6 months ago - Wayfinder - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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1781s all righty then I got to make sure this
1784s thing's working we got a new setup of
1785s year happy even tide everybody how the
1788s heck are y'all doing we made
1791s it we
1794s are in even tide version 0.2
1798s ladies and gentlemen how the heck are
1800s all of you you might notice we're on a a
1802s different side of the room today you
1804s might be able to snag some we're going
1805s to have rotating art um from the various
1808s parts of the wayfinder timeline and and
1812s workbook so lots of good stuff but uh
1814s how's everybody doing thanks everybody
1816s for showing up and having fun if you
1817s haven't dive uh dove in already uh got a
1821s beefy update to install um but we're
1823s just going to be playing a little bit of
1824s wayfinder I've been saving it myself
1827s I've been did to dive in over the
1829s weekend we've been doing a little preest
1830s to make sure it was going to be as
1832s smooth sailing as possible for everybody
1834s who's going to be diving in for the
1835s first time starting today um so we got a
1838s lot of The Kinks out and uh we're
1839s excited to just hang out chill in The
1842s Vibes get the nice souls to season uh in
1845s your blaines grab a nice uh cup of hot
1847s cocoa and maybe a nice fuzzy blanket um
1850s get some get some wayfinder so you might
1852s notice here I got my my my drip my brand
1855s new win Fang mother I really love just
1858s like all the new weapon dies with the
1861s the black and gold just look so freaking
1862s good in my opinion but I think we're
1864s going to we have to show off our first
1865s and foremost thing we got to get a
1867s little bit more festive up in here so
1869s let's go show off the new you might
1871s notice a couple new die settings up in
1874s the top right so let's see see how much
1876s we can crysty ourselves I think this
1879s one's a little bit too aggressive so I'm
1880s going to switch over to our normalness
1884s maybe I think I think we can make this
1886s work we can make like a a NIS Christmas
1888s elf sort of OD see what we can do it's a
1892s little bit aggressive but she's
1893s protecting all the uh the Eventide
1895s helpers all right let's go up
1898s here let's see what we can do I think
1901s this green is going to be a little bit
1902s too aggressive so let's tone her down a
1903s little bit maybe do like a nice
1906s evergreen forest
1908s Vibe let's
1910s go
1912s maybe Reds that's a little subtle I
1914s think that
1915s works we throw in a little bit of s
1917s white in
1920s there a little bit too much let stick
1923s with the greens I think maybe we can put
1925s some more misses in the
1928s Reds all right now we got the the new
1931s ones see what we can throw in here you
1934s guys might notice that we have updated
1936s the Shader in here as well so it's going
1937s to be a bit more accurate to what you
1938s see in game which is nice little quality
1941s touch so this is the hair color what
1943s kind of hair color are we going to do
1945s maybe we can do white
1946s here I think it's subtle enough with the
1948s white
1950s maybe oh that's a lot of red but I think
1953s we're a little bit too green so actually
1955s I kind of dig that all right now let's
1956s see what we can turn our our sword into
1958s weapon dies everybody ladies and
1961s gentlemen all right so what are we what
1964s we going to
1965s do the red blade looks kind of
1968s neat kind of like the the bright green
1974s there let's see how do how do we look
1977s ooh oh I think that's in the that's in
1978s the
1982s spirit maybe that Green's a little
1984s aggressive on the emissive let's see if
1985s we can switch that up a little
1989s bit let's try to tone it down a little
1991s bit oh yeah that's
1994s better hello there what's up
1998s elf all right so uh where can I show off
2003s what we got going on for this season so
2005s even tide this is going to be the winter
2008s solstice uh event that we got going on
2010s in wayfinder here um we got a couple
2014s little things to do so we got a whole
2015s new vendor with all sorts of goodies
2017s that you can unlock through collecting
2019s the rry rubies um so Riel is going to be
2023s the vendor for all of that we're going
2024s to go up to the top of Skylight and show
2026s that off here for you um and then we
2028s also have the plunder fool who you're
2030s going to have to go hunt down in the
2031s highlands once you find the lures that
2033s are sced around the highlands you're
2034s going to go summon him going to um
2037s dispense some holiday cheer upon Him and
2041s He will in kind uh return a uh A Shard
2045s which you can turn in to create um
2048s basically the key to get into the
2050s exclusive hunt for the event uh the hunt
2052s and Expedition so you're going to go do
2054s that you might find an aonomus and other
2056s fun uh seasonal events that are going to
2058s be tied into it uh and then all sorts of
2061s exclusives that are going to be tied
2062s into this uh event as a whole so let's
2064s start exploring enough talking let's
2066s just show it
2069s I know all of you are expecting me to
2070s read all um 70 75 77 pages of patch
2075s notes um I decided I would spare all of
2079s you uh for this stream this temptation
2082s was I think a few of you might have
2083s listened to the 144 minute um voice
2087s recording ahead of me reading the patch
2089s notes if you hadn't you can go into
2091s Discord and and try to find it there but
2093s if you come up to the top of Skylight
2095s near the um the great list you're going
2097s to discover something a little bit
2099s different than what you're normally
2100s seeing and we got rle right
2103s here and then behold all of the goodies
2107s that you're able to unlock here so lots
2109s of housing Cosmetics you're going to do
2111s couple resources that you can help with
2112s your your progression everybody's got
2114s their own seasonal hat that you want to
2116s unlock and you even got a nice little
2119s Frosty Spider Boy to go in your your
2120s house as
2121s well hello there's no game audio there's
2125s no game audio oh no
2128s all right well that's why we have a
2130s single production all right let's go
2132s figure out if we can figure out why
2134s there's no game audio give me 30 shakes
2136s of a
2155s hat how about
2159s now did I do
2161s it did we succeed are we
2165s good got a thumbs up getting a thumbs up
2168s from uh solid age let me tell you that
2170s just that will put the holiday cheer in
2172s me if nothing else will fantastic all
2174s right now you can behold and witness all
2177s of the phenomenal music that we got
2178s going on for the the even tide event as
2180s well all right sorry about that guys
2183s here we go um so yeah as we're going to
2186s go through you got all sorts of goodies
2187s that you can unlock for your house um I
2190s might actually have to go and uh
2192s renovate my house for those who don't
2194s know I have uh I have been known to
2198s be the best interior decorator this side
2201s of uh the maze but uh we might have to
2205s might have to Nuke it all to uh make
2207s room for some new actually what I got I
2209s got to talk to hlar that's the most
2210s important part um make room for all the
2214s the Christmas festivities that we got
2216s going on so let's get down
2221s here we got our Christmas N Ready To
2223s Deal some punishment and if you guys
2225s don't know I have um started I need to
2229s to keep working on it a little bit but
2230s I'm going to be rebuilding my n to be
2232s pure AP um kind of chest out some of the
2235s big uh Buffs that we did to AP all right
2240s punctual as always this is a bit of a
2243s personal request but I hope that you
2245s will hear me out thank you spicy going
2247s to read the mid usually
2249s resides elsewhere but she appeared
2253s unexpectedly for even
2256s tide right in one no shame if you don't
2259s recall much about it given all that your
2261s memory has been through I suppose
2263s there's no harm in a brief summation
2265s give us a summation on the darkest day
2267s of the year we celebrate the light to be
