11 months ago - Wayfinder - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

15s [Music]
23s Wayfinders
25s do you remember the fall?
27s the Gloom descended on Skylight
31s you rallied to protect the beacon and paid a
35s terrible price
38s you fell and the world was broken
42s remember who you were, who you are
46s and return to us
48s this world needs champions
65s [Music]
74s all right, summer, it's summer guys
77s welcome to summer. I bet you guys were
80s like man this video is awesome
81s there's gonna be a date at the end and
83s you're like [ __ ] this is it. Yep, no it's
85s summer still. We told them there would be a date
87s this was a bait and switch. The whole
89s thing was a ruse, so thank you guys very
92s much for coming. We appreciate this. This is
93s the first of many streams that we're
95s gonna be having
96s um although this is the last time you'll
97s see us in this office because we are
98s moving to an actual Studio. Yes this is a
101s conference room. oh my gosh. but it looks
103s pretty good, we got art behind us. what?
104s for you guys it looks it looks looks
106s like an official event, right? right?
108s but you can't see that way yes
109s that's the key...
111s yes so thank you guys for coming uh I'm
113s AJ I'm the director of Marketing and
115s Engagement, also known a solid Age
116s on Discord. You've probably talked to me
117s online, maybe at PAX but I'm super
119s excited to be here
121s I am Alex Campbell or Sir Snarf
123s um you see me probably all over YouTube
125s comments and or Discord or anywhere else
127s on the web so welcome to the Wayfinder
130s stream yes so um we are here to talk
133s about Wayfinder so there's a lot of
134s people here that know about the game but
136s for those of you that don't, Wayfinder is
138s a online character-based action
139s role-playing game um to us it is our
142s take on the MMO. An MMO to us is social
145s it's persistent when you log off and
147s it's always changing and so this is our
149s take on that. One day we hope to evolve
151s it into a full-blown MMO the likes uh
154s you'll find in Tamriel, Eorzea and
156s Azeroth but the first step to do that is
158s Early Access so that's why we're here
159s this entire stream is dedicated to Early
160s Access. This entire stream will be
162s talking about all the things that you
163s will be able to play all the things
164s you'll be able to see. We have some
166s awesome reveals. we'll fully reveal the
167s Venomess anime - we have a little like
169s agenda oh it's that side that
172s we have a little agenda so we'll fully
173s review The Venomess anime you'll see
174s gameplay of Venomess for the very first
176s time. We'll have some designers walk you
177s through who she is and what she does how
179s she fits into the party in the game
180s um we're gonna talk about Founder's Packs
182s because we know everybody's been really
183s excited about Founders Packs, we're going
184s to talk about Housing. We'll show off
186s housing for the very first time it's an
188s awesome system and something that's
189s super unique to Wayfinder and pets and
191s pets yes... um we'll have a
193s little Dev Diary at the end to show you
194s some more stuff but
196s there's a lot there's a lot there's a
197s lot. So I do want to give a shout out to
199s everybody who made it live to the event
201s in San Diego yes so hello all you fancy
204s theater people I hope you like it on the
206s big screen the real question is are you
207s staying after this and are you seeing
209s Barbie or Oppenheimer? That's the real
211s question We're joining this train, really?
214s I'm like come on it's not a train it's
216s like the internet yeah that's how you
217s know we're live too people are like
218s they're gonna pre-record it's all
221s live hello Internet hello Libby air
224s spinner and yeah
228s all right we're done just.. Barbie a lot
230s of Barbies a lot of Barbie a lot of
231s mission Impossibles I saw that kind of
233s mid just saying all right I'm on Oppenheimer
235s game but I'm gonna have to see that also..
236s ...did you purposely put your chair higher
238s than mine? You're just short. that's not
240s true at all. I just noticed that I'm like
242s looking up to you uh anyway so let's
245s jump right into it so the first thing
246s that we want to talk about is Early
247s Access and what is Early Access so to us
249s Early Access is the beginning
251s um we've said all along that we're a
253s relatively small team working on
254s something awesome and ambitious and we
256s need help to build that um we've run a
258s couple beta events right oh yeah yeah
260s 100 and thank you to all of our beta
263s Community that's here today
264s um I mean a huge part of that is the
266s community feedback that we're going to
267s be carrying over into Early Access so
269s we're going to be doing feature upvote
270s and it's going to be a continuous stream
273s of feedback from the community Through
275s Early Access and even after full launch
277s none of that stops uh this is literally
279s the beginning and so um we had thousands
281s upon thousands of people take part in
282s beta we made changes none of that
284s changes for us moving into Early Access
285s but it it's kind of the next phase for
287s us. Early Access will not have any wipes
289s you will purchase a Founder's Pack to
291s take part in it and then um we will go
294s into free to play after that so it's
296s really um important for us to to build
299s on an awesome game right like we could
302s put out hundreds of thousands of hours
303s of content and a hundred thousands of
305s characters and quests and stuff but the
306s game's not fun doesn't matter people
308s don't stick around they don't play it so
309s for us it's important to solidify the
311s game Loops, it's important for us to make
312s sure that it's rewarding that combat's
314s fun and so that is what Early Access is
316s for is for really for us to um to tune
318s those systems and then we have tons of
320s stories to tell we will get there we're
322s launching with six areas to explore
323s 17 weapons we'll have more and more
326s over time but we feel it's a great solid
327s foundation that someone could come in
329s buy into Early Access and just start
331s playing and have a ton of fun with the
332s game absolutely and again we're sorry we
335s wish we could have like the pre
338s pre-launch pre-sale announce the
339s announcement
340s um unfortunately just for being an Early
342s Access you're not going to be able to
344s buy today
345s um we will announce the dates uh at the
347s end of the stream let's say
349s um but we will be able to
352s um yeah we won't be able to pre-purchase
354s and pre-install but as soon as the the
356s game goes live you'll be able to buy it
358s you'll be able to install it you'll be
359s able to get to go. it has nothing to do
360s with us that's actually a specific
362s party's requirement for Early Access
363s games you can't pre-order it so um when
366s the date is available I'm sorry when we
368s announce the date and you uh go to steam
370s you go to PlayStation Network you buy
371s your Founder's Pack you can play
372s immediately they'll be available right
374s then and there so
376s um what else did we want to talk about
378s um we had a lot of feedback from players
380s we kind of discussed that Discord if you
382s guys haven't a lot of uh Discord fam is
384s in here right now but it's amazing to
386s see and you'll see in the dev diary like
388s those numbers are so antiquated now
390s because this this Discord Community just
392s keeps growing and growing and it's
393s amazing seeing all of you there, and the
395s fan art, I love the fan art that's coming
397s out. The team loves seeing the fan art
399s and it's just like yep I can't wait for
400s this IP to be a thing - all the cosplay
402s all the art all the just you know
404s stories that come out fan fictions it's
407s gonna be awesome and besides that we
408s have a feature upload website where we
409s have players uh submit what they think
411s we should add to the game uh what they
412s like what they don't like
414s um we're also going to talk a little bit
415s about a creators program that Alex is
417s kind of uh spearheading if your creator
419s large, small
420s um we don't care we want you to be part
422s of this we want you to help um tell the
423s story of Wayfinder yeah let's say the
425s name screw it um so it's going to be the
427s Wayfinder Creators Guild wow so it's
429s official we we actually have a whole
431s kind of thing behind the scenes that's
433s going to be managing that it's not going
434s to be immediate as soon as Early Access
436s hits but we are watching um I hope you
439s can tell that I really do care about
441s anybody making content out there it
442s doesn't matter your subscription count
443s I just care about quality I care about
445s you know if you're passionate about the
447s game and if you we want this game to be
449s a platform for people to launch a career
452s in content creation if you want to be a
454s Twitch streamer or a Kick streamer or
457s whatever it might be uh YouTube live
459s like and you want to make content and
460s you want to make this a thing we want
462s Wayfinder to be a platform for you to
464s become you know successful what if you
465s want to be a Tick Tok streamer? You
467s can do the NPC Tick Tok stuff
469s it'll be hard but you know we'll watch
471s it we'll launches
473s I think it'd be great for the cosplays
476s and it's again content creator's
477s across the board it doesn't need to be
479s just streaming like we're going to be
480s watching people that want to express
482s themselves creatively with Wayfinder as
484s a medium so yeah
486s um so like I was saying before this is
488s really the start and in order for us to
490s build a foundation and a game that
491s thrives for years to come
493s um true to the name foundation we need
495s to uh offer Founder's Packs. Founder's
497s Packs are our way to
499s um to get people into the game it's your
500s way of telling us that you trust us with
502s your money and that it's kind of a it's
503s a it's an agreement right like we are
505s going to put forth our best effort to
506s bring uh forward a game that we love and
508s that you love and so that is the entire
510s purpose of the Founder's program
511s um is to actually start and build off it
513s and so without further ado why don't I
516s start that and I thought that
520s Alex lied Alex is a dirty liar August 15th
523s oh you guys can't see it
525s [Laughter]
528s We're not gonna make you wait to the end
530s of this stream, that'd be that'd be really
531s mean. I'm sure when you said that there
533s were people at Digital Extremes who's
534s been amazing Digital Extremes is our
535s partner in this they're all about
537s helping us uh work with the community
539s and obviously set stuff like this up but
540s they're like we should announce at the
541s beginning we're like yeah we should and
542s then like 10 minutes before I was like
543s no we should announce at the end but
545s then we'll trick them so nice job not summer
547s summer not not soon August 15th August 15th
549s August 15th at 12 o'clock Central
551s time is when you'll be able to purchase
552s all these Founder's Packs uh both on
554s Steam as well as PlayStation Network as
556s I said there's no um there's no tiered
558s access it's not you buy this pack you
560s get access one day and then you buy the
561s other pack and you get access another
562s day, it's all August 15th at 12 o'clock
564s so what does that look like let's start
566s and let's uh let's go through this so
568s people really want the Nitty Gritty they
570s want the information about the pack
571s let's dive into what these packs look
573s like so for 20 bucks
575s um $20 get you access to the game like I
577s said you get access to um Wayfinder
579s forever there was no wipes from this
581s point forward
