29 days ago - Wayfinder - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s [Music]
12s heyo hello everyone uh that was quite
15s the transition we're just talking is
16s there an actual transition or video but
18s this is good so I'm AJ the executive
20s producer I'm here with Steve Mata the
23s game director Steve how are you today
25s good good I'm also well thank you for
27s asking the how are you doing thank you
30s for asking Steve I'm pretty good um yeah
32s so we are here to essentially talk about
34s wayfinder uh wayfinder future and I'm
38s sure a mic uh oh see here we go all the
42s time Steve's issue Steve is a bit quiet
46s okay Steve is
48s low shout out to Sasha in the chat got
50s now test test test one
55s two test still bad good oh we got Goods
60s better all right Steve all right cool
63s both of you are 10
66s well am I getting caught on your mic I
69s don't
70s knowbe if I sit away from KJ I don't
72s like that at all but you could do that
74s actually you could put your feet up and
75s that would be super comfortable
78s yeah good we good with audio Alex thumbs
81s up Alex goes like this so the voice
85s Beyond am I am I all right guys all
87s right so um oh the echo's on all right
89s anyway so let's restart this again so we
91s are here to talk about wayfinder where
92s we currently are wayfinder where we're
94s going to be going in the future
95s obviously um in order to do that we have
98s to talk a little bit about the past and
100s how we got here so I'm sure some of you
102s are here and you've seen the Articles we
104s put up maybe you watched um the
106s interviews that Steve or Alex did or the
108s ones that Joan Ryan did with various
109s people like skillup and Rubicon shout
111s out to those guys for doing an awesome
113s job um but we're going to recap a little
115s bit of that because some people here
117s might not know about that I might not
118s know the ins and outs and then um we're
119s going to talk about the future wayfinder
121s how we're moving forward with the game
122s and how we're really excited to be
124s bringing it to the masses very soon and
126s we hope people really enjoy what we've
128s been working on so obviously the game
130s launched in August of last year we'd be
132s remiss to say that there weren't issues
134s a lot of issues that we had both inside
136s the game with gameplay bugs and then
138s outside the game with things like
139s servers and databases some of those
141s things were within our control some of
142s those things were outside of our control
144s but we ran with it we continue to update
146s the game we had people that were inside
147s the game and playing and constantly
149s giving us feedback and and uh we were
151s happy with our momentum in November of
153s last year we heard that digital extremes
156s our publisher was dissolving their
157s publishing Division and giving us the
159s the full game and the full rights which
161s uh we were going to carry forward so
163s that was our plan that's what we
164s announced to the community we had no PL
166s to stopping that and we were going to be
167s working towards the game coming out of
169s Early Access during that time and uh
172s quickly after working towards that um
175s transition and finalizing all that stuff
177s tons of lawyers as you can imagine and
178s everybody else involved um it became not
181s feasible for us to continue wayfinder as
183s it exists today as a live service game
185s and so a lot of games in the situation
187s have done things like um just shut down
190s everything completely uh the game
192s disappears forever uh you never hear
193s from it again you never see it again and
196s uh we didn't want to do that like it
198s felt bad for people that have bought
200s into it and bought into our vision and
202s our Dream which unfortunately we can't
203s realize now maybe one day but um it also
207s just sucks with people that work here
208s like we are responsible for 80 some
209s awesome some people that work in the
211s studio and they've worked on this game
212s for what four years five years and it it
214s feels really bad so um our solution was
217s is that uh in February late February we
220s decided that we were going to work on
222s two versions of the game kind of put one
224s on just station which is the live
226s version what you have now all that
227s content we had been working towards and
229s then a version of the game that was um
232s an offline single player but Co-op
234s experience and so once we finalized the
237s transition and we took control of the
239s business we the game down for sale off
241s of all of our platforms and we said hey
243s there's going to be some major changes
244s you'll hear from us in about 3 to 4
246s weeks and here we are so um again
249s wayfinder Echo as we're calling this
251s update is an update to the game to be
253s single player and Co-op um it's not what
255s we originally set out to do we fully
257s acknowledge that um we AP I personally
260s apologize on behalf of the studio for
261s anyone that that bought into that and
263s and saw that vision and it's what they
265s wanted because that's what we wanted to
266s do but um we were resilient and we're
269s pushing forward
270s so um don't Mo for say the M I think got
275s the the guys so um that's where we are
278s um and but the good news is is that
280s while we were working on it we quickly
281s found out that the game we were making
283s was awesome we found out that every
285s facet of the game from beginning to end
287s from uh when you first log in to when
289s you get to endgame it's just a more
291s polished experience it's a faster
292s experience it's a more rewarding
294s experience and it's awesome so we're
296s really excited to move forward um this
298s is what we're going to be talking about
299s this entire stream like I said we want
301s to focus on the positive in the future
303s some people have been like oh why didn't
304s you guys talk about the the mishaps and
306s the issues and things like that I'd be
308s more receptive but like we don't want to
309s focus on mic's dying what was that your
312s mic is dying now my mic is dying mic is
314s worse than ever this sounds so
317s bad is my battery
322s dead I think you just got three phone
324s calls in a row from my nephew so I don't
325s know if it was interference put on
327s airplane mode is that it
332s hit fuzzy mic get a new
335s mic uh is it still
338s fuzzy is it still
342s F I'm trying to find out here we go this
344s is this is part
349s Forst nothing has changed from the
355s cont see what are you playing uh I'm on
359s an honor
361s through and a lot
365s of pretty Gooding a lot of Marvel Rivals
368s last
368s week a lot of fun death con can't
373s understand a word uh tapped it and it
376s started I didn't anything mic is fuzzy
379s all fuzzy
381s actually no idea why
385s um are all three of us or is it one
387s person individual
393s everyone has bad sound that be a issue
398s the board we're going to re the board
399s give us a second sorry
415s guys say a lot of static in the line so
418s yeah I'm wondering if there's a board
419s issue
424s we could do some Peak content and
426s FaceTime my nephew back again the new
428s fortnite season started so I owe him the
429s battle pass it's probably what he's
430s calling
432s me receded everything everything's been
434s reced how do we sound AJ sounds good now
438s AJ sounds good now oh my god do I sound
440s okay possible sounds good okay yeah
443s there's a bad wire see guys that's what
445s happens when you buy all your cables
446s from teu because uh you have to and
448s you're no I'm just kidding all right
450s passable very better much better audio
453s good thumbs up all right I don't know
455s when my audio started to go to [ __ ] but
458s we're not going to rehash what I just
459s said tldr is that we're focused on the
461s future we're focused on making an
462s awesome game for everyone be it the
464s people that have founded our game when
466s we initially launched it and we
467s initially talked about it or for new
469s players that are coming in it's a it's a
471s crappy situation we're making the best
473s of it as people know the industry right
474s now is is a blood bath and we did try to
477s go ahead and and find a new home for
478s wayfinder as is but we quickly found out
480s that that's not going to be viable so
483s that's where we're at but we're really
484s excited to talk about it today and we're
487s really excited to talk about how we're
488s going toh support the game in the future
489s as long as you guys and other people
491s start playing the game and uh and
492s enjoying it so um I've talked for
495s approximately eight minutes I think we
497s can jump to the game do you guys want to
498s see the game huge improvements on audio
500s by the way yeah um we did hey guys I saw
503s talk with Asma I wish you good luck I
505s got talk with Asma so thank you very
506s much and yeah at the same time we will
508s be taking questions in chat so just
510s throw them in there this is fairly
511s casual but we're about to jump into the
513s game as soon as Alex gets back into I'm
515s ready you ready let's do it let do it we
517s got a lot to cover welcome to
520s wayfinder all right so new key art Sasha
523s was in the chat Sasha thank you so much
525s for amazing work on this key art working
527s with Joe on it um we teased it recently
530s on social media but damn that art looks
533s good Mike is good it's a little worse
535s now well I don't tell you so way too
538s dang that's good as well so so new menu
541s obviously when you start the game we're
542s going to have to get into used to saying
544s start the game not log into the game
546s I've said it probably in 50 interviews
548s but here we are so um from here just
551s like any other single player co-op game
553s you can make a new game you can continue
554s your game you can even view the credits
556s if you want to look at my name and
557s Steve's name and the 80 other talented
559s people that work here so let's jump into
562s the game people don't want to read
564s people can't read people can't read game
566s audio is louder than
568s me pretty loud so that's actually kind
570s of hard to do I can do it all right so
572s Alex is going to address that real quick
573s so the very first thing we're going to
574s talk about and it's come up quite a bit
576s is how are we compensating people that
579s had purchased founders packs as well as
581s people that had purchased run silver and
584s uh we are going to talk about Founders
585s coins so Founders coins are a currency
589s that we've gone ahead and taken the
591s total cumulative amount of room silver
593s that was ever in your wallet and
594s converted taken that into specific
596s buckets and converted those buckets into
598s Founders coins so just to be clear that
600s can that is any Rune silver that you
603s purchased or any run silver that did
605s come with your founders packs 30 40 and
609s yeah wayfinder tokens as well and also
611s on top of that anything that was in the
613s actual packs are still exclusive so if
615s you got an exalted pack that's the only
617s way to get hero chyros and you still
619s have it so this this is all just extra
622s on on top of that um and yeah so you'll
625s get founder coins based on of that on
627s that and uh and my left guy
630s or right guy we'll figure it out uh and
633s so you'll be able to get a uh some more
636s uh exclusive Cosmetics from avarest in
638s town um and you'll only be able to
641s interact with him if you've got coins
642s but there's um some style sets for
645s characters some pets and a unique Mount
649s as well too and this is all exclusive
651s stuff that you can only get with those
653s Founders coins uh everything else you
656s know you know is in the game anything
658s that was on the store is you can find it
661s in the game either through like a secret
663s like discoveries uh killing things drops
667s loot vendor like it's it's all you know
670s rebalance so what we did when we were
672s doing the system well we took a look at
674s the average room silver and adjusted
676s based on that we want obviously people
677s to have these items there's seven in
679s total I think when we looked at it it's
682s almost like 45 or 50% of the people are
685s eligible for all of the items um most of
688s them will obviously be the people that
689s purchased the um the exalted pack and
692s Brun silver but we made sure that it's
693s super Fair we're not trying to be skimpy
695s on it obviously we want people to to
697s feel like they got something awesome but
699s we will have those available inside the
701s store Alex is showing off one of the
702s mounts um there's some pets and some
703s other cosmetic systems we'll put down
705s the full breakdown on our website um
707s next week once we put up our article on
709s our FAQs about it like I said there are
711s seven tiers seven total items you can
713s get from that store um and the majority
715s ofers especially if you person Founders
717s pack will be inside there what are you
718s doing now where's he put to reward Tower
720s so this Bo's going crazy so the the
723s reward Towers they're they're still in
725s the game there is all that content there
727s and they uh everyone who has the game
729s has access to them and it's basically
731s just an extra uh way to get some more
734s rewards so you can we have that second
736s tower that we were already working on
738s for grindle uh you'll basically get keys
741s as you play job board will let you get
743s more keys and you can unlock rooms
745s nothing is paid everything is unlockable
747s it's just an extra uh an extra Loop to
751s get more cool stuff essentially yep so
755s um the founders uh the founders pack the
757s reward Towers like you said are just a
759s additional system for um uh progression
763s there's a lot of other progression
764s systems that we want to talk about um
766s and so let's talk Alex what are you
767s doing you clicking we have a script and
769s you're clicking around through random
770s things I'm showing that you still get
772s your hero chyo yeah jeez all right so
774s see you can talk a little about
775s progression uh we're going to start with
778s the actual um wayfinder ranks and how
780s that's different we'll talk about
781s talents we'll talk about Echoes and
782s we'll talk about um Affinity so take it
785s over yeah so you might notice uh there's
787s wayfinder rank there now so that was um
789s something that we were in the process of
791s working on um it that's how you'll get
793s Talent points um so as you're playing
796s any character you'll be contributing to
799s wayfinder rank as well as your character
801s level and that will give you power to
803s all your characters so you can get if
806s you just get like a you you get a you've
808s been playing n all the way and then you
810s swap to wind grave later and you have
813s your way find rank 21 you'll have 21
814s Talent points to spend on wind grave as
817s well each archetype has uh their own
820s tree so there's one for survivalist one
822s for archinist one for warm uh there are
825s also so you'll get a talent point for
827s wayfinder rank the wayfinder rank cap is
829s 30 um you can probably get to the
833s credits um well before 30 but the post
837s game is similar to like Monster Hunter
838s so you'll get the credits you can go
840s through the msq the pacing has been
842s reworked so you can get through the
844s story with less grinding and then you'll
846s unlock uh mythics which we'll talk about
849s later and uh basically a bunch of
851s postgame content new hunts and you'll
854s these talents will be a lot more
856s important for for that as well um so
859s yeah there's a bunch of stuff to unlock
861s here there's also accolades so as you
862s get ranks whether you spend a point or
864s not you unlock bonuses too so if you
866s want to open that up Alex oh one of the
869s quick questions
870s chat it came up a couple times while you
871s swap over there is um people are asking
873s about uh future updates and future
875s content we'll talk about that a little
876s bit later and kind of how we envision
878s this game and and how we're going to be
879s moving forward with it and what we hope
881s to do with it so just I've seen that at
883s least three or four times but we will
884s get to what I promise yeah and you might
886s notice as he's going through a bunch of
887s screens like pretty much every UI screen
890s in the game has been re reworked uh so
892s there's been a lot of UI polish just
895s usability uh a lot of f stuff so uh we
898s we rework uh weapon so weapon masteries
901s we had a lot of systems competing for
904s your attention and this is a really cool
906s system and we didn't want it weapon
907s masteries were kind of a fire and forget
909s thing so we actually took the weapon
911s masteries away and they're built into
913s this so as you uh gain wayfinder rank
916s you'll unlock masteries and power those
918s up automatically um so yeah and someone
920s says huge upgrade love skill trees one
922s of the things we're going to talk about
923s in a little bit it's just kind of all
924s the ways that we've kind of made the
926s game a little more like a traditional
927s arpg I'd say this is probably one of the
929s biggest systems you can really customize
931s and play the wayfinder exactly how you
932s want to play it before we obviously have
934s Echoes and we have weapons that allow
936s you to change but now it's really really
938s um more in line with some traditional
940s args and there's a ton of other systems
942s um that we will uh show in just a minute
945s yeah one of the other uh I had talked
947s about the pacing another thing is
949s unlocking characters a lot of them are
951s really hard to get you have to grind a
952s ton to get the characters uh now there's
955s basically a single item if you get their
957s summoning Stone you can summon them and
959s you just have to find the one item even
961s before that though if you pick your
962s character yeah you do three quests yeah
965s you get within like the first 15 minutes
968s you'll unlock the other three other two
970s starter characters that you didn't pick
972s uh grindle who is the new character who
975s is awesome you'll get him very early on
977s as well um all of the characters you'll
979s be able to get on the main story path a
982s couple of them have some other ways you
983s can get them there's some hints when
985s you're at the summoning screen so you
987s might find them before that if you
988s haven't found them or you have really
991s really bad luck uh with with the drops
994s and you're you'll there's a boss
996s essentially that will drop their
997s summoning Stone um yeah so they're in
999s loot tables but there's also guarantees
1001s yeah there's like a guaranteed fail safe
1002s if you don't get them by a certain point
1004s you want to make sure you get them so
1005s you'll be able to unlock characters
1006s they'll start uh with their signature
1008s weapon and leveled up already uh weapons
1012s you might notice uh or you might not
1013s notice but I'll all right I'm just
1016s excited about weapons I know I'm very
1018s excited about weapons too what else we
1019s to talk about
1021s Echo so big changes to Echoes um Echo
1024s and Echo slots in terms of how they were
1026s um redone so yeah Echo uh we were
1030s planning a big uh Echo catalog rework if
1033s you if you remember that from an really
1035s old stream uh just bed ago yeah based on
1038s the time we took a lot of we did what we
1041s could to take a lot of the good stuff
1043s from that while keeping a lot of the
1044s existing tech one of our biggest
1046s bottlenecks or two of them engineering
1048s and UI which would take the most work to
1050s do the echo the full Echo catalog rework
1053s we're busy doing a lot of other things
1055s as you can imagine so we took a lot of
1057s the good stuff uh so some changes with
1060s Echoes they are now unique equipped so
1062s if you equip one blood Letter in a
1064s Loadout you can only have one so that's
1066s going to encourage you to actually find
1068s other Echoes and not just Farm one Echo
1071s uh over and over again uh they are also
1075s now locked to the slot type so if it's a
1078s a guard slot you can only put a guard
1080s echo in we took out the cutting cost by
1083s half so it's easier to understand uh
1086s when you rank up an echo the cost
1087s doesn't increase anymore so when you get
1089s an echo it has a cost and it stays
1091s thises full AP yes AP builds are
1093s actually really good now I prefer
1095s grindle AP build uh he's he's really
1098s good uh we did a we did a bunch of
1100s bounce across the entire game new
1102s filters too yeah so there's there's
1104s filters for items and uh and Echo so
1107s you'll be able to uh sort things a lot
1110s easier my mic is kind of bad sorry
1115s uh I don't know you can do about
1118s it AJ help help how is a a is also
1123s really good so we don't say that on
1126s stream huh they're baiting you don't
1129s don't say that on stream why because
1131s aenis get it oh I got you're saying AP
1134s apess yeah is really good too late like
1138s you didn't know we're we're we're one
1140s step ahead of you we've been in twitch
1141s chat before they're one step ahead of
1143s they're one step ahead of you um all
1146s right so affini talked about those a
1149s little bit hold on we're not doing Echo
1152s I'm trying to keep us on track my B
1153s that's my job for hours but if you watch
1156s the last podcast so it's we didn't even
1158s cover everything there's a lot to go
1159s over shut uh let's see uh oh yeah echo's
1163s now they drop at the content level so if
1165s you're fighting level seven creatures
1168s they will drop drop at level seven if
1170s you fight them at level 20 they'll drop
1172s level 20 so if you really like an echo
1174s especially with the new restrictions on
1176s equipping them you'll be able to get
1178s more powerful ones
1180s um uh I talked about Max rank now is
1183s five uh because you're going to be
1184s getting a lot more Echo and updating
1185s them uh we didn't want you to sit there
1187s through 10 rank rank UPS each time so
1190s each rank up is stronger doesn't
1192s increase the cost which means you're
1193s getting a lot more total power and it
1196s five is the max for for ranking up Echo
1199s um we rebalance the echo slot types
1202s across the game uh rebalance a lot of
1206s the uh the weapons have less slots
1208s because you're going to be swapping
1209s weapons a lot more often I'm going to
1211s talk about weapons now whether you like
1212s it or not but okay so weapons uh now you
1216s don't level them up anymore they drop as
1218s loot so if you find a level 10 uh wind
1221s mothers Fang it's level 10 it doesn't
1223s level up uh if you can find a level 151
1226s by doing higher level content uh you can
1228s uh buy buy them there's uh special
1231s currency vendors where you can get
1232s endgame versions of them uh and this is
1236s probably the biggest change i' say like
1238s just the momentto moment gameplay it
1240s sounds very simple on paper of like oh
1242s weapons dropped now but the feeling of
1244s going into a dungon like instead of like
1246s rushing through it to maybe get your um
1248s things at the end like you want to look