2270s by burning logs and we give gifts of
2273s fuel and food to last until the days
2275s lengthen again or that's how we did it
2278s in the Dominion there's all sorts of
2280s cultures here in Skylight a veritable
2282s Melting Pot of them and aala keen on
2285s discovering the differences traditional
2287s and
2290s arcanic while other families Grill grey
2293s horn Stakes AAL is applying arism to
2296s holiday cheer she thinks the time of
2298s year has an effect on the E and flow of
2300s the
2301s elements I could go into more detail but
2304s I'll allow her to explain it she is
2307s currently questioning passes by near
2308s Damon's bell all right let's go find
2316s aala that's what I love to
2318s hear it it's certainly A vibe in uh in
2321s Skylight right
2336s now
2338s Turk Delight I recognize that
2344s name wayfinder come join us isn't get
2348s show off in the cut scen the singing the
2352s deep fried gelatin love me some deep
2354s fried gelatin or so I've been told
2357s honestly I'm not sure why even tide is
2358s celebrated differently in so many places
2361s if it's a solstice custom that's spread
2363s the rituals should be very similar but
2365s they aren't
2367s grandfather had us burn a single log in
2369s the fireplace for seven days in the
2371s Dominion tradition skylighters don't
2374s have anything like that but they give
2376s great piles of gifts on a single day so
2381s I have a hypothesis I found a change in
2383s the lunar element this month the element
2385s of cold night and hidden secrets but is
2389s the element affecting people or our
2391s people affecting the element and that's
2394s where we come in I intend to measure the
2396s lunar element and the others as well
2399s before during and after the rituals of
2401s the various cultures in
2403s Skylight let's start with venge I'll set
2406s up my arcanic readers you talk to them
2409s and uh do some participant observation
2411s that means celebrate with him however go
2414s do
2415s it my favorite NPC in the game I will
2420s very easily admit to
2422s that all right how does how do how do
2424s goblins celebrate even tith let's go
2426s find out
2434s little
2436s Avenged oh hello
2439s hello are you interested in our even
2442s tide specials I'm charging everyone else
2445s 20% more but for
2447s you it's the same so consider everything
2452s what a
2453s bargain of course greed is in the air
2457s it's time to dress up right to make Sher
2460s moose with olives and sour cream and
2463s steal everything that isn't now love me
2468s I please if somebody in the community
2470s would you know for the sake of even tide
2473s and for Revenge make a Sherry mousse
2475s with olives and sour cream and eat it um
2479s I will ship you a Gloom
2481s dagger first person to do
2484s it true it's not that different from
2488s normal mons but we wear festive outfits
2491s as we do it and we get to beat the
2494s plunder
2496s fool you're not familiar one Goblin is
2501s given our most expensive gifts he hides
2504s it away and runs around cackling and
2507s taunting
2508s everyone if he gets away he keeps
2512s everything so you follow him and B beat
2517s him silly then you'll grab as much loot
2520s as you can and run before he regains
2524s Consciousness or uh I should say in case
2528s try it out everyone gets a chance I
2532s heard this year the little kit has fled
2535s to the highlands track them down oh get
2538s your share of the shiny
2540s [Music]
2542s P you'll see why it's a beloved
2545s tradition this tradition is so wild
2548s right especially for
2551s Goins snark when are they going to let
2553s you voice act a character I don't know
2554s you should ask
2559s solid we need a pirate we finder
2563s you we got to find out what part of enor
2566s they stick
2571s me I can see him through the wall
2574s groaning and rolling his eyes as we
2575s speak
2581s all right let's get out and investigate
2583s where is this plunder fool at
2591s huh my favorite NPC is the hunt Master
2594s nice all right well you got to I didn't
2595s even show off his new model he's
2597s actually showing off in his his True
2599s Glory these
2600s days everybody isn't a wind grave
2602s anymore it's
2605s weird
2609s all
2612s right we got a a snowy lower Skylight as
2615s well if you haven't experienced it
2617s yourself so uh one thing to note and I
2621s do want to give a disclaimer to
2622s everybody who hasn't uh jumped back in
2623s in a while um so we've done a huge
2627s optimization pass all this the trade-off
2629s with that is it does come with a
2631s repackaging of all the game files so you
2634s are going to need to um re
2637s uh Reb buffer basically all of the the
2639s shaders um and have all the re the
2642s shaders load on your first load in so it
2644s will definitely and it was a System
2646s Shock to me as well the first time you
2647s log in there might be a little bit of
2649s stuttering um and just laggy frames
2652s that's just because all of the shaders
2654s are getting compiled into into your
2657s system um shiny got to pick up the shiny
2661s so heads up with that but we do we have
2664s been getting a lot of reports of
2665s increased performance so hopefully you
2666s guys do enjoy that if you haven't been
2669s able to and that it turned to you way uh
2671s give it a go give us some feedback see
2673s what parts work what parts don't work
2674s and give us that feedback we use it and
2676s what is this that's new a plunder fool
2680s lure hi
2682s goblins I think that's a little bit loud
2685s we're going to we're going to go ahead
2686s and change that a little bit uh I think
2689s it's this
2692s guy see if that's a bit more
2695s manageable
2701s that's
2712s better oh I love this weapon it's so
2715s good uh the sound is 1 second behind or
2718s is it just me try I I know twitch
2722s sometimes is a little bit weird try
2723s reloading twitch um and then it'll Fix
2725s It audio lag
2732s delayed for me too so we are doing a new
2734s setup right now and I might need a
2736s little bit of fiddling I just wanted to
2737s get it to go live um we are using a two
2740s PC setup at the moment um might be
2742s causing some of it oh did I do I need
2744s one more I need one more no right I got
2746s to find a lure before somebody steals it
2749s here we go
2754s beautiful what could I do to fix the
2757s audio
2775s lag all right there he
2780s is we got Aja the brand newer reor as
2785s well
2787s drop over
2788s here give me the present give me the
2791s present nope there we
2800s go got him give me the
2804s presence beautiful got some Contraband
2807s love to see
2808s it oh yeah let's see if we uh got any
2811s other special things on the map right
2812s now uh doesn't look like there's too
2814s many other events going on at the moment
2817s but if it does get close enough we will
2819s have timers on the map now to show you
2821s what's going on things you can join in
2827s him all right well we got ourselves a
2832s some blunderful loot so let's go see
2835s what we can do with
2841s it trying to think what I could do for
2843s the audio lag um
2850s just loged in for the first time and uh
2852s just want to say that the combat and
2854s performance feels a lot smoother yall
2855s did a great job hey that is amazing to
2858s hear thank you so much for for giving it
2860s another shot and um I'm really glad to
2862s hear it's it's performing better we
2863s still got a long way to go but uh we're
2865s going to keep trkking again this is only
2868s 0.2 we got a long way to go to make it
2871s 1.0 all right let's go craft a A Shard
2874s here we
2875s go
2878s all right here we
2886s go there it is isn't it
2889s beautiful it even breaks when you use it
2893s which is just smart marketing now go and
2896s find some smart marketing indeed all
2899s right let's go find some
2905s goodies
2907s nice A little bit of updated UI
2912s there oh and I got the most
2918s important throw snowballs at pokes got
2921s to line it up just right all right with
2924s real I'm not going to know what hit
2927s her little bit little bit for to
2933s left little more we got this
2937s no little bit little bit that
2942s way booy yeah got
2946s her what else can we show you in
2948s highlight in Skylands let's do a city
