3 months ago - Wayfinder - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

330s e
390s all
480s w
1302s all right ladies and gentlemen we
1304s finally got to Quality of Life One how
1308s is everybody doing today hope everybody
1310s is excited as we are to finally get this
1312s patch out here this is just going to be
1313s the first of uh many improvements that
1316s are going to be coming as we kind of get
1318s through early access but we have a fun
1320s kind of way of celebrating I thought
1322s it'd be fun to invade a bunch of people
1324s in the public so what's up Regent Mingo
1328s welcome to the stream what's up
1330s everybody thanks so much for being out
1331s here um thanks so much for for hanging
1333s in there and and hanging tight as we as
1335s we work through the Early Access I know
1337s it's been a long road and don't worry we
1339s are still working closely for all of you
1341s PlayStation and eventually Xbox players
1343s to uh to get into the game as soon as
1345s possible we had really good news the
1347s other week that uh Sony has got through
1350s and given us all the publishing rights
1352s so now we just need to go through the
1353s lengthy but important uh certification
1356s process so as soon as we get that done
1358s we are going to be ready to rock and get
1360s a whole new world of players out and
1363s exploring this so uh as everybody did
1366s see um we did release the full patch
1368s notes today so check out our Twitter if
1370s you want to go get a link to that also
1372s in our Discord we gave you links to
1374s check out all the changes hundreds of
1376s bugs fixes um and then just tons of
1378s quality life improvements across the
1379s board whether it comes to combat whether
1382s it comes to movement um basically you
1384s know all the systems in the game UI
1386s selling we've been trying to listen to
1388s all the feedback that's been pouring in
1389s through the Discord and other sources
1391s and just try to make the game as you
1393s know player friendly as possible make
1395s you guys have fun so we have Steve
1397s joining us just in one second we are
1400s going to be jumping into a bunch of
1402s random games um so in a second now you
1405s might be able to hear his magnanimous
1407s voice pop in through the ether but let's
1409s take a look at what the new lobber Lobby
1412s browser looks like so everybody who's
1414s been playing Echo uh you can just jump
1416s in and you'll see this new button find
1418s party so if you're looking to play with
1420s random people or specific people in your
1422s region you can just drop in here and
1424s you'll have all sorts of lobbies as long
1425s as there is an open slot and they have
1427s it set to public uh you can literally
1429s join anybody in the world no friend
1432s required um you need to add a chat was
1434s kick for many rooms yes chat is a
1437s feature that we are working on so don't
1438s worry worry we're we're we've already
1440s heard that feedback and we're already
1442s hard at work on that so uh taking a look
1445s here let's see who we're going to jump
1447s into let me get my character hello out
1450s there we go there's a a Steve so I'm
1452s going to switch back over hear you snarf
1454s if this works
1456s magically here we
1458s go I think we're now in the
1463s business do you guys see Steve as well
1466s is this working
1469s wait Steve can you not hear
1477s me you can't hear me it's got to be
1479s something on your your settings
1483s um yes we saw him he walked away yeah he
1486s came over here to say that he
1488s can't the The Disappearing Steve act bye
1491s Steve all right we got to we got to
1492s switch out we've been on this outfit a
1494s little bit too long is this let's see
1496s what else we can I haven't had a chance
1498s to play too much on look at all this
1499s armor set that we haven't done so one
1501s big change that we've made in this
1502s update uh a lot of people were having
1505s difficulty finding where all the
1506s different armor sets because they are
1507s you know they do drop in very specific
1509s biomes with certain specific you know
1512s requirements to have them in the loot
1513s tables so now if you've completed let's
1516s say the Scarlet blad set I've completed
1518s you know all of the um the loot tables
1520s there if it will start dropping pieces
1524s from other places um and so basically
1527s once you ex exhaust a loot table it will
1529s now get populated with the missing items
1531s that have collect can't he still can't
1533s hear all right
1535s well as much as I want to be able to
1538s derail the whole thing I guess we're
1539s just going to have to listen to each
1541s other a little bit in the office here it
1542s was working of course like 10 minutes
1544s ago when we were testing all this out
1545s but I don't know what happened since but
1548s here we go um I'm going to get my
1551s affinities look that a little bit I'm
1554s able to hear you yeah so can you hear me
1556s at all like from even from here can TR
1559s here you you jump in and you outfit my
1561s character for people live on the the
1563s stream I'll go fiddle with the teex
1565s settings over
1567s there was working just a couple seconds
1570s ago this one right
1574s here all right go out my
1578s this all
1580s right I can't hear any of you but
1586s see let's us in
1589s probably
1609s AP get some health so he doesn't die
1612s right away
1625s oh I didn't get to
1627s 15 I'll give him a crappy build he can
1629s deal with
1634s it I guess l
1660s red GL
1665s Stone any
1670s luck good I hear someone is upgrading
1673s all my
1674s affinities you don't have red Gloom
1676s Stone so I can get to 15 thisy back
1680s you should be in business
1683s now okay sweet all right wouldn't be an
1686s Airship stream without
1693s that all right Tech has been wrangled
1697s moment of truth let's see if he can hear
1698s us when he gets back over to his
1703s computer got to get my Lael mic so this
1707s is all the fancy equipment that we use
1709s over here all right we good can you guys
1711s hear me can I get a thumbs up in chat if
1713s uh you guys can hear me all
1715s right give me discipline huh thinks I'm
