12 months ago - Wayfinder - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s Hey, Joe and Ryan here with Airship Syndicate and uhh-
6s I already ****** up.
9s laugh all you want.
10s It's okay.
11s Just don't make any noise.
18s Hey, guys, it's Joe and Ryan with Airship Syndicate,
20s and we are getting ready for our early access, which is about to launch.
24s So pretty exciting times at Airship.
26s Yeah, We've had a bunch of great Beta's already gotten good feedback
30s from fans, from content creators
32s taking it to the shop, made a bunch of changes to the game.
34s But now the real fun begins because we get everybody's input
38s and now it's your turn to hop in,
40s play the game, talk to us and help us get this game ready for the big time.
44s We've been building this game alongside the community in a lot of different ways.
47s The biggest and the most interactive way is through our Discord, which even in
51s just a short couple of months,
52s we've already gone past 10,000 members, which is insane.
55s And just the amount of talent where people are making gifs and stickers
60s and the fan art’s great, even characters that weren't even released yet.
63s Yeah, the community feedback from the playtest has been great.
66s They've led to a lot of just like balance tweaking with like how gunplay works
70s and movement speed and things like that.
72s And we put in air dashing based on I think it was a bug
76s that people just liked, so we made it real.
79s What early access means for Wayfinder is, you know, gives us a chance
82s to let people in early so that we can start to understand what
88s parts of our game are exciting to them and what they'd like to see more of.
92s And they can really help us shape the experience before we go
94s free-to-play and wide to everybody.
96s A live service game is pretty new for us and so we're learning how to do that.
100s At the same time, we're getting all this feedback and it's actually been
105s a really refreshing experience to finally understand,
109s you know, in real time what's working and what isn't.
110s And then we could be a lot more productive and proactive
113s about making the game better, which as game makers is awesome for us.
119s We're taking a page from the
120s DE playbook. Free-to-play as in free and fair.
124s All characters, all weapons can be acquirable through crafting.
128s You can play all the quests without having been gated behind a paywall
132s by not including any loot boxes, not including any gotcha.
135s If you want to have any component of the game affect your character
139s that is completely available to every single player across the board.
142s It doesn't matter if they're a paid player or if they just want to jump in,
145s try it out and experience the game for free.
152s Venomess is our newest Wayfinder.
153s She is a spy and an assassin from this place called The Maze.
157s She uses these augments
159s and technological advancements to make herself more powerful.
163s Usually when we start out designing Wayfinders
165s we sit down and take a look at, you know, the concept for the character.
169s Venomess’s role in a party is supposed to be more of a support role.
172s She's also arranged Wayfinder, so she'll be supporting her team
176s using heals and also range damage.
178s But then she also has poisons that she uses.
180s So Venomess is really good at applying damage over time consistently.
185s Because of her passive, she is able to deal damage
187s even if she's not actively engaging in enemy with her dot.
191s She uses poisons to
194s to weaken her enemies, basically to to hurt them slowly.
197s And she kind of gets a kick out of that.
198s She likes watching them suffer a bit as she toys with them.
201s Venomess’s signature weapon is called Nightshade.
204s It's our first burst fire rifle weapon in the game.
208s We're starting to have some more diversity with weapon types.
211s Venomess is probably the most versatile Wayfinder we've yet created in that
215s she's very good, but both ranged weapons and melee weapons.
219s When she's playing with melee weapons,
221s she has the ability to apply poison to many more enemies
224s at a way faster rate.
226s So there's advantages there, but at the same time
228s you don't get the safety that you do with rifles.
233s So what makes the Reward Tower unique is that
236s it's more than just a linear progression of rewards that unlocks.
239s It's a bit of an adventure game of its own.
241s So we're presenting it like a little isometric dungeon.
245s And as you earn keys, you're going to be able to hit
248s switches, solve little puzzles, get little bonus rewards.
251s One great thing that our rewards tower lets you do
253s is when you purchase it, it stays with your account.
256s It'll always be there for you when you come back.
261s Since the start, we've talked about building this game
263s alongside the community and our Founder’s Packs are four steps toward doing that.
267s Today we are excited to announce that the Base Founder's Pack
270s not only gives you access to the game, but also to Founder’s
273s Season One's full Reward Tower, including the brand new Wayfinder: Venomess.
277s We’ll also have upgrades available in the Initiate and the Awakened pack
281s that not only give you access
282s to the game in Founders Season One, but also founders Season Two
286s other things such as Wayfinder tokens to unlock current or future Wayfinders,
290s pets, mounts, skins, housing, decorations and so much more.