2950s tour while we're looking for a servers
2952s hopefully we can jump in with uh some
2954s randos across the internet some fellow
2962s wayfinders all right here we
2965s go
2968s uh yes there should be a sphere three
2970s and four so if you you have to do the
2973s right combination of the um the
2976s imbuements to unlock the the later
2978s [Music]
2980s tiers crossplay yeah I think so we'll
2982s see if we we jump in with uh Playstation
2984s people right
2985s now we didn't this
2987s time see if they join back
2991s in all right looks like the community
2995s favorite jelly cube is uh a little bit
2997s chilly this time
3014s here beautiful oh we got some Frosty
3017s Turtle
3019s boys all right I got to show off the uh
3021s the weapon ability for this bad boy it's
3023s pretty sweet so if you are able to tap
3026s it up so typically two handers only get
3028s able to the
3030s uh oh look how badass it
3033s is typically only able to get up to 200%
3038s um attack damage but if you use your
3042s weapon ability that uncaps it and you're
3043s able to get up to 300% hey it's a Cana
3046s what's up
3048s Cana Hanah and Dan what's up Dan I like
3051s your skin
3054s Dan
3058s [Applause]
3082s aha all right so keep an eye off these
3084s bonfires I kind of wish this was just a
3087s uh a VFX but look how cool those
3089s fireflies look but if you grab these
3091s fireflies and you take it back over to
3093s these Frozen chests might be able to get
3096s some good extra
3099s [Music]
3102s goodies give it to
3104s me
3107s [Applause]
3109s excellent all right what else we got in
3111s here I want to test out the Christmas
3112s tree now that it
3114s works so you will notice that these guys
3117s are much more compact compared to the uh
3120s the normal uh Woods events that you
3124s would be used to in the
3127s past but we did also add you might
3130s notice like the fog bail that's a also
3132s in all the Reaver Woods Maps just to
3134s kind of help people stop getting lost in
3137s uh dead
3141s ends uh is this is it ingame OST or
3145s something a part uh so we do have a uh
3149s the official OST is on YouTube um but we
3153s do have some new tracks uh specifically
3154s for even
3159s time this one I do believe is a new one
3161s for even
3166s tide all right doesn't look like we got
3168s a Christmas tree this time around but
3169s we'll we'll find
3174s one
3177s somebody has lots of fireflies and I'm
3180s kind of
3183s jealous all right we got the plunder
3185s pool up here I don't think I have
3187s anything I need to get what I want from
3189s him but there's all sorts of gifts you
3191s can give him oh I do I can give him a a
3194s cash what you going to give me all right
3197s a greed and VI I'll take
3203s it just take a second lookout for cool
3206s the art design is for this I love our
3209s art team they do such good
3212s work all right I wonder who we're going
3215s to fight
3215s here the aonomus
3229s yeah just pop our let's see how much our
3231s AP build is doing so
3233s far oh yeah it does the work
3239s easy easy
3241s pie all right got throw got throw my
3243s snowball real
3244s [Music]
3246s quick almost
3250s almost damn
3251s it in the
3254s face oh I just missed him close
3257s enough look at all that
3261s L what did I do vessel it's like candy
3266s and you can spend it I love spending
3270s candy all right see what else we
3289s got all right where we at where we at
3292s okay return to Skylight we're in
3294s skylight let's go talk with uh rail
3297s there we go the magic of the
3300s holidays as good as harvest time but
3303s with more begging for mercy no need the
3306s B really makes that sound evil it's your
3308s right for beating the snot out of
3311s him wait what was that strange bone
3313s stomper oh no idea usually there's some
3316s retaliation by the punderful family but
3319s Stompers aren't exactly controllable
3322s just go home nail your door shut lay
3325s some TR Captain happy
3330s bye all right let's go back to
3334s theala what is the strongest class right
3337s now for solo play
3339s n on record n n is the
3342s choice maybe I forgot to control for the
3345s alcohol from the spiked onion
3347s gelatin spiked onion gelatin wayfinder I
3351s take it your time alcoholic onela
3353s tell me everything
3356s desate times I guess let's get at least
3358s a residual reading off your arcanic
3360s signature and these items you brought
3362s back say ah uh huh the elemental greed
3367s that goblins normally show increases
3370s exponentially during the holiday but is
3372s it only
3374s greed I don't think it could be because
3377s then human Traditions would be closer to
3378s the goblins and it doesn't explain that
3381s bizarre stomper which isn't a heavily
3383s greed influenced creature
3386s maybe the Gloom is thrown off by the
3388s energies of the holiday or the holiday
3390s this year is thrown off by DPS sure
3393s we're on the right track I'm not sure
3395s that is a question for
3398s Steve I know it is
3401s a highly controversial topic for for
3404s game
3408s designers all right uh speak to
3412s AAL wait did we
3414s miss
3421s you're ready excellent today we solve a
3425s metaphysical Myst I love solving
3426s metaphysical Mysteries I spoke to the
3428s hunt Master about that strange creature
3430s you encountered I think I got him angry
3434s maybe his expression didn't change but
3436s his voice almost did I've always gotten
3439s the
3440s S and most skylighters as well naive
3444s children
3447s I think he might have cooled down by now
3449s so this is the perfect chance for you to
3451s talk to him about the stomper because
3454s it's got something to do with his even
3456s TI Traditions somebody's spinning hey
3458s see there's crossplay there's somebody
3459s in PlayStation right now hello Lee Lee
3463s 83 just don't phrase it like venges
3465s tradition demand that you help because
3468s that man owns more knives than I have
3469s hairs on my head good
3473s luck well hello there
3479s I need to get the uh snow angel that is
3481s the goal of the stream is get the snow
3483s angel
3486s [Music]
3488s emote got Quest Here season
3491s eatings greetings hungry folk Craigs the
3494s name hope you like GRL it's all I've got
3496s until my even tie contingency plan comes
3498s through I was hoping for a holiday feast
3502s as were we all ruby ordered a huge meal
3504s for her workers but not even the hunt
3506s Master lives on meat alone I need bread
3509s vegetables sauce everything in the
3511s farmlands and the Goblins got my
3514s shipment not exactly more like a hope
3517s would you mind breaking the news to her
3519s for me I've got more scars than got
3521s teeth and if Ruby gave me a hug out of
3523s pity it might crack a
3525s rib all
3527s right got to get some
3531s food the Hun Master behold the new model
3534s little sent you she thinks she angered
3537s me it takes more than her to raise my
3541s voice but I will reward her curiosity I
3545s will tell you how the Goblins ple the
3546s MA's
3549s Traditions they would have even tie to
3552s be a celebration of greed debauchery for
3555s its own sake rather than something
3558s sacred to the
3559s path the true Traditions are better the
3563s creature you smell of
3565s its kind walks other Realms and only
3567s shows itself during even tide it is the
3573s abominus its Hunt is not for greed but
3576s Bounty when the hunter slays the
3578s abominus its horde of Frozen prey goes
3581s to all no matter how weak or helpless
3585s that is how we Feast even in the darkest
3588s winter sharing is car you have slain one
3591s abominus but the horde still awaits the
3594s scent of blood that can attract another
3596s then you strike and claim its Meats for
3599s your
3600s own be warned there is one greater than
3604s the abominus and this year there may be
3607s enough need to track her the Gloom has
3610s taken much from this land we will see
3614s return to the even tide portal seek
3616s again the abominus to gain its horde
3619s from that Victory you may find more and
3622s learn the true
3624s ways
3625s that is my will there be more main story
3627s quests coming soon yes of course there
3629s will always be more main story quests
3632s and they will always be coming
