4 months ago - Wayfinder - Direct link
4 months ago - Wayfinder - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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633s all right happy Monday everybody we did
636s it we survived a whole week and then a
638s weekend and now we have a whole week
640s again that's exciting how' everybody do
643s everybody having a good weekend every we
645s ready to start the week off fresh get
647s some grinding in get a little bit of
648s work in get a little bit more grinding
650s in get a little bit of
652s playing I what's up Grim hello sloth
655s bears first time chatter howdy glad you
657s made it over here it is a happy Monday
660s come on it is going to come on you got
662s wayfinder got the new update out you're
665s going to be hanging out here playing
666s games together I mean what really more
668s could be asking for life is I got coffee
670s not enough coffee but I have coffee I'm
672s very excited for that I'm going to need
673s like five of
676s these weekend was pretty average okay
678s well hey maybe you have averagely really
681s good weekends there's nothing wrong with
683s that you can have a good average you
684s like good
685s averages currently sick staying home
688s from school but hey you get to stay home
689s from school those are like the best I'm
692s get to play some white figh hopefully a
693s little bit we'll
695s see H but yeah so we're just uh we're
698s going to keep this trend up I I'm really
699s enjoying streaming with you guys I'm
701s really enjoying giving keys away oh I
702s need to go get my little black book I'll
704s go grab that here in a second but um
706s yeah we're just going to play some games
707s we're going to give some keys away we're
709s going to hang out I'm going to I have to
710s I'm going to grind some of my Awakenings
712s I think it's my goal today get some
714s Awakenings done maybe join in some
716s random you know hunts and stuff playing
718s some matchmaking that'll it'll be fun
720s forward what's up uh when is this game
723s going to come to consoles it's on
725s PlayStation 5 as of last week which is
727s exciting so it's on PlayStation 5 um and
730s it's going to be coming to Xbox with
733s crossplay um well it's going to come to
736s Xbox shortly after launch which is going
738s to be October 21st and then crossplay is
741s coming at launch which is exciting I we
744s were very we were exploring it for the
746s longest time but being able to actually
747s say definitively it's coming 1.0 is is
750s pretty cool we got some very smart Tech
752s Wizards that are able to make nonsense
754s happen so that's exciting um Rosen
758s gaming says hello I just found out of a
761s game a few days ago well welcome I'm
763s glad you found it that's why we're doing
764s these things we got to we got to get the
766s word out there we got to spread the
769s news I Start Spreading the
772s News way found is coming today uh I got
776s heroic n the other day haven't stopped
778s using her I I mean right I I need to get
781s my heroicness that actually might be
783s another uh good objective for the
784s today's stream uh only two heroics for
787s now true um for now uh weekend was good
791s got to play some crazy golf that's fun
794s uh happy to get another chance to win
795s ging well I'm I'm happy you're here to
797s win a key
798s hopefully uh didn't get a shot at you
801s was there an update discrepan between BC
803s or PS5 or is the same build until launch
806s uh there may be like some very slight uh
810s discrepancies but once we get into
812s crossplay we'll have to be lock step um
814s just because it needs to be the same
815s version number so we might have a small
817s window where there's like very slight
819s hotpix adjustments uh but for the most
821s part they're going to be ID identical
824s all the way up till
825s launch um the game is sick I love it
828s first time chatter abstract you're
830s awesome thank you I appreciate you you
834s work really hard on that so I'm glad you
836s like it um complex says hey hey
840s cre Pac-Man convinced a friend to pick
842s up wayfinder and happy he loves it a to
846s see our of Word of Mouth each one of you
850s tells a friend and each one of them
851s tells a friend and each one of them
853s tells a friend we're going to have at
854s least six people playing and that's a
856s lot of people that's what we like to
859s see um last Saturday did not win any
863s okay well we're we're going to try that
864s again hopefully we can win a PC key to G
866s all right well let's uh let's get the
868s the party rolling you know for all you
870s early birds you guys are going to win a
871s worm we're going to roll a winner right
873s now for a PC ke and the winner is
876s wayfinder builds I have a
879s feeling call me crazy call me crazy but
883s I think wender build probably has a key
885s but they have a key to give away now
890s um I'm gonna go get my little black book
892s I'll be right back um and then let's
895s keep this party rolling
913s um and as far as a public disclaimer uh
916s is concerned uh I was getting a few
918s reports so I do owe a few more PC keys
921s to folks uh from last week's stream uh
924s it seems like some of the the steam Keys
926s we had
927s were defunct and people were saying that
929s they were coming back with like an error
931s saying already redeemed so we have requ
933s requested a fresh batch as of last
935s weekend so uh as soon as we get the
937s fresh ones in which should hopefully be
939s this morning um I'll be sending those
941s out as well so I'm on top of it I
944s haven't forgot about you it's happening
946s anyway way fighter builds PC starting
954s stuff uh I will pin a message in chat
957s for where you got to go to uh be part of
961s this um
963s message
965s thar in
968s Discord if you are a
976s winner
980s discord.gg
982s wayfinder bada bing bada
986s boom we're going to pin that bad boy
988s right here uron you're looking sexy wow
992s we got the iron breaker himself
995s chat got got him popping in here how
998s how's life on the other side of the
1001s world uh wait you actually won you did
1004s you did actually win let's see if
1006s there's any actually random people we
1008s can jump in with let's just go join a
1009s random matchmaking who
1013s said oh gosh this weekend has been
1017s nuts got a new house
1020s so it was uh moving everything out of
1022s the old house moving into the new house
1024s it's about 30 minutes north now um it
1027s was a 13-hour day followed by another
1030s 13-hour day of nothing but moving stuff
1033s in 100 plus degree weather it has been
1036s brutal but we now have things in the
1039s house it is an absolute catastrophe but
1042s uh we exist so that's been my weekend so
1046s I hope you guys had all of the air
1048s conditioning and all of the water
1049s and just all the relaxation for me
1052s because my Lord I never want to move
1054s again in my entire life that was an
1057s experience that I hope nobody ever has
1059s to do for
1061s themselves uh right now very sunny it is
1064s the opposite I don't even think we have
1065s the Sun out here yet I think the sun is
1067s still about like an hour
1069s away maybe
1071s not we're we're doing an early morning
1073s stream like I wanted to like we've
1076s always been done the streams like a
1077s little bit like towards the middle of
1079s the afternoon here in central time I
1081s didn't drop that that's a nice thing
1083s actually um so I wanted to give some
1086s love to the our European friends and
1089s give some earlier streams for everybody
1092s at least early for me I don't know what
1093s time it is
1095s otherwise yeah I thought it was going
1097s early yeah it is but it's like sometimes
1100s your body just like wakes up and you're
1101s like well this is existance now might as
1103s well
1106s stream I got you buddy
1112s oh my Lord all right no no no I wanted
1116s to be the Chad I wanted to get there and
1118s save him oh I'm so sorry buddy I'm
1122s coming back for you I'm coming
1125s back why is he still dead and I'm alive
1127s I'm so confused oh he's dead
1130s now ah I failed him do I deserve to get
1135s the loot at the end of this I don't
1136s think so
1139s baraco iron blood who the hell is
1143s that I tell you guys almost 4,000 hours
1147s playing this game I still find enemies
1148s and stuff I've never seen before in my
1150s life who is that
1153s Chad Bone Breaker all right all
1157s right uh if only you were wingrave
1159s instead yeah yeah healing is
1162s cheating that man has a large
1165s sword speak of wing Graves that guy look
1167s pretty sick what's up buddy
1170s how you doing I like I'm digging the
1172s skin I'm digging
1174s it I'm telling you wind grave wind grave
1176s has the drip I mean this has a drip too
1179s to be fair uh hello how did the giveaway
1182s work like this I click a
1184s button and the winner is iobe
1188s congratulations you've won a PS5 key and
1191s that's how the giveaways
1194s work
1196s PS5 I Kobe
1200s b
1202s y bada bing bada
1207s boom UK here uh great timing is lunch
1211s time for you as well fantastic well
1213s maybe we might have to do this more
1214s little known fact did you guys know that
1216s I have dual citizenship with England I
1219s like it being an Englishman as well
1221s hello from the UK th night here we're
1224s playing wayfinder hello there enem still
1226s Brea hello there
1231s I wonder what we're going to do next can
1233s we be English snar English snar here to
1236s stream with the
1239s community uh is the new house in yet yes
1242s we are in the new house it is uh filled
1244s with junk we had to move all the junk
1247s all weekend it was very morning oh wait
1250s sorry reading him at the same time uh
1252s morning nice day for fishing haha
1254s speaking of which do we have any fish
1259s need to find more fish I think I've
1260s collected all
1263s fish yes I think we have now English
1267s snarf stream is now Cannon here we
1271s are I've decided to take offense on
1274s behalf of the British British right we
1277s doing [ __ ] a
1281s now I'm probably going to get fir for
1283s this but you know it's what we're going
1284s to
1285s do inen Kong hello good morning how are
1289s you I'm just mixing up all the accents
1291s now I don't I've confused my brain it's
1293s too early don't know what's happening
1295s more chaos wonderful this is a dangerous
1298s place I like
1303s it wa hello
1306s fire this is a trap room if I've ever
1311s seen level
1313s 30 ooh beautiful I need this guy uh I
1317s have 41 of these friend I can just buy
1320s everything I want it all I'm exploding I
1323s got to go quick got to go
1325s fast beautiful I've got all the
1329s juices that is a term that I never want
1331s to use again congratulations
1335s Alex Tak a drink for
1339s that British potion here have fun with
1341s the voes I'm laughing at this wonderful
1344s there anything I'm here to do is to
1346s entertain I know it's my my British
1349s accent is probably
1351s quite old at this point uh to be fair I
1355s haven't really spoken an English accent
1356s since I was in second grade so it's been
1358s at least two do decades every time I do
1362s a British accent I neverly go through
1364s Australia so the thing about doing an
1366s Australian accent I'm going to offend a
1368s lot of people down under but I I promise
1371s it means I've always known Australians
1373s have a good sense of humor so if you
1375s want to speak with an Australian accent
1377s try to speak with a British London ACC
1379s and then you pack it high it s l you
1382s spal and now I've have been canceled
1384s inter it welcome to being
1387s canel World War 56 hello how are you
1392s welcome uh squirrel play wayfinder is it
1395s possible for this game to have some sort
1396s of online features to see other players
1398s walk around in the world I mean that's
1399s just what I did I just literally joined
1402s a random game I'm I'm I need this person
1404s to save me
1409s I need uh we're going to rely on Obi-Wan
1411s Kenobi but we're going to spectate him
1413s in the meantime lets me uh catch up on
1415s chat and join my coffee sit back can I
1418s get this to recline please how do I how
1420s do I this thing I just want to I want to
1422s hang out with you
1424s guys no I'm going to nope yeah there we
1428s go ah this is the
1433s life doing an event look at him go I
1436s believe in this Chad he's going to get
1438s me he's going to save me me he's going
1439s to save me this is this is what
1440s multiplayer is all about sometimes you
1442s just when you're gaming you got to not
1444s game got to enjoy your
1447s coffee wait for them to come and get you
1450s this is this is living their life guys
1452s this is definitely living their life
1453s opinion chocolate chip pancakes
1457s um I I I've definitely as I've gotten
1459s older I've moved away from The Suite um
1463s but I think I had like blueberries there
1465s like a little bit of that part something
1466s about like cooked blueberries like raw
1467s blueberries not a f no but like cooked
1470s blueberries like in pancakes there's
1471s something about that just
1473s like I don't know something that works
1475s with
1477s it
1479s interesting I bet what's happened here
1483s is my dagger has actually
1487s been has the trickster bombs have moved
1490s my dagger away from where my spawn point
1493s actually is so he doesn't know where my
1494s spawn point is that's pretty
1497s funny I'm to put that as a bug all right
1500s we're going to respawn ourselves he he
1501s did it he
1502s helped he helped
1506s me uh I meant in the town and such
1509s unfortunately we do not have the like
1511s dedicated servers so you need to have
1513s dedicated servers for like the you know
1516s the open
1517s world joining nonsense which we do not
1520s have at a moment
1536s all right yeah I think we need to make
1538s sure that the spawn location is Tethered
1541s to the uh the actual asset for the
1542s dagger my friend he fell for the same
1545s trap I did oh I love the traps they're
1548s excellent
1559s all right where we where are we
1561s going something hurt jeez what happened
1564s my buddy my
1568s friends I got you I got you f the
1572s clock we cannot fail we cannot fail hey
1576s we got a new friend Pon Poco what is up
1579s Pon Poco oh you know what I need to do I
1581s need to set up a a timer otherwise I get
1584s distracted because I have squirel brain
1586s and we we love squirrel brain uh timer
1590s ah uh 10 minutes start and that means
1593s we're going to do another giveaway right
1594s now everybody say good morning in chat
1597s we're going to do keyword good morning
1599s oh we did it good
1602s morning uh ganic cryst what up ganic
1605s what why
1606s is is that your like original ganick
1609s that's ganick should be Gloom bear or
1611s not Gloom bear now he's uh in Ain I
1614s don't know he's he's having identity
1615s crises we don't know what's going on ooh
1617s chest
1623s turn those traps back
1626s on all right and the winner
1629s is okay cool Max okay cool Max
1634s congratulations is that a freaking sword
1636s and seal grindle
1638s go is it looks like he has
1642s a one grave uh what call it let's go
1648s find out
1649s n it's it's a it's a wind grave not a
1652s grindle but it's it's your boy like I
1655s feel so safe and protected right now
1658s I've got two Chad wind gves just like to
1662s protect my inevitable blast Canon this
1666s nonsense they got they got the toness I
1669s got the uh the
1672s damage got to get the secret room guys
1676s never never sleep on the secret room a
1680s taoon I was scroll down rip big rip I
1685s mean they they they look like archons if
1687s I've ever seen them though they're ready
1689s to lay down the
1691s hurt looking looking on how do I get
1696s there oh seph what's up seov another
1700s great streamer everybody go check out
1702s Sappo
1704s streams
1706s B I don't know how to say welcome in
1709s French I know how to
1712s say um my bra my Spanish brain is in
1716s working right
1720s now ow that hurt I do love this room now
1724s it's so this
1725s fastic all right see who's who's the
1728s luckiest hanon Poco I believe in you
1730s first try no all right I got this i got
1733s this i got this don't on me all right
1736s here we
1737s go I lied I do not got this you got this
1740s you got a p get out of
1744s there is there cross save as well if I
1747s wanted to play that no there will be
1748s crossplay but we do not have like a
1750s centralized server for uh for cross save
1754s so it will be all local save data no
1758s buddy oh God you have you have fallen in
1761s a very dangerous and precarious
1763s position all right
1766s well Dodge
1777s get out of the way
1780s beautiful did we lose do we not get it
1782s big sad big
1785s sad what is it uh
1789s benu B Vu Bond I I my friend Jackson is
1793s horrible uh once Point 1.0 hits I'm
1795s starting a fresh save to celebrate uh
1798s experience everything is polished Ron I
1800s have a Challen I have a proposition for
1803s you I've never done a stream withon I
1807s think I want to do a 24-hour stream to
1809s celebrate
1810s La it's going to be a lot but I think it
1813s would be a lot of fun if I get all my
1815s ducks in a row and get all the social
1817s assets done and work doesn't need me for
1819s actual work stuff I think it'd be a lot
1822s of fun to do a 24-hour dud what do you
1824s actually let me ask the internet
1825s internet would you want to see me do a
1828s 24hour stream would that be fun if I
1830s started a new save as well do a brand
1832s new
1833s save Tor biring
1836s 1.0 get to play through it all together
1839s like yes 24 hours of nonsense of snarf
1844s can the world handle 24 hours and stuff
1846s can you imagine like I am this just
1850s chaotic when I fresh can you imagine
1853s like 23 hours into the stream just like
1854s how absurdly snark brain is going to
1857s happen I don't know I I might get fired
1859s for
1861s this I don't know I don't know if I'd
1863s keep my job after it uh October 21st my
1866s friend ghost like and welcome first time
1868s chatter how the heck you
1872s doing oh hello
1880s axes oh when is the last time you've
1883s done like a streamon like you did more
1885s than like a when did you do a 12 plus
1888s hour stream when was the last
1890s time I'm too old for 24-Hour streams but
1893s it sounds like fun uh just make sure to
1895s set up in a way where you stand up every
1898s so often 24 hours of sitting is giga
1901s unhealthy yeah but it's got to do it for
1904s got to do it for the memes do it for the
1907s vine Ron is here Ron is cool everyone go
1911s follow Ron if you haven't liked his last
1913s video go give him go give his video give
1915s his algorithm a boost he deserves it
1925s all right we got the new so cool thing
1927s in the uh this update all of these like
1931s Ambush uh locations should end in like a
1935s a mini boss spawning so it shouldn't
1937s just be the boring old waves of enemies
1939s it should actually spawn a cool a cool
1941s dude where you can get a neat a neat
1943s Echo and whatnot
1949s I say as it does not happen we're
1951s looking into that it should be a mini
1953s boss spawning I think I think that's
1955s what we should I think that's what we
1956s change it to I'll double
1960s check evening oh my Lord where the heck
1962s are
1963s you where where in the world where in
1965s the planet is it
1967s even it's got to be like Japan
1973s maybe no that just makes sense where the
1975s heck is the evening you're blowing my
1977s mind right now this there's nowhere on
1978s the planet it's
1980s even actually that doesn't make
1983s sense there
1985s just o yeah okay so was that right
1989s actually I guess you can be is it really
1991s evening that's
1993s crazy all right this one I know that
1997s be let
2004s us I do need to start leveling my other
2006s we HS I should probably not on on this
2009s right now but this is just so good all
2011s right this fight he's about to have a
2013s really bad
2015s day very very bad
2019s day it's also weird that like my as a
2024s client some of my damage numbers aren't
2026s showing up as ability damage a little
2029s odd little thing if you notice you know
2032s CU why we like playing live 97 that's a
2036s lot of ability power that's a lot of
2039s damage uh I think the last time I did a
2041s super long stream was 14 hours of
2043s bloodborne marathon in 2016 man it's a
2046s good game that is a good game if uh if
2049s bloodborne ever came out for PC would
2050s you do it again that's a real
2053s question apologies my brain is not quite
2055s there it's only 1 p.m. cheers to that
2059s there's more coffee 2 minutes until the
2061s next giveaway folks if you are tuning in
2062s from Twitter or YouTube or anywhere else
2064s in the world uh make sure that you do
2067s join the twitch uh wayfinder stream
2069s because that is where we are going to be
2071s doing the giveaways so as long as you're
2073s in chat we're going to do random
2074s keywords we're going to do random trivia
2076s we're just going to randomly throw
2077s things out there people in chat might
2078s throw out challenges and we might do the
2080s challenges and they might win keys but
2081s that's where we're doing it so
2083s twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder that is
2085s where we are doing the giveaways and if
2087s you win the giveaway make sure you jump
2089s into our official Discord discord.gg
2092s wayfinder and uh shoot sir snarf a
2095s message um he gets a lot of them but
2097s he'll get get back to you and he'll give
2099s you a key if you win and don't try to
2102s trick him plenty of you try to trick you
2103s you think you're so sneaky you're not so
2106s sneaky I know what you're doing Gypsy
2109s but uh yeah give a if you're a winner
2112s message me and I got
2115s you uh two more minutes to not get a key
2118s again just wait I akido I really hope
2120s you win just for the sake to Shay I Told
2122s You So to there's a lot of there was H
2125s who is it
2126s avatar1 like they showed up for 4 days
2128s in a row and they eventually won Ron
2131s says nah it's too unhealthy for my age I
2133s need to think of the longevity for my
2135s kids I doubt I would be able to push me
2137s on eight hours that's fair hey I think
2139s you're still young you're thriving
2141s you're in your Golden Era Gan stop it if
2145s you're old I'm
2149s old I really don't think you're that
2151s much older than I am to be
2154s honest
2156s um I won the other day heat didn't work
2159s rip potato Viking uh I did get your
2161s message I did made a disclaimer earlier
2164s there was something wrong with that
2166s batch of codes that we got so we have
2167s requested a fresh one from Steam uh
2170s hopefully have that this morning as soon
2171s as I get off here so as soon as I get
2173s those fresh ones I will be sending out
2175s everybody who had an issue with those
2177s codes find underc is great for Spectra
2179s farming no it's true I need to see what
2182s do I need for uh am I going to get third
2184s time some way finders what do I need ah
2187s I didn't get time
2189s tragic uh when is 1.0 that is going to
2192s be October 21st 2024 in a short almost
2196s one month away uh it is giveaway time
2199s ladies and gentlemen we've got a winner
2201s uh for PC the next PC winner is drum
2205s roll
2208s please slay
2211s 69x heck yeah congratulations
2214s slay you got a a nice username
2219s PC game
2221s playay
2223s 69 heck yeah congratulations thanks for
2226s being here I know there's plenty of
2228s places that you could be but you chose
2229s to be here and I'm very grateful for
2231s that so thank
2234s you nor Spectra unstable Spectra I got
2238s 200 unstable that's pretty
2240s good you can see what uh imbuement I use
2243s a
2245s lot hey we got a bird pretty bird
2249s you did
2250s win AO I'm sorry it wasn't you but it
2253s soon
2256s hashtag uh I love that games that
2258s connects their fans um and soon to be
2261s fans of streams like this well hey I'm I
2264s love you guys so I'm I'm I'm happy to be
2267s here like the fact that I get paid to do
2269s this is just so [ __ ] awesome like
2271s it's
2272s just seriously this this is a dream come
2276s true for me like being able to just
2278s yeah work on on games play games like
2281s have an impact on just you know balance