297s The Exalted Pack is for our most dedicated supporter.
299s It contains a permanent account based progression boost for the currently active
303s reward tower, as well as a heroic version of a fan favorite: Kyros.
306s This will never be sold again and is only available in this pack.
310s I think it's going to be a really exciting time for all of us as
313s we carve the way through to what Wayfinder
316s is going to become for everyone.
319s So for the rest of the year, we can look forward to
322s two early access seasons and we'll be adding new Lost Zones,
326s which will come with new creatures, new hunts, new group content.
330s There'll be new Wayfinders, new weapons,
332s new progression systems, including Awakening and Radiance levels,
336s and there'll be new traversal methods too, including mounts and a hook shot.
341s So for free-to-play,
342s one of the biggest features we're going to be adding
343s is neighborhoods for player housing, which I'm really excited about
347s because it's really going to bring the community together
349s and take the social element of the game to another level.
351s We hope you guys enjoyed that deeper look into Wayfinder and the game
355s that we're bringing you guys for early access.
358s The team here still relatively small, especially for a game this ambitious.
361s They put a lot of work, a lot of themselves into this thing,
364s a lot of passion.
365s But now we're ready for you guys to help us build our dream game.
369s Yeah.
370s So join our community at playwayfinder.com
373s See you guys in early access. Thank you.
443s We also have upgrades available in the gold and the platinum pack.
446s These packs
446s not only give you access to the game as well, Season one, but also season two.
449s That will be having an early access.
451s You get a wayfinder tokens that you can select any wayfinder to unlock mounts,
455s pets, tons of other cosmetic options, and as well as a currency bundle.
459s The exalted Founders pack is also for our most dedicated supporter and includes
463s an account based progression boost throughout the entire life of the account,
467s as well as the heroic version of one of our most popular characters.
478s In addition
479s to help shaping the game, founders are going to get all sorts
482s of exclusive content that will not be available
484s to anyone after the founding seasons.
594s And that was really cool.
595s Just just kind of playing around with that.
598s Aside from that, you know, having her, you know, apply
600s her poison and all that stuff was, was really cool.
603s We hadn't really had that, you know, in the game yet.
607s And so, you know, seeing a wayfinder that could apply all these dots
611s and all that stuff from range was was really cool.
614s Her third ability is poison thrusters, which is a simple dash.
617s The condition forward or backward and leaves behind
623s her ultimate deep breaths
624s which feels a burst of damage in a large area while playing and powerful
629s which is a special version of her passive, which these stacks
634s with her original beams basically powers the whole
638s night.
638s She is specifically very good with venomous because her passive
643s depends on her hitting enemies.
644s A lot of times to apply them as quickly as possible.
647s As a first fire weapon, you get three shot bursts.
650s That means you can apply them to enemies faster.
653s That's even better by the weapon ability, which turns a little bit from burst
657s firing to full auto with a very quick firing speed.
660s So that allows you to get
663s many, many enemies.
666s And the weapon ability also applies to the passive aggressive.
670s So you can do consistent damage over.
700s Oh, my favorite part
702s about her is the way that she really has
705s a lot of interplay between her weapons and her character abilities.
708s It's something we've
709s really want to reinforce with characters when Grave has it somewhat with the way
714s that his righteous strike refreshes on melee finishers or deadeye
719s but venomous is probably the most
720s deeply integrated between her weapon and her character abilities
723s because her fundamental gameplay loop is applying poison with her weapon
727s abilities and then taking advantage of it with her character abilities.
732s My favorite part about Venomous is probably
736s how you can combo her abilities.
738s She's probably one of the first wave finders that we have, abilities
742s that work together in the way that they do, especially with her, her,
747s her smoke cloud, and then also the poison canister, you know, absorbing in.
751s And so I really like that interactivity between the abilities.
754s And I think that it's going to be really cool for players to experience that.
759s Probably her most important ability is her passive master venoms.
763s That ability
763s allows her when she hits an enemy with Emily attack to apply venom to them.
767s And that goes up to five stacks.
769s But if an enemy already has five stacks, when she hits them, she'll create a poison
773s cloud underneath them, which deals damage
775s over time and also applies more poison per transfusion abilities.
779s Her main healing ability.
780s It targets all enemies in a cone in front of her and deals
784s damage to them based on how much poison they have on them and heals
787s allies also based on how much poison they have on them.
790s And then she has vampiric blast, which, as Kevin was mentioning,
795s it vacuums in poison clouds and then deals damage and applies poison.