3636s soon all right enter the even tide Veil
3639s I think we have one more guard before we
3642s have to
3643s go greet the plunder pool
3646s again let's try to do a sphere two with
3649s a greed inment because oh valid mutator
3652s big
3654s sad
3657s how do I remove it clear slot there we
3664s go I thought I could do it embarrass
3668s myself on the internet Look Away St
3672s don't
3674s watch all right what else what other
3676s cool spots of the uh we go over by the
3679s Gloom portal show off all the the Frozen
3683s water someone's very snowy oo I can dig
3686s that it's a good looking look good
3689s looking look ooh the great Halls is
3692s pretty oh we missed it
3697s rip I do like the hunt Master he pretty
3699s cool currently my favorite NPC I mean
3701s he's he's he's a good-looking
3704s dude he's got that
3706s [Music]
3708s six-pack how many people are working on
3711s wayfinder at the moment so Airship
3713s Syndicate think we're
3715s th await you good slay them the smell
3720s will bring the alarm
3727s near what do we get we got a can again
3730s I'm getting stream
3738s snipe oh we got to get
3740s fires can I get multiple I want
3743s multiple
3745s I don't know how you did that but I'm
3750s jealous all right see what events we get
3752s this
3753s [Music]
3755s time prepare the meal of even TI's
3758s blessing
3761s ooh not enough firewood all
3773s right
3781s chesticles it's good this is a good
3783s place to farm some uh some sharks I will
3788s say
3790s nice oh we are there's the two-hander
3794s crew we are ready to break some
3797s resilience
3803s bars
3819s [Music]
3833s he
3838s termination complete we killed the
3839s spiders excellent it's always a good day
3841s when you kill all the spiders in my
3844s opinion
3847s [Music]
3849s aha made the
3852s chest
3856s four well
3860s done all right let's see if we can find
3862s some
3863s presents wouldn't be an even time
3865s without
3876s presentence uhuh I think I spy a tree so
3879s we got to find present
3881s somewhere got to go
3886s up a lot of first time CHS in here
3889s what's up everybody thanks for coming
3891s and checking out the event really means
3892s a
3893s lot
3895s it is great having youall here again
3897s keep the questions coming I will try to
3899s to answer them I might be a little bit
3900s distracted but I'm I'm more than happy
3902s to uh reveal whatever insights I might
3905s be able to provide there's a present
3907s give me the
3913s present there m memory fragments
3918s Beautiful by
3920s Cana more
3923s presents all right
3931s big
3933s jump all right well I got two presents
3935s do you guys find
3937s any
3939s [Music]
3942s hey
3944s fireworks love me some
3946s fireworks give me those Rebel rubies
3950s beautiful all right I think we're about
3952s ready to fight the
3953s boss so these guys do run pretty quick
3956s so it's a quick In-N-Out
3961s Expedition we have increased the hit
3964s boxes of the uh little resource nodes so
3967s you will notice that it's much easier to
3969s uh destroy those which I think is a nice
3972s quality of life and I might to my own
3975s own horn there and fought to get that
3977s change
3983s made
3986s all right where are they why are you
3987s guys going into the the dark the Gloom
3989s is the enemy stay out of the
3992s Gloom I'm sure this sign post will point
3995s us in the right
3996s direction and surprisingly it
3999s does huh
4007s faster you guys have anything to give
4013s PL
4015s I do not so
4017s oops oh sweet somebody did though love
4020s to see
4023s it the hunt
4026s provides go your true Quarry my God his
4030s voice sounded bad at us but now with
4033s like
4034s the the long distance sound effects even
4038s more bad
4043s us
4052s the
4058s slimes big
4061s smacks
4064s beautiful
4067s glorious it has marks of a
4070s Binga take one of its hairs return to me
4074s all
4075s right freaking 866 memory fragments from
4078s that my
4083s Lord uh do you feel be a ping part of
4086s creating the game takes away from the
4088s enjoyment or is it just as fun as it
4089s always been for you I mean in in some
4091s regards like you lose the magic of just
4094s like what all you guys get to experience
4096s like when all of it's fresh and new
4097s because you do get peace meal and you
4099s got to test out things and you got to
4101s you have to test them out when they're
4102s not working right you got to find the
4103s bugs so by the time you finally do play
4105s it it's probably about the 40th 50th
4109s time that you've played it when it
4110s wasn't working so it does lose a little
4112s bit of that magic but it is really
4114s really cool and like in game design in
4116s general which I feel like a lot of the
4118s team hopefully I'm not putting words in
4119s their mouth but it is very
4122s compartmentalized so each team will work
4124s on very you know it's with a microscope
4126s you're looking in at very individual
4128s features and it's not all the time that
4131s you have time to kind of just look at
4132s the whole picture um when it comes
4135s together so when we do have a little bit
4137s of time what's up sausage uh have a
4139s little bit of time to uh you know see
4142s the game the way it's intended when
4144s everything's working together kind of
4145s like a a symphony it is uh it's kind of
4148s special so yes and no and it's it's
4151s amazing when I think the biggest piece
4153s of magic is just like seeing you guys in
4156s here so it's very different doing
4158s testing versus like coming in here and
4160s just getting see the community seeing
4161s everybody come up with amazing dieses
4163s and just like have fun and do stuff
4166s together it's it that's that's really
4168s freaking cool all right returning to the
4170s hunt
4171s Master I'll stop my Jibber
4174s Jab congrats on the events great work uh
4177s addictive quick question is 75 going to
4179s be the max limit on housing items
4181s forever no so there will be increased
4184s limit on uh housing capacity once you
4187s have a bigger
4188s house all right hunt
4191s master I see your hunt brings me and
4194s cheer your Heth will celebrate with
4197s plenty this even tide others are not so
4200s lucky look that H skylights numbers
4202s swell each day is that why you have so
4205s much meat it will be gone soon you must
4208s hunt the one who can bring the final
4210s Feast the Winter Queen She stores her
4214s meals throughout the year to feed her
4216s brood how do I find her the bite on the
4218s abominus tells the tale they fought over
4221s prey and it survived her Venom a strand
4225s of its fur will be enough to create a
4227s charm when that is done you may seek her
4230s layer be warned she is a foe even the
4235s abominus
4236s fears all righty let's go find the
4240s Winter
4243s Queen I hear the Hun master has a
4245s swimsuit calendar yok if there's anyone
4248s that had faith in creating that it would
4249s be
4250s you all
4253s right
4258s all righty it is
4265s time the Winter
4279s Queen right's see if I can make it to
4281s the Great Hall in
4283s time
4285s show off all the pretty
4293s decorations ain't it
4296s cheery oh and you guys haven't seen this
4298s yet
4300s Tada uh and we there are supposed to be
4303s a couple weapon skins in here uh we will
4304s get them added um in the next hot fix
4306s hopefully uh but yeah there are going to
4308s be weapon skins that you can acquire in
4310s here as
4311s well but look at all the nice things I
4314s need I've been slacking on my my helper
4316s coins I know some of you have been able
4318s to buy out the entire store almost
4320s instantaneously but we will be
4322s refreshing that the stock as well as the
4324s rotation of items every couple months so
4326s continue to check back and see what
4328s other goodies you can get by uh helping
4330s people
4335s out all right it's
4338s time the
4342s queen
4345s and we got Cana yet again three for
4346s three on the Snipes Cana good
4355s job God that does so much damage it is
4360s glorious why is there a present here I
4363s there's presents
4364s everywhere I think it must be one of the
4366s uh
4372s EOS all right so there is the mechanic
4374s to this fight which I guess I can spoil
4376s if you haven't figured it out