582s um it also gives you full access to the
584s Reward Tower season one. Reward Tower
586s is our unique take on a battle pass so
588s let's dive into that real quick. Look at
590s this we're just swapping between. These
591s websites will be live approximately 30
593s minutes from now, we didn't want to
594s overwhelm them while you guys are
596s watching it but um this is how our
597s Founder's Packs are a little bit unique
599s and a little bit different so in other
600s games you have a Founder's.. I'm sorry
602s you have a um a battle pass, you buy it
604s there's a certain amount of time you can
605s use it maybe you earn some stuff, you
607s don't -- we don't like that system. We also
609s don't like where people have to choose
610s between content - maybe there's a new a
612s new character, a new map and also battle
614s pass. So we're taking those two ideas and
616s we're kind of evolving it. A: The Reward
617s Tower in Wayfinder never expires if you
620s buy it you own it. Two: that Reward Tower
622s if you purchase it comes with all the
624s crafting components once you complete it
625s to instantly unlock that character once
627s your pass is complete. Ee will also
630s have a third tier which is a premium
632s tier which will instantly unlock that
633s new character, their signature weapon
635s because we're introducing a signature
636s weapon every season as well as a
638s season exclusive style. So we think
640s that this is really uh player friendly
641s it allows you to jump into the game and
643s to get tons and tons of content the free
645s Reward Tower gives you 25 pieces of
647s Cosmetic and items that you can unlock
650s the paid tier gives you 100 and then the
652s premium is that same 100, but you
654s actually get a jump start you get to
655s pick and choose your 20 that you want to
656s grab right off the bat as well as
658s getting that new character, their
659s signature weapon, and a Persona
661s and the biggest part about that, I don't know
662s if you mentioned it, but it does not
663s expire. So again, if you buy this you
666s don't even have to be playing. You might
667s have another game that comes out and
668s that you're really excited to follow but
670s you don't want to miss out on really
671s cool uh seasonal Cosmetics that we're
673s doing. Just purchase it -- you can come back
675s two years from now and you can start
677s progressing it then. So again we really
678s don't want that fomo aspect. Yes you will
680s have to buy it during that season window
682s for a lot of reasons, but you can always
685s come back to it -- it'll always be there
686s you don't have to worry about missing
688s out on it and getting it done in
690s that season. So the Reward Tower is almost
691s like a little game, right? You're actually
692s going through and picking the nodes that
693s you want you find an item that you like
695s you might work towards it. As I mentioned
696s you actually get keys for the premium
698s Reward Tower so it's not a linear path
700s and when you buy that premium you do get
702s 20 right off the bat so you can pick
703s which rewards you want to start off the
705s game with. So that is our Reward Tower um
707s at the end of each segment by the way
709s we're going to do a quick Q and A - we'll look
710s at chat and we'll answer some questions
711s we'll also be answering questions
713s afterwards but if you have any put them
714s in the back of your mind but we really
716s loved the Reward Tower; we think it's
718s super unique, we think it allows players
720s to really get in and to play the game, to
721s work through it to unlock some awesome
722s cosmetics and awesome things inside the
724s game
725s and then we're really really excited
726s that you don't have to choose between
728s buying the Reward Tower not buying
730s the Reward Tower because day one when you
732s buy in with a base pack you will have
734s access to the season one reward Tower
735s yep so again an extra thank you to the
737s founders so thank you for having
739s some faith believing and then I mean we
741s haven't mentioned the upgrade system as
743s well but... yes so everything we talk about
745s today will be upgradable so
747s we obviously, like I said before
748s this is a journey that we're taking with
750s you guys and if you're like, 'hey I don't
751s know what this game is going to look
752s like.' hey, you buying for 20 bucks and
754s hopefully we prove to you that we are
756s listening and all these packs will be
757s completely upgradable on the platform
759s you can buy the three other tiers or
761s two other tiers or one other tier
762s technically
763s but I just spoiled it, I said there's
764s four.. damn You said enough numbers
766s that'll be confusing. I know I know so um
768s I saw someone really quickly say, 'What if
770s I don't buy The Founder's or what if I
771s don't buy the Founder's Pack and don't
772s buy the Reward Tower?' You have to
774s purchase a Founders Pack to get access
775s to the game and all of them have the
777s Reward Tower. In the future when the game
779s is out - when it is free to play and
782s when we have a second season
783s that'll be a different story where
784s you do have to make the choice if you
785s want to purchase that Reward Tower for
787s that season and again you get the Reward
789s Tower forever and you also get that
790s character. So as you can see here
792s um for 19.99 you get access to season
794s one season two is also going to be a
796s Founder's season and you will have the
798s ability to purchase that character the
800s season Reward Tower then which will come
802s with the character
804s There's also 500 Rune Silver that
806s comes with that. Rune Silver is our in-game
807s currency. Obviously we are free to play
809s game and we have to keep these very
811s bright and hot lights on somehow, so we
813s have fully embraced the free and fair
814s model from Digital Extremes. All the
816s characters all the weapons all the power
818s items are completely earnable inside the
819s game
820s You can also uh purchase them from
822s the store if you feel like it's a
823s convenience item for you, but we are
825s gonna be doing that as long as as well
827s as cosmetic itemss, decorations for your
828s house, other things. We are not selling
831s direct power inside the store but uh
833s this is how we will be monetizing the
835s game -- by having a shop that's available
836s for both Early Access as well as
839s when we go into full free to play. So 500
841s Silver is about five bucks; it's a one to
843s 100 for the Rune Silver. Founder's Flag
845s and the Founder's glyph pack as well as
847s the Title, these are customizable things
849s that you can take your profile and just
852s like customize it to your own liking
854s unfortunately with development sometimes
856s you have to make choices about what
858s makes it and what doesn't because we
859s want to get the game out there
861s so these are, one of.. this this pack
863s right here, the Title as well as the
865s backgrounds and the glyphs are one of
868s two items that when you buy your
869s Founder's Pack you will have it in your
871s inventory, but the system is not live yet
873s so you will get it the minute you make
875s your purchase, you will see it in your
877s inventory. It will very clearly say
878s coming soon. You don't have to worry
879s about did I get it did I not get it? but
881s um the customization of just the banners
883s will not be when we launch Early
885s Access, it'll come a little bit later and
886s there's one other thing that does that
887s and I'll call that out. So this is our
890s base pack yeah you're gonna say
891s something about it? I was about to say, we
892s have it covered up on the camera right
894s now, but the the titles too. This is
896s actually...
898s that's fantastic and yeah Solid was
902s very upset about this being the choice
903s but anyways WayFounder is the title
906s this is from you guys on Twitch and
909s everywhere else but yeah this is the
911s exact same this is the exact uh system
913s in motion where it's like hey what
915s titles we put in here forthis Way
918s founder was like the overwhelming winner
920s I was like that is terrible we cannot do
922s it and then I was like you know what
924s true to our word we will absolutely go
927s with what the community voted for and
928s that's what they wanted
929s serenity now here we are so. and the
932s system is going to be really cool again
933s uh yeah so it's for your titles we love
937s people coming up with their own zany
939s kind of creations everybody's going to
940s choose 'Trash' if you play a Diablo IV
942s um but there's gonna be three slots
944s you're gonna be able to unlock a whole
946s list of different keywords and it's up
948s to you guys how you want to mix and
949s match I think it's three, right? just three
950s keyboard slots? yep three slots you'll
952s unlock them and you can make your own
953s title make it as wacky make it as badass
956s as whatever you want to do we just
957s wanted to put that in your player's hand
959s to customize it sure so so that's our
962s base pack let's go to the next one we've
964s got a couple more to go through. So this
965s is the step up from this this is 49.99
967s for our initiate pack it comes with some
969s exclusive weapon skins that we will
971s never sell again everything inside these
972s packs we are not looking to sell again
974s we want to make sure that it feels
975s exclusive to be part of the Founder's. I
978s cannot count how many times on Discord
979s people have asked for a crossbow - here
982s your people go, you have a crossbow as a
983s skin for the Arcbolt Rifle
985s um you have dual wielding daggers in the
987s Storm Song and then the Charger's Sickle
988s some of these things you actually see a
990s little bit later for a video that we
991s play you'll see them in game. They look
993s awesome people really like them Maybe that's
995s something that needs to be explained a
996s little bit. Wayfinder token. What is a
999s Wayfinder token? Well what is a Wayfinder
1001s token a Wayfinder token is essentially a
1004s currency that allows you to unlock any
1006s current or future Wayfinder. So we didn't
1008s want to just start throwing characters
1010s in these packs because we are a
1011s character based game and people need to
1012s decide maybe someone likes Wingrave
1013s someone likes Niss, someone likes Kyros
1015s someone like Senja, someone likes Silo
1017s I've just named everybody I don't know
1018s why congratulations yeah awesome
1021s So as far as instead of you having
1022s two choose or have multiple packs you
1024s basically get a token and it's a
1026s powerful item because you can choose hey
1027s I'm instantly going to unlock this
1028s Wayfinder and play them immediately
1030s after leaving the tutorial or you can
1032s hold on to this for three years and use
1033s it for something that comes out down the
1035s line um but it's... don't be like that
1037s potion collector and it just sits in
1039s your inventory for five years use it
1040s eventually that's why I play every
1042s RPG I know I know I know
1044s Founders Dye as well so dyes are
1046s actually going to be applicable to the
1047s character themselves. I think we answered
1048s in Discord that a dye system is coming
1050s in the future for weapons but for now
1053s these are dye palettes that you can
1054s use on your character. Any character it's
1056s not a consumable, it's just the palette
1058s you choose from. You can mix and match
1059s there might be a character that we're
1060s going to see in a little bit
1062s maybe this is like planned ahead or
1065s something very very cool
1067s and then like I was
1069s mentioning before we also have the Reward
1071s Tower for season one, and then this
1073s pack also includes Reward Tower for
1074s season two. So just for clarity's sake
1076s the only pack that does not include
1078s Founder's season two is that 19.99 pack to