1718s going to go weapon ability I don't know
1720s if I want any weapon
1722s power oh no and I can't get to 15 Steve
1725s what have you done I need some red Gloom
1727s Stone okay that's their goal we're going
1728s to go get some red Gloom Stone you can
1730s hear me fantastic beautiful thank you
1732s for the thumbs up I appreciate yall
1734s close this door
1739s all right
1741s wonderful he's
1743s muted Steve you're muted by the way I
1746s think there might be a button on your
1748s headset see do you see him talking what
1751s about now now we're great fantastic
1753s first try look at us
1756s go do it live doing it live it's our
1759s it's our theme all right so let's go uh
1762s are you are you specked out are you
1763s looking the way you want to look I got
1765s to get my my apis all uh all decked out
1769s strong as possible I can swap the grle
1772s we're doing something different I mean I
1776s I would never complain with somebody
1777s playing
1780s this I think we're good there all right
1782s let's go let's see who we want to go
1784s raid
1786s um loading up the browser now who has
1789s two slots got to find somebody on heroic
1793s there so many people just playing on
1794s normal only one heroic but he's a little
1796s low level um
1799s challenging challenging all right what
1802s about the the doubtless he's only level
1805s four um I think the shrouded ones the
1808s what gidan gon gon yeah go join
1812s Gan he's getting
1815s raid
1823s surprise traveling into let's see so one
1826s nice thing about this is that you can
1828s join people mid session so it doesn't
1830s matter if they're just in the open world
1832s Zone if they're in Skylight if they're
1833s in their apartment or if they're in um a
1835s hunt or a lost Zone we can just jump in
1838s mid session and one nice feature as well
1841s if they've unlocked any of the little
1843s hot um uh signal fires along the way you
1847s are able to just teleport directly to
1848s those which is nice I like
1850s it there he
1853s is hello
1855s Gman is the AFK is the real question
1864s surprise I really want him to come
1867s back he's stretching no
1871s no
1874s well here we are we this is why we can't
1877s have nice things guys people are AFK all
1880s right well let's go find somebody
1884s else who else can we got to jump into I
1887s gu
1889s main
1892s menu cheap shot you obviously just work
1895s too
1896s much find a party let's see here all
1898s right who is another good one I was
1902s feeling good about that one too uh oh we
1904s could go check out some Frost merch
1905s though with
1907s Rik
1908s remic it's on
1911s normal got him fine jump
1914s in thirsty man hello hello welcome to
1917s the Stream you're just jumping into
1919s random people's streams we're going to
1921s do a quick session with them and then
1923s keep uh keep invading people as go
1925s answering questions as we come along we
1926s got both Steve and myself here to answer
1928s any questions from the public so if you
1931s guys are in twitch um feel free to drop
1934s us a line ask a question we're we're
1935s here to help you out we're excited to be
1938s here so one cool thing if you are in
1940s controller uh now you will have a fancy
1943s new setting for camera zoom a highly
1945s requested feature uh Additionally you
1948s you can increase your field of view so I
1950s like having as much view as possible so
1952s I'm going to put that all the way up to
1953s 100 and look how much more zoomed out we
1955s are now where are they all right let's
1959s go find out where ramik is down bottom
1966s left oh he's a ways a ways yeah I don't
1970s even have that signal fire unlocked yet
1973s all right I'm going to go get him oh
1975s these are the times when you wish you
1977s had an unlimited supply of go go
1980s juice I do work from home but obviously
1984s can't uh you should have name tag
1986s somewhere on stream um well probably
1990s could have done that but I didn't want
1991s to take up any of the real estate so I'm
1994s sir snarf hello I'm the the community
1996s and I actually have a new title now but
1998s I'm the community manager and then we
1999s have um Steve merera who is our game
2005s director ultimate question what's the
2008s performance and Highlands like now any
2010s changes implemented in this update or is
2011s that a coming thing so we've actually
2013s done a very extensive sweep of um Shader
2016s caching for this patch in particular so
2018s we've uh gone through the game
2021s extensively on multiple different kind
2023s of machines depending on what kind of uh
2026s Hardware is included in it we've you
2029s basically capture all of the shaders
2031s rendering so you like know those are
2032s micro micro stutters a lot of people
2033s were experiencing before oh no he left
2036s yeah he would looked like he was AFK
2038s uh all right well we got to find a new
2040s one um but essentially we get all of
2043s those those appreciators on all the
2045s different uh graphic settings we compile
2047s that before it even loads in so you
2049s don't experience those micr stutters
2051s when you go playing so long story short
2052s yes uh there is performance improvements
2054s across the board at least there should
2056s be um how
2058s about we can go into somebody who is in
2061s a
2062s mid f um here I've been picking the last
2066s two who do you want to who do you want
2067s to jump
2069s into let's go
2074s join so what I'm hearing is I need to
2075s instantly update and steam de and play I
2077s would think that's a probably wise
2080s course of action give it a go see what
2081s you
2087s think gidan is looking for a challenging
2090s or
2090s heroic I've got a challenging Phoenix
2092s eggs Mythic Brian with your name on it
2095s oh y is uh offering to do something El
2099s all sorry who did you want to say um oh
2101s wait did you did you say you found
2102s someone no no no um I was just reading
2105s chat oh gotcha we can uh let's
2110s see go in someone who's a bit higher
2113s level there's a 29 Frost
2117s March yeah the
2120s Aladin actually we can do avoid Dungeon
2122s Because that scales higher so let's join
2125s uh Unknown Soldier Unknown Soldier all
2127s right