4380s already so you got to make some
4385s snowballs come here snowballs the more
4388s you hit them the bigger they get and
4390s that is how you are going to be able to
4392s break through her impenetrable shield
4394s there we
4396s go so spoilers alert sorry
4402s guys
4411s so the philosophy with this fight is
4413s like we don't want to have boss fights
4416s that other players are going to feel
4418s like they missed out on same with the
4419s eeko so we want we want it to be you
4422s know something special for the people
4423s that are here like the show oh look at
4425s this cool thing I had so that's why the
4427s the echo is going to be pretty similar
4428s to what the the thir brother is um same
4431s with the boss fight itself it's not
4432s going to be like a huge r new experience
4434s that nobody else is going to be able to
4435s get um and if you w missed out on it but
4438s we do want it to be you know something a
4439s little bit special for for those that
4441s were here so that's the velosophy when
4442s it comes to this
4451s fight and is a cool little mechanic
4454s something different
4455s hopefully okay so I noticed if I shy to
4457s do damage right now I'm only doing one
4459s damage at a time if
4462s that
4466s the bigger you make the balls the bigger
4467s it hits for so you try to roll them
4469s around a little bit first fortunately if
4471s I had daggers just to be a lot more
4473s effective there we
4474s go weapon ability is so
4477s good oh yeah look at that
4480s apess I should not say that Alex you
4483s should not say that should not say that
4485s L the internet o we got a purple version
4488s of the echo or the accessory n to so
4492s glad you're enjoying the update thanks
4493s for stopping
4497s by all right so
4501s legat the frost Queen's hide retains the
4503s chill of the deepest winter snows even
4506s while separated from her body used as
4509s leathery wrappings they bind wounds
4510s bring down swelling and help calm the
4513s pulse wow wow look at
4517s that all right we did
4520s it and kind is is kind enough to be
4523s switching around their uh their
4524s aesthetic and look every tle time too
4526s that's
4527s exciting rigged oh no first try first
4536s try all right help Master we did it we
4539s killed
4544s him the path provides a great threat is
4548s now a harvest she has bound many animals
4551s in silk and ice give the prey to the
4555s median Skylight so all will
4559s Thrive fresh Frosty spider meat days
4564s there's nothing that reminds me of just
4565s the holidays and you know family and
4568s good spirits like chowing down in a nice
4571s big meaty spider
4573s leg there is no need to see me at this
4576s time I eat well celebrate and feast with
4581s the hungry that's some shade that is
4583s even TI I don't need your spatter meat I
4586s eat better than that all right here we
4588s go spare anything for even tide stranger
4592s a
4593s coin a spider
4595s leg meat oh this is more than I see in a
4599s month are these bristly hairs from AO
4602s spider abdomen fruit of the Winter
4606s Queen If This Were summer I might turn
4609s up my nose but the season's been harsh
4613s let's try a
4617s taste that's
4619s good like CRA or maybe skitter wig and
4623s enough
4624s to we'll find a grill tonight you and
4628s the hunt master of all our things
4632s nice meat
4636s delivered and and you guys notice look
4638s look look look see that number see how
4640s it's it's counting up now now now it's
4642s get closer it's counting down I know oh
4644s no technology it's pretty exciting ah
4647s happy even tide wayfinder oh is this for
4651s me wow um it's a bug L just what I
4656s always uh dreamed
4658s of are you sure this is edible all the
4662s same I'll feed it to the boys I work
4663s with before cooking up some for me carry
4666s on and uh thanks you're very welcome
4670s citizen enjoy happy even tide
4675s make the elevator got it first try
4676s didn't even close not even close
4682s baby hello hunt Master goodbye hunt
4685s Master oh that's the wrong direction
4688s where's the last guy I got to give to
4690s oops whoops hello
4702s there
4704s even tied blessings to you wayfinder is
4707s that dear in a web you bet you oh so I
4712s guess we'll just wash off these strands
4714s that came out of a spider's rear end
4716s then AR pit oh but uh don't get me wrong
4720s don't take it away or nothing I know
4722s some folks down on their luck who' eat
4724s anything this winter sharing is caring
4728s don't say nothing
4730s otherwise what's up Miss
4735s [Music]
4745s [Music]
4748s hello there is there something you want
4752s oh you're that wave finder who let me
4754s help you carry that it looks
4756s bulky wait just me or does this look
4758s like super jump real fresh meat Super
4760s bounce Super bounce wow I'm sorry I'm
4762s sorry Super bounce
4766s well I never heard of a winter Queen but
4770s I've got so many relatives I pledge my
4772s loyalty to any Royal that beeds them
4775s long live the
4777s queen then she'll be less trouble than
4779s most Royals time for a feast in her
4782s honor when can I get a hunt Master
4784s costume Jack I mean just got to hit the
4786s gym I guess right then some green paint
4788s you're good to
4792s go
4795s slushing through the slow maybe if I
4797s analyze the meat's signature as it
4800s toasts wayfinder you're still in one
4803s piece most excellent and you
4805s smell like musk and blood what happened
4809s it is old day sir
4812s snarf oh how delightful I did not expect
4815s such a rich tradition among the Mason
4817s nor how the aval reacted to it they gave
4820s great data let me just run a particle
4823s counter over the bits of the Winter
4825s Queen yes I think we're almost there
4828s I'll run the numbers with my Slide Rule
4830s and come up with my answer check in
4832s again
4834s soon all
4836s righty P snag on my research can you
4838s meet with me I can do
4842s that the reason for the season there you
4845s are we've made great strides in my
4847s research but I still can't tell if the
4849s elemental shifts influence the varied
4851s Traditions or if the Traditions are
4854s causing the shift in the
4857s elements I think my data could be more
4860s precise if I personally participated I
4863s noticed that many of these Traditions
4865s involve giving and receiving gifts
4868s usually with those the person feels most
4870s attached
4872s to so I made some gifts it's been a
4877s while since I used crochet needles but I
4879s think they worked out to be adorable you
4881s tell me chat did they turn out to be
4882s adorable
4883s well if you ignore the lopsided eyes at
4886s least my abominus looks like it's half
4888s flounder anyway I've put an arcanic
4891s tracker on each of them I'll monitor the
4893s data of the elemental changes from the
4895s nothing like a nice even tide gift like
4898s unsuspecting blind research
4901s data please deliver my gifts to the hunt
4903s Master venge Omen and
4906s Grand Lord Hala then return to me and
4910s we'll tabulate everything all right
4913s ma'am yes
4917s ma'am Neco chess is gone
4922s offline oh hunt Master purse whoops
4924s whoops whoops whoops whoops whoops it's
4926s so pretty I freaking love the Aurora bar
4931s oh am I the only one that's guilty of
4933s just like having this on in the
4934s background and just like basically
4936s dozing off all right here we
4939s go you turn if you seek another hunt the
4943s Gloom gate is what's this what is this a
4947s present from
4947s Cala it's
4950s soft and the
4952s shapen and the seams are
4957s crude is this supposed to be something
4960s oh I see horns a tail a white coat she
4965s sought to create a tiny
4967s abominus tell the little one I
4970s appreciate her honoring my traditions um
4974s in her way here this is rarer than any
4977s meat I can give it is what bees it to
4980s become Queens don't tell be tell her I
4983s hope her Heth is warm even in the
4986s coldest
4988s night that is very sweet of you Hunter
5001s master
5004s all right binge bessus with some sweet
5007s voice
5008s acting ah
5010s wayfinder thanks for giving everyone
5012s smelly monster meat people were willing
5015s to get rid of the spider webs for
5017s nothing but they're mostly protein these