1250s for all the different chests that we
1251s have we have like four three different
1253s chest skeleton chest guaranteed armor
1254s drops uh there's epic chests now uh the
1257s overlandsummers
1259s have a special onetime chest where you
1261s can get unique Cosmetics you can even
1262s Explore Skylight for some some ripples
1265s in the water do some find some hidden
1268s items there lots of Secrets around
1271s everywhere not fishing no you're just
1273s interacting with the water it's item
1274s hidden in the water um so yeah so just
1277s to be clear on that weapons drop um
1279s you're inside of a dungeon someone
1280s mentioned hey there's a lot of
1280s duplicates yeah there are a lot of dupli
1282s just like a lot of other args you could
1284s sell them for gold um when you do get
1286s weapons there is a randomized roll on
1288s them for the echo slots so that you can
1289s be looking for that perfect Echo roll
1291s that you're looking for for your build
1293s um right the the cross and the rush type
1296s slots uh those are fixed so at a certain
1300s level all weapons will have an echo slot
1302s and it'll always have that but the uh
1306s the uh guard attack and balance slots
1310s will be randomized so even if finding a
1312s a mult uh duplicate uh can still have
1315s some use uh Awakening is still in the
1318s game we took out weapon Essences so th
1321s those were the most annoying things to
1322s find for awakening those are gone uh so
1324s it's a lot simpler to awaken if you
1327s awaken dra ma in this example here and
1329s then you get it to two stars and then
1331s you loot another dra ma later it'll have
1332s two stars so you basically do an
1334s Awakening path once you're W for the
1337s weapon itself not for the specific one
1338s that you pick up right so very important
1340s to change that way people are
1341s continuously looking for what they
1343s specifically want if you're looking for
1344s that God roll like I mentioned but you
1346s can still have progression and real
1347s meaningful progression towards
1349s kind like I
1351s am thece I think that's good for for
1355s Echo well while we're here to quick
1357s update on consumables uh their durations
1359s are now 30 minutes uh so it's useful to
1362s have one up always you can have one
1364s attack type and one uh defensive type
1367s Echo U sorry consumable uh always worth
1371s using you also get a small XP buff uh
1373s that lasts along with it so basically
1375s want to use them now uh and you you can
1378s find them as loot as well so um it's
1381s just always good to have some
1382s consumables up to make a
1388s difference uh yeah so
1390s affinities uh first this the screen's
1392s been updated that's not affinities there
1394s we go so uh it should be a lot easier to
1398s see what actual bonuses you're getting
1400s what the actual things you have equipped
1401s with um what stats are align with what
1404s affinities uh we the cap is now
1406s increased to 25 so there's a third
1408s affinity perk which you'll only be able
1410s to get that in post game so you'll have
1412s to do mythics to be able to get black
1414s Gloom Stone which you'll need for those
1417s uh the to get to 20 to 25 um we have
1422s essentially the cost of um Gloom stone
1426s cost for uh ranking up your affinities
1429s because you're getting a lot more
1430s characters more often we want you to be
1432s able to swap and keep multiple
1434s characters up to date so a lot less
1435s grinding um in in there and and
1439s respecing also gives you your gold back
1441s so before uh you would Respec and then
1445s you'd be like crap I don't have gold and
1446s then you'd be stuck C on points so
1447s you'll actually get your gold back as
1449s well too
1451s um uh so yeah that's uh affinities ask a
1455s quick question what content will we
1456s remove there's no content that was
1458s removed yes um like we said before all
1460s founders pack items are exclusive
1462s founders packs we've expanded the
1463s content we're going to show up some new
1465s areas and some new locations there's I
1467s think 10 or 12 new weapons that added
1469s obviously we added grundle new
1470s progression system so to be clear
1472s there's no content that was removed the
1474s only that would be removed is the online
1476s requirement um and the uh randomized
1479s matchmaking that you might encounter if
1481s you want to do something like helper
1482s coin system which we still have helper
1484s coins but they've been changed over to
1485s the job board but um no no content will
1488s be will be removed we just added up a
1490s lot yeah and the and Co-op is you know
1493s pretty simple if you're on Steam you
1495s just right click join game or invite to
1497s game they drop in in the same way that
1500s you know your progression would would be
1502s the same uh in the live version if
1504s you're on a quest and you do it in their
1506s world you get credit for it all the loot
1509s you keep you keep when you go back to
1510s your game you have everything so there's
1512s no weird like oh I don't get credit for
1514s this in your world or anything like that
1516s um yeah someone asked a question about
1518s um uh that uh does have sub crossplay no
1523s so because of the fact that there is no
1524s account system as Steve just mentioned
1526s you're joining friends directly through
1528s your friends list
1529s um so you're clicking on them in steam
1530s or clicking them on PlayStation Network
1532s and joining their game directly like a
1533s traditional Co-op game as far as actual
1535s crossplay or matchmaking we'll talk
1538s about that towards the end of the stream
1539s and kind of like what we're looking
1540s towards in the future um as well as some
1542s other cool surprises I promise is a
1544s really good surprise you don't want to
1545s go
1546s away um okay so we're going to swap are
1550s you ready for the transition uh ready
1552s for the transition a minute before we do
1553s that let's do a giveaway we might as
1554s well we've been talking for 20 some
1555s minutes so let's give away a copy of the
1558s game so we're going to give away a copy
1559s of the game that we have that's Founders
1561s well what used to be a base Founders
1562s pack but it's now actually just the game
1564s and then uh we also have these I'm
1566s trying to do this without touching my
1567s mic give away two of these uh these are
1571s USB uh thumb
1573s D huh 8.0 3 uh sorry 3.0 8 GB USB
1580s drives I bet this really
1584s good um here's the USB very cool uh and
1588s also has a uh P so let's give away let's
1593s give away two of these so snarf is going
1595s to roll for two
1598s USBS snarf do it up all right and then
1601s we'll do a copy of the
1603s game oh my God there's voices yes you
1606s will hear the voices of all the
1607s wayfinders as well as some NPCs when
1609s you're inside the game as well as some
1610s enemies when you're fighting the game
1611s it's kind of cool I actually didn't know
1612s I fig out which one it was that I was
1614s fighting yesterday and he's like I'm to
1616s yeah a lot more a lot more V in and
1618s again for the wayfinders there'll be
1620s combat quips they'll be shouting out
1622s when you're doing your abilities
1624s sometimes uh getting wounded helping
1626s people yeah all that fun stuff uh
1629s giveaways just to be clear giveaways as
1631s well as the live chat that we're taking
1633s questions from is on Twitch I can't do
1636s multiple places at once unfortunately so
1637s it's all going to be on Twitch Alex you
1639s got that role yet uh it's not populating
1641s Alex says it's not
1643s populating uh all right I'm guessing of
1646s a number between one and 100 okay I'm
1648s not doing that
1649s terrible uh to answer the question about
1651s housing items and cosmetics acquired for
1653s the shop so everything is reset so it's
1657s basically a brand new game you'll be
1658s starting fresh you'll be able to acquire
1661s everything uh that you've found before
1664s um Ruby actually has an expanded list of
1666s stuff to buy you can
1669s find you around everywhere in the world
1671s there's tons of all of those Cosmetics
1674s to find but you'll have to re yeah re
1677s redo your house as well since it's a
1679s Reload the chat bot we're not GNA we're
1681s not going to give away things by people
1682s guessing random numbers say this it's
1685s just not loading it's not populating any
1687s it's not uh well maybe the bot is down
1690s yeah okay um I guess we'll transition
1693s over to uh talking about grundle all
1697s right well let's go do the
1701s transition you
1703s are my
1705s [Music]
1707s God
1710s for
1713s Fore
1719s [Music]
1725s fore
1728s fore foreign
1738s [Music]
1752s yeah that was
1753s the what no what go I was say that's the
1757s the teaser that we showed off in at TGs
1760s there is
1761s the full version when the game is live
1764s on June 11th so look forward to it it is
1768s awesome it is very very cool um people
1771s are saying is he only Japanese no I
1773s promise he's in English Steve said this
1775s was a uh an asset that we we premiered
1777s at Tokyo game show we're not quite ready
1780s oh stream dead goes the
1784s stream
1786s be encoding overloaded can on the video
1789s settings yeah just turn off the video it
1791s keeps playing over and over again I
1792s would just go back to us
1802s this is what you call doing it
1805s live somebody said recently on I don't
1808s remember what it's like I like these
1809s guys cuz they you could tell that
1810s they're Scrappy and they oh oh God are
1813s we Scrappy as uh we back we back it's
1816s buffering a lot yeah I just don't think
1817s it like that video I don't know why
1819s latency issues latency issues oh yeah I
1821s did see this come up a bunch in chat
1823s hold on can chat hear me it should be
1825s chat will be back hello I we are not
1830s back I twitch hasn't moved in like a
1834s minute it's definitely moving our
1841s mind double sound double Sound audio
1844s double audio double oh my God AJ is
1846s eching now audio is weird we're game
1847s developers not streamers yeah here we go
1852s Alex definitely had two audio streams
1853s going de provided the mics that's rude
1856s come on guys
1858s it should be better now all right we
1859s should be better uh somebody asked about
1861s the latency issues I will say one of the
1863s things that is really hard to convey on
1865s a stream or just us talking AJ is
1867s echoing Big Time Lau AJ is still echoing
1869s on brand to be honest it is absolutely
1871s on brand um it's the game feels a lot
1874s different like it's really impossible
1876s for us to be like hey it feels better
1878s and talk about that it's just one of
1879s those things you have to pick up and
1880s play some saying we're back we're back
1882s cool so um we want to get in your hands
1885s super quick 31st and then June 11th and
1887s then later on for place PlayStation and
1889s for Xbox but yes as far as like the
1891s actual latency goes in terms of like
1892s your character it feels much more
1893s responsive and it feels much more
1895s obviously like a traditional game that
1896s doesn't have an online requirement but I
1898s think people will be very very happy and
1900s pleased with just how it
1902s feels echo's gone all right let's go to
1905s grindle we got 30
1906s minutes I got a hard out at at
1911s one all right so we well Alex was
1915s playing grindle before but let's talk
1916s about grindle's abilities actually look
1919s at some of the videos that we have
1920s inside here and talk about this big so
1924s grindle is awesome he actually has um uh
1927s his passive basically Buffs him when you
1929s guard break enemies and he has a lot of
1932s break power uh in his uh base stats and
1936s also his abilities so he's got uh Tremor
1939s which he can send a shock wave uh and
1941s it'll do a ton of break damage in a big
1943s long line
1946s which Alex can hover over
1949s so yeah you can send a shock wave down
1950s do a ton of break damage uh you have
1953s your leap which you can use to Gap close
1955s to enemies through upgrading it you can
1957s get a second charge which is a lot of
1959s fun so you can be like leaping around
1960s the battlefield uh breaking stuff
1963s buffing yourself up when they're broken
1965s and then he's got Whirlwind which has uh
1968s its own resource bar so you can use as
1970s much or as little as you want as you're
1972s fighting Break Stuff rollwind kill
1975s everything uh he's he's a lot of fun um
1978s and then his ultimate uh Buffs him up a
1981s ton he's he can't be staggered so even
1984s if your guard broken you can keep
1985s attacking and you uh you move faster
1988s deal more damage he uh becomes a
1991s whirlwind of death he's lots of
1996s fun uh he's a real Barbarian he kind of
2000s is up in
2002s face a lot of fun to play it is really
2005s about being in the middle of combat and
2006s just uh getting up those meters and is
2008s dealing a lot a lot of damage I think
2010s glendle will be something that people
2012s love to especially if you do like that
2014s type of play that's really melee focused
2016s again in wayfinder you can play any
2017s character with any weapon but he
2019s definitely excels with that
2020s twoand and then obviously he's a war
2022s master so Master passive player comes
2025s into play with him as well yep so you
2026s can do weapon abilities more often uh he
2029s he actually works really well with
2030s ability power because uh his Whirlwind
2032s is a big damage source for him so
2034s getting ability power and spinning guys
2037s is very
2039s effective um okay so let's take brindle
2043s actually to our brand new Zone rather
2045s than just fighting stuff here let's talk
2047s about cross March so those who played
2050s the game before deot halt was a location
2052s you'll be familiar with it was a much
2053s smaller location that we plan to expand
2056s we've done that expansion this is by far
2059s the largest Game Zone that we have uh
2062s both have seen the old game and then the
2064s new one roughly three times the size of
2067s outst the volume all right roughly three
2069s times the size as oldlands you want to
2071s show that map real quick zoom out of Tad
2074s but it's pretty big uh see talk about
2077s some of the things people might find
2078s while they're inside a frost March yeah
2079s so there's uh the deepwood halt is still
2082s there so there's the town Hub there's uh
2085s tons of uh hidden uh call call them
2088s sellers basically like little micro
2090s dungeons underneath lots of secrets to
2092s find World bosses uh events uh new
2096s events there's uh patrols which
2098s basically will be like beacons you can
2100s find that give you random yeah so
2101s patrols are I mention that patrols are a
2103s brand new system that we have kind of
2105s like the JW board you go to a patrol
2107s beon to find one you pick up a patrol
2109s Quest you complete it and then what do
2111s you get upon completion you get bunch of
2113s different rewards for the patrols marks
2117s oh yeah doing any event in uh in Frost
2120s March it's one of the new currencies
2121s Frost marks you can uh use them at a
2124s vendor to get a bunch of uh cool late
2127s game loot not not end game because it's
2131s there is a whole other end game there's
2133s one speaker chest a one time chest you
2135s can find that anywhere in the world yeah
2136s so those all the overlandsummers
2158s what Alex just found is a one C chest
2159s that could have sprays weapon skins uh
2163s housing items like anything that was
2164s inside of the game that we sold before
2166s thousands of thousands of items are all
2168s earnable inside the game there's no in
2170s game monetization to um mention that
2172s again and it's all stuff that you can
2173s pick up while you're inside the game and
2175s find those chests or just inside of loot
2177s when you're in the
2178s dungeons
2179s yeah um one of the other things one of
2182s the big things one of the coolest things
2184s we added to is the all the armor so we
2187s had a lot of different Cosmetics for
2189s sale they're no longer for sale we
2190s wanted to give them the players but just
2193s grabbing cosmetic armor throughout the
2195s game wasn't exciting enough so they're
2198s all actually Loot and you can they have
2200s stats uh so after he finishes his fight
2204s actually you can hit start and it should
2205s pause oh yeah we didn't mention pause so
2207s you can pause in single player too okay
2209s fun fact about pause we were like hey we
2211s should do a pause maybe we can do pause
2212s we don't have to pause I push really
2214s hard for a pause and I'm going to give a
2216s shout out to my mom he say it be I was
2218s in the middle of fighting Spider Queen
2221s my mom called just out of pure muscle
2223s memory I hit pause nothing happened I'm
2225s like God this suck we should put in a
2226s pause so yes there is a pause inside the
2229s game now which is great if you are
2231s playing as a co-op experience either as
2233s the host or someone that joined there is
2235s no Co-op I'm sorry no pause there is
2238s Co-op but if you are playing uh solo
2240s there is there is a pause just by
2241s pressing part to bring up the yeah what
2243s someone asked we did a a balance tuning
2246s across the entire game so some boss had
2248s multiplayer specific mechanics we made
2250s sure it was still
2252s soloable you can you can beat the whole
2255s game solo as well yes if you want to
2258s look at your armor so one of the things
2261s you can find armor throughout the game
2262s uh there's uh five slots to equip they
2265s actually have stats uh you can mix and
2268s match you will also unlock the Cosmetic
2271s option so you can still transmog so if
2273s you get a new piece of armor but you
2275s want to keep how you looked you can do
2277s that all way finders start with uh
2279s different hairstyles now as well so you
2280s can customize that right from the
2283s get-go um and when you there's some
2286s progression based Persona unlocks so
2289s those are the full body uh uh takeovers
2293s takeovers yeah and you'll get that uh
2296s when you hit Level 30 or awaken five so
2297s there's those to unlock on every
2299s character also but all of the component
2302s pieces are drops with stats on them yep
2305s and they're not items like you said they
2306s just go into your collection I mean we
2308s were a collection based game before but
2309s really now we're leaning into it we've
2311s also added hundreds of hundreds of
2313s actual um dieses that you can apply to
2315s both the character the character's hair
2317s the weapons all these things again are
2319s earnable nothing is purchasable inside
2320s the game it is something that you will
2322s find um throughout the game just by
2324s playing it yep and yeah like to to touch
2326s on the armor again they the bonuses on
2329s them are percentage based so they're
2330s always useful there's different tiers of
2332s armor you can find but whereas
2334s accessories and weapons you're going to
2335s be wanting to find higher level ones as
2337s you you play the armor you'll find
2339s better ones but they'll be useful
2341s forever uh it's not like you're going to
2343s find the same armor piece at different
2345s levels it's more of a collection there's
2348s uh 10 sets per character yep so just to
2351s confirm armor is different than
2352s transmogging you can mix a match and you
2354s can have the armor stats and you can
2355s have the armor Buffs I'm sorry the set
2357s Buffs while also transmogging um no
2360s issue there yeah uh what happens to
2362s World bosses like Talon Aire so we
2364s rebalance those as well so you can
2366s actually manually summon him uh so you
2368s don't have to wait for 30 minutes or an
2370s hour for all our world boss are like
2372s yeah all the yeah so all the world
2374s bosses are summonable and uh beatable
2377s solo uh they're tough you know uh but
2380s they are definitely doable solo yes uh
2383s what and also speaking of difficulty uh
2386s we actually added difficulties so yeah
2388s let's put on the hard to see how Alex
2390s does here yeah so you can change it at
2392s any time so we have story normal
2395s challenging and heroic um heroic is a
2398s lot tougher um so one thing I want to
2401s touch on is I've heard a lot of feedback
2403s from people both in Discord on Steam
2405s forms even Reddit why don't we have
2408s specific um bonuses or aexes or whatever
2411s for the difficulty levels yeah so uh one
2414s of the the requirements for add the
2415s difficulties we really wanted to get
2417s them in cuz some people you know looking
2419s at feedback it's too hard it's too easy
2422s it's a very skill-based game so it's all
2425s over the place so we wanted to have
2426s something so people can customize the
2429s difficulty for themselves I like playing
2431s very hard games if I can the challenge
2433s makes a lot more fun for me so I really
2436s am excited to get heroic in there uh
2438s what we wanted to avoid was weird edge
2440s cases with uh one if you play heroic and
2443s you get better loot it makes it easier
2445s again so it kind of defeats the purpose
2447s um and we don't have any achievements
2449s tied to it or anything right now uh one
2452s of the things we wanted to avoid also
2453s was just creating a flood of bugs and
2456s and and uh and uh Catch 22 is like oh
2460s I'm playing on heroic for my achievement
2462s but I join my friend who has it set to
2464s story and now it invalidates my
2465s achievement forever like we it's it's
2467s really just for you can change it to how
2470s you want to play it if you are don't
2473s want to you you're new to action games
2476s you can play on story and still
2477s experience the game if you really like
2480s action games and you're want it to be
2482s harder you can put it up to heroic um if
2486s you're having trouble with the B B and
2488s you're just like I just want to get past
2490s this you can put it to story and then
2492s put it back to heroic it's really up to
2494s the player to customize how they want to
2496s play yep um taking some questions from
2499s Chad again someone asked about heroic
2501s chyros obviously no difference between
2503s heroic chyro it's not a correlation
2505s between heroic chyos and the heroic
2506s difficulty um obviously and then someone
2508s else asked about specifically the uh
2510s founders packs again all those items are
2512s completely exclusive they're not inside
2513s the game you cannot R them they're not
2515s in there how's the story changed so one
2517s of the things that we did do is we did
2518s change the flow of the main story quest
2519s to incorporate some additional content
2522s as well as streamed um strip down some
2524s of the dialogue that we heard feedback
2527s from players was obsessive and kind of H
2528s you out of the gameplay and more inside
2530s of speaking to NPCs so that has been
2533s streamline we also do have a story line
2536s that culminates in a very large fight
2538s that's all I'll say it won't give away
2540s Who's involved or what's going on there
2542s but I I will say that it is a very cool
2544s very F active fight definitely urge you
2545s to check it out what we have done
2548s um those adjustments and uh