1081s get into Early Access, and then you
1083s can make that purchase if you choose to
1085s do so uh in the future yeah and
1086s clarity's sake there are going to be two
1088s Founder's Seasons
1089s so we're going to start off with
1091s Gloom break which is Founder's season one
1093s uh in about three months it's going to
1094s switch over to Founder's season two. After
1096s that it's gonna go to free to play
1097s launch and that'll be the first official
1099s season. there's a lot of people in chat
1101s saying that this mic is awesome and
1102s that it's like ASMR so we, at the end
1105s we're supposed to give a shout out to
1106s HyperX sponsor. great we'll do it now and
1108s this is actually from like yes how cool
1110s is this when talking about interaction
1112s with like the world it was from one of
1114s our like of beta sign off videos
1115s somebody on their team saw the mic and I
1117s was like oh yeah I use this my personal
1118s stream as well it's fantastic and they
1120s have been amazing partners, they've been
1122s hooking us up with a lot of gear that's
1123s going to be in the new stream studio and
1126s uh all the the future in-person events
1128s you might be able to get your hands on
1129s them yourselves but more about them
1130s later
1132s That completely derailed me where are
1134s we? oh yeah we're talking about the next
1136s so there's two seasons two seasons oh
1138s yeah so that that does we might as well
1139s talk about that now two seasons of
1140s Founder's... if you're decent at math we've
1143s said before that there's going to be
1144s three months a season, which does mean
1146s that free to play will be in early 2024
1149s instead of 2023 as well as some
1151s additional consoles that will come then
1152s we'll go into that at a later time but
1154s um obviously with the game launching in
1155s August you could figure it out that way
1157s you need that additional time and we
1158s want to make sure that we're building
1159s the foundation correctly with our
1161s Founders before we go into full free to
1162s play um in the beginning of next year
1164s and Mizuki yes there is regionalized
1166s pricing yes there is reagionalize pricing
1168s I think I have at the end with another
1169s announcement we do yeah I'm glad you did
1171s it they keep popping up so initiate
1172s packs we have the base pack initiate
1174s pack 19.99, 14.99 let's do the next one
1177s what's next another one another one
1180s the Awakening pack so Rime cub housing
1183s pet, Highland Strider Mount and then
1185s house decorations are kind of like the
1187s Marquee items for here, so a couple
1189s things we've talked about this very
1191s openly before but our pet system is
1193s at the very infancy, I guess you
1196s could say. We're going to expand it to
1198s to have you travel around the world to
1200s be around when you're inside of
1201s instances or inside Skylight, your
1202s social space but we're not there yet. So
1205s um to start your pet will accompany you
1207s inside your house. You'll see them
1208s they'll be inside there
1210s you can interact with them, yes you
1211s can pet them, they do multiple animations
1212s they're adorable. Our animation team and
1214s everyone here is is really really
1216s excited about this because they're
1217s awesome it's pronounced Rimehunter - I
1219s had to ask about that today but um that
1221s system will be just expanding and that's
1222s not like a year two or year three type
1224s of thing, it'll just be a little bit
1224s later in Early Access. Again, in
1226s development you have to prioritize
1227s things. and then the Highland Strider
1230s Mount and Saddle. So we will have Mounts
1232s available as well as Saddles which are
1233s customization options. This is one of the
1235s other two things as I mentioned that you
1237s will receive immediately upon buying
1238s this pack, but you will not be able to
1240s use until we have the update that has
1241s the mount. So again, you purchase it, it
1243s will be in your inventory. You can see it
1245s it'll very clearly say coming soon
1247s um and then once that system is out in
1249s Early Access you will have access to it
1251s maybe there there's a little bit of
1253s a preview of a zone that you can use a
1254s mount on later on, I don't know just
1255s saying maybe and then Founder's Housing
1257s Decoration Set -- self-explanatory, Housing
1259s is a huge part of Wayfinder in terms of
1261s customizing everything that you can do
1263s and it really expands your power inside
1264s the game. This is an awesome way to show
1266s off that you're a Founder and when we go
1267s into the housing deep dive a little bit
1268s later
1270s um you'll be able to see these items
1271s yeah right. One thing to kind of note
1273s with this too so the way that we're
1275s doing Seasons, it's not going to just be
1277s like a dump, here's everything right in
1279s the beginning. We're actually going to
1280s make it so it's always interesting to
1282s like keep playing throughout the the
1283s whole length of the season because
1285s content is going to continually be added
1286s so you'll just log into next week and
1288s there's going to be new stuff for you to
1289s explore and equip and do all this stuff
1291s with so same with Early Access it's
1293s going to be a full-line continuum of
1295s content and
1297s features yep and someone asked can we
1299s pet the pets, absolutely you can pet pets
1300s also someone else asked, sorry if it
1302s wasn't clear, yes all these packs do
1303s include everything before so if you
1304s purchase an Awakened Pack you would get
1306s everything inside the Initiate as well
1307s as the Base Pack so um it is one price
1309s to get everything and as Alex mentioned
1311s before they are upgradable so if you
1312s start in one you can purchase the other
1314s and you just get the difference so the
1315s rest of these items are pretty much the
1317s same except you do get two free
1320s Wayfinder tokens instead of one so as I
1321s mentioned before Wayfinder tokens allow
1323s you to unlock any current or future
1324s Wayfinder, super cool hold on to it but
1326s essentially when you buy into this pack
1328s at 89.99 you do get the choice of
1330s unlocking two characters besides your
1332s starting character instantly. It also
1335s does come with the premium Founder's
1337s Reward Tower for season two which means
1340s that you will instantly unlock this new
1341s character when they come out as well as
1344s a exclusive style their specific weapon
1347s and then 25 tiers instantly I wonder who
1349s that silhouette could be I know and then
1350s we totally haven't dropped anything I
1352s know ..maybe there's even more involved
1353s and accidental and then we have
1355s Runesilver and then again some of these
1357s additional things such as the the
1360s glyphs the backgrounds and the titles
1362s again these will come a little bit later
1363s but does the Reward Tower restart each
1366s season with a promise to your content I
1368s don't really understand but the Reward
1369s Tower will be every season so every
1371s three months there will be a new Reward
1372s Tower if you don't complete it during
1374s that three-month season. If you've
1376s purchased it, you will have it you can
1377s make it active so yeah season 15 comes
1380s along you go oh crap I didn't finish my
1381s Founder's season one I'm gonna activate it
1383s you can activate it yeah and
1385s um kind of cool thing about it as well
1386s more than it just not going away is how
1389s you actually interact with it so it's
1390s think of it as kind of like a board game
1391s system, we'll go into this deep deeper
1393s later but it's you're going to have kind
1395s of cool choices as you go through that
1397s system in itself. It's going to be its
1399s own little mini game eventually there's
1401s going to be even like hidden pathways
1402s and torches that you pull that open up a
1404s secret way that you unlock other stuff
1406s that you didn't see before. It's going to
1408s be cool it's going to be cool
1410s somebody else asked about having two
1412s Reward Towers act at the same time. No
1413s you have to pick one and you can do it
1415s and then somebody else asks another
1416s question but chat is going so fast that
1417s I don't remember what it was. I'm
1419s sure will come to me but it was about, oh
1420s we keep saying Seasons - they ask are
1422s season's going away? No, seasons are
1424s essentially our wrapper of when we're
1425s introducing new characters, new locations
1427s New quests, new items, new weapons, Etc... it
1430s is not a thing where it gets wiped. It is
1432s just essentially how we are rolling out
1434s content every three months
1435s seasons are themed so your Reward
1437s Tower, for example for venomess is themed
1439s towards Venomess with some cool items
1442s that you could unlock that look like
1443s something Venomess would have as well as
1445s some of the additional stories and
1446s quests that you'll get throughout the
1447s game. So it is not a wipe it is not a you
1449s start again type of thing it is just how
1451s we are packaging content. Speaking of how
1452s we're introducing uh the seasons you
1455s guys saw a little bit of a teaser of the
1457s the anime at Summer Games Fest, you
1460s guys might be seeing that full full
1461s sequence here in just a second
1463s someone else asked about cross play and cross
1465s save. Yes so Wayfinder is fully cross
1468s play and cross save. It's important to
1470s note that if you buy a Founder's Pack on
1473s PlayStation for example let's say you
1475s bought your $20 base pack on Playstation
1476s you would then have to purchase a
1478s pack to play on Steam, obviously because
1480s the game is not free to play yet. So you
1482s need to have access to it in the future
1483s that's not the case right? You can access
1485s it on any device when it is free to play
1487s and then all the items from your
1489s Founder's Pack will travel with you with
1491s the exception of per the rules of all
1493s the first parties just like every other
1494s free-to-play game out there
1496s um the currency will stay on the system
1498s so if on Playstation I buy $30 worth of
1500s currency and I move over to my PC that
1504s $30 won't be there.. It'll still be
1505s on your PlayStation, but if you bought
1506s the items right if I ended up buying
1508s five different things to make my
1510s Wingrave look awesome, as soon as I log on
1511s my PC I will have that. Ao very standard
1513s in the industry; most other games work
1515s this way, just wanted to address that
1516s that it is fully compatible with cross
1518s play Cross save. Cool just looking at other
1520s questions real quick before we move on
1521s to the very last one we didn't
1522s mention that we are doing giveaways
1524s during this. So by the way all of you
1527s fancy people in chat just stick
1529s around and keep interacting
1532s we are going to be doing giveaways
1533s throughout the the course of the stream
1535s So at the next segment we will announce
1537s the winners but just by being here we're
1539s going to do a random selection and give
1541s away some Founder's Packs.
1542s somebody asked what language is supported. I think
1544s it's eight total for Early Access - don't
1546s quote me on that but uh again once the
1548s website updates in
1549s like five minutes there will actually be
1551s an FAQ that has all the languages that
1553s are supported there. You can also look on
1555s Steam, that list is up to date. yes and
1557s yeah full full voice acting and stuff is
1559s going to be coming down closer to full
1561s full release
1564s that's it wrap it up we got nothing
1566s else.. I think that's it are you guys do
1568s you guys want to see some some anime? Do
1569s you guys want to go see the full
1571s Venomess and this fight scene and
1574s anime and everything?
