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SolidAge did a brief Q&A today and I'm sharing it here in case anyone is here and not checking the Discord!

There are lots of nice details in here! I'm looking forward to seeing an updated roadmap this week! And the more I hear about the raid the more I get hyped! Shout out to Sorrow-San in the Discord for putting together this write-up.


Q: Punchy weapons when? -Hiro

A: Not anytime soon, we have a new weapon type well underway and it isn’t that.


Q: People have been curious how exactly Heroic Kryos will interact with the Archetype level system. -SorrowSan

A: Don’t quote me on this, also the system has changed a lot BUT. I believe he doesn’t count towards the level system. He can have the same bonuses and such but you can’t get an “extra” point w/ him. I THINK.


Q: Will the next update include the new large social area? -SilentArrow

A: No, but we’ll have am update this week on our revamped release timeline for Jan - March! Stay tuned!


Q: Should we expect most free cosmetics to come from places like the helper coin shop/event shop in the future? -Revolvable

A: We think it’s a good way to do it, we also have some new systems coming online that will have cosmetics, again look for that news this week. It’ll be pretty exciting and I hope put an end to those that are worried that we’re giving up. The team has some aggressive goals and even if something slips a week or two, there is still lots of stuff coming over the next 3 months.


Q: Is there any news about vestige and essence drop-rates being adjusted soon? -Lycii

A: We have an idea for drop rate increases, so yes. Look for the solution there in the coming weeks.


Q: What's going to happen to our remaining Eventide currencies, lures, imbuements etc. after the 12th? -veesus

Imbuements at the very least will be converted to gold last I heard. -SorrowSan

A: This is correct. -SolidAge


Q: Is the end goal for Seasons/Reward Towers to resume a regular scheduled cadence down the road? Or will they always be “when they’re ready” going forward? -Whendel

A: No, we’ll have a regular release of them with a character right now. They’re tired together since you get the character that way too.


Q: Will there be any kind of "daily dungeon" or "weekly dungeon" that has increased rewards? -Arctiq

A: KINDA. Jobs is our version of this system and it can include increased rewards but also exclusive rewards. Look for info later this week but it’s coming a lot sooner than some might think!


Q: Weapons balance patch when? 80% of weapons are extremally bad. -Grinch

A: Our data does not show that at all. Yes some are overturned, but we’ll be doing another pass in an upcoming hotfix to nerf a few, but mainly buff others.


Q: Will Kyros' Eventide hood be updated to show Heroic Kyros’s head when worn on him? -Slepy

A: Maybe in the future but currently not planned.


Q: You off anywhere nice? -Dave

A: Back to Austin!


Q: Will there be any way to increase Helper Coin gains in the future? -Eupnea

A: Not planned, but we’ll have a refresh every few months and even some higher tier items perhaps.


Q: If I may ask a follow up, is there a determined cadence the team is aiming for with the scheduled reward tower pace (I.e. every 90 days, 6 months, whatever it may be) or is that not determined or shareable yet? -Whendel

A: Well it was 90 days, but we adjusted that schedule once we had to pivot and publish on our own. We don’t have an update as to the new cadence but once we do we’ll share it.


Q: Hi SOLID! Do you know if there's plans to increase housing decor limits before we get Neighborhoods? (and presumably larger houses) -Deekkru

A: YES! We actually had a convo about this the other day. While I can’t promise monumental gains, as the team gets better and better at performance and optimizations we’ll be increasing it slightly. I think the next one is a small bump, but a bump none the less!


Q: Do you think jobs, daily login rewards, ect... will fill the gap in memory fragment availably? -Micks909

A: Jobs will be a great way to get memory fragments.


Q: What's your most anticipated update that will come sooner or later this next months? -Baihou

A: Probably performance. The team has done some work under the hood and we met with Epic right before the break so we’re now chugging away at some server and client fixes that make a big difference.


Q: Grendel When? -Drakhan

A: The kitty is coming! He’ll be out before the end of Q1 currently. Again things could change but we’re saving him for some of the other big things we have planned and will go into in the update that’ll come out this week.


Q: I think I can ask on behalf of everyone here. Mass echo matrix crafting when? Please say very very soon like the next update :copium: -Whendel

A: I have to check WHEN this goes in, but yes the work on it is being completed now.


Q: To me personally, the Arcanist blue orbs feel pretty bad to pick up because it breaks combat flow and doesn't feel impactful. Is there a chance we'll see any adjustments there? (Like increased pickup range or a different effect?) -Artale

A: Interesting thought, I’ll have to bring it to the team.