2551s yeah so um sarf is going through the uh
2556s the frost March area and kind of looking
2557s at all the different pois and different
2559s typ of events that we have I think in
2560s total in this area there's something
2562s like 20 events right there's there's a
2565s ton of quests ton of Patrol missions
2567s pois and other things to find when
2569s you're on there and the actual lost Zone
2572s entrances for Reaver Woods are in the
2574s Overland and not just all in the town
2576s Hub so you'll actually need to explore
2578s to find those as well M uh are we able
2581s to turn off damage number can you turn
2583s off damage numbers no but one of the
2586s things we did update was uh now if you
2588s see a purple number you know that's from
2590s ability power or magic damage so you can
2593s actually if you're getting killed by
2594s something that's hitting you with purple
2596s numbers if you get more magic defense
2598s it'll help you with that um so the fly
2601s text has been updated as well yeah so um
2603s Alex was just on one of the mounts
2605s that's exclusive to the founders coins
2607s let's saw a little about the mount so we
2609s have mounts inside the game now uh
2611s they're really cool obviously you can
2612s customize the mount as well as the
2614s saddle can you go back to the laama so
2617s this is the founders Mount that was
2619s given to the founders pack we Awakening
2621s and exalted pack fun fact the nice
2623s little bonus that those Founders have
2625s for us is that you actually have access
2627s to this Mount immediately upon entering
2629s Skylight in the game um anyone else that
2631s does not have those two packs you do
2632s have to earn your Mount just by
2633s completing a quest but it is a nice
2635s thank you to the awaken and the exalted
2637s pack Founders that you will get through
2638s long my immediately so here's the saddle
2640s as well and you can earn some others
2642s from playing it does change it just
2643s cosmetic there's nothing else additional
2645s on top of that um photo mode would be
2647s cool something we'd love to add in the
2648s future just didn't have the time or
2649s resources to do now how is leveling
2651s system working now do we have activities
2653s that we can do with different characters
2654s to level up or uh is it like the old
2656s system where you're constantly spamming
2657s dungeons yeah so uh we still have the uh
2660s resonance Scrolls for characters not for
2662s weapons we've uh tuned the leveling
2665s curve so you should be able to play
2667s pretty straight through uh without
2669s having to grind a lot um especially if
2671s you're on normal if you're on heroic
2673s you'll probably need to gear up and and
2676s stuff but uh resident Scrolls uh will
2679s level characters if you find a character
2681s uh they will actually be higher than
2684s level one already so if you're like I
2686s think grindle comes at like level eight
2689s uh when you get him uh and weapons uh oh
2692s yeah one of the other things we removed
2693s was the max equip level so anyone can
2696s equip anything of any levels so if you
2697s get a level 30 weapon and you have level
2700s 30 accessories you swap to a level one
2702s character or level eight character you
2703s can equip the level 30 weapons and
2705s accessories and you'll be way stronger
2706s so there's a lot less of like feeling
2709s like you're starting over every time
2710s you're swapping to a new character um
2712s and again talents if you if you've
2714s unlocked Talent points they unlock on
2715s all your characters um so starting
2719s switching to another character is not uh
2721s not too bad someone asked about steam
2723s back compatibility I was supposed to
2725s bring my steam deck in here and use it
2726s as a prop but it's started at my desk
2728s but yes it will be verified it is
2729s completely playable on Steam deck um
2731s with a dedicated profile um we're
2733s waiting for that final verification now
2735s but it runs great we have people inside
2736s the office here that have been playing
2738s exclusively on the seam deck for weeks
2740s it hosts co-op games just like your PC
2742s with no issue no latency no problem um
2745s but it's a great device to play this on
2746s we think it's pretty compelling actually
2748s to play a game like this on your steam
2749s deck on the the comfor your couch so
2751s Alex found a seller here um there's a
2753s ton of these throughout brossart shot
2754s out to our world building team on the
2756s guys that work I'm Zone and all the
2758s zones we have inside the game but
2759s there's a lot of Secrets find
2764s here you're all going to die uh what we
2767s have to reown the game will the new
2768s version be patched over the current
2769s version the new version will be patched
2771s over the current version there will not
2772s be a new stew won't be a new
2776s website uh how Founders pack work for
2779s people on PS5 the exact same way as
2781s people on PC you will just log in to
2783s play the game will know that you have
2785s made that purchase and it'll give you
2786s all the St um how does health and damage
2789s scale with M yeah so actually another
2791s thing we removed was uh difficulty
2793s Spears um so if you're playing with a a
2797s friend now or by yourself really the way
2799s it works is uh dungeons will have level
2802s ranges so it'll be like power level 300
2805s to 900 and it will actually um scale to
2808s you within that range players will never
2810s scale down to Content anymore so if
2812s you're power level 2,000 and you go to a
2815s max power level 900 thing you're going
2817s to stomp it and um if you're playing
2820s with a friend and they're power level
2822s 400 and you're power level 1500 the
2826s content for you will scale up to 900
2828s which is the cap of that range you'll be
2830s getting loot equivalent to the 900 power
2832s level your friend will be see enemies uh
2836s of his power level or her power level
2839s and getting loot uh relative to that so
2841s basically if if I do a th000 damage and
2844s it's 10% of their health your friend
2845s will see 10% of their health go away and
2847s they only need to do 100 damage to do
2849s 10% of their health CU they're way lower
2851s power level so you can play with friends
2852s of different level ranges the uh Gloom
2855s tears in the overlandsummers
2877s that we have now yeah so the post game
2880s uh once you complete the main story uh
2882s you'll get the credits and you'll unlock
2884s uh Mythic difficulty hunts so and the
2888s bounty board uh so you'll be able to
2891s fight any hunt in the game at Mythic
2893s level they'll be way more powerful
2895s they'll drop uh Mythic versions of their
2898s Echoes they'll start dropping legendary
2899s armor uh legendary uh level weapons and
2903s accessories uh bounties will send you
2906s hit you against hunts with certain
2908s mutators and in doing that you'll be
2910s able to get uh a resource called glory
2912s and you'll be able to use that to get um
2916s fcy level 38 weapons which are the the
2918s highest tier of Mythic and then there
2920s are four new Hunts uh and two World
2923s bosses that are only Mythic and they're
2925s level 38 so uh if you just beat the game
2928s and you try and fight them straight away
2929s you'll probably get killed uh and you'll
2932s want to be getting you know updating
2934s your armor uh updating your Loadout uh
2937s Max getting more wayfinder Rank and
2939s talents and and work your way to to
2941s killing those new hunts yeah somebody
2942s asked about existing wayfinders I think
2944s pretty much every wayfinder to get
2945s touched in some way or shape form be it
2947s abilities or be it um ability power
2950s streamlining how they work um there's a
2952s huge fix for wind grave with his combos
2954s that was changed in terms of just I'm
2955s sorry not wind grave sword and shield
2956s combos specifically so yes all of those
2959s characters have been looked at and
2960s adjusted both for this transition but
2962s just in terms of just fullblown
2964s balancing tuning but there are no like
2965s full-blown re um reworks to any those
2968s character right yeah we we've done a
2970s mostly Buffs on everything uh a lot of
2973s underperforming weapon abilities have
2975s been buffed uh we a lot of it's hard to
2979s even know where the change was from live
2981s to this like we've we've done a bunch of
2983s updates everything across the game
2985s essentially somebody asked about
2986s multiple saves multiple save files is
2987s something that we do want to support in
2989s the future it is not in now but you can
2991s very easily take your save file and your
2992s save location back it up to your desktop
2995s and then just make a new one if you want
2996s to play with a group of friends then
2998s change over to another friend um so
2999s something we'd like to add in the future
3000s but as right now it is just one save
3002s file that you can continue from or wipe
3004s out from the game but it is just a
3006s folder that you can copy over from your
3008s um uh uh your on your windows directory
3011s and then by the time we get out this uh
3012s Playstation hopefully we have a system
3013s in place no guarantees but we'd like to
3015s do something with multiple save files
3017s yes yep uh item limits have been raised
3020s uh someone asked about housing earlier
3023s so wait the new video that was edited
3028s okay so there's there's what's here now
3030s and then what's coming so but the
3033s current housing item limits are raised
3035s you're going to be getting a lot more
3036s items than you did before huge though
3038s not raised it goes from 100 items and
3041s I'm sorry 100 items let see 100 items
3045s and 25 lighting items to 500 items and
3050s 120 lighting I could be wrong don't
3052s don't crucify me please we will have it
3053s in the patches but the tldr is that
3055s there is a huge change to housing in
3057s terms of the amount of things that you
3058s can put inside your house both the
3059s lighting and the decorations it is a
3061s giant upgrade there is also yes an
3063s increased item limit an increased Echo
3065s limit um that we put inside the game
3067s versus what's in there alive as well and
3070s um yeah I guess we'll be teasing
3072s something that won't be there at 1.0 but
3075s we are working on for a Content update
3077s so yeah somebody asked I've seen a
3078s couple comments about PlayStation
3080s specifically so I'll address that why is
3081s there a delay in the Playstation release
3083s so when you're in Early Access obviously
3084s you want to be able to have a lot of
3086s agility and change the game push an
3088s update maybe there's something as game
3089s breaking maybe there's a big feature you
3090s want to add being on Steam does allow us
3092s that agility to do it but PlayStation
3094s does not and then also just the complete
3096s one honest truth is that that transition
3098s from digital streams to us is not
3100s complete we don't have control over that
3101s PlayStation account just yet so I don't
3104s have a way to essentially update that
3105s PlayStation version so we will be adding
3108s um this update for PlayStation 5 by the
3110s end of the summer um as soon as we have
3112s a date in terms of when we can think we
3114s can do that and that transition is
3115s complete and all those tools are handed
3116s over to us we will let the community
3118s know um but we' love to start we are
3120s testing on it now but as soon as it's
3122s available we put and just to confirm
3125s June 11th is not the 1.0 we will still
3127s be in early access we hope to leave
3128s early access by the end of the year when
3130s we do bring the game overx as
3133s POS uh no switch PlayStation
3136s and um you can also swap characters uh
3139s in Dungeons and weapons you can drop all
3142s that in dungeons um which is a lot more
3145s like it was in the over lands before for
3147s um uh six-man raid so I'll talk about
3149s this now come up a couple times people
3151s have asked specifically about our future
3153s support for the game and how we plan to
3156s um grow it and I've seen and I've talked
3158s to a couple people and looked at a
3160s couple forums online and people are like
3161s hey reading between the lines they're
3162s kind of putting out the game and then
3164s and then moving on and it's it's not
3165s really reading between the lines we've
3167s been very honest with the fact that like
3168s yes Our intention is to deliver a 1.0
3171s version of this game um we would love to
3173s continue working on the game everyone
3175s here loves the world we love the
3176s character we love everything we've built
3178s so far and we don't want to leave it but
3181s the financials have to make sense so in
3182s order for us to do things like possibly
3184s adding matchmaking or a server browser
3187s or crossplay or new characters or new
3189s locations really depends on the
3191s reception of the game just being
3192s completely blunt with people so um the
3194s end goal is that we will deliver a 1.0
3196s version of the game for people that have
3197s forever it will be out of Early Access
3199s that version will include an update to
3201s housing that we'll show in a minute a
3202s brand new character brand new location
3205s brand new additional hunts yeah 7
3207s minutes by the way okay thank you with
3209s the brand new additional hunts that we
3210s will have again that'll come in early
3212s access anything outside of the game be
3214s it crossplay or servers or um another
3217s way finder another location really just
3218s depends on you guys and everybody else
3220s if the game finds an audience we will
3222s happily support it we're making this
3224s shift because it is a necessity of the
3226s business and where we're at but we love
3228s the game and we love the world and we
3230s have absolutely no uh reason to want to
3232s to leave other than we have to so um I
3235s hope that answers the questions in terms
3237s of like hey what is the support going to
3238s look like in the future you guys will
3240s help dictate that so get the word out uh
3243s one of the patch notes coming so we will
3246s not have full patch notes just to be
3248s clear we will not have full patch notes
3249s but it's like 5,000 changes 10 it's it's
3252s ridiculous we will have an overview of
3255s the patch notes I'm trying not to for so
3256s I don't hit my mic but there's like six
3257s pages we'll put online that kind of
3259s outlines all the main systems that we
3261s talked about here and I know that we're
3263s kind of right stff but there's a reason
3265s for that talk about in the minute but um
3267s uh let's show the housing video real
3271s quick then we have six minutes minutes
3274s as in all games no one can tell how 1.0
3276s will different from Early Access because
3277s point of the Early Access see was
3278s working so true we don't know where
3280s Early Access is going to go other than
3281s the fact that we have tons of ideas and
3283s tons of characters and tons of locations
3284s and various um forms this is just a look
3287s at one thing that will be coming in
3288s early access we will be delivering this
3290s housing update it delivers multiple
3292s floors multiple locations and
3295s specifically something special at the
3297s end I won't give away just yet but um we
3299s know housing is really something that
3301s people actually um love about the game
3304s in terms of both building up their
3305s characters and their locations so we
3308s want to keep supporting it we want to
3309s continually add things to it as we've
3311s said a couple times all the housing
3313s items and previously purchasable items
3314s are inside the game oh important thing
3316s we didn't mention any housing item that
3318s you do find you get the recipe to make
3321s another version of it so it's not just a
3322s one and done type of thing sep trophies
3324s separ trophies okay but if I find a bed
3326s and I want make multiple versions of it
3327s or if I want to do that with um a
3329s lighting fixture I have the ability to
3331s do that four persons party please the
3333s game is supportive of three player co-op
3335s um going back to what I said before
3337s about raids we did retroactively work on
3338s the raids from six players to three
3340s again if we have support and people love
3342s the game and they're playing it we love
3344s to bring that three-player content out
3345s maybe it expands we just can't promise
3347s that yet yes you can pet the pets yeah
3349s we added petting pets also placement
3352s limit still in effect yes in case you
3353s missed it about couple minutes ago we
3355s talked about it that we did increase it
3357s uh by almost five times it's 500 for
3359s items now and 125 for lighting um I need
3364s this game man well pretty soon you can
3365s play this game I promise you um we got
3368s about 5 minutes left and I'm going to
3369s we're going to talk about some final
3371s stuff at the end but if you have any
3372s other questions guys please throw them
3374s inside the chat will the winter event be
3375s inside the game it is not with our
3377s limited time and resources that we have
3379s we weren't able to add it it's something
3381s we'd like to add before the end of Early
3382s Access hopefully and then maybe have
3383s some sort of a toggle so that you can
3385s turn it on and off maybe with your
3387s system clock we don't know we've talked
3389s about it but again this was the work
3391s that we could do from about February
3392s till now when we started to make this
3395s pivot this looks amazing this looks good
3398s can we talk about how fast we entered
3400s the home loading and starting into the
3401s game is really really
3403s fast the
3408s patio is it possible to revert back to
3410s the MMO later on probably not uh I'll be
3412s honest um it's difficult to run an
3415s online game like that I mean we can add
3417s systems in things like server browsers
3419s or crossplay or maybe official mod
3421s support in the future that help bridge
3422s that Gap um but we found that from
3425s creating this it is a just better game
3427s in terms of just the moments when
3428s gameplay and how it plays so we'd like
3430s to add things that'll kind of help bring
3432s back that MMO light type of feel but as
3434s far as being like an online only um
3437s thing I don't think it's specific in the
3438s cards but who knows what the future
3440s holds uh this game comes out and people
3442s love it again we'd love to continue to
3444s do that
3448s yeah um how are dungeons changing we
3451s talked about that a lot recommend you
3452s going back and taking a look um through
3454s the video itself we need matchmaking
3456s server browser we agree again limited
3458s time limited resources but we'd love to
3460s do something like that so that people
3462s can do it just to be clear too I don't
3464s think we mentioned it but when somebody
3465s does join your game you see them run
3466s around Skylight you see them in Frost
3468s March you see them in other locations
3470s it's not just a dungeon type of thing
3472s so uh I think I'm pretty much going to
3474s wrap it so if you want to go back to us
3476s screen amazing job guys thanks for
3479s talking about the game is second
3480s wayfinder yeah I mean it's important to
3481s us we love the game we love the world
3483s we've built and kind of like I've said
3485s and I've hinted that multiple times it's
3486s a tough time right now in the industry
3488s so support people that make awesome
3490s stuff support awesome teams and uh we're
3493s doing this so that we don't go away and
3494s that wayfinder doesn't go away and we
3496s want to be around for a long long time
3498s so we appreciate people that are
3500s sticking with us again to those that did
3502s buy into founders packs and feel
3503s disappointed about this change
3504s unfortunately it's a necess it's a
3505s necessity for us us we hope that you
3507s give the game a fair shake and that you
3509s play it and and see how we've changed
3510s and that it is changed um but we also
3513s understand and and we empathize with you
3514s so I totally get it um and one of the
3517s things that we've always been honest
3518s about and we've always been very
3520s transparent with players about is that
3522s we feel that actions speak louder than
3525s words and when I say actions speak
3527s louder than words we just rifle through
3529s an hour of changes Steve you and Alex
3531s talked about two hours of changes
3532s yesterday um uh uh Joe I almost forgot
3535s Joe's name Joe Ryan went through about
3537s an hour of changes with skill up the
3539s other day but um there's a lot of change
3541s on the horizon and instead of actually
3544s players sitting here and reading patch
3546s notes and reading articles and stewing
3548s about those changes and saying what's
3549s good and what's bad we said to
3552s ourselves literally three days ago well
3556s why don't we just let them play it and
3557s so I am telling you right now that if
3560s you open up your steam account if you
3562s own the game as a finder if you right
3564s click on said steam game you go to
3566s properties and then you go to betas and
3568s you enter the code Return of the Reaver
3571s King all one word all lowercase you can
3574s play the entire game right now in a beta
3577s format so this is important to note that
3579s the entire game is available for you to
3580s play as a Founder right this second it
3583s is a beta nothing will carry over it is
3585s not early access it's not a preload it
3587s is really for you to dig into the game
3589s and find issues and bugs people were
3591s like hey why don't you guys do a a open
3594s Beta when you launched the game well we
3595s were in charge then we are now so we'll
3597s do our closest thing to an open Beta
3599s play it right this second um also on
3601s Discord there will be a channel that you
3603s can uh look at to see how to give us
3605s your critical bugs that you might find
3607s again it's important to note that
3608s critical bugs are what we're looking for
3610s now not so much feedback you can enter
3612s that feedback but we are really looking
3613s for critical multiplayer online bugs
3617s that will be a giant showstopper when we
3618s do go live on the 11th for people so
3620s take a look at that read about the
3623s current experience in that beta that
3624s beta will run from right this SE
3627s until Tuesday at some date that I don't
3629s think we actually figured out so
3631s sometime on Tuesday sometime on Tuesday
3632s we'll figure it out I'll play it
3633s throughout the entire weekend somebody
3634s wrote Return of the raver King all one
3635s caps it is not in caps it is all
3638s lowercase all one word also people have
3640s said that if you type it in I'm sorry if
3643s you copy paste it doesn't work so try
3644s typing in there might be a space at the
3646s end if you copy paste Return of the
3650s Reaver King all one word yeah right
3652s click the game properties they'll be
3655s betas and then you should be B to put in
3656s a code there no will the save data cross
3659s over from the beta to the final game no
3661s this is a beta this is for you to test
3662s out if you don't want to lose progress
3665s do not play yeah we are not asking you