1575s I think so. I think we're ready
1577s you're not playing along though we have
1578s one more... we didn't
1579s show the final pack
1581s oh spoilers spoilers spoilers. Oh yeah I
1585s guess this is kind of a big deal it is a
1587s big deal people are like giveaway
1588s giveaway. Yes, we will give away Founder's
1589s Packs. How that will work is we'll run
1592s a bot it'll announce who the winner is
1594s we'll take your information and as we
1595s get closer to
1597s actual Early Access launch, we will
1599s send you the key for that platform you
1600s can play on again since we can't
1602s pre-order, I can't send you a key today
1603s it doesn't exist.. Someone said last
1605s pack last pack last pack let's go
1608s I thought they only thought there was
1609s three so there we go so there's a fourth
1612s surprise, surprise and this one has
1614s its own video so
1616s um I'm just gonna shut up and play it
1618s okay
1620s [Music]
1626s thank you
1630s foreign
1636s [Music]
1644s so technically Kyros is our seventh
1647s Wayfinder so uh we've talked before
1649s about the Gloom is this really weird uh
1651s Alien energy that's come to this planet
1653s and has really twisted and made things
1654s super strange
1656s um and that's the reason why you can be
1657s in town and see four different Wingraves
1658s that all look different that are
1659s customized different play differently
1661s but what if there's a version of
1662s Kyros that's not the main version you
1665s know of Kyros, right? Like we've said
1666s before it's almost like our take on a
1667s Multiverse and so this is what we see
1670s that as Kyros would be our very
1672s first Heroic Wayfinder. He is a
1674s completely different Wayfinder he is
1675s not a skin, it is not a Persona. You can
1678s purchase and level up Kyros and Heroic
1680s Kyros in both of those um that
1682s progression applies towards the
1683s character
1684s um archetype progression which we go
1686s into a little bit of detail on the
1687s website so take a look at that
1688s um but we're really excited because A it
1690s looks badass
1692s and B it is an exclusive to this
1694s Founder's pack they will never ever be
1695s sold again
1697s this really solidifies somebody
1698s that's helping us out and is along for
1700s the journey ib making this game awesome
1701s with us
1702s so we're really excited about him
1705s including a exclusive Dye Pack an
1707s exclusive Style Set and then an
1709s exclusive.. oh yeah Dye Pack, already said
1711s that. So that's Heroic Kyros Hheh has an exclusive
1713s emote too he does have an exclusive
1715s emote, which is cool. I'm gonna play the
1716s video again bye
1719s [Music]
1733s thank you
1735s [Music]
1744s one more time
1746s So we're really excited about
1748s this we understand that $150 is a lot
1751s for a Founder's Pack but you are
1752s building this alongside of us again we
1754s welcome you to try out the game during
1755s early access with any other tier and if
1756s you feel that something that you
1758s definitely want to be a part of the ride
1759s for um those upgrades are available but
1761s um we get that it's a that it is an
1763s investment for our future but also for
1765s the entire game and so we appreciate the
1767s support and we'll keep going
1769s through the other items. Permanent account
1770s based XP booster, what this is is
1773s something that you can actually activate
1775s um for whatever Reward Tower you
1776s currently have. You can progress through
1778s a little bit faster so this is something
1780s that you have that's it's
1783s selected in your inventory, you have it
1784s all the time whichever one that you have
1785s currently equipped uh be It season one
1787s be It season 15. You progress a little
1790s bit faster It's it's just just
1791s the the Reward Tower though
1793s main gameplay
1796s it's just the cosmetic rewards it was
1798s just the Cosmetic Reward Tower that's
1799s 100 correct. I think it's five percent
1801s Steve will be like yes or no when he
1803s comes in here in a little bit to talk about
1804s housing. We have some exclusive
1806s character
1807s um a style sets, so again style sets allow
1809s you to mix and match
1810s um for example, you could take the
1812s shoulders with this Wingrave with the
1813s helmet of a different skin. You have the
1815s boots of a different skin, they're all
1816s mix and match. We have one for Wingrave
1818s we have one for Niss and also for
1820s Silo. These are fully uh modular in terms
1823s of like you could swap in and out. You
1824s can also dye them as I mentioned before
1826s individual components as well we're not
1828s just going to release a new skin that
1829s just happens to be two different colors
1831s you can do that on your own so you're
1832s gonna have full freedom to to dye and
1835s change and make, even if you have the
1836s same armor set as another player you
1839s can look completely different with the
1840s dyes so
1841s the Niss one is awesome by the way and
1844s there's a video that you'll see a little
1845s bit later that features it actually if
1847s you take all of them I think but then
1848s this one especially she looks badass you
1850s can't see it here with like her eyes she
1851s looks very cool yeah.Then again
1853s it features all the other items that
1855s we've talked about before instead of
1856s two Wayfinder tokens you have three Wayfinder
1858s tokens as well as full access to
1860s the season one Reward Tower and the
1863s premium season two Reward Tower 4200 Rune
1866s silver and then some additional titles
1867s that you can mix and match. So we have
1869s this gigantic infographic that is on the
1872s website again, it should be live now ish
1874s please don't crash the website because
1875s people want to look at it
1876s but this is uh should be
1879s updated now as well as the Reward Tower
1881s section as well as the Venomess section
1883s so uh we're gonna talk about her and
1885s show her off in a little bit but that's
1887s pretty much our Founder's program so
1889s we're really excited about it I know
1890s people have been asking for it for a
1892s long time we think it's fair in the fact
1894s of 20 bucks to get in to help
1895s build this and if you do feel like
1897s you want to be along with this ride and
1898s that we're really making strides to make
1900s a game that you want to play and really
1901s grow into something awesome those
1903s upgrades are easily available. So and
1905s their upgrades are available all the way
1907s up until the last day of Founder's
1910s season two right. So you basically get
1912s six months to to make that decision like
1914s is this a game that I'm going to come
1915s back to? I'm going to stick around to to
1917s be like these guys are they full of it
1919s we want you to have that choice if we
1921s are full of it
1923s So my other notes.. I did that
1925s whole thing without looking over here
1926s which is pretty good. The only other
1927s thing that I have to mention is yeah
1929s language support, which you covered
1930s Regional pricing which actually a fan
1933s asked about language...
1934s backwards you covered languages yeah
1935s whatever and then regional pricing uh
1937s the other thing that we want to announce
1938s speaking of regional and languages is
1940s Gamescom. So we're very excited since we
1943s will be out October, jesus, since
1945s we will be out on August 15th
1947s Gamescom is the week after
1949s the team will be there. So if
1951s you're at Gamescom please invite all
1952s European friends to come over and see
1954s myself. Alex will be there
1956s um Joe Madd will be there as well as
1957s some other members of the development
1958s team playing alongside you
1961s um it'll be a really great time. We're
1962s really excited about it for those of you
1964s that are over here in the US of A where
1966s it's been 150 degrees every single day
1969s we will also be at PAX West yes so we
1972s will have a community event at PAX West
1974s it does not require you to actually go
1976s to PAX West, you do not need a
1977s ticket. We will not have a booth we will
1979s have an off-site meet and greet
1981s session
1982s um we'll have some other really great
1983s surprises and some other special
1984s guests that aren't on the dev team but
1985s are maybe involved in the game. So yeah
1987s it's going to be dope yeah if you can
1989s try to save some time to be in Seattle
1991s again you don't need a PAX pass
1993s try to be there it's it's shaping up
1995s to be freaking sweet. So come on get
1997s some free drinks and get some food
2000s and it will be uh win some stuff win
2001s some stuff. We'll have a lot of stuff to
2003s give away which is really cool
2004s and I think that's kind of it so
2006s let's take like five minutes what didn't
2007s answer that's.. West Coast folks oh
2010s what about East Coast folks...
2011s because
2012s for us New York boys uh New York Comic
2016s Con. New York Comic Con is October
2018s that's where the October came before
2019s 12th 13th? I should have written it down
2021s but I didn't
2022s 2023 yes, 2023 we will have an event
2024s there as well, we don't have any
2026s details yet and specifically what that
2028s will look like. It'll be on the show
2029s floor and off-site venue, but we will
2031s be having a session where you will
2033s meet myself and some other members of
2035s the development team
2036s I'm gonna make Joe and Steve go
2038s because they're both from New York as
2039s well, and even though if they might not
2041s like it they might not like it, but we
2042s got to go back to New York. So we'll do
2043s some signings, we'll see some people so
2045s we'll be on the west coast we'll be on
2046s the East Coast -- excuse me -- there might be
2047s additional shows to announce a little
2049s bit later on but nothing just yet. Those
2050s are what we are confirmed for. So
2052s this game's happening guys and we are
2055s really excited that it's happening and
2056s we're excited that people are going
2057s to be along for the ride with us
2059s starting on August 15th at 12 noon
2061s Central Time that is the way to go yes
2063s talk to your ISP make sure your download
2066s rates are good yeah so let's take like
2067s five minutes before we go into the
2068s Venomess anime uh let's take a look any
2071s questions that are coming up
2072s um how do I upgrade it? Right in the
2074s store so if you purchase one pack it
2075s will only show you the applicable
2076s upgrades in the store
2078s um so if you purchase the uh Initiate
2080s Pack and you want to go to The Awakening
2081s or the Exalted you'll have those three
2082s options there both on PlayStation and on
2085s Steam again it's not through our store
2086s it is through PlayStation and it's
2087s through Steam and it will deduct
2089s whatever version of the game that you
2092s have yeah whichever price yeah so it'll
2093s be it'll be cheaper if you're upgrading
2095s yeah yeah uh
2097s one Xbox we've discussed additional
2100s platforms later on but at this time
2101s we're focusing on Playstation who's been
2103s an amazing partner for us as well as uh
2105s being on Steam yep wwhere's the Cog
2107s title maybe in the future I don't know
2111s officially Cog
2113s um oh do you need PlayStation Plus? Great
2116s question the answer is yes for Early
2118s Access because just like any other paid
2120s premium product on the PlayStation Store
2122s you do need PlayStation Plus to access
2124s it. Once we go free to play that
2126s requirement drops and that's not on us
2128s that is 100 percent a PlayStation requirement
2130s that's in line with any other box
2131s product that you buy for PlayStation so
2133s PlayStation Plus up front, once free to
2136s play starts, you do not need it correct
2138s but there there will be benefits for
2140s folks in free to play who have
2142s PlayStation yes. What is the difference
2143s between heroic and normal? My guy a lot
2145s there's a whole matrix here. I
2147s definitely invite you to go to
2149s playwayfender.com/founders-packs that
2152s sounds right uh when when it's updated
2154s speaking of website stuff for the
2155s creators out there people who are
2157s interested in getting on our radar for
2159s content, obviously I know everybody's
2160s excited for the NDA to drop uh Wayfinder
2163s NDA
2165s um that you can go to our website right
2167s now playwayfinder.com/press there is a
2170s sign up thing there that will go
2171s directly to our uh Creator team to get
2174s you on the radar. Keep you on our eyes on
2176s you for when you do start making content
2178s for earlier. please explain the Heroic
2179s Kyros versus regular Kyrosos difference
2180s good question so Heroic Kyros have
2182s increased mod capacity
2184s right off the gate. So he has a little
2185s bit different stats that allow you to
2187s slide in what we call our mods are
2189s called Echoes um right off the bat
2191s someone else asks if it's earnable? No
2193s Heoroic Kyros will never be available
2195s outside these packs. He is not earnable
2196s inside the game. It is really a thank you
2199s to the people that are here that are
2200s helping us build the game. Will there be
2202s South America servers and oceanic
2203s servers? So how our server system works that
2205s there's one giant mega server
2206s essentially you log in to play the game
2208s just like a lot of other games that you
2209s might find in the genre and it'll
2211s automatically redirect you to the best
2213s server if you pair up with somebody from
2215s America and you're in Australia it'll
2217s try to do the math and figure out the
2219s difference and find somewhere in between
2220s but you do not select a specific server
2223s um all the game will be available
2224s worldwide barring any geopolitical
2226s sanctions um but uh the servers will
2228s essentially be smart to figure out where
2230s you are and to find the best available
2231s for you and the the social system too
2233s everybody will have a unique social tag
2236s um it's like any other cross play so if
2238s you do have another friend on a
2240s different side of the world you can get
2241s into a party and you can go uh play the
2243s game together yep can I only buy these
2244s packs on the PlayStation Store on Steam
2246s yes there was no Wayfinder store that
2248s exists now uh you can venmo me money but
2250s I I don't do it as a trap if anybody
2252s from our studio asks for venmo
2255s send me a screenshot yeah Discord
2258s um okay so I think that's pretty much it
2260s we're gonna wrap it up well I'm gonna
2261s wrap it up, Alex is going to be here. Once
2263s again I want to thank everybody for
2265s tuning in and just your interest in the
2267s game behind me is an incredibly talented
2268s group of developers who are passionate
2270s about bringing this game out
2271s we're making a game that we want to
2273s play that we know other players want to
2275s play and this is a two-way conversation
2277s this is literally the start of this
2278s adventure and um we're really excited
2280s and we hope that you choose to be along
2282s with us
2283s and uh the proof will be in the
2284s pudding as we continue to work towards
2286s full release and as we make the game the
2288s best game it could possibly be. So cool
2290s let's watch some anime let's watch some
2291s anime um when we come back from the
2293s anime, Alex will have the name of the
2295s very first winner the very first person
2296s will be getting a base Founder's Pack
2298s which is pretty awesome
2300s um and we're going to do two more
2301s giveaways so I'm gonna run that bot as
2302s soon as I leave here let's start this
2304s anime
2305s thank you for me bye AJ bye
2311s [Music]
2323s Half the Shadow Nation must be here. These dirt
2325s pusheers are the most dangerous Magic
2327s users on the planet; I'd be celebrating too
2329s then pour the drinks, Tox. we're taking
2332s it home to the Maze. There is an old
2335s entrance up top, but it's probably
2336s unreachable
2340s foreign
2348s [Music]
2361s what the hell happened here
2370s look at the burn marks
2374s Eldrin blades
2376s she's here. Let's say hello
2380s Ven, wait
2387s [Music]
2390s thank you
2391s [Music]
2400s [Music]
2411s foreign
2414s that was a warning shot, Niss, you only
2417s get one
2423s [Music]
2430s why'd you come back here? feeling
2432s homesick?