Q: Will Grendal, mythic, armory tree, Archtype skill-tree, mounts, and new big zone drop in ONE patch, or will we get bits here and there? -2Tapp

A: We’re well on our way of working on the new overlands zone and it’s massive. I can’t say that we’re holding Grendel BECAUSE of this, but we do want to make a splash when it comes out.

Note: Apologies for the "non-answer" above. Assume they'll come out in bits here and there.

They'll try and group them up best they can into "a big update" but won't be adverse to releasing in chunks. -Sorrow


Q: Will mounts have a stamina/riding speed system a la ESO? -Lazy

A: We have some design ideas for mount progression. They won’t be in day one though.


Q: ...Are Guild houses something you would deem interesting? -The Slunk

A: Guild homes are something we’d like to do. Neighborhoods is kinda the version of that we had planned, but as mentioned before those were put on hold for a bit while we focus on actual content.


Q: Plans for shared loot? Tired of someone in the squad getting a recipe or artifact but nothing for me. -Lazy

A: That’s not really shared loot. I assume you meant the same drops per character? Not planned right now.


Q: Will we be getting pets for outside of the home stuff? like following us during missions? purely cosmetic. -Zalm

A: The next evolution of pets is in Skylight.


Q: Your game does have some VERY competitive people. Do you have Leaderboards or Official tournaments in mind? I know my group would LOVE competing on leaderboards for hunts etc. -2Tapp

A: We plan to channel some of that for Raids as well as Mythic Hunts which will be exciting.

Little more on raids, we’re planning them to be hard, like very hard. They are designed as end game content and won’t be something you can juts waltz through.


Q: Will the raids be one big crazy fight or a gauntlet/series of fights? -Whendel

A: Currently it’s 5 fights.


Q: Are there are any plans to look over the Masteries system and make the 3 options more of a personal choice? Some are absolutely worthless in comparison with other options.

A: Masteries will be replaced totally in the coming weeks with the archetype system. Stay tuned.

Note: This doesn't mean the levels you earned for them are worthless. -Sorrow


Q: I don't want to be grumpy but mythic hunts being just a sphere 5 ain't that exciting. -Grinch

A: They aren't.


Q: Will there be VERY unique cosmetics for like "World first raids" or "Rank 1 on leaderboards". So you know people with angel wings, are the rank 1 on this specific raid, or they were world first? -2Tapp

A: I can confirm they’ll have exclusive cosmetic drops.


Q: Are the cosmetics exclusive to the world firsts/top ranks? Or exclusive to the raids? -Deekkru

A: Raids.


Q: Do you intend to make raids require a "role" to be filled up like someone building around supporting the team or just be more of a mechanically involved content where each participant is out there on his own for survival? -The Slunk

A: Yes, if you walk into these without the proper comp you won’t be successful.


Q: Is the new echo system still coming after raids and Mythics? -Lunarium

A: Yes, it’s after raids and Mythics.


Q: Will there be a Power Level limit to Raids to avoid someone queuing that may not even be level 30 or is that just fair game and punishment? -SilentArrow

A: I believe that is planned.


Q: Another question for SOLID: Do you know if there's plans to change Evenor's appearance for other seasons beyond winter? -Deekkru

A: Not being discussed right now.


Q: Can we even get the tiniest tease about the second character (looked like a new character anyway) that was shown in the December stream? The one with pink hair. -Whendel

A: Maaaaaaybeeeee.


Q: Update to the road map coming this week as well? -Necrodancer

A: Yes, the roadmap will be updated.


Q: Solid, I am going to slightly rephrase what someone else said, will have raids have an intro version for people to learn mechanics of the real one? Or just this first one? -Regulator-Zero

A: No, raids will be challenging and hard and you will die figuring them out. That’s the point!


Q: Do we have a rough ETA for the transition to UE5? -DeltaTroopa

A: I think i mentioned it before but we have plans in the next few weeks to scope this out fully so it’ll be later in the year.


Q: ...While there will be content to whet the appetite of the people who crave challenge, it will not, nor should it ever be, the primary focus. -Advarious (ShameDaddy)

A: We don’t plan on locking any critical things like vestiges or parts behind Mythics or Raids.


Q: ...Is it like people in other instances showing up in yours but not really being there? -Slowheart

A: This is a matchmaking issue we plan to address in an upcoming hotfix it’s high on our list. Same with traveling and losing each other.

That's all folks!!

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9 months ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

One note I corrected today. The raid is 4 bosses not 5.