3666s guys to to play this right now and and
3669s then carry it over we are we are
3671s specifically asking for feed we're
3673s specially asking for showstopping
3675s critical bugs that'll hinder our
3676s performance once we do go live on June
3678s 11th so thank you there there's some
3681s known issues some known issues they're
3683s on that list issu nothing crazy some of
3685s it's fixed already but just not in that
3687s Branch there's a couple known issues on
3688s there but they are on the instructions
3690s and whatnot that we have available on um
3692s on Discord so download it play it um we
3697s can't thank you guys enough for you can
3698s stream it too there's no NDA yeah no NDA
3701s talk about it inside of discore we will
3702s not be posting that anywhere by the way
3704s this is a very cool uh viral moment I
3707s guess that we're telling you what the
3709s what the code is but if you have friends
3710s that want to do it as well um check it
3712s out but um we got a jet out of here um
3715s the beta version has grown the beta
3716s version is literally the exact game that
3718s will be out on the 31st for Founders and
3720s then the 11th for people that are brand
3721s new to buy the game and then the end of
3723s summer for PlayStation 5 and then later
3725s on the year for play uh Xbox series X
3728s and S so um again we couldn't we
3731s couldn't be here without you guys we
3733s realize that it's been a rocky road we
3734s hope that you understand and you see the
3736s passion that we put into the game and
3738s just by us talking about it and being in
3740s Discord and interacting with players
3741s that you guys are important to us we
3743s realize that we're in a a a situation as
3746s as the Star Trek Fantom me would say is
3747s the kobashi Maru right there's no win
3749s situation you got to pick how you handle
3751s it so that's where we are right now and
3754s uh um we hope that when you do play the
3756s game and you pick it up you see that we
3757s did put a lot of effort into it it's not
3759s just a repackaging of what exists today
3762s it is a brand new game and then we think
3764s it'll be a really compelling package to
3765s people that play um and pick up the game
3767s for $25 when it comes out on June 11th
3769s if you're brand new so thank you very
3771s much everyone being here again we'd love
3773s to continue to support the game we'd
3775s love to continue doing streams like this
3777s uh we don't want to go away we don't
3779s want to run run we don't want to not be
3782s inside of Evan or and and work with
3784s those characters so um that all comes
3786s from the support of the community so um
3788s with that uh this channel will stay live
3790s and I'll actually switch over to Alex
3792s playing some with Rubicon who also has
3795s access to the exact same build that you
3796s will be having access to um again that
3799s beta version will run until Tuesday
3801s invite your friends find Co-op bugs
3803s break Co-op stuff um we definitely want
3805s to find that out before um it all goes
3807s live on the 31st for Founders and then
3810s the 11 for everybody else Steve you got
3812s anything before I go we're done thank
3813s you everybody and hope you have fun
3816s that's all we can say hope you have fun
3817s we make games to have fun and games are
3819s supposed to be fun so we appreciate
3821s everybody being here thank you very much
3823s we'll see you in
3828s game all right I guess it's my time
3831s huh our time now is this thing on are we
3834s working
3837s running uh running everything behind the
3838s scenes is a lot of fun let me tell you
3840s well actually I want to call let's see
3842s if we can get him on the
3845s mic hi everybody can everybody in chat
3847s hear
3852s me
3857s call I don't hear anything coming to
3860s there that's not
3863s good so you guys are still live by by
3866s the way so they can still hear you I can
3868s mute you if you
3873s want uh if you want to be able to do it
3876s wait
3879s TR oh no what can you hear
3882s me
3886s [Laughter]
3888s fantastic we will spit we will spit in
3891s the face of whatever deep God we have
3894s offended and we will go not quietly into
3896s the night and we will continue to make
3898s this game even if it kills every single
3901s one of us it will be there for everybody
3902s to
3905s [Laughter]
3908s enjoy that is there's one thing to fix
3911s all of these problems and I have it
3912s right
3914s here oh oh you can't uh I I have a we
3918s have a tag on top in the office and uh
3920s let me tell you it has saved me on many
3922s occasion all right so we're in game
3924s we're in Co-op right
3929s are you
3931s sure oh hi
3938s there all right I'm going to try to so
3940s we're going to try to get uh AJ on the
3944s the giveaway front and see if he can
3945s give away some of the the cool stuff I
3947s don't know why nightbot was not
3948s functioning for me but you know
3957s it was literally everything but you know
3959s we we made it work though we sort of
3961s fixed it I think I
3964s hope
3972s um so everybody everybody's able to
3974s install right now I wonder how many
3976s people were going to get jumping in um
3979s but I'm excited mark what's the run
3982s silver founder coins conversion rate uh
3984s oh we didn't we're going to have patch
3985s notes that go through the the different
3987s tiers um
3992s yeah oh wow you you're giving breaking
3996s footage on how to uh get access
4022s all right what difficulty we want to
4023s play
4026s on no no no no
4029s no me I thrive on
4033s chaos I I like it when everything breaks
4036s and I get to fix it live it's fantastic
4038s all right well let's go let's go explore
4040s this place because there is a heck of a
4042s lot to go uh to go witness so I would
4045s highly recommend poping your your Go Go
4047s Juice you can run like Naruto if you're
4049s playing this who is objectively the best
4055s claror so Ron was telling me earlier
4058s this is the when are we going to see the
4060s the live cosplay are you going to take
4061s this to Twitch con a Mad Warrior riding
4065s a fire hawk across the horizon
4068s [Laughter]
4074s [Music]
4076s all right well let's do this before we
4078s jump into um the world let's uh let's
4081s get your character ready first so if you
4082s open up your menu and then you're going
4084s to see a bunch of things down below your
4086s weapons and equipment you're going to
4088s have your Echo your abilities your
4089s affinity and your talents let's jump
4091s into the talents starts starting you off
4094s so the talent tree is super cool each um
4097s each type of wayfinder so each archetype
4101s um
4108s I think he's going to mat your uh your
4109s play style and I know you're you're a
4111s big animal lover so it'll be right up
4113s your
4116s alley snarf snarf
4127s approves snarf
4130s snarf and that's how we get our Channel
4132s shut down um
4136s so you're in the talent tree so yeah and
4139s then I know there's a lot here it's it's
4142s you know streamlined for the most part
4143s compared to something like Path of Exile
4145s but you know that's a lot of the
4146s inspiration uh we wanted to give
4147s characters you know more ways to
4150s customize
4157s so so you have different ones than I'm
4160s looking at right now um because they're
4162s different for each uh archetype yes so
4164s I'm looking at archetype right now now
4166s so if people go check out RoR con's
4167s Channel on YouTube right now um and then
4170s you'll be able to see but we have the
4173s the Havoc the quantum and the Kinesis
4174s which is the the same um corresponding
4177s ones for you so the top left node is
4179s going to be more your offensive uh tree
4182s so typically the the um abilities you're
4185s going to be getting in here and the
4187s passives um and the slots that you're
4189s going to get are going to be more on the
4191s offense aggressive um sort of play style
4193s uh again you can mix and match and dip
4195s your toe into many trees as you like um
4197s and kind of choose which bonuses that
4199s you really want to go for if you want to
4200s go the top right that's going to be more
4202s on the support um kind of utility um
4205s side of the the the tree again not going
4208s to be perfect it's going to be different
4209s for each one so I think if you go and
4213s you oh
4219s yeah mhm so that's the definitely the
4222s support and if you're playing in Co-op
4224s this would definitely be a nice little
4225s for you to to dip your toe into just to
4227s get those party Buffs um going along but
4229s a lot of them have have party Buffs the
4231s most exciting nodes are going to be the
4233s orange ones so if you scroll over though
4234s those are going to be the ones that
4235s you're you're really looking to kind of
4237s work
4244s towards they can't hear you on the play
4246s rinder stream what's that they can't
4247s hear you on the play rinder stream oh
4249s one second we got to figure out what's
4251s going on with the mic over here um say
4253s that again
4258s these um purple nodes and it says times
4260s two so I'm assuming that before I put
4262s these points in these were actually
4264s haved and then they got multiplied by
4266s two when you put all three of
4269s them do you know what I'm talking about
4271s I I do I have to fix the uh just fix
4274s your microphone dude listen We're not
4276s gonna go anywhere take I think we're
4278s good I think we're good we'll find out I
4280s don't know man it sounds the old God we
4283s we spoke his name aloud and had to break
4286s more things so uh that was that was your
4288s fault I Blame You entirely okay good now
4291s I think we're good fantastic um
4293s everybody can hear your beautiful world
4295s uh your voice over the uh thank you yes
4299s okay so the
4301s um ask your question again go for it so
4305s at the top right hand side you got these
4307s uh purple nodes right here that say
4309s times two so I'm assuming that this
4311s would actually be half of the bonus
4313s before you get all three of them yes
4314s incorrect so so remember on our podcast
4317s we were saying we were going to be going
4318s on the other send uh side of the fence
4321s as far as buffing rather than nerfing so
4323s everything that you see when you scroll
4324s over it is exactly what you're going to
4326s get if you happen to get all three of
4328s those nodes so we can do it live let's
4329s go get myself I already have them so
4333s yeah so now you're if you have all three
4335s of them locked that's actually double
4336s what the original value was so I'll do
4338s it on mine so this one is 72 ability
4340s power this one is 72 weapon power this
4344s one is 3% then I go back over it now
4346s it's 144 so it doubles it as soon as you
4349s get all three of them unlock you
4351s multiply all three of them by three or
4353s by two okay and then the bottom is going
4355s to be defense I would assume uh defense
4358s correct yeah so that is going to be the
4359s more defensive tree uh if you want to be
4361s kind of the the tank and spank um kind
4364s oh my God the way you're going to get
4365s you not cause small amounts of damage to
4367s enemy that hits you with a melee attack
4368s does this work when you block yep so if
4371s I so if I block this
4373s oh my wind grave
4376s with this ability and it gives more of a
4379s reason like again all the systems kind
4380s of tie into each other it really makes
4382s sense to you know invest heavily into
4385s those defensive Echoes whereas before a
4387s lot of people like in live we'd see just
4389s go pure offense all the time now there's
4391s actually a reason to to buff up your
4393s resilience buff up your your defense and
4395s and just you know so I have have a bit
4397s of 10 Talent points I'm not going to be
4398s able to get the Grim devotion so I'm
4400s going to go for this weird one that
4402s using weapon ability increases heat of
4404s battle think I'm going
4406s heat a battle is actually incredibly
4407s powerful that is your multiplier for
4410s making combo attacks so every time you
4412s do um an attack or hitting with ability
4415s that is going to increase your overall
4416s damage by everything by 10% uh up to a
4419s Max of 200% and that that ability lets
4422s you overcap it um and go up to I believe
4425s [Music]
4426s 130% sounds sounds fantastic stands true
4431s but so I went and I got ways of War as
4433s well for cooldown reduction cuz you said
4436s that this is really good with ability so
4439s yeah nice nice nice nice I'm grab I'm
4441s going grab a two-hander though CU I'm
4443s not going to play sword and shield with
4444s this character so we have a level 22 dra
4447s and Maul yeah dra ma is yeah that's his
4449s signature weapon and his the weapon
4451s ability on there is kind of cool like if
4453s you you want to try to stack it up to
4455s three points of momentum because the
4457s first one is going to like vacuum suck
4458s people in and then you'll do a followup
4460s and then you do like a super followup if
4461s you have all three of them charged nice
4464s um okay what we look at so now take a
4467s look at your abilities make sure that if
4469s you have any ability points um you can
4472s slot those into one of the abilities
4474s that you have there's three different
4475s levels so you you maxed out Mighty leap
4478s I guess I'll use that as my main because
4480s you you can respect actually yeah this
4482s is a good thing to demo press X or if
4483s you're on controller it's something else
4485s yeah um no it is X excellent excellent
4490s okay so I just respect do we have an
4492s option to swap the the buttons for
4494s PlayStation just that out of curiosity
4496s yes you should be able to remap all of
4497s the all of your buttons and then if you
4499s want no I mean I mean swap the the the
4502s icons yep so if you go to um I think
4506s it's
4508s under it's not
4510s graphics yeah so it's in the first one
4513s type yeah I see it auto you can choose
4515s whatever um perfect I'll take PS4
4517s because that's what I'm using right now
4519s this is oh my God this is good it's good
4521s stuff okay okay so abilities we got four
4524s points I think I think I'll I'll just go
4526s for the wait what is the third one gain
4528s a second charge increase break damage by
4530s 15% increase movement speed actually oh
4534s heals 2% whenever no no we're we're
4536s going Whirlwind we're Whirlwind Barb
4538s yeah all
4539s right I think you're build right now is
4542s more on the AP side of it so you're
4544s welcome to change around to to whatever
4545s you like to do um but ability power with
4548s grindle really makes his worldwind a lot
4550s of
4551s fun okay I'm going do this all right
4554s this is good so we got abilities we got
4556s talents I guess we'll go to Affinity
4558s next yep let's get Affinity so first
4560s thing you want to probably look at is
4561s your perks so if you scroll up at the
4564s top of the menu uh it's e it's one Mouse
4565s on keyboard can I can I respect these
4568s yes everything's respectable it cost 450
4570s but I have three million because I'm
4572s rich so this works yep and this
4575s economy okay so if we go to the perks oh
4578s okay this is how you see the abilities
4579s that we used to have before okay makes
4581s sense so now there is a tier three to
4583s all of these so this is all brand new
4584s for uh new ones for each uh we're not
4587s archetype we're not going to be able to
4588s reach this without going to Mythic right
4590s you guys said during the stream I think
4591s correct yeah so you're going to need to
4593s get we want to look at the second one
4595s yep and see which kind of what's going
4597s to line up with the uh type of build you
4599s want to play so I'm going to go enemy
4602s okay yeah go ahead I think I'm going to
4603s go more of an attack power so I think I
4605s want to
4609s grab I probably want go this
4613s round um I think we're going to go with
4616s battleborn infusion because it
4618s synergizes with Whirlwind I
4623s think yeah get all that okay oh right I
4627s was already trying to unlock it there so
4630s I put everything in
4632s discipline fantastic and then make sure
4635s so these still require like resources
4636s that you're going to have to grind in
4638s Dungeons and stuff it's just the save
4640s you gave me already has a bunch of them
4641s right correct um and the save that you
4643s have right now is pretty it to kind of
4646s like where you're going to be at this
4647s point of the game uh I think I a little
4649s I cheated a little bit of gold just in
4650s case we wanted to do a bunch of
4652s respecing or something um but yeah this
4654s is and before and before people start
4656s saying before people start saying
4658s streamer privilege all this goes away
4660s after the beta just to
4663s show yeah and actually everybody has
4665s access to it maybe he just has really
4667s really powerful internet that's streamer
4669s privilege right there yeah yeah
4671s yeah all right so oh wait I can do we
4674s have enough points to get like a a
4676s second level one perk I don't know how
4678s many points we can get with this stuff
4680s uh you should be able to get to I think
4682s it's level five and level 15 it's going
4684s to unlock so you should be able to get
4686s two different perks so we should be able
4687s to get one more perk then um you might
4689s be able to get two I think I was able to
4690s get two yeah I have or I have level one
4694s for all
4695s three okay in that case I'm going to go
4697s try to go for Instinct see if I can get
4699s that
4702s too uh okay read my chat real quick uh
4706s since weapons and armors are dropped is
4708s there an inventory limit there is an
4709s inventory limit but you could have one
4712s of every Echo and one of every weapon
4714s and one of every accessory in the game
4716s and you still wouldn't hit it as far as
4718s I think my math is concerned
4721s okay so did you give me like a a good
4724s load out of things or do I need to
4726s concern myself with what's in the
4728s accessories you should have a pretty
4729s decent load out if you're going the
4731s ability power but again this a nice
4732s little thing you could you could show
4734s off um let's go to The Echoes first so
4736s go into the Echoes menu make sure
4739s whatever Echoes will click on one of the
4741s slots you have on your your
4743s wayfinder and then wayer yep and then in
4747s the bottom left you're going to see a
4748s sort by so click on that and that should
4750s pull up a whole you were talking to me
4753s on the the podcast the other day about
4756s having nightmares this this listen when
4759s you guys showed this on stream you can
4761s go back and watch my stream later I
4763s literally was screaming yes kind of like
4766s you know you know I'm breaking bad when
4768s Jesse goes science and I'm not going to
4770s say the other word because we're in the
4773s official Channel
4775s filters science dog yeah filters dog
4780s yeah let's
4782s go um but yes so what what are you going
4786s right now are you going more ability
4787s power are you trying to go with
4788s defensive what are you trying to make uh
4790s your character right now uh I guess
4792s ability power but it's like you already
4794s have a bunch of stuff in here with
4795s weapon power whatnot I I don't know what
4798s to to put in right now yeah so just if
4800s you click that you should be fairly
4802s specked out for Ability powered ready so
4803s we could probably jump into the game uh
4805s but if you click that just to
4806s demonstrate and then you scroll to the
4807s top it will sort by the highest of those
4810s FS so it's really kind of just Mindless
4812s you find oh I want ability power okay
4814s this is going to be my highest ability
4815s power and you just slot those oh I was I
4818s was looking at like oh how do I choose
4820s the specific types but you already
4822s filter it now because you need to you
4824s need to slot in correct types
4827s right so it's all it makes the menu in
4830s this a lot easier to load it's much
4832s better in performance um and it just
4834s makes more build variety as well because
4836s you can't just take one of the S not go
4838s and just grind that out
4841s them uh but it's looks like I can equip
4844s one of the same type but in different
4846s slots so like I can put the same echo on
4850s the wayfinder and then put that same
4852s echo on the weapon yes uh I don't
4854s believe so
4855s really yeah I think it's going to it's
4858s going to be locked up across am I going
4860s to break the game if I tried doing that
4861s you can try it'll unequip it from the
4863s other one so if you to the I figured out
4866s what was happening yeah it'll show it
4868s like where it's equipped right now it
4869s says already equipped yeah yeah you can
4871s you can swap it you're you're definitely
4873s able to do that you're not going to have
4874s to like exit and then remove and go back
4877s um but yeah you can only have one one
4879s unique Echo I'm G grab this Talent
4881s ability power here with crit power
4883s that'll do
4886s cross oh not a lot of cross
4889s types critical power magic defense
4891s ability power magic defense yeah sure
4893s I'm just like filling out the the axe
4896s because it's got nothing on
4897s it perfect um I'll sh some of those
4901s let's SP what's what's like a good
4903s secondary for me for The Rush Echo for
4906s Rush Echo I would go
4909s with always good first is always just
4911s solid um godmother slth art in hand is
4914s really good for Ability power uh BL BL
4918s brother is good if you want more defense
4919s and just like be able to have a bit more
4922s survivability uh blood spawn is weapon
4925s power so that' be better for
4927s me yeah Arden hand AR hand trickster and
4930s first would probably best for you right
4932s now if you're doing ability power the
4934s first uh the Double jumping yeah you get
4937s a a 10% bonus I need defensive one so
4942s let me see I think the thing we're
4944s missing the most right now is resilience
4946s how important is resilience nowadays uh
4949s it depends on what difficulty we're
4950s playing
4952s on find
4955s out oh I why can't I equip the
4958s archon oh wait am I that full
4963s no uh I think I broke the game again I
4966s don't believe you I'm going to open up
4969s your stream it says it's equipped but it
4970s doesn't it says it's equipped but it
4973s doesn't show
4975s I don't know what I did Alex I'm
4978s sorry you insulted the old one oh no I
4980s think I know exactly what you did I
4982s think it might be I think it might be
4983s too high maybe I don't know I'll just
4986s equip this no no I can't do that
4989s either yeah it's not letting me equip
4991s anything on the defensive
4994s slot interesting CU like it shows that I
4997s still
4999s have yeah if you click there it's going
5002s to be a super long delay isn't there
5004s yeah there's a little bit of a delay for
5007s sure but it's like it says that I still
5010s have Echo capacity again it's important
5012s to to mention guys this is still very
5014s much a beta work in progress so keep
5016s that in
5017s mind yeah that's interesting I don't
5019s know why it's it's not but you'll like
5022s you can see that it's only half full but
5023s it'll it'll be fine it does like looking