2434s [Music]
2441s this power is a curse I'm taking it away
2445s from here
2447s not happening
2451s [Music]
2454s this power could change everything for
2457s the Maze
2468s no
2486s foreign
2522s [Music]
2527s you saved me
2529s why?
2530s [Music]
2533s I need you
2536s to help me fix this
2538s [Music]
2569s we're back. What'd you guys think?
2572s pretty cool right are you excited for
2574s that coming each season? like I'm
2576s freaking... So Dope for you guys to see the
2578s next one coming out too by the way yeah
2580s anyway so we are joined by two new faces
2582s I'm so excited you guys are on the
2583s screen so Kevin, Jake please introduce
2586s yourselves what do you guys do? hey I'm
2588s uh Kevin Powell I'm a Senior Systems
2590s Designer and I work on player side
2592s combat so that's abilities, weapons,
2595s Etc.. yeah my name is Jake I also work on
2598s combat. I mostly work on player side
2600s but I also do a couple bosses as well
2604s you know, playing both sides. fantastic so
2607s you guys both had a fairly large hand
2610s and we'll talk until I have that dynamic
2611s shifted over time, but in Venomess um so
2614s Venomess is the the big kind of star
2616s character for Founder's season one
2619s So we're just gonna kind of show some
2621s live gameplay talk about the abilities
2622s answer some questions
2624s talk about like what her backstory is
2626s who she is, what she's about and uh I
2629s think everybody got a little bit of a
2630s taste of her kind of edginess in that
2633s anime, so let's let's dive into that a
2635s little bit more
2636s Let's just jump into some gameplay
2637s yeah
2639s so here we go we got Venomess - we're
2641s piloting and talking at the same time so
2644s um this is Venomess, her
2645s base coloring and stature. but let's
2647s what are those tubes coming out of her
2649s who is Venomess and what she's all
2650s about yeah so Venomess, she is an
2654s assassin for a place called the Maze
2656s within the game. Really you
2659s know a lot of the information we've
2661s we've kind of given out so far, I mean
2662s you just saw the anime and everything
2664s she uh she's pretty nimble and quick she
2667s uses poisons and other things in
2669s her arsenal um and yeah she she's was an
2672s assassin for for the Maze and
2675s uh just kind of learning more about her
2677s and you know what she does with you know
2679s her her knowledge of alchemy and stuff
2681s like that seems like she'll be a
2683s really good addition to you know the
2685s cast of of Wayfinders that we have so
2687s far cool and uh so what kind of role, if
2689s she's you know, we have the spider graphs
2691s of each character - like are they more DPS
2693s or are they tankier? I think obviously you
2695s can customize a lot of that with Echoes
2696s but like what niche would you kind of
2698s put her in in a nutshell? I would
2700s say that she's
2702s um kind of like the uh the mirror to
2705s Wingrave so she's a healer uh but
2707s she's more of a damage oriented healer
2709s uh and unlike Wingrave she doesn't
2712s really focus on protection and she
2713s doesn't focus on burst healing as much
2715s as she focuses on healing over time and
2717s damage over time related to her poisons
2719s cool and then what does the poison stack
2721s with is that like a physical is it by
2723s itself or can you buff it up at all yeah
2725s so her poisons apply whenever she hits
2727s an enemy with her weapon uh it applies a
2730s stack of poison and that's really her
2732s main Loop -- she wants to apply poison
2734s because poison can eventually create
2737s poison clouds and it can buff her other
2740s abilities. So poison sacks up to five
2743s times and if you hit an enemy that
2745s already has a max stacks of poison it
2748s creates a little poison cloud underneath
2749s which you can see right there which also
2751s damages them and applies poison to
2754s nearby enemies that don't have Max
2756s Stacks
2757s um there's a little bit of a cooldown so
2758s you can't chain reaction create 20
2761s million poison clouds but it is
2764s kind of a she builds over time and
2766s eventually the whole screen's filled
2768s with poison cool
2770s um so we do want to go and I'm trying to
2772s survive these uh onslaughts at the moment
2774s but she has four abilities so each
2777s Wayfinder and we did change a little bit
2778s how you can choose abilities
2781s um while you're playing the game and as
2782s you're leveling up
2783s um but let's kind of dive in what is her
2785s first ability so this uh this one that
2787s we're playing on right here what does
2788s this guy do so this is called
2789s Transfusion and it's her main healing
2792s ability uh it locks on to all enemies in
2795s front of her in kind of a wider area and
2798s sends out a little needles towards them
2801s and when they hit enemies they send out
2803s healing bursts towards nearby allies and
2805s yourself and they can also apply healing
2808s over time if the enemy has poison as
2811s very cool so you're all about
2812s synergizing trying to get those those
2814s stacks on and and how did the stacks
2816s actually apply so that's more of her
2817s passive so how how do you actually get
2819s those poison stats on people
2821s um so she applies stacks of
2824s poison whenever she attacks anyone so
2827s regardless of whatever weapon you're
2829s using
2830s she still applies those uh the stacks
2833s of poison to any enemies that you're
2835s hitting with your with your weapon so
2837s you know her main weapon is you know
2839s Nightshade
2840s um but you know she uses dual wield
2843s like daggers or sword and shield
2844s whenever she hits those enemies she will
2846s still apply uh stacks of poison so so it
2849s doesn't have to be exclusive to goodies
2851s or anything right? yeah um so let's
2853s actually take a look at these abilities
2855s a little bit closer why not
2857s um the ability section and you will have
2859s the ability to actually level these up
2861s and make them more powerful versions and
2864s you won't have enough points to fully
2866s deck out everything but you do want to
2869s make kind of some tactical decisions
2870s about you know how you're actually going
2871s to deal with these abilities
2873s um so that's Transfusion. How about
2875s this guy? what's vampiric blast? So
2877s vampiric blast sends out a canister
2880s which absorbs nearby poison clouds and
2883s it radius around it and then damages uh
2886s enemies around it and heals allies
2887s around it and that amount scales based
2890s on the number of poison clouds that are
2892s absorbed so you can see that one there
2894s was no poison clouds absorbed but if you
2896s say used the next ability we'll talk
2898s about in a second or her passive to
2900s apply some poison clouds on the ground
2902s it would absorb those and do more damage
2904s and look a little bit cooler have that
2905s cool yeah but it's actually like combo
2908s that with her third ability
2910s um so let's pull that up real quick
2913s so third ability being Venom Thrusters
2917s what are these how do these work and
2920s how is it going to change up your
2921s gameplay
2922s yeah so Venom Thrusters is is really
2924s cool that was kind of one of the the
2926s first abilities
2928s um we built for her because it's kind
2930s of like just her as a core character
2934s you know being able to zip around and
2937s use these like poison thrusters that she
2939s has on her wrist
2940s um to like maneuver around uh while
2942s fighting
2943s um we felt like was a really cool idea
2945s and so
2947s um when she when she does that she
2948s leaves behind those poison clouds and
2950s so you can kind of see how this mechanic
2953s Works in with the rest of the abilities
2955s in her kit. You know everything is
2958s kind of built around you know putting
2960s these poison clouds out and then
2961s absorbing them through your your
2963s canister and then you know causing big
2966s explosions that cause more poison so
2969s um yeah this this one uh it's really fun
2971s there there's a bunch of iterations uh
2974s yeah with this one but yeah before he
2977s died oh I was going to use the ultimate
2978s right oh well couldn't get there but
2981s let's uh test what is her ultimate? So her
2985s ultimate is called Deep Breath
2989s um and it is
2992s um relatively straightforward she just
2993s does a huge explosion that does a lot of
2995s damage and healing in an area but the
2998s kind of added wrinkle to it is that it
3000s applies an empowered form of her poison
3002s which breaks the stack limit
3004s um so because everything scales
3008s damage wise and
3010s it's you know in terms of the number
3012s of poison clouds spawns so on and so
3014s forth breaking that stack limit can
3017s really give her a moment of power and
3019s also a moment of powerful healing so
3021s very cool all right so let's see what it
3023s looks like in action. She gets a little
3025s cutscene and drop the nuke, fantastic
3027s yeah very cool all right so you did
3030s mention a little bit earlier Kevin on
3033s um the the weapons so each each season
3035s there is going to be a signature weapon
3037s that really does fit the play style and
3039s kind of kit for each Wayfinder that it's
3041s coming out with
3043s um so you mentioned that hers is
3044s Nightshade which is equipped right now
3045s uh what can you tell us a little bit
3047s about Nightshade and what makes it
3049s different from some other rifles out
3051s there? yeah yeah so Nightshade is uh is
3054s Ven's signature weapon, obviously