2129s jumping
2135s in oh so Steve you tell the internet
2139s what uh what feature are you most proud
2141s of besides the server browser I guess
2143s that's a that's a gimme um for the
2145s quality life patch uh I think the air
2148s control is just it's very simple but uh
2152s just nice quality of life I completely
2156s agree especially for some
2159s their platforming puzzles such as myself
2162s yeah so like before that would have
2164s never been possible that huge Arc to the
2167s right um so kind of just for people who
2171s don't work in Game Dev like how does a
2174s change like that come into existence
2175s like what was what was the conversation
2177s because obviously there's you know a lot
2179s of thought and process has to go into
2181s like is this break level design a bunch
2182s of other things but like can you walk us
2184s through how a change like the air
2187s control gets bured into existence um
2190s that one was a lot simpler because uh it
2194s was not we didn't have to touch too much
2197s uh more so was just in testing to make
2200s sure stuff still felt all right um
2203s weren't wasn't too worried about it it
2206s doesn't really let you get any farther
2208s it just lets you control it
2210s so um yeah that one was pretty simple it
2213s also has a side effect of helping with
2216s um Ledges like there is a bug where if
2219s you're up against the wall and you jump
2221s you would like kind of bounce back but
2222s with the extra air control you can kind
2224s of even if that does end up happening to
2225s you you can correct and get back onto
2228s the ledge and stuff so no I know the the
2231s mantling was a a big request across the
2234s board what's up up
2238s shoulder um down my way probably he just
2242s found one of the secret little chests
2244s back here ooh a seat of Darkness
2248s also you are now able to sell some of
2250s the uh the housing items that you
2251s weren't able to sell before so people
2253s who had about 5,000 um shrines can
2256s finally get those out of their inventory
2258s saw lots of funny screenshots of people
2260s filling their entire partner with
2265s it uh how's progress on the full release
2268s going feeling good about it we are one
2270s thing that's a little bit
2273s um different than I guess the the rest
2275s of Early Access is that we've always had
2277s the public at least somewhat involved
2279s with the the content that we were going
2280s to release um whereas this one it's a
2283s huge cont trunk of content that we're
2285s just doing basically fully behind closed
2287s doors so do from like a game design
2290s perspective how does how does that
2292s change um kind of the rest of the
2294s content we built out so far yeah so uh
2298s we are adding something that we had
2300s planned to release no no matter what
2302s state the game was in so it was kind of
2305s already in in the works so it's much
2308s longterm longer term goal uh continues
2311s the story um they were hunts that we had
2314s planned to do like brand new area brand
2316s new Overland uh so it's like another big
2319s chunk
2320s um and uh yeah it's going to be exciting
2324s get any of those there's going to be a
2325s new set of um mythics along with that
2329s that are even higher level um and uh I
2334s think you know we we've talked
2336s about uh the idea for future content uh
2340s you know we we want to keep working on
2342s the game we love it um and if you know
2344s the reception is there and it does well
2345s enough you know we want to keep keep
2348s adding to the game and we have uh some
2351s stuff in the work that we're um we're
2353s planning out to expand on some of the
2355s progression systems as well um which
2358s hopefully uh you know everything
2361s continues to go well and we can you know
2363s keep pushing that forward I mean the I I
2367s want to say speaking of that I want to
2368s you know thank the the public who have
2370s taken the chance to go back and and
2372s update reviews and everything too uh I
2374s checked the other day and I think we're
2375s what like 88% or 86% something like that
2378s like we're getting really close to to
2380s 90% through recent reviews so that's
2383s amazing and I think a lot of people once
2385s the 1.0 does come out and they're going
2387s to be able to see the the recent reviews
2389s in comparison to you know what the
2391s overall had been in the past um
2393s hopefully that'll make a big difference
2394s for a lot of people when they're going
2396s to jump in and and get to experience the
2397s full flushed out game everything that
2399s you guys are building out right now o I
2401s want to show we can show off a new uh a
2403s feature right here so before you could
2406s only see the little uh purple dot uh now
2409s that there is this cool little Remnant
2411s uh hologram that pops up and you can
2413s interacted with any character this is
2415s another kind of quality of life feature
2417s that a lot of people from the public um
2419s requested so now you get a little bit of
2421s lore as long as you have the character
2422s unlocked um you're able to view these um
2425s with anybody
2428s and uh it is worth collecting all those
2430s because you do get a unique uh piece of
2432s armor uh for finding all of them for
2434s each
2437s wayfinder how is the performance on
2439s Steam deck now thank you for all the
2440s hard work it should be better we've done
2442s a lot of work on performance it's still
2444s early access there's still work to be
2445s done um but we have made an effort for
2447s performance specifically um a pretty
2450s pretty massive uh effort to uh to
2453s improve performance on all all devices
2464s uh any news on the council Founders
2466s being able to play so we do have some
2467s news as of what it's like I think it's
2469s been like a week week and a half um we
2471s did get word from Sony that we are um
2474s officially the owners and and Publishers
2476s of record um so now we just have to get
2479s through the certification process which
2480s is a lengthy process um it's not
2482s something that's just going to
2483s immediately happen uh because of the
2485s extent and the size of the change from