2284s and be able to interact with you guys
2286s it's so freaking cool at least I can
2289s do uh okay snarf how packed is your
2292s house is it nice is it cozy and clean or
2294s empty place of sadness uh I got my
2296s pinball machines in there I got three
2298s pinball machines I have ordered a new
2300s pinball machine so it's going to have
2301s four pinball machines it's going to be
2303s pretty great so stay tuned for some
2304s pinball streams uh and then the rest of
2306s it is just filled with crap that we need
2308s to
2309s reorganize like right now it is it's
2311s like if you guys seen my housing like my
2314s chaotic housing in like free quality of
2317s life too uh when we had the tiny little
2319s apartment and there just stuff screwn
2320s everywhere and you have to basically do
2322s parkour to try to get to your kitchen uh
2324s that's what my house looks like right
2325s now it is a mess but we got the rest of
2327s this week to picked it up so have faith
2330s it's going to look nice like I'll do
2332s I'll do a a tour of the house on my the
2335s sear channel one of these days
2338s got to do uh I'm going to do a a reveal
2341s stream of the new X-Men machine so I got
2343s the the X-Men uh pinball machine Jack
2346s danger is a buddy of mine and designed
2348s it and it's it looks so good guys it
2351s looks so good I'm so excited uh the flow
2355s on it oh so the thing in pinball is if
2357s the shots like loop around and you keep
2359s doing the shots and they just like it's
2361s flowing like it looks step's kiss I'm so
2366s excited real good
2368s looking uh the gross how big uh this
2374s this game has pinball machines I wish I
2377s wish that's that's like a that's a f
2380s Dream from mine I would love a machine
2383s guys that makes me the happiest
2391s camper my God we got a lot of first time
2393s Chatters in here what's up guys thanks
2394s for stopping by I hope you're having a
2396s fantastic start to the week had an even
2398s better weekend we got an even better one
2400s coming up I hope
2402s so went to my friend's house and let me
2405s try this game now I'm addicted to it
2406s hopefully I can get a key so I can play
2408s with him fingers crossed I hope you get
2409s it too man uh today actually I should do
2412s a big call out today is the last day of
2415s the Steam Sale so if you do want to get
2417s wayfinder um today is I don't know what
2420s time it ends it probably ends in like a
2422s couple hours uh but it is 30% off it's
2425s like 17 bucks uh and that does give you
2427s all the access for 1.0 uh there is going
2430s to be a price increase even from what
2432s the price is right now non sale for 1.0
2434s so if you want to get the game and
2436s you're interested in like hey you know
2438s what screw it I'm pulling the trigger it
2441s looks like fun I like
2443s fun F now 17 bucks and you're helping us
2445s out that's all we need to do Latin what
2448s up how are you doing first time chatter
2450s welcome by hope you're having a
2452s fantastic freaking afternoon or evening
2454s or morning or wherever you are I hope
2456s you're just having a good one that's all
2457s I want yeah we're official I mean as
2460s official as I get I don't I don't know
2462s if I'm official but you know I like to
2464s pretend I
2466s am uh early a.m. stream indeed we are
2469s we're trying to we're trying to give
2471s some love to the folks that aren't just
2472s in you know Texas that's the goal it's a
2477s big world out there we got fans
2478s everywhere and we we want to support all
2480s of them so we got five minutes until the
2482s next giveaway we're going to be doing a
2483s PS5 P right after this so stay tuned
2487s ladies and gentlemen
2488s uh me and some friends were streaming
2489s wayfinder but we did not uh find much
2492s public about the game is amazing it
2493s feels so good to move the character love
2496s to hear it yeah the did you figure out
2497s how to do the bunny hop that's the main
2499s thing if you know how to Bunny Hop the
2501s movement feels even
2506s better boom get in
2511s there
2513s murder uh do we need to do anything to
2516s participate in the giveaway you just got
2517s to be here like you just stand in there
2519s like occasionally I'll make keywords and
2521s like little challenges um but in 4
2524s minutes and 34 seconds we're going to
2525s read the next one so that's that's the
2527s goal we're going to be trading off
2529s between p uh PS5 and PC p and um yeah
2534s just hang out just just be a good person
2536s that's all you got to do really like I'm
2538s telling you that's a hack to life just
2539s just don't be a [ __ ] that's it don't
2542s do that and be
2544s good ooh TR servant I need these
2550s uh next key is a PS5 narf you should
2552s narrate some tongue and cheek videos
2554s like wild stared back in the day uh what
2556s are the tongue and cheeks
2560s videos sounds like a medical
2565s description this is how you keep your
2567s guns clean make sure to brush two times
2570s a day using toothb and four toothpaste
2583s hey got the end o curator I don't know
2586s if I have this Quest yet oh I don't have
2588s the book yet got to find the
2595s book dragon can I that uh do you have a
2599s fa favorite character you play as uh n
2602s obviously uh which I need to actually
2604s play other characters because I play her
2606s too much I of my 3,500 hours probably
2612s 3,300 is
2617s this holy cow early morning stream good
2620s morning X fall how are you
2624s welcome uh wayfinder when I played uh
2628s just needing something to make us find
2630s more people to play with dungeons uh but
2632s I see playing toward them that's what
2635s I'm doing right now is just doing the
2636s the random match
2638s so like I went up here just do find
2640s party and then I press X and it just
2642s finds a random one and we're we're
2643s having a grand old time I got my wind
2645s grave homies and we're we're cruising
2647s getting some Vector spawn going on I'm
2650s just going to turn my brain off and
2653s getting that getting that grind going
2654s and answer questions in chat it's like
2656s it's a good life God that sword looks so
2658s sick that reminds me of a dark cider
2660s sword is it a dark slider sword that
2662s looks like a dark slider sword
2668s uh I didn't have that system yet I think
2670s I'm reinstalling right now hey that's
2672s why we do what we do this why we're
2674s doing this we got to inspire you and
2676s then you're going to inspire somebody
2677s else and then they're going to be
2678s inspired by you and they're going to
2679s inspire somebody else and that's just
2680s it's like a Domino's it's like how the
2682s cookie crumbles it's like you wake up in
2685s the morning and you find inspiration and
2688s the only thing you can do is Inspire
2690s others wise thoughts from Sir snarf leap
2694s deprived and coffee energized
2697s coming straight to your eye
2699s holes uh I'm going to inspire my other
2701s friends who stream this haha please do
2704s please do we'd be very happy like it's
2707s it's been awesome it's like last week
2708s was such a freaking Boon like seeing how
2711s many people were just coming back to the
2712s game and yeah is this still an active
2714s development it is so we just released
2717s the uh quality life patch update 2 one
2720s week ago um so that is like 0.6 I want
2723s to say technically uh and then October
2726s 21st 1 know is coming out and then we're
2728s going to do at least one big update
2730s after that as well which is going to
2731s bring some pretty cool features um and
2734s then from there we we hope we can
2736s continue to support but it's it's really
2737s going to depend on if it sells if we get
2740s get money to support it because that's
2742s how reality works I need molten Spectra
2745s and saddle work I'm going to tell these
2746s these guys can we do do
2750s solar or uh
2755s Shadow need
2758s fow
2760s warps
2762s and whatever the fire
2764s one and
2769s Molton typing is hard but we did it 25
2773s seconds till the next giveaway ladies
2775s and
2776s gentlemen did I okay yeah we didn't do a
2779s PS5 one yeah PS5 one coming up in 16
2782s seconds if you are just tuning in make
2784s sure you make your way over to the
2785s official Twitter by Twitter I mean I
2787s mean Twitch account for wayfinder
2789s twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder uh we're
2791s about to do another giveaway in five
2794s four three two
2798s one um let's uh let's get a shout out to
2802s Ron type Ron in chat that is going to be
2806s the next give giveaway keyword Ron shout
2810s out everybody shout him out he's a good
2812s dude he's he's a good dad he's a gamer
2816s he likes playing game that I need to
2818s play more often but if you like um any
2821s Monster Hunter content he is your man oh
2825s ended this session all right we're gonna
2826s have to find a new one join random there
2829s we go where what are we gonna do I don't
2831s know we're gonna find out though ruon
2834s all right
2836s everybody and also if you haven't just
2838s go check out Ron's Channel go to YouTube
2840s he's mly a YouTube boy um but he has
2842s great videos and just go hang out with
2843s him you can watch our podcast we do
2845s podcast together if you want to see a
2846s little behind the scenes Game Dev and
2848s just random nonsense shanigan he ask
2850s good questions he's a good viewer big
2853s rip let's try another
2854s one is that our internet die fine party
2858s going random all right and the winner is
2861s for
2863s PS5
2865s poow
2867s po po
2869s POA po you know who you are
2873s congratulations that is a PS5 key coming
2876s your way hello
2879s that is the one place to spawn I
2881s suppose um don't mind me we're just
2884s falling forever gives me time p a o
2890s p how do you how the heck do you spell
2892s it it's
2894s disappeared somewhere somewhere in here
2898s there it is p o w p a
2902s i
2903s xao don't worry we're just trying to
2905s find purgatory I we find it go towards
2908s the
2911s [Music]
2917s light uh why did that happen that was
2921s weird Reaver King all
2927s right let's get him let's jump in the
2931s prey all right show these guys how you
2934s take down a big ugly Reaver King boy
2940s give him one of these give him the one
2942s two get our heavy Attack cards
2949s up
2950s so hot trick keep beating on his body
2953s when he's down so you keep charging your
2956s weapon ability notice how I'm getting my
2958s weapon ability mhm mhm big brain big
2961s wrinkly brain Alex got some moves Alex
2965s knows what up
2968s all right here we go get
2973s down all right get weapon ability
2978s off dve away from all those nonsenses D
2981s all those nonsenses die it's fine he did
2985s damage someone's going to revive me I
2987s believe in this guy F him y yep there we
2990s go what a
2992s hero oh I need to scroll chat down get
2995s back to chat back to chat back to chat
2997s here we go here we
3000s go all right let's split up I'm going to
3002s focus on Mr Dingus here come here
3008s Dingus charge away we're going to get
3011s charged so that's
3013s fine oh got to get off that out of
3018s here got some extra boys almost got our
3021s alt we want to use our alt to finish
3023s them off at the same time ideally Maro
3025s is too hurt we need to go just
3029s lad I call
3031s Shenanigans that was absolutely
3036s unjustified friends
3039s feler thank you X you're the best never
3043s had any doubts at all I wasn't worried I
3046s I wasn't worried I wasn't worried I
3047s wasn't worried I was I I knew you had it
3049s I knew you had it under control wasn't
3051s even scared not at all
3057s fine it's fine this is fine I'm I'm
3061s helping I'm a contribution okay I know
3063s how to game I'm a
3069s gamer might might might might deser
3073s let's more
3075s copy
3078s U oh no I do not feel responsible for
3081s his death at all that
3084s was definitely not my fault
3088s come on get me buddy I'm so close to
3089s being revived just give me a tap and
3091s I'll I'll heal our other
3096s buddy I kind of feel a little bit
3099s responsible for that
3104s just I feel a little bit little bit
3107s respons fine we're going to get him this
3108s time this time around he has no
3115s chance now here here we
3125s go all right here we
3132s go all right murder all these
3138s Lads ads are dead
3141s fantastic po this Lo
3147s incoming
3152s nonsense heal up get one these
3156s out all right we're we're focusing up
3158s now ain't no messing around not allowed
3161s to embarrass yourselves on the internet
3162s all my friends are
3165s here that they
3172s damage don't like that I can't really
3174s carry
3175s that all right again keep charging up
3177s your uh your weapon
3182s abilities keep getting them Pips keep
3185s getting them
3187s P weapon ability has been
3194s charged
3196s their you are
3202s nothing watch out for the ground
3204s explosions h on those watch out ground
3210s explosions get back in
3215s there all right we're going to pop our
3217s weapon ability and then we're going to
3218s do all the damage PES oh the chunkers
3221s the chunky
3223s chunkers all let's get this lad Swit
3226s over to
3227s him boom boom boom watch out for the
3230s Dodge watch out for the ground
3233s explosions watch out for the giant big
3236s ground
3237s pound goodbye Bowser we are doing way
3240s too much damage to marrow we need to
3241s focus on the other lad guys guys other
3245s lad no okay that's fine I don't want to
3247s kill him again
3251s anyway get over
3256s there all right if we get them at least
3258s both halfway then they'll be fairly
3262s equal meant to do it just like keeping
3264s it spicy
3267s oh Dodge out of the way walk out for
3269s ground
3272s explosions you guys chat internet you
3276s know that was not fair I got out of
3279s there I got out of
3285s there all right this man's got us all
3288s right you ready time to get sweet
3293s Justice get
3295s murfi goodbye
3299s [Music]
3300s goodbye oh yeah oh
3304s yeaha 1 minute and 40 seconds till the
3307s next giveaway ladies and gentlemen we
3310s did it open up this
3312s chesticle first
3315s try mask of
3318s Glory a rock the
3320s deserts ooh got the Reaver King artifact
3323s I don't think I had that
3325s before hey hey it's Ed what's up Ed
3328s everyone Ed is a super awesome streamer
3330s dude as well like you guys should go
3332s check out Ed's I'm I'm going to do a
3334s shout out real
3335s quick go give Ed a follow if you like
3339s wholesome fantastic streamers that just
3341s like makes you give faith in humanity go
3343s check this
3349s channel you won't regret it he's good
3352s people we we like Ed
3360s it must be the million times they it but
3361s those darn Wild Star Vibes right wild
3364s rip Wild
3368s Star uh this game Like A Boss run uh no
3372s it's like action RPG I don't know it's
3374s hard to say like it's got It's got a lot
3376s of bosses you can do the bosses you can
3377s do the the repeatable dungeons you can
3380s do the main story Quest you can do side
3382s quest you can do jobs go hunt for World
3385s bosses and get some mounts you can just
3388s join random people's games like I'm
3390s doing right here and you know the world
3393s your oyster
3395s really never really understood that
3398s expression like I I'd really be sad if
3400s my life was an
3402s oyster be very
3404s confined kind of
3406s smelly not a
3408s fan remains hey giveaway time the alarm
3412s has gone off ladies and gentlemen we are
3413s about to do a PC giveaway it looks like
3417s all right for a steam key everybody in
3419s chat um I want to hear everybody's
3422s favorite fruit write down your favorite
3424s fruit in chat just whatever your
3426s favorite fruit is and uh that will get
3429s you entered in the giveaway if you're
3430s just tuning in twitch.tv/ playay
3433s wayfinder that is going to be the
3436s account uh everybody who's saying banana
3438s is wrong objectively um I'm sorry for
3441s you I'm sorry for your loss I'm sorry
3443s for your children's loss um a lot of
3445s apples ooh teaches ma Lord I I can I can
3448s dig mad Lord I'm liking them guava
3451s that's a little bit special dragon fruit
3453s I think dragon fruit looks really pretty
3455s I just wished it tasted as good as it
3457s looked in my opinion guava is a good one
3460s I do love me some guava corn
3463s dog The elusive corn dog fruit my
3467s favorite it sounds like a something out
3468s of one
3469s piece um all right and the winner is
3472s ladies and
3475s gentlemen homicide
3477s smoke It's actually an accurate name uh
3480s congratulations homicidal smoke you got
3482s yourself a steam key let me put you down
3484s right here in my little black
3488s book
3489s smoke Beauty fabl I got you you're good
3493s you're in The Ledger you've been
3494s recorded for all time and
3497s posterity I desperately need molten
3500s Spectra and Shadow work Spectra I don't
3502s know why I keep going there but I do
3504s want to go craft the
3506s whatam I call it uh the Reaver King
3513s item actually I did have marrow on the
3516s wall maybe that already counts that
3518s might be the one
3519s one go go go before he transfers
3522s somewhere
3524s else all right Ruby what you got for me
3527s you again CRA housing items looking for
3532s work uh yeah that's what we want that's
3535s the good good
3538s hey a lot of other stuff that we
3540s probably need to put in the house is
3541s there a fish head I want a fish
3543s head I don't know if they should big sad
3547s big
3550s sad has who's been able to make this
3552s jump yet is this game multiplayer can
3555s you join each the game yes I just joined
3557s these guys gam and we're just doing
3559s random crap together so it is three
3561s player co-op so we have a server browser
3564s should we I'm waiting to see if we do
3566s another Mission together but I might
3567s just go a new random game who
3572s knows Tada see it's so easy guys I
3576s believe in you guys is this in-game
3578s music yes it is Gareth Coker is our um
3583s composer and he does amazing freaking
3585s work you might recognize him from such
3587s titles as uh lost Arc or dark side of
3591s Genesis or League of Legends run king or
3596s Orie in the blind forest
3598s or uh I think he did one of the Halo
3601s osts uh fig one maybe like Halo infinite
3606s um yeah he does he does he does good
3610s work physical OST in the work I cannot
3614s say I wish I wish we'd have one though
3617s pretty good I love me uh I vinyl's
3620s coming back dude I'm telling you vinyl
3622s is where it's at we did a a vinyl for
3623s run king that's freaking the collector's
3625s edition of run King is so sick comes in
3627s like a giant like green chest and
3629s there's like a vinyl in there and like a
3631s physical map of uh build water um or not
3635s build is it build
3636s water for uh but yeah it's cool
3640s stuff um play wender please tell me you
3644s will fix that and I don't have to do
3647s that fix what what do we what do we got
3650s to fix we'll
3653s try wayfinder pinball machine WI don't
3656s don't get me started all right this
3658s we're taking too long we're going to go
3659s we're going to join another Rando and
3662s see where it goes uh wayfinder for the
3668s trinket oh no no no that's that's not a
3670s fix that's that's intentionally put
3672s there I got to put that
3675s there you're welcome uh find party R
3682s random uh a someone who just installed
3684s wayfinder is challenging difficult
3686s filthy okay to start on I mean I would
3688s personally say start on heroic because
3691s you know we ain't we ain't no filthy
3693s casuals but yeah challenging play play
3696s however you like if you like story just
3697s play story it's up to you what you want
3699s to play Grandin monster what does this
3701s guy want to do he's got mythics unlocked
3703s that's
3704s exciting let's go find him where's he at
3706s where is he
3710s be I think we do need to level up some
3713s other wayfinders though unless we're
3715s going to go do do I want to just go
3717s grind my own character and just have
3719s randos join me could do that as well see
3724s if he's AFK or not he's looking mighty
3727s AFK you can push
3729s him all right I'm going to push him off
3731s the waterfall if he doesn't come back by
3733s the time we push him off the waterfall
3734s we're just going to go grind our
3738s own this is Pete gaming right now isn't
3742s this what you wanted to do when he came
3743s to sign up through the uh the official W
3745s figher stream
3746s the CM bully random people on the
3751s internet come
3753s on slowly surely he's so slippery he's a
3758s slippery sucker it's like a fish piece
3761s of sushi sushi Silo Silo sui come on you
3767s almost there getting
3771s there
3772s almost come on come on come come
3777s on we got 3 minutes and 53 seconds until
3781s the next giveaway folks tune in to this
3783s riveting gameplay never before have the
3786s internet witnessed such
3788s intense adrenaline pumping life altering
3793s inspirational gameplay is this watch
3796s Community manager sir snarf push an AFK
3799s player off a
3801s waterfall truly nothing as thrilling as
3803s this has ever occurred in your lifetime
3805s and you can watch it firsthand here on
3807s twitch.tv/ playfinder
3810s come on come on come on come
3814s on okay fine we did
3819s it all right we're going to we're going
3821s to go we're going to I want to get like
3823s my level one Awakening at least let's go
3825s do that and then I think we want to get
3827s our heroicness I think I'm I'm feeling
3829s some heroicness as
3832s well uh bought the game last week I
3834s still can't figure out how to Bunny Hop
3835s I believe in you all right I'm going to
3837s do a quick tutorial for everybody wants
3838s to know how to do it so jump jump Dash
3842s jump boom I do it backwards you don't
3846s have to do it backwards I just recommend
3847s it because it's better jump jump Dash
3850s jump jump jump jump Dash yeah this why
3854s you do it backwards backwards
3858s better yeah you do it backwards it's
3860s better so you just do natural jump jump
3864s Dash jump that's it
3866s so like as you're starting to come down
3868s that's when you have to dash so you
3870s can't Dash like in the air that's not
3872s going to work you got to jump jump Dash
3874s jump like as you're coming down you dash
3877s into the ground and you jump as soon as
3879s you hit the ground and you do it
3881s backwards like you can just hit like w
3883s then S and W to like do a
3885s 180 um it's just it goes it's it's more
3889s consistent and it's
3890s better you can do it Forward see I just
3892s did it Forward look at me I'm so good uh
3894s it's just not as consistent
3897s I think you have to like get your player
3898s in a weird player State before it starts
3902s working but it feels good when you get
3904s it
3906s right feels
3910s good Luca hi you're handsome you're
3914s breathtaking uh for those who are
3916s playing how is the game going it's so
3918s great it's amazing you should totally
3920s guy like right now you should go totally
3923s just buy just right now just do it it's
3925s great it's amazing I have zero bias you
3927s should trust me 100% why would I would
3929s never Ste you
3930s wrong um all right what are we doing
3932s we're going to go do a actually we can
3935s do two birds with one actually no we
3936s don't get very much we're going to go
3938s get a shadow warps we're going to do a
3939s shadow run and then we're going to do a
3941s solar run
3945s um maybe I'm going to try I'm going to
3947s see if we just do a sink of solar on
3949s just like a random
3950s Mythic get ourselves a
3958s all right here we go here we go here we
3959s go here we go we got 51 seconds till to
3962s giveway guys we're just going to start
3963s in the beginning start at the basics
3966s solar
3968s iment it's a fiery spider
3975s SPO I hate you for putting the drink in
3978s there I believe in
3982s you there are there's ways of doing it
3984s without having to do the jump going to
3986s tell you how but you can it is
3988s technically possible to do it without
3989s having any bunny Hops at
3993s all take some
3995s Ingenuity all right 15 seconds if you
3998s haven't tuned in play wayfinder
4000s twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder is where