5025s at the bar at the top though it is going
5027s pretty close to the max so you might
5030s it's it's already equipped it just
5031s didn't show okay yeah that's weird yeah
5035s all right okay well so let's exit out of
5038s the the echo menu and let's go look at
5040s your accessories so same thing now if
5043s you go to just click on one of your
5044s accessories there you
5047s go uh we can sort by power rating so how
5050s about I just get like uh AP so where's
5055s AP ability
5057s power wait can you sort by
5060s sets uh the sets no that actually might
5063s be a nice little feature we could
5064s probably add not too difficult cuz I cuz
5067s I just want I just want sets looks like
5069s there's two sets here that I do not I
5071s have I know exactly who's going to yell
5072s at me for saying that so I make zero
5074s promises
5075s but you should be able to at least uh
5078s look at the set on the right uh it tells
5080s you what items are and then you can sort
5083s by name and find them fairly easily um
5085s it's really nice for like when you're
5087s crafting um you can just go to the
5088s engineer and see what items you need to
5091s go find out and hunt down and collect
5092s and and build those out oh man you
5094s didn't you didn't give me an AP set I'm
5097s disappointed okay fine I'm not going to
5099s well this is this is going to be pretty
5101s accurate to just getting here without
5103s grinding anything so I didn't want to
5105s give us too op of information I just
5107s wanted to like you know this is this is
5108s kind of where you're going to be at at
5109s this stage of the game yep okay so we
5113s have accessories we have weapons we have
5115s everything pretty much sorted out all
5117s right uh do I need to equip any other
5118s juice besides the Go Go Juice uh the Go
5121s Go Juice I like a lot because I like to
5123s go fast um but if you click on there you
5125s should have all sorts of different
5126s potions to equip and oh the other thing
5129s is locked the third one is locked yeah
5131s so we're going to we're actually getting
5132s close to that main story quest to unlock
5134s it um but you're going to unlock that
5136s through main story
5137s progression okay uh I'm just going to
5140s show off really quick guys this is like
5143s the new there's somebody on your chat
5144s asking me a question um something bugs
5147s me with the mount can you ask Mr Alex
5148s please will everyone be able to ride a
5150s mount or do they have to do a quest in
5151s order to get that skill uh so anybody
5153s who has a the founder pack um and the
5156s founder Mount we'll be able to equip it
5158s immediately um as I'm again trying to
5161s make it a little bit more special for
5162s the the founders out there uh otherwise
5164s you will have to progress a little bit
5165s into the main story Quest um it's not
5168s too far it's about halfway through that
5170s Quest will come up how many hours would
5172s you say before people can get them out
5174s uh I'd say probably 3ish hours two to
5178s three-ish hours three hours you can get
5179s them out yeah
5182s yeah yeah okay can you show us how to
5185s unlock a new character now uh yes so
5188s it's the same thing you're going go to
5189s Omen um if you as you're going through
5192s the quest you're going to be getting
5193s these summoning stones and that's the
5195s only item you need to summon so if you
5197s have a summoning Stone you're going to
5198s get them a lot through just the main
5199s story Quest progression um or other
5202s secret ways that you're going to be able
5203s to find it you just go to Omen you click
5206s it they'll summon them immediately you
5207s don't need to go grind uh a bunch of
5209s different um you know rare materials for
5211s it so way reduced grind there but let's
5213s let's actually play the game shall we
5215s feel like we've been we've been hunting
5217s around too much let's Mount up drink
5219s your Go Go Juice and let's go
5222s go you got to go
5225s fast you're going to go way faster I was
5227s actually surprised that you can even
5229s double jump with the mount I only saw
5230s that on the that was that was a thing
5232s that we uh just decided to kind of add
5234s we were like you know what it would be
5235s fun double jump and it kind of just
5237s happened double jump and mount yeah so
5240s let's show people lost zones uh just in
5241s case this is their first time seeing it
5243s and they have an idea of kind of what
5244s the core Loop of just you know the
5246s Dungeons and the repeatable content is
5248s going to be and give you an idea of all
5250s the different are we on by the way right
5252s now we're on normal but we're going to
5253s swap it up uh midf
5256s fight oh you're going to swap it up midf
5258s fight yeah so it is the host that is uh
5261s responsible for setting the uh the
5263s difficulty so you can uh jump into a
5266s friend's game at your own
5268s discretion Alex is playing this right
5271s Alex I am playing this okay what weapon
5274s are you using right now I'm using
5278s um umos I
5280s think yes I'm using that like dual uh
5284s dual yes daggers I like having my Parry
5287s Windows um and all the W frames all
5293s right oh we got a loot Goblin it's a
5296s good start I'm going to need you to
5298s start doing some break damage so if you
5300s want to use your your abilities look how
5302s much damage you're doing to his
5303s resilience bar compared to me
5305s now I can really do my work now I'm
5306s starting to do a th damage before I was
5308s just like ticking
5311s them oh yeah oh and what do you know I
5313s just got a epic um armor set right off
5318s the bat an armor set orce of armor piece
5321s of armor well it's part of an epic set
5323s though it's the Fel Hunter which is
5324s actually a freaking sweet set I want to
5326s get the hel for this so
5327s bad so that was a nice start so we want
5331s to find more loot goblins loot goblins
5332s have their own dedicated loot table for
5334s lot of special goodies so even more
5337s reason to hunt them down more than just
5338s crafting
5339s resources
5341s okay and so the we can't we don't we
5344s don't do mounts inside of dungeons right
5346s okay uh no mounts inside the dungeon um
5348s you are untethered though so we could be
5351s in completely separate parts of the map
5353s uh whether it's out here or outside in
5355s the the Overworld um and you can go go
5358s wherever you want as long as it's the
5359s same oh wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa
5361s whoa whoa whoa come back what's this
5363s this is new what's
5365s this is look at this
5367s yeah what's that all right well are we
5370s talking about this this yeah this is a
5372s perfect thing to to show
5376s no in live you could not once you were
5378s in a lost zones you could not swap
5380s anything so now that you're in this we
5382s can just go over if you have the
5383s character
5384s unlocked and then this is going to be a
5386s good way of just learning a little bit
5388s of the lore of the different characters
5389s you're going to find um in the story oh
5392s we need to give it memory fragments okay
5395s so you're getting a little bit of
5399s uh oh and what happens now oh they're
5403s they're they're just going to have text
5404s they're talk a big game that's all half
5409s measures like one imperial go they'll
5411s have 10 more rating okay so this gives
5413s you additional like so and there nice
5417s incentive can you rewatch yes so as you
5420s go you can go to your Discovery Tab and
5422s then you can go to memories and then
5423s you'll find all the ones that missing
5424s still and then you also get to see the
5426s rewards so actually open that up so if
5429s you go escape okay so this is the one
5431s that I just picked up so how do how do
5433s we watch it again or do that you just
5435s get this bit of text so if you go to
5438s venomous you should be able to replay it
5441s no there's nothing here that says replay
5443s oh no those are but all the text is here
5445s correct the cinematics information is
5448s here yeah yeah
5450s okay that way yes and then you know
5452s you're Miss collection thing and then if
5454s you press F or triangle in your case uh
5458s you'll see the actual armor pieces and
5459s things you unlock for uh for doing that
5462s oh okay and is there a way for me to
5464s like let's say for instance right I have
5466s all of venomous and stuff and I'm
5467s missing a specific one is there a way
5469s for me to know where I can find that so
5472s like which I don't think we have an
5474s in-game method for un revealing all the
5477s thingss I'm debating whether or not I
5479s want to create like a a kind of
5482s scavenger hunt guide for the the
5483s community or if it'd be more fun for the
5485s community to make it themselves um I I
5488s think that should be a thing that the
5489s community does themselves if you guys
5490s are not going to put it in game then
5492s yeah let me swap back the gr that is
5494s really I'm always I'm always a huge fan
5496s of just people like discovering the
5498s person like everybody's never found it
5500s before and then you know like how do I
5502s get that and then everybody kind of just
5503s goes in and tries to get the cool Mount
5505s or the cool piece of armor whatever it
5507s might be chaos worlds there is inventory
5510s limits but uh you'll be able to have one
5512s of each everything in the game
5514s according to what uh Alex was saying
5516s yeah so I think there's Echoes you can
5518s have 800 Echoes um in your inventory now
5522s and I believe it's 200 accessories I
5526s want to
5527s say don't quote me on
5531s that you're definitely being quoted on
5533s that no no no no it's not it's not we're
5535s not doing this on the Internet it's not
5537s live
5548s all right so okay there it's time for me
5550s to oh wait people are getting a good
5552s taste of the normal difficulty right now
5555s y you ready to to bump it up to
5557s challenging yeah let's go I'm ready to
5560s wipe a bunch of times oh we're we're
5562s we're going to do that it's baby steps
5565s though baby
5571s steps oh I love this so much
5575s and there's a skeleton chest or an epic
5576s chest up here so now there are Zone
5579s specific epic chests each one of them
5580s will have their own look plays I'm like
5583s I'm down here fighting enemies it's like
5585s oh man this EP let me come down and
5587s murder it real quick for
5591s you o another armor piece ooh unhallowed
5594s that's a really good
5595s one I got an uh okay wait how do I dude
5600s I've been playing too many different
5601s video
5603s games yeah like I'm I'm trying to press
5605s triangle to go up this
5607s St uh oh man you got an epic out of that
5610s I just got a crappy bone do epic typhoon
5613s what's an what's an ominous token is
5615s that a cosmetic uh that looks like a
5617s charm I got the same one actually uh so
5620s if you go to your Styles and then if you
5622s go
5623s to your weapon charms it'll see it
5626s hanging off your your
5631s weapon uh where's the again that would
5633s have been
5634s a what5 to6 MTX item before and now it's
5639s just or something that you could get
5641s something that you could get off of the
5642s Tower yeah see that was the little thing
5645s we got it's right here at the and you
5647s want to be collecting these star shards
5648s for uh secret Reasons by the way what
5652s star
5655s shards star Shard times one okay yeah y
5658s keep you you'll want those I'm not going
5660s to say why but you'll want them
5669s stri o another chest what we get all
5674s right all right o that's a good ability
5677s power Ark storm level
5680s 24 oh that's a high level I think that's
5682s probably your highest level weapon so
5686s far I never really played this
5689s weapon how do you reload again okay
5691s Square gotcha
5694s so remember you will want to requip uh
5696s your Echoes if you do swap weapons yeah
5699s I'm not I'm not doing that right
5701s now that's the curse of swapping the Run
5704s uh is it does take a little bit more
5705s Mage from there I mean if you if you
5708s already have like two or three weapons
5709s set up then you can SW oh no but if you
5712s pick up a new one yeah you're kind of
5713s screwed you got a trickster let's see
5715s what we get here oh wait wait wait let
5717s me let me see it is it share that least
5720s now it is here you go you roll the next
5722s one okay I believe in you let's see
5726s let's see if you offended the
5727s gods oh
5730s 100% God damn it all
5734s right no missed it by that much no I got
5739s I got this a million per. so I'm
5741s guessing we need to get the on top you
5744s that was pure skill look at you go whoa
5748s four you gave me a very nice dagger I
5751s will use that right now thank you very
5752s much four trickster coin coins that is
5755s nice again we reduced the
5758s grind uh like you guys need to
5760s understand we used to be happy if we
5762s were able to get one trickster coin let
5766s alone both of us getting four it was
5768s like one trickster coin for one
5772s player excellent so I got a cool new
5774s weapon now I'll show you I'll take this
5775s skin off so you can see
5779s it so I just got the god
5782s beder look at these bad boys
5784s oh that looks like from the from the
5786s Mind stuff no I do not want to get
5788s stabbed by
5791s that all right let's go let's get out of
5794s here and uh let's go explore some Frost
5797s Mark sounds good and for everybody who
5800s wants to see still do
5804s that I'll I'll fix that in a bit
5816s God that's the
5830s bestow easy too easy all right I think
5833s we're going to have to step up to
5834s heroic was this actually unchallenging
5837s well this is the first of the Lost zones
5839s in this area so I think we're okay I
5841s think we're still a little bit strong
5843s we're open for this a wee
5849s bit hey this time actually get the how
5851s many armor piece I got one two one two I
5855s think two armor sets I will take it that
5857s was
5858s awesome uh so there is waiting it's
5861s actually something that we literally
5862s added I think want to take two days ago
5864s um so our our loot team has been working
5867s super freaking hard to implement all
5869s these changes uh but now there is
5871s waiting so if you are missing armor sets
5873s for a particular wayfinder uh if you do
5875s play that wayfinder there's a higher
5877s chance that those uh those weapons
5879s pieces are going to be dropping for you
5880s but there is targeted for farming for
5882s this another thing again we already kind
5884s of talked about it uh the community will
5886s start to figure out exactly how to you
5888s know hunt down the particular pieces um
5892s there is uh certain ways of getting
5895s certain armor sets as well as you guys
5897s were telling me that certain weapons
5899s drop more in certain biomes and stuff
5901s like that ex yeah ex yeah all right
5905s can I glitch onto the
5908s ceiling and I see we have some uh a
5911s bunch of new quests in here too can you
5913s pick up quests while on Mount I'm not
5914s going to trigger the quest now but can
5916s you pick oh oh no you should
5919s remount trust
5921s me me no no no look
5926s great there you go I think I mounted
5929s before you finish loading in yeah the
5932s the um the NPC's can you pick up you can
5934s pick them up while you're mounted right
5936s the quest correct yeah you can interact
5937s with anything while mounted okay oh
5939s speaking of which you should probably
5940s grab this little secret chest over
5943s here so keep an eye out for these little
5946s green chests you're going to come across
5947s the I think I've Trace Buster this is a
5951s spray so we need to equip this in style
5953s as well correct yeah if I remember yeah
5957s all the emotes all the sprays all the
5959s dyes anything that would have been like
5961s MTX is now just loot that you can find
5963s collected the
5964s map all right so let's go let's do the
5967s shrouded Woods Quest so we should have a
5968s yellow dot right now let's go towards
5970s that and progress a little bit in the
5971s msq and see uh is that our main story I
5974s guess
5977s y oh that is nice for the two
5983s handers the Dismount for the two-handers
5986s is really nice oh you can mount in
5989s [Laughter]
5992s combat oops I mess that
5997s up
6000s stri yeah we make a really good combo
6002s because I do zero break damage and you
6004s do Infinity break damage so with our
6006s powers combined we can just murder so
6009s with that in mind I'm actually going to
6010s take us up to heroic I think we've take
6012s the training wheels
6015s off guys I would like to remind you this
6017s is a beta don't look at my stream right
6019s now Alex I'm looking at
6021s it you look fine on my great I would
6024s like to remind everybody in rearc con's
6025s chat to look at my stream
6027s [Laughter]
6031s instead oh this
6033s fantastic beta guys it's beta says in
6037s the top right no hiding that no up
6041s sking so again the the level design team
6044s did such a freaking amazing job just
6047s again all of this area is going to be
6049s you know uh filled with Secrets all
6051s handcrafted oh that spider just murdered
6053s me forgot we're on CH heroic
6057s now and it does have different areas
6060s that are going to be higher level um or
6062s lower level so we're going to be
6064s starting to venture into some of the
6065s higher level parts and uh my health bar
6069s is reflecting
6071s that it's okay there we go Thunder
6074s Thunder Thunder
6076s [Laughter]
6078s ho all right so let's get into this
6080s Reaver Camp here the energies here are f
6085s and now you'll notice one of the pieces
6087s of feedback that we got a lot of uh
6089s comments on was just the quest being
6092s very much uh too interrupting so now
6095s you'll notice a lot more you know talk
6097s in the ear so you can still play as the
6099s the quest is Quest is giving some some
6103s feedback yeah I think that's smart all
6106s right so that Quest is actually going to
6108s take us into the shreded woods again so
6111s let's go run through there real quick
6114s feedback if you're running when you
6116s mount it should Mount you running that's
6119s actually not a bad idea
6121s yeah why aren't you a game
6123s [Laughter]
6125s designer it's like I play a lot of video
6135s games so if I was anywhere else on the
6137s map you'd be able to teleport me or do I
6138s need to be good let's show off uh my
6141s favorite thing let's show off a little
6142s bit of Chaos so am L you can the yeah
6150s okay ice daggers where they're in the
6152s game Fusion they are in the game did you
6156s did you infuse it with double chaos or
6158s did you do something else I just did
6159s single chaos for now again we are on
6161s heroic so I want to see if we can even
6163s survive this all right one step closer
6168s toe I'm going to take a head start let's
6170s try to get through this rather quickly
6172s um those not do too much
6176s exploration I mean oh wait what is this
6180s requires wind grave okay so there's a
6182s wind grave memory here you start ahead
6185s of me I require assistance host loads
6188s host loads faster you need to relax I'm
6190s in Portugal you're all the way in the
6193s states the information takes a while to
6196s get
6198s here that sounds like a I don't know
6201s okay we break this guy L is pretty good
6204s yeah yeah it's actually uh how's the
6206s responsib Miss that's actually a good
6207s test because we this is the first ever
6210s International play test of Co-op we're
6212s doing it live because you know that's a
6213s good idea it's a great idea to do things
6217s live if uh if our our stream hasn't
6221s given any indication of how we do things
6222s over here I don't I don't know uh what
6227s will oh almost oh right you you tried
6231s you tried you get you get points for
6234s trying oh we got a shadow stalker
6239s here did that exist before uh I think
6242s this might be one of the new
6243s enemies yeah I think so
6245s too thing is you've been playing this
6247s build for much longer than me so you
6249s probably can't even tell I've been
6251s playing this longer than most people so
6254s it's a little bit of a cheat but yes I
6255s can't tell um what is it's been so much
6259s Chang I'm pretty sure that shadow
6260s stalkers weren't in the game
6264s the spider the this variety of spider oh
6268s CRA the slow I got hit by a
6272s trap nice look at you just jumping
6274s around like a mad lad if the um if we
6278s have lock on will I actually land there
6280s or do I have like a fixed jump uh loot
6281s Goblin oh nice that is 100 oh my gosh
6285s you just do a third amount of break
6287s damage holy crap that ability is not
6290s even leveled up that's
6292s insane like I would tickle his res bar
6296s ooh nice I got a Gloom
6299s dagger equip that see what that looks
6301s like I'm going to blow up to uh I can't
6303s pause right now
6306s sadly oh God I'm sorry to be so
6308s inconvenient I have made a mistake pop
6311s my real quick panic button
6316s broken
6320s oh uh I'm not a big fan of this weapon
6323s ability
6323s it's not flashy enough I like big flashy
6326s is is not very flashy but it like three
6329s swings big AOE yeah because it does suck
6332s keep in let's grab
6334s this what is that oh that's one of the
6337s star things we were talking
6341s about get through here destroy the
6343s totems so we got to go kill some totems
6344s and then we can just exit
6347s out Swift and silent
6354s is there a reason we still need the
6356s purple
6357s screens purple screens yeah like when
6360s you go in there I got a purple screen I
6362s have to R1 through it
6365s um I mean I don't I think
6368s there's I think you should have them to
6370s not be able to get out like oh you're
6373s stuck in here with me but if there's
6374s somebody on the outside yeah but I still
6377s have to press R1 to go in like I feel
6379s like you should just don't even need
6381s that just go in again I'm I'm just
6383s throwing out suggestions in real time
6385s like feel free to tell me now you're
6386s wrong because of this I'm going to I'm
6388s going to let our you know our
6390s environment team listen in and judge for
6393s themselves and they can make the Jud
6395s call O I missed the uh the beacon that
6396s was going up the
6399s color I like jumping attacks this takes
6402s me back to like um old school Diablo I
6405s remember that you get to level 18 with a
6406s barbarian then you're just like oh yeah
6409s acoss yeah yeah I do love all the the
6412s trickster bombs going up and people will
6415s listen to the uh the new barks that all
6417s the NPCs now have uh like voice acting
6420s to make it feel a little bit more alive
6423s yeah like grindle is very violent he is
6426s a very violent man I don't know if you
6428s saw the uh the anime trailer he's not a
6430s man he's a Thundercat you're right sorry
6432s I I need to stop saying that I'm
6435s sorry that's a nice for no but what's a
6437s what's like his uh his race uh in in
6439s game War so he is from The Maze um and
6443s the Maze is is the nation that is that's
6445s amazing it is amazing um but the
6449s narrative team would be more eloquent in
6451s putting it but uh venomous is also from
6453s The Maze and it's kind of what I
