4 months ago - Wayfinder - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

967s for
1686s for
1746s for
1808s all right I think we're in business
1811s except I he myself I have to go fix that
1814s hello surprise
1817s Stream So as you can see here we are
1819s joined with glooms Slayer and Y couple
1823s of our longtime fans and Community MERS
1827s and uh in Discord one second I am gonna
1830s get rid of this Echo for my end but how
1833s is the sound is everybody okay with the
1835s uh audio this time
1837s around let's get rid of
1841s this
1848s properties all right that should be much
1851s better audio is good love to hear it
1854s that makes my soul sing welcome
1857s everybody so this is just going to be a
1858s fun little casual thing this is
1859s something that we're going to hopefully
1860s be able to do a lot more of as we get
1863s into um actual Early Access and then
1865s even into 1.0 when that comes around the
1868s corner but we're just going to be
1869s playing a little bit of frost March just
1871s in case some people missed the uh the
1873s beta and wanted to see a little bit more
1874s of what we have coming on we are just
1876s freaking days away from this getting out
1879s into the world again so I am so excited
1881s um so we're I'm going to be playing
1883s chyros I haven't G chyros some love in a
1885s long time so doing an AP build uh about
1888s 2 ,000 power level already set up a lot
1890s of things here but I do want to get the
1891s talent sorted for y'all um I'm thinking
1895s I want to go more of a support build so
1897s again support is going to be this tree
1899s over here I'm actually going to pull up
1901s the the
1904s chat oh well if you're the support I
1906s think I can go change myself to
1911s damage pull up the nightbot I think we
1913s actually got the nightbot working now
1914s too
1922s beautiful there we go get that pulled up
1924s why not all right so uh support we have
1928s the wave function collapse so gain
1930s stacks of observation when using
1931s abilities when a stack reaches 100 a
1933s wave form collapse is triggered granting
1936s a random buff to you and nearby allies
1938s increasing damage refreshing cooldowns
1940s or increasing speed and stamina so
1943s considering I'm going to be going a rake
1944s build and spamming abilities pretty
1946s frequently I think that's going to be a
1948s fun little option so we're going to go
1950s down this route this go weapon power
1953s ability
1955s power I think I want to get over into
1958s this so I'll probably grab the
1959s probability density as well getting some
1961s more Innovation orbs which is also
1963s perfect for chyros build that I'm
1966s doing and then always make sure to get
1969s the times two multiplier when you can
1971s around
1974s here how many more points we got eight
1976s more points to spend
1979s let see I can probably sneak up here yes
1981s let's go
1982s grab this bonus as well get some extra
1985s crit
1986s damage all right I think that's about
1989s going to do us so we got the quickening
1992s inovation each time you pick up an
1993s interation or you lower your ability
1995s coold Downs by 20% we got another one
1998s that's increasing my CR rating or crit
1999s rating up to
2001s 30% um we're getting the doubling of all
2004s of our weapon and ability power from
2006s these nodes and getting the wave Das so
2008s fantastic so we're pretty much ready to
2010s go we're going to play some Knight's
2010s Edge another good ability power uh based
2013s weapon oh we got to change up our dagger
2016s got a boring dagger on let's see what we
2018s got Dawning
2020s hope like the consuming hunger yeah
2023s let's got a little
2024s eyeball and yeah stick with our Gore
2028s Hound throw on a
2030s trinket God give the mini Omen why
2034s not uh any cool dagger skins that we got
2037s right now
2039s kind of I do love the look of Night's
2041s Edge but the Schism is kind of cool too
2042s so let's go
2044s Schism all right let's do this
2047s thing all right let's do the it's
2051s possible that your chair camera is
2054s frozen camer is
2057s Frozen it's always something I swear to
2061s this is what you get when you're trying
2062s to run a a multi computer stream setup
2066s that is designed for multiple people and
2067s there's just one one of you that is
2070s absolutely Frozen
2072s uh oh yeah the chyos hat is the best
2075s that's the bar traveler set yeah I love
2080s it I don't use anything else on him all
2082s right there we go that should be fix now
2085s the changes all let's see if you guys
2087s can actually see me now instead of just
2089s being the voice from Beyond hello
2092s internet thank you very much there you
2094s are I appreciate it um and can people
2097s hear everybody in Discord can you guys
2099s hear and
2102s Slayer hello hello hello oh so you were
2105s just in the wrong chair yes I was just
2108s uh I was invisible you do not see do not
2110s look behind the
2112s curtain all right let's get over here we
2114s can do a beacon on the way as
2116s well
2117s oh wait for
2122s me damn we got him
2130s sure to get your secret chest as oh
2136s nice wonder what's in
2138s there let's go with the patrol what
2141s Patrol we got find the strange wisps
2144s let's keep an eye for some strange
2152s wisps uh there's two here I think oh one
2156s down here
2160s hello whisp how's it
2165s going I do love the fact that you can
2167s move with his three now makes it way
2169s more
2169s Dynamic oh pyus feels a lot
2174s better much safer to much safer to get
2177s those greedy plays
2180s yes it's like slide casting in
2186s 14 yeah
2188s any black mage player will
2198s know they didn't seem to
2200s be oh there it Go just a little
2204s confused
2205s so
2207s uh are you getting credit for mine or do
2209s we have to do them individually uh I
2212s think we have to do them
2214s individually okay catch back you guys
2216s because I got seven already
2223s shame I haven't seen any
2226s yet I blame you guys uh you can see them
2229s on your mini map yeah I think you picked
2232s those up already ah you should have your
2235s own I think uh Gloom Slayer went over
2239s mine yeah I saw Gloom Slayer go to where
2241s I was earlier so yeah I finished mine
2245s boom
2248s oh I think you might have got boom
2251s too
2254s impossible oh there's
2258s one I found
2265s one found the one oh there's another
2269s one where they at look at us all get old
2273s Gore
2275s hounds the gore Hound is uh amount oh my
2278s gosh the speed something gave me a speed
2281s buff yeah I really like this Mount he's
2284s a cool looking dude isn't he wa does go
2286s go ju supply to the out yeah yes yes it
2289s does it is very fun I highly recommend
2292s all right let's get there come on
2294s there's a couple up here there's a bunch
2298s you this feels pretty good two
2300s more wait
2304s wow the whsp actually increased your
2306s your movement speed too
2309s thank you I'll pick that up o an epic
2311s one Ice trer Break power okay I'm not
2313s really going break power G the snow
2315s looks
2318s nice uh it's buffering a lot and running
2321s at like 320 here let me try another
2322s device buffering here too getting some
2324s buffering on my
2325s end that's not good let me go take a
2331s look overloaded
2345s God yeah know it looks like it's on our
2347s end the
2348s OBS oh
2358s um I love this
2365s caros seems
2383s let's try
2391s that I wonder if it's kind of how like
2393s YouTube would uh artifact like crazy for
2398s small things turned down the encoder so
2399s let's see if that that helps it out a
2401s little
2405s bit keep ey on that trat thank you very
2407s much appreciate the call out
2413s guys all right uh I need two more
2418s wisps I'm going to kill this spider
2424s too
2426s spider one