5021s humans will eat anything deep fried I
5024s have a gift from
5025s seceta wait what a present H she's
5029s giving me something for free is there a
5032s trick is is there a bomb
5034s inside well that's a shame I could use a
5037s free bomb good we all no wait now I see
5041s why she gave it away this crochet bu
5044s fool is kind of ugly although it's got
5046s some charm in a way crap but a cracker
5050s now I feel bad any
5053s though here give this back to her I made
5057s it but don't say that make it sound like
5060s it's h coming from you and
5063s say I'll use her sentiment to Swindle
5065s her
5066s later and no noking no
5073s sir no smirking not today happy even TI
5077s all what's up Pacman happy even TI to
5079s you
5080s sir get this little Corridor look at
5082s this little Corridor it's got little
5084s lights you got got a dude chilling his
5087s hair is not sticking through his hood
5089s anymore pretty exciting stuff pretty
5092s excited stuff I say gosh darn it to
5096s Omen oh good to see the haven't been out
5099s by the Gloom gate really
5103s yet all right
5106s Omen a reason for the season my friend I
5109s hear quite a lot about your generosity
5112s and apparently you dare to run through
5115s Elemental substrata just to help others
5118s i d it indeed I'm daring what is
5121s this oh oh my what a strange
5126s little I see she crocheted a Gloom
5130s dagger she must have worked very hard on
5133s this and from what I understand usually
5136s she doesn't even celebrate even
5139s tide here I have something I put aside
5142s for her a few months ago I was going to
5145s deliver it on even tide itself but since
5148s you're here let her know that we
5151s consider her one of us and she will
5153s always be welcome in
5155s Skylight all right all right I think
5158s it's my turn to give something to all of
5159s y'all so let's do a giveaway what yall
5162s say so let's give another thousand Rune
5164s silver away let's do three giveaways in
5166s a row because we gave actually no Let's
5168s do let's do four we gave four presents
5170s away in Skylight let's do four to all of
5173s y'all right now so say happy even tide
5175s in chat and I'll enter y'all for a
5179s couple rounds of giveaways
5181s here
5183s happy even tide
5188s everybody get all those eligible people
5190s up in
5194s h oh yeah they're pouring
5196s in oh the happy even look at all that
5200s look at at that holiday spirit love to
5202s see it happy even tide happy even tide
5204s happy even tide happy even tide to all
5207s of
5208s you hell yeah no seriously though it's
5211s it's so good to have all of you guys
5212s hang hanging out and checking in and
5214s seeing the progress in the game that the
5215s team has been working around the clock
5218s real hard and we we hope you get to
5220s enjoy it
5222s um come a long way and we got a long way
5224s to go but it's really exciting to share
5226s it all with you so thank you for being
5227s here happy even tide seriously from all
5229s of us to you all right let's let's run
5231s the first one shall we rolling
5235s it and the winner is Sir Albert whiskers
5238s a phenomenal name when I might say so
5240s myself please shoot me a am ideally in
5243s Discord with your steam ID which is 17
5246s digits and or your PSN and I will hook
5249s you up with a thousand run Sil but
5253s congratulations thank you very much
5255s we're going to go woas time and we got
5260s exacto exact EX exactl exod deactylase
5274s wob weo webo
5277s webcore with a very happy face
5280s congratulations and last but not least
5282s we got wayfinder lamarin I swear you win
5286s something every freaking stream
5291s [Laughter]
5293s congratulations all right
5294s congratulations all four of you stick
5296s around we'll have some extras to give
5298s away here but happy even TI to all of
5299s you
5301s guys
5307s aha Lord
5310s hiler the reason for the season hello
5313s again wayfinder I hear aala keeping you
5316s busy I'll assume that you're getting
5318s along famously and solving the mysteries
5320s of the universe shall
5322s I what let me
5325s see Fox
5328s above I'm sorry give me a moment you
5331s should know
5333s when aala was young her mother swed a
5335s great deal aala wanted to stitch
5338s together stuffed animals for other
5339s children like her mother did on even
5342s tide so every year aala would sit beside
5345s her and try to copy her as best she
5347s could while a brilliant
5349s researcher aala could never quite get
5352s the hang of needle work or crocheting
5355s she I see she still struggles with
5357s stitching it's a talent
5360s really I never thought I I'd see another
5363s one of you talk about a
5366s compliment I'm sorry for losing my
5369s composure thank you give this to Avala
5372s and tell her that I adore her gift and I
5376s hope that she continues to practice her
5379s sewing her mother would have loved
5382s that what a
5385s softy I really do appreciate the uh the
5389s work the narrative team did on this this
5391s Quest it just it feels very
5393s cozy hello John Wick you're looking very
5396s red
5397s [Music]
5416s today all right so we got a nice little
5419s crochet bomb a book
5423s a
5423s thimble and a jar of
5429s honey actually no it's not it's not
5431s honey it's
5434s AE royal jelly I think it's royal
5436s jelly a smoke bomb how uh practical and
5442s this looks like honey no royal jelly
5445s from the hunt master and a book from
5447s Omen metaphysical wonders first edition
5451s oh how rare
5452s and from
5454s Grandfather silver Thimbles I didn't
5457s know he kept these I I didn't know some
5461s of these people even thought of me let
5463s alone cared I mean Omen and the hunt
5466s Master he smiles like once a year is
5470s this the avar meaning of even tide maybe
5473s elements versus celebration is the wrong
5476s line of inquiry perhaps I should have
5478s started with us taking care of and
5480s appreciating each other
5482s if only for a moment I mean even venge
5486s told you about the plunder fool instead
5488s of hoarding the information or selling
5490s it to you that's got to be an even tide
5493s Miracle thank you wayfinder that final
5496s crochet is for you for all of your help
5499s it's a fox because well they're
5502s objectively the best animal right it's
5503s not objectively means unless you're
5506s katsuna not the point trying to say
5508s something here which is I guess today's
5511s kind of special special May the arcs
5514s have a great design for your even
5519s tide you delivered seeker of all's gifts
5521s to her her loved ones they returned the
5523s favor although she hasn't given up on
5525s the understanding of the reason behind e
5527s time she is content with the Positive
5529s ways that encourages kindness to one
5530s another and if that's not a moral ladies
5533s and gentlemen I don't know what is happy
5535s you Ty folks fantastic all right let's
5539s go beat up the CL fool again and see
5541s what we can uh we can go
5543s explore and I want to show off uh maybe
5547s a little bit of fighting with a new
5548s weapon see who we can
5552s find hey snarf uh glad to see you online
5554s again are you in the mood how is the
5556s mood with the Airship team mood is very
5558s good we're we're excited we've been
5560s we've been grinding to get this game out
5562s and fix as many things we can there's a
5565s lot of patch notes you might have
5566s noticed but we got there we're we're
5569s excited to share with
5571s y'all
5573s oh hi
5585s Cody all
5589s right we got any timers going on I think
5593s I think in 30 minutes or so we should
5595s have
5596s a a p going on it'd be cool to do a p
5599s live with
5601s yall oh no not this okay good I have
5604s noticed that does get stuck it every
5606s once in a while that's a cool looking
5608s Titans B I got to say it's not very
5611s festive though wait is that a py timer
5614s what was that it's a plunder
5616s [Music]
5619s fool oh I see him I see
5625s him I think I missed it I think that was
5628s too
5631s late
5635s my present what's up
5647s Arin that's a very green outfit you got
5650s going
5653s on all right well while we're waiting
5656s for this to spawn maybe we can go fight
5658s ourselves a brand new
5660s worm get some more plunder
