just tell them to sit listed in
1948s I remember when we have o ark trap
1951s not anymore I love the look of the datum
1954s they are you know yeah she gave me
1964s Octavia's yeah
1965s I won't complain about that yeah best
1967s that's what I will complain about is the
1970s fact that I still haven't gotten your
1971s optics yet on PC are you kidding me this
1973s still yeah which means one more two more
1978s usually in those cases I revisit you
1981s know right farm everything else and then
1983s come back to it oh I do not want to
1985s don't want to turn that alarm off I'll
1987s leave it on alarms I don't think they're
1990s on actually I think I just I just was
1992s accidentally about to hack a panel oh
1994s you guys should it yeah okay another one
1997s where hey I'm right beside you there we
2001s go alright well this is going pretty
2002s fast alright one lad one more I'm sure
2005s we'll find it or a chat male a ripping
2008s what's it gonna be yeah sound off I want
2010s to what if I think there's enough people
2012s watching that they can just name every
2013s weapon it's true
2016s oma Oh Marcus that's a tourist and
2023s alright alright so this is just a really
2026s good way for us to quit Zara depth of
2028s knowledge for melee weapon yeah exactly
2029s how many do we have no like hundreds
2033s yeah in terms of actual unique what
2036s someone said Graham lots of people
2038s things gonna heat sword for deep Oh if
2041s it's the Redeemer oh my god I'm losing I
2043s found Allah nice alright if you got to
2047s finish the mission in a minute peace out
2048s yeah screw the rest of the datum you
2051s will do another prize to celebrate
2053s yellow ribbons
2054s oh sorry pseudo you're gonna have to
2057s find yourself for oh right foreigner
2063s Platinum is going to Lila Bell and
2065s legally moist okay mix everything is
2071s dream I'm on I swear oh hydroid you have
2076s won four in a platinum on your
2078s respective platforms so please message
2080s as han mixer legally moist yes although
2086s to be fair it's much better than their
2087s more creepy cousin illegally moist I
2105s [Music]
2107s can't perform under these conditions we
2114s there oh I really hope you get a good
2118s rivet that joke was a little bit on the
2125s lannister sense of humor scale wouldn't
2126s you say I've actually only ever seen
2130s like three episodes of Game of Thrones
2134s extractors Craster whose Craster
2139s Oh sir is definitely the name of an old
2143s man over the wall
2144s Oh is he the one that yeah okay I know
2148s who that is yeah okay oh hey any kudos
2156s you know peculiar Mon on I do oh I saw
2160s our of her friends adorned with flowers
2162s and it said is it home again
2167s no right oh that's an ox Oh big boy
2171s knocks he did okay
2173s seventeen enemies left you can do it
2178s Oh Reb hello Rebecca
2185s losing my mind we all right whoever
2194s guessed right yeah I got the bragging
2197s rights you all right I get your bets in
2199s Oh
2200s [Music]
2202s this end of the patient music it's like
2204s we're at a basketball game and they're
2206s like all right top ten show there you go
2208s all right
2209s venca is galih team for sure it's our
2213s but what do I think
2214s oh I don't remember I'm going to think
2217s everything is what I said oh yeah I want
2219s redeemer okay I want you to get a
2221s redeemer
2221s all right Scottie wait LexA tippy-toe
2223s tippy-toe don't see two years back
2226s [Music]
2228s hmmm Gunson oh I love the Gunson I'm
2232s seeing what the view heat sword castle
2235s water leg straight I'm saying machete
2242s so mama she's like stop waiting for
2245s bathrooms
2247s she's like BEC I know it's gonna be the
2251s Pangolin sword here we go ceramic dagger
2257s it's not gonna be as aw it's not it's
2259s all ribbon
2260s come on de-stress wedge imagine my
2272s goodness oh my god obvious oh I don't
2275s think I saw anyone say they know I
2278s didn't know Marcus you're shaking is
2279s that I don't think I saw it either
2280s all right we gotta work this ribbon all
2282s right called a pulpit what look into a
2286s tribute at line no alright alright
2291s awesome run that well right maybe not
2294s that it's not true unless we just yeah
2297s if we didn't see it doesn't exist okay
2299s we have two more to go we're gonna end
2302s with the kick gun one cuz that's gonna
2303s be and then by two caches with an active
2307s predator business okay okay so I need to
2309s ecliptic find two caches what is a this
2313s is oh no Jackson check another they're
2318s not that hard to find
2319s do I have a cat out oh I'm gonna have to
2321s go deep into stasis mechanic here oh
2326s alright
2327s yeah you got a bird chillin there -
2329s alright chat you can pick do you want
2331s apple pie the teeth - bayonetta Broaddus
2334s shaundra Chompy
2336s son VC fund a dream Dorito donut donut
2342s dumb search for the win eggs I am - G
2349s cats
2350s [Laughter]