2429s uh can you the
2431s chest slowly working see if y can figure
2434s it out leing
2436s him I'm
2441s clever see everybody in uh in twitch is
2445s it suffering a little bit better
2447s now
2450s nice oh boy Spectra my favorite herbal
2453s power power weapon power want some
2456s ability power
2458s all right hey there we go we did it
2461s we've got another Patrol near us we got
2463s the patol on the way to the reaper Camp
2467s let's get
2472s there so is this an open world area or a
2475s dungeon this is an open world area um
2477s there are many dungeons inside of this
2478s world area which actually I think there
2480s might be one in here if memory
2483s serves this this one this one no it's in
2486s the middle
2491s it's a just a lonely Crib That's a a sad
2494s place to have a
2496s crib that's uh there are hand Play
2499s Secrets all over all
2503s the seek their
2506s Source give them the business oh
2509s kyrus Tyrus my beloved I would say
2523s got some got a weapon what was
2530s it all right I'm
2537s activating easy let's let's turn the
2540s difficulty up a little bit shall we oh
2541s we're on her okay
2545s Good's done something what has he done I
2548s must
2550s knowed Woods doing with I don't want
2554s it
2557s sure I don't think we need to ask which
2559s one you're going to put uh I'm using OBS
2566s overnight I've never had issues with it
2568s until just this last
2569s week game Sone is out of sync with the
2572s video this on oh a memory
2591s let's go
2598s with this guy
2610s uh oh got to make sure we have the uh
2612s the random loading screens on all the
2614s new Arts show off oh
2621s yeah damn I was mut I was saying I love
2623s the dance uh YF I want it
2628s yeah
2629s um we
2631s got
2635s eruptions uh eruption is so and toxic I
2639s think solar and and Flora yes
2644s okay
2646s oh I'm honestly surprised that you
2648s didn't put
2650s uh
2652s chaos yeah me
2655s too something different can't if i' if
2659s I'm that consistent then it's not really
2661s chaotic I got to got to mix it up every
2663s once in a
2664s while yeah makes sense o a juggernaut oh
2668s we got chest here 800 where Zone chest
2672s here greenest EP to walk through the
2678s fire o housing oh I love car seeing
2682s caros
2686s flying get all my look Bo charging up do
2691s love stacking all the
2700s ominous
2701s totem stilling even on 420p what is
2712s happening all right we're going to do
2714s the
2720s um
2722s sure we're already
2725s here what's the worst that can happen
2731s M what do I do there is
2737s oh that didn't do it there's still one
2740s more in the
2742s corner I think we can challenge them oh
2744s no that's why is here oh oh okay got you
2748s get him we can now let get it
2753s started nice the first Echo
2774s so what did you pump us up to
2777s challenging uh we're on now I think
2780s we're a
2780s little many time maybe oh
2785s yeah yeah we have we have a lot of Lev a
2789s little bit higher
2792s than give him a
2795s fist oh
2798s boy yeah the uh support uh talent tree
2802s is very good for keeping you
2810s alive oh
2812s boy nice
2817s tiger some focus
2820s on what was
2823s the this just a regular old Bone St or
2827s one out for
2828s bumpers oh is he not there
2833s anymore oh or I got
2838s this oh no
2848s taking him
2849s down that poor bear poor bear good job
2854s we are
2855s gods and I got the EO got the EO
2861s nice all right
2864s oh
2868s here all right beautiful
2879s rounds I do want to make sure that the
2881s uh the stream is actually playing
2885s correctly I did notice that the YouTube
2887s stream was a bit behind and so is the
2889s twitch
2890s one I
2894s got at least they're behind from
2897s me boom
2900s baby he is quite funky yeah wait where'd
2904s you get the armor from uh the chest oh
2909s oh
2910s see
2913s FL yay I got a pet you got oh nice yeah
2917s it's the great
2918s Cub
2922s yeah the stream is a bit of delay and
2924s still buffering every now and again okay
2925s let me see if there's something I can do
2926s about that I'm probably going to die to
2927s this there's
2931s that's why is it doing this OBS why are
2933s you overloaded this should be well more
2936s than capable of doing we're
2947s doing oh what is this
2959s oh a venomous memories
2984s um almost dead I can't keep him alive if
2987s there's no one for me to
2990s hit I guess I
2992s can oh nice oh perfect I was going to
2997s switch to Venom but I got
3001s it oh yeah that is a thing we can
3014s do keep me alive I'm
3017s burning you're fine yes
3020s sir um I really none of these heads are
3024s ridiculous I don't understand why it's
3025s doing this I I don't that
3028s much do I have a Bastion on
3032s me
3056s no
3086s e e
3128s uh what's the name of the dance where
3130s you summon to AR with you uh that is the
3134s step
3138s dance oh
3145s okay oh oh that's so cool I love
3151s it oh uhoh all right that I don't have
3157s the see if that helped I got bad
3161s news you didn't just as I came back
3165s tragedy all right let's see if we we
3167s kept you alive this whole time
3170s yeah the camera was trying to record in
3173s 4k and that was might have been the
3174s issue oh oh yeah yeah 4K cameras are
3180s quite unnecessary when the video feed is
3181s that small yeah exactly so let's see if
3183s that fixes a little
3199s bit
3203s uh I saw in chat asking about the five
3207s version uh I believe that's still
3208s waiting on the hand over from Sony I'm
3214s trying
3215s to no audio the new sun
3219s b what is going on
3223s dude there's two people talking yeah
3226s there should be people talking in
3227s Discord no game what here you jump let
3232s me figure this out you play all right
3234s let's do this okay all right solid
3237s jumping
3241s in hey solid how's it
3252s going let's
3255s see wa nice I mean it looks like it's
3259s showing up
3263s now ganick I I see you I see lurking in
3268s there so now you now you hear the voice
3270s is it just
3273s the any
3276s delay oh yeah
3284s on not
3288s video oh nice I got the
3292s weapon Che out
3297s I wonder if it's just the restream
3298s trying to stream to some of
3301s platforms that would be a lot stream is
3304s healthy okay there we
3308s go fing things are we actually good now
3310s yeah video good solid maybe okay
3314s cool all right let's let's just jump
3317s back
3318s in fantastic all we needed to solid to
3321s come in here and save the day a little
3322s bit thank you solid thank you hero
3327s all right here we go smooth as silk as
3331s always will not be a wayfinder stream if
3334s everything didn't decide to just you
3335s know break for no reason at all I didn't
3338s even change
3340s anything the uh a little bit closer to
3343s theer though just in
3351s case most sways
3354s excellent okay I think there should be
3356s some memory here ganick is still here
3358s hello
3359s Gan all right what's what's this over
3362s here oh there is the trickster here guys
3365s hey tricky
3367s boy with a chest test o and a
3370s chest and the memory frag here ooh
3373s another armor piece oo I got something
3375s for pyros antic base all right let's see
3380s we get I got a rock congratulations a
3383s pet rock no Gloom Stone
3390s blue give it to
3393s me S snake there it is first try first
3397s try always first try a burning oh that's
3401s actually AOL
3403s little and a d D20 charm I got to put
3406s the D20 yeah me too got to put the D20 I
3410s love this one oh yeah I got there it is
3414s yeah look that
3415s littlearm cool
3417s for
3419s um oh I got to change my uh this random
3423s as well we have a lost Zone avaris
3434s appearance right catch up to you guys
3436s where you at lost Zone avarest c i can
3440s bu anything for the moment we have some
3443s we could probably get two charms oh I