2487s live service to echo's update uh it does
2490s it's essentially like releasing a whole
2491s new game to Sony so we have to go
2493s through that whole certification process
2495s y um but on our end like work is done
2498s we're just waiting to put stuff forward
2501s essentially so hopefully very soon we
2504s really want to get it out to people as
2506s well
2508s we you know not we're just sitting on it
2510s so yeah as soon as it goes out uh we
2513s will be very happy also under thumb
2516s first time chatter says founder here
2517s really happy with this stated game
2519s thanks for all the hard work seriously I
2521s know there's a lot of devs um probably
2523s lurking in chat right now so um hat goes
2527s off to all of them they've been working
2529s their butts off and through very trying
2531s times um to make this happen so thank
2534s you for your gratitude um I know that
2536s they really appreciate
2540s it yeah seeing the reception has been uh
2544s really great and just you know it's you
2548s know reassuring that you know we're on
2550s the right track
2551s and you know the the vision we had for
2554s the the game is resonating with people
2556s it means a lot in you know rejuvenating
2559s to have us you know keep going
2562s forward all right do we want to hop into
2564s another another Lobby do it Mission
2567s successful with the Unknown Soldier may
2570s he live on forever in our hearts and
2575s souls uh any more thoughts on the
2578s further rewards for the $150 Founders I
2581s think there was a free DLC being thrown
2582s around uh or could just be a rumor uh I
2585s think we're still investigating and
2587s Steve unless you know anything more than
2588s I do at this point but uh I know that's
2591s something that we were trying to see if
2592s it's possible um through Steam of just
2594s like retroactively being able to see who
2596s had the um the exalted founder packs or
2598s not um I know that's something that we
2600s definitely wanted to explore uh just
2602s don't know if it's it's feasible or not
2605s um and also we just have to find out if
2606s if there's going to be enough reception
2608s to create DLC so we're really kind of
2609s throwing everything that we have into
2611s 1.0 um without you know expecting to you
2615s know have the the support it'll be
2617s awesome if we if we can and if it does
2619s happen that way but right now we're
2620s we're throwing everything we have into
2621s 1.0 so we're not just kind of holding
2623s anything on in reserve as DLC at the
2625s moment so it's really just gonna time's
2627s going to tell let join to Marcus it's a
2631s Mythic hunt on heroic o Marcus there you
2634s go I see him um yeah and you know with
2637s 1.0 all that that content that's coming
2639s out is is just part of what you know all
2642s founders already paid into so there's no
2644s extra cost to get any of that um so you
2648s know figuring out if there if we do a
2650s DLC pack that you know has a cost like
2654s that would be it's it's in the you know
2656s further future like right now we're all
2659s focused on 1.0 and you know hot fixes
2663s and like quality life patches which none
2664s of which would have an extra price tag
2667s on them
2668s um
2671s so yeah and so that's that's one thing
2674s too so for people who are just getting
2676s caught up on everything that happened
2678s when we did transition from Echo to or
2680s sorry from live service to Echo um all
2684s founders still are exclusive items um
2686s are granted they're it's shortly after
2688s the tutorial so it's not like the very
2689s first time you start a new game you're
2691s going to have everything uh you have to
2692s complete the first tutorial and then I
2693s think you have to complete the very
2695s first um basically tutorial mission
2698s um but in the ruins uh but once you do
2701s that and you craft your Gloom dagger uh
2702s then you will automatically be granted
2704s all the items included in your founder
2706s pack so they're still exclusive you
2707s still get all the items that were
2708s advertised in the founder pack um and
2711s then those people who spent extra money
2713s um and purchase Rune silver they will be
2715s entitled to oh Lord I am too low level
2717s for this
2720s um you will also be getting um founder
2723s coins which there is a special NPC
2726s vendor in sky
2728s that you can get up to seven exclusive
2730s items I was so close to Reviving him
2732s supposed to be helping I was trying
2736s to I'm distracted I'm trying to answer
2738s questions over
2740s here you're a big you're a big tanky boy
2742s you got this oh one nice thing is you
2745s can still revive him so we can get his
2746s boom dagger and revive him all right I'm
2749s I got
2750s him yeah I'm going to I'm going to pull
2752s him away there we go yep keep busy keep
2755s busy
2762s all right there we go not even close
2764s baby let's let's do this for
2769s real I saw the warning and I got greedy
2772s and I decided to do damage instead of uh
2774s get the chest
2778s probably I'm going to get him first yeah
2781s I see how it is I mean I am only level
2783s 23 it's probably better to get to level
2785s 30
2788s uh can't wait for the PS5 update neither
2790s can
2800s we see if I still have agar on him no o
2804s good Dodge nice use of your
2807s one God I love those life frames all
2809s right I get the
2812s chest Dodge
2814s that one down
2819s one more over
2821s here I dodged
2825s it almost broken five
2828s frames where's a wind grave Al when you
2830s need
2831s it just heal myself rolling okay
2838s now nice double alss GL to see it all
2842s right hey I dodged that one I'm so proud
2843s of myself holy crap he got melted all
2847s right all right wonderful I was a huge
2849s contribution to that fight I want to
2850s leave it to the record we got a
2854s Bonus that's kind to some
2858s armor yeah in this Mythic hunt you can
2862s get um bonus test based on if you go for
2866s those those
2871s tests all right
2874s success all right I feel like I I can do
2877s a better job in uh well that's
2880s interesting somehow managed to pull up
2881s my character Min scream in the
2885s uh the Expedition complete
