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I understand that takes server infrastructure.... but all the game needs is a matchmaking service. the missions can run P2P.... im not asking for MMO server. The only way i see the game being successful with the current plan is if we get matchmaking. otherwise, you might as well not even have the coop option. such a small percentage will even use it that it is basically pointless. we will be religated to scraping together parties via discord or something, and that is just not a long term solution. *PLEASE*..... add matchmaking when you start a mission. that is all im asking.

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about 1 month ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

It’s definitely on our radar. It was something that we could not do with our limited time and resources but perhaps before we release 1.0.

about 1 month ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by DingDangDongler

Hey SOLIDAge. I think what you guys went through is probably more nuanced than the general public gets to see, and we're probably missing some stuff for context. With that being said, any plans to offer refunds to early adopters who don't really have any interest in a single player game with online co-op?

Edit: to the jerks downvoting anyone asking about refunds, not everyone has disposable income to throw away on a purchase that isn't what they originally bought in for. Your economic privilege is showing. Says a lot about this "community".

We absolutely acknowledge that it’s a weird situation we are in. The absolute honest truth is that we don’t have that money. We didn’t collect it, we didn’t see it. We have worked with Steam and with DE for this transition and have agreements in place I can’t go super deep into. It’s not lost on me that as a player you don’t care about those technicalities and legal agreements and nuance. But those that are eligible can submit a for a refund and some who are not eligible have also gotten it refunded.

Some people have been saying that we are doing this to skirt around some steam rules so that we don’t have to give refunds (not the case because no such rule exists). We used our limited funds that we had from our previous titles to get to where we are now because we felt it important to deliver something to those people that did buy in, vs just shutting it all down which is sh*t for player and just as awful for the employees who worked hard on it for 5 years.

It’s not a perfect solution and there’s no correct way out of it and it’s frustrating because we got here from factors both in our control and out of our control. We’re just trying to adapt and find a solution we as players would want if put in the situation.