Original Post — Direct link

Posted to Discord:

Good Afternoon and GREAT NEWS EVERYONE! The software upgrade we have been working on have passed all testing and have already been deployed to active players! We will be purging a small percentage of players from the outdated servers, but all new players will be loading into the new and improved database servers. This upgrade will allow us to push significant improvements to server capacity and take huge chunks out of the log in queue. We have also rolled out a client side update (Please close Wayfinder and update your game) which will address many of the missing Founder Pack item bugs, Reward Tower Item claiming, numerous crashes, and quest progression blocking bugs. Additionally we have implemented a Queue Resume feature for players who disconnect in queue or receive an error at the front of the queue, they will have their position saved and they will return to that position as soon as rejoining! We are going to continue to push CCU limits this afternoon with the continuous goal of defeating the QQRaidBoss once and for all. This is a huge win and we cant wait for everyone to start entering Evenor in unprecedented levels! TL;DR

  • Increased Server capacity is live
  • Increased stability across the board
  • Founder’s Pack and Reward Tower redemption fixes (update your client!)
  • Bug fixes (see # Patch notes)
  • Queue Resume feature to save your place in line if you disconnect from Queue is live!
  • Queue Skip Grace period if disconnected from in game is on track for tomorrow
External link →
over 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Redthrist

Honestly, if they implement that grace period after disconnects, the game will be fine. It's annoying to be disconnected, but mostly because you have to sit through queue again.

This grace period will be in tomorrow.

over 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by NeoZerxes

Ps5 does not have an update and I cant log in even after doing the queue 3 times now, first time I cant log in and keep getting an error that says "Matchmaking ticket time out" something along those lines. Is this a Ps5 thing? Is anyone on the Ps5 logged in rn?

There is no update at this time, the post has since been edited. You should be able to log in like normal.

over 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by BillClington

I hope they address how those with "httpFailure" error can only login via VPN. This is not okay.

This seems to be an issue with your ISP / internet provider is blocking access to certain protocols that the game is trying to reach. What region are you in?