2891s screen so it's a pool of one person but
2894s so far Highlands feel smoother than
2896s before on this update on Steam deck heck
2897s yeah that's what I like to see
2905s right see want to try to get a a mount I
2908s don't think I have a lot of the the
2910s mounts on this save
2912s data how many do I
2915s have oh yeah I only have four mounts I
2918s think what there's 16 mounts
2920s total uh something like that more coming
2924s too really cool
2928s ones swap up our our look a little bit
2930s here
2938s for
2939s another we got a 22
2943s heroic oh we yeah we finding
2946s anyone he's in Skylight let's see let go
2951s I guess we could yeah we can stay with
2953s Tom Marcus if he's doing another
2957s one changing up my drip real quick it's
2959s an important part of the
2961s game we have
2963s uh we can also join iosi in doing some
2967s mythics on challenging oh yeah you can
2971s jump in you
2973s sa you got it yeah let's jump in us
2976s we'll jump
2981s out any news on the PS5 version coming
2984s it is coming I promise you uh look at
2987s the VOD we've answered that I think a
2988s couple times this point yes it is it's
2990s on the
2991s route um all right you where you at
3000s I don't see you the Gloom brain oh thank
3004s check mark is that your check mark for
3007s uh
3009s mythics oh I don't think I technically
3012s have that unlocked because I haven't
3013s progressed that far my character well I
3015s guess I'm going to just help them on my
3017s own all right that's fine I'm going to
3018s jump in with somebody else then I didn't
3019s want to play with you anyway we're going
3021s to be in two different places at the
3022s same time look at us go uh who's got a
3025s good I think to jump into we got a
3028s repository knowledge let's go jump in
3031s there he's already got one see we gro
3034s has a question uh any plans to possibly
3036s add FSR 3.1 with frame gen uh I know
3040s it'd be crazy to have on Steam deck even
3042s on PCS that aren't running 40 series
3044s Nvidia
3045s cards um FSR 3.0 FSR would be through
3049s AMD
3051s partnership
3053s um I don't know if you'd be the right
3055s person to answer uh answer that or if
3056s that' be more on the like our Tech
3058s developer or Tech director
3061s side yeah also I'm focusing on not dying
3065s yeah I the question uh FSR 3.1 is the
3068s question oh uh I am not sure
3075s yeah where is this lad let's go get him
3079s frame gen would be great I haven't even
3081s heard of FR I have to take a look into
3082s that
3087s solid AG knows all about it though is
3089s our resident and expert hey just in time
3093s I got you wolf wolf
3098s Bible yeah you
3105s are oops don't open my menu bad time to
3108s press C bad time to press C oh no
3110s everything's awful
3119s all right got again hi buddy where we
3122s going not this
3126s way little known secret on this one see
3129s I'll do it while he's he keeps enemies
3134s distracted oh did you already start it
3136s ah he already started
3137s it
3139s us never mind I cannot show
3143s you no
3148s the Highland
3156s horror
3159s nope I'm being an
3161s impatient let
3164s us are you guys what stage are you in on
3167s uh good old
3169s Brien uh we're on the last one now oh
3172s nice
3174s oh I really need to put some defense in
3177s my build but that would be very un
3181s snarf thank you don't mind me Mr lizard
3186s ah just a little bite just a flush
3195s bur I am embarrassing myself over
3200s here I Believe In You Catman come on
3202s beat him up three more hits
3207s I'm just losing all of the chest for us
3209s I
3219s apologize did it kill
3222s seal did it all by myself didn't need
3224s any help Brian dead yep nice we uh we
3229s killed the back simile event nice can
3234s join you in the next one uh we're in
3237s wolf B right now if you want to join in
3239s all
3254s right God the air control is feel so
3256s much better
3263s though I'm just jumping all over place
3265s all the time
3271s nice are we still planning on making any
3274s changes to uh Knight's Edge where the
3276s the daggers continually spawn
3279s o um don't think so don't think that's
3284s on the list right now thought that was
3286s an idea we' throw another a while
3293s back to me me are you uh who am I
3297s joining uh wolf Bible wolf Bible doing
3300s mythics or uh no this is just we're
3303s actually just about to finish up a uh
3305s repository of knowledge
3307s Expedition o a ribbon has
3317s spawned if I
3319s get I'm doing my best to kill him before
3322s you get there let's see
3333s Parry off Y and he disappears she
3337s disappears pardon
3339s me jamesf didn't have it unlocked yet I
3342s think te could invited him crew you
3344s could have oh you're here excellent just
3347s in
3348s time you made it to the final screen
3350s that's what matter I got some memory
3352s fragment excellent
3358s that I could help hey Alex you kind of
3360s look like the actor Kevin bigley from
3362s the show upload I don't know what that
3365s is but I hope it's a
3376s compliment who does Steve look like
3378s that's the real
3383s question all right all right let me give
3386s me a second I obviously have some better
3388s equipment we can to be equipping right
3389s now let's go with power rating I mean I
3392s do we could try this covet this out I
3394s hate using guns but might have to just
3397s for
3399s this let's go ability
3404s power already equipped work let go on
3408s there
3411s um weapon power
3417s I
3420s think these are
3427s all Harden hand could be good Ard in
3432s hand actually can you even activate art
3434s in
3436s hand H what do you mean with
3439s guns uh yes I think that was a weapon
3442s ability yeah it will okay
3444s yeah there's one of them too that
3447s we'll trigger off of
3449s eiz don't remember exactly which one
3451s these guys are way low
3455s to all right do that's one quality life
3458s thing I'm going to ask that we can sort
3460s the accessories by uh the same filters
3462s as Echo I want my ability power I think
3466s that's in the works but not in this yet
3469s remember there was a bug you do before
3471s is it James just started out it's in
3472s progress yeah excellent thank you James
3477s our resident uh filter