2368s [Laughter]
2406s [Laughter]
2412s custard dumpster trash heap are also
2415s breaking the sir from the same breed
2417s where's dumpster fire skwisgaar's yeah
2427s huge like a big mega today a prime time
2470s with giant dogs so this is introduction
2472s like the ribbon on
2475s [Laughter]
2480s I got my two cashes in a way we go oh I
2489s thought gum stir was a roller coaster
2491s ride I was not all right
2511s so sorry does a de Megan and I did this
2515s for a prime time a long time ago and we
2517s just never ever back oh it's hot in here
2520s no there is a field that we we were
2523s using Oh to have a primetime episode
2527s based on this okay I think straight
2529s Buckeyes oh man chad is equally confused
2538s yes it's not intended but it is
2541s definitely it was a little bit of a
2543s happy accident will say accident come
2547s stir cook boy neighbors sounded like you
2549s do this morning I'd call this movie he
2556s ate a red mushrooms the big purple armor
2562s wearing oh man they're having these two
2566s caches all of the Carozza in the paths
2571s that you can signed over went to feeding
2573s that down this is a cannibalistic top my
2578s name is Clifford sorry Clifford
2581s oh my god look for the big bed Wow if we
2594s do not get that rivet unlocked I'm gonna
2596s be very upset
2597s just need we do fit sir can you fit
2600s through doors actually that's a good
2601s question you may be stuck up there oh no
2604s Clifford I think he's stuck can teleport
2610s though a good oversight okay Cassius
2612s guys oh my god okay focus
2614s I really want to get this ribbon Oh find
2621s the ribbon okay find the cash
2624s sheesh I am NOT not so great at finding
2629s caches but oh I'm sorry it counts so
2635s you're good yeah I am not good at fine
2638s okay oh wait just got to go to the loot
2641s rooms give me the loot typically
2644s typically us and high places no you
2649s can't make it in sorry bud
2652s okay seeing lots of of lockers but no
2657s crates there's a cache under here
2659s oh yeah and those waterfall oh we did
2665s the ribbon that's it yeah sweet now we
2668s just got it although I can't aim myself
2670s in front of it's my dog I got it
2672s all right so now we just need to dig
2673s well we don't need to be the cushion
2674s because these but for the sake of true
2677s and honest time we shall suggest mission
2681s I can't believe we're about the unlock
2682s basically all of your right yeah I'm
2685s excited
2686s amongst the madness I'm quite impressed
2688s yes yeah madness all right we gotta go
2691s through the portal
2692s all right and just to be clear these
2694s large dogs we're actually I'm sure
2696s someone could actually go into time and
2698s find the prime time we did this oh it
2700s was like probably two years ago yeah I
2703s think Megan still has a big she teased
2705s it on the last frame yeah it's pretty
2707s great jeez why haven't I done that yet
2712s how can I get a
2715s for the biggest dog ever can't can't
2718s it's not possible
2721s I hope someone said our goons or any our
2724s goons around these parts might watch all
2728s right
2729s I'm making my way to the night bill all
2733s right I'm coming I'm gonna trigger one
2735s of the yeah go for it I'll be there
2737s systems sake hack and we're good I am
2741s but a stone's throw away
2745s get my okay
2751s good old Grenier fun they did
2757s I don't want a battle cat I know
2759s actually haven't done it what we did
2762s this before cadets for a feature that's
2764s how old it is it would be like a koala
2766s kid Allah from Yasha
2768s oh yes that that River this all goes pet
2773s song goes Big O you bargain Wow Adam
2779s Adam well there's a door he could fit
2782s through the portals check it out next
2785s already here we go the Miku gang yes oh
2792s my goood oh my dog fell over oh he
2796s bargain it was a very small bark for
2799s such a large lad if that came through
2805s the portal I would run away yeah I'm
2807s surprised the grenier aren't like oh the
2812s 1000 are here again and they have a very
2814s another large competitive change their
2816s techniques their technology is evolved
2820s science has gone too far
2822s like Oh blast damage
2825s someone said they need a direwolf and
2828s warframe Hey oh my gosh marques it's a
2831s dire goal well no I approve this is it
2836s you can just call revenant actually
2838s revenant is like Jon Snow very and then
2840s you're a true yeah about spoilers come
2844s on think about it what does revenant
2846s mean and this can be ghosts there you go
2851s we can make her are they huge there
2856s there yeah very large like big as my
2860s Mike Cooper's
2864s where are they let's see they go too
2867s fast
2868s Oh get the backpack I can't she can't
2874s see the dogs live away I got the
2877s backpack she did oh you've got spinning
2879s eater sister got a bullet jumping sister
2882s here mr. Cooper Oh mr. Cooper Oh mr.