4002s we're doing the giveaways all you got to
4003s do is tune in be here enjoy the fun
4006s we're just doing nonsense as is I
4008s do
4011s and it is time I think we're doing a PS5
4016s yes PS5 key
4019s um all right keyword
4022s is spiders are
4024s evil fighs are evil in chat and that
4027s will get you ready for the giveaway that
4029s guy does
4031s [Music]
4033s damage all right we got to we got to be
4035s careful we're not going to get revived
4036s we're responsible for ourselves
4040s here spider
4043s hurts all right make sure you're killing
4045s the the eggs before they pop up
4047s especially in
4050s heroic as I said that's why you that's
4052s why you kill the eggs that's why see
4054s spiders are evil thank you chat I feel
4057s Vindicated you guys you guys always know
4059s what's up all right and the winner
4062s is Jo MTV congratulations
4067s Jo Jo MTV you get a PS5
4073s key come on click it j o v e Mt TV got
4080s you you are in The Ledger two tap what's
4084s up tutap how you
4085s [Music]
4089s doing do not be sorry for the spiders
4091s spiders are evil see everybody in chat
4092s said it has to be true the internet
4094s would never lie to you death never once
4097s has the internet lied shadow
4107s oh we got more eggs get the egg get the
4113s eggs no run
4116s away we're
4121s fine I wasn't spooked at
4124s all and get parried or not I'm bad I
4128s feel
4129s bad and Parry get parried stupid
4134s spider read you like a
4140s book get the eggs all the eggs die eggs
4146s ow nope
4148s nope I shouldn't have parried I should
4150s have dodged I'm so
4153s dumb Sil all right we're going to do
4155s better guys we're going to do better uh
4158s I have to repin how to claim if you want
4160s okay I can I can repen it uh message
4166s narf that's me
4169s hiar in
4173s discord.gg FL play W
4181s fun boom pin
4185s forever okay should be good to go should
4188s be good do that if you win come me the
4191s thing is that the hardest mode this is
4193s the hardest so this is a Mythic hunt on
4195s heroic
4196s and I am a couple thousand hey we got
4198s help though someone has
4200s joined we got a Healer love to see
4205s it love me a
4214s Healer all right we're going to pop her
4216s Al early let's get rid of all these
4223s eggs of all these suckers
4227s all
4228s right eggless love to see
4234s it get the Parry off get the heavy
4237s attacks off the parri's do quite a bit
4240s of break damage I'll focus on the eggs
4242s get out of here
4244s eggs this ain't no breakfast meal this
4247s ain't no Denny's I don't want no eggs
4250s especially not no spider eggs gross can
4252s you imagine like spider caviar that
4255s sound that's
4258s not all right here we go all the damage
4261s lay on the damage lay on the
4263s deeps let us
4265s dance get over
4268s here ow Okay I
4271s uh the spider spat on me I believe in
4275s you I believe in you
4277s luminari Illuminate Me with Your wisdoms
4281s thank you
4284s sir more spiders
4286s dead
4287s spers we got things up
4289s here all the
4296s spers get all the
4301s G the pistol got
4307s pistol more content in what is up big
4311s man get out here get this guy
4317s ow got hit me in the face that's a big
4320s rude all right we're going to pop our
4322s weapon ability oh look at the damage
4324s look at that damage get the Parry off
4327s and take that sir get a heavy attack oh
4330s my God the juicy numbers me like numbers
4333s numbers go big makes me a happy snarf
4336s sper dead
4338s spider Parry it's
4343s parried I must be an act on the friends
4345s he my name is Perry there's one of the
4348s guys my friends Perry
4350s crazy hey no my homie I got you
4357s dodge that's right Parry
4361s busy busy spider Harry oh [ __ ]
4366s up all right get
4368s him get
4372s him Harry heavy attack
4378s all right this ends now spider Town
4381s 12,000 damage that's a
4385s crit spiders are evil just so you guys
4388s know all right do we get some of the
4390s Spectre that we need ooh level 35 slicer
4394s and
4395s daiser daiser and
4397s slicer level three
4401s Mythic we did it I'm proud of this guy I
4403s want to just give him a
4407s dance a jig a merry jig of my
4410s people we did it okay we can leave
4413s now all right we got three minutes the
4416s music is super fire the music is so epic
4419s you're not wrong you ain't wrong you
4422s ain't wrong if you're right you're right
4424s and you guys are right where can I find
4426s the Amulet of
4428s unpredictability uh I don't know that
4429s sounds like a chaotic thing to go look
4432s for so $25 seems like a good value
4435s thanks for the info by the
4437s way last stand the sale $17 right now on
4441s Steam just saying you if you guys want
4444s to show some support Now's the Time to
4447s do it it's the cheapest it's ever going
4448s to be and it gives you all the content
4451s for 1.0 this how much of the inspector
4454s did we get um
4457s only my
4460s materials uh I need molten
4464s Spectra stable glimmering did we get any
4470s molten molten Spectre 15 I don't think
4473s we did I think we got to do like a
4475s normal ass
4476s Expedition let's go to the mines a mine
4481s they call it a
4487s mine all right real talk I'm going to
4489s cast some shade here and I I don't
4491s usually cast shade but Amazon WTF how
4495s did you you how did you mess up Lord of
4496s the Rings so bad like do better guys
4501s please rings of power it hurts my soul
4504s like just don't do that do better anyway
4508s that's my P PSA for the day um we're
4511s going to go to balom because Bal Doom's
4513s pretty and we're going to do a solar
4515s Expedition this is going to be our
4518s gold uh I bought on PS5 I'm trying to
4520s convince my friends to get it too but
4522s they're slacking hey doing the Lord's
4524s work I appreciate you to keep it up
4527s thank you very much for the support it
4528s means a
4530s lot uh have you ever played Lord of the
4533s Rings online no I never did uh that's
4535s some good Lord of the Rings content I'm
4536s a brand new player no but I used to play
4538s the uh the war of the Ring the old
4540s school rtss and the second one another
4543s battle Li those were some good rtss back
4545s in the day you get Tom bombad deal
4547s running around being a Chad some good
4553s stuff who out there knows uh Tiberian
4556s Sun another great game highly recommend
4559s Tiberian Sun some some some Firestorm
4562s players out there anyone speaking of
4564s good music that's some great music
4566s that's a great soundtrack Frank uh
4568s something
4569s other that that
4571s soundtrack Oo we got a we got a pit
4574s Expedition
4575s here the level 30 blood onong all right
4577s let's go into the
4580s pits let's
4582s go all right we ready we ready let's do
4588s this dead
4590s gabo dead
4595s gabo
4597s strikes
4601s dead
4604s glorious got
4607s him got
4612s him Ling Return of the King remake
4615s please to good like the are you talking
4616s about the GameCube one that that was
4618s also a great game freaking doing the uh
4622s trying to get the kill streak with Lego
4625s loss and giml no we weren't paying
4628s attention we're too
4630s distracted we can do better we can do
4632s better the storm strikes are no joke I'm
4634s telling you
4637s man coming for
4640s you st from above
4645s she's trying to kill the person that's
4647s not in here yet all right stay up there
4649s she's distracted oh
4654s dodged black and white also a great game
4656s you play any black white black and white
4658s too both great games uh I think we have
4660s another giveaway I think we uh all right
4663s let's
4664s go everybody say your favorite video
4667s game that's at least 10 years old I want
4669s to see some some old school some deep
4672s Cuts favorite at least 10-year-old video
4675s game which is actually going to be sadly
4678s not that long ago Mario 64 that is a
4681s freaking great game two people that
4683s acarina at
4686s [Music]
4697s time all right bonus first person to
4700s tell me what the name of that song is uh
4704s we'll get an extra key
4709s first person I
4710s see the name of that song
4716s specifically is it really Song of Storms
4718s I thought that would be ponas am I
4722s crazy I believe you three people said it
4724s so Luca you get a you get a or actually
4727s no Chris Chris said it
4729s first all right yeah I I believe you
4732s internet internet has has told me the
4733s ways I would have gotten wrong I would
4735s have Pono song
4737s um All right so the first giveaway
4740s winner let's roll that first winner
4744s is the Holly BIM Bam congrat that's a
4747s fun name I like that uh the holy BIM Bam
4751s you get a PC
4758s key fantastic and then um Chris who was
4763s it the first person to said it it was
4768s C CHR ker
4771s 1489 do you want a PS5 key or do you
4774s want a steam
4776s key that was the Pokemon theme song yeah
4778s that's what it
4780s was catch them
4783s all got to be the very best best that
4787s ever
4789s was to catch them is my true guest to
4792s train them is my CS Pon I'm going travel
4797s across the land speaking far and wide
4801s Pokemon something something I can't
4804s remember the lyrics to the song Team
4807s Rocket other things Pokemon in the
4811s grass fighting trainers at the gym and
4814s getting badges that is what we
4818s do uh did Chris respond steam all right
4822s putting him down in the book for steam
4823s winner
4825s her 1480 something other I'm proud of
4827s you you won thank you for making me feel
4830s stupid and getting my own question wrong
4834s uh
4836s CHR
4839s 1489 I got
4840s you got you hopefully I can win a PC
4844s game I will keep trying play G thumb I'm
4846s just saying or you can just buy it for
4847s 17 bucks it's a good game for 17 bucks
4850s today's the last day it's on sale it's
4852s an option all right going to get
4855s ourselves a lot of treasure that's the
4858s correct one these are the correct
4861s ones
4863s boom these are the correct
4866s ones
4869s boom uh these are the correct
4873s ones easy peasy japen easy let's
4881s go play Wun I can't believe Gareth Coker
4884s made the music game um he made the music
4886s for AI true
4889s true first time chatter mag what's up
4892s yep I have four hours or so you have
4895s four hours or so yep that is that's true
4897s that sounds about right 30% off it's 17
4901s bucks it does lock you in for all of the
4903s goodies that are coming in 1.0 so if
4905s you're if you're even on the fence you
4907s want to do it you want to buy some for
4908s your friends they're inevitably want to
4910s play now it's the time to do it I'm
4911s going to Shield the heck out of this cuz
4913s it's my job and it's also a good game
4916s and you should play it and it' be more
4917s fun and there's a chance I'll just jump
4920s in the game with you we could play
4921s together me another random person that
4924s lives in this world we could play
4925s together think of that there's a chance
4928s there's an opportunity or you could play
4930s with other random people that are just
4931s as good as me literally anything's
4933s possible your dreams are not
4938s memes all right ooh slimet hello
4942s slimet is that a beacon beacons are
4944s freaking
4945s scary do not mess with the beacons they
4948s will mess with
4950s you
4956s bye-bye oh
4958s Worm look worm question
4961s mark
4964s secret secret
4970s chest this game doesn't never exists if
4972s we don't talk about it oh Halo infant
4974s okay
4976s for the music you did I I was pretty
4978s sure you did Halo for the
4985s music Spectra blood
4989s Spectra we got a Ambush what could
4992s possibly have in here an ambush what a
5000s surprise crunch crunch a bunch
5009s pump pum pum we need to get our weapon
5011s ability
5015s online higher o we got some big boys
5023s now oh kill we fine we nerfed the damage
5026s that leg so much that used to just like
5028s murder
5031s you all
5033s right you
5035s no more too easy too easy
5039s glorious game is great everyone should
5041s know I do 17 bucks is 24 money exactly
5044s right I'm just saying it's a good deal
5046s what other game can you buy for like 17
5048s bucks that will give you like 3,000
5050s hours content I know you're not going to
5052s play 3,000 hours but you could I'm still
5054s having fun I'm still discovering stuff I
5055s haven't seen before after 3,000 hours
5057s you could do it too Dam dam it's an
5060s option there's actually too many games
5062s to play out there so I don't play yet
5063s just play the game beat the game it's a
5065s fun game you'll have fun pick it up
5066s again in the future play it again you'll
5069s have
5070s fun it's a good time it's a good time
5072s chill chill chill I
5074s will I'm I'm not I a I ain't going to
5076s lie I want you guys to buy the game you
5078s should buy the game it's a good game you
5080s should tell your friends to buy the game
5081s they'll have a good time they'll thank
5082s you you'll you'll make better friends
5084s they'll like damn you know that one game
5085s you told me to buy for 17 bucks that was
5087s a good idea you should do that more
5088s often you're like yeah I'm a good friend
5090s I have good recommendations you have the
5091s opportunity to make your friends
5092s appreciate you more and a man of good
5094s taste or woman a good taste like or
5097s anything in between like you can just
5099s tell you you're a good you're a good
5101s person I'm I'm giving that opportunity
5103s for only $17 guys you can do it you can
5106s do that change your life make it a
5109s better life play way finder okay I'm
5111s done I'm done with this bit it's too
5113s much um snarf what graphics card do you
5116s use this one has
5117s [Music]
5119s a there like a 4070 in here I want to
5123s say death comes s
5125s either a 3080 or
5140s 4070 right get our weapon ability off
5143s now we're doing the damages don't die
5144s don't die don't die thank you for that
5146s heal oh my Lord what a freaking
5149s Chad we got our alt ready for the big
5151s baddy all right prophecy you're about to
5154s have a very bad day
5158s get murfi wo 11,000
5161s damage big numbers go bat love to see
5167s it easy peasy all right we probably got
5170s enough of that in
5173s there a sapphire rx66 I really need to
5176s get better with the um the AMD no
5179s clature especially since they're kind of
5180s like Partners on the game um I need to
5182s do better at that that is something I
5184s need to improve on 30 seconds until the
5186s next giveaway ladies and gentlemen if
5187s you are tuning in anywhere besides the
5189s twitch Channel we are doing the
5191s giveaways here on twitch.tv/ playay
5193s wayfinder so make sure you head over
5195s here and and give us a follow because we
5197s we do this a lot on the wayfinder
5199s account and all you got to do is be here
5200s be here say hi uh answer the question
5202s and the question is uh what is the
5206s average land speed of an unladen swallow
5209s answer that and you will be
5212s automatically entered for this giveaway
5221s and this is going to be for a PC no it's
5224s going to be for a PS5
5227s key and the question is to be entered in
5230s this giveaway what is the average land
5232s speed of an unladen swallow if you know
5235s you
5236s [Music]
5240s know focus on your miss this is a this
5243s is a deep cut test some people are some
5245s people are passing
5247s it some people are not passing it this
5250s is pretty funny to see the the variety
5252s of answers of coming through though I
5253s have
5254s news all right did we get enough of the
5256s molten Spectra we did we got to do some
5258s Shadow warp Spectra
5264s now this is why you can't rely on Google
5267s guys this is why AI will never never
5269s take over the
5271s world uh let's go with
5275s what do what do we want to play let's do
5276s a rewood
5279s Expedition bone Orchard bone Orchard
5281s with some Shadow ement don't mind if I
5285s do uh play W funer I cannot message you
5288s in Discord uh make sure you are in the
5291s the wayfinder channel if you're on the
5292s wayfinder channel you should be able to
5294s message
5299s me zeloth knows what's up all right as
5302s soon as this loading screen finishes we
5304s we are going to be rolling the winner of
5306s a PS5
5310s key all right and the winner
5313s is one Rune hey one Rune congratulations
5316s one run that is a PS5 key for
5319s [Music]
5321s you that's a name I
5324s recognize one Rune congratulations
5330s dude uh game is fun Pat am random view
5334s are on
5345s all
5347s right we got a a deception I actually
5350s think it's better to kill like that's is
5353s something I I raised I think it's
5355s actually more
5356s profitable kill these guys then beat the
5360s event
5362s like maybe maybe not
5365s could have SW they dropped loot
5367s before
5369s crazy got a I love speaking of the music
5372s the music here freaking
5375s slaps love the music in the re
5384s Woods like I got so when I played
5386s through classic wow I played the hell
5388s out of classic saying for first the
5390s nixia felt pretty good um the classic
5394s while I was listening a bunch of like
5396s the Scandinavian um G if you've heard of
5400s them uh it's run I'm probably
5403s pronouncing that if there's anybody who
5405s actually is from the like I never know
5409s the right dbes please educate me do you
5411s say like Nordic do you say like
5413s Scandinavian like wherever those people
5416s hail from um it's like r with a u oout
5420s thing and then N I think I've always
5422s been s like room but uh that
5426s song great song highly recommend all
5429s great song to be playing but this music
5431s anyway tangent aside got there uh it
5434s reminds me a lot here we go I'm going to
5436s get my luck first try baby I
5446s lied oh o
5452s chesticle that's another really nice
5454s stability power book probably have a
5456s better build I just need to go back and
5458s uh move some things around but we we
5460s we're starting to get some good items oh
5462s don't step on that we're
5464s fine we're looking for Spectra we need
5467s we all the
5469s Spectras way we have to go this
5474s way I spy dinguses kill the
5478s dinguses
5482s Dead dinguses
5487s uh play wayfinder what is your best game
5489s in the last 10 years except for
5491s wayfinder reports uh I honestly think
5493s that elen ring is probably the best game
5495s ever made I Elden ring is a mass p in my
5499s opinion I know and that's that's saying
5501s a lot oh but that's actually that's less
5503s than 10 years uh I'm I'm dumb I don't
5505s know how to answer my own question uh
5508s older than 10 years older than 10
5513s years oh that's really
5516s hard
5520s um older than 10
5526s years Skyrim is a
5529s classic I don't know if it's the best
5531s though but God I got a lot of mileage up
5534s SK
5540s um hard question who would ask a
5543s question like this that's messed up
5545s how are you supposed to be able to
5545s answer it
5549s like
5553s um I do love some Starcraft 2 Starcraft
5556s 2 is a great game build Diamond ranked
5558s on Starcraft 2 if anybody wants to play
5560s in Starcraft 2 come at Bring It On
5564s challenge
5566s you
5569s um I know
5575s 10 years ago rather
5585s um you know what actually I'm going to
5588s say like I'm going to do a deep cut and
5590s I think it's been 10 years I think it's
5592s been 10 years I'm going to
5593s say um Divinity original Sim 2 I led me
5599s some of divinity original that was a
5601s great freaking game if you guys want to
5603s solve an 80 hour murder that is the game
5606s for you right do you want to be the
5608s Sherlock own that you can figure out how
5610s to solve that murder I believe in
5613s you and like divinity original 10 one
5616s was great and then they made it even
5617s better with divinity original 10 too
5619s that that was a
5632s great oh no oh I've have been
5637s murdered who came out in 2017 doesn't
5640s count no all right fine original S one H
5643s take that
5645s internet damn it I'm sorry luminari I
5648s got us killed I'm so
5652s sorry uh snarf have a good stream uh
5655s you're safe from me for another few
5656s hours hey Chester what's up
5665s uh do you end up building all your
5667s characters like a glass Cannon or just n
5669s uh pretty much all of them to be
5671s honest if you're not doing damage you're
5673s not doing damage am I
5680s right like offense is the best defense
5682s if they're dead they can't hurt you
5685s that's that's kind of how I think about
5686s it and then if I die I only blame myself
5689s so kind of a
5691s win-win it's motivation to do better and
5693s then also they die
5697s fast not the smartest play
5701s don't don't don't follow my footsteps
5704s you want to be better but this is what I
5710s do this is a big boy I can't even see
5713s his health
5715s bar got
5718s him CU see now he's dead he can't hurt
5720s me and if I wasn't a glass stamina I
5722s might have been de that fast
5724s but who knows think about how much
5726s opportunity damage I missed out on
5728s because I was I was building this way
5730s big brain big wrinkly brain o the
5733s Mystic I don't think I've done his quest
5738s yet I need to do his side quest at one
5740s of these things as
5748s well what's over here a
5752s chesticle and a wolf
5757s Shadow
5758s stalker we need more
5761s Spectra get him get him get
5765s him got him
5770s beautiful sh stalker Echo there we go 92
5775s Spectre that's that's a pretty decent
5776s amount I think we might be able to get
5778s one or two
5780s uh level ups with that
5788s sweet
5791s murder oh we're fine we're not hurt
5794s we're fine everything's
5798s fine oh
5802s boy punch punch
5805s punch punch punch punch
5809s glorious glorious weapon power wolf Echo
5815s oh
5821s Colossus blood this guys a Tony Tony boy
5825s oh new giveaway time guys I didn't even
5828s hear that uh I think we're doing a what
5832s what are we doing this time PS5 wait R
5835s didn't we just do a PS5 am I
5839s crazy oh I think we're supposed to be
5841s one ahead on the PCP PC time
5844s PC time uh what's a good question what
5847s is a good
5850s question
5853s um good question for chat what do we
5857s want to
5861s do all right I'll make people look this
5863s up uh who was the director of the latest
5868s renle
5872s anime who person look that person up
5875s because that person's good person you
5876s guys should know this
5878s person latest renle anime who is the
5883s director I'm going to give you guys 2
5886s minutes put your answer
5892s in hey someone knows it was not even SP
5900s spoilers what was awesome about Michael
5902s Bay
5904s it was the grindle
5906s anime and not Steve
5918s Matera do you know what Hakim also
5922s did he did some good [ __ ] he does he's
5925s an impressive
5927s man also friends of
5931s Joe all right we got one more minute one
5933s one more minute for putting your answers
5938s in and if you haven't seen the latest
5940s grindle anime go go watch it like I'm so
5943s jealous I would love to be able to
5944s experience that again for the first time
5946s it's so good it's it's so good a quality
5952s anamu okay we got we got a party up in
5954s here let's end this party poo here clear
5959s out
5964s get
5966s murfi that wasn't even the inoss my Lord
5969s that was a spooky uh middle of the
5973s Run did the
5975s damage no we ran straight into it friend
5978s help us
5982s friends he did he did in fact he did do
5986s that all right 20 seconds until we roll
5989s the
5991s giveaway we got 1,000 6 entries 107
5996s entries who's going to be
5999s next 108 1,9 4 3 two one and the winner
6007s is beta killer 888 congratulations beta
6019s killer you are in my ledger
6023s sorry I had to look up the directory
6027s true I hope you win a key lumari it'd be
6030s awesome to see you play this game I
6032s really hope you have the opportunity to
6033s play this
6044s game all right and murder
6048s hey glorious
6068s all right again if you are just tuning
6070s in we are doing giveaways on twitch.tv/
6072s playay wayfinder make your way over here
6074s say hi we're just hanging out we're
6076s having a good time we're just playing
6077s games it's early in the morning like I
6079s don't think anybody's gotten the office
6081s yet we're just we're just here we're
6082s just chilling in the studio doing a
6084s stream before the day starts and then um
6087s yeah so twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder and