3481s expert now you know who to think or to
3485s blame to yeah
3488s yeah I can hear him saying no in the
3491s background thank you
3494s James Steve is the spitting image of
3497s Barack Obama oh damn what okay that's
3501s cool
3507s uh this gives ability
3510s power weon power ability power ability
3513s power welon power ability power please
3516s all right we're going to the underc all
3518s right let's see let's see if we uh we
3520s boast B Boler
3525s bolstered you going Dr to lower level
3531s character uh one thing that we are
3534s planning on adding which would help in
3536s this situation to make stuff feel um
3539s closer less trivial for if you have a
3542s wide I guess it's not too wide level 22
3545s but if you go to a um a lowle area
3548s especially if you're helpy a lowle
3549s friend and it you can equip a lower
3552s level character and lower level weapon
3554s but you know that it takes a bunch of
3557s work to set up and go back and forth uh
3560s we're planning on adding uh World
3563s scaling to where you basically could
3565s take the max through something thing is
3566s like 3 to 9 it would basically be 3 to
3568s 30 um so you can go in at higher level
3572s and it won't be as trivial for like you
3575s know the the newer person they can still
3578s experience you know the game as intended
3581s without everything getting one shot and
3583s the person who's going in level 30
3584s content will be getting level 30
3586s accessories and more Spectra and all of
3588s that as well I do think that has been
3592s something I've seen pop up quite a few
3593s times through the uh the various parts
3595s of the internet
3601s especially now that there's going to be
3603s a lot more multiplayer going
3612s on doing some what is this chaos uh
3624s spores yeah
3639s 4,000 oh
3641s God so hard to see where the uh the
3646s threats are with all these mushrooms on
3648s the
3654s ground that'll do
3658s easy What A Cake walk we got two kitty
3661s boys just wailing on
3666s them fantastic radiant Dawn uh it'll be
3671s a lot easier to at least find those
3672s level 30s of some of the harder
3674s accessories yeah that and the uh being
3677s able to repopulate the the loot tables
3679s with the uh uncollected armor it really
3682s makes a huge difference in being able to
3684s flush out all of the missing armor
3685s pieces they have because cuz there are
3687s what it's it's well over got I had the
3690s the whole sheet it's like 400 no is that
3693s right like individual pieces I don't
3695s think that's right how it's like 60 per
3698s we could do the math real
3700s quick S 350 yeah I guess like yeah 350
3705s or 1 two three four 5 5 10 15 20 25 30
3709s right now it's 350 because we don't have
3713s uh the next character in yet yeah um
3717s yeah yeah previously if you were at a
3720s too high level area the the lower level
3723s versions wouldn't show up at all but
3725s it'll basically back fil so if you clear
3727s out all of the blue or purple armors in
3730s that that band it'll back fill with the
3734s the lower Rarity ones get
3739s them so one of the best strategies for
3742s flushing things out just to go find
3744s wherever the the legendary armor would
3745s drop and then it will repopulate all the
3747s lower
3748s ones uh if yeah you can yeah if you're
3751s helping out a low level friend too you
3754s can get those screens that
3756s way
3758s um uh PS5 info sorry to spam news uh it
3762s is coming so yeah we we have the
3764s publishing rights we just have to get
3765s through the certification process which
3767s is is an extensive process but we are
3769s into it but we've been working on the
3771s patch um real time this entire time so
3774s as soon as we're ready to go it will
3776s transition over so there won't be any
3777s lag as soon as we're actually able to
3779s get through the uh
3781s certification yeah I went to a lower
3783s level Zone with a friend had a bunch of
3784s armor dump because I didn't get it
3786s because I had moved past that level zone
3787s so fast yep that's that's the
3796s idea switched to the iron sister a
3798s little more level appropriate
3808s count is the goal for 1.0 to have a cut
3811s scene for every single hunt no no okay
3814s it's not
3841s and I will say because this computer has
3844s not played this build yet I've have yet
3845s to have any of the micro stutters while
3847s streaming so that's a good
3854s sign but typically where you had a lot
3857s of those uh cashing issues with playing
3860s on a computer that's never played the
3861s game before uh never had a chance to to
3863s bake him into the memory
3893s oh boy uh let's kill the guy I think we
3899s can high frames to the win nope missed
3902s it nope big
3905s rip uh do I have a phoenix potion I do
3909s have a phoenix oil I got
3913s you no I got
3916s myself Elite strats over
3924s here all right I believe my
3930s us
3934s easy mission
3939s accomplished some blues another armor
3942s piece the storm Punk Goggles do you have
3944s those yet oh those are that's what I
3946s want I like storm Punk
3949s goggles I don't have them
3956s uh nightmare we yeah we do not have a
3958s specific day for the PSN store uh again
3960s we are going to get through
3961s certification uh as soon as we do that
3963s it's we're working on the r time so as
3966s soon as possible basically got to run
3969s everybody have a good day thank you for
3971s making a beast of a game well you're
3972s very welcome thank you very much for
3974s following our journey
3980s yeah is the art and hand cut scene still
3983s unskippable you should be able to skip
3984s all the cut scenes just by holding
3985s Escape
3987s do we want to jump in somebody else
3989s let's do it we got time for another
3990s couple I think
3994s yeah yeah keep the questions coming guys
3996s thank you very much for everybody who's
3997s tuning in and uh and checking it out but
4000s the whole point of this is just to show
4002s you how easy it is like no no friend
4004s request required uh we are still working
4006s on the Discord Rich invites as well but
4008s this is almost even a more robust system
4010s than that so um should be really easy we
4013s could even just join random if you kind