3445s can get some dyes I do love these dyes I
3447s think I'm going to get these
3450s two hyper Violet this I think I need
3453s that light blue I got the blue violet
3455s and the special O2 let's take a look
3457s what they look like I'm dead guys oh
3459s where you at you're fine uh near the
3462s Tree near the tree yeah don't worry
3464s about it over there I'm
3467s coming oh no oh sorry I missed it by
3471s that
3472s much yeah you can revive I can revive
3475s your dagger now though
3477s oh okay nice yeah oh that's so cool and
3480s actually having the different dagger
3482s shows up uh when you die like that too
3484s oh all right so we're going to go a good
3486s idea
3487s on let's see my Styles change up my
3491s dieses all right let's see what these
3492s look
3493s like oo that's kind of cool it's like
3496s the um soap bubble effect almost like
3499s some
3503s black oh like each part of it different
3505s that's trippy
3507s I'm just dying burning no I found the
3511s volcano I've one
3514s volcano Oh no I got
3518s it not the safest time to do it oh looks
3520s so cool though actually I'm I'm happy
3523s with just that it fits the uh the dagger
3527s skin I have on really well
3529s too look at that I'm just like a
3531s colorful boy
3546s get out of
3548s here got an
3550s echo oh that hurt a
3553s lot up die die
3558s die all right I'm going to get the BM
3562s breaker oh missed the
3564s par oh no oh I'm bad got to do the the
3568s FL tanking I blame
3571s Gan specifically thank you for not
3574s blaming me your healer Revenge Al do I
3578s have a bus no okay you've been doing a
3581s good job keeping me alive oh that's my
3582s items over here like an uncommon and a
3586s rare a
3590s handsaw all right uh so the Aus vendor
3593s changes depending on which region you're
3596s in so you'll
3597s have holy crap look how many items we
3601s got just go to the items I got the
3603s weapon I kind of thousand memory
3605s fragments is that right I got
3608s 707 ah what that doesn't seem right that
3611s seems like an insane amount of memory
3613s fragments I got on the red but yeah the
3616s avarest inventory changes depending on
3619s where you are but this would have been
3620s probably about like you know 3,000 run
3623s silver worth of uh of items
3635s maybe classic snarf death thanks de
3638s appreciate you
3639s guys there's nothing like the support of
3642s of the Discord fans well let me tell you
3645s this really just makes me feel now that
3648s you have returned let me study your
3651s Shadow and see to I'm hearing crackling
3654s in the um the audio for the monitor is
3656s it get on on the stream
3660s okay all right I'm
3667s Bross got some grindle
3670s shoulders oh oh yeah all right you guys
3672s are over here aren't
3674s you all right I'll meet you guys at
3676s Warden
3677s rust ah good old Warden
3681s rust
3684s um he's a bro he is a
3690s bro don't know about his wife though oh
3693s you see oh yeah that's okay that's
3696s not that's not fair I love this Quest
3699s extenuating
3703s circumstances po
3706s rest let's skip that I'll save the story
3708s for people to the frost trademarks uh
3711s what can we
3713s get um are you running giveaways is you
3717s uh we can uh I see 15 people eligible at
3720s least in the the giveaway I think it's
3721s going to be exclusive to Twitch chat
3725s though hop over to
3731s Twitch that's what that sounds like
3733s Yeah o oh I really want to get this one
3736s too the r Hunter all right let's do some
3738s more let's do a couple more um
3741s whatchamacallits to get some Frost marks
3743s I want to see what some these look like
3745s show them off
3747s oh Frost
3749s there what have you got for me
3752s cine blast train
3755s out have our Express let's go do
3760s this all right all right so a young
3762s woman in the frost March has been beset
3763s by terrible dreams something in the
3765s rhyme is calling to her find the train
3767s wreck let's go find a train
3771s wreck um that's train outs track Quest
3776s so all of the quests will now have color
3778s coding and markers associated with it so
3780s we got 700 M that way and we can do some
3783s beacons on the
3784s way guys got to catch up got to go fast
3787s use your Go Go Juice you got go f when
3790s you use Go Go Juice you got to go go you
3793s know what is Google juice oh it's it's
3796s uh it's your your only equipped potion
3799s on this
3801s file okay are we doing this Patrol uh
3805s that's two different ones
3807s let's go get closer to the train wreck
3809s 500 met that way so people don't realize
3812s how big cross March is so let's try to
3814s show them a little bit more I think I
3816s went the wrong I think we we lost this
3820s s the blue dot you'll find the way I'm
3825s going to fight this big spooky in the
3826s meantime and all the
3829s rats yeah I think going this way here we
3833s are that's him banking around the corner
3836s who this guy needs I need some help with
3838s this guy actually he's going to kick my
3840s butt what is
3844s this oh oh that attack is brutal so many
3850s rats oh nice I saw a r
3855s once we got it
3860s oh all right breaking my oh again oh
3865s love RS
3870s whoa
3872s whoa any ghost fans in
3875s chat
3878s sometimes all right let's
3881s just all right thresh R oh we just
3884s killed oh no we just killed him oh no
3888s awkward respon good the oh good
3896s oh look at this what was that tracks
3899s Footprints Footprints
3901s oh what does it
3905s mean we are a close the creature is
3910s near I love the Google
3914s chice little fast travel point that
3917s would be nice I think there's a secret
3919s chest in
3920s here where is the there's a switch I
3924s just pressed one h
3927s that was one aha here's
3930s two I think we need one
3933s more where could it
3936s be found it no cheater oh
3940s nice ah there must be another now I got
3943s it yeah
3947s cool
3949s oh o that's actually better I'm going to
3952s change that oh nice six levels higher
3955s that's beautiful uh I think I found him
3959s BL is the criminal don't do it hold your
3965s fire all
3968s right B
3971s wing
3974s going why is he so
3977s strong yep I want to get his Echo I
3979s actually do not know what EO is didn't
3982s know oh 3,000
3985s beautiful I guess I would have it oh yes
3987s got it hey I got the we got marks out of
3989s that I got there too weapon power power
3992s that's a good oh
3994s yeah that's a good
3997s Echo cool o and a Bastion oh I could go
4001s healing
4002s now
4005s oh and the heal would actually I'm going
4007s to do it the heal would be pretty good
4008s with my build right now going switch it
4010s up I need to practice my sword and
4013s shield
4014s anyway Bastion where'd you go there it
4017s is and it's got a nice little echo in
4023s it let's go
4026s with I think we still like the unraveled
4029s ah the giveaway was happening nice
4033s and cross uh what do we want to give
4035s away do you want to give away uh people
4038s want Sol already did it oh did he yes it
4041s I'm going to do another one I'm going to
4043s do it he can't stop me who wants a Blom
4046s dagger USB
4047s drive look at this bad boy
4051s okay look at it there's going to be
4053s little bit of time before people hear
4056s you say that yeah yeah Bloom dragger USB
4059s drive 3.0 I think it's 8
4063s gigabytes but it's so freaking cool so
4066s people who don't know I do pinball
4067s streaming and I had to update my pinball
4068s machine with the USB drive so turning it
4071s into a boot Drive literally felt like I
4073s was imbuing my pinball machine with new
4075s code
4076s it felt pretty good not going to
4078s lie
4080s um okay yeah but let's uh throw in type
4083s uh we'll do it this will be a keyword
4084s one so you actually have to participate