6089s then if you do win give me a DM in my
6092s slack DMS my slack I mean the Discord I
6096s can speak I not I'm not tired you're
6098s tired uh so discord.gg wayfinder I am
6102s sirar Hi how are you doing I'm also my
6105s name is Alex I hope you're I hope you're
6107s doing great thanks for thanks for
6108s hanging out thanks for tuning
6110s in the b in the name conspiracy
6112s continues true true
6118s uh we got a plant recipe
6122s nice how
6124s many where is the shadow 101 Shadow
6127s Spectre not bad not too
6132s slabby please do more anime trailers and
6135s put them uh in the game for introduction
6138s oh we do do you want to see look oh here
6141s know we're going to do this live
6143s internet we get to experience this
6145s together just in case you haven't seen
6146s it I'm going to subject you to it uh
6149s discoveries
6152s cinematics do I not have
6155s him character okay there it is all right
6158s here we go here we go here we go here we
6159s go doing in sit back
6168s relax oh here're we're going to turn it
6170s up a little bit syate in the city we're
6172s going to turn it up it's too quiet too
6173s quiet we're going to we're going to give
6174s this the uh the amban it
6180s deserves turn it down if you need to but
6184s we're going to we're going to immerse
6185s ourselves in some beautiful
6188s cinematography here we go here we go
6190s here we go here we go I'll shut up
6193s now we have a giveaway in 3 minutes and
6196s 50
6200s seconds every Syndicate in the city
6203s wants your head head on a stick but the
6206s shrikes got to you first and now you
6208s plan to torture me with what this idiots
6211s piano playing we plan to collect or
6214s you'll be reunited with your family
6216s Peace by piece tell you what unti me now
6219s and I'll have my guy kill just oh three
6223s of
6227s you nobody's getting in or out of here
6230s until we get our money
6234s H you want a bet front gate check
6238s in I said front gate check in uh-oh shut
6242s your
6244s mouth come in Gate not responding see
6248s what's going on
6254s yep nobody here who's losers must have
6259s split what the hell
6275s so are we ready to make a
6280s deal no deal your funeral pick handle
6291s it man had a very bad day
6308s what now boss now meet grindle did you
6313s just say grindle
6324s [Music]
6353s h
6364s stop or the vicount
6366s dies maybe we should listen to what the
6369s nice lady has to
6371s say Hey you think I'm kidding drop the
6375s axe
6385s [Music]
6388s what a shot man knows how to use an
6397s axe you raging idiot what the hell is
6402s wrong with you you were supposed to
6404s protect me instead you trash my place
6408s nearly get me killed I paid you I own
6412s you
6421s they'll pay
6424s more wait let's go of me you Beast oh no
6428s no I'm
6431s sorry oh what a good trailer right I'm
6435s not I'm not crazy I'm not crazy they
6438s they did good oh my God the timing you
6440s can't you can't make this up you can't
6443s make get up I want to do we're going to
6445s do this one next you guys haven't seen
6446s this one just in case we're going to do
6447s this one next uh but the winner of that
6449s one is all right they'll pay more in
6452s chat they'll pay more in chat for that
6455s line the one lineer for PS5 key
6458s everybody uh but was anybody that was
6461s their first time seeing that has anybody
6464s not seen that
6465s [Music]
6471s before I'm I'm genuinely
6477s curious I was wondering if that's the
6479s game yes so you can get all the the
6481s cinematics just by going to the
6482s discoveries so discoveries also your
6485s recipe book If you're looking for
6488s [Music]
6494s accessories get the consumables I still
6496s have some potions I
6501s found your first time okay good as long
6504s as there's one person who hadn't seen it
6505s before that makes me
6507s happy The Cinematic word is worth the
6509s lest asking press alone right right oh
6512s so freaking
6513s badass all right give it 10 more seconds
6517s 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and the winner
6527s is Angel Beats you congratulations Angel
6530s Beats you that is a PS5 key shoot me a
6533s message and if you do win a PS5 key
6535s please message me um along with what
6537s region you live in I need to know if
6540s you're Europe or na or wherever else you
6542s are uh because they are region
6543s restricted so we need to know that uh
6546s for PS5 at least
6548s angel angel beast
6552s you angel Beats you all right wonderful
6554s congratulations all right we're gonna
6556s watch this one too I haven't seen this
6557s one in a
6559s minute wait no this is the story I'm the
6562s venomous no no no no we me then we don't
6565s want that one we want this
6568s [Music]
6578s one the shadow Nation must be here these
6581s dirt pushers harness the most dangerous
6583s Magic on the planet I'd be celebrating
6585s too then pour the drinks to we're taking
6588s it home to the maze there is an old
6591s entrance up to it's probably
6600s unreachable you're joking
6615s right good old
6617s then what the hell happened here
6627s look at the burn
6630s marks El blades oh no she's here let's
6635s say hello Ben wait
6666s [Music]
6671s that was a warning shot n you only get
6674s one
6682s [Music]
6687s why'd you come back here feeling
6693s homesick she got she's strong look at
6696s the look at those leg
6698s muscles this power is a curse I'm taking
6701s it away from
6703s here not
6707s happening
6710s ow this power could change everything
6713s for the
6724s ma no
6751s [Music]
6758s [Music]
6770s they had a bad day
6784s you saved
6785s me
6789s why I need
6792s you to help me fix this
6804s play you uh a little bit of oopsy
6809s doopsy all
6813s right they're
6816s good I'm I'm very proud to be Associated
6820s working on stuff like that it's it's
6823s cool it's a cool
6829s thing all right we're going to go back
6831s to it sorry luminar we were we were busy
6833s we were doing we were doing the things
6834s and stuff I appreciate you we had we had
6835s the popcorn out we we were watching the
6837s stuff you
6839s know I got three minutes until the next
6841s giveaway
6842s folks uh o I think I can probably awaken
6845s now do some of that Awakening I'm glad
6847s you could spare a little of your
6849s precious
6850s time oh
6853s yeah hey first awakened all right now we
6857s need hey we got enough for another one
6863s oh no we need more Shadow warp tragic
6866s badow warp Spectra all right I think we
6868s probably start leveling up some other
6872s wayfinders who do we want to level I
6875s mean let's do some grindle your hearts I
6879s forgot we did this
6881s color sh silly uh perks I think we want
6885s to get some more break damage yeah feel
6890s more instinct
6895s beautiful uh we got both do we have this
6898s unlocked do probably get this
6903s way oh
6911s yeah oh I hopefully did not sneeze and
6914s blow everybody's eard jums out that was
6916s there was no easy way to mute really
6917s quickly unfortunately but here we go how
6919s do we unlock characters in game just
6920s playing the main St quest uh we expected
6923s tuxedo grial somebody's been hanging out
6925s in Discord uh what do we want to use for
6928s break damage uh I think we're going to
6931s use some blood song that sounds like fun
6933s oh no we have a legendary blood song oh
6935s that's actually a pretty good one too
6938s all right so Echo we want some weapon
6941s power me
6942s thinks uh weapon power beautiful already
6946s equipped 4 equipped 4
6948s equipped uh I think I already have blood
6951s Lu yeah kerling put one of those on uh
6955s silk mistress we can put one of those
6957s on Frost Hunter beautiful AR Guardian
6962s fantastic I think we want a little bit
6964s of survivability too so I'm going to put
6966s where is that Mythic let
6970s beautiful um let's get a little bit
6975s more these are kind of me maybe some
6978s more break
6981s damage all Ripper and then we're out of
6985s capacity already that should be fine for
6987s now oh yeah look at look at my beautiful
6990s skin I think we're going to reset that
6992s for the memes the memes are over memes
6995s are no longer dreams 45 seconds till the
6997s giveaway folks if you want to join in
6999s the Discord or the giveaways make sure
7001s you are at our twitch.tv/ playay
7003s wayfinder that is where we are giving
7004s them away um good M sh when 1.0 goes
7008s live what happens to all character prior
7010s to 1.0 nothing just maintains continues
7013s on so it's a great time to start playing
7015s now and get ready for all the content
7016s that is coming the last one third the
7018s third chapter so there's two chapters
7019s available right now um and then there'll
7021s be a third chapter once you once we get
7024s to it in uh
7029s 1.0 all right we got to match our our
7032s weapon we're going to go off of this so
7033s we need like gold green and
7037s red let's go do a base of
7043s all right we got giveaway time uh the
7045s winner
7047s is so this is for a PC key I believe for
7052s steam
7055s uh for steam let's just go type PS5 in
7060s chat for a steam key PS5 PS5 is the
7063s keyword to win a steam key because we
7067s don't like making sense here on a snarf
7069s stream no sir no sir re Bob
7072s uh all right so we want to match this
7074s like gold we have Founders gold okay
7078s that should work it's a little bit more
7079s of a
7083s bronzy but uh I
7086s think kind of like this orange yellow I
7089s think it matches pretty good secondary
7092s we're going to
7094s do
7096s red that's too much too much red
7103s I'm not loving this so
7104s far not in
7107s love I think I think we're screwing up
7110s just try the green okay that kind of
7114s works okay now the
7116s trim maybe the trim we can make red
7119s little too
7121s much all right I guess we can I can I
7123s can live with that the emissive can we
7126s make that that teal as
7128s well we go
7133s uh for this guy we want to go
7137s gold like
7140s gold and then custom here maybe this
7144s more of the
7147s teal okay we're we're we're matching
7151s we're matching it do we yeah we can't
7155s change the scin we've already done it
7156s all right I kind of hate it I think it's
7159s horrible but we're going with it um
7163s what do we need to awaken
7167s renle I have need of your services renle
7171s requires glimmering molten Spectra so
7173s for glimmering molten we need to do two
7177s solar all right two solers and we need a
7180s witch T refy so we're going to go
7182s to the Reaver
7185s Woods shouted Woods or two
7189s solar make it happen all right and the
7192s winner of the PS5 as soon as this
7194s loading screen finishes we're going to
7195s roll
7197s it uh if you change the mouthing from
7199s red to something else it would look much
7201s better yeah probably it's it's it's a
7203s little hideous at the
7205s moment going to finally play with
7207s grindle yeah we're about
7212s to uh the Discord invite is expired by
7215s the way
7217s what what shenanigans
7225s try one dot our
7229s discord.
7231s gway
7237s fighter here
7245s SM try that again pin boom see if that
7250s one works all right and then we're it
7252s the winner is gaming
7255s Yu congratulations gamer
7260s user uh for
7263s PC
7265s gaming you r u z congrat your freaking
7273s lations did I spell Discord wrong disc
7277s grod disc
7279s gr. uh we're gonna unpin that right
7282s quick
7287s this G for all of your communication
7292s needs let's try that again all
7300s right let's do that one you saw nothing
7304s you saw nothing John
7308s snow I'm unable oh trap brutal
7315s big
7317s smacks oo loot
7319s Goblin give him the
7327s business damage oh I love that weapon
7330s ability it's so
7332s good oh my God they are just coming
7335s never coming a straight line what are
7336s you guys doing
7346s level
7349s out do want to get a level of my LEAP do
7353s I get a point for that I really want an
7355s extra leap dang it I don't I
7358s want got to get two more ability points
7361s tragic we'll get
7368s there oh they're burning
7370s life all right we got to keep an eye out
7372s for Spectra need that glimmering Spectra
7375s oh it's a good wolf EO o hello crowded
7379s wood
7379s flowers I mean there's nothing like a
7381s big scary monster boy going out picking
7384s flowers in the woods that just that
7386s screams RP to
7390s me got him so we're going to be doing
7394s four minutes till the next giveaway this
7395s is going to be a PS5
7401s ke get him beat him
7404s upath the heal or not I thought that was
7407s going to heal me it did not heal
7408s me run away from the big
7412s spooky is this music
7416s good uh kind of reminds me a Diablo 4
7419s with soulstone survivors in the person
7420s enjo de here dude welcome first time
7423s chatter how the heck you doing
7425s pandra get him beat him up beat him up
7428s beat him up
7433s hit th all right we're going to do we're
7436s going to do the challenge here it's
7437s going to be
7441s juicy boom Spin to
7444s Win got our Al ready I think I'm going
7447s to save it until we start this though I
7449s got to kill these guys
7458s first I just want to listen to more
7459s music we're we bump we're bumping the
7461s music up a bit
7464s music volume's up there we're going to
7465s turn these down get a tad we can really
7468s let that music
7475s kind worth it worth it thank you for
7479s keeping me alive I appreciate you you're
7481s doing the Lord's work over here for
7483s music just like the cello in the
7485s background
7497s all right I think actually know we're
7498s going to wait until the end to drop our
7501s coming a little
7508s bit
7510s murdered the fact that it heals you too
7512s is so good
7517s [Music]
7527s beautiful we're just like all the spin
7529s we got the spin weapon we got the spin
7532s ability we are spinny
7535s boys SP get all that Health back oh it's
7540s juicy so big so large for the capital J
7545s hey it's just squiggles level four
7547s that's a brave soul
7553s kill
7555s me okay we need to drop our weapon
7557s ability no
7561s tragedy are you using Bastion you're
7564s like a super
7568s healer I believe I believe in you I just
7573s know you're going to
7575s fail I lied you're freaking Chad I
7578s cannot believe you what a gangster
7584s oh it
7586s hurts oh sorry level four lad you are in
7589s a place that cannot get you all right
7592s get our chainsaw
7597s out got AOE damage
7603s pumping this is hitting for five grand a
7605s hit that's actually no joke just need to
7607s be swinging all right we're going to
7609s drop our Al
7612s oh big smacks big smacks big
7618s smacks and weapon
7621s ability murder
7628s fied 2,000 nice CR
7632s uh
7635s sure he forgot he was a barar he thought
7637s he was an eil for a second it's fine oh
7640s yeah nicely done
7644s uh can I please get a suggest to get new
7646s achievements for the game with updates
7647s it would bring back more players and
7649s more time to do uh so achievements are
7651s tricky especially when it comes to uh
7653s PlayStation that was one of the big
7655s things that took so long uh keep like
7658s hey honestly forgot about this game but
7659s it looks great might have to pick it up
7660s like I'm just saying should come back
7662s and try it out welcome back first time
7663s chat though hope you're doing
7665s great all right uh giveaway we are doing
7668s a giveaway for a PlayStation 5 key uh so
7672s for this one we let's ask another
7675s question um
7677s what is your
7680s quest that is a question we're we're
7683s we're taking it back to some uh good old
7686s multi days I don't know why we're in
7687s multi but what is your quest is answer
7690s that question and uh you'll be injured
7691s for
7692s the the giveaway
7712s oh
7718s boom all right
7723s um I'm kind of here so if we
7729s do this is back smack all right 30
7734s seconds until we roll the giveaway what
7736s is your quest if you're just tuning in
7738s jump over to twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder
7741s that is where we're doing the
7743s giveaways and answer what is your quest
7746s to give be entered for a es5
7751s key my Lord something just
7756s happened I
7760s no this I think you're a little low to
7763s be here my
7765s [Music]
7769s bro all right and the winner
7772s is three two
7777s one hey David 1996 12:15 congratulations
7783s you are the winner of a PS5 key shoot me
7785s a message on Discord and I got you and
7787s uh for all PS5 winners please when you
7789s message me let me know what region you
7791s are in
7793s hey
7796s David
7799s 1996
7803s 12:15 Beauty fabl let's keep going let's
7807s keep rocking keep rocking and
7816s rolling ooh sneaky boy everyone
7824s ow ow ow ow
7827s ow Dodge away no just keep face mashing
7831s oh my God this guy is murdering
7834s me I have done anything except being
7837s dumb
7839s oh procrastination as always seek the
7842s Holy Grail all of you
7845s mon proud of
7850s you bye-bye
7855s nice got
7864s him all right Zenith Rider base got
7868s another armor set so if you guys don't
7870s know uh if you haven't played since we
7871s converted this over to Echo all of the
7875s Skins so everything that used to be an
7877s MTX item is now loot in the game and uh
7880s we converted all the Skins into to
7882s actual armor pieces and you can find the
7883s individual armor pieces uh and equip
7886s them and they all have stats uh speaking
7888s of which I need to equip one of these
7889s bad boys weapon power is 6 and 12% that
7892s seems pretty good what do I take the
7893s crit power and break power o these are
7896s the questions that keep me up
7898s tonight um we're going this
7904s way possibly dumb question but would you
7907s recommend getting the founder pack or
7908s just wait for one point get them I'd
7909s recommend well there founder packs are
7911s no longer sale but if you are interested
7913s in getting the game it is on sale right
7914s now for 30% off and it will give you all
7916s of the access for 1.0 so if you want to
7919s get it uh while it's cheap you have like
7922s another two or so hours to buy it while
7924s it's on 30% off and that Che still
7926s you're going to find it so highly
7928s recommend and at 1.0 the price is going
7930s to increase as well so if you want to
7931s get at Early Access not even play it I
7934s highly recommend you play it just
7935s because you'll keep your progress and
7937s then be able to pick up uh with all the
7938s New Concept with 1.0 um but yeah on in
7941s Steam Sale right now for the next couple
7950s hours try
7952s again Hey Oh I thought I got it I'm sad
7956s big
7960s sad last one all right who's going to do
7962s it luminari believe in you I believe in
7964s you bring it
7967s home oh a big S I bet you would have
7971s donear I bet it would have been you you
7973s were the chosen
7982s one oh I got a I got a fun question for
7985s the next one coming up uh we got 4
7987s minutes and 24 seconds until the next
7989s giveaway
7990s folks uh does 1.0 come with a new girl
7993s she does it does it
7994s does ink the squid yo this game looks
7998s gnarly hell yeah yeah it does
8003s Nar uh are people participating in the
8006s giveaway uh for other channels too no so
8008s we have to do all the giveaways your uh
8010s nightbot is tied to the Twitch account
8012s so join in twitch.tv/ playfinder uh
8024s [Music]
8034s big
8042s PPS I got you buddy you've saved me so
8045s many times least I can do is save you
8047s power through don't die no I'm so sorry
8050s I thought we could do it I was my
8053s hubris all right respawn
8056s respawning
8060s oh oh Str it's
8062s early oh my Lord that was my whole spine
8066s that felt
8069s great uh how hard was the transition
8072s from life
8074s service there's a reason not a lot of
8076s companies do it we found out real
8080s quick it ain't easy but we're we're very
8083s proud of it
8095s come near
8105s you get him beat him
8111s up and
8114s Chainsaw so much
8116s damage that's
8119s juicy and the heal at the same
8122s time all right well we got just
8124s squiggles like three levels in here
8125s that's not bad hey reckner base let's go
8129s last breath pretty
8134s good happy cat
8142s dance
8144s um will there be Cosmetics as well for
8147s characters bot or free so all of the
8150s armor is uh transmog as well so if you
8153s buy or not buy if you unlock an armor
8155s piece you can put it on for stats but
8157s then you have the transmog for the other
8159s ones so I'll show you here in a
8166s second so look as you unlock all the
8169s armor pieces you get them and you can
8171s equip whatever you want I'm really
8172s debating between the weapon power or the
8175s crit Power Plus physical
8177s defense I think I stick with this
8180s because I lose how much
8182s yeah I lose 650 weapon power I I can't I
8185s can't I can't agree to that uh this
8188s physical defense and ability power crit
8191s power crit rating I think we want to
8192s take the head though now you got me
8194s distracted um just go Max health max
8198s health physical defense crit rating
8200s ability power break power crit power
8203s weapon power crit rating that's pretty
8205s strong o That's 9% weapon power
8207s though for magic defense for get some
8209s extra crit rating M it's temp anyway uh
8212s as you unlock those things you can go
8214s into your cosmac and you have all of
8216s these unlocked so all of these Cosmetics
8218s are now unlocked as well but however you
8222s want to build it you
8223s can you know what I really want I want
8225s to get the uh Samurai feel like this
8232s hairstyle with I don't know what would
8235s be or do I have the one that has like
8237s the knots on it the shayin yeah I think
8239s all the shin
8242s uh I don't have okay
8245s yeah where is the Shon here we go here
8248s we go here we go here we go here we go
8249s we're we're going to switch up our
8250s weapons real
8251s [Music]
8255s quick ooh giveaway
8258s time oh don't spell coffee all over
8260s everything
8269s um all right um do we have enough I see
8273s one I really God we need a lot more
8274s health of coins open bin I really want
8276s to get this new objective objective
8279s unlocked we're going to go get
8281s that uh giveaway so we are
8287s doing
8289s um I think we're doing a PC we're doing
8291s a PC giveaway PC giveaway all right the
8295s question is it's not a question it's
8297s just more of a survey but you just have
8298s to put an entry
8299s in Star Wars
8302s Star Trek or
8304s Stargate only choose one of the three
8306s but I want to see I want to see what
8308s kind of people we have out here who who
8310s are who what's our fan base Star Wars
8313s Star Trek or
8318s Stargate got a lot of Star Wars lot of
8320s Star Wars that makes sense big IP couple
8323s star trecks I I saw the Stargates though
8325s my
8329s homies there Stargate
8332s mostly Star Wars I think Star Wars is
8334s definitely winning starfish
8340s winner uh all right we need new jobs
8342s let's go find the job
8346s board drob board job
8349s board all right what do we need kill
8352s husks in the highlands complete an
8354s Expedition using a shadow ement
8356s okay poison Goblin food do that
8362s oh my God we have to go hunting for
8366s that
8368s um kill bone Breakers and Bone binders
8372s collect greyhorn meat oh we can do that
8374s real quick let's go kill some greyh
8377s horns we're going on the
8381s journey all right and the winner
8383s is the answer is by Stargate just just
8387s so you guys
8387s know it's the answer Stargate Stargate
8390s is the answer
8391s uh Jones is high congratulations you got
8393s a PC
8396s key Jones is
8401s high
8404s congratulations I hope nothing brings
8406s you down
8407s low yok by the way everybody yok if you
8411s guys need any art yok is is your person
8414s y makes some of the best freaking Chibi
8417s art I've ever seen in my entire life and
8419s they are the most wholesome happy
8423s awesome people in Discord so yeah we we
8425s like yok yok is awesome you need art
8427s commission highly recommend not
8429s sponsored # sponsored go support them
8431s because they're just the best people
8434s seriously thanks for stopping
8437s by Sky Preacher Man you did win you
8440s needed to message me dude I don't have
8442s any messages from
8443s you I do remember you won um yes all
8447s winners please message me in Discord
8450s discord.
