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The game runs like sh*t on Xbox consoles. They clearly only released it to appease a vocal minority on dying hardware/cash out. Party invites don’t work, it struggles to keep frames, it crashes often. They should have just pushed it seeing as they already did like 4 times for Xbox release. Game is sh*t on that console rn

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about 1 month ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

We agree that there were some issues when it launched. We just pushed out an update that fixes most of the crashes on Xbox. Download it and take a look.

about 1 month ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by CodenameDvl

Same for me. 3 more crashes. All randomly at random times, two were when I paused the game for a few minutes and the third was when I was in combat halfway thro a expedition, lost all the rare resources I found in that one. Just gonna give the game a wide berth until it’s more stable. I don’t mind crashes as long as I don’t lose things. It feels like I’m doing 1 step forward 3 steps back.

We are looking into it.