4086s if you're in the twitch chat go follow
4089s uh play wayfinder on Twitch and two
4092s minutes I'm going to draw everybody who
4094s types um Gloom dagger you type Gloom
4098s dagger all lowercase one
4100s word you will be eligible eligible
4106s keyboard is Gloom
4111s dagger all right here we go Gloom
4119s dagger just like
4122s that okay I think uh they're like a
4124s solid minute behind Okay well they'll
4127s catch up eventually so we'll wait until
4130s 12
4134s pass cool all right all right in the
4136s meantime let's get back to
4139s business I do want to check out that
4140s other other die I
4143s got what did we
4146s get dude I really love the color on this
4149s let's see what the trim o oh my gosh I'm
4151s going to make some people in the studio
4153s very upset with my color choice but I do
4155s not
4156s care this is fantastic this is Tak me
4158s straight back to the '90s and I'm here
4160s for
4162s it oh boy oh yeah I like it oh yeah look
4167s at that I can go for some vintage Taco
4169s Bell
4170s now you mind remember the old old school
4173s Capri un commercials that's that's the
4175s vibe I'm getting right
4178s now that's pretty thirst
4181s quenching the missive let's go
4186s with I think the green kind of works
4188s with
4191s it I think we're going to go with no I
4194s really like it maybe the blue maybe the
4195s blue
4197s oh we are we are the color Mage you've
4199s heard of the The Red Knight the Black
4201s Knight the blue Knight but have you ever
4203s heard of the whatever color this is
4206s night the special O2 night multicolor
4209s night oh yeah look at that look at that
4212s oh we got some Gloom daggers in chat
4215s holy Lord all right people are ready all
4217s right two two more minutes and then
4219s we're going to we're going to press the
4223s button oh hello chat all right let's go
4226s find the train wreck
4228s um 300 M this
4232s way de you're not allowed to be upset I
4234s look phenomenal don't you
4237s dare I
4243s agree dagger I got people about to get a
4247s GL
4248s dagger they're they're really cool um
4252s only got a couple of them left
4254s sadly h
4256s it's a shame oh you guys left
4259s me oh bone stomper is doing the work
4262s okay I'm using sword and shield now I
4264s forgot about
4265s that so sword and shield you got to make
4267s sure that you are using your uh your
4269s combo
4270s finishers a very important aspect of
4273s sword and shield
4274s play B stomper
4278s excellent drink that Go Go Juice all
4281s right time to look for
4283s remains I something here for remains oh
4287s found something over here don't what did
4289s you find it's uh investigate the area oh
4292s what's
4293s this that looks like a bottle bottle of
4296s Bo it's a Memory showing what happened
4298s ooh what I want to
4301s see investigate the area O
4305s Okay die promise see the Imperium
4309s H okay well murder murder occurred
4315s it's a murder most foul murder all right
4319s let's roll this thing here we go who's
4322s going to be the winner roll
4324s it the rally killer the rally killer
4330s congratulations did J man yeah it won't
4332s let me open this the rally killer shoot
4335s uh sir snarf KN a message on Discord um
4339s and I will get you hooked up get your
4341s shipping information and you're going to
4342s get yourself a fancy Gloom dagger once
4345s more
4346s for all the people in the internet to be
4347s to jealous over look at it look at this
4349s little keychain look at it look how cool
4352s and it's uh it's it's very flexible very
4354s durable it's actually rubber it's got a
4356s really nice tactile feel to it 8
4358s gigabytes I believe it is eight gigs you
4360s can do anything you want with
4362s it very rare very limited
4365s run I've got another memory in
4368s here
4371s congratulations all right here we go oh
4374s let's go fight this guy
4377s oh where you yeah this is a big
4382s boy he's he's doing he's doing things
4384s and stuff all right we ready oh that's a
4388s wal storm all right I'm going to charge
4391s up my
4397s combo here we go oh baby that was a big
4401s hit oh I have seven rakes look at the
4404s damage look at the damage oh he did not
4408s stand a chance at all such Devastation
4413s oh I can't believe I had seven my Rees
4415s backed up that's pretty
4422s good
4424s easy easy
4426s peasy easy vandel heart ooh that's a
4429s good one I got a epic piece of uh
4431s venomous armor ah the Vandal set is one
4433s of my favorites not the helmet though
4436s but all the other pieces are just so
4439s that's the beautiful thing about being
4440s able to mix and
4441s match yeah the base is Rally killer yay
4444s you're still here fantastic
4447s congratulations I think there's a little
4449s bit of a delay on the uh my chat for you
4452s so about a minute yeah there
4459s was we'll do we'll have some more
4462s giveaways we got some really cool prints
4464s to giveaway as well anybody like Joe mad
4466s anybody a fan of Joe Mad
4468s art some signed Joe Mad art
4471s original whoa
4474s what who what where when
4477s why uh all right we need more remnants
4479s too I don't think we want to go do you
4481s both have
4483s two cuz I can show you where another one
4485s is I just
4488s found I'm going up here because it looks
4490s fun secret chest I see the glow a green
4497s secret chest secret chest a basic wooden
4502s side table exactly what I expected to
4505s find bir oh what oh you found a bird
4508s yeah here where where I am oh hello
4512s birdie
4514s hello you may remember the turtle sore
4517s collectible looks like we've got
4523s more if you love collect
4526s in this is the game for
4530s you oh these guys got skulls yeah we
4534s don't want to go up there yet I don't
4536s think what's that is that more remains
4539s oh I just keep finding
4541s booze very spooky looking
4544s booze
4546s booze no it's it's Uzi booze it's green
4549s green Uzi
4551s booes all right
4556s it inside
4558s here uh there's one inside of a broken
4560s train car yeah I got
4564s one I think m is going to have a bad
4568s day yeah sorry
4571s M all right one
4578s more
4581s unas could it be
4585s could it
4589s be um is this it ah I found it
4595s ah uhuh please we never meant any harm
4600s yeah but I don't think they can
4603s a no bones in the snow all right it's a
4607s massacre gathered all the remains now to
4609s find a cemetery all right let's go find
4610s the
4613s cemetery oh how convenient it's taking
4616s us back to the thrash
4618s Rod
4619s hey i' that sounds like two birds one if
4622s I've ever heard of it I hope he's
4624s respawned by
4634s now no not quite
4639s yet place the remains in the cemetery oh
4643s over here
4647s oh oh of course it's someon
4658s zombies got last
4661s one be
4665s again
4667s easy last one now we
4671s the was pretty
4677s don't forget to do it for yourself all
4679s right return cat all
4682s right um just teleport back
4688s think uh
4696s yes oops dippy
4701s uh I do love what pares what does that
4704s mean
4705s thank you
4710s truly the burden of Summer what is
4716s that I think that's something for later
4719s I believe it's the heat yeah yeah right
4722s let me tell you here in Texas we
4725s definitely have the burden of
4728s Summer all right uh confront
4731s greymore
4733s um still want to do some more these
4736s beacons kill rats oh my
4739s gosh If Only They responded all right
4741s let's go let's go talk to gmmore and
4743s let's go back into the shattered woods
4745s and then he'll be respawning once we
4746s come back out right
4753s right let's go find her
4756s Hut the spooky lady
4767s oh this place is really beautiful leave
4769s me alone little Echo I am safe here they
4774s really putting the work on the new Frost
4777s March we got some really good level
4780s designers Ryan they're they're pretty