8452s g/ wayfinder I am sir
8465s [Music]
8470s snarf yeah I have a million things to
8473s keep track of so unless I get the
8475s message I I cannot cannot find the
8478s people individually
8482s Sky preacher is one of the ogs it's true
8484s all right we need to go
8486s find deer we're we're murdering deer
8489s that is our
8490s goal where are deer aha deer
8494s located
8499s die oh the deer come here deer
8506s excellent I need four more four more
8509s deer come on deer
8511s oh
8516s dear going to find
8518s you there is nowhere safe get out of the
8522s way my
8524s Lord oh goblins don't care about
8527s goblins we also need to find hust deer
8530s deer
8535s located two more those
8538s M hey it's sky pric thank you for the
8540s mess message I got you I have your
8542s message
8546s now what's up
8548s luminari you want to go kill a talent of
8550s power out here get distracted you know
8553s distracted nonsense let's see if we can
8554s find any more deer on the way to Talon
8556s let's go town that'll be fun what are
8559s your plans for mounts I'm a huge
8560s collector in gamees so I'm curious
8561s Wonder plan is so we have 16 mounts in
8563s the game right now uh I can't remember
8565s if we're releasing more with 1.0 or not
8568s but uh there is at least 16 of them to
8570s go collect so
8571s go have fun go go wild go Hog
8578s Wild all right we did not find any deer
8581s but we will go here
8583s nonetheless should be a fun little fight
8586s see if I can do it at level 14 it's
8587s going to be a
8592s challenge
8595s ow luminar do you have any fragments I
8598s might be out of fragments I am out of
8599s fragments can I
8601s can I Shi or not sh
8604s uh do you have
8607s enough you not have enough
8618s either uh oh we could I think there are
8621s deer
8622s in Frost March all right we can go get
8625s some in Frost Mar let's go see if we can
8627s find some gear in Frost Mar at the same
8629s time cuz we do have the other we have
8630s have to go kill bone binders out that
8632s way too all right let's go to frost
8635s March uh do we have I don't have that
8639s fast travel Point yet all right let's
8643s go let's go bone orcher I know there's a
8645s bone binder there that I can
8647s kill uh game is awesome play wither I
8650s bought it and it's so amazing in the
8651s gameplay well thank you very much I
8653s really appreciate that team is is very
8655s grateful we've been we've been pouring
8657s our hearts and souls into this game for
8659s a long long time now so we're just glad
8660s that it's it's going to be around
8662s forever everybody you can if you buy it
8663s it's going to be yours I can do it sarf
8665s what is your favorite cologne uh I don't
8668s know if I have a favorite cologne the
8669s cologne I use is
8672s uh intense uh by
8677s something uh who the heck is byy
8681s um I don't know I forget the name of it
8684s I think the the name of the cologne is
8686s intense what a cool name that is you you
8689s need to die
8691s we should probably make it so this guy
8693s doesn't actually spawn here because he
8697s he does the attack before you actually
8699s spawn in so you can spawn in dead like
8701s that I think it's kind of funny though
8703s so I have loged it as a
8705s bug so if you ever die to that guy it's
8708s because I'm too lazy to uh to write it
8710s up as a bug you're
8718s welcome oh boy we got we got a party up
8730s now get him get him get
8734s him get our health
8736s back oh that's going to hurt F oh my
8739s Lord this this is a fight what have we
8743s walked into block
8746s it get the smacks off Dodge
8751s everywhere get our ground pounds get
8754s over here get that guy get that guy call
8757s it a day thank you very much ooh red dye
8761s orange yes
8763s please miss must got a level up does
8766s that mean we have ability point we do
8768s we're one closer to the second jump
8769s can't wait 1 minute and 30 seconds till
8771s the next giveaway folks if you are just
8773s tuning in make sure to wake your way
8774s over to twitch.tv/ wayfinder play
8778s wayfinder Rather uh that is where we're
8780s doing the giveaways
8781s love to have you here come say hi I'm
8785s SN and this is wayfinder who the
8790s th get the smack off
8793s glorious one Shakalaka nice job someone
8798s is using the Ard
8802s Echo all right we're looking for deer
8804s and then we're trying to make our way to
8805s the centered Village that is our Quest
8814s jeez this guy has
8823s Health the combo
8826s [Music]
8829s breaker that's such a cool weapon
8831s ability dude freaking love
8834s it
8835s uh best character to play wayfinder uh n
8840s this just this all you need is this all
8844s you need is some this in your life but
8846s you've been missing I'm telling
8848s you we're going to drop our Al
8858s here
8861s murfi that's
8863s cool giveaway time ladies and
8866s gentlemen uh all right what is the
8868s question for this one this is going to
8869s be for a PS4 5 key um for the PS5 key
8876s question uh name a world boss in Frost
8880s March see how many Ro bosses you guys
8882s know
8884s about there are a few of them any any
8886s answer will
8888s count oh another D binder
8894s thaty get mortified
8900s you know what I need for this build I
8901s need to get like an equilibrium Echo uh
8904s what's a world boss in frostar asking
8906s for friends if you know you know was
8910s world you're a world
8912s [Music]
8915s boss oh that felt
8917s epic K near you
8931s see p is not in Frost Mar that does not
8935s count we're trying to get the thing to
8937s fight P though that's
8943s that's nights m is not in Frost Mar you
8946s guys are saying Highland World bosses
8948s we're talking Frost
8952s Mar give it another 30
8959s seconds ni SM is not there we go someone
8962s knows big man knows what's
8968s up here I'm walking by one right now
8970s what is the name of the world bus hidden
8972s in
8975s here there any eggs no right here this
8980s is a world boss what is in here where
8984s does this
8984s lead where do this portal go
8992s all right and the winner
8995s is Sky voice congratulations Sky
8999s voice PS5 key again PS5 winners please
9002s let me know what region you in when you
9004s message me on Discord discord.gg playay
9008s wunder uh
9010s Sky
9013s voice underscore beautiful I got you
9017s congratulations
9019s [Music]
9022s uh so someone can beat a world boss solo
9023s yes there it's a challenge but you
9025s definitely
9026s can I've have beaten all the world
9028s bosses on heroic
9036s solo it's more fun to do it go up you
9039s can definitely do it
9048s Sol I'm going to get an are up
9054s here Health back thank you very
9057s much bu s is just a good weapon the
9061s sustainability on it is kind of
9070s nutty boom shakalaka so what I'm doing
9073s for that by the way so if you wait for
9075s your stamina to fill up so I need to
9077s stop sprinting wait for your stamina to
9078s fill up and then you block like block
9081s like block like block like block cck see
9083s how fast it's charging up my weapon
9085s ability so that's a a strategy you can
9087s use while using two-handed ni
9090s attack technically if they hit you while
9092s you're blocking as well you'll neate the
9094s damage so a good defense goes of so you
9097s get that away for your stamina
9107s recharge get him up
9111s get it let's charge up our stamina again
9114s and here it
9118s comes use your weapon ability it's a
9120s nice little combo and then you your
9121s stamina back and you can do it again as
9122s soon as
9125s over get the spin to
9131s win we are just beating this lad up
9138s easy we got some Frost marks for that
9140s night
9141s nice H you know what we haven't checked
9143s out oh that's a cool skin um we have not
9147s got through the frost Mark when we need
9149s to get this uh way point up
9152s here uh gen is good game highly
9155s recommend yeah if you guys want to check
9157s in another good game Dark cider Genesis
9159s good
9160s game is that egg
9163s [Music]
9167s no music out here is so peaceful
9171s going around murdering things is like
9172s the most tranquil music
9175s ever all right is this event started
9178s beautiful this is what we need to do to
9180s get Talon of higher unlocked just so
9183s y'all
9185s know it away there's another
9189s one another one over
9192s here last one go
9196s here get up in here
9201s all right we got enemies Let It Be know
9204s there are enemies
9206s around be
9209s murdered your doom have
9219s come pain saw through
9221s him don't mind
9224s me just mowing him down call me a lawn
9228s low all right big boy what you
9243s got thank you for that heal that was
9245s actually perfect uh we're going to drop
9247s our
9251s ult oh terrible timing oh my Lord shame
9255s is fin again uh they did battle chases
9258s had really fun with game yes we did we
9259s did do B
9262s Joe mad actually is the or CEO and the
9265s original comic Creer of batt CH as well
9268s before he went on to work with Marvel
9270s and a bunch of other
9271s comic
9276s time do you know that Joe mad did uh
9280s Edition one of
9282s Deadpool that's our
9287s boss sorry I have a really itchy elow
9289s and it's more important to me like
9290s position myself in a better spot for
9293s you oh wow the Casual do the AL while he
9298s still or the uh
9300s time Whatchamacallit missiles and then
9303s uh revive before you kill it that was
9305s that was pretty that was pretty sweet
9306s that's all you did there respect it I
9309s respect
9310s it magma blasters it's a nice little
9312s weapon
9313s power Boosty I think there is
9318s a rat over here
9321s somewhere where is the
9326s doorway pretty sure it's one of these
9328s guys is that
9330s one here it
9332s [Music]
9334s is it's a rat still there I heard
9339s him there's a
9341s [Music]
9344s rat goodbye and there's a
9348s button can't activate the button
9351s am I here too soon I think I might have
9353s to follow the quest L is there one of
9356s these no one of
9360s these no h i have questions I see you
9365s button I want to press
9368s you I know there's something in here I
9370s guess can't remember how to do it there
9373s used to be a rat right here the right
9378s one how many world bosses are there uh
9381s I'd have to count it
9382s there's half dozen or so I want to
9387s say I think there's at least three or
9390s four in Frost March
9396s Alone
9404s um have I done this area oh I don't I
9407s need the Quest for it do it later
9410s uh what else do we
9412s want can we do I don't think this event
9415s is activated yeah this is another world
9417s boss over
9419s here we get this uh not this
9423s [Music]
9427s yet ni kill the man here
9433s once isn't that lighting there it is
9436s that was
9437s weird uh let's see what we can get get
9440s from our Frost
9442s store still looking for deer keep an eye
9445s for deer if anybody see deer let me know
9447s we got 19 seconds till the next giveaway
9449s my God time is just flying by you there
9452s 10 minutes every time I Rin the
9454s giveaway time just melt
9457s away F like a way it's so un look below
9463s timey to hold
9466s on
9468s all good song um all right rolling the
9473s giveaway ladies and
9475s gentlemen this is for
9477s a PCP for steam who wants a steam key
9482s all right snarf L deal the steam code
9484s for my girlfriend and I can return you
9486s can call handsome snarf every stream on
9488s I don't want to be called handsome snarf
9489s every time on that is not how you're
9490s going to get my my
9492s vote
9495s um let's go with uh what's a good
9499s question
9500s that was a good trivia
9502s question what is the
9504s name of the main NPC and cross
9510s Mar who is the main like the first guy
9514s you meet soon you get CR Mar what is his
9517s name no not
9521s Omen that is
9524s in Skylight not in Frost March
9532s go like no
9534s no hey Warden something is is is on the
9536s right
9538s track there we go someone knew it and
9541s now everybody knows it
9545s magic the power of the internet the hive
9547s mind look at the hive mind in action see
9550s anybody who says that humans aren't
9552s better together like this is this is
9554s evidence contrary to
9558s that o chest
9561s [Music]
9566s goodbye got to go in the
9569s waterfall hey it's a cool
9572s skin five mind MVP true true
9577s big all right y all going to have a bad
9582s day Ali so big
9585s weapon I really do love an A G skin or
9592s getting uh
9593s build got to go fast got to go fast look
9596s how fast I am I am
9599s speed all right and the wi
9603s is Draco tracks 69 congratulations Draco
9607s tracks I'm proud of you your mom's proud
9610s of you your dad's proud of you your
9611s sister's proud of you your brother's
9612s proud of you like you did it you're a
9615s winner you did it d r a k o t R
9622s a69
9623s nice
9628s congratulations cookie uh the game is
9630s fantastic and you should definitely try
9631s it out while it's still on sale for the
9633s next hour 30% off on
9636s Steam it is 17 bucks and you're going to
9638s have hours of fun you can tell your
9641s friends your friends are going to have
9642s hours of fun they going to be so
9644s grateful it's less like I go to get
9646s lunch my lunch cost me like $19
9651s I got way more entertainment out of this
9653s game than I have a sandwich saying just
9656s saying more Lincoln Park singalongs
9661s please um what's what's I do I do love
9665s me some linol park
9667s though Lincoln Park I've been as any any
9669s sleep token fans out
9671s there anybody knows some sleep token
9674s I've been I've been on a sleep token
9675s vendor for a while now big F
9681s you know that's a good point my lunch is
9682s around 15 [ __ ] too right we live in The
9684s Darkest Timeline everything's expensive
9686s except for this
9687s game this day and age 2024 when is the
9690s last time a game came out for 20 bucks
9693s in 2024 that has like hundreds of hours
9695s of content and has this level of like
9698s Fidelity and quality and depth and stuff
9699s like that like come on come on I'm not
9702s crazy you're
9703s crazy motion light I got to see em
9706s motion and white uh they're actually I
9708s have a lot of respect for em motion
9709s right uh dream hack two years ago they
9713s were like guest judges they they were
9715s like they participated in the cosplay
9717s contest which is super cool and then
9718s they did a like really I'd say intimate
9721s but it was just like a small venue uh
9724s concert for everybody at dream pack two
9726s years ago and like I like they're so
9729s freaking cool um big nerdy people and
9733s play music good like and they what I
9736s respect the most about them like they
9738s have their graphics and then they put
9739s lyrics so it's basically giant karaoke
9742s this is my first time seeing him so I
9743s didn't know any of the songs but I could
9744s sing along to all the songs because they
9746s did that and it just they freaking
9749s awesome 10 out of 10 would
9752s recommend and they just do good music
9754s good
9759s music beat him up beat him up wow watch
9763s out the crowd Parts Pro Parts are the
9766s worst parts
9769s get him get him all right we're going to
9772s finally go to Roden War stop getting
9774s distracted this game is just like ad
9778s crap
9779s ad add there we go first try just suck
9783s you thank you um I just I see piece of
9787s candy I'm so distracted by everything I
9791s do want to get some of the mounts out
9792s here though that'll be fun oh you know
9795s what would be good this is this is the
9796s Mount I should be using with uh grle
9799s where's my rage Beast oh
9802s yeah that's that's more grindle
9808s speed he's a big boy all right there we
9812s go stop getting distracted Al we have a
9814s mission we got things to do we got
9815s people to see yes if you are the winner
9818s of a key let me reput a message in chat
9821s Discord Dot gfinder
9827s message SE sarf
9830s if you
9832s win Bo boom bada bing bada boom mission
9836s [Music]
9839s accomplished we got 3 minutes and 40
9842s seconds till the next giveaway folks if
9843s you are just tuning in make sure you are
9845s at twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder that is
9847s where we are doing the giveaways if you
9849s want to participate come jump in say hi
9851s we'd love to have you here this place
9853s was beautiful that's Ward R sunlight
9855s always we just talking about just right
9857s in the morning like glittering St like
9860s glittering
9863s stars all right not going RP it uh
9865s trademarks what do we got we got 18
9867s marks to give
9869s away oh my Lord ooh this looks cool I
9874s think this is what we
9876s wants uh what else looks good chest
9879s pound might as well we're playing GLE
9881s after all rock paper scissors great
9883s emote got to get the rock paper scissors
9886s rhyme Hunter oh my God we spent our
9888s things we could have gotten another
9889s amount damn
9890s it oh 18 for this one too damn there's
9893s some cool
9896s stuff all right well we just need more
9899s just going to have to get more that's
9901s that's how it
9902s works all right I want to see what that
9904s weapon skin is do we just go back to Old
9909s Faithful one mother Fang is just real
9911s good I think we're want to try Colossus
9913s though something
9915s different I think we need to buff
9917s Colossus if I'm being perfectly honest
9921s all right style skin we are going to go
9923s with oh
9926s yeah oh baby I'm into
9930s it I am a
9932s samurai let's go do we want to switch
9935s our head for do we have the shaon oh we
9939s don't have the Shon head we
9942s do all right we're going full
9944s Shon and let's get this let clear these
9947s guys reset colors
9950s yeah I think we're going to go black and
9953s red everything black and then we're
9955s going to do a couple
9956s trims get this it's like purple there go
9961s red
9963s red too much
9966s red too much
9970s red it's not bad too much
9977s red still too much
9981s oh I do like that darker
9984s black that's kind of
9986s [Music]
9987s cool this is
9991s good we want that and
9997s then no it's like too faded all right I
9999s think I think we're good I can dig
10002s it would not want to see him staring
10004s down the alleyway at me
10010s all right did I roll the winner I can't
10011s remember I'm I'm I'm too distracted I
10013s don't think I rolled
10015s it it's for PS5 key the winner
10019s is Buster Cruz Bust A Move Buster Cruz
10023s you're a winner winner winner chicken
10030s dinner congratulations I'm proud of you
10033s you did it you're a
10035s winner infinity points I need what am I
10038s short on oh I need G Glon Stone I can
10040s CFT with
10043s that he's a big
10046s boy all right let's go
10048s here craft we need some more of this you
10051s can craft multiple now just in case you
10053s ever uh remember you couldn't do that
10057s boom plenty of grand Gloom s infinity
10063s points
10065s think we good
10069s I think we probably want to start
10071s getting back into this extra 2% damage
10073s for each battle yeah that's pretty good
10076s holy crap we have another
10078s giveaway my Lord we got more we got more
10081s things we're doing another one another
10084s one DJ C all right for this one this is
10088s going to be for a PC key how long you
10093s streaming for we're streaming for
10095s another 40 minutes give or take 37
10097s minutes technically and then we have a
10099s meeting so technically people don't
10101s really get in the office and for like
10103s another 40 minutes so we're going to
10104s have a team meeting so I just got in
10105s early because I couldn't sleep in
10106s insomnia in life so uh we're going to do
10109s another giveaway the giveaway keyword is
10113s uh actually no tell me your favorite
10115s band type your favorite band in chat and
10117s that's going to be the giveaway for a PC
10119s key I'm curious what kind of what kind
10120s of musical tastes do we got out here hey
10123s is this a hacking arpg or exactly what
10125s is it artart style is on point ain't it
10127s though look how freaking badass I look
10129s right now
10130s uh this is an arpg it's a co-op
10132s arpg Paramore Afflicted uh death C for
10136s cuity these are all you guys have some
10138s good music tastes I'm proud of y'all
10140s what Bare Naked Ladies I heard of them
10142s before but I've never listened to them
10143s aan Essence yes wake me up
10145s baby
10147s um pick one LinkedIn genes Genesis
10151s taking it back ACDC all right Neo who
10154s the heck is Neo highly suspect kiss
10158s nether another oh deer
10163s deer you messed up deer TR existing in
10167s this neighborhood no
10170s sir get out of here I don't think it
10174s counts though I think I have to kill no
10175s I did it five heck
10184s yeah big
10187s sword big sword oh I need to put my
10189s echo's on it I I was doing so much
10192s [Music]
10197s damage I'm just tickling him I need to
10200s put my echo on oh no I messed
10207s up big smack oh 12,000 damage that
10211s wasn't even a crit what the hell all
10213s right let's get our Echo back on shall
10215s we let's go weapon power here we go
10219s [Music]
10221s I got to take this one off and put on
10223s the blue one it's a level 30 that's a an
10227s extra 50 weapon damage right there all
10229s right megma Blaster that's a pretty good
10230s one let's go with I need to get an epic
10234s uh wolf Echo I'm messing
10236s up it's weird that's not I already
10239s equipped is it letting me equip two of
10241s those excuse me game hash
10245s hacks don't mind me I'm just going to
10247s cheat for a little bit don't mind if I
10250s do uh weapon power and then I think we
10253s want something let's I mean this is a
10255s pretty good one we are going to be using
10260s finishers are we going to use that that
10262s much
10264s um unraveled is just cooler looking too
10267s let's do unraveled see if we can equip
10270s another one
10271s here let's go Tri is always good the
10275s first is always
10276s good do nightm
10279s then I think we're maxed out okay that
10282s should be pretty good for
10283s now all right all right all right all
10286s right all
10287s right hey Marky marks with us what's up
10289s Marky
10295s Mark there we go now we're hitting for
10298s 2,000 damage 3,000 damage that's that's
10300s better
10301s numbers all right did I actually roll
10304s the winner I don't think I did w for
10305s this all right we got we got a lot of uh
10308s here we the winner is zo MCO
10311s congratulations
10314s zo this is for PC I believe no this is
10318s for
10319s PS5 yes no
10322s pc pc I think this is PC we're gonna go
10325s PC Zoo z i oor
10329s Maco moo Maco I don't know one of the
10332s two sounds like a shark uh
10337s congratulations and you guys have really
10339s good tasting music I got to say big fan
10342s I I recognize pretty much everything
10344s that said there and I'm curious and I'm
10345s sure the other ones were good we got
10349s [Music]
10353s secret you and
10357s you that it no
10361s missing do it hey let's
10365s go Marky Mars
10370s rage
10373s Beast all right we're going to kill some
10376s rats oh rats come here come one come all
10379s call me the P Piper I'm going to murder
10380s you
10383s [Music]
10387s all
10393s murder oh big boy
10399s ow don't die don't
10403s die ow ow should don't ow Marky Mark
10408s save us where is Marky Mark oh someone's
10411s using Phenix oil thank
10414s you for me oh watch out big boy big boy
10419s in coming
10421s stomping can stomp at him
10424s too D here
10426s you run away
10432s one two dead as a doornail nicely
10437s done
10442s bll Marky Mark with the funy bunch star
10445s you should know this by now it's
10448s true I don't want him to be with the
10450s Funky Bunch I want him to be over here
10452s installing now hell
10454s yeah welcome and Vapor what's up first
10458s time chatter how you doing welcome to
10459s the
10463s party hey this is another contribution I
10466s had to Gage is cool like this didn't
10468s have enemies here and he's like you know
10469s what it would be cool this is kind of
10470s like a mining camp if we had like a
10472s bunch of the mines enemies here and uh
10474s they made it happen I was like cool
10476s you're awesome
10490s boom