4015s of want to simulate your own
4017s matchmaking
4020s um oh go see somebody's apartment you
4023s want to go see a
4024s spider uh sure let's go join barge into
4028s his
4030s house uh who are we going it's spider
4033s something spider okay got
4038s it just invade his
4040s house uh one other cool thing coming
4043s soon it's not in this quality life patch
4045s but it's um hopefully it be in the next
4047s one we are adjusting a bunch of the um
4052s commit Windows to like Orient yourself
4054s when you're attacking
4056s so um one of the common points of
4060s feedback we've gotten for combat has
4062s been like the you know stickiness so
4064s like un like a slow weapon like the
4066s two-handers uh if you're attacking One
4068s Direction but you want to change your
4069s mind before the strike you're locked to
4072s what you initially were facing uh with
4075s the change you'll be able to redirect it
4077s up to like right before the strike
4079s essentially so um it should be a lot
4082s easier to attack where you actually are
4085s intending to attack um so that should be
4087s coming in our next Quality of Life
4091s Update um so it's something else to look
4093s forward to yeah I'm looking for that one
4095s too um especially the big heavy weapons
4098s like just being able to turn it they did
4100s a good job decorating this yeah good job
4102s spider I I approve uh where is I need to
4106s nailed it that
4109s works the um uh the dagger is too uh it
4114s helps a lot on those wait can I
4116s vandalize their apartment with the
4118s graffiti uh no I don't think you can yes
4122s I
4124s can oh yeah there you go see what else
4127s can I add excellent just come in here
4131s spray paint your joint you can't stop me
4136s it'll go away no no no no don't don't
4138s ruin my fun I'm an agent of
4141s chaos excellent mission
4146s accomplished all right let's go join
4148s someone for real hold on I want to put a
4150s baby deceiver on the wall oh you want to
4151s put a baby
4158s deceiver nice like in the plant on the
4161s leaf wow very chaotic on the floor and
4163s on the floor that is actually super cute
4165s I've never seen that one I want that
4167s where do you get that do you have to get
4168s that for Mars or something I think it's
4170s the Mythic hun yeah yeah I want that
4175s deceiver do I have any other
4178s sprays
4180s um GG's is good the
4184s classic all right I'll leave him with
4186s the
4187s GG we're off to the next one all right
4193s GG I can make like a a good going to
4196s come back and be like what the heck
4197s where did all of these they're going to
4199s submit a bug report random pH appeared
4202s in my house I got
4205s vandalized let's go to uh heroic
4208s difficulty okay we have a few here uh
4213s fine party let's filter by heroic oh
4215s yeah we got a lot uh I do love Lord
4218s chicken that's a that's a great name all
4221s right let's see what Lord chicken is up
4223s to
4234s I actually kind of love the idea that's
4236s probably going to be my favorite hot
4237s Pastime is just find people in their
4238s Apartments jump in there vandalize it
4240s cool thing with cool thing people
4251s decorate all right where is Lord chicken
4254s at he's over here he looks like a Dicken
4256s that's pretty
4258s good yeah I can see
4264s it is the AF AFK has a
4267s question yeah like he might
4272s be that'll be interesting I wonder if we
4274s can
4277s do it'd probably be too much uh steam
4281s spam to have some way of of seeing if
4283s people are AFK or not uh and they'll the
4286s browser
4289s yeah all right Lord chicken you have
4293s failed
4295s us hello I cannot wait for this to be
4298s available on PS5 neither can we trust us
4300s we want it is just as badly if not more
4302s so than
4303s you the more people who can play and
4305s jump in the
4306s better um all right back to
4309s heroic we got somebody in Highlands
4313s someone's in their apartment um
4316s something's a myth hunt let's go see
4318s let's go see to Marcus's apartment
4323s okay we joined them before for the
4328s heroic let's see what their house looks
4330s like we really need to disable my uh my
4332s steam friend notifications I think J
4334s sharts is causing
4336s Shenanigans uh not nearly as well
4337s developed though wait how did they get
4339s this
4341s oh yeah this is a game is this this is a
4343s game now yeah it's the GL Master right
4346s yeah I keep forgetting what is and is in
4348s a game I do love this
4351s artifact I have all of the functional
4354s stuff down artifacts and trophies yeah
4357s and pets Brian he's so
4362s cute thank you for poisoning me I
4365s appreciate you Brian
4378s hey Demarcus is here with fish fish oh I
4381s appr don't don't place too many fish we
4385s had the one person who placed like 5,000
4387s fish and break their sa
4392s data just the right amount of
4394s fish all right hurry vandalize it and
4397s get
4400s outle hey good choice
4413s excellent all right our job here is
4421s done uh hello I haven't played in a
4423s while on PS5 but what's going on with
4424s the PS5 version I absolutely love the
4426s game and then I took a long break from
4428s and decided to jump back in so right now
4430s you are able to play the live version of
4432s PlayStation 5 just as you were so it
4434s still has the even tied up dat and
4435s everything um the echo's version uh we
4438s had to get the publishing rights back
4440s from Sony so that as of just about like
4442s a week and a half ago has officially
4444s occurred so we are now going through the
4447s process of certification so once we
4449s complete certification then we'll have
4451s free reain to release the patch um and
4453s then all the updates after that will be
4455s able to be updated in real time
4456s alongside steam um but yeah we just have
4459s to go through all the Hoops required for
4461s that um but it's coming we're working on
4463s it and we've been working on it in the
4464s background this whole time
4467s uh the pits let's go to Allard if you
4471s search a filter by heroic they're doing
4474s they're going to do wormwood I think
4479s theard yeah and uh when PS5 does come
4483s out it will be a parody with all the