4783s much
4787s badasses uh what do we need to
4793s Croc storm twins oh no we can do that I
4798s like them all right let's do it um Let
4802s Go sh of woods me
4806s combat yeah I had the same
4808s earlier must be one of the
4817s Toads all right let's go fight the storm
4820s twins I think we can do it first try I
4822s believe you are going the wrong way I'm
4825s going the way I want to go okay sometime
4827s we got to take the path Less Traveled
4830s something I got I got my Gore Hound it's
4833s it's fun running around look at him he's
4836s such a good boy all right time to go go
4838s or girl I'm not
4845s sure oh
4847s yeah all right here we go Scenic route's
4852s nice I want more Frost marks okay
4856s okay let's
4858s do
4860s greed and
4863s Chaos cuz golden bombs are always a good
4866s idea no they're
4869s not uh SL question no um cool caritate
4875s right it was super cool
4885s all
4887s right oh and have you noticed the new
4889s gold piles it's subtle but I like the
4892s gold piles um not sure they have more
4897s depth to them and
4900s differentiation they look nice it's
4903s important to look nice you know
4905s especially when our games like our art
4907s style is a huge part of our game okay oh
4910s yeah true okay yeah not this gold it's
4913s treasure
4915s yeah I see
4920s that all right uh we F against the
4923s Archer first are we going for
4925s uh we all melee so we should go for I
4928s think we can yeah maybe AE the the
4933s fast I feel like we got to go
4938s for I can get close enough
4942s ow going to heal drop the
4949s heal alternatively we kill him at the
4952s same
4954s time we
4956s can drb the heal
4958s again oh no it's standing in the
4961s fire stay
4965s alive yeah I got
4968s s thank
4973s you all right
4975s oh I got I've experienced death
4984s Dodge on the
4987s way all right I'm I'm pulling the
4993s aggra oh
4999s really come on there we
5003s go think with the Oh no I got you I got
5007s you one sec get him
5009s down coming I'm coming
5012s coming he going to shoot all right I got
5016s you all right one down all right we've
5018s been
5019s raged all right as soon as we break him
5022s again I
5027s B pop my heal
5033s a here we go try to break them down if
5036s we can use
5044s Heavies okay now we got it there we go
5047s and drop my there it is 12,000 damage
5050s love to see
5051s it thank
5053s you have done
5055s that first try
5057s brence
5059s de that
5061s treasure yeah true that good treasure
5064s all right what we got what we got what
5065s we got I got a purple purple what
5069s ooh health and crit PS ooh I got the
5072s echo what Echo did I get I got the
5076s blades okay that's a physical
5078s one and emptiness o new
5087s skin uh you can't chose IM m in
5091s um in a hunt your
5095s should be able to yeah I can CH
5098s them I totally
5102s can where's the
5104s fast yeah oh okay okay it's just on my
5108s side interesting okay well take with
5112s that all
5116s right winess got the
5119s blades cool oh and I got the artifact
5122s let's go Dreer privilege
5126s love to see
5142s it all
5145s right oh I think we uh expired the
5148s patrols
5156s okay so give the essence back do that
5159s real quick before I just teleport there
5161s good did I not grab the oh me neither
5164s I'm a
5167s big it's all right we have Pathways out
5170s of the city that are quick
5189s that would be a fun side quest to do
5191s actually I I feel like I shouldn't do
5192s that on
5193s stream I'll let people discover
5196s it there is
5201s no yeah no I know what you were thinking
5204s yeah yeah I'll save that save that as a
5207s surprise for
5208s people spook the quest to uh
5211s Ral how many artifa just know question
5216s i' have to count them all
5219s right um should we do a BAL Doom or
5222s shall we Explore More of the uh the open
5224s worlds you know what actually should be
5224s fun let's go fight the uh the cindered
5226s village oh yeah um I haven't show people
5230s this yet good choice let's go let's
5235s go can Mark individual things
5239s now on the
5241s map oh I forgot to speak the green one
5245s yeah she has a quest for us yeah go get
5247s your third slot get your third
5254s consumable oh boy what
5258s exciting I can finally equip my uh
5261s Phoenix oil yeah Phoenix oil is is a
5265s powerful what have you done I'll
5268s probably do one of those as well knowing
5270s myself or I could just or or I could
5273s just do more damage and I like the idea
5275s of doing I would go the Mage
5279s excellent all right let's go to the
5282s centered
5285s Village show people what's up up
5294s there what M we got here this the long
5297s way and we got a beacon I'm going do the
5299s beacon real quick collect Hollow growth
5301s finds this way he's to the Southwest
5304s yeah
5315s I'm overtaking you cuz you forgot to
5317s have your Go Go
5319s Juice oh you took it Hollow growth Vines
5324s Hollow growth Vines the vines that are
5326s Hollow growth where do we get those I
5330s think they're over
5333s here oh just kill Hollow once cool hell
5337s yeah almost
5340s there wait for
5344s us I am
5347s murder oo more marks nice that's two
5352s marks I need more
5366s a zombie
5370s 18 oh let's do this
5374s event all right you guys want to clear
5376s these out uh there's a witch nearby in
5380s my
5382s way oh yeah this is going to give me all
5385s the vines I
5388s need I'm going summon this
5391s one so I guess let that be a pro tip
5395s always grab the patrols first always
5397s grab the
5399s controls
5402s Ed
5407s there there a wish here I think she's
5410s coming let's K off just to be
5416s sure
5418s Willow all right almost got it all right
5420s you guys ready for the big big baddy
5425s as anient enchanter
5431s hello wrong one who's the right
5435s one this one yeah this oh watch out oh
5440s weow witch on this CR
5442s storm God that weapon ability looks so
5445s cool yeah can't wait for people to see
5448s where it's
5452s from CH key SP
5454s Chey
5458s Chey all right I've got M was probably a
5461s little bit premature she still had a
5462s some
5464s glance this is going fine it's going
5468s great
5469s even they're everywhere oh my
5473s Lord all right let's kill this one I'm
5476s experiencing death shortly got one
5479s beautiful we're
5481s coming
5483s yeah be e
5486s Too Close H really good get out get out
5491s get out get outow his ability cool down
5493s stuff is so good having and that should
5498s do it there we go nice
5503s got Brazilian mag defense okay it's not
5506s bad it's a lot of Mag got a great that's
5509s that's fine we got the O weapon oh epic
5514s weapon epic Juggernaut a all right we're
5516s going Juggernaut now I want to a
5518s streamer privilege a 30 it's a level 30
5522s weapon that should come with an extra
5524s Echo do it does it does it
5527s does frost
5530s be let's go with frost
5534s Hunter let's
5536s get storm strike
5540s and um
5546s I don't know what I want I
5549s think all right how far to the Village
5552s weapon power weapon power oh good
5554s there's another Patrol on the way oh we
5557s got another ability Point um increases
5560s the
5562s explosion uh creates one fragment per
5564s enemy hit in the fragment cap uh I think
5567s that's what we
5569s want enties let's get level 10 of this
5572s bad boy let's keep stacking Focus
5576s another the talent Point as well let's
5579s throw that
5581s in start working towards this uh this
5585s multiplier okay
5588s cool do we have any breaker skins the
5591s Dragonite one does look just so cool o
5593s Sky Breer let's try that
5595s out
5597s breaker it's got big stick oh nice
5602s yeah all right
5605s oh yeah that's just
5608s that's I CYO
5614s smack oh oh you you're heading that
5618s way oh yeah damn who oh yeah oh yeah big
