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It's been a while since I've checked on the game because of college and all that stuff. Was wondering where it's headed, is it good, bad, promising, dead?

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3 months ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by shakethatbear404

It’s looking grim. There hasn’t been any content updates in months now and there’s no timetable for when the next content update will drop, as they’re currently in a bit of a legal battle with DE for transfer of the servers or something like that. Wayfinder is an amazing game, but I’m not confident at all with how things have been going.

Plenty of truthers and copium in the discord if that’s what you’re after.

I know we’ve been quiet for a while, and we hope to return to talking to everyone soon. Wayfinder is not going away. I realize those are just words right now but please be patient with us while we continue to work through the transition.

3 months ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Past_Tomorrow_9905

Solid you all messed up going christmas vacation when you all that momentum, and the way you made the Awakening system killed this game for me...

Sorry but one thing I won’t apologize for is giving time off to the hard working employees, so they can spend time with their families.

3 months ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Itzu

I’ll say what he should have said. You guys blew the momentum after the holidays. You guys have been silent for 3, almost 4 months now. To the point that the whole thing screams abandonware. This is basically EA games 101, if the devs go dark for months, it’s most likely that the games dying slowly, or the titanic is sinking and everyone’s trying to jump ship to save their careers. We know there’s issues with the publishing, still doesn’t mean you ignore paying customers for months.

I'm sorry that you feel that we went dark. Upon returning from break between Jan 3rd - Feb 28th, we released 4 patches (granted 1 of which was a smaller hotfix), and we've been engaging with the community here as well as Discord the entire time trying to keep them in the loop about what is going on.