3056s um and so the the cool thing about this
3058s one is uh the weapon abilities they
3061s every weapon has a different weapon
3063s ability and so for Nightshade uh this
3065s this weapon ability is is really cool
3067s because it kind of has a little bit of
3069s uh Venomess' like essence with it in this
3072s ability so once you activate this uh
3074s with Wyvern's Fury
3076s um all your shots will pop apply a stack
3079s of poison
3080s um and so it it's really cool being able
3083s to have that sort of uh that damage that
3087s poison damage even if you aren't playing
3089s as Venomess you'll be able to have a a
3092s little bit of of her with you and your
3094s kit uh regardless if you're using her
3096s signature weapon
3097s I think it also like really synergizes
3100s as well with her because a lot of our
3101s Rivals right now are really slow and
3103s this is one of our first first uh first
3106s burst fire now you're not seeing it because
3107s the weapon ability
3108s it's full auto
3114s yeah
3116s yeah but uh but when you're when you're
3118s firing normally you go in three shot
3119s bursts which applies three stacks of
3121s poison so that uh solves like a lot of
3124s issues that she can.. not issues.. but like
3127s the friction that's inherent with her
3128s and using rifles which is she wants to
3131s hit lots of targets very fast and they
3133s can be sometimes slow and Nightshade
3135s helps her out in that way and then when
3137s you go full auto I mean you can fully
3139s stack it into me like yeah quarter of a
3141s second it's very cool yeah really good
3143s for single Target damage yeah um yeah
3146s especially good for boss fights stuff
3148s like that
3150s all right well I think that's kind of
3152s everything we have about her. I want
3155s to take a couple minutes to to answer
3156s some questions from chat live
3158s um so keep keep an eye on there if
3159s there's any questions that pop out that
3161s you think you want to do the damage is
3162s nuts. I can confirm again this is a
3166s pre-launch version of the game balances
3169s will happen
3171s um Early Access yes
3172s do keep that in mind but yes the
3176s weapons is very strong especially with
3178s the the damage going out there
3180s actually this is a perfect time
3181s let's announce the the first winner who
3184s is our lucky winner for the base edition
3187s of our Founder's Pack and drum roll
3189s please. It looks like
3192s vigi01 v i j i 01 if you are here in
3197s chat
3198s say something to say it's you and uh
3201s the man the myth the Legends AJ will DM
3204s you to make sure you get that key
3206s Again keys aren't purchasable right now
3209s it will be on August 15th, but we'll make
3211s sure you're taken care of and you will
3213s have the base edition of the game
3214s congratulations! We got a couple more to
3216s come so please stick around but let's uh
3218s holy crap the chat just exploded
3221s answer some questions put some questions
3223s out there and we can answer them for you
3225s it's going so fast yeah
3230s can't confirm that's good
3233s um let's see is there they were on the
3235s group so we already talked about so
3236s she's more like that support but she's
3237s also High DPS yeah got the backstory
3240s um got the abilities
3242s um we are going to be doing the next
3245s the next tier of giveaways right
3248s after this so here we go
3255s yeah I mean I guess one thing we can
3257s talk about is so
3261s kind of uniquely amongst a lot of a lot
3264s of characters she's really good with
3265s different weapon types so she's made you
3267s know her signature weapons rifle but I
3269s actually play with daggers usually
3271s because she's great
3275s yeah they're not her signature weapon
3278s but yeah in spirit.. which is
3280s actually a huge part of this game it's
3282s just like yes there's going to be a
3283s signature weapon yes there's going to be
3284s a Wayfinder but the whole idea of
3287s being able to mix and match whatever
3289s your play style is and give you that
3291s agency is is really kind of the core
3293s essence of the game and in addition to
3295s just collecting all the the weapons that
3297s are out there
3298s um but yeah so you're absolutely not
3299s locked into playing with a rifle or a
3301s sword and shield or a two-hander or any
3303s other future weapon classes that we
3305s release, nudge nudge
3307s um so yeah no that's... daggers in general
3309s especially the Perry I love the parries
3311s and [..] and dodging and not
3313s but there was a question about uh her
3315s weapon being acquirable outside of the
3318s battle pass end of the period which yes
3320s yes yes resounding yes if you ever want
3323s to as kind of being the whole point of
3326s being free and fair anything that is
3328s gameplay related you can absolutely
3330s acquire for free
3331s um any player in the game can do that
3333s you'll just have to go find the bosses
3335s there's going to be a Material Codex to
3337s be able to help you track down where
3339s those components are you can get those
3341s you can lock it regardless if you're
3342s here for Founder's or two years down the
3345s line that you joined the game. Anything
3347s that's gameplay related you can get
3348s whether it's a Wayfinder a weapon uh
3351s Mount uh through the game so yeah
3354s uh visible stacks for.. are we putting
3358s visible stacks of like how many
3360s um poison counters on
3362s um I don't think right now yeah I don't
3364s I don't think we have visible Stacks uh
3366s there's there's a lot of there's
3368s gonna be a lot of things going on during
3370s combat and so I think another thing
3373s we've been focusing on is just making
3375s sure everything you can you can
3377s understand what's going on and so yeah
3379s uh we do have you know debuffs and stuff
3382s that show up when you apply debuffs to
3384s enemies and stuff like that so if
3385s anything it'll show up there in that
3386s debuff bar
3388s um but yeah no no visual for it
3392s right now aside from you know the actual
3395s effects for poisoning the enemy but
3397s yeah it doesn't like go up depending on
3400s how many stacks you have right now
3401s [...] numbers I guess but yeah yeah we're
3404s definitely open to feedback if like if
3405s that's something that people really want
3407s but in my experience playing her it's
3409s more important that they have poison
3411s then right exactly how many stacks of
3414s poison they have on a given time yeah um
3416s and once you're rolling you're probably
3417s gonna be at max stacks or say you're
3419s fighting on a boss or sure yeah
3422s um and again going back to kind of what
3424s you mentioned Jake the feedback and the
3426s the uh upvote essentially feature upvote
3429s is how we're going to be doing that if
3431s there is enough you know voice from the
3433s community that they really want
3434s something something's not clear they
3436s need to have you know a little bit of
3437s help on that UI we absolutely want that
3439s feedback and we're listening to it so
3441s please you know you won't have to make a
3443s new post every time but just like go
3445s into that website see what people are
3447s saying if you agree with it just click
3448s the thumb up button that's that's all
3450s you got to do
3451s um and that's essentially how we're
3452s going to prioritize actually making
3454s those changes so we have an action plan
3456s in place to actually say you know we're
3458s listening to feedback and act upon it so
3461s please do that
3462s but yeah so I think that is what we
3466s got for Venomess everybody
3468s um and we are say in five minutes we're
3471s about to do a transition
3473s um if you're sticking around we are
3474s going to give away our next level which
3476s is the Initiate Pack of the
3479s um the Founder's Pack so please stick
3480s around we'll announce that here uh after
3483s this next segment but we're gonna start
3485s jumping into I will see I think some
3487s people are excited to see that so
3489s thank you very much guys I can't wait we
3491s are going to be doing lots of Dev
3492s streams in the new studio with both
3494s these folks um going all the way through
3497s a future Wayfinder so I'm looking
3499s forward to that as well so cool me too
3500s thanks guys yeah
3509s so what makes a Reward Tower unique is
3511s that it's more than just a linear
3513s progression of rewards that you unlock
3514s it's a bit of an adventure game of its
3516s own. We're presenting it like a little
3517s isometric dungeon and as you earn keys
3520s you're going to be able to hit switches
3522s solve little puzzles, get little bonus
3524s rewards... One great thing that our Reward
3526s Tower lets you do is when you purchase
3528s it it stays with your account so unlike
3530s other free-to-play systems where once
3532s you've bought the battle pass if you
3533s don't have the time to finish it it just
3536s goes away. That never feels good it'll
3538s always be there for you when you come
3539s back
3540s [Music]
3544s foreign
3547s [Music]
3556s we're back hey hi everybody
3559s um so we are now joined by, well I put it
3562s right in front of your face yeah I'll
3563s put it over here for you guys let me I
3565s hear there's a little bit of sound
3567s adjustment let me see if I can get that
3568s done on the fly but please Steve, Elise
3571s introduce yourselves and uh tell us a
3573s little about what you do on the team
3574s yeah I'm uh Steve Madeira I'm the Game
3576s Director uh and I'm Elise I'm the
3578s Feature Lead for Housing
3581s stick..