5623s smack it's got a rune on it I feel like
5626s it's it's
5629s magical yeah that counts yeah totally
5639s got another little
5644s here get up and slam and welcome to the
5650s jam I think I need more break
5652s Tower got him another nice got
5656s the
5659s uh I think I actually want to equip that
5661s that's a level 30 with the crit and
5663s ability power
5667s Echo could probably that's pretty good
5670s too let's replace this
5674s one uh let's search by ability
5679s power little witch yeah that's pretty
5682s good they pretty good right there we
5685s like
5687s those uh how is her quing to go so I can
5689s show you so if you have hero kyus
5694s he will just be heroic and then you can
5697s do all of his stuff inside here so all
5700s chyos will start with these five basic
5702s um skins so his
5705s base got all sorts of fun ones to to try
5708s out but only the exalted founder packs
5712s will
5713s have the
5721s ascended all right um
5725s enter
5727s Balon oh no we're going to the center
5728s Village right that's the goal yep to the
5731s center
5735s Village need to take the go
5740s joice I do love these floa floating
5743s swords those just such a cool Ambiance
5745s oh yeah oh I wonder what these do that's
5750s so
5752s nice oh good good it's active oh fire
5758s Z or it's not active maybe we have to
5762s activate it is
5766s yes oh you know what it could be fun to
5768s do after this yeah it might be a little
5770s bit low but let's uh n we'll be fine
5775s okay no it's going to be hell we'll do
5778s it anyway though I love it
5782s one all right let's uh we have toct them
5785s weap ability oh wow I miss yeah I got
5789s one
5791s here one we need one more one more
5796s y I don't know where it is oh I found it
5800s it is
5806s R I love the fire defeat the ever burnt
5812s aost ooh I am ready I have seven
5815s fragments around me I'm about to do all
5817s of the
5821s damage all right let's get down to
5824s business to defeat the
5827s THS did they send me
5830s dos all right let's
5834s go ooh level up let's go if we can break
5838s him I have all of the damage I would
5840s love to inflict it on his face working
5841s on it working on it pretty soon there we
5845s go and now okay here we
5852s go he has his shield up he is quite yeah
5856s he is wait he can block that's not fair
5859s yeah he that's good
5864s timing clap there we
5866s go easy four Primal fragments that is
5869s just enough GG yes heart Bas yes
5874s yes
5876s yeah I'm I'm going to go play ven now
5879s should oo I wonder what that is and with
5882s that ominous thing in the background we
5883s are going to go back to
5888s Highlands Highland Iron Stone
5892s keep
5896s okay uh this might be a good time do we
5898s want to do another giveaway let's do uh
5900s let's do one of these who wants an
5903s original Jo M signed
5907s venomous it's a 11 by 17 on
5912s a it's like a semi glossy uh paper this
5916s is original artwork that we
5918s had only I think about 100 of these
5921s printed 150 something like
5923s that nice so yeah let's do uh type
5928s venomous in
5929s chat and in five minutes we're going to
5931s roll that for
5934s we'll send you a beautiful piece of
5936s artwork signed by Joe mad stick it on
5938s your
5940s wall which piece is it it's the the
5943s custom
5944s Venom nice yeah yeah venomous in
5949s chat get my giveaway
5952s ready
5954s yeah venomous v n o n e
5959s SS
5961s beautiful cool all right uh let's go do
5965s the thing this will be interesting I'm
5967s curious if we can do it actually at this
5968s level I do think their talents make us
5971s incredibly powerful
5973s though do want to switch up my style a
5976s little
5991s bit that's kind of a cool color
5995s missive want some more missives that's
5998s actually kind of
6002s sick like the
6004s wrappings I don't mind having a little
6005s splashy color in there
6011s actually let's
6016s do yeah some black boots n that's too
6019s much black boots black boots it is let's
6023s switch up our weapon skin it's got to
6025s make this orange obviously
6028s right
6031s uh could have I actually kind of like a
6034s red admissive let's make that orange
6037s there we
6039s go I can dig it oh yeah look at that
6044s whoa look at that all
6048s right that looks nice I have my moment I
6052s have moment that looks familiar
6059s wow I they don't sit in your
6062s P all right so everybody who wanted to
6065s go fight Talon Aire now you know how to
6067s do
6071s so and it looks like we can do it three
6073s times yes we
6076s can although we might have to reload to
6078s get it to come back oh Fair
6082s Point putting it in
6087s I
6091s dare the
6093s summoning I love it that's my
6100s favorite do I have the River Dance
6104s emote that's stop yeah you you gave
6107s didn't you
6108s give Goblin oh I I kind of want to do
6111s the goblin dance that's fair Goblin
6113s dance dance there we go put that on
6118s there uh Town yeah let's do
6122s this I put it in what happened is that a
6125s bug I've never seen that happen
6128s before Oh Boy free bugs live on well
6134s that's awkward let's try that
6139s again you know you think it's because we
6142s haven't actually done the Davin Quest
6143s this will help this will obviously
6147s help I got to I got to outfit my
6150s apartment right
6153s quick got to pet the
6164s turtle I'm little
6169s turtle that's
6171s it it's all you need
6178s that's a fun
6180s go what's his name
6184s um I'm going to go with uh
6187s bird uh he like uh he looks like a Doug
6191s to
6195s Me There He Go there's the little
6197s dance actually n n it's bird I'm going
6201s to call mine Jack
6204s all right let's go back and see if it
6205s works this time uh I'm going to need one
6207s of you guys to put the money in this
6209s time though I I lost mine sure we'll get
6212s that fixed up uh arstone
6216s keep all right venomous we're doing the
6218s roll here we go 54 eligible members and
6222s rolling
6225s it kth
6229s TV GG man congratulations
6233s shoot me a DM on the Discord and we will
6238s get you hooked up with a a
6244s print okay let's get him all right this
6247s time it's going to
6251s work unless he is uh lock behind
6255s progression which I don't think is the
6257s case uh I don't know cuz shouldn't be
6260s didn't it pop a quest there is a quest
6264s line for
6266s him
6267s yeah let's find out but I thought live
6272s testing you know what before we begin I
6275s am going to go check with
6279s uh that's cool let's see what he says
6284s are you going to go over uh it's
6286s grinding the gear tooth but we yeah
6287s that's that's going to be a long long
6289s question
6291s though yeah
6294s all right we start the
6297s summoning all right where is you sa the
6301s summoning the summoning ritual must
6305s continue I just had to know it's very
6308s important
6310s information
6319s congrats all right make it so make it
6325s happen all right someone someone's got
6327s to do
6329s it okay oh here we go I believe please
6334s work there he is first
6337s try okay it's only got a cool million
6342s Health that's it
6359s ah are you sure we're on heroic or maybe
6362s we're just too good I think we're too
6364s good I think we are too
6368s good the wayfinder rank is very powerful
6383s get him oh that
6392s hurt okay he's quite tanky very
6397s tanky ow I got
6401s hit stay alive I'm loving the heals
6404s though got to say
6407s yeah oh that's why we're built for
6410s healing not for
6412s damage oh oh that I I meant to do that I
6415s caught it I caught the fireball okay
6417s he's on me for the
6420s moment get
6421s out oh I think I
6429s yet one two three four give him some of
6436s these one those those give him one of
6440s those drop my ability
6447s Oh no you're all just finished damn
6450s it you're making it very hard to keep