6456s associate with just
6458s the not quite an unders City but it's
6461s just it's mixed with a bunch of
6463s different races and they come together
6465s um so uh nonhumans essentially is where
6469s they come from so there's a bunch of
6471s different hybrid hybridizations of what
6472s you
6474s [Music]
6476s I'm getting beat up
6483s here this man is very tough and if he
6487s hits me once I will probably die okay
6489s yep uh every time he hit me I could feel
6491s it in my bones yeah also I'm almost out
6494s of potion this is really bad he wasn't
6496s even a Bone
6497s Breaker out four
6505s we need one more totem oh actually no
6507s we're good we can probably do you want
6508s to finish it or do you want to exit out
6511s I mean you were the one who said you
6512s didn't want it to exploit too much yeah
6515s I agree uh it's the exit right here
6518s let's just go get it so we Mo the bonus
6520s oh what's this oh you get one potion
6522s back
6524s yep wait it says that I can still use
6527s it nope you get to use it once then the
6531s rest is just trolling
6533s [Laughter]
6544s iper Swift and Silent so's weapon more
6547s of a shield breaker uh yeah yeah my um
6551s the two-hander weapons are the best for
6553s busting up uh
6555s Shields sword and shields also pretty
6557s good at doing it all right we're going
6559s to pop our Al and kill everything
6563s I mean I'll pop mine too
6566s then this ends now I mean how that voice
6569s act bad ass yeah it's pretty good it's
6573s very accurate to the what the character
6575s looks
6578s like there you go thank you for that
6580s break damage
6582s busted
6583s and boom
6588s boom no oh no I was so greedy
6595s well all right we'll get him on the back
6597s we'll get him back in the the one
6599s up oh brutal all right so we're going to
6603s have to hold hold escape to respawn or
6605s see for you
6607s Circle no but uh I'm actually happy that
6610s the the button stuff is there cuz like
6612s there's a lot of games that come out and
6614s there's like yeah here's the Xbox button
6616s cuz everybody uses X input and that's
6618s what you get I'm happy at least you guys
6620s put all that stuff in there
6623s now oh he doesn't recover
6626s health you should oh the the boss is no
6629s yeah didn't reset you're G to be able to
6631s keep your your progress the the world
6633s bosses will reset theirs um and I kind
6635s of feel like you should you should reset
6638s I feel like on L they won't but main
6642s bosses will yes what about uh what about
6646s mythics yeah mythics will too they will
6649s reset you mean yep you got to got to do
6652s it one shot yeah okay yeah yeah cuz cuz
6654s otherwise it'd be like well I'll just
6656s slowly smash my face against this boss
6658s one millimeter of Health at a time no
6660s eventually you're going to have to like
6662s make the decision like all right I can
6663s either try to one shot this or we're
6665s going to uh let me study your Shadow and
6668s see getor totems have done oh you get
6670s the quest immediately after you get out
6672s of the dungeon so now this is going to
6675s show off the the branching dialogue a
6676s little
6678s bit you can actually Branch the
6680s conversations and get more boys acting
6682s and more context
6685s The Voice acting's not in yet though I
6686s guess cuz he didn't say anything so the
6689s wayfinders aren't uh voice acted for it
6691s but the the NPC no I mean I mean
6693s greymore didn't say anything oh she
6696s should be your sound setting I hear her
6699s but they've left traces I can read oh
6702s okay it didn't show the first one for
6703s some reason there might be a bug there I
6705s recognize the Magic in these totems I
6708s taught the mystics who carved them but
6711s these are bitter Thorns slow poison
6715s corrupting the land and its
6718s Spirits even if I could leave this
6721s place now she's I am tired of
6726s battles leave me to ponder the death
6729s have you guys considered an option to
6730s have the dialogue Advance automatically
6733s perhaps I alone will survive cuz like
6735s right now we got to keep pressing X at
6737s the end of it but since there's voice
6738s acting you could just have the issue
6740s being with that is not everybody's going
6741s to be just listening to it and then we
6743s don't want them just like try to read it
6745s and then it justs through it no no but I
6748s mean usually a lot of these just hit
6751s triangle and it will automatically
6753s Advance oh just like having a toggleable
6755s auto advance that'd be kind of nice yeah
6757s exactly and then you just turn it off if
6758s you want to read through it that would
6761s be kind of nice all right let's go talk
6763s to rust let skip through the the dialog
6765s things not spoil skipping through it
6767s oops damn it I skipped so hard I skipped
6770s the reward screen
6773s Thousand Cuts yeah so you're going to be
6775s getting all sorts of weapons and items
6777s and you'll also notice if you're in
6778s combat um there's that little backpack
6780s symbol next to your your potions um
6783s that's actually going to you know not
6786s the the toast won't pop up and distract
6788s you if you're mid combat but they will
6790s pop up uh once you're out of combat so
6791s you get a sense of like everything that
6792s you picked up leave that woman alone did
6795s you guys remove the cool Downs on unique
6797s Echoes uh we did not remove the cool
6799s Downs because that would be op um but
6801s there is now if you look in the bottom
6804s left uh above my things you'll see the
6806s unraveled Echo and you also see the
6807s blood spawn Echo um those indicate if
6811s it's off cool down or not and then you
6812s can also hold this and it'll tell you
6813s it's ready in mind you can see it on the
6816s origin hand thing
6818s yep all right did you talk to rust no uh
6821s I'll skip through the dot wait I'm
6823s actually I actually want to test
6824s something so I can speak to him like
6826s this okay oh trademarks so we can buy
6829s stuff o yeah so there's all sorts of
6831s things that you're going to be able to
6832s get in here here um sword and shield
6835s weapon skin citrials flavor okay so you
6837s know what I'm going to ask here right
6840s for where oh so these are all cosmetic
6845s yeah I know but you know what I'm going
6846s to ask right no what I need to be able
6850s to press square and have it previewed on
6853s my character I know I know that would be
6856s nice that would be nice if only if
6859s only oh wow these these look kind of
6861s neat but yeah uh so these it's just like
6863s do quests around here I'm assuming
6864s there'll be stuff like you can do daily
6866s or something like that so I I collected
6868s two on stream um from finding those
6870s boxes when I was uh near the the train
6873s car so if you do the beacons or if you
6875s do any event in Frost March you're going
6877s to start collecting these coins and then
6878s you can go ahead and buy all these
6880s things and there's like actually I was
6881s saying dailies but it wouldn't make
6883s sense because it's a single player game
6884s now so I'm assuming you just do as much
6886s as you want you can just grind it out if
6888s you want to yep just do events and
6890s they're repeatable events and stuff and
6892s yeah
6893s okay so we're accepting this Quest then
6896s y take that Quest and then we're going
6897s to go find greymore this will take us on
6900s a little bit of a tour through Frost
6902s March okay I'm going to through all this
6904s to save the the spoilers do Legendary
6907s Weapons have unique Echoes so there is
6910s random so legendaries uh are based off
6912s of the item level so the higher level
6915s items are going to be the legendary ones
6917s um and they will have the most potential
6919s Echo slots um and some of the Echo slots
6923s are random some are not some of are
6925s preset uh can you quick the same echo on
6928s multiple weapons and wave finders now uh
6930s yes you can equip them is based off of
6933s it being equipped on your current
6934s wayfinder or not um so is this one of
6937s those patrols yeah it says here begin
6939s Patrol this would be one of the quests
6940s that would give me the the stuff yeah
6943s you want do it real quick let's do it
6945s real quick sure we can do it so got
6948s destroy okay so now if you go you'll see
6951s on your map there's a big purple thing
6952s and now we got to kill I
6955s see and that should progress for you did
6957s that progress for you uh yes destroy our
6960s shards one out of five okay so we got to
6963s climb this mountain the rest of
6965s them I totally did not just press the
6968s same key combination to summon torrent
6971s and elen ring someone's excited for the
6974s tree to be perfectly honest I am too I'm
6977s super excited for
6978s shadow yeah that'll be fun I played so
6981s much of that game
6984s you guys didn't see anything all right
6986s we need is that all them yeah yeah we
6989s already have the we got Mark plus one so
6991s now if you press Escape uh in the top
6993s right you'll have all the different
6994s currencies you could possibly own um so
6996s if you open up your menu it'll be I can
6998s see it there yeah
7001s so how many did the I I I don't remember
7004s do you know how much each weapon would
7006s cost on average uh they're probably
7008s around like 5 to eight somewhere in that
7009s range okay so you do five of those types
7012s of quests
7013s yeah and the one that I did the one I
7015s did earlier gave me two um so there's
7017s there's different ranges depending on
7018s the difficulty but that one literally
7020s took like what 5 seconds
7022s [Music]
7026s so I don't like
7029s this why not it's cozy I don't like this
7032s person it's cozy no I don't like him she
7037s smells funny she probably does smell
7039s very funny leave me
7041s alone that's rude
7043s okay I'm going to skip the dialogue to
7045s avoid ah I always go too fast and then I
7048s skip through the reward screen as well
7050s because there's a new reward screen I've
7051s seen it like twice o let's go fight the
7053s storm twins oh do you think we can beat
7055s the storm twins on uh on hero what do
7059s you think chat take bets uh are we going
7061s to be able to without without us wiping
7064s we can revive each other but if we wipe
7065s we
7067s die I could I could probably do it if I
7071s swapped to wind grave but I have to like
7072s spend I don't know 5 minutes or
7074s something configuring when gra on this
7076s character I have my
7077s questions uh actually no it should it
7080s should be safe from when uh you set it
7081s up earlier I didn't set it up earlier
7083s remember I was just playing around with
7089s it all right well here let's go teleport
7093s to does it take me with you when you
7096s teleport uh yeah so this is where going
7098s I can actually Mark the map so you
7099s should be able to see that on the map um
7102s oh we're in combat technically I think
7103s we found a toad think we angered the
7106s toad in the swamp right
7117s now so did you set a wayo so teleport to
7121s me so if you open up your map you should
7123s see me on the map teleport
7126s here I can just drag Us in no no wait
7130s wait
7131s where Jesus the map is you know the new
7134s map of frost March is not necessarily
7136s small this is Max zoom out and I can't
7138s find you right I'm going to Str you in
7141s how it's large wait a minute no what
7144s what what would you show up as a little
7146s blue dot I don't see I'm nor I'm part
7149s of I can't even scroll all the way there
7152s that's a bug so if you zoom in you
7153s should be able to increase the Fidelity
7155s scroll it yeah
7158s okay how many mons do you plan to have
7160s in the game Alex mounts
7164s uh there's I think a I can think of at
7167s least like a a dozen or so not counting
7172s Founders yeah I'm I'm not counting I I
7174s think it's close to that I'd have to
7175s look at the the chart to see how much it
7177s is oh we got a uh fragment here it's a
7180s wind grave find that later yeah I had
7183s that one uh earlier as well all right I
7186s Believe in Us
7192s uh wait wait wait wait don't go in don't
7193s go in I won't I'm not I'm not I got you
7195s I got you I should uh I should swap to a
7197s better what would be a good one to use
7199s on this cuz we don't need Go Go
7201s Juice uh it's true um oh but we don't
7205s have if you have anything for extra
7207s break damage or the the purified Dragon
7209s Kin would be really good for you too
7212s purified Dragon Kin blood yeah oh the
7214s additional hit one that's a good
7218s one yeah it is wait wait wait oh my God
7220s there's a also apparently have I got two
7224s Affinity points yeah I got one too I'm
7227s going to spend just throw in here is
7229s this enough to get another perk no it's
7231s at 15 next one
7233s okay all right you ready yep all right
7237s this is still 30 minutes right the FL I
7240s mean
7244s y should kill the Archer first yeah
7248s agreed oh God all right I have one
7251s person down keep FOC down the
7253s arer yes oh my God you're
7263s doing oh got hit by that that was
7270s heal oh that hurts all right we broke
7273s him got to get the damage in
7283s Dodge I did not Dodge just took it right
7285s in the face like a
7288s champion ow oh God Dodge
7295s ohud I need my heal I need my heal two
7297s seconds all right we're good we're
7299s good we almost got him we almost got
7302s him be much easier when he's done watch
7304s out for the shield slam Shield slam I
7306s got you I got you I got
7307s you o run run run DOD DOD DOD yeah come
7311s back come back
7315s oh boy come here come
7317s here oh jeez no I try to get you
7323s buddy almost almost yes chill chill
7325s chill chill we did it no my life for wa
7329s wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
7332s wait okay I believe I believe I believe
7335s I'm going to block I'm going block this
7336s doesn't one shot me right yes what a
7339s champ oh reset reset all right them out
7342s P them out screw
7346s it he's going down come on come on there
7350s we go one
7354s down oh
7356s no all right I did a lot of damage
7359s no wait wait wait wait wait I have
7361s clutch Maneuvers uh hurry hurry
7367s hurry no I have to I clicked the wrong
7370s menu no I clicked the wrong
7373s menu
7375s oh that was actually pretty close we we
7378s got we can do this we can do this we can
7379s do
7382s this also I didn't remember a lot of the
7384s fight haven't played in a while
7386s yeah Michael K Williams can we not buy
7389s this game June
7390s 11th June 11th you can buy this
7393s game or if you already own the founders
7396s pack you can play it right
7400s now all right focus on the
7402s Archer yeah yeah coming
7405s up so question was asked about what do
7408s we do to reduce the The Emptiness now
7410s it's no longer kind of an MMO field uh
7413s so we have actually added a ton of NPCs
7415s to all the player hubs uh along with
7417s like barks and animations and really
7419s kind of makes it feel more like a town
7421s now um so you're just going to have a
7423s lot more interaction with the
7425s environment that you're in compared to
7426s uh what it was in life raron we barely
7429s did any damage in your down already it's
7432s because I was look at the damage I did
7434s to his break gauge
7437s though oh my God this guy needs to
7440s chill all right we're good we're good
7442s we're good we're good all right he's
7444s broke got an idea yes good idea
7449s no yeah I hated that wall
7452s too that wall had to go oh
7455s God this is so bad I did so much better
7458s last time it's fine it's fine oh boy
7462s Dodge all the red
7464s circles come here come
7468s on oh no that'll do it all right all
7471s right third time is the charm third time
7472s is the charm yeah we're going we're
7473s going to get it easy easy fight we were
7477s so close the first time yeah that first
7480s try was really good uh let me see Pop
7484s That Thing wait do the Buffs last
7487s through
7488s death uh yes oops
7493s get it's okay this is all going to
7495s reset these consumables don't matter you
7498s you get a lot of consumables so they're
7500s they're not superare the the best thing
7502s to get is the uh the recipe like once
7504s you have the recipe you're you're kind
7505s of
7506s set all right Archer buddy you're going
7512s down lots of people will notice if you
7516s played before lots of improvements to
7517s the camera as well where you're not just
7519s going to have lots of obstructions all
7520s the time um which is a huge
7522s huge
7529s win get some damage in
7535s here he's
7538s broken 4,000 damage 6,000 damage oh yeah
7541s he's going down nice oh yeah still five
7545s more
7546s Potions all right we pissed off call
7549s that work
7552s uhoh that was a
7554s mistake that was a mistake I did
7559s not okay good yes yes your counter do
7562s your counter good time good timing yes I
7564s I will not attack you I accept your
7569s challenge okay I'm moving away from that
7571s is this spinny thing just on forever now
7573s like what the uh yep yeah so he rage
7576s mode we killed his friend and he's mad
7578s at us why is he so mad he needs to chill
7581s here I'll help him chill there you go
7583s that'll chill you right out there we go
7584s use my weapon ability oh god that hurt
7588s good Lord that came out so
7591s fast all right almost we got this we got
7594s this 100% first
7596s try we so good at video games it's
7599s insane you you can tell the team that
7601s was too easy they they need to make it
7603s harder all right so you're going to see
7605s your first uh boss chest freaking love
7607s these so as you pop this you're going to
7609s see some nice additions to the the loot
7611s explosion that comes out so you get to
7613s see all the
7615s Rarity I mean people won't see it cuz my
7617s face is in the way Shard of Effigy core
7619s yeah I got I got a grandfather clock
7622s congratulations I me I know I'm old but
7624s I'm not a grandfather yet o I got the
7626s artifact I got the storm twins artifact
7628s first try I I got to swear I need to
7630s stream more often let just get the best
7632s luck when I'm streaming no you're just
7635s stealing it off of me just like Kegan
7637s does that's how it work I believe it I
7638s believe
7640s it this is why yourself popular people
7643s just want to hang out with you all the
7644s time get all the free loot yeah they
7646s steal the luck from me and then they get
7648s all the loot that sounds
7654s accurate yeah but that those are still
7656s fun those are really good yeah we did it
7660s we did it on heroic too so yeah uh how
7664s was our power level in and compared to
7666s to those I think let's let's find out so
7669s like mine right now is 2100
7673s I'm at 1700 17 okay so I think you're
7676s low let's find out cuz I can't see the
7680s DS now since you're the oh actually no
7681s you're right you're right in line so
7683s it's power range 17 to 23 so we uh we
7687s right 17 to 2300 so it should be
7690s challenging but doable and we did it
7693s yeah on heroic yeah that was that was
7695s pretty ni that's pretty nice yeah all
7698s right so we got to go to greymore we can
7699s just teleport there
7704s how do I
7711s okay grindle's so angry he needs to Roar
7714s before he teleports Stomps his foot in
7716s the ground he like I'm going to teleport
7720s [Laughter]
7723s begrudgingly hey let him be dude okay I
7726s got to I got to see the the reward
7728s screen this time oh now we can actually
7730s make sure you get the uh the task the
7733s vital vials that'll give us a second
7734s potion
7737s slot okay all right I'm going to
7742s equip Dragon Blood as well okay so for
7745s the secondary Quest no voice acting I
7747s would assume yeah secondary request do
7752s not but there's not that much text
7754s anyway so it's fine it's more just like
7756s hey by the way you get this feature now
7758s go get go get this stuff for me please
7760s thank you I'm C this is so I show us
7764s secret
7765s live so this is a good example of stuff
7768s that you just want to you know find out
7769s in the wild like huh what's special
7771s about these little these little things
7774s here oh no you're screwing it up
7776s freaking cat man comes in here ruining
7779s everything oh I was turning all of them
7781s on is not you're not supposed to turn
7783s all got you got to see what the secret
7785s is oh and then something something might
7787s be happening here
7793s Spirit tormented by pain and anguish
7795s something murderous clearly happened in
7796s this cave and this opens up a quest for
7800s greymore I
7801s guess okay interesting uhoh are we
7805s trapped I think I triggered it right as
7808s I was walking towards
7810s it trapped forever I'm not trapped I'm
7814s fine yeah this this seems like a you
7816s problem well good thing I have the power
7818s of Technology
7819s [Laughter]
7822s no you need to stay in that cave forever
7824s you broke my
7827s immersion I was just going there
7829s faster I'm actually curi oh this this is
7833s straight outside of the
7835s map like if you actually open the map
7838s we're outside of the map little
7840s secrets
7844s interesting all right so let's go to Bal
7847s Doom now oh you haven't seen all the
7849s changes to Bal Doom I bet no balom is
7851s gorgeous
7853s now does it still have the dudes that
7856s just that just one shot you those guys
7858s with the drills I remember them straight
7859s up one shotting you they were not uh
7861s especially on heroic yeah we're going to
7863s get one shot quite a few times oh
7865s beautiful yeah but this the external
7867s here as a little bit of a a teaser is
7869s what this place is going to look like
7870s now AA she's the crazy one right I wow
7875s you take that back sir it's her I she
7878s the sweetest lady she's the good kind of
7881s crazy
7884s thanks for hanging out
7888s fder I remember her Quest I liked her
7890s Quest a lot she was pretty
7892s fun I remember something about how
7894s apparently part of part of her
7896s personality was like stuck in the Gloom
7898s or whatever it
7899s was yeah she's she's had a she's had a
7902s tough go at
7905s it another battle lies
7908s ahead right this is the this is one of
7911s the things like we're talking about
7912s these little bits of lore people were oh
7916s damn dude he's got so much gravel in his
7919s voice where the hell are we he's Batman
7923s he's not gr he's
7926s Batman I'm going to get you in so many
7928s troubles first first it's the
7930s ThunderCats now it's Batman it's
7933s like but as as I was saying like people
7936s were saying that like um you know oh
7939s they're going to launch a 1.0 and then
7941s that's it for the game The Game's done
7942s and I was like from what I've seen of
7945s the lore that you guys had even before
7948s this right from just uh I just love the
7950s little look at the little glowy things
7952s falling around it's so pretty who's this
7955s guess who uh invaded us it's Steve hi
7958s Steve oh Steve's in the house so yeah
7961s that's a good example of uh how the
7963s multiplayer works you can literally just
7964s have people invade your games at any
7967s point
7970s yeah hi for those you that don't know um
7973s the sja character she suffer yeah this
7977s is the game director she the this