4485s patches and everything we have on on PC
4488s so it's not like it's going to be behind
4490s or anything like that it's just a matter
4492s of going through the very long process
4495s fortunately but yeah we are very eager
4499s to get it out all to yeah and we we said
4502s in the past we can't make any promises
4503s yet but we are investigating uh
4505s crossplay as well seeing if it's
4507s possible to do it is something that we
4508s definitely would like to bring back if
4516s possible
4518s on I need to unlock some of the uh way
4521s points here dang it ah doing the hollow
4523s heart you're live there's our
4527s president oh yeah you see him on the in
4529s the background yeah you could showare
4530s your alamon
4534s tattoo
4539s battlechasers president Ryan
4546s stefanelli all our leadership here have
4548s very Ecentric last
4551s names this is a dangerous place I like
4555s it
4562s and if anyone's notice the uh the timers
4565s on potions are now in minutes instead of
4567s thousands of seconds so that's nice I
4570s missed the thousands of seconds I
4572s thought it looked
4582s badass KN out
4588s all right put a gold bomb on
4604s him a laser he's a fire in his
4608s laser put another gold down on
4613s him oh I think I put the bomb in B oh no
4619s that's going to hurt that's going to
4620s hurt I tried to jump I couldn't get out
4622s in
4624s time got you thank you very
4629s much there the
4637s laser I think so for people who don't
4640s understand how guns work you'll notice
4642s that I have the yellow bar uh that's
4644s filling up every shot uh on my Crosshair
4647s once that fills up I will get a pip uh
4650s for my Q which is my weapon ability and
4654s uh every one of those to get esentially
4657s more powerful so I want to keep adding
4659s those up and then when I press Q I add
4662s see that gold coin up there that is the
4664s weapon ability for cetus and it drops
4667s into a giant bomb that
4670s explodes as far as I know I'm actually
4672s not super familiar with this weapon I'm
4674s usually a du dagger kind of
4683s girl easy and don't get hit by the Fall
4687s which I definitely
4690s will I can hit by the
4693s B although Matt was talking to earlier
4696s saying that that could lead to some
4697s sticky situations that you die don't get
4699s a chance to open the chest and the host
4700s just leaves which would feel pretty bad
4703s yep don't get hit by the Fall
4707s hey some red Gloom Stone I needed
4709s that
4713s yep thank you very much classic squid we
4715s are excited just as
4720s you all right I think we have time for
4724s one more Invasion and then we'll call it
4727s for the stream but again we're we're
4728s very excited to celebrate getting this
4731s patch out there the team has been very
4732s very hard at work and continued to be
4734s hard at work um but now we can really
4736s focus a lot of the attention on getting
4738s all of the 1.0 content which I know
4740s everybody is very eager to see um and
4742s come back to and really flush this out
4744s as a a complete Standalone game so
4747s that's going to be an exciting exciting
4749s couple
4750s months yeah it's been a lot of fun
4753s invading
4755s people seeing a lot of new
4757s faces I just finished the main story
4760s Quest and got to say I'm excited to see
4762s what you guys taking from here thank you
4763s very much congratulations on beating the
4764s game
4771s make sure you do
4773s mythics let's see what other heroics we
4776s got oh we have oh that personally is one
4782s spot someone's on a Mythic hunt
4785s yeah
4787s wormwood uh blood Works 12 it's snarf
4791s shag my dad fantastic
4798s um you see
4800s milk milk I I see them when I filter to
4803s mythics but I don't know if you can see
4804s him I cannot he must not what difficulty
4807s is he
4808s on uh it's it's uh mythics and hero I'm
4814s not
4815s sure normal normal see his name is milk
4820s noral yeah I do not see milk sadly all
4825s right I probably don't have that
4826s unlocked let's
4830s do there any
4839s challenging
4841s underc we could invade uh Brook's house
4845s I see they're in their apartment right
4847s now oh yeah bro sure yeah let could do
4850s it and tag up her house tag old bro yeah
4853s that'll sound to be a good good into the
4856s stream let's see all right we all get to
4858s judge bro's um interior decorating
4861s skills here we go live on the internet
4864s revealed our Allstar
4869s programmers excellent oh yes excellent I
4872s I
4877s approve Perfect all right I am not
4881s disappointed truly
4884s exquisite well played well
4893s played all
4897s right tag up our house
4908s MX excellent all right sufficiently
4913s tagged all right everybody thank you so
4916s very much for coming in hanging out with
4918s us I hope you guys had fun we're we're
4920s very very glad that you are here to test
4922s out the new server features along with
4924s all the other quality Life Changes uh it
4926s has been a lot of work but we are going
4927s to continue to do it we love what we do
4929s here and we're really really grateful
4930s for everybody's patience and uh you know
4933s willing to stick with us through this uh
4935s this crazy ride so um excited to have
4938s more updates coming along the way keep
4940s an eye out for some hot fixes that we're
4941s going to have right around the corner uh
4943s for some of the the known issues that we
4945s have just to work out nothing that's
4947s really gamebreaking but we're aware of
4949s them um so keep an eye on the Discord if
4951s you want to follow along with all the
4952s progress there but in the meantime if
4954s you haven't had a chance to play we hope
4955s you do jump in jump into the lobers uh
4958s get to play with some other people and
4959s really kind of just feel like this uh
4961s whole world of evor is open back up to
4962s playing with a bunch of random people so
4965s thank you for being here uh Steve
4966s anything you want to sign off with nope
4969s just another thank you and uh thanks for
4972s sticking with us and we have a lot of
4974s exciting stuff coming yeah all right
4977s guys yall take it easy thank you so much
4979s we'll see you soon bye bye