2884s Smee oh please I'm trying to chocked
2888s over unfair I mean one hit from this
2892s kubrow should be enough where is she
2894s she's in a actually oh oh oh I see
2899s you're backing up yeah keep getting
2902s stuck her is she stuck I think I see her
2914s oh I see you're under the stairs I see
2916s her hammer I think she is stuck no we
2919s could well if we do ribbons without
2921s finishing militias yeah I think she fell
2924s in between these gaps why don't I see
2926s her she's perfect I got her sweet
2930s backpack perfectly exposed excellent
2935s time cookie time always a time
2943s you're about to get bamboozled because
2946s of this good boy big-time big-time all
2950s right Debbie good yep
2951s all right let's get out of here
2955s I hope my dog doesn't get stuck behind
2956s well no I see I see a little blue dot
2959s perfect all right
2962s chat it's a mail a ribbon no it's not
2964s yes it yes we've decided why not we did
2967s the mail mmm this is a bright silver oh
2968s my god
2969s right cuz we got the or vias yeah we got
2971s the or dirtiest we got the new core
2973s now what chat now who's your Oracle
2976s skills yes and declare what does what is
2980s the future
2981s I put it on my synapse in place of my
2983s reload mom or no of my future birth mix
2986s therefore I shall declare this rifle
2989s ribbon mod the electron I'm so the
2994s Letran yep if it was a Rubik oh I
3000s haven't the girl on his feet you do it's
3002s not kicking okay kickin is the oh yeah
3004s seems some people say cast me knows it
3006s okay I said in the Tron you said you're
3009s the code Rubick oh okay it's a rifle
3010s ribbon zooms bolt or quanta yep beige
3015s that's a shotgun written that one here
3018s Vectis nom nom czar miter crock FEMA
3022s check
3024s hmm
3025s [Music]
3027s chemo that's your bed okay all right
3030s survey says
3033s so that's her Putin battacor okay
3039s that's a good one too what is it
3043s supera belt oh that's what are they talk
3049s or oh I have a talk I've to town car
3053s ribbons on nighties oh right that weapon
3056s recoil I know it's gonna be a sniper
3058s oh right so there you go
3061s tonch or we got lots of crying that's
3065s gonna be a pretty I was right a okay so
3068s then we have well the kid gone ones
3070s gonna be easy because all right simply
3072s actually check it out I have to put it
3074s on so you need to are we going to valise
3077s or completing ladies make sure I have
3080s baits and dyes and stuff yeah I actually
3082s have to swap my shop called over okay I
3085s have 10 die I don't wanna so let's go
3087s back to the good old days of the fishing
3089s spear do I have baked a broad spectrum
3096s bait
3097s I just need diet doesn't really matter
3099s as long as I I've died I have lots of
3101s died I have 20 dies okay good I think I
3103s just have to get six fish without
3104s missing yes like that's trick yes all
3108s right you do that
3112s good catch six fish without missing a
3114s trip okay so we'll go to planes of Idol
3115s on pre remaster yes and then he will we
3119s will do our kitchen sorry master okay
3121s what's for kick gun so you really only
3123s have like a one-in-four chances catch me
3125s to finger gays you know I'm gonna bring
3129s me you know boy alright you're gonna
3131s keep then and you talking while I trying
3132s good yes you make sure I have everything
3134s I need to claim the die just quickly go
3138s in my gear make sure I have my I have I
3140s have a lot of die if you want to toss
3142s them in for you I got my spear we're
3145s good basically we'll find a hot spot
3147s throwing yes throw in the good stuff
3150s yeah
3151s yeah I offend I'm sure okay let's go I
3157s shall accept your did you swap out your
3161s ginormous go no I did not oh okay if the
3165s dog is this is the dogs festive we're
3168s very hard for us to be sneaky this shit
3170s when sort of the entire Grenier opposed
3173s completely the dog can howl and just
3175s keep them off here we go that's a big
3177s boy he'll take off seals with you good
3179s idea keep the dog thank you mount system
3183s leads yes the big guru and it's prime