7979s character suffers from BTSD so she hears
7982s an imaginary crowd while she's fighting
7984s O Let's get secret chest over here
7986s secret chest over here oh let's get this
7987s kill first this place is very different
7989s with the red crystals now this looks
7991s cooler yeah I here's the interesting
7994s thing right I recognize this uh oh I got
7997s oh I'm just so excited about the armor
7999s piece I just got where where did where
8001s did you go got to come over here there's
8003s an epic chest to the right up yeah I I I
8007s recognize this specific uh tile right
8009s here look up look up how do I why are
8011s you staring at the
8014s ground I believe in you I believe in you
8019s aricon y you believe me in this
8024s hole no I'm getting I'm getting like
8026s stuck in the walls or something there
8028s for some reason
8033s see this character is is too girthy oh
8035s there you go you got you got close
8036s enough
8038s you I glitched through it
8041s yes uh Canary statue yeah this seems to
8045s to Trek with uh what's been happening so
8047s far look at my helmet though look at
8049s this look at it look at it how sick is
8052s this oh yeah that wait stop you move too
8056s much jeez I'm not a like relx we're on a
8059s time schedule people want to see the
8062s that's fine all right but like I was
8066s saying right people were saying oh
8067s they're going to release the 1.0 and
8069s then be done and what I was explaining
8070s was uh from what I've seen of the lore
8072s so far I'm like there's so much
8074s potential because the sto the main story
8077s arc that people are going to go through
8078s in 1.0 does not I at least I don't think
8082s it does go to the the depths of like oh
8084s why is the Gloom here what about the
8086s people that have come back because of
8087s the beacons and all of this stuff right
8089s so there's still so much more more that
8092s can be added yeah and there is there is
8094s more to the story even in you know what
8097s we're we're reling right now and then
8099s 1.0 will have even more than that so
8102s there another hey I got a n
8105s Echo yeah I can tell we can we need to
8107s find stuff where did you find the pieces
8110s though cuz I didn't have there's one
8111s right here um we'll have to find other
8113s so keep an eye out for looks like a some
8116s cylindrical Machinery there's something
8118s glowing blue over here I should just be
8121s a t I
8122s think there's
8124s aest you want to see something fun
8126s you'll have fun with this let's get this
8128s chest
8129s first all right follow
8133s me well get the shiny get the
8138s shiny oh a big chance us to be fall
8140s damage no we never had fall damage
8144s okay the
8147s forge all right let's see if we can do
8149s this
8169s oh boy oh boy we got we got a a party
8173s down
8174s here I have survived oh heal heal heal
8177s heal
8186s I am the
8189s weapon you're not wrong actually pretty
8194s cool where' the worm go come here Mr
8197s worm do these um do these Scale based on
8200s the number of players by the way uh yes
8202s I believe it does okay cuz otherwise
8206s it'd be like make sure to play always
8207s with three players and things are always
8209s easier
8214s stri but you don't get the pause so
8216s there is there is some drop
8218s back dude we play Souls games in Monster
8221s Hunter there's noing
8225s true save Steve no Steve no both
8231s y'all I was trying to save
8235s Steve I did my
8237s best all right we had the safe private
8240s Steve
8242s streamer privilege
8244s [Laughter]
8246s no I died for
8248s Steve died for our
8250s sins all right respawn well we didn't
8253s quite make it the first try but we can
8254s go back in there does that uh event
8257s reset uh no we we keep the progress so
8259s everything lost zones you're going to
8261s keep the progress you just lose the uh
8263s the end of end lost Zone rewards by
8266s dying
8272s oh what hit me there's some there's some
8275s wonky camera stuff going on with grindle
8279s um randle's there's yeah there's a bug
8282s that we're tracking right now that like
8283s occasionally it won't do the The
8286s Cinematic like it's supposed
8288s to what it's what it's doing for me
8291s right now is it puts the camera in front
8293s of him oh boy big boy no that's that's
8297s intentional that's the uh cinematic so
8301s all under have
8308s but what the hell is that oh these dudes
8310s there's a bunch of I hadn't heard that
8313s sound the rifle sound these guys got now
8315s yeah we have a small army cracking us at
8317s the moment get away from me Big Boy
8320s I'mma break him please do wait there
8322s never
8325s mind all right I got my I got my I got
8327s my my S just got you I'm going keep
8330s moving
8331s us thanks Steve you did better than I
8334s did good
8338s job easy first try we never died nobody
8342s saw rank 21 nice rank up you should get
8346s another town
8348s point oh yeah all the loot so tell us
8351s about ranks since we just got a rank so
8353s wayfinder ranks will increase the power
8355s of all your wayfinders um across the
8357s board and you get that Rank by actually
8360s leveling up your your uh individual
8362s wayfinders so it Isen devizes you know
8364s trying to level everybody up at the same
8365s time is there and that's how you get
8367s Talent points as well is there a way to
8369s see the like all of those the the
8372s bonuses that I'm getting uh so if you go
8374s to the talent and then you press
8376s f um that will show you
8379s all accolades accolades
8382s yes oh damn okay yeah so there are so
8386s this is the same for everyone I guess
8388s yes it is so this is like a a global
8390s global progression
8392s system okay so you ju these feel like
8395s you juic these up a little bit more than
8397s it should or should I be at level 22
8399s because I remember you and Steve say
8400s that we should like around 11 yeah no
8403s right now I I leveled up a bunch of the
8406s wayfinders to kind of just be a Content
8408s level for whatever we wanted to try um
8410s so yeah we are a little bit strong in
8411s that regard um because of thead we're a
8414s lot of bit strong in that regard yeah we
8416s are a lot of bit strong so how long
8418s would it take for somebody to get like
8419s the 22 uh rank just out of curiosity uh
8423s you would need so if you look at your
8424s wayfinders so your character collection
8427s uh at this point in the the main story
8429s Quest I was able to get two wayfinders
8432s to about level 18 to 20 in that range um
8435s legitimately if I was trying
8438s to get all of them up to there I'd
8440s actually have a fair amount of XP
8442s Scrolls so you could boost one up pretty
8444s quickly um no I'm I'm not talking about
8446s wayfinder levels I'm talking about the
8449s Accolade level oh
8451s so the more wers you level the more
8454s accolades you get so there's still a
8456s there's still a like an incentive to
8458s level up more than one wayfinder exactly
8462s and it's faster to level up those lower
8464s level ones um okay compared to the the
8467s higher level ones so it's sometimes
8468s better to just swap over just to get how
8471s do we exit out of here do we teleport uh
8473s there should be a door or a uh big cave
8476s entrance now that you should be able to
8477s go over here
8481s uh
8483s yeah you don't want to look at my stream
8486s right now well what' you do now
8491s oh I feel
8495s like I feel like zigm in front of like
8497s sense for just go like still closed
8500s still closed it's this easy look look
8502s look watch just just go you're watch do
8504s it yeah do that come
8507s on but just open up wait I have an idea
8510s open the not been teleport no that
8512s didn't
8513s work okay yeah I saw that we had a
8515s Teleport so yeah just teleport it's not
8517s a problem there's a work around we have
8519s the techology like like I said at the
8522s beginning guys it's still closed beta
8523s they're still sorting this stuff
8531s out all right it takes a lot of work uh
8534s converting a a live service server based
8536s game into a
8538s standalone I'm surprised you guys did it
8540s in like like was it two months 3 months
8543s we started this in February so 3 months
8545s yeah the entire conversion from a a
8548s server based game to from server based
8550s to to Standalone that that's insane to
8553s me like for one it's insane that you
8555s actually made the decision to do that CU
8558s again I don't think we ever seen anybody
8559s do that but two that you not only made
8562s that decision then you did it in like
8563s two or three months yeah I mean people
8566s were blown away by the patch notes that
8567s we were able to do like when we finally
8569s got the the r taken off and we were just
8572s making patches for like the even TI
8574s patch and everything that I think it was
8575s like 20 pages long or something and I
8577s don't know how many thousands of uh
8580s patch notes we would make that look like
8583s a a high coup in comparison to the
8585s length of the patch notes for uh this
8587s whole change all right you want to you
8589s want to test your
8590s memory all right no so which my memory
8594s is terrible which one which one of these
8595s one the right one nice see easy okay so
8597s now this one which one of this is
8599s the is this one nope
8603s easy see I'm just picking random stuff
8605s I'm not even
8607s trying this is why you don't get the
8610s good things you're like you blame it on
8611s your luck but you know sometimes if you
8613s do the things you're supposed to do
8614s things happen isn't it supposed to be
8616s the one that's not moving yes there you
8619s go all right last one I thought you said
8622s it was the one that was moving okay so
8625s this one's good
8627s wait this one's good and this one's good
8630s and I think this one's good too yeah
8632s yeah yep that was good but you got the
8635s one so we don't get the big
8637s chest oh damn damn harsh that's evil
8643s these toads explode right they do
8645s exploding toads what's down
8650s here ooh skeleton chest over
8653s here seem very familiar I want to open
8656s those up o another armor piece and it's
8658s for the fil Hunter
8659s set you go too fast dude you're too much
8662s of a Zoomer for
8664s me I'm I'm I'm an old man too believe or
8667s not I got I got gr hairs I think I might
8669s have more gray hairs on my head than
8671s yours that's that's that's stress though
8674s hey I got an armored piece start wait I
8676s got an armor piece for a different class
8678s so you can you're weighted towards
8680s getting it for the character you're
8681s playing but you still can get it on
8683s other ones to see that that's just my
8685s luck at work right there not only that I
8687s don't get armor piece when I do get them
8689s it's for frakin chyros all characters it
8692s could it could be for a piece you've
8693s already unlocked I'm surprised why
8695s haven't you equipped any new armor sets
8697s just take a look at your armor
8699s sets I was going to show that feature
8701s but you were like let's play the game
8702s okay I'm not going to show it then you
8704s should do it you should do it it's
8706s important stats wait see I haven't
8708s gotten almost
8710s any you have a you have a decent amount
8712s again I haven't us we didn't want to
8715s show everything off but there's there's
8716s a decent amount I get to have like the
8720s the weirdo shayin helmet what's this
8723s break power and
8724s resilience the top
8728s isy I wanted AP there's no
8733s AP
8734s H so this is not uh applying anything uh
8738s design wise to my character so I'm just
8740s like fiddling with stats go into Style
8742s to Style you have something overwriting
8745s right now so if you go to the style menu
8747s you can um oh wait I don't have any
8749s armor bonuses right now been playing the
8751s whole game without armor bonuses yeah
8753s you want to you want to I I blame this
8755s on
8755s you that's fair I get blamed for a while
8758s I'm used to it okay there's something
8761s really weird going on what happened to
8763s the key giveaway uh unfortunately
8764s nightbot is not uh recognizing anybody
8767s being in chat which is very sad so we'll
8770s have to we'll have to do that on the
8772s next
8773s one so listen Steve right now it's
8777s telling me that I have both the night
8778s warhelm equipped as well as the clan
8781s horn it sounds like
8786s cheating uh it's not clearing the when
8789s it swaps it's not clearing the last one
8790s that you had that's what's happening
8793s okay uh his Defense Max Health crit
8796s rating yeah this one's got crit rating
8798s on almost everything that's
8801s good crit rating weapon
8805s power all right uh yeah I'm just going
8809s to equip that one uh I will however show
8811s off style since I'm doing this so guys
8813s you can actually just go ahead if you go
8814s into your character this was a system
8816s that we already had but you can
8817s basically Swap all this stuff around
8819s this is all stuff that you unlock how
8820s much did you unlock uh for this uh for
8823s this save file is everything unlocked
8826s this is no not even
8829s close
8832s Okay so these are some of the head
8834s pieces that you unlock and basically
8835s whenever you unlock these you get to
8837s keep them swap them around oo mad Rock
8841s the uh the set from the founder
8844s coins and you do get to see it I'm
8846s seeing you upda live on my screen oh my
8850s stuff is updating as I'm swapping it
8851s around yeah you can show it off to your
8854s friends o that Cape looks so freaking
8857s cool let me see what Cape are you
8859s talking about the one you just had you
8861s still have it equipped but just in in
8863s game
8864s render yeah
8866s damn he looks pretty badass with this
8869s set this is the founder coin set you
8871s said no that's just a set you're going
8873s to find by playing no I mean um I mean
8875s uh Steve yeah so the mask uh the MERS
8879s mask yet killing these wretches is a
8881s waste of my
8891s skills it's still such a like a shift
8894s and and mentality that you have to to
8896s have to think about the game cuzz a lot
8898s of people are probably thinking oh this
8900s is like the premium armor set right you
8902s got to you got to pay for this yeah but
8905s that's that's what a lot of people are
8906s going to think I think it's going to be
8907s very hard to like convince people of
8909s that shift yeah because everybody's
8912s going to be expecting it to to still be
8914s a thing like a premium thing but this is
8916s just straight up an armor that you can
8917s get in game yeah you just this it's fun
8920s I mean literally I got this helmet this
8922s run just now yeah yeah you can just
8925s equip it
8926s immediately and it actually has stats
8928s there's actually reasons to go for
8930s certain stats but if you like the look
8931s you can just have it as a trog so you
8933s unlock the transmog and the uh
8935s whatchacallit the Armor Set uh at the
8937s same time and there's no cost to to swap
8940s between them at
8942s all uh IL is a spit so hypothetically
8946s speaking is it possible for the game to
8947s have crossplay uh I think that's going
8949s to be at least right now that's not
8952s going to be in the cards right it's it's
8953s it's definitely not on the table at the
8954s moment unfortunately much as we'd like
8956s it to be it was
8958s uh it's going to be pure here so system
8962s based uh play there's no servers
8964s involved I think even uh if I'm not
8967s mistaken cuz I know that people are
8969s probably going to bring up I think
8972s people are probably going to bring up
8973s like Remnant 2 cuz Remnant 2 does it but
8975s I think Remnant 2 uses the Epic system
8978s if I'm not mistaken I just got a piece
8981s yeah I don't know of a way that can be
8983s done
8984s through for that but because uh when we
8987s even had it in the live service verion
8989s of the G was through a it was digital
8992s extremes
8993s yeah so it's technology that they
8995s already worked on for Warframe and
8997s whatnot
8998s yeah yeah Kegan is confirming Remnant 2
9001s does use epic so that's the thing
9002s usually when smaller Studios do that
9005s type of stuff they piggy back off of the
9007s infr another infrastructure that's
9009s already been built cuz it's not easy to
9011s pull it
9015s off all right let's see your luck on
9017s this
9018s guy oh is it oh I remember this one this
9022s one's the one that goes up we have to
9024s hit the exact fire spot spot it looks
9027s cleaner than it used to be you guys
9028s changed that graphic didn't
9030s you oh first
9033s try oo I got the Epic Echo thank you of
9037s course you get the loot it's like yeah I
9038s do the thing but you get the loot yeah I
9040s mean that's what I'm here for here to be
9043s the we didn't get the the trickster
9045s coins
9047s though uh not
9050s no I don't think we got trickster coins
9052s I think we only got the buff I'll take a
9055s look at the end game
9063s menu I mean so far so good I think
9066s people are going to have a good time
9067s playing it uh over the weekend there
9069s connectivity even across the
9073s plan no no lag no nothing especially
9076s considering that your stream was even
9078s lagging earlier I was like oh no this is
9080s this doesn't bode well but it's been
9082s pretty seamless you guys seem to have a
9085s solid net
9087s Cod like where where are you guys like
9090s is it it's not Cali it's Austin okay
9092s yeah so you they're in Austin I'm in
9095s Portugal and there's no at least that I
9098s can tell there's no lag I'm not hosting
9101s they're hosting so I'm actually pretty
9103s impressed and this isn't anything
9105s special this is the exact same uh you
9108s know matchmaking system that every
9110s person have access
9113s to and again I would I would argue
9117s infinitely more stable than even after
9119s all the improvements we've made in uh
9121s live service like oh this is still a
9124s much better multiplayer
9126s experience oh yeah
9129s 100% all right let's see did I get any
9132s trickster coins yeah I got eight
9133s trickster coins what you talking
9135s about okay let me
9138s see I got seven all right all right I
9141s got I got you you're trying to sabotage
9143s the stream up in here I swear yes yes
9145s that's me I'm I'm here to break
9147s [Laughter]
9150s everything how does grindle spin work if
9152s you have a gun he spins he smacks people
9156s in the face with the button you've never
9157s picked up a big old gun and just smacked
9159s somebody in the head over and over it's
9161s based on ability power it's not really
9164s based on your weapon so it's like you
9166s have ability power it deals damage he
9168s just smacks people around with a gun
9170s I mean to be fair you don't really see
9173s the
9174s what we get to do our first uh double
9179s imbuement
9180s oo get to see some golden golden
9186s bombs this will be
9189s fun oh and I'm loving by the way if you
9192s haven't turned on the uh the random
9194s wallpapers loading art I would highly
9195s recommend
9197s it uh I don't know if I have it I've
9199s just been seeing oh you did this on
9202s purpose now I see got the got the n i
9207s mean it's it's that's the best one
9209s you're trying to indoctrinate me with
9211s this by shoving her wallpaper in my face
9214s every single loading screen it's
9216s subliminal
9217s messaging yes not very subliminal but
9221s okay very
9225s subtle I like this train thing I mean
9228s isn't this environment freaking cool
9231s I want to ride on a train I want a level
9232s that takes place on a train there might
9234s be a reason to go find that in the
9235s Overworld just saying nudge nud wi say
9238s no more say no
9240s more I like
9243s that I no it's just I oh wait oh I
9247s thought I F I fell into the nether but
9249s no
9250s [Laughter]
9254s uh don't look at my stream this is
9258s fine this is fine
9265s yeah so actually no you're just you just
9266s wanted to demonstrate a feature which
9268s I'm very grateful for you can press
9270s escape and then X for help and that will
9272s say I'm stuck no no no I don't I don't I
9275s don't I didn't have to do
9277s that stick to the script Ron come on
9280s this is all all been
9282s planned
9287s exactly let us dance ooh a new housing
9292s decoration I find I find it so
9294s interesting that my loot driven brain
9296s I'm like oh I got to pick this thing up
9298s I got Tock it's like all of this stuff
9299s is going away Tuesday or whatever it is
9301s that the the demo St pick it up again
9306s yeah hey if I was a smaller character
9309s would I fit
9310s there I mean you could find
9313s out no but listen you guys got to you
9315s guys got to give me a a wind grave skin
9318s for that uh that Warden that we saw that
9320s that's what we need right there yeah
9321s that's the most important feature W rust
9323s yeah he's the best I'm in best looking
9326s character in the game we we're putting
9327s the game in players hands I have no
9330s doubt all sorts of things are going to
9337s happen this Armor's got red glowies it's
9341s nice all
9343s right here let's all choose a set
9346s actually no we can't it's one at a time
9347s we're going to
9348s unlock okay
9352s okay which one unlocked is this one now
9355s we have
9356s three three is over here that one
9358s shaking it's these
9359s two got four that one shaking that one
9363s shaking these two
9366s yep Shing it's uh these
9371s three oh rip I thought it just launched
9373s me off the
9376s edge there we go there you go ooh
9379s radiant level 26 sword and shield
9382s talking Ron's language Fields up iron
9385s Breakers Ron here I didn't I didn't get
9389s any loot you didn't get
9394s anything apprciate you contributing to
9398s the
9399s C
9400s yes oh man this tooth and Claw looks
9403s nice dude Steve's just showing off that
9406s tooth and Claw looks nice I like that
9411s I'll switch I I'll do some sword and
9412s shield game we just buffed this recently
9414s and I have not played it in a long time
9417s it's an epic one I'm not changing I'm
9418s not changing anything because it'll take
9420s me forever to reorganize the the things
9424s actually really quick now with the
9425s system though you just click the things
9426s at the
9431s top but I mean grindle just works better
9434s with a two-hander anyway
9453s a big
9459s boy nice ooh another weapon O A Sight up
9467s nice golden bombs hey face bunk Helm for
9471s venomous oh there you
9473s go goldplated music box nice what's this
9477s oh he all right cuz we're in greed mode
9482s so if I pick up gold there are yeah and
9485s there are specific sets that you can
9487s only get with the right combination of
9488s hum so there more of a reason to uh to
9491s play around with the
9496s mutators this guy uh really gave me the
9499s business
9503s yep I think I I pred through
9509s that this guy will not go down all right
9513s will you got it oh there we go level
9516s 22 simple
9521s jar I love how it's like Alex gets oh I
9525s got this amazing new sword I pick up
9527s something like simple jar
9530s you get this piece of pottery
9532s congratulations I'm so
9536s jealous is it that way oh God why did I
9538s do
9540s that I'm baited I hate
9543s you you can do it see this is no you
9546s can't not not with a warm you can't you
9549s want to