800s So you can see everything she does is about applying poisons.
803s Then she has her poison thrusters, which is a pretty simple dash that leaves
807s poison clouds behind and their ultimate is deep breath, which
812s basically applies a more powered
815s version of poison to a bunch of enemies while dealing a burst of damage.
855s Since the start, we've been talking about building this game alongside the Kimmi.
858s Since the start, we've been talking about this. Such an asshole.
860s He did that on purpose.
861s I know. I saw him and Rob looking at each other.
863s So I saw him and Ron looking at each other the whole time.
868s I could see
873s what makes the Wayfinder Reward Tower really unique
875s and what makes the Wayfinder rewards a bit of an adventure game and exciting.
879s So you get to it's
879s a bit of an urban waste zone, so you get to carve your way through
884s what pleases
887s Jason Flow without,
889s you know,
892s saying No, come on now, I get a come on.
896s It makes the game.
899s What makes the game
902s really good.
904s So there's trade offs or both and their signature weapon.
906s So there's trade offs for both of them And the signature weapon.
909s My phone's sorry about that. It might be my phone.
911s I love lost might disagree with that.
913s It might be my phone. I lost my desk.
917s I lost my passing
918s yourself from all the way over to the left of your cell, all the way over this.
923s I can say. Yeah.
925s So for early access, we're going to be coming to Steam PS4.
928s So for early access, we're going to be playing will be five and four.
931s Free to play will be also coming out on Xbox Mobile.
935s No mobile. No, no.
938s Let me just say it's
940s okay.
941s We're just saying to specify which one is okay
943s do need to specify which one is Xbox is fine.
947s Okay. Okay, sure.
948s So for early access, we're going to be coming to Steam form,
951s but for early access, we're going to to play.
952s We're going to be spending time for free to play.
955s Every office is going to be expanding to the Xbox family
959s right?
962s Right.
1011s So unlike
1012s other free to play systems where once you've bought the battle pass,
1015s if you don't have the time to finish it, it just goes away.
1019s That never feels good.
1046s She's pretty sarcastic, you know, She can be a bit emo or goth,
1050s but she's very close to the people that she cares about
1053s and she fights really hard to protect them.
1063s And where
1063s a lot of our other characters are very kind of on the side of good or
1066s on the side of evil, she gets to fit more in that gray area
1069s a little bit
1084s of a maze as a nation of monsters and demi humans.
1087s But venomous lives amongst them as a human.
1092s She's also really great at healing, so she has a lot of healing powers.
1099s It's just really cool figuring out her kit
1101s and how she could support her team with her various
1105s abilities.
1132s We are also committed to letting people
1135s earn meaningful cosmetics through achievement,
1151s and that'll include constant updates with live events,
1155s new areas to explore new hunts or added new weapons.
1159s There'll always be a new wayfinder and it'll be pushing the story forward
1163s each time
1169s so our seasons will be broken
1170s down into three month chunks.
1218s And it's just so cool seeing this world that's so beautiful
1221s and so much talent behind it actually come to life with the community.
1253s One of the really exciting things about our philosophy
1256s that we're adopting from our publishing partner, Digital Extremes,
1259s is this free and fair philosophy when it comes to our monetization.
1262s It'll always be there for you when you come back.
1264s We have a lot of new social media channels
1265s since the TGA announcement and we're all over the comment section.
1270s We're loving all of the feedback and input people are putting from anywhere
1274s that's convenient for them and even in the playtest as well.
1278s We have mountains of data
1279s from people really excited and see the potential of this game
1283s and wanting to make sure it can be the best game it can be.
1285s And it's amazing seeing how the community is embracing that right off the bat.
1305s We hope you guys enjoyed that
1307s deeper look into Wayfinder and what we have coming for Early Access
1311s Airship is still a relatively small team building a game of this type.
1315s It's got a long way to go and there's nothing we want more than for our fans
1321s to come in, play the game, see what we see in the game, get excited about it
1325s the same way we are, and really help us grow this into the game.
1330s That's been the Dream project for for us here at Airship for a very long time.
1335s Yeah.
1335s So if you haven't already, please sign up,
1337s play wayfinder dot com and stay up to date on everything
1340s that's coming up and let us know what you think of the game.
1348s And we
1348s are committed to adding more content every single season
1351s that everyone can enjoy.
1384s So Venomous is a really interesting character because she's had a number
1387s of interactions with our other way finders before the game takes place.
1391s And so now that the world has fallen to gloom,
1394s she is in a position where she is working alongside a lot of the people
1398s that she used to actively fight against or spy on.