about 1 month ago - SOLIDAge - Direct link
Thanks for the compliment. Don’t forget to leave us a review.
about 1 month ago - SOLIDAge - Direct link
Originally posted by Gynosaur: Yeah, that's my big thing too.

Solid, I love the game and the direction you guys have taken since the big shift has been great to see. But I also think character nerfs are confusing and unfun in a non-competitive and primarily single payer game. Specifically, the recent Niss changes have been a terrible disappointment for me. She's my favorite character by a mile and she's so different now that it feels like she's bugged. Umbral Aura isn't firing consistently even when the screen is full of enemies. Was a cooldown added? Her ability damage is also so much weaker now that something like Wingrave's Righteous Strike (which recharges super-fast and heals lol) seems to hit harder even with around 30% less AP than in my Niss build. Maybe it's possible to mitigate this somewhat by stacking 20K+ AP on her, but I'm not trying to min/max my way through the game. I really hope balance isn't being determined based on the players that are into extreme optimizing. As it stands, characters that fill more of a support or tank role are hitting harder than the glass cannon and that feels really bad. Is there any chance that some of these changes may get rolled back for her? She was just so much fun before and her current state is such a bummer and saps my enthusiasm some. Thanks very much!
We didn’t nerf Niss because we wanted to take away people‘s fun, we did it because it made current and 1.0 content incredibly hard to balance as she made it all trivial.