3185s time and March hey Vancouver was
3188s prompting one one to March 31st 2016
3190s days thanks light pretty dark yeah she
3193s don't know if that does predate to that
3194s are we fixing the orbiter skin glitch in
3197s the door sometimes not opening for
3198s clients missions yes together someone
3200s thinks it's gonna be rattle good the
3203s dogs you scare the fish rattle dose
3205s Johnston Oberon it's a catch mean one
3210s awesome space bumper will there ever be
3214s pet society food rosin kebab yes
3219s expecting a rattle guts or die's ribbon
3222s it's nighttime won't wave you it's
3225s raining it's raining - okay perfect
3227s that's perfect we need to go to a very
3228s secluded body of water so that we don't
3230s get okay let's look at the whoops I
3231s didn't want a waypoint took a map with
3233s me what are we seeing
3234s I like the far ocean personally but
3237s around like Sun it's just cupola City
3240s cupola City like basically down by the
3243s hillside rune like there's a little spot
3245s here a point one point one oh yes yes oh
3249s sorry I was looking over on the left
3250s side silly me that's my fish spot
3259s someone said I'll wait I said I wanted
3261s to do oh and there's a hot pot okay I
3262s could get six without six without
3264s missing alright we've got we've got what
3268s six seven minutes
3270s seven yeah you can fish them in it yeah
3272s fish a minute I've been have I been okay
3277s okay I'm confident even if it's not yeah
3282s and would you like I'm thrown out to be
3285s awesome died died where is my fishing
3289s spear there it is okay I can't miss
3292s motion controls or on my hair lug is
3295s watching me
3297s okay I will protect you at all times
3299s this is very important oh the doggy okay
3305s I'm not seeing any fish we need I think
3307s we get a hot spot mmm
3309s I'm not seeing one just yet I might need
3313s to do an aerial hot spot I can jump up
3316s and see are you want to find a hot spot
3318s oh it's very dark soon to be remastered
3322s soon to be read yes I don't I just need
3326s enough that she knew I just need this
3328s should start spawning soon all right let
3332s me go I'm gonna head over to the other
3334s side and see if I can find anything okay
3336s look for a hot spot even in a pond
3338s wouldn't do hmm
3344s got dyes no no what do what do we do no
3353s I don't see anything over there either
3354s um okay maybe I'll more work you smaller
3357s area I know that's a light reflection
3360s that's the moon man mm-hmm
3363s so there's nothing when we're in this
3365s like little pond be spot we're gonna we
3368s have oh we said the no more crisis don't
3370s do another pot in price oh my goodness
3371s yeah kiss let me have to throw it over
3373s to headshot in five minutes add the dog
3375s barks I'm just sure I'm gonna check over
3379s here
3379s [Music]
3382s I'm gonna go Ariel Cole underscore
3385s steiner and darcy angel you've both won
3388s four hundred platinum each one coming
3391s you both one message us so we can hook
3393s you up for an economy Cole on Twitch
3395s Darcy angel on okay wait where are you I
3399s am over here I'm trying to wave fun
3401s something I see it I see it I see it
3403s there we go okay
3406s it is very great nice a couple drops
3410s yeah there's two of them actually
3412s okay I'm gonna swap over to my ear I'm
3415s gonna say some dye in there for you oh I
3419s see ah Oh little goo please all right
3425s Rob all right all right
3427s they're not oh oh whoa okay don't miss
3432s various roles don't let me down
3435s I'm keeping the look oh yeah we got one
3439s we'll put the ribbon on I didn't see
3442s there oh yeah okay good whoo oh my god
3447s that's too far away okay okay okay okay
3450s oh I see some some la Bamba lists okay
3452s go take care of them that was close
3454s smart guys I can feel I can feel the
3456s tension oh my god get out of your mom
3460s bees I'm gonna only allow easy ones to
3463s fish okay let's set a prayer to Poseidon
3469s god of the ocean yep come on car kita
3477s we're mama okay okay I'm gonna move my
3485s way point out of your way
