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Like I get wanting to make the group fights in the mines more lively, but instead I feel like what it did was make the last room of the dungeon less exciting. Like hearing the victory music as your shoving the dagger into the blob is great, and the timing of it was great as well. Hearing that after killing 5 goblins feels anticlimactic. I applaud the effort tho, I just think it was misplaced on this one. Might be unpopular opinion tho 🙏🏼

Side Note: I don’t want this to be a negative post. This was just more constructive criticism. Although this game has had a rocky start, it has improved a huge amount and I’m enjoying the game immensely. Just figured I’d give an opinion on the most recent change 🙌🏼💯

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about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

This is gonna be fixed in our next season.