4 months ago - [AS] SOLIDAge - Direct link
Originally posted by Hexerin: Even with the top end founders bundle, you won't be able to get all the exclusives. Was mildly intrigued about the game being converted to a monetization-less singleplayer/coop thing with this relaunch, but any interest I had is now gone knowing that the game is impossible to get 100% completion on.
These cosmetics are for the people who spent money in-game via Runesilver (but we did include the Runesilver from packs in the total). We were fully aware that some people would be unhappy they were not obtainable in-game but the flip side is, if they had no compensation for the money they spent, they'd feel burned. This is a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. But again these are PURELY cosmetic.