6453s you alive that's that's my
6456s speciality it was your life
6459s for did it work I got you I got you I
6462s got
6464s you he's on me keep busy keep busy good
6467s job wasn't sure I'd get it off in
6470s time we go drop that
6473s one
6478s two I love that
6482s combo big smack okay we are near the
6487s end are we though no we're not
6492s half oh well we are halfway there oh get
6496s out of there get out of there no ow oh
6499s it's only like a third of my health
6500s that's
6501s fine not as powerful as he used to
6506s be come
6508s on that's almost
6511s comforting well we did have to make it a
6513s little bit easier because you can't have
6514s like 15 people spawning
6517s that
6519s yeah now that one blast was chaos
6523s though okay away Co thank you gound I
6527s appreciate you I assume being on heroic
6530s makes up to that I
6533s I think we must have toned down the uh
6535s the h a little bit
6543s though smack all right I got
6548s my insane
6551s bur there we
6555s go that's pretty good almost there about
6558s a fifth of his he I want to
6561s say one run away run away run
6570s away oh get out of
6572s there oh just got
6575s out H I'll just face tank it cuz I Wing
6581s gr B smack and I can do that yeah you do
6583s so much HEI that's insane I love it yeah
6586s oh my rakes especially I heal 400 each
6590s rake
6591s wa all right this going to hurt block
6594s block block freay oh this is good no
6597s we're we're doing the
6600s uh get in here come on 70,000 70,000 60
6607s 50 40 I'm trying I don't know if we're
6609s going to get there no we're not doing
6611s enough
6613s damage we to get it
6615s no die we got it we got it come on oh my
6620s God I seriously did not think we were
6622s going to get there in time
6625s oh
6626s nice all right we did that
6629s early can't
6633s open all right what we got what do we
6635s got a distance that's awward the hell
6637s worm all right level 31 hell swarm let's
6640s see how it
6641s is what did I get what did I get ah it's
6644s a hell swarm DN actually fits my my
6647s outfit pretty darn good right now yeah
6650s Titan ban would have been nice but here
6651s we are um it's good I get to show off
6653s the it to show off some uh gun playay
6656s ability
6659s power H
6661s husk one of
6663s those
6665s Sage oh that was stressful speak I I'm
6669s honestly surprised we were able to go it
6671s perfect oh man even with us being built
6674s for support being able to do that on on
6676s heroic get our level though I I do think
6678s is a little bit sus I think we might
6679s have to give him some
6681s love we'll see
6684s um I'll do the trickster again another
6687s Affinity Point let's go with
6690s Focus all
6693s right change the sound in that all right
6697s uh let's go to Skylight and go to Bald
6700s Doom shall actually no we can't do we
6702s have unlocked bald Doom yet no I don't
6705s think we have I know what we're doing
6707s next all right going to GRE More's
6710s side oh wait did you not do the thing
6713s what thing it says enter b doom so it
6716s technically should be
6717s unlocked I think it might be I don't
6720s know if we have to I think you're right
6722s I think it'll probably be at the Glen
6723s gate but we're just going to go that's
6726s fine go the old F
6730s way we shall
6732s walk it's right here it's not that bad
6736s oh nice trly the best way to find the
6742s way to blow up some frogs real quick oo
6744s I finally got one of their Echoes you
6746s have no idea how many of those freaking
6748s balades I've killed and never got their
6751s Echo I rarely get to kill them they
6754s always go boom before I can right yeah
6756s me
6757s too oh it is right here that's
6761s convenient so convenient no all right
6765s here we go and it's Seeker OFA best
6769s girl oh there was a TP let do some
6772s Phoenix eggs
6774s hey there aala how's it
6782s going got my chyos loading screen uh do
6785s I have to buy the $50 power pack or can
6787s I still get in the game with the basic
6788s founder pack you can still get into the
6790s game with any founder pack even if you
6792s just bought the $20 one it will be
6795s $24.99 for all new players on June 11th
6799s the storm's Essence should lead you to
6802s it all right you ready Phoenix eggs all
6806s right all right this this chyos this
6809s chyo strip is speaking to me I'm not I'm
6811s not
6813s yeah you look like uh you're unstable
6816s and about to
6823s explode don't kill the eggs boring we
6826s don't have like a horde following
6828s us H we can
6836s oh uh the uh the Zone chest is way up
6838s top oh yeah that oh yeah I it how do we
6841s get up there I want
6843s it just us I do have the trickster
6847s trickster wish me
6849s luck I believe in you first try look at
6853s you go actual first try oh I got the
6857s this way on the left what' you get I got
6859s I got his clapping emote oh nice oh nice
6864s uh that on that it's feeling pretty good
6868s right now I'm not going to
6870s lie oh got a beacon over
6873s here oh I got a simple draw from the
6878s chest oh my God I'm dying what yeah the
6883s reort
6886s full all right here we go dropping the
6890s uh Fireball oh that's that's a lot nicer
6894s than before faster closer zoomed
6899s in yeah I think it's a bit though all
6903s right let's get up
6910s there careful you can
6913s slip yeah I almost died oo I got the
6916s Slime pet let's go I got oh nice I did
6920s it oh okay that dagger is like exactly
6923s what my drip is
6925s missing get on me oh that is so
6930s perfect could not be more perfect for my
6932s build right now look at that let's take
6935s a
6937s look ah yeah that one that's a good one
6940s all right oh yeah I remember this
6948s one a poor
6950s guy we really bullied
6954s my bags we have the
6956s phix I'm so not used to playing uh with
6960s guns ooh let's get a
6963s phoenix yeah oh Phoenix glitter
6969s cre oh glitter GRE too or maybe it's
6973s just uh all right Dr my or weapon
6976s ability I really need to get more stacks
6979s of it
6989s nice beautiful down I got a
6993s table I
6996s got it's just a iore I li wow can't
7000s believe we done this someone Bann this
7002s man I wasn't sure which it was I don't
7006s know hey I got the slim lit nice oh
7010s another slime I have two slime lits
7012s though so careful one petting
7014s it I didn't CL K him K him kill
7018s him oh
7022s no take the the echo
7026s though oh
7035s lucky thatman just got the
7039s business oh we're back uh here Circle
7042s all right where we have to go okay so
7043s this way on the
7049s left
7051s ah love what they've done with the tile
7053s sets here in the mines now oh what's
7056s this this seems perfectly suspicious
7060s whatever could it be o it's a new
7063s mimic there are no mimic Sor I
7067s li it's just a it's just a little white
7070s lie
7073s yes I like this one oh I got the
7076s co oh I got the pet actually no wait for
7079s no no don't kill don't kill no I'm sorry
7082s I was stuck in the com guys there's a
7084s chest here big chest
7087s where uh where I am we have to jump here
7090s on the cliff or just you know or just
7094s you know fail miserably there we go
7096s first
7097s try I don't I didn't get any loot guy oo
7101s 29 with Mother Fang I think I'm going to
7103s stick with this though for
7105s now the under oh but I got a new skin I
7107s want to check all right we're going to
7108s check out the
7110s skin we're going to check it
7112s out was it one mother Fang
7117s 29 we have a chest Here
7121s style yeah Che it was the
7126s undertoe I thought before that the
7128s rewards didn't get doubled if you killed
7130s it again is that changed now
7134s or is it just another chance at the roll
7136s or something black secondary we're going
7139s to
7143s doive
7145s Orange
7147s yeah we got a big old