5668s fluers uh can Airship just stay
5671s self-published yall have been killing it
5672s since de parted uh it's it's a
5675s possibility we're doing it for now I
5676s mean we're that close to the option it
5678s depends on just like we're going to do
5680s whatever we think is best for the game
5682s and best for all of you guys so we're
5684s definitely open to exploring there's
5685s definitely fantastic uh benefits that
5687s you can't do um through self-publishing
5690s especially with a team of our size um
5693s but it is nice to have the the freedom
5695s and flexibility of uh setting your own
5697s Direction like we've been demonstrating
5700s so time will
5702s tell nobody's got a crystal ball but
5704s we're just going to keep trucking and
5705s doing everything we can to uh just keep
5708s working on the game because this is
5710s definitely a passion project at the
5716s moment give me that
5719s Spectra all right the worm l
5722s ERS nice looks like we got someone
5725s coming in for
5737s support oh there he
5739s is she is I think it's a female I
5750s think
5754s doesn't seem to be doing much in the
5756s form of fighting back which I feel kind
5759s of bad about there we
5765s go I want to show off all the cool
5767s mechanics night mod come on you can do
5770s better than
5774s this
5777s ories control the ads the ad
5780s base
5785s look at the wormies look at all the
5799s wormies I got to get my ALT charge de so
5803s take
5804s down oh hello
5810s steeve
5822s all
5826s right don't waste my arm all right let's
5829s go see if the plunder pool is back
5831s up nice Miss steel we'll take that we
5835s have uh I think we're level Prestige one
5838s or awaken one I need to I need to get a
5841s couple
5842s [Music]
5846s more well
5848s hello that lmer congratulations on
5851s winning your thousand runes
5855s [Music]
5858s over loot hello
5863s hello throw a snowball at
5866s you and you're too oh Dodge
5870s Tactical
5872s oh I have something I can show off here
5874s see if I can do it in
5876s time ah nope too slow big
5884s sad we can do a Gloom dungeon real
5887s quick it's all spooky
5899s now oh almost got myself killed
5916s big smacks Get
5919s Wrecked give me the
5926s chests all right chest
5930s chest Beauty
5933s Bo oh hello
5939s there all right let's go see if we can
5941s get a plunder
5946s pool I think we can all right let's wait
5949s up for
5953s them all right plundering
5958s Time Mad T is going to join us
5962s [Music]
5964s all right there he is beat him
5970s up all right let's get our level three
5973s weapon ability and lay down the Pain
5975s Train we go we
5979s yet got
5983s him thunderful cash
5988s memories got to throw a snowball and at
5991s 10
5993s they're so good at dodging my freaking
5995s snowballs every time I swear lordy
6000s lordy o I know what I need to show off
6003s all right all right all right all right
6004s this I think is probably the biggest
6006s sleeper of this patch I don't know how
6007s many people realize it but if you
6009s haven't gone to balom yet you got to go
6011s to balom it is so freaking pretty now my
6014s lordy so we're going to go check out
6016s some balom and we're actually going to
6018s do some content about our level because
6019s this is all fairly fairly low level at
6021s the moment uh will the event resources
6024s disappear after the event yes they
6026s [Music]
6031s will that n looks so good which one mine
6033s of course of course of course she does
6035s look her look at her she's
6049s n all right here we go here here we go
6052s so you guys haven't checked out balom
6055s got to check out some balom uh what do
6057s we want to
6058s do let's do some
6060s [Music]
6061s greed a little bit of greed little bit
6064s of greed never
6066s hurt that's a nice looking Arrow
6074s too this is my favorite spot I just park
6076s up right about here you all probably
6079s seen me here before get my popcorn and
6082s then just watch people spawn in and
6084s check out all the different siid they'
6085s done pretty much the
6090s best I do want to check out that new
6092s artifact I got oh can't look at it right
6095s now big
6097s sad uh let's see what are we doing here
6101s using weapon ability grants nearby Alli
6103s is 10% weapon power heavy attacks and
6106s 30% T dealing ability power oo that
6108s could be really good for my build right
6110s now
6113s so empty right now uh main reason being
6115s is we're we're having to open up a ton
6117s of server instances um so it's it's
6121s spreading them out versus just compiling
6123s them all in in a couple
6129s servers all right what's up
6132s Conor look at this place a little bit
6135s different than you might
6140s remember
6143s there we go a little bit harder content
6144s too which is good won't be one-shotting
6157s everything what was
6159s that this one
6164s is you punched me how dare
6170s you
6172s like look at it just look at it it's so
6174s cool
6176s looking oh
6178s my oh
6181s my all right what we
6184s got get him
6196s up
6198s guys
6200s knes
6202s oh how the mighty have
6204s fallen see see see see what I see what I
6208s did there uh crack myself
6219s up ooh we got a habobo
6223s gabo ow
6227s ow W AP is so powerful now I haven't
6231s completed the
6235s build hell
6251s there it's just so cool
6259s looking ooh we got a third person panda
6262s attack we've been attacked by
6265s Panda hello panda attack on
6270s Playstation oh a beacon guys a
6274s brutal easy we're too
6278s strong well how close are we to fire 15
6281s minutes until fire
6284s spawns I want to go fight a py don't
6286s think I fought a py on stream with yall
6290s yet
6295s just look look look that pretty so
6298s pretty so freaking
6302s pretty oh
6305s hello how are you
6312s buddy oh that is a rare spawn indeed
6315s ladies and
6319s gentlemen that is a glitter greed let's
6322s get our epic Echo come
6324s on the internet will never live let me
6327s live this down if I get a epic Echo
6328s right
6329s here oh dang it damn it come on come on
6333s come on kill him before he
6339s dies oh no are we all dead get him Panda
6342s kill him first I'm not as important get
6345s the kill get the
6348s kill no
6355s oh that's a convenient spawn place did
6357s we get the echo a no Echo big
6369s sad needs to be a deing turtle sword in
6373s there oh could have got the oh good job
6377s Alex needed myself a uh
6381s an epic version of his Echo that would
6383s have been great but here we are see it's
6385s not rigged it's proof
6387s internet I scripted that specifically
6389s not to show that it's not
6397s scripted
6402s chest I want to go under
6409s there
6422s [Applause]
6424s I bet this won't be an ambush oh it's an
6434s ambush o h
6436s Goblin back
6439s up
6442s boom almost
6446s Elite at all that gold and a
6454s Frog didn't get to get the toad Echo
6459s badly
6464s toad dead
6468s toad no more toads
6471s Jo the Casual I believe they said it was
6472s bugged and it's being fixed which one I
6475s missed
6478s it been looking for an MMO is this worth
6481s it I mean I completely unbiased of
6483s course it's worth it I have zero motives
6491s whatsoever but I will say we are in
6492s Early Access if you want to wait until
6494s the full polish product we will be
6496s releasing us freet to play later uh but
6499s we would love your feedback if you want
6500s contribute to the Early Access
6503s process and get a couple of extra bonus
6505s gifts as a Founder pack
6514s nice I also say don't go un expecting
6517s like fullon MMO of like World of
6519s Warcraft or uh Guild Wars 2 or anything
6523s of that that scale this is much more of
6525s like an instan uh shared instance uh
6528s space right now kind of closer to maybe
6529s something like Destiny or something
6530s something right now so definitely
6532s multiplayer and all one world one server
6536s that everybody can hop in and and do
6537s activities together um but they are
6540s instanced and um you know more bite side
6542s section versus just like all seamless
6544s open
6545s world hi guys you guys are you're doing
6547s you're doing a great job I am incredibly
6549s jealous that you have that emote and I
6550s do not but I can throw you snowballs at
6553s you it's about the best I can
