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Dear Developers,

I'm reaching out to provide some feedback on the game. My experiences are based on gameplay at Heroic difficulty with a level 20 Kyros sporting an Ultimate build. While my perspective may be influenced by this setup, I'm keen to hear from others who have tackled the game on different difficulty levels.

Character Development:

  • Leveling: The leveling process feels well-balanced, offering a steady progression even in dungeons without modifiers.

  • Affinity Points: I found the introduction of Affinity Points somewhat unexpected. As a returning player, their delayed availability in the early stages of the game was a minor hiccup. Perhaps introducing them sooner would facilitate a smoother learning curve for newcomers.

  • Talent Tree: The Talent Tree system is a amazing addition, allowing for intricate theory crafting and creative character builds. However, its delayed introduction may disrupt the gameplay flow for some. Implementing it earlier could enhance player understanding of its significance in shaping character progression.

Weapon Mechanics:

  • Ranged Weapons: Ranged weapons become indispensable early-mid game due to their ability to deal moderate damage from a safe distance, crucial for survivability.

  • Two-Handed Weapons: While potent, two-handed weapons suffer from a sluggishness that detracts from their effectiveness in combat. Enhancing their responsiveness would undoubtedly improve the player experience.

  • Sword and Board: Sword and board mechanics offer a balanced playstyle, providing necessary defense without excessive reliance on consumables.

  • Daggers: Daggers excel in quick combos and provide substantial damage boosts. Their versatility makes them effective in various combat scenarios.

  • Weapon Progression: The discontinuity in weapon progression presents a minor frustration, as it often necessitates abandoning favored weapons due to compatibility issues with desired builds. Allowing players to retain preferred weapons throughout their journey would be a welcome refinement.


  • While my experience with skills has been limited to Kyros, I find them to be well-crafted and balanced. However, early-game sustainability options could be expanded to reduce reliance on consumables for healing.

Mob Design:

  • Mobs: The design of some mobs is praiseworthy for their clarity and mechanics, offering engaging encounters. However, inconsistencies in hitboxes and animations detract from the overall experience. Refinement in this area would greatly enhance immersion and gameplay satisfaction.

Loot System:

  • The current loot system boasts diversity, offering players a range of choices. However, its long-term effectiveness remains to be seen, and potential adjustments may be necessary to ensure continued enjoyment throughout the game.

Gameplay Progression:

  • While I appreciate a challenge, I acknowledge that certain segments of gameplay may prove more daunting than others. Solo play, in particular, can be demanding, but the availability of in-game solutions such as character switching or difficulty adjustments provides avenues for adaptation.


I've been playing the game at Heroic difficulty with a level 20 Kyros. Overall, the game shows promise with its engaging mechanics and character development systems. However, there are some areas that could be improved, such as the timing of key feature introductions, weapon progression, enemy tuning, and mob design. Despite these minor issues, the game offers a balanced leveling experience, diverse weapon mechanics, and solid skill systems. With some tweaks, it has the potential to provide an even more enjoyable gameplay experience.

Edit: Formatting

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about 1 month ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Thanks for the detailed feedback.

I’ll make sure to send it over to the team. Obviously we won’t be making tons of changes between now and release on the 31st, but we will be in early access for a few months so this type of feedback is great as we work towards 1.0!

about 1 month ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by mastergaming234

Have the team thought of adding a raid lite dungeon? Kinda wish I could participate in giving the team feedback, but I didn't pick the game up when it was on sale.

We actually had a 6 player raid pretty much done. We'll have to retool it some if we release it for 3 players in the future.

about 1 month ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by mastergaming234

If the game grows in popularity would the team re consider adding six man raids into the game again? Because that would be pretty awesome to have six man endgame content would us to have more people to run endgame actives as a group.

We're making this move out of necessity, not for lack of love of the world. If Wayfinder finds an audience and we have a way to continue working on it that makes financial sense, we will!