10495s damage uh have you seen the new indie
10497s game Caravan sandwich it looks great no
10499s but I'm curious what kind of game is
10501s it yo what's up my name is eg called
10504s that my whole life
10507s oh oh hi
10510s Mark I did not kill her I did not
10520s it does tickle not in a good way though
10522s God I miss having the healing from the
10524s what call
10525s it got him ooh 26 ball that's a nice
10530s defense
10531s damn all right you know what let's go
10533s fight this guy
10535s this linar you want to go die let's go
10538s die a bunch of times that sounds like
10541s fun more dearer die
10545s here byebye
10550s [Music]
10557s all right we're going to go get
10558s ourselves murdered cuz that sounds like
10560s fun fun
10563s [Music]
10566s happening o we get this guy too
10568s distracted
10573s sorry come here you
10580s oh we got archers [ __ ] up The
10583s Archers I got I got him I got him I get
10586s come
10589s here
10593s uhoh uh come here God the slow war is so
10597s brutal slice dice slice slam heal oh my
10603s God we're
10604s hurting Las beams
10610s one two three ow
10615s no oh human manity 1 minute until the
10618s next giveaway folks so if you are tuning
10619s in from YouTube or Twitter or anywhere
10622s else on the internet make sure you are
10624s in the chat for twitch.tv/ playay
10626s wayfinder that is where we're doing the
10627s giveaways oh luminar you were so
10630s close but you have Infinity revive
10632s potion it seems like so I appreciate you
10635s no I have dead
10639s super pumped about the critical roll
10640s spin is going to scoop with the support
10641s back ASAP thank you so much that will
10644s help us tremendously and critical roll
10645s out the
10647s win-win glad you glad you like the
10649s partnership we're super grateful to be
10650s able to work such a cool IP like the
10653s game especially the r has been stoked
10655s like whipping up all the stuff for them
10658s when will that be available 1.0 October
10662s 21st all right we need to get up there
10664s somehow
10669s my little kitty
10679s cat all right it's giveaway time I think
10683s this one's got to be a PS5 key I'm
10684s pretty sure we just did PC last
10689s time all right you
10691s ready you ready luminari where you is
10695s where is he is
10698s [Music]
10700s um all right so PS5 key let's go
10703s with um rip snarf in chat because that's
10708s about to be what's going to happen a
10710s lot rip snarf I I I am under no
10715s disillusionment about what is about to
10717s happen it's it's not going to be
10719s pretty all right here we go and the
10722s first time I die we're going to roll it
10723s so here we go
10731s unable okay and the winner
10737s is Storm rxy R YX I'm proud of
10745s you don't worry we only have 1.7 million
10748s heal to go I
10751s believe storm R YX
10758s beautiful
10759s congratulations oh wait storm is giving
10761s away we're going to roll
10764s it we're doing
10767s great the reroll winner is Oz
10772s 2555 congratulations
10777s Oz you can thank storm for that one oz
10782s to 5 five
10785s five beautiful you're in the red leg
10792s all right well let's try that
10794s again luminar I think we did we did good
10796s we got this we got
10805s this I have more friends that want to
10807s get into the game but I don't want to be
10808s greedy that's very fine of you much
10815s appreciated all right I'm going to do
10816s this solo I don't I don't need no man
10827s I might I might need a
10831s man oh riing pepperonis well I think we
10834s need to get a little stronger I don't
10837s think that's going to happen uh big
10841s rip we tried we did our
10846s best we're going to we're going to go
10848s this way
10849s no away from the scary man uh all right
10852s let's go back
10853s [Music]
10855s to I'm not in combat
10860s game I'm not in combat Sam I Am I do not
10864s want your green for
10871s him oh yeah don't worry there's plenty
10874s of challenging stuff coming in 1.0 as
10875s well again like only about 2/3 of the
10877s game is out right now so I'm going to
10879s get a lot more content with
10880s [Music]
10882s 1.0 the team is hard at work getting all
10885s that beautiful conent for you guys is
10887s going to be a big juicy patch for
10889s everybody who's been wanting something
10890s new um for wender at 1.0 October 21st
10895s it's coming out but again show time if
10898s you do want to get access to the game
10900s right now get prepared there will be no
10902s wipe all the content will carry over to
10904s 1.0 and you can snag it for 30% off in
10907s addition to the discounted Early Access
10909s price right now 177 bucks for like
10912s another I don't know hour 30 minutes
10914s something like that um it is the best
10917s price you're ever going to find for it
10918s and it supports the studio and gives us
10920s hope that we're going to continue to be
10922s able to support the game well after
10923s launch so if you want to support us if
10925s you like what we've done here if you
10926s think the game is fun and you think you
10928s want to play with some friends now is
10930s the time to do it buy some gifts buy
10931s some games to give away help us out
10934s because we desperately need it and would
10937s love to uh love to have you guys try the
10939s game out if you haven't tried it before
10941s play us uh hi I'm new here how does the
10943s giveaway work uh it just does you just
10945s uh you exist and you answer questions
10947s and you get rolled and people get the
10949s keys and 5 minutes and 31 seconds we're
10951s going to
10956s demonstrate kill these guys I think we
10958s want to go back to Skylight we're going
10959s to do a a run of some sort I think I
10963s want to do a Mythic hunt although I
10966s probably can't do a Mythic hunt with
10967s this guy I'll do a
10969s expedition of some
10972s sort oh that's a spin to win if I've
10975s ever spun to
10978s one come here
10981s bear no you trunky monk I need I need an
10986s adult where are my
10989s friends friend save
10993s me watch out there's a big scary guy
10996s with an axe oh you're so big and strong
11000s thank
11002s you
11007s H deam says the discount is up for two
11009s more hours and 20 minutes nice okay cool
11011s No it should be up for two more hours
11013s then I thought it was like two hours
11015s like two hours ago so I didn't know when
11016s it was going to end but still two more
11018s hours and that's the best price you're
11020s going to get so lock in the
11023s savings was it over there
11030s all right um where are we
11034s going all no all right I keep forgetting
11037s I keep getting distracted I'm not trying
11039s to be here anymore I want to go to
11040s Skylight I'm going to do a going to do a
11042s l
11043s z beautiful
11045s [Music]
11048s murfi long in combat there we go first
11051s try let's go to theom gate
11058s PC code is next in 3 minutes and 40
11061s seconds get ready everybody it's coming
11064s it's coming like a freight train to your
11066s town or tendy
11071s [Music]
11082s Yuma someone's pinging me hello
11088s focus on your mission my friend for all
11090s the people who say you can't Bunny Hop
11091s with wayfinders
11093s or which Charmed
11098s Effigy and we need more glimmering
11100s molten Spectra all right let's do
11103s glimmering
11105s molten we're going to go to do need more
11109s witch Charmed
11110s Effigies um let's do a hollow
11114s heart dou solar Hollow heart with a a
11117s GRE
11123s viment we got 2 minutes and 30 seconds
11125s into the next giveaway folks and then
11127s we'll probably do we probably have two
11129s more this is probably the second to last
11131s one this game is one of the best looking
11134s stylized games out there Joe matad is
11136s the goat ain't he though thank you very
11138s much that's that's very kind of you to
11139s say I appreciate
11141s it oh we're hanging out but everyone
11145s having a good start to the uh the Monday
11147s like this this is a good way to start
11148s start the week right I guess it's fun
11149s you guys having fun I'm having fun zo
11152s zoad chill what's up how you
11155s doing welcome first time chatter thank
11158s you for hanging out man hope you're
11159s having a great start for the week hope
11160s you had a great
11165s weekend get him
11170s murdered it's a good ability
11172s power common
11175s boring uh is the PC the last one no so
11178s we're going to do a PC one here in a
11179s minute and 45 then we're going to do
11183s a uh a PS5 and then you know we'll
11186s probably do another one before we end it
11187s all but we'll find out I make no
11189s promises def I
11192s promise we got we got homies really
11196s coming to give us the business right now
11199s all right we got to get them save them I
11201s got you buddy oh no
11204s no oh the humanity
11208s this is a little spooky in
11211s here no I think I think we're
11214s screwed all right we can do better let's
11217s do the uh Team wipe it's fine it's fine
11219s everything's fine all right one minute
11222s to go for the giveaway guys if you are
11223s just tuning in anywhere in the world
11225s make sure you are on our Twitch account
11227s twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder that is
11229s where we are doing the giveaways so jump
11231s in say hi have a great evening have a
11233s great day have a great afternoon
11235s whatever the heck you're doing just make
11236s sure it's great because you deserve it
11238s if you're hanging out here you deserve
11239s it you're a good
11241s person my Lord there is enemies I have
11245s just been murfi big sad let crawl slowly
11250s my salvation My
11253s Savior your big Burly
11256s arms appreciate you
11259s profusely uhoh Crow fart in come
11262s incoming Crow
11263s fart run away from the crow fart
11268s I got you Kyros I got you
11271s buddy you're going to be fine hang in
11274s there don't go towards the
11278s light all right F those guys aren't in
11281s here more Cowarts run away from the
11283s Cowart run away from the crow Parts oh
11285s my god oh no I thought we lived we were
11288s so
11289s close it's giveaway time everybody say
11292s crow fart in chat Crow fart in chat for
11296s the giveaway for PC
11299s [Music]
11305s big old crow
11310s part all right we got real
11313s Angry renle go like
11316s stey son
11319s of big sad the biggest
11322s sadness all right going to give it 28
11325s seconds and we're going to roll it throw
11326s fart in chat if you are just tuning
11328s again twitch.tv/ clayway funer is where
11330s we're doing the giveaways come join the
11332s fun type in Cowart and you have a chance
11335s to win this is for a steam key giving
11337s away here
11346s live I one I'm just going to I'm going
11348s to watch watch Lumar do their
11352s things look at him go being a baller
11355s dodging dipping diving they know how to
11358s dodge a bar they can dodge a wrench they
11360s can dodge a crow
11363s fart all right and the winner is
11367s congratulations rusas r u s i v as
11371s congratulations you are a winner that is
11374s for a steam key give me a message on
11376s Discord after
11378s this um where is it r u s i b a s
11386s congratulations all right so we got got
11388s yeah we we got time for two more I
11393s think all right that was that was that
11397s was bad I
11404s died all right we're looking for more
11408s Spectra we're doing it this way we're
11410s also looking for gold piles we love the
11412s gold
11414s piles they make us go fast and me like
11416s going fast
11422s oh God we found party we found the party
11429s people oh we're dying we not doing so
11433s hot Mr spark I feel so
11438s good is venomous the best healer
11443s arguably I
11446s think yeah I don't know that's hard to
11451s say at the game I lost the game thank
11454s you everybody who watch uh watching the
11456s stream I lost the game you're
11460s welcome oh my God we are just dying over
11463s and over
11464s again let's uh let's try this again oh
11467s we lost Marky Mark rip Marky
11471s Mark I think there's a chest over
11475s here there is a chest over here sneaky
11479s chest sneaky sneaky
11482s chest yeah wind grave is a good healer
11484s but Venice is just she's a she's a
11488s Sol where are you
11496s going you the real one you are the real
11499s one you're the big
11501s one more Cowarts run away from the
11506s carts oh
11508s and I I just want to thank everybody for
11509s showing up I know it's
11511s early it's it's at least it's early here
11513s I don't know where if it's early
11514s everywhere it's not but you know it
11516s could be and uh I know you could be
11519s doing a lot of things with your time and
11520s your eyeballs and I grateful that you
11522s guys decided to spend it here with me
11524s and my dingo self and watching this game
11526s and I mean the game's cool I can't blame
11528s you for being you know here to watch the
11530s game so hang know with me means a lot
11532s and I appreciate youall so thanks thanks
11534s for tuning in excited for you guys to
11536s have a good week ahead of you hope you
11538s had a good weekend I'm just going to
11540s keep being a dingus cuz that's what I
11542s do hotter than lava outside iing tell me
11545s about it that's what I felt like this
11546s weekend moving I woke up at like 8:00
11550s and it was 100° and like in the back of
11552s that moving band it was just like a
11554s sweat box it was brutal but uh got her
11558s done got her done en is definitely the
11561s coolest concept of the Healer of any
11562s game you play really that's a big
11566s St the seure is just giving me the booty
11569s spank not the way I'm asking
11574s for get hit I got you I I oh I was going
11578s to come on have a little faith I was
11581s going to get you you got to
11585s believe God I love the music in this
11587s spot though it's so
11594s good heal he he he he he I'm fine we
11600s fine woo that was a lot of healing thank
11602s you very
11604s much got to go fast spey grindle
11611s engage four minutes until the key give
11620s away do higher difficulty better rewards
11622s not at the moment but we have
11625s uh we're T around with some ideas
11628s spoilers
11629s [Music]
11634s Al o do we do we dare do this you think
11638s we can do it try
11640s it I don't mind embarrassing myself I
11644s have no
11645s [Music]
11647s shame get him all right here we go about
11651s to get real spicy up in here
11669s beat him up uh-oh uh-oh heal heal
11673s heal get it all
11677s out big
11679s smack B
11681s smack good
11686s smack no oh the
11689s humanity run away run away with proart
11694s incoming stinky Crow
11700s fart nice broken beat him
11704s up got him
11708s beautiful
11710s H got arrows for the
11715s arrows heal up oh we were mid heal
11718s animation my
11721s Lord Oh Way finder is there a reliable
11723s way to farm each specific weapon uh
11726s there are um loot tables for every
11729s weapon in the game and if you ever have
11731s unlocked a weapon you can just buy it um
11733s so if you're looking for like a newer
11734s level weapon uh specifically I highly
11737s recommend just going to Arsenal and
11739s purchasing it light your
11741s level uh otherwise there are different
11744s uh there's different loot tables of
11745s different weapons for each different
11746s Zone and uh
11749s boss Etc but also mythics uh Mythic
11753s marks are
11758s very all right we got a freaking party
11760s in
11765s here what hit me you kidding
11772s me venomous just doing venomous things
11774s over here oh level up ding what a
11776s freaking time to level
11780s up
11786s oh we are all going to die whoa whoa
11788s whoa whoa whoa getting really
11790s existential all
11793s right where is the big boy King Hollow
11796s big ugly
11799s wuggly big
11802s smacks big smacks all right I did not
11804s see that coming
11806s up one minute and 25 seconds till the
11808s giveaway guys it's going to be the
11809s second to last giveaway for the night we
11812s are going to do one more after this this
11814s is going to be for a
11815s PS5 so if you want to tune in twitch.tv/
11819s playfinder oh my Lord you can watch me
11821s die in real
11822s time um but we're about to be doing the
11825s giveaway and then if you win please send
11827s me a message on Discord discord.gg
11830s blinders um I'm snar hi good to meet you
11834s watch out for that nonsense don't get
11835s killed to it again
11845s no don't die don't die
11849s no
11851s oh at least I didn't die alone that
11858s time we spawn all the way back
11863s here got to go fast see
11867s grindle can go faster than uh other
11871s wayfinders just have to know how to
11872s Bunny
11882s Hop I think I'm going the wrong way I am
11884s going the wrong
11886s way don't follow
11889s me I don't know what I'm doing
11892s everything is
11893s confusion there we go giveaway time
11897s all right let's go with what is a good
11901s ke word
11906s um me have find the hole um let's find
11910s out what do we want to know from
11914s chat this is going to be for a bs5p so
11917s right now get ready to tune in answer a
11919s question don't die don't die don't die
11921s it's so
11924s sad oh what is your favorite Dark Souls
11927s game let's go with that I'm curious what
11929s everyone's favorite Dark Souls game is
11931s in
11938s chat Dark Souls one Dark Souls 3 Dark
11941s Souls 3 wow a lot of Dark Souls 3 I was
11943s distracted Dark Souls 1 Elden ring Dark
11946s Souls 3 bloodborne dark 3 hey we have a
11950s Dark Souls 2 couple Dark Souls do spicy
11955s individuals Dark Souls
11959s one SEO I could never get into seo seo
11964s is the one I I
11965s never uh my roommates like favorite ones
11968s that I can get into
11970s it for
11974s shame neo2 count no no it's not count
11980s different any s for death and second row
11983s for you okay I mean I I respect I
11986s understand respect I I I respect that
11988s choice I just I wasn't very good at it
11992s all right and the winner is for PS5 key
11996s klank congratulations klank shoot me a
11999s message on
12002s Discord k u r p l a n k all right in 8
12008s minutes we're doing the final giveaway
12009s for the
12011s night uh got to go to love myself then
12014s uh got a meeting been fun though hey
12016s nope
12017s you and me
12019s both all right let's try to finish this
12021s uh event while we can we got to find the
12030s hole get him
12033s up just die oh my God why is it so
12041s hard the brutal
12045s Sun uh oh that is a pretty pretty good
12047s epic Echo though I will take that take
12049s that to the bank all right you sir need
12053s to
12054s [Music]
12063s die hit
12065s owned and a wayfinder the rank oh an and
12068s FG is a level 30 long shot don't mind
12072s the all right we Victor we Victory
12075s people we
12077s Victor maners maners of
12082s Victory
12085s H all right where are we going we are
12087s going we got to look for so another
12089s trick for this place except I can't see
12091s crap never mind ignore me I think we got
12095s to go this way maybe no we got to go
12100s this way we're going completely wrong
12102s direction let's go south
12113s there she blows no she no she doesn't I
12117s lied where the heck are we
12120s going looking for more Spectra there's
12122s some
12126s Spectra got
12134s it then to Wi
12139s oh it's fine it's at least we're not
12141s like super separated from our homie that
12144s would be
12147s awkward uh I'm trying to get this Quest
12150s it says I need star shards where do I
12152s get them ah I'm not going to spoil that
12153s for you I believe in you go look for him
12155s go find
12157s him or ask the
12159s community if you join in uh Discord I'm
12162s sure there'll be lots of people that be
12163s W to help you out but they would be
12164s cheating if I told you
12169s are you still playing the game the
12170s hardest still to always always always
12173s playing
12176s heroic uh if I remember correctly they
12178s spawn oh wow I'm not going to read that
12180s out
12183s loud where where's our homie at they're
12186s desperately trying to get to
12189s me
12192s respawning okay let's go let's beat this
12195s place we got 5 minutes until the last
12197s giveaway of the day folks but thank you
12200s everybody who showed up you know early
12201s morning stream if you're uh over in
12204s Europe hi doing it for you guys hope you
12207s guys uh enjoyed a little bit of the
12209s earlier stream than we usually do but uh
12212s want to support everybody no matter
12213s where you're at we love everybody who's
12214s playing wayfinder and jumping in it was
12217s a very exciting week last week I'm
12218s trying to keep that momentum going so
12221s great time to jump in servers are
12222s flushed lots of people to be playing
12224s with jump in the server lobbies uh we
12227s got the Discord uh invites now as well
12229s so if you want to just join people
12230s through your Discord throw an invite
12233s into whatever your favorite Discord is
12234s you can have people Jump Right In
12236s doesn't need to be your friends on Steam
12238s uh obviously do that on steam or
12239s Playstation as well uh but yeah just
12243s thank you guys thank you guys for making
12246s this uh this update be as successful as
12247s it is it's been super heartening to find
12250s uh how many people are playing currently
12253s and the reviews that are forming in and
12255s actually that's something I want to
12256s check I'm see how the reviews are again
12258s since the weekend I was too busy moving
12261s crap I haven't been able to check in on
12262s all the
12263s reviews it's been been very positive and
12266s we like being very positive a very
12269s positive feeling cross my fee in advance
12272s for the final giveaway hey I'm I'm
12273s crossing them for you too I'm here for
12279s you apparently that uh was not allowed
12282s because you said finger
12284s in twitch calm down
12288s get your head out of the gutter
12294s twitch all right we got 3 minutes we
12298s just finish this run and that'll call an
12300s into the
12302s stream going to die one back big smack
12308s big smack big
12312s smack ow oh we're fine we we actually
12315s got our heal off in time this time so
12317s proud of this oh we're
12321s going save me
12325s homie save us OB want Kobi your only
12335s hope nice what a
12339s Chad GL is the
12345s best boom
12348s got it get it oh that wasn't even the
12351s final fight Lord promoting
12355s prophecy ow ow ow get out get out get
12358s out get out get out
12360s nice got an in here
12363s too come on Bessie got 2 minutes and 10
12368s seconds to the final giveaway
12375s guys one a two a three holy damage
12381s Batman oh that felt pretty good it was
12383s like 11,000 B 15,000 damage we take
12387s those take that to the bank deposit
12390s it all right ladies
12394s gentlemen we did it all right final
12397s giveaway is a minute and 45 seconds but
12399s we're going to look up the Steam Reviews
12400s because I'm curious let see how we're
12402s doing how we
12404s doing how we doing on them the review
12407s boys look at that 17
12409s bucks oh my God you're going to see me
12411s that's weird stream
12413s setion 83% heck yeah oh my God you guys
12417s are amazing what a freaking weekend you
12420s guys are so freaking cool I appreciate
12422s yall so much this makes a world of
12424s difference you have no idea thank you
12427s seriously thank you for everybody who
12429s has updated the review we still have a a
12432s mountain to overcome uh but this is a
12435s completely different game so if you
12437s played it back here all I ask just give
12439s her another go all
12442s 7,887 of you just try it again
12446s please please it's been a long time
12448s we've done a lot of work please please
12452s much appreciated but um no that's
12455s awesome to hear guys um let's see I
12458s think we're probably dipping back down
12460s I'm I'd be surprised if our numbers are
12461s holding true let's see Ste DB wayfinder
12465s charts actually holy crap what our
12469s biggest Peak was yesterday are you
12470s kidding me that's
12473s wild every day this last week has been
12476s growing I I
12480s that that's awesome guys thank you we're
12484s still early we're in the early day but
12486s it's the Monday that's that's crazy all
