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I don't think it will be possible to please everyone right now. And I think the people should feel as upset as they wish to. Those who want a refund, should attempt it on Steam, and if it works, that's great. And I want to be sympathetic to AS, a lot of people are saying it's DE who took our money, but it is AS that sold us the game.

Now, I don't think AS needs to come out and say they will refund the game to everyone and go out of business. But I would love to see attempts of them attempting to do right by those who right now feel scammed. AS wants us to blame DE? Then involve DE, fight for the community in asking DE to step up and do what's right, I honestly would love to see that even if it won't work, just to see that AS cares about the community.

Also the founders, I sort of think like us who bought the game at much higher price, should be compensated in some way. SolidAge talked in comments how founders will still get their items (I know how to use cheat engine, I did not need to spend £100 on a single player game to buy some currency), but it's clear it won't hold the same value. Give the founders a copy of the game to share with their friends at least, give them SOMETHING. I think when the game comes out, if good will is not recouped, people will be even more upset, the reviews will not recover (20% now) and there's 0 chance of this game getting any updates.

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4 months ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by ventrueluck

Would cost them nothing to give out extra copies of the game to founders.

We want to, but there is no easy way to get player information on Steam or PlayStation. We continue to look into it though.