3486s Oh God I'm like nervous you got this you
3489s got it was hope I do okay you got three
3500s sorry headshot you're not come on until
3502s I'm done here okay some money huh yeah
3509s okay can't fail when you got a big old
3513s companion like that okay okay oh we're
3515s getting confidence that one girl the
3525s Master Angler though all right all right
3527s all right
3528s need me reset you got this I don't too
3533s many people are watching it room close
3534s your eyes oh I see a little fish behind
3539s me oh no oh it's a waste actually that's
3543s fixed in the remaster there you go
3546s I'm liking all these oh he got spooked
3549s got spooked that's a little tiny baby
3555s one I don't like the little I know oh
3557s there's Big Mama okay okay okay dos DOS
3565s get out of here you a little shrimp it
3567s looks like a shrimp - oh my god yeah
3575s it's too far too far for kids oh I think
3579s we're losing your dye I'm gonna toss
3580s more in all right I can toss them as
3582s well okay we also still need to give a
3588s prime axis the way we should do that
3590s actually do that only
3593s Oh oh no I can't get those in one shot
3596s without bolt or the other no prime
3598s access is good warns buddington and de
3602s fake heads one you go Congrats Congrats
3604s I'm not going for the child off because
3605s I don't have the proper spear and it
3607s will just bounce off it right so we can
3609s you'll fail it and then I'll fail so we
3610s can only go for one hit kills I need an
3614s MLG gamer
3630s and it can't be the Trilok oh my god
3633s that's way too small too small too small
3635s oh go wait
3640s come on one more one big one big baby
3643s should we do it this one I don't know I
3645s don't know I don't know it's risky
3647s business is wet and I am my heart's
3651s pounding or I'm going for it you know so
3657s it's so small yeah sorry chat give a
3664s one-in-four chance oh my god alright
3667s alright let's blow this popsicle stand
3670s let's do it let's get out of here Oh Reb
3675s hope we did it Yahoo finger is rattle
3678s good gaze noon or catch ya a nice catch
3682s me Jay's married it can be good in case
3684s moon that's not a thing I'm good
3689s alrighty then I'm actually I'm very
3692s excited that was nice right perfect
3693s timing it's just 11 o'clock if you're
3695s here we are going to be going to raid a
3698s warframe partner headshot who has been
3700s with us first so many years now he's
3702s been a boyfriend fan supporting us and
3704s just making awesome content for y'all so
3706s make sure to stick around check out what
3709s headshot is gonna be screening for the
3711s next hour after us perhaps longer if
3712s he's up for it you know you never know
3714s we are going to unlock this final ribbon
3716s and we are going to decide whether or
3719s not you think you know I'm gonna say
3721s it's gonna be a catchman I would I'll go
3724s with rattle guts I've seen a lot of rats
3725s okay here we go
3728s oh it looks like we're reading so we
3731s might add action you guys might be able
3732s to find out not be able to find out my
3735s dog knows the configure catch moon
3740s rattle fingers rattle finger gaze guts
3742s gaze good all right
3745s have a great day everyone once we once
3748s we load we will let you know we're gonna
3750s keep it a mystery definitely tune finger
3752s well we'll see we shall see I'm soaked
3754s see someone said is there a playlist for
3755s the music there is if you go to
3757s SoundCloud warframe I think it's just if
3759s you look up some code warframe you'll be
3761s able to find the playlist there dish
3763s okay there we go oh
3766s survey says great day everyone we'll see
3773s you later
3776s rental boy rhythms catch good catch good
3780s rattle moon okay bye guys myyy bye wowie
3787s wowie
3788s that's like that all ribbon we did it Oh
3791s can't believe you got it I'm a cancer so
3794s I know that was so fishy was a little
3796s too intense for me I miss my mom saying
3798s what is it what is mom saying she is
3801s saying I made Breton brittle every soul
3806s I've Marcus oh we're good bye guys bye
3816s [Music]
3823s [Applause]
3825s [Music]