7152s blade find big old oh big old blade oh I
7157s love
7159s it all right um looks so
7166s nice we have a bunch of enemies here
7173s yeah beacons are still so tanky
7192s I'm not going a weapon
7195s damage probably should put back those
7198s back on
7206s the oh my God it does give you another
7208s chance of the drop now I didn't think it
7211s did that explains so
7217s much I want to give me all of the
7222s minerals
7229s C
7234s old
7236s B all
7238s right algrim Digger is a lot of lot of
7242s physical defense there
7245s oh what is going on why can't I
7248s collect yeah I don't know back
7257s oh no oh nice yeah Grim Harvest oh
7273s not uhoh
7275s oh gosh when when when did I lose my
7279s health I got you I think Bell to that's
7282s not supposed to happen oh I know why I
7284s don't have magical
7287s defense
7290s go beautiful I get the feeling fire is
7294s considered magical damage it is in fact
7297s it's pretty magical fire
7300s okay
7302s yeah this explains so much up
7308s there
7309s beautiful so many freaking eggs
7312s oh we got a big
7314s boy I'm Dro
7316s My actually no yeah too use my wind
7320s mother thing first get that up to 250
7323s now drop
7324s it oh I really need to get some Echo
7327s back on here weak sauce
7330s damage oh they're spawning oh boy are
7333s they get
7335s them yeah they all respawn
7339s great for people who don't know Phoenix
7342s fire if you kill an enemy it will drop
7344s an egg and then when there is a heat
7346s wave it will respawn all the enemies
7349s that are in
7351s eggs
7353s toad don't kill the toad he was just
7355s hanging out he was chilling dude that
7357s was very rude oh going wrong way kill
7360s himself yeah I didn't do it he
7367s did we
7370s go W wo oh this B SP a
7374s while
7377s guy big slam very much get rid of the
7383s eggs down oh yeah on
7386s my
7389s nice
7391s beautiful all
7394s right
7396s Beacon i' got to be coming up to the end
7398s now look at this oh so cool I love these
7401s tiles oh goody
7403s bones
7405s arade give us more
7411s bones shame we didn't come across
7414s the
7417s nice four bones I
7420s have oh it would have been nice to have
7422s AB here though I have actually quite a
7423s bit to
7426s spend um a little chest over here
7433s some more gold add it to our almost 3
7435s million
7441s gold what should
7450s I change to
7456s Heart oh we got a
7459s monstrosity where oh I going to pop my
7462s damage
7470s potion watch out for Stam oh no oh no oh
7474s no thank you good
7480s Al we got we have a party over here oh
7484s the
7487s AOE ready for this drop the all all dead
7492s let's go juicy get those eggs very juicy
7496s get those
7497s eggs ooh God
7500s BL all
7502s right clever oh God and another weapon
7505s skin your efforts were not in vain thank
7508s you grey Mor
7510s nice oh that's a big breaker of an echo
7513s and or we got to check out this this
7516s one see what it looks like
7522s switch up our style a little
7531s bit what works best with
7533s this kind of like
7536s the I think like the the popped
7542s collar I can dig it all right are you
7547s ready yeah all right let's see what our
7551s Hall is I really like
7553s outfit [ __ ] all right I think we're
7555s probably going to call it here to be
7556s honest I don't want to give spoiled too
7558s much but yeah how much should we get got
7561s two gilded eer
7563s Echo two slim lits five coins two all
7569s the freaking
7570s loot hey solid how come he gets two slim
7574s lits streamer
7577s privilege 100 Spectra a thousand
7580s fragments are you serious that's 100
7583s spect what I got 50 I got 63 glimmering
7587s molten got 100
7591s shards yeah good resources all righty oh
7594s I did get a B toad
7597s Echo oh okay let's do one more
7601s giveaway um this is actually a brand new
7604s one uh do I have it in here but we have
7607s the brand new keyart that we just got in
7610s the mail today uh so we're going to have
7613s it'll be signed from the team so we'll
7615s have everybody on the team that's in the
7618s office sign it personalize for you so
7620s it'll be one of a kind and uh let's do a
7623s giveaway so type echo in chat
7627s celebration of the new wayfinder Echo
7630s stream coming out and we we'll get a
7632s ship to you so let's get a giveaway set
7635s up
7636s here let's do the key word is
7639s Echoes oh boy
7642s c h o e s this will be the first ever
7645s print of the new brand new key art for
7648s the wo update that will get shipped out
7651s to you and again it'll be a nice 11 by
7656s 17 I'm just going to look
7659s it nice stand ominously we wait we could
7664s probably do it on our Mount
7667s too like cow I look pretty badass not
7670s going to lie
7672s oh Gloom guy has said echoes in chat I
7676s think you beating everybody yeah because
7678s there was a delay I was I was holding
7680s off on doing it
7683s until it was actually
7688s stated there it is there it goes here
7692s they come here they come the flood the
7695s swamy the flood of
7700s Echoes awesome I mean it just makes me
7702s so happy that all of you guys are here
7704s to hang out and celebrate this game with
7707s us it's so good to finally just get it
7709s out there we're going to keep working on
7711s it we got still so much stuff to show
7713s for for 1.0 but we're not there yet
7715s let's just get this guys in your hands
7717s and uh just see what the world does with
7718s it it's going to be it's going to be an
7720s exciting time but I'll be doing lots of
7722s community stuff people who knows if you
7725s drop your uh your friends your steam
7727s friend code in the Discord with your
7729s looking for group chat I may or may not
7732s just invade your game who knows anything
7735s can
7736s happen um yeah to to do double chaos
7740s yeah give a give a follow to uh the play
7745s wayfinder Twitch account and YouTube to
7747s stay posted on these random streams that
7750s we're going to be doing from time to
7751s time if you do want to uh try your hand
7753s at winning some sweet swag uh for
7756s giveaways and things like that that's
7757s one of the few things that we can still
7758s do to kind of celebrate all of you guys
7760s just tuning in and following the game
7762s um but we're we're really excited that
7764s it's we're getting right
7766s there okay I got to got to join you at
7768s the uh where is
7776s it excellent that's so nice
7786s trity all right it's last few seconds
7788s here for the echos anybody else who
7790s wants to do it let's see a couple more
7792s trickling
7793s in give her 10 more seconds and then
7796s we're going to roll the winner and call
7798s it a day but really Greatful for
7800s everybody who wanted to come hang out
7802s with us on this impromptu little stream
7804s uh hope to have more of them if you had
7805s fun hopefully the tech would like to
7808s start cooperating a little bit more than
7809s it has been it's very frustrating I
7811s don't know why it's been doing that but
7812s we make it happen we push through we
7814s persevere that's what we do over
7816s here all right last one here we go and
7820s rolling it
7822s Lind HW Lind
7824s congratulations man
7827s congratulations shot me a message on
7830s Discord we'll get you hooked up get your
7832s uh your shipping information we'll ship
7833s that out to you and congratulations I'll
7836s get signed by the team I'll go around
7837s the team right now and get that get that
7838s signed up for you uh I think we'll
7840s probably have more people in the office
7841s tomorrow so expected by the end of this
7843s week um but yeah all right guys we're
7846s going to tune off from now thank you so
7848s much for being here I really appreciate
7850s it uh thanks for all the support all the
7852s kind of messages I read basically every
7853s single comment