9550s bet actually I did do the thing just
9556s now all right I'm I'm prove it I'm going
9559s to prove it the challenge has issued I'm
9563s I'm not doing
9564s that oh I missed it missed the jump of
9567s course you did because they have less
9569s less
9570s reach no I missed the
9575s ground come on oh no so close I told you
9580s you can't do it well I guess we're going
9581s to play grindle for a little
9584s bit hey there we
9587s go tell me what I can do where did you
9591s jump to oh you jumped on that small
9593s pillar it's just got to do it skill is
9595s you man oh my
9598s God this is why he has almost 3,000
9601s hours in the game cuz he spends it all
9604s doing that uh actually not
9607s incorrect um all right where the heck
9610s are we trying to go I don't know it
9612s looks like this is the way
9614s find the deceivers oh I think we were
9617s supposed to actually summon the
9618s deceivers I think we did this event too
9621s well I I should have read the quest all
9623s right we're going to abandon abandoning
9625s wait what happened so you know that
9627s thing where we were like super smart and
9629s we did the the event correctly and we we
9632s didn't spawn the deceivers yeah we were
9633s supposed to spawn the deceivers I just
9635s uh wasn't
9636s reading is the dash jump still in Yes W
9639s that's what he was doing that's what
9640s we're just I I just did the the dash
9642s jump uh a little
9645s bit by the way W you can play right now
9647s you have it on Steam right
9656s okay H what's up
9660s 97 waiting for you again trying do
9664s waiting for party why say waiting for
9666s party I'm I'm outside already
9669s maybe Steve isn't in yet looks like he
9675s is that's a
9678s bug wait found can play right now yes
9681s yes you can let's try let's go to
9686s gate I'm we might have to reform Reform
9690s Party okay that's weird get our bug logs
9693s for that Steve grab the
9699s logs uh wait you didn't kick me it will
9703s be no I'm going to
9706s quit no no let me kick you the that's
9710s what you get no can't take this from
9713s me I can't believe you manually set this
9717s as the wall paper purposefully just for
9719s my that's some really next thank me now
9722s you can you can honestly just where do I
9724s change
9725s that uh in game you're GNA go to uh your
9728s sty to be in game okay send me send me
9731s an invite again yep we'll do also I like
9733s the new main menu it it seems that the
9735s changes reflect your current character
9737s that's cool yeah yeah so like whatever
9739s you have equipped on the last character
9741s that you played chose up
9746s yep that looks
9754s neat question is it ever coming to Xbox
9757s yes it is coming to Xbox later this year
9759s uh I got like seven to eight characters
9761s I think so many different weapons yes
9762s we've added a ton of new weapons to this
9764s uh even just this build there'll be even
9765s more weapons added for
9767s 1.0 um coming through is snarf AOE
9770s enjoyer very much
9772s so um I'm going take a quick looks
9775s really good yes he does that's loading
9778s taking so
9779s long
9783s um you can play but not Echoes no you
9785s can play Echo right now so if you go
9788s back to I mean I'll say it here again if
9791s you are a founder and you go to your
9793s wayfinder uh in your steam Library you
9796s rightclick properties go to Beta and
9799s type in the words all one word all
9801s lowercase the ruin King returns or not
9804s the ruin king sorry also a great game
9806s you should go get that on Steam uh the
9809s Reaver King
9810s returns um you will be able to opt into
9814s the unstable beta and play right now for
9816s this weekend
9818s [Music]
9834s return to the Reaver King oh it is that
9836s order uh just make sure you spell King
9842s correctly what is
9850s happening we're going to try to relaunch
9869s how do you sp King correctly so it's i n
9873s kg
9884s King uh can you show us the silo passive
9887s tree sure while we're waiting for ruon
9889s to come back once Jing to do
9899s that I'm back does progress from the
9902s beta access carry over to the 30 thr Le
9904s no it will be just reset on Tuesday
9907s and'll be brand new all right I can
9908s reinvite you now yeah all right while
9912s I'm inviting you I'm going to go off The
9915s Silo tree you like Silo too don't you
9918s yeah I like silo see that you guys have
9920s changed some stuff that makes it easier
9921s to land grenades in melee I was like yes
9924s yeah yes please melee Silo was melee Sal
9928s was
9929s struggle all right can you play it on
9931s PlayStation Now with new stuff no only
9933s on Steam all right so if we go to
9936s talents so what do you want to see we
9938s can show you this is the aggressive path
9940s so you got like [ __ ] power stamina CRP
9943s power crit power additional capacity
9946s opportunism each time you land a
9948s critical hit and you and all nearby
9951s allies gain 1% crit power stacking up to
9953s 20 times uh 50 more crit crit
9957s crit uh crit rating increased by 50% but
9960s the multiplier for all critic hits is
9962s reduced by
9964s 33% gorilla tactics each critical hit
9966s now has a 20% chance to Grant you 10
9969s stamina uh incoming damage is reduced by
9971s 20% missing stamina scaling base weapon
9975s power reduced by 20% dodging now grants
9977s you a 10% increased weapon power stack
9979s up to five
9981s times um drop a Time explosive when
9984s dodging um on a 10c cool down deadly
9988s Insight expose your weaknesses now
9989s stronger making enemies 5% more
9991s vulnerable red Feast your exposed
9994s weaknesses also cause targets to heal
9996s all attackers for a small amount it's op
10000s uh your exposed weakness also provides a
10002s small bonus to all attackers ultimate
10003s meter charges it's all yeah so lots of
10006s lots of different things you can explore
10008s again this is always is going to be more
10009s of the uh offensive side this is going
10012s to be more of the uh utility and support
10014s side and this is going to be more of the
10016s defensive
10018s side listen we need to give him like a
10022s blocky Hammer instead block you don't
10024s like the round Hammer nah not doing it
10027s for you nah needs a nice blocky Hammer
10031s okay
10034s yeah like sitting next to Warden rust
10037s it's me and Warden rust
10040s [Laughter]
10042s me man those shoulder pads yeah that
10046s beard is perfect he's even got the right
10048s hair color it's
10051s perfect he's a big boy yep uh are we
10056s doing the main quest or what are we
10057s doing
10059s next oh damn it I still have the N
10063s wallpaper excellent you're welcome
10066s cursed
10068s forever oh can I play as him no you
10070s can't yet yet we'll work on
10075s it Ron's talking to his lawyers right
10077s now drafting up an agreement user
10079s licensing agreement this this is how
10081s this
10082s works wait is it online it is not I mean
10086s it's got to peer-to-peer online y so we
10088s are playing with each other across the
10090s planet right
10091s now
10093s yeah see look at him
10097s cheating oh well that was
10103s embarrassing did you
10105s fall no I oh
10109s no oh no that's so
10115s terrible all right it still does that
10117s zoom in thing that I told you by the way
10120s yeah that's okay I did talk to uh I
10124s actually mentioned right before the
10125s stream with one of our engineers and he
10126s said he was going to look into it so
10128s just for you
10130s oh you ugly Beacon the beacons oh my God
10134s I remember them oh God yeah these these
10136s guys are the evil evil goblins of Doom
10139s oh and then there's the drill guy right
10141s there that's the one we got a that's the
10143s one yeah that's going to be gnarly all
10149s right get get our game face on got to do
10152s the the chair leaning thing what do what
10154s do we what do we what what is this all
10156s right let's go find these stupid
10157s deceivers so we can get out of here
10159s where where'd you
10160s go I'm fighting the the MOs Pit of Doom
10163s over
10166s here I'm so confused okay I'm
10179s coming Jee is it guaranteed that you get
10183s that event by the way when you do uh
10185s greed chaos it's GRE chaos it is for the
10188s quest so the quest will always show up
10191s um there are ements that increase the
10193s chance I don't know if they're always a
10195s guarantee though okay but yes this doing
10199s the doing greed uh greed chaos is is a
10202s good way of trying to farm uh
10211s deceivers all right where are we where
10213s we at oh we got a loot gin what's he
10215s going to give me give me your loot
10222s here I'll break him for you please do
10224s thank you very
10225s much sit down pretty much broken by the
10227s time it got there
10229s though hey you you you contributed oh I
10232s got a I got a weapon finally what'd you
10234s get
10235s makyra a weapon skin it's duels yeah
10238s it's du a weapon
10241s skin like like all high techi and stuff
10245s looks like something you'd use I want it
10247s give it to me uh I think it's this one I
10252s would trading would actually be
10254s interesting like is that a design
10256s decision for you guys or is it like a
10258s limitation right now it was more a
10259s limitation uh it was a design when it
10262s was a live service when it was live
10264s service and all that stuff um I think
10267s primary ways
10268s just we only had so much we could do um
10273s evenes pretty crazy but uh no I'm just
10276s curious if that would be something that
10277s you would consider in the future
10280s sure the would be the right person ask
10283s though yeah cuz that's that's his called
10285s being the game director and all
10293s yeah go I think one of the things that
10296s would be cool to be able to trade would
10298s be wouldn't even be the the weapons well
10301s drop weapons could be cool cuz like
10303s let's say we're playing I get a sword
10305s and shield uh or better yet you get a
10308s sword and shield I get a set of daggers
10309s and I could just be like okay here's the
10310s daggers you can give me the sword and
10312s shield that would be cool but I was
10314s thinking more in terms of like materials
10316s like say you're farming something with a
10317s friend and you know it's like oh we
10320s could just Farm faster cuz I can give
10321s you this
10322s thing then I think it's going to be it's
10325s going to be really cool just having a
10327s product that players own and can do with
10329s whatever they they want and see what see
10333s what
10336s happens like I said I I think it'd be
10339s cool to to see it succeed if just the
10341s show see not everything has to be a live
10343s service why am I I think my character is
10346s glitched but you must not oh no it's
10349s just my stamina I didn't let it recover
10351s it okay I'm not I'm not used to soon
10356s last time that's the issue all right so
10358s we can't we can beat it
10360s without oh do not trigger any of the
10362s sers okay you were just being too greedy
10365s yeah I think we just went too fast I
10366s can't remember which one of these was
10368s moving do you remember
10370s is it a 50/50 no yeah it's a 50/50 all
10373s right it's on you
10374s then that's this
10376s one hey all right I'll get the next one
10380s that one definitely
10382s good all right you get the next one you
10384s get the
10385s four over here oh I thought it was this
10388s one damn it it's not that one that
10390s you're in
10391s front that one moved I don't know about
10393s the other ones I think I saw this one
10396s move okay
10399s I will open this
10403s one hey nice all right and then these
10406s two moved I
10408s think yep I thought it was those two as
10411s well
10413s T did we get it this time I think so yes
10417s Y is the treasure we seek bring it to me
10422s and see how many archaic bones we just
10423s got for
10424s that no I didn't that was archaic bones
10428s that we got cuz
10429s used to be it used to be like the the
10431s drill thing all right we're going to
10433s abandon now
10437s okay oh nice loading
10439s screen yeah I know it's been the
10443s same don't you have itch to change your
10445s characters to somebody else uh I don't
10447s know have have you considered maybe one
10448s of the arcanists I I feel like every
10451s time I go into the menu you load me into
10452s a dungeon to stop me from changing
10456s it I'm just have your stream up just in
10458s case you open menu I'm like oh that's
10459s time to
10460s teleport exactly so what menu is it is
10464s it in the reward Tower yeah I go to
10465s character and then you go to Styles and
10468s then it's going to be the bottom right
10471s it will say loading you did put it on
10473s purpose you oh my god dude yeah you're
10475s welcome so terrible I was joking when I
10479s said you did it on purpose but you
10481s actually
10483s did that's some Next Level trolling me
10487s no
10489s [Music]
10492s no silly bear the progress does not
10494s carry over this is all getting wiped out
10496s it's just for people to test out the
10498s game uh you should be able to teleport
10500s to me by the way whatever the cost okay
10503s let's see if I can do it this time all
10504s right right
10507s here oh we're returning to greymore to
10510s get the the second thing uh any changes
10512s to the quest uh yes lots of yes so you
10514s can actually track three different
10515s quests right now and there will be
10517s different color coding to uh whichever
10520s Quest you have tracked so you can track
10522s this one it'll be purple you can track
10524s another one it'll be
10527s blue and they will show up on the map
10529s wherever you need to go uh and then the
10532s quest line that we're doing right now in
10534s the uh overlandsummers
10540s [Music]
10549s let me see oh but I have it it's you
10551s have the slot
10552s yeah let's go inrees brake Power by 35%
10555s that sounds
10557s fun I'm going to put the Go Go Juice in
10559s there cuz we have 43 of that yeah got to
10562s have the Go Go
10563s Juice best potion of the
10567s game Go Go
10570s Juice okay wait that's not 30
10573s minutes so the the saded ones not all of
10576s the the bonuses are going to be 30
10579s minutes
10581s uh yeah but the satiated
10587s lastes but the goou does
10590s stack so every 10 seconds if you uh use
10596s that uh Buco is asking if Echo catalog
10599s is planned for 1.0 I don't think it is
10601s not for 1.0 unfortunately just don't
10603s have the band withd to to do it um we
10605s kind of got partway there so we did
10607s change how the the the cost per Echo uh
10612s has been reduced and you don't have to
10613s do like the matching to reduce the uh
10616s the cost by half anymore and then we've
10618s made it so you can only equip one unique
10620s Echo across all of your character um
10624s what else and then we just like really
10627s improved just how easy it is to to dust
10629s Mark favorite and all that jazz you I
10631s was going to tell you that you're
10632s trolling me server side now
10635s right another battle RNG my
10642s man it's not
10644s possible I think
10647s different it is
10650s random just it's just the game is going
10653s like hey we noticed you really like this
10655s one let us show it to you again yeah we
10658s we've you've gamed your algorithm
10660s congratulations you're gonna get baby
10661s shark songs for the rest of the time on
10664s YouTube oh my God so funny
10668s uh what is the cap for accessories now I
10670s think accessories is around 200 and the
10674s um Echo is
10678s 800 just out of curiosity do you have
10680s your set to
10681s miss uh mine is set is random there a
10684s lot of ones I like so
10692s rotate and I did not have Miss when it
10695s it showed up you so it's definely not
10702s oh yeah we were giving this guy the
10704s business still on aoic still hook nice
10709s yeah we do have the probably more
10711s talents than we deserve to have
10715s but uh I forgot how this part Works do
10718s you just have to open all of them uh so
10720s there's one that is the correct one and
10722s then there is a there is a way of
10724s knowing which the Craig one is but I'm
10726s not going to SP I remember it has it has
10728s okay we're not spoiling that because I I
10730s think I knew what it was yeah there is
10732s definitely there is definitely
10741s mechanic there he
10747s is new emote bicep Crush
10759s Bo get him speat him
10766s up we
10768s go what is the um momentum thing use is
10772s a weapon skill or ability power uh it's
10775s uh 50/50 so all weapon all weapon
10778s abilities are half weapon power half
10780s weapon
10786s ability oh boy okay yeah we're we're
10789s definitely on uh
10791s heroic that felt real good I am in
10796s trouble save me yeah sir yeah sure yeah
10800s I'll get right on that sir I'm sure I'm
10802s sure this will be fine what could
10805s possibly go
10807s wrong so uh we got to we got to take him
10809s down one at a time he thinks yes I think
10812s that'd be a good
10815s idea um we are actually at the hey I got
10819s Silo see it is
10822s possible all right say we do uh one more
10825s attempt at this and probably call it
10826s quits I know it's it's getting a little
10828s late for you over there and I I'm really
10830s grateful for you uh for taking so much
10833s time as you have uh and hanging out with
10834s us but do you have like any questions or
10836s any questions from your viewers that I
10837s can answer as we kind of face Mash
10839s against this
10841s guy uh no I don't really have anything I
10844s feel like you guys have been answering
10845s so many questions
10846s already uh we're going to be here for it
10849s we're going I live in the Discord and
10850s we're going to be uh playing all weekend
10853s alongside all of you again if you guys
10855s were a founder and you want to jump into
10857s the action all weekend surprise you
10858s don't have to wait till the 31st you can
10860s just jump into steam right now right
10862s click go to properties and uh put in the
10865s beta so turn of the r not R I keep
10868s saying R king I swear yeah uh reer King
10871s even had that on the even on your
10874s [Laughter]
10876s instructions uh and another a great game
10878s though also sublimal messaging go uh go
10881s by room
10882s King
10887s yeah let us
10893s Dan this ends
10897s now so I don't think we're supposed to
10900s be getting loot from these deceivers
10901s seems a
10904s little yeah it seems like we could just
10906s be able to farm this guy for it
10915s there he
10919s goes all right one at a time this time
10921s one at a
10923s time all right we got this yeah big
10930s ugly jeez he's got a lot of help I'm
10933s break him there it is there it is nice
10939s oh you had a bad day got beat up by a
10942s cat in
10951s this D receiver's eye yeah there's a lot
10954s of loot to be had in here like this yeah
10958s I me running all day thematic enjoy for
10962s the weekends enjoy it while it lasts too
10965s late you can't hold on to it for the
10966s afterwards
10973s o oh that would be that's a weapon skin
10976s you enjoy ah there he is everybody
10978s picking the wrong chest on purpose
10982s yeah which you should technically be
10984s able to
10985s do no this ends now dies instantaneously
10989s and then it
10991s dies seems like a plan
11001s all right first try nope not first try
11004s not first try oh my God they're
11006s everywhere all right I got one over here
11019s Shadow got to get through it every
11022s single B breaks is PS5 scheduled 31 so
11026s PS5 we don't really have a lot of
11029s control over when it's going to get
11030s ready um sadly just we're still working
11033s through the transition process to get
11034s publishing rights on Playstation um but
11037s it is coming and it'll be it'll be
11039s before the 1.0 release we just don't
11041s know
11044s when currently playing the G I got my
11046s counter stuff in it nice heck
11051s yeah uh important like if you are
11053s playing this beta weekend again the the
11055s main goal for this is really just to
11057s make sure everything there's no Show
11059s Stoppers for the 31st so if there is
11061s anything that is game breaking please go
11063s in the Discord there is instructions on
11065s how to to report it and give us the
11067s information we need to make it fixed
11069s then we'll be good to go for the
11073s 31st a lot a lot a lot of work has gone
11075s to get it to this point so it should be
11077s in a a pretty good state but we'd love
11080s to have all of yall help to uh to make
11082s sure away from no I'm blocking look at
11084s look at this Lex Noel strategy see look
11086s at that why would you block doesn't do
11088s anything it did it stopped him from
11090s charging you oh it's # design that way
11095s not not an abuse at
11098s all I know I thought it was weird first
11100s time you said you were blocking and you
11102s were dead and I was like what you mean
11103s you're
11105s blocking that'll do it that's all she
11108s wrote 50,000 damage come
11111s on let us
11114s dance
11115s broken oh yeah doing what had to be done
11120s yeah yeah return to deep with hope the
11122s king is found he's so sassy and we must
11125s strike
11126s quickly that was an epic in there Mars
11128s Echo dodging in combat leaves behind a
11131s trap so pretty I just love blood Runner
11135s bag I got a tiny
11139s tanker I can sure I got a tiny tanker
11143s too I'd have a beer with you when you
11145s ever come to Texas Beer's on me H too
11149s bad I don't
11150s drink nice cold crisp water is on me yes
11155s yes club soda I'll take one of those yes
11159s uh hell yeah all right well I think
11161s that's GNA call it a here ladies and
11163s gentlemen um yep just want to uh again
11166s thank you so much to ruon if you guys
11168s haven't gone and I'm going to drop his
11171s channel in the chat here if you guys
11174s haven't followed his give him a like
11176s follow subscribe it helps him out
11178s immensely we are incredibly grateful for
11180s his time uh again this was just the
11183s goodness of his heart coming out and and
11184s supporting the game um and all of us and
11187s so we cannot thank him enough for for
11188s all of that um I do want to give also a
11191s shout out it's been a while but shout
11193s out to to hyx for giving us such amazing
11196s equipment to be able to do this stream
11198s um and and get into giveaways and all of
11201s the events that we did around the world
11203s when we could do them um so thank you to
11205s them as well and we're just so excited
11207s to bring wayer Echo out to all of you so
11209s again if you are a Founder please try to
11211s jump in right now um it's it's available
11215s just right click put in the beta
11217s code the Reaver Return of the Reaver
11220s King not the r King all lowercase all
11222s one word um jump in for the weekend and
11224s enjoy this long Memorial Day weekend if
11226s you're in the states and just uh thank
11228s you so much for for supporting us it's
11230s been a heck of a journey and we hope you
11231s like it and I will reshape the world as
11235s I I'm going to sign out but everybody I
11238s have yourself a wonderful rest of the
11240s night bye guys all right see you later
11243s snarf So for anybody that has um one of
11247s the
11249s [Music]
11258s [Music]
11266s founders for
11269s [Music]