3582s that should help with any of the sound
3585s issues that we were having, so keep us
3587s posted
3588s um well fantastic I know a lot of people
3590s have been really excited to get their
3592s hands on uh Housing specifically we've
3595s been talking about it forever but we've
3596s never actually had a chance to show it
3597s in person
3599s um so we're gonna just jump straight
3601s into a little bit of the pre-designed
3603s but yours truly
3605s Your feng shui is much better than
3608s mine but let's see what we can pull up
3610s here so actually do a little bit of an
3612s introduction while we get over Housing
3614s one thing I wanted to mention because I
3617s saw a lot of questions in chat I'm not
3618s sure if we answered it while I was
3620s walking over here but the signature
3622s weapons that are, that you can get right
3624s away, you can also earn those in game
3626s they're not tied specifically to to
3629s buying it so
3631s um just to answer that question because
3633s I saw that come up a bunch yeah no we
3634s we did cover that one right because we
3636s were walking over but yeah again same
3638s anything that's gameplay affecting we
3640s will make sure
3641s um free players free and fair from the
3643s DE's philosophy and it worked with
3645s Warframe it's going to work here so yeah
3647s we're going to load up Housing here and
3650s actually show off our first little
3651s transition of uh Heroic Kyros for people
3655s that are excited to see him for the
3656s first time
3657s and then so Elise what exactly is the
3660s the Housing Feature lead as far as just
3662s like a position of the company and like
3664s how did this whole you know package get
3667s worked into the game sure yeah housing
3670s is always something that's been on the
3671s roadmap for Wayfinder and so um we
3673s basically needed somebody on the team to
3675s be spearheading the development for that
3677s so I took over as the future lead on
3680s that and basically what that means is I
3681s get to work with people from all
3684s different departments across the team
3685s here at Airship to figure out what the
3688s goals for housing are going to be so
3690s what we're building towards what we feel
3691s like we want to create for it and then
3693s how we actually execute that and
3694s actually build that in-game together
3696s very cool yeah yeah now and there's a
3698s lot of really cool systems that we're
3699s going to show off here for that level of
3702s customization and and player
3704s expression. So we're loading into the
3707s loading screen right now so what does
3709s this first first view of Housing that
3711s we're going to see here right now um so
3713s this is what you're going to be able to
3715s access during the Founder's seasons and
3717s this is your apartment
3718s um so this is the first step in the
3720s housing system and it's essentially like
3722s your room at the inn, so your room at the
3725s inn inside of Skylight and this is your
3727s space so you can customize it with all
3730s kinds of different cosmetic items and
3731s some gameplay items we're going to talk
3733s about a bit more here in a moment but as
3735s you can see as you're running around
3737s um you have a lot of control over where
3739s you're placing things how you want to
3741s decorate things and again this is just
3742s the first step in the housing system at
3744s this point
3745s um so we're really looking forward
3746s towards building on the the framework
3749s that we've put together here for it and
3751s what we're going to be working up
3752s towards in the future which eventually
3754s we'll need to lead into full houses
3757s players can create inside of
3759s neighborhood levels where they can kind
3761s of create a community together inside of
3763s those levels sweet yeah no so and again
3766s like this is
3768s everything that we see except for like
3770s the floor and the walls right here is is
3771s purely up to player customization so
3773s like even the things on the shelves it
3775s just comes as a base you know schematic
3778s and then it's up to the player how they
3780s want to outfit everything or pet their
3782s pet their cute little pets that I have
3784s in here
3785s the big yawn. So we're actually going to
3788s be showing this off live for everybody
3789s in chat right now but first let's
3791s announce the winner for the uh the
3794s second Founder's Pack
3795s um so this is again for the
3798s um the Initiate level of the Founder's
3800s Pack and that goes out to Mavis Magis
3806s m-a-v-i-s-m-a-g-i-u-s congratulations
3809s so again you won't have access to it
3811s immediately but we will
3813s um send you a DM and make sure you are
3815s all set on the 15th but let's uh let's
3818s just dive in and show people how you're
3820s going to be able to make your own little
3822s house shall we? yeah so we've got you
3824s know the nice setup that's been placed
3826s so far and then we're going to go
3827s through and reset and actually show you
3829s guys how you can customize your house
3830s with the different items we have
3832s available here
3833s reset layout
3835s goodbye all that work
3837s alright so you're gonna have a full
3839s inventory and there's a bunch of
3840s different tabs and things that we're
3841s going through so what's this first tab
3842s that we're looking at right now? um so
3844s this is essentially your cosmetic item
3845s so this is the decor category so things
3847s like beds tables chairs Furniture, Etc
3850s and we have some lighting you can use to
3853s customize and actually change up how the
3855s space is lit
3857s um smaller decorative items that you can
3858s stack on other items like we were just
3860s talking about
3862s um and some wall decor too so we're kind
3864s of we'll run through each of these
3866s categories I think in a second here yeah
3867s yeah and then what are the um the grids
3869s I'm seeing like grid show up and I'm
3871s able to rotate and I'm able to kind of
3873s customize how that works yeah so you
3875s know you have a controller replacement
3877s of these items so you can rotate them
3879s you can obviously move them around we
3881s have a grid snap system so you can
3883s change up the fidelity uh how you're
3885s moving it change up the rotation so you
3888s can have pretty minute control over what
3890s you're placing things in your space very
3892s cool all right so let's you're saying
3894s something about stacking here we got
3895s some lighting let's light up our bed
3896s because
3897s you love staring at a chandelier when
3899s you go to sleep at night personally it
3901s really lulls me to sleep
3903s um yeah and there's different placement
3904s types like so there's wall placement
3906s ceiling, some floor things, some things
3908s you can place on on surfaces like on top
3910s of a barrel or on a shelf. In the future
3913s I saw someone ask a question about size
3915s so yeah this is basically your starter
3916s apartment so this is the smallest that
3918s you'll have and it's interior only we're
3921s going to be talking a little more about
3922s Neighborhoods later but once we get to
3925s that you'll have exterior spaces also so
3928s you'll be able to use have exterior
3929s decorations as well and yeah you'll be
3932s able to get bigger houses which come
3933s with more benefits than just more space
3936s to decorate which we'll get into in a
3938s little bit cool all right so now going
3941s through the the options that we have
3942s here so we have the placeables you can
3944s place on objects and even objects that
3945s you place in the environment which is
3947s super cool we have things that we can
3949s put on the walls so again gotta have
3951s your pots and pans right next to where
3952s you go to sleep yeah you never even
3954s midnight Midnight snacks that's a thing
3956s but it looks like we have some more
3958s interesting tabs maybe along the line so
3960s artifacts what are artifacts? yeah so uh
3963s outside of just cosmetic
3966s the decorations there are also artifacts
3968s anything that comes with power is going
3970s to be earnable in game, it's not
3972s something that you would buy on the
3973s store. So most artifacts come from bosses
3976s so and they come with a power so if you
3980s place them in your house you'll actually
3982s add the power to a pool and you'll be
3984s able to equip artifact powers sort of
3988s like Echo the ecosystem based on the
3990s size of your house so getting a bigger
3991s house lets you equip more bonuses from
3994s artifacts so you can get stuff like this
3996s Grand Receiver Artifact you get more
3998s gold and so if you activate that
4001s you'll be getting more gold, uh they'll
4003s they're more like the E-Type Echoes that
4005s we've had before or uh we're like the
4007s boss ones if you play in the betas
4009s you've seen those they have more effects
4010s than just stats so they'll be more
4013s similar to that. Some of them will have
4015s uh they'll have different costs and
4017s different power
4019s um some will be better for groups some
4020s better for solo so and you'll be able to
4022s swap those even if you're not in your
4024s house so you can kind of set up your
4025s Loadout based on what you know activity
4027s you're doing
4028s um doing a Greed run get extra gold even
4031s from the gold Grand Receiver
4033s um you know sorry for a lot of
4034s customization there sweet
4036s um so those will continue to expand as
4038s like the the bosses expand and the world
4041s and other events and other things too
4042s very cool yeah
4044s um and then trophies how do trophies
4046s differ from artifacts yeah so trophies
4048s um they're like a mix between artifacts
4051s and just cosmetic decorations a lot of
4053s them are fun
4054s um but they don't they don't come with a
4056s power you can equip but a lot of them
4057s will have an effect in your house so for
4059s example
4061s um which is a good one but I like the
4063s memory the memory Echo yeah that one for
4065s example so if you have this in your
4066s house you can interact with it once a
4068s day to get some memory fragments um so
4071s there'll be different interactables and
4074s stuff they'll have fun animations
4076s um they'll look cool and you can also
4078s interact with them different ways for
4080s different effects so you know getting
4082s these in your house
4084s um you know let's use that one today
4085s already yeah the timer is on earlier so
4089s yeah that uh that's and again that's all
4090s earnable in-game so this trickster
4093s chest you might see a trickster while
4094s you're doing runs randomly and you can
4096s use trixter keys to um get a role in the
4100s dungeon and trickster your keys again all
4101s earnable in game uh and if you have
4103s extra keys in your house you can get a
4105s roll you know for free once a day in
4107s your house as well so that's like a lot
4109s of stuff like that very cool so again
4111s and this is a the pool that's going to
4113s continue to to expand over time kind of
4115s what cadence do we expect to kind of
4117s like be flushing out housing items and
4118s everything when it comes to Seasons
4120s um so there's going to be a good amount
4121s of cosmetic items that come every season
4123s that we're going to create for the decor
4125s section
4126s um uh some of those might be tied to
4128s events in game as well so if we do
4130s holiday events or anything like that in
4132s the future and then same for artifacts
4134s and trophies we plan to keep producing
4136s more of those each season again
4139s especially for things like trophies
4141s um we might tie those into events or
4143s things that are specifically going on in
4144s game
4146s very cool yeah there's one that I'm
4148s excited about that's in fatter season
4150s one that I won't say anything about but
4151s just that know that I'm excited about
4153s one of them Okay which one I'm
4155s curious I don't even know which one
4156s you're talking about there's a lot of
4157s cool ones but when I'm extra excited
4159s about all right so the uh the ones that
4161s we really wanted to show off for
4163s um the the show there's gonna be pets
4166s um right now it's only limited right so
4169s right now you are gonna have pets and
4170s we're gonna show off the the Rime uh
4173s yeah so pets version one so yeah and you
4177s know would this be a live service game
4179s you know we've got a lot of plans right
4180s now the pets that you can acquire you
4182s can place them in your house and they'll
4183s hang out with you and be really cute uh
4186s over time we want to have them be able
4188s to follow you around uh take them out of
4190s your house uh but uh version one
4193s placeable in the house so they're like
4195s really cute house pets very cool yeah
4199s but we do plan expanding but upon that
4201s in the future yeah and I think everybody
4203s wants them
4204s so I think
4208s we've gone to your apartment and we are
4210s going to add animations for like your
4212s character bending down and interacting
4214s with you absolutely yes absolutely
4215s definitely petting
4218s is super important very cool
4221s um and then so talked about pets taking
4224s them some life outside of your housing
4226s what about to the housing what do we
4227s expect changing to you know the
4229s structure of you know different rooms
4231s locations inside outside Neighborhoods
4234s what can we talk about there
4242s a big thing would be to
4244s customize the surfaces throughout your
4247s space so floor materials, wallpapers
4249s things like that really to give you that
4251s extra level of customization, and then
4254s long-term we we talked about this a
4255s little bit but the this is just the
4258s first step right now so the next big
4260s step is moving into a full Neighborhood
4262s level we're going to be able to purchase
