4 months
ago -
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If you are experiencing resolution issues: Outside the game enter settings for Wayfinder, change the "Game Resolution" to 3840x2160.
Also enable the "Set resolution for internal and external display" option.
Then you should be able to modify the in-game settings & resolution properly. This will be fixed with our next patch.
For the best Steam Deck experience we recommend installing the game locally to your Deck and not to a SD card.
Furthermore, if you do need to install to an SD card due to storage constraints, we recommend lowering the resolution to 720p to help with potential stutters.
Due to a new default profile for Deck, players who are updating to 1.0 may experience performance issues after updating to 1.0. Resetting the in-game graphics settings to default will correct this.
If you are experiencing resolution issues: Outside the game enter settings for Wayfinder, change the "Game Resolution" to 3840x2160.
Also enable the "Set resolution for internal and external display" option.
Then you should be able to modify the in-game settings & resolution properly. This will be fixed with our next patch.
For the best Steam Deck experience we recommend installing the game locally to your Deck and not to a SD card.
Furthermore, if you do need to install to an SD card due to storage constraints, we recommend lowering the resolution to 720p to help with potential stutters.
Due to a new default profile for Deck, players who are updating to 1.0 may experience performance issues after updating to 1.0. Resetting the in-game graphics settings to default will correct this.