12489s right we're gonna go raid somebody let's
12491s see who we can raid we're going to do a
12492s one final giveaway in 4 seconds here we
12494s go I'm going to look up someone so we're
12496s ready to go um who's playing
12500s wayfinder all right we'll restart
12508s that who can we go
12513s raid
12516s um let's keep it going all right
12519s someone's playing n daggers all right
12521s sold you are the chosen
12524s one all right so let's let's get this
12526s giveaway
12528s going um everybody in chat thank you for
12532s being here you guys are amazing I hope
12534s you have a fantastic week ahead of you I
12536s hope you get to have some chance to game
12538s to play Jump in get some co-op going uh
12541s this is going to be the final PC steam
12544s key everybody who won a key make sure to
12546s message me on Discord or else I won't
12548s know how to get you the key uh I sir
12550s snar firstar on um I going to say twitch
12553s I am on Twitch but on Discord discord.gg
12556s / wayfinder uh shoot me a message and
12559s we'll get you hooked up if you've got a
12561s PS5 key make sure you let me know what
12562s region you're in uh that'll make my life
12564s easier and then all your steam Keys uh
12566s the steam ones might be a little delayed
12568s we're waiting on a fresh patch from uh
12569s from B so as soon as we get those I will
12572s start disining those keys as well but
12574s youall have a wonderful rest of the week
12576s the winner is without further Ado here
12578s we
12579s go the winner is Kim
12582s addict congratulations Kim addict I hope
12586s your rehab goes well uh C
12590s hem addict or at least you have the oh
12595s no they want a reroll they want a roll
12597s they already bought it thank you very
12598s much I appreciate you the reroll goes to
12601s galson gal sword already won one
12604s to congrats on winning another key
12606s Carson uh I'm gonna reroll it again we G
12608s to get a new person Jesse oj1 that's a
12612s new name I don't recognize that
12614s one OJ
12617s one all right beautiful congratulations
12621s Jesse thank you so much everybody for
12623s tuning in let's go raid we got a raid
12625s coming keep the love rolling people who
12628s want to hang out listen to some good
12630s music and chill let's go get a raid I've
12633s got a a fellow n enjoyer you're G to
12636s enjoy hotness and uh playing some
12639s daggers let's go so go say hi give them
12642s a a hearty welcome a wayfinder hello we
12645s got a good Community here so keep the
12646s love rolling around and you guys have
12648s ourselves a wonderful rest of the day
12651s that's it I'm snarf I'm out bye guys
4 months ago - Wayfinder - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
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270s e
280s [Music]
294s [Music]
301s [Music]
318s [Music]
342s [Music]
366s [Music]
383s [Music]
403s [Music]
411s [Music]
426s [Music]
442s [Music]
453s [Music]
483s [Music]
487s [Applause]
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527s [Music]
535s [Music]
570s oh
572s [Music]
579s [Music]
593s [Music]
601s [Music]
624s [Music]
625s [Applause]
626s [Music]
648s [Music]
672s [Music]
743s [Music]
768s [Music]
785s [Music]
796s [Music]
805s [Music]
820s [Music]
827s [Music]
852s [Music]
886s [Music]
900s n
927s [Music]
970s [Music]
976s hello everybody how the heck we doing we
980s did it we're back again we're actually
982s it's kind of cool we're um pretty close
984s to getting the official twitch
986s partnership nonsense which is exciting I
989s just got got to stream for six more days
991s got to do six more days guys so we're
992s going to you're going to see a lot more
993s of me so if you're tired of me by now
995s sorry guys you got to see me for at
997s least six more days we're going to try
998s to do that thing but how we doing happy
1000s Tuesday anybody get tacos out there I
1002s hope we got tacos we got tacos they're
1004s great some egg
1005s bacon tortilla salsa that's all you
1008s really need in life um is it coming
1012s through all right I I had to switch the
1014s settings I was doing some capture of
1015s secret top secret things in 4k so I had
1018s to fiddle to the settings is it looking
1020s all right see if the sound's coming
1021s through can you
1023s hear continue the game oh it is way too
1025s loud we need to uh adjust some of those
1027s sound
1029s settings everybody be forewarned you
1032s might want to mute the video for uh 20
1034s seconds while I Justice going to be
1038s loud I'm going to go down to Route
1043s 25 and then we're going to get the music
1046s up got to get that music then we're
1049s going turn sfx probably down to like
1052s 50 we'll see how see how that do see if
1055s that does
1056s her um I thought you were supposed to be
1059s playing across hey how what how do you
1061s know these things fall you shouldn't
1064s know these things that is NDA that is
1066s big NDA no you guys are more important
1068s than that we got a whole team to do that
1070s nonsense I've been I've been do
1072s organizing all the play tests when we
1074s were in dark mode now now I get to to do
1077s stuff in light mode so gives us a leak
1079s in Discord okay cool then that's above
1083s my pay grade if he did it then we can
1085s get away with it yeah we are we actively
1087s testing uh crossplay today
1091s internally but I'm going to be
1092s crossplaying with you the community the
1094s real
1095s world see is there anybody online right
1098s now let's find out see oh my Lord
1101s there's a lot of people online I
1102s freaking love to see it it is so cool to
1105s see
1106s guys I love it thank you guys thank you
1109s you guys were checking out the game we
1110s got a good a good mix too but we got a
1112s level three in here we got level 30s got
1115s some person doing mythics on normal
1117s though Shame Shame got a challenging
1120s let's go let's go check out this guy
1122s let's see what they're doing I want to
1123s see what their house looks like see if
1124s they can take a look game audio is good
1127s maybe turn the music down a tad it's
1129s competing with you a bit I mean let's be
1132s real the music just wins it's not even a
1134s competition music is just straight
1136s better can't take that uh anyway we can
1139s take the slow mode off LOL uh maybe let
1144s me fiddle I'd have to go in the other
1146s room uh we can ask solid maybe solid can
1148s do
1149s it I can ask
1152s solid
1154s um the AFK now and then a memory
1158s surfaces they aren't my
1161s memories chill they belong to the first
1163s scribe who' have
1166s thought that's how you that's how you
1168s book this is how you read how I read
1171s That's How grindle
1172s reads game is Dead rude never heard that
1176s one
1178s before let's see actually let's find out
1180s if it is dead I'm curious um
1185s beam DB wer under charts that doesn't
1189s look dead to me that don't look dead to
1191s me that look pretty good that look
1192s pretty good just saying we're a solo
1195s game that doesn't necessarily need
1197s player base but anyway you feel good I'm
1200s I'm happy with it I'm proud of it PS5
1202s key uh don't skip over my cosplay com
1205s you sneaky sneaky Dev what did you say I
1206s missed
1207s it uh don't over what you what' you say
1211s where' you say
1213s it uh I don't see it I don't seiz it I
1217s ain't seen
1221s it um oh will crossplay between all
1224s three platforms eventually yes maybe
1227s even four if we get epic game store
1228s involved
1229s we'll find
1230s out um hello thank you for the key I
1234s love love love love love love the game
1235s best game ever for me I feel like a kid
1237s now 36 hey you you and me both Welcome
1240s to our 30s isn't it great um love the
1243s game de hey glad you're having fun B
1246s killer I'm glad you're having fun this
1247s guy is AFK all right we're going to push
1249s him off as his tradition we will push
1252s him off the cliff and then carry about
1255s our business is as is the
1257s way um
1262s get him eventually uh read the comment
1265s before and the one after and I was
1266s heartbroken hey babe we went back and
1267s got it we got we got you I'm sorry the
1272s chat moves doing important things over
1276s here uh can't be dead even if out yet
1278s technically you haven't even seen the
1280s final form of marketing yeah I know I
1282s mean I wish no no not allowed to come
1284s back sir I was busy
1300s excellent you didn't let
1304s me push you off a cliff sad
1311s face big
1314s S there is work to be done old friend
1319s uh let's go do a Mythic actually I'm
1322s kind of low Lev for a
1324s Mythic I I need to go actually level up
1326s I want to try to get my uh my grindle
1329s awakened what do I need for that I need
1331s to get some witch charm
1333s figes I guess we got to do some uh good
1336s old Whatchamacallit
1339s um reer Woods all right
1342s well see if he wants to
1345s do Expedition
1350s I can spell Expedition don't judge me uh
1352s snark how do you unlock grindle just uh
1354s play through the game just play the game
1357s by like level eight you'll get
1360s them snarf toxic player true confirmed
1363s hashtag
1365s confirmed
1368s um hello sir snurf loving the game I
1371s haven't stopped playing for a week love
1372s to see it uh loveing more if games get
1375s optimized open world hell flame sadly
1377s yes we are still definitely work on that
1380s um especially in Frost
1381s March uh but if you better stabilize
1384s also wears your sub button no sub
1386s button it's free content we don't need
1389s no ads up in
1391s here
1394s um played before the big changes and
1397s after though I haven't had enough time
1398s to really get into it loving the game so
1399s far yay glad you hear it thanks rock
1401s rock draws rocket draws uh I am part of
1404s the minority here that believes the
1406s decision change from MMO to a Lobby
1407s based just general re brand is a good
1409s choice by the devs can't wait to dip my
1411s toes into this again after trying the
1413s beta uh during its MMO days well hey
1415s welcome back and first time chatter we
1417s love first time Chatters hi guys uh
1419s speaking of which we should probably
1420s start the uh the giveaway things oh I
1421s need my little black book where did my
1423s little black book go uh I'm going to go
1425s grab my little black book nice we're
1427s doing the shadow this this lad DJ is the
1430s lad I'll be right back get my little
1432s blackbook and then uh do some
1435s giveaways let's seea
1439s uh I might be able to turn off the
1441s slowmo mode as well while I'm
1443s here uh
1445s twitch
1447s dashboard
1452s dashboard away we can
1454s do
1456s settings
1459s streen
1463s putad do slowmo mode we turn off slowmo
1467s mode Channel
1480s chat where the heck is slowmo
1483s mode important things over
1487s here I think it just be settings
1493s right no not crazy
1500s are you sure there is slowo mode
1502s on let see
1506s it
1509s Channel I don't know where heck it
1513s is stream
1516s manager settings chat settings here we
1520s go um
1531s SL
1533s mode there we
1536s go all right cool all right I think
1539s we're good I've been
1542s released okay and we're back sorry guys
1544s I was doing important things over here
1546s everybody on YouTube I see people
1547s chatting on YouTube I wish I could see
1548s the YouTube chat but if you want to
1550s participate in the uh the giveaways make
1553s sure you head over to twitch.tv/ playay
1555s wayfinder that's where we're going to be
1557s finding the way oh this is the wrong
1560s book but there's some cool look at this
1561s there's like some cool like sketches and
1563s stuff in here whose book is this well
1566s I'm going to comment to your page
1567s they've been using this book my
1570s Lord um I'm sorry whoever's book I'm
1573s stealing but you got cool stuff in here
1576s it's like a secret log oh this is Dan
1579s why do Dan's book in here whatever um
1582s he's going to have a list of he giveaway
1584s names cuz that's what we do
1589s all right so we're going to do a PS5 key
1592s giveaway to start us off
1596s PS5 um all right say uh Taco Tuesday in
1600s chat because it is in fact Taco Tuesday
1603s a weekly holiday that I am very near and
1605s dear to my heart uh and that is going to
1607s be the keyword for this first round of
1609s PS5
1610s giveaways why does my notse always start
1612s to itch as soon as I start streaming
1613s like I always hate touching my nose on
1616s it's anyway here we go drawing attention
1618s to it lot
1620s ofday smelling blood that's a big old
1623s Oracle all right as soon as we
1628s um clear these little voidlings we're
1631s going to roll it and see who the winner
1633s is again if you are just joining in from
1634s Twitter or YouTube twitch.tv/ playay
1637s wayfinder is where we are doing the
1640s giveaways I'm snar hello um and let's
1644s see we got 79 entry so far that's a
1646s pretty good odds that's some pretty good
1648s odds
1649s all right and the winner is 81 actually
1652s we're getting we're getting a couple
1653s more give people a trickle in we're
1655s we're just starting the stream off so
1656s we'll give a little bit extra
1658s forbearance for people who are just uh
1661s typing into the browser getting their
1663s things set up maybe they don't have a
1665s keyboard in front of them who knows make
1667s sure it's fair for everybody Greetings
1669s fori oh V
1683s that's a big old spoiler big old spoiler
1687s I hope you guys celebrate uh F Day in
1691s Germany there is a so there's a thing my
1694s buddy invited me to go to I it's not
1697s October Fest but it's like another kind
1700s of a local celebrations Festival that
1703s seems awesome and I really want to go
1705s try I did October PR the first time
1709s a year ago maybe two years ago it was so
1711s much fun oh my
1713s god um what's the name it's not not spe
1717s it's uh ESS is ESS ESS just means food
1722s what is it for October
1724s F I can't never the SLE Saturdays
1729s excellent um all right we're going to
1730s roll it the winner is we got 83 entries
1732s up in here the winner
1735s is rayel 84 congratul rations R I'm
1739s proud of you that's a PS5 just let me
1741s know message me on Discord uh sir snarf
1745s what region you're in so I'd get you the
1747s right region
1749s razel Z 84 I got you got you in my
1755s little bike book well actually not my
1756s little bike book someone else's little
1757s bik book that I stole apparently but you
1759s know it's way we do
1761s it all right we're in look what is this
1765s I have never seen this little hole what
1767s is in this little hole
1770s it's like a little dragon little dragon
1772s skull okay that's kind of neat insector
1775s that's what we want we need witch tered
1778s figs is what we need to do and I think
1779s we need to do some events for said
1784s figs uh I love the handdrawn look that
1786s the bfx and big fan of the art Direction
1789s in general right they they did a they
1791s did a darn good job that bfx team is co
1794s people too we got to uh celebrate and
1796s fly a lot of them out because a lot of
1798s them are remote um we did a we rented a
1802s board game shop they have it's a really
1805s cool like Board Game Speak Easy kind of
1808s uh craft cocktail lounge thing that you
1811s can rent a bunch of board games they
1813s have like a secret Library door that you
1815s can go in and they have like d andd
1816s tables um or like you can rent it and do
1820s a d andd session in there as well and
1821s they're all pratic and one's like a
1823s necromancer player the other one's like
1824s a a Tavern kind of tucked away behind
1827s the library door and then um a library
1830s like bookshelf thing and then we
1833s actually had a hands made a bunch of so
1836s I used to bartend I bartend for like
1838s years and it so I came up with a bunch
1840s of recipes and made them a wayfinder
1843s theme so we had like the God's blood if
1846s we used like madori and a couple other
1848s things to make it like green um what
1851s else do we do uh we like a Turtles sore
1854s Brew uh get all the names I came up with
1856s the names and together we awesome
1858s awesome manager that puts together super
1861s cool events for the whole team uh but it
1863s was a cool celebration I think that was
1865s for
1866s like what the hell did we do that for I
1868s think it was for ekko's launch we did a
1870s celebration for it good times anyway we
1874s got we got a we got an awesome team here
1876s but yeah flying out the uh the people
1878s from thex team that was the long story
1880s short getting come over here and hang
1882s out with them have a drink got to talk
1885s of them and they're skill set they're
1887s cool people they're cool people
1889s people oh prison come here I'm coming
1893s Obi-Wan Kenobi why can't I jump what is
1895s going
1897s on oh I will survive I believe okay
1901s we're
1903s fine
1905s easy oh Tragedy out of my
1910s house uh anyone know how to get the crew
1913s member SL original tags um I think crew
1917s member is purely if you're if you work
1920s in studio if we still have that as a
1923s thing
1925s um I know we were thinking about doing
1927s that for like if you uh you actually
1930s work for the studio you get
1933s that I don't know if it's actually the
1935s case anymore though we had to scrap a
1936s lot of those ideas unfortunately just
1937s because of uh the tags You' get if you
1940s were you had like an account associated
1943s with like the de and the live service
1944s versus it being local makes it tricky to
1947s uh keep track of that nonsense
1949s but you know we try hey back let's
1955s go okay I wanted to see if I could jump
1957s I can jump unfortunately I jumped into
1959s the ground as is the way I
1963s do
1966s short like chests we take chests all
1969s right I need to get my timer going see
1972s this time going if you are tuning in
1973s from anywhere on the internet and you
1974s want to participate in the key giveaways
1976s we are both giving away PS5 five and PC
1979s codes just by showing up in chat and
1981s answering silly questions that I make up
1983s at the top of my head because
1985s everything's just made up and chaotic as
1986s is the way um but make sure you wake
1989s over to twitch.tv/ playfinder because
1991s that's where we're we're doing all this
1992s nonsense in sham sham diggery that's how
1996s you say Shenanigans in uh Texas
1998s apparently where is my clock we go
2002s stopwatch timer timer there we go
2006s beautiful all right 9 minutes and 58
2008s seconds until the next giveaway folks so
2010s tune in chill out ask questions I may or
2014s may not read them I'm going to try to
2015s read them but I'm I know I'll inevitably
2018s fail the art of
2021s TK um I think you're a first time
2023s chatter welcome artk just had a long
2025s chat I only have a limited time in
2028s general plus I love the I registered
2030s through maybe on Twitch so that means I
2032s need people my friends buy it too and I
2034s don't know looks great I on the beta I
2036s mean hey you did just miss out out on
2038s the sale but it is cheaper now before
2040s launch so the price is going to go up on
2043s October 21st only to do 1.0 but you do
2045s get access to everything that's coming
2047s with 1.0 and Beyond if you do buy now so
2050s if you want to be an early access
2053s speller Now's the Time to do it I mean
2056s for 25 bucks so $24.99 I'm telling you
2059s you get a lot of gang you get a lot of
2060s bang for your bus we'd love to have you
2062s play it and I'd love to hear what you
2065s think we uh we're proud of the work
2067s we've done it's been a long freaking
2070s Journey God it's been getting close to
2072s what 6 years seven years of
2076s development takes a lot of it takes like
2078s making games is seriously
2080s like organizing Orchestra um so many
2084s except instead of like individual
2085s players it's just like a whole team we
2087s got like the art team you got the combat
2089s team The Narrative team you got the VFX
2091s you got the sound you got like there's
2093s so many the programming so many freaking
2096s pieces that have to come together to
2097s make this sense
2100s make it
2101s happen oh you smacked me wait who is
2105s this B Pagan who the heck are
2110s you give me your Echo oh I want to know
2113s what his Echo does I have never seen him
2116s before ooh that's a
2123s chest book yeah fre I I kid you not how
2126s many hours are we at now uh let's open
2128s up our
2129s [Music]
2130s steam
2132s steam what 3550 hours I've never seen
2135s that guy
2141s before this one and this
2146s one all right where we
2150s going search for Clues ooh a broken home
2155s I have a side quest we love side quests
2161s uh can you check your picks up mid
2163s dungeon
2165s yes you go
2167s away oh my God stop
2170s it um so inventory and then you can do
2174s whatever the heck you just picked up and
2177s then you do recently acquired it'll be
2178s at the top so the mace pump backlick is
2180s the new thing I got
2181s there uh I can do this by recently
2184s acquired see which ones I got right here
2191s come if you saw got like an accessory
2193s you want to go check what your accessory
2194s is s by fire etc
2200s etc but you will get a detailed list at
2203s the end of the Expedition if you want to
2204s check take a look at that main guy
2207s what's up how
2210s wayfinders uh which the party up feuture
2212s was better still still work in progress
2214s still in the the early beta phase but
2217s again consider we didn't even think we
2218s were going to be able to get a Lobby
2219s feature at all like the guys put that
2221s together in like freaking 24 hours and
2223s been iterating it since
2232s then going to
2235s go s
2253s this guy out can't that one
2256s out o chest I missed a chesticle never
2259s miss a
2260s chesticle I'll take the heal forun back
2262s I'm down to two healing pops already my
2264s Lord I'm not doing very
2269s well this looks like an ambush if I've
2271s ever seen an ambush this won't take long
2276s must it's a lot of
2279s boys that is a lot of
2281s boys oh no I wanted to hit them there
2284s was so many juicy targets oh uh does her
2289s playing heroic mean better drops no uh
2291s you do get slightly better stats so
2293s every character has like two main stats
2295s associated with them and then if you um
2298s oh rip if you are playing a heroic so
2302s heroic chirs for example I think he is
2305s ability power and want to say magic
2308s defense I can't remember exactly but he
2310s gets 5% more of those stats split
2313s between it so he gets 2.5 ability power
2316s and
2316s 2.5% um magic uh Magic I think I think
2322s those are his that and then there's the
2324s other girls or something like
2329s that oh ow
2333s dude you come
2335s here we need to have words
2344s my
2347s time got him got him uh we got four
2351s minutes until the next giveaway folks
2352s we're going to be doing a steam key here
2355s in 4 minutes and 10 seconds so if you
2357s are just tuning in from Twitter or from
2359s YouTube or from your television without
2363s a keyboard make sure you jump over to
2365s twitch.tv/ playplay wayfinder and get
2368s ready to answer some stupid question I
2369s come up with and uh that's how you're
2371s going to be participating in the
2372s giveaways so thank you for being here I
2374s hope you guys are are having a wonderful
2376s freaking day and thanks for supporting
2378s our our little game it's been a freaking
2381s process but just seeing how many people
2383s are coming back and trying out since all
2385s the changes is uh me a lot thank you
2388s thank
2390s you we appreciate
2392s you uh heroicness is 2.5% stat inrease
2395s the same with paros yes uh I forget what
2398s per stat though I would assume it's an
2400s ability power and something I don't know
2404s what it is though actually LIF it
2407s up uh you also do get a rush echo which
2411s is
2419s nice evil snowballs Must
2425s Die testicle we love chesticles
2430s I think I am going to start upgrading my
2433s echo as well I think we've gotten to the
2435s point where I think I've got some nice
2436s Echoes I want to start leveling up so we
2439s got plenty of stuff we're we're in the
