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Joined a friend's game through the PlayStation party menu. The game chose my first save slot to join with. Friend was in a nightmare mode game and there was NO notification of this before joining. Now my regular game is a nightmare mode game and locked at that difficulty.

This is bs.

Just happened to a friend as well.

To be clear:

We both have two save slots. Slot 1 is our regular game. Slot 2 is nightmare.

He invited me to join his nightmare game through the PlayStation party menu.

I accepted his invite, and the game loaded my first save slot without asking or notification I was joining a night are game with my normal save slot. It then immediately converted my regular save slot into a locked nightmare game.

Happened to both of us now before we realized. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Now I can't play with friends that were in normal without restarting from scratch and trying to catch up somehow. 🤬🤬🤬🤬

External link →
about 1 month ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Definitely not intended. Can you post any other details that can help us try and replicate this? Thanks.