4264s your own plot of land and you can kind
4265s of choose you know where you want to
4267s pick to put your house in that
4269s neighborhood level and then you'd have a
4271s selection of different houses that you
4273s know have different visuals to choose
4275s from probably have different room
4276s configurations and they're going to get
4278s larger you know as you progress in the
4281s housing system longer term too awesome
4283s and yeah you know if you have friends
4285s and you both go check out a Neighborhood
4288s together you can have plots next to each
4289s other so when you log in go into your
4292s house you'll see oh my neighbor added
4293s this awesome statue in his front yard
4296s how did they get that that's cool and
4298s also expanding upon that like the social
4299s aspect Neighborhoods you know you'll be
4301s able to visit to see other people
4303s running around in their houses visit
4304s other people's houses we want to
4306s eventually expand to having you know
4308s Neighborhood quests work with your
4309s neighborhood to like meet certain goals
4311s and with artifact system another thing
4314s that we're planning is to have basically
4316s like a friend artifact slot in your
4318s house so a friend could leave an
4319s artifact for you in your house that you
4320s can activate you'll still need to pay
4322s the cost to equip it but you can kind of
4325s share artifacts that way and kind of you
4327s know work together and just you know
4329s increasing the social aspect in that way
4331s as well that's awesome okay
4334s um let's see I think was there anything
4336s if we have we touched can we talk
4338s anything about Guild Neighborhoods at
4339s this point or is it still too soon it's
4341s planned okay but that's going to
4343s basically be an evolution of the
4344s neighborhood so uh not too many details
4347s to share on that right now other than we
4349s are thinking about it and planning for
4351s it but uh our next big step is
4353s neighborhoods that's what our main focus
4355s is right now awesome yeah well again
4358s even this like the amount of like level
4360s of customization and editing like even
4362s like one degree increments and stuff for
4364s everything in there jukebox
4367s absolutely yes yeah so that would be an
4370s example of a trophy that's something
4371s that you can interact with and it has an
4373s effect other than just being cosmetic so
4375s you know getting different songs to play
4377s like those awesome ones you heard while
4378s you were waiting to get into this yes oh
4380s my God how good is it listening to that
4382s the orchestral stuff coming up
4385s um
4385s so I do want to give a shout out we're
4388s getting close before we jump into the
4391s the dev diary we are going to be giving
4393s away one more Founder's Pack to everybody
4395s who has joined us here I can't believe
4397s how many thousands of you are literally
4399s watching us live which is a little
4401s nerve-wracking but amazing thank you
4402s guys
4403s um so we're actually giving out the
4405s Exalted Pack so if anybody wants to have
4408s an opportunity to win the highest tier
4410s Founder's Pack uh please be sticking
4413s around uh to the end of the show we're
4414s going to announce that here in just a
4416s moment so please uh be in chat confirm
4419s uh I'm Gonna Leave it to AJ to roll that
4423s in here in any second but
4425s um I want to get some final
4427s words just to
4429s close us out here
4431s um because we are going to go into the
4432s dev diary which is a nice kind of end
4434s cap to everything but thank you so much
4436s for everybody who's tuned in live has
4438s been following this project that has
4440s been waiting for the date it is there it
4442s is August 15th if you're just tuning in
4444s right now uh 12 p.m central time you
4447s won't be able to pre-purchase it but you
4448s will be able to get into
4451s um the game as soon as it lives at 12
4453s o'clock Central Time download it and
4455s you'll you'll boot right in it's going
4457s to be two seasons Founder's season one
4459s Founder's season two and then we're going
4460s to be going into early uh sorry free to
4463s play after Early Access
4465s um please go take a look at the website
4467s it should be live now that you can see
4469s all of the different breakdowns of the
4471s different Founder's Packs what's included
4473s please join our Discord if you have
4476s questions I really try to live in there
4477s as much as I can so feel free to DM me
4480s um ask questions to the community the
4482s community is a fantastic resource when
4483s it comes to any questions that you might
4485s kind of have if it's their first time
4487s seeing the game
4488s um
4489s we kind of mentioned it earlier but a
4491s huge huge thank you to our partner
4493s HyperX again this amazing microphone the
4497s the keyboard I'm playing on right now
4498s the oh my gosh these wireless headphones
4501s last for like 300 hours and I just never
4503s have to charge them I can go downstairs
4504s and get my water and everything so thank
4506s you very much for them helping us out
4507s and help outfit our upcoming stream
4510s um a stream room in our new studio which
4512s I'm super excited to be doing here very
4515s soon and then at the upcoming events so
4517s Gamescom at PAX West we'll see about New
4520s York Comic-Con if they'll be there or
4522s not but we will have game stations where
4523s you can actually get your hands on these
4525s these products and try it for yourselves
4527s but they've been amazing partners and
4528s I'm really really grateful for their
4530s partnership on uh on Wayfinder but uh I
4534s think we are ready for the final
4537s individual to win of course AJ put it
4541s way down here
4543s oh God there we go he actually did try
4546s to help me all right so ready drum roll
4549s ing
4554s [Applause]
4557s you are the winner of the Exalted
4560s Founder's Pack thank you so much for being
4562s here are you guys ready for the final
4564s segment which is our Dev diary um get to
4568s see a little bit behind the scenes of
4569s her full team
4570s um we've been we're we're a smaller team
4573s for something like this scale but really
4575s passionate and we hope that shows and uh
4577s really want to make sure that they get a
4578s little bit the spotlight too but yeah
4581s it's exciting stuff guys thanks for
4582s everything thanks everybody
4583s congratulations congratulations
4586s all right let's do it
4589s Hey Joe and Ryan here with Airship
4592s Syndicate and uh I already [ __ ] up
4596s laugh all you want it's okay just don't
4598s make any noise
4605s hey guys it's Joe and Ryan with Airship
4607s Syndicate and uh we are getting ready
4609s for our Early Access which is about to
4611s launch so uh pretty exciting times at
4613s Airship yeah we've had a bunch of great
4615s betas already gotten good feedback from
4617s fans from content creators taking it to
4620s the shop made a bunch of changes to the
4621s game but now the real fun begins because
4623s we get everybody's input and now it's
4626s your turn to hop in play the game talk
4628s to us and and help us get this game
4630s ready for the big time. we've been
4632s building this game alongside the
4633s community in a lot of different ways the
4635s biggest and the most interactive way is
4637s through our Discord which even in just a
4639s short couple of months we've already
4640s drawn past 10 000 members which is
4642s insane and just the amount of talent
4645s where people are making giphs and
4646s stickers and the fan art and even
4648s characters that weren't even released
4650s yet yeah the community feedback from
4651s from the play tests has been great
4653s they've led to a lot of just like
4655s balance tweaking with like how gun play
4657s works and movement speed and things like
4659s that and we put in air dashing based on
4662s I think it was a bug that people just
4664s liked so we made it real what Early
4666s Access means for Wayfinder is you know
4668s it gives us a chance to let people in
4670s early so that we can start to understand
4674s what parts of our game are exciting to
4677s them and what they'd like to see more of
4679s and it can really help us shape the
4681s experience before we go free to play and
4682s wide to everybody. A live service game is
4685s pretty new for us and so we're learning
4687s how to do that at the same time we're
4689s getting all this feedback and it's
4691s actually been a really refreshing
4693s experience to finally understand you
4696s know in real time what's working and
4697s what isn't and then we could be a lot
4699s more like productive and proactive about
4700s making the game better which as game
4702s makers is awesome for us
4706s we're taking a page from the DE playbook
4708s free to play as in free and fair all
4712s characters all weapons can be acquirable
4714s through crafting you could play all the
4717s quests without having been gated behind a
4719s paywall. By not including any loot boxes
4721s not including any gotcha if you want to
4723s have any component of the game affect
4725s your character that is completely
4727s available to every single player across
4729s the board doesn't matter if they're a
4730s paid player or if they just want to jump
4732s in try it out and experience the game
4733s for free
4736s [Music]
4739s Venomess is our newest Wayfinder she is
4741s a spy and an assassin from this place
4743s called The Maze she uses these augments
4746s and technological advancements to make
4749s herself more powerful usually when we
4751s start out designing Wayfinders we sit
4753s down and take a look at you know the
4755s concept for the character. Venomess' role
4757s in a party is supposed to be more of a
4759s support role she's also a ranged
4760s Wayfinder so she'll be supporting her
4763s team using heals and also range damage
4765s but then she also has poisons that she
4767s uses. So Venomess is really good at
4770s applying damage over time consistently
4771s because of her passive she is able to
4774s deal damage even if she's not actively
4776s engaging an enemy with her DoT. She uses
4779s poisons to to weaken her enemies
4782s basically to hurt them slowly and she
4784s kind of gets a kick out of that she
4786s likes watching them suffer a bit as she
4788s toys with them. Venomess signature weapon
4790s is called Nightshade it's our first
4792s burst fire rifle weapon in the game
4795s we're starting to have some more
4797s diversity with weapon types. Venomess is
4799s probably the most versatile Wayfinder
4801s we've yet created in that she's very
4803s good with both ranged weapons and melee
4806s weapons when she's playing with melee
4808s weapons she has the ability to apply
4809s poisoning to many more enemies at a way
4812s faster rate, so there's advantages there
4814s but at the same time you don't get the
4816s safety that you do with rifles
4820s so what makes the Reward Tower unique is
4822s that it's more than just a linear
4825s progression of rewards that you unlock
4826s it's a bit of an adventure game of its
4828s own so we're presenting it like a little
4831s isometric dungeon and as you earn keys
4833s you're going to be able to hit switches
4835s solve little puzzles, get little bonus
4837s rewards. One great thing that our Reward
4839s Tower lets you do is
4844s for you when you come back
4848s since the start we've talked about
4850s building this game alongside the
4851s community and our Founder's Packs are
4852s first episode doing that
4854s today we are excited to announce that
4856s the base Founder's Pack not only gives
4858s you access to the game but also to
4860s Founder's season one's full Reward Tower
4862s including the brand new Wayfinder
4863s Venomess
4864s we'll also have upgrades available in
4866s the Initiate and the Awakened Pack that
4868s not only give you access to the game and
4870s Founder's Season 1 but also Founder's Season
4872s 2. other things such as Wayfinder tokens
4875s to unlock current or future Wayfinders
4876s pets, mounts, skins housing decorations
4880s and so much more
4884s the Exalted Pack is for our most
4886s dedicated supporter it contains a
4887s permanent account based progression
4889s boost for the currently active Reward
4890s Tower as well as a Heroic version of a
4892s fan favorite Kyros this will never be
4895s sold again and is only available in this
4897s pack. I think it's going to be a really
4898s exciting time for all of us as we carve
4901s the way through to what Wayfinder is
4903s going to become for everyone
4906s so for the rest of the year we can look
4908s forward to two Early Access seasons and
4911s we'll be adding new Lost Zones which
4913s will come with new creatures, new Hunts
4915s new group content... there'll be new
4918s Wayfinders, new weapons, new progression
4920s systems including Awakening and Radiance
4922s levels and there'll be new traversal
4925s methods too including mounts and a hook
4927s shot. So for free to play one of the
4929s biggest features we're going to be
4930s adding is Neighborhoods for player
4932s housing which I'm really excited about
4934s because it's really going to bring the
4935s community together and take the social
4937s element of the game to another level we
4939s hope you guys enjoyed that deeper look
4941s into Wayfinder and the game that we're
4943s bringing you guys for Early Access the
4945s team here still relatively small
4947s especially for a game this ambitious
4948s they put a lot of work a lot of
4950s themselves into this thing a lot of
4952s passion now we're ready for you guys to
4955s help us build our Dream game yeah so
4957s join our community at playwayfinder.com
4959s see you guys in Early Access thank you
4973s thank you
4979s foreign
4984s [Music]
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