6557s do and look at this room my Lord
6561s is that not
6562s pry look at all the Gloom so
6579s gloomy
6586s right all right timey to go Naro
6592s oh look at that damage look at that
6595s damage oh it's power we lose
6603s [Music]
6606s power nicely done nicely done cool
6609s 20,000 experience five trickster coins
6612s ladies and gentlemen five Tri coins and
6615s two archaic
6617s bones if you know you
6619s know
6626s our load out's going to be a thing at
6628s some point uh it is something we're
6629s definitely
6632s considering need a little bit of
6634s engineering behind it to make it
6635s possible uh but it's definitely
6636s something that we're we're interested in
6643s doing I I kind of like the black on red
6646s with a little bit of
6647s silver and the black and blue camo to
6650s proove of this this uh this load out all
6652s right how much time we got I think we
6653s got 9 Minutes oo okay it's too too close
6657s cutting it too close to do anything else
6658s we're going to go hang out in Highlands
6660s and see if we can do a
6663s p I might fiddle with my build a little
6665s bit before we go into The
6669s Fray oh and then we got to go into the
6672s uh let's check out let's check out the
6674s shop first see if we can buy anything
6677s see how many rubies we've collected so
6679s far
6681s time for a Reaver 4 hunt with two chaos
6683s yeah we did that last time uh and that
6684s took up 45 minutes so we're going to
6686s learn our lesson and uh not be a sweaty
6690s gamer all right we got 39 what can we
6693s get oh I could get some cocoa I think I
6695s want to get a lot of gifts though oh the
6697s threee teddy is pretty tempting too all
6700s right where we going to start stocking
6701s up
6706s on we're just going to start from the
6709s bottom
6717s going to get all the
6718s lights we're going to have so many
6720s freaking lights in our apartment it's
6722s going to be
6723s excellent cuz right now the floor is
6725s pretty occupied so this is perfect to
6727s have something on the the walls
6729s [Music]
6733s instead all right we got to get some
6735s more
6739s rubies
6749s hello all right it's py time announce it
6753s to the
6754s server we get a uh solid age if you're
6758s listening can you uh do a server wide
6759s broadcast to meet at py that' be pretty
6762s great just get everybody in the game
6764s going to P all at
6766s once poor guy won't know what hit him
6769s got hit by the holiday spirit
6782s sir load thank
6785s [Music]
6789s you I think it should be the time I
6791s could be completely wrong but I think
6793s it's supposed to pop in 6
6796s minutes
6799s theoretically
6806s [Music]
6809s it's so pretty though so peaceful
6811s without a big old fire demon
6815s here all right let's uh let's take a
6817s look at some of the new wiim mallets
6820s that we got shall
6821s we so I'm pretty sure we got ourselves a
6829s purple it was only sphere the one wasn't
6832s it let's
6834s do Devourer heart oops I didn't mean to
6838s do that but here we
6841s go do we not I could have sworen we got
6844s a the leggings where are the leggings
6846s at oh here it is uh level five big
6852s sad yeah that ain't that ain't going to
6854s cut
6855s it devour is
6858s heart we have anything
6863s [Music]
6864s uh I think we probably want to stick
6866s this back on ability power crit rating
6868s magic defense not terrible it ain't
6873s terrible so what are you running right
6875s now we 4,000 ability power we definitely
6877s need to pump those are those are some
6878s rookie numbers I'm not going to lie to
6882s you is the timer updating why is the
6885s timer not updating that's what I want to
6888s know well we can do thunderful while we
6890s wait we'll see if it shows up
6894s here is it not instant independent
6897s anymore no it is based off of uh it's
6899s all set to localize time should be every
6903s two hours which I believe it should show
6905s up in 5 minutes but we'll
6906s [Music]
6909s see looks like we
6911s got plunder fools
6919s ready
6922s we got a a special event over over there
6924s I can do this
6928s W can't run from this I will catch
6940s you here over
6949s here
6954s here we
6957s go so much damage for the weapon of
6960s about oh look at all the gifts give me
6963s the
6964s presents to
6966s me love to see
6976s it
6977s oh all right I think we got 3 minutes
6980s until it
6981s [Music]
6985s goes all I'll show you guys something
6993s special do the thing thank
6997s you all right see if you guys can tell
6999s what I do
7008s here
7013s a it
7028s grows all
7038s right
7046s hey hey we did
7051s it I wonder if things are a little bit
7054s different this time
7065s around
7068s fine guy certainly looks like he has a
7071s cool
7082s sword you're so strong for vience my
7086s Lord Gloom heart Ripper Echo oh
7092s wow Alex go hold of yourself
7098s man
7102s all right let's go see if py has
7112s spawned still not just playing on the
7114s map which is slightly concerning should
7117s be a timer so if there's not a timer
7119s we're going to look into it and figure
7119s out why it's not a timer going on maybe
7122s I'm just crazy maybe it's an hour from
7124s now and I have just all my times screwed
7128s up and I don't see Flames all right it
7131s must be in another hour big
7134s sad hey it's a codex
7143s hello that's a party look at all of us
7148s look at the
7152s crew that's uh it's a lot of sja this is
7155s this is
7156s a starting to make me nervous that's a
7158s lot of sja going on right here
7163s [Applause]
7180s I need to get that
7184s emote all right well we did hit the 6:00
7187s time I was hoping to send it off with a
7189s cool grand finale of fighting ire
7191s together but uh I will probably end it
7195s here folks thank you so much to all of
7198s you who have supported the game who have
7201s become a Founder who've stuck through
7204s the trials and tribulations of of launch
7206s and uh the Q defeated the Q boss helped
7209s us get to this point would not have been
7211s able to get here if it wasn't for all
7212s everybody feedback and helping us find
7214s the bugs and giving us the faith and
7217s time to to squash them so thank you so
7219s much for all of you being here and um
7222s supporting the team it's just the
7224s beginning of the journey so again
7225s version 0.2 got a heck of a lot left in
7229s the the chamber that we've got coming
7230s down the pipes and we're really excited
7232s to share it with all of y'all uh we'll
7233s do one more giveaway
7236s um what what can we do what could we say
7241s all
7241s right uh slay the plunder fool in chat
7245s and we'll do one last giveaway uh for
7247s another thousand Rune silver and then we
7249s we will send a raid off to some other
7252s content creators out in the universe uh
7254s share the love with them but thank you
7256s all for being here thank you for being a
7258s part of wayfinders history and uh
7260s excited to show what the next thing we
7262s got in store is for all of y'all happy
7264s holidays y'all give you a couple more
7266s minutes to get the things in I'll look
7267s up who we're going to raid in the
7269s meantime let's find
7271s out
7275s um
7278s twitch.tv
7281s who is playing some
7283s wayfinder it's kind of tough hold on
7291s that's can't raid Gloom bear again
7294s that'd be showing a little too much but
7296s we got Khloe's online let's go raid
7299s Khloe Khloe of lost
7304s Sky Go send some love to another
7308s fantastic streamer who is consistently
7310s pumped out quality content to to
7311s wayfinders so show some love let's see
7314s who's going to be the winner here we go
7315s rolling it ladies and gentlemen last
7317s winner of the night is L mac and cheese
7320s congratulations shoot me a DM with your
7323s steam ID number and or uh PSN and I will
7327s hook you up with thousand run silver
7328s happy holidays everyone happy even tide
7330s thank you for being here let's go send
7332s some love over to Chloe SL
7337s raid and that'll be a wrap for the
7340s evening guys so awesome to see you all
7343s until the next time I'm s snarf we're
7345s Airship Syndicate love having you here
7348s we'll see you on the next one adios
7355s y'all now I got to awkwardly stand up
7358s and go over to the other
7364s side