2441s late game now folks we are getting well
2443s at least the late game that we have in
2445s mid game of all the content that
2449s exists uh maybe you could show a bit of
2452s character customization later why later
2454s let's do it right now so I did this
2456s yesterday I I think I think this sword
2458s is is pretty badass oh we got a person
2460s save I'll be right back hold that
2462s thought how how how did how did did you
2465s slip did the is it the Barrel's fault is
2468s it this Barrel this Barrel hurt you I
2470s got I got revenge I got you buddy that
2474s Barrel won't hurt you anymore you're
2475s safe you're safe now okay uh we want to
2479s do some customization so uh a lot of
2481s customization you can change your mounts
2483s you collect mounts you can play the
2484s mounts the mounts have customization you
2486s can unlock different Saddles uh every
2488s weapon has a transmog that you can
2490s either equip for that so like right now
2492s I could just switch this up if I want it
2493s to be toothy it's very toothy I want it
2496s to
2497s be uh sorty it's very sorty you know all
2501s sorts of skins do that this one looks
2503s badass that's why I'm using it right now
2505s uh you can change the dyes on the Skins
2508s as well so if you want this to be like
2510s uh soap bubble we can make it a soap
2514s bubble that actually kind of works
2516s badass all right we're going to we're
2518s going to change up the color we're going
2520s to go for like an orange orange blue
2522s Vibe going on now we can switch up all
2525s the head pieces let's
2528s go what do we want what what would fit
2532s like an orange orange
2535s lad want some many colors I think we're
2537s just going to this
2539s guy put
2541s on want something
2544s spiky that one has the armor pieces go
2547s with that
2551s one um big old skull why
2556s not I like that one and then yeah that's
2560s cool and now we can change up the dies
2562s on here so all individual trims here so
2564s we can just go back to our
2568s base and then we want to
2572s go go like
2574s a deep
2576s orange and we go like like we want that
2579s blue where's that blue
2581s at God this is hideous that's it's
2585s excellent there we go that matches that
2588s more orange no we hate that we're going
2591s to go maybe that
2595s yellow no it's not yellow enough that's
2598s that's God that's horrible looking I
2600s love
2602s it God we're so bad at decorating it's
2605s amazing I hate this so much
2608s we do got a little black in there
2609s giveaway
2610s time
2612s um I think now we want like yellow
2614s glowing eyes yellow and then I think we
2618s want a little bit of black got some
2620s black on our our blade as
2623s well all right beautiful and now we
2625s match our weapon because you know bad
2628s decisions can be
2630s made and the giveaway times uh all right
2633s everybody vote my drip on a scale 1 to
2636s 10 and be honest is I I know exactly
2638s what I'd vote this trip so one out of 10
2640s and that is going to be the giveaway
2641s winner uh for this one a zero out of 10
2645s see I said 1 to 10 Jones that does not
2647s count someone said nine what are you you
2652s seeing the same thing I'm seeing I don't
2654s know dude that's pretty questionable 10
2656s zero it said one through 10 there we go
2658s one I believe
2660s that uh we got 113 entries if you are
2663s just tuning in make sure you make your
2664s way over to twitch.tv oh my God we got
2666s our second jump twitch. tv/ playay W
2668s funer that is where we're doing the
2669s giveaways today so thanks for joining
2671s hope you're doing
2673s great oh we got almost level 20 hey
2676s let's go we need level 25 though for the
2680s battleborn uh more customization we do
2682s have this whole talent tree now so for
2684s every single type of um character class
2688s so if you're an Arcanist a warm or
2690s tactician surviv list um you do have a
2693s custom kind of Path of Exile style
2696s thingamajigger that you can do there
2698s uh I think we got to have a better
2700s weapon power got the bone yeah let's get
2703s one of these
2704s guys that's a double shield though which
2707s feels bad let's do this
2710s guy I think that's good and then bone
2714s doll level 30 bottle of Shadows that is
2717s pretty
2719s good I think I think we're happy with
2721s that let's get some Echo back on here
2724s weapon power already equipped I need to
2727s take off this wolf eeko where is this
2728s wolf
2729s eeko take that one off put on the better
2733s one I would love to get a purple if I
2737s can uh blood Letter is pretty good let's
2741s get on a frost Hunter as well we're
2743s starting to get some high level ones we
2744s need to we need to get why is
2748s this these are both really good why are
2751s they only white though it's big sad okay
2754s that should be good for now God I'm ugly
2756s all right and the winner is three two
2759s one Bev Bev congratulations that is a
2763s steam key for you my friend
2766s steam
2768s buev b h u d v shoot me a message uh let
2773s me put a link in chat so you guys know
2776s um Discord if you
2778s win message there snark hey that's
2782s me
2784s in discord. g/
2792s wayfinder and we're going to pin that
2794s put a pin in it there we go cool nope I
2798s didn't mean to pin that well you've been
2799s pinned congratulations now you've been
2801s unpinned sorry it was a short pinage all
2804s right cool Sorry DJ we're we're we're
2807s just doing nonsense over here I
2808s appreciate your patience you are truly
2810s patient I don't know what to say I like
2812s the drip you like the drip really it
2815s looks better out here than it does in
2817s there it's very
2822s colorful all
2824s right uh bracelet half buried in the
2826s soil I can sense something embedded in
2828s it but I'm too slow to
2830s read all right I think did we get any
2833s epes I want to get more figes let's see
2836s how many we got now inventory I think
2839s it's crafting materials which time we're
2842s up to
2843s eight it's somewhat okay amount but we
2846s need more
2848s I need to be like kylo Ren up and
2851s here
2853s um am I missing any questions did
2856s anybody in chat did you did I miss a
2858s question re repost it if you have a
2859s question for me I'm happy to
2866s answer you're all going to
2869s die get smacked get
2875s smacked boom B
2878s easy murder oh this is going to be
2883s fun
2887s enough oh we're going fast got to go
2893s fast go so much fun oh the double leap
2897s love the double leap highly recommend
2899s good leap again 10 out of
2902s 10 5,000 damage not bad
2911s har burer where you at get over
2916s here o that
2919s hurt boom boom Oh get hit strong strong
2924s strong 10,000 damage Don't Mind If I Do
2929s wham bam thank you
2931s man my question is there a chance for
2933s events like even TI to come back at 1.0
2935s we don't have the MMO aspect there is
2938s always a chance but I will not spoil it
2941s there's always a chance uh what is your
2943s favorite part about wayfinder uh totally
2945s the community like just being able to
2947s hang out with people like this and do
2948s random emotes and exploits and go take
2951s people on pilgrims to Cog Mountain All
2953s That Jazz that definitely my favorite
2956s part will there be a raid like activity
2959s added even if it is soloable uh we were
2961s working on it before we had to
2963s transition to um kind of like the
2964s Standalone game uh I would love we have
2967s that's a really cool helmet that is
2969s super neat I don't think I've seen that
2970s one before maybe I haven't seen it with
2972s that die that's cool um sorry distracted
2975s scroll brain
2977s the we'd love to we just don't know like
2980s right now we've committed to just
2981s finishing the game uh getting one point
2983s out there getting all the content we are
2984s going to do one big uh content patch
2987s after
2988s 1.0 um we are adding the official mod
2991s support so and that's going to be
2993s everything on the table like people are
2994s hopefully going to make you know people
2996s are going to make levels with finders
2997s characters abilities whatever um really
3000s excited to see what the world does with
3001s the modding aspect of it uh with
3003s official support there um so who knows
3006s when it comes to that uh we are testing
3008s around some other cool little mini game
3011s mechany things um but we'll see if they
3013s actually make it to the light of day um
3017s every now and then a m res who knows
3019s we'd like to we were working on it
3021s before but uh we had to reprioritize to
3024s the first
3028s need more mats what more mats you need I
3031s need see if I can get it's good to see
3033s you old
3035s friend that was one short all right can
3037s we run it
3044s again uh any chance of putting Community
3046s created content in the game officially
3048s don't know how that works but I know
3050s Witcher and Skyrim B have done it uh I
3053s don't know how that works either to be
3054s honest like I wouldn't want to charge
3058s people for it but again that's that's
3059s above my pay grade I don't know how I
3061s mean again just putting the official mod
3064s support is kind of what we're we're
3065s putting into the
3076s game just Port the fishing game Run King
3079s easy
3080s peasy R king great game you just got to
3082s go check that one out if you haven't
3083s played that one by the
3085s way we got two minutes until the next
3087s giveaway folks so if you are just tuning
3089s in from wherever you may be healing from
3091s in their internet thank you for tuning
3093s in hi hope you're doing great I'm sir
3094s snarf otherwise known as Alex but mostly
3097s snarf uh make your way over to
3099s twitch.tv/ playfinder because that's
3101s where we're going to be giving away the
3102s keys and the codes and the the things
3103s and the stuffs so um make sure you come
3106s in say hi love to say hi back answer
3109s some questions hang out have a good good
3111s times we we're real comfy in here I
3113s guess I do need to turn the music down a
3114s little bit if it is competing with me
3116s still
3118s uh wait this game is still a thing it is
3120s still a thing even more of a thing like
3123s we're we're on a we're getting a second
3125s wind right now it's it's exciting
3135s stuff I told you the code is nothing
3137s completely ignored my question that was
3139s referring to yesterday
3145s what I told y'all the cold is wait Jones
3148s are you the person I'm going to I'm
3150s going
3151s to all right I'm about to Dos you I'm
3154s about to D dos you so folks sending a
3159s wave
3161s emote I get a ton of messages a day
3163s sending a wave emote does not tell me
3165s who you are especially if it's not the
3167s same as your username in chat so you
3169s gota you got to do the things you got to
3171s tell me where you're at and who you is
3174s if you want to get the keyy don't don't
3176s come out here casting that shade I see
3178s you I see you tell me who you is and
3181s I'll get you the
3183s code take my head my
3187s go helling me I don't give me my keys I
3189s give my
3199s keys all right we are going to get
3201s another witch Charmed epy
3212s uh are you guys going to support the
3213s game after 1.0 yes so we're going to be
3215s doing at least one uh big update after
3218s 1.0 but we hope if there is enough
3221s support to do a heck of a lot more after
3223s that but it's really going to depend on
3224s if we get money because making games is
3227s expensive and either we work on this or
3229s we work on other games and that's uh
3232s there's demand and there's people want
3233s to play it and people want more stuff
3235s and we get the money to pay everybody's
3237s salary then we will make it that's how
3240s it
3264s works uh we are doing a another key
3267s giveaway I think we got a timer for
3270s PS5 um what should we ask the question
3276s PS5 uh I guess there's a lot of people
3278s have done
3282s it no I'm still giving it to Jones it's
3285s just it's a good good opportunity for
3288s people to know just tell me tell me your
3290s usern name I got to know I get I got
3292s lots of messages lots of
3295s messages um
3297s for the PS5 key tell me which wayfinder
3301s you want to play the most oh
3312s noic sja venomous n I'm going to it's
3315s going to be a good temperature test see
3316s who the the favorite is crowd favorites
3319s where are you
3324s going I do need to level up some of the
3326s other way finders
3328s too that's a good
3334s mix oh we need to start selling some
3337s inventory getting towards that limit 200
3340s that's a big
3348s boy get him oh he's a big
3352s boy he a large lad
3356s oh I did not see the beams big
3380s sad oh
3385s Tragedy got to respawn we just got beat
3388s up we got another Pagan heck that
3391s Pagan's come from I swear that's
3394s new all right and the winner is for the
3396s PS5
3398s key Loft Stein congratulations Loft
3403s Stein I am proud of you that is PS5 if
3406s you do win a PS5 key make sure you let
3408s me know what region you're in um that's
3410s important because they are region locked
3413s l o f t s t e i n
3417s ncore congratulations dude thanks for
3419s checking
3420s out yeah we got checked real
3431s hard I need one more witch Charmed FG I
3435s can't remember if we got one yet or
3439s not we going the wrong way I feel like
3441s we're going the wrong
3442s way I'm all work with Topsy turby can
3445s you give it away yeah of course it is
3447s yours to do with it as you will shoot me
3450s a message and I will get it over to
3452s you de Burton probably asked a million
3455s times but is there going to be a level
3457s increase at 1.0 feels weird to Max
3459s halfway before the story ends but maybe
3461s intentional loving the game regardless
3463s so the tricky thing about it is like
3464s there's so many different wayfinders
3466s that you need to level up uh but the 1.0
3470s is going to have a higher tier of um
3474s stuff that you got to do so without
3476s giving away chance information uh
3477s there's a chest don't do I saw a
3479s chest is it a hidden
3481s chest I want a
3484s chest up there aha sneaky
3490s chest sneaky sneaky chest what do we get
3494s what do we
3495s get soulborn mag defense and weapon
3498s power that's a weird combo
3515s did we turn the the music down is the
3517s music uh volume okay now or is it still
3519s too
3523s loud this guy is very
3527s spooky pretty sure he's the the lad who
3530s murdered us last time
3541s void
3542s binder have I really never got a void
3544s binder
3544s before thck all
3555s right all right we got
3558s ourselves got our
3562s revenge oh is there a vent down there I
3564s think
3567s another
3571s chest no event though usually there's an
3573s event right here ability power e Tides
3575s double sword we love to see that ciret
3578s of fervor oo that's also very good that
3581s might be better than what I have
3582s currently equipped on my uh first
3585s slot snarf is a psycho yesterday he
3587s streamed at 7: a.m. so be on the lookout
3589s when a wild snarf appeared wild snarfs
3591s do appear they do we do things we're
3594s chaotic music sounds right
3597s gorgeous love to hear
3601s it um we got 3 minutes and 40 seconds
3604s till the next giveaway folks so make
3606s sure you're over here twitch.tv/ playay
3608s wayfinder if you want to participate or
3610s if you don't want to participate you
3611s should still be over here be witching be
3614s I'm harshly judging your grindle fashion
3616s voices right now you don't you don't
3618s love
3619s this not a
3621s fan should I make it more be like I can
3623s I make it more be like for you what's uh
3626s let's make it more be like go like get
3630s rid of the
3634s blue okay
3636s trim
3638s got I think the yellow is actually on
3640s point and then we need more
3643s black and
3646s then maybe more black we like it the
3650s Deep black got to get
3654s this it's getting more be like
3659s secondary oh no I died maybe go yellow
3663s yeah that's
3666s better all right now sword we got to
3670s make this
3672s black secondary
3675s yellow
3677s missive
3679s yellow all right Are we more be like
3684s now another level
3687s excellent all right here we
3689s go be approved fantastic that's all that
3694s matters um Noob knob uh will there be
3697s cross progression by the way um so we
3699s are doing crossplay there is going to be
3702s no centralized server for your uh save
3704s data so all the save data is local so it
3706s won't be cross progression but you will
3708s be able to play with anybody on any
3711s problem
3712s go you're all going to die
3717s what just
3718s happened nothing good my Lord just
3722s launched into the wall and got
3729s murdered we do better on the trip the
3731s drip cat getting rid of the
3735s [Music]
3738s blue got to get rid of these totems they
3741s murder
3743s murdery there's Flames everywhere I love
3746s it
3747s oh a green wolf Echo give us the
3749s freaking
3755s purple yeah that looks sus as hell I was
3758s about to call it
3760s out he just he gets you kept on
3763s chomping he's a chomping chomon 55
3767s seconds until the next giveaway guys
3770s make sure to tune in we got to think of
3771s a new question should we think of
3773s another trivia question um
3777s what is a
3780s good we'll do we'll do a a deeper cut in
3783s trivia
3784s question
3787s um yeah we got I got a good one I got a
3791s good one I got a good question for the
3793s OG fans out there are we getting a druid
3797s wayfinder maybe potentially who knows
3800s anything possible depends on how much
3801s support we
3802s get David what's up David how you doing
3816s L Goblin come
3826s here knocked him down beat him up give
3829s us your
3830s treasure hey Goblin dance let's go and
3833s that's giveaway time all right everybody
3835s in chat
3836s what does a vaa
3839s crochet is the
3841s question what does she
3845s crochet got to know we got to know if
3848s you know the answer put it in chat
3850s that's going to be the giveaway question
3852s ability points o what do we want to get
3854s uh finishers e generate more ultimate
3858s charge
3862s okay but what does it
3864s say uh what do we want to do all right
3868s the question is if you are just tuning
3869s in make sure you make over way to
3870s twitch.tv/ playfinder what does a Bala
3873s crochet is the question we're going to
3875s be rolling that here in about 20
3878s seconds uh increase the Whirlwind
3882s generation Whirlwind resource I don't
3884s know if I care about any of that maybe
3886s we just do yeah the healing for Max HP
3889s is pretty strong though I think we're
3891s just going to get more
3893s ultimate another Affinity point we're
3895s getting close to 25 that's a big deal
3898s that's a big
3900s deal
3902s okay we got a trickster request up here
3905s oh we've done
3907s it where is you is my
3910s buddy I think we've explored it pretty
3913s good nothing else over here all right
3916s and the winner is ladies and gentlemen
3918s congratulations drum roll
3920s please LZ rage ground you're a winner
3923s again looky you lucky you man uh this
3925s was or a steam key so shoot me a message
3928s LZ and you can do whatever you like with
3930s that because I'm pretty sure you already
3931s won
3932s one LZ rage
3937s ground congratulations
3940s L I'm glad you knew the answer good old
3943s Fox so one of our narrative Quest
3947s designers her sole mission for this game
3950s was to get a fox included somehow so
3953s getting she had a big hand in writing
3955s the even time
3956s quest line um and part of that was
3959s getting a crochet box into the game as
3962s an item for Quest very heartfelt it
3966s really did in in my opinion it felt like
3969s the the soul of you know the holidays
3972s and giftgiving and thinking of friends
3974s and stuff like that it was it was cool
3976s it was very wholesome Quest very
3978s wholesome
3980s Quest oh you know what that actually
3982s kind of reminds me I want to do I want
3983s to do the one Quest that's going I want
3985s to make some people in chat cry I'm
3987s going to RP that entire quest line and
3989s see if I can find it I don't think I've
3991s done it
3992s yet have you thought about doing a
3994s weekly stream with teasers like Epoch uh
3997s last Epoch which is an amazing game they
3998s did that every week of their buildups
4000s one like I want this game to pop off the
4002s ideal play with uh I do love last f um
4008s the the goal is right now actually I'm
4010s fairly close to just getting partner on
4012s this channel so uh I think I'm just
4015s going to do at least another six stream
4017s to get that running because I think
4020s that'll help with some exposure and
4021s maybe you can apply for like some front
4023s page visibility so that's kind of what's
4025s on my mind right now and then um yeah
4028s I'm going to keep doing streams like the
4030s streams will keep coming this is my
4031s domain I've built the stream room to be
4033s used it's not being used it ain't being
4035s used and we got to make sure it's used
4036s you
4038s know uh how do we get the fox today uh I
4041s don't know if he can I think that's
4043s still locked behind Eventide stuff
4048s we got Fallen greed break power ability
4056s power have you considered not walking
4059s into the fire when need to be res no
4065s ridiculous what does the fox say I think
4068s it's
4072s like uh DJ clad has some good fashion as
4075s well true true be witching
4078s be the True Fashionista among all of
4083s [Music]
4088s us
4091s oh all right did we finally do it so far
4094s way finders but there is so much did we
4097s really not get a single witch time Effy
4099s that entire time are you kidding me big
4101s upsetti spaghetti
4107s spetti spaghetti I
4109s am we need Shadow warp Spectre as well
4112s all right can we do like a shadow
4114s imbued um Reaver wordss
4119s what big sad bigamous saamus oh I did
4122s get the Goblin dance I want to see what
4123s that looks
4124s like this is
4126s Skylight oh and the chest pound I'm
4128s curious what the chest pound is um where
4132s is Goblin dance got to do the goblin
4135s dance
4138s uh where is it goin
4141s dance this one's for Neco Jess is out
4144s there you recognize where this teaser
4146s was
4156s filmed uh your grle gives off night Lord
4159s Vibes what what is night Lord uh will
4161s Hollow heart drop more or do a shrouded
4164s uh up to you I think either way should
4165s be
4171s fine you know what I want to crap I'm
4173s going to
4174s go I'm going to go craft the most
4176s important well not
4178s anymore I going to go craft the best
4180s potion in the
4182s game see if I can make it there in
4187s time hurry hurry hurry what have you got
4192s do I have the recipe yet please say I do
4194s I don't oh I need to find the Go Go
4197s Juice one day I'll find it one
4203s day please bring any rare finds to me
4207s first
4209s is is the game only single player no no
4212s we're actually playing multiplayer as we
4214s speak there is a full I just joined a
4217s random session and it actually no I
4218s didn't join random for this one I
4219s speciically chose this one because it
4221s was uh
4224s unchallenging gram stance is also fire
4226s true
4227s true uh clues for possible second collab
4231s um if we do it it would be collaborating
4234s with a different IP yeah it would be an
4236s IP separate from
4238s wayfinder that is that is that is a true
4240s fact you can quote me on
4245s that ah but thanks for everybody tuning
4247s in hope you're having fun if you got
4249s questions on the game let me
4251s know got I got answers well they're not
4254s they're correct answers you'll you'll
4256s have to find out but you know it will be
4257s an
4258s answer uh is this not a constant MMO
4261s anymore it is not um I would argue it
4264s never has but internet would argue at
4266s that point so I will not say
4269s it it is a solo peer-to-peer Co-op
4274s action RPG so it will be crossplay at
4277s 1.0 so we are confirmed crossplay for
4280s Playstation Xbox and PC um and there is
4284s a Lobby browser you can
4286s make an invite in Discord and people can
4288s join you through Discord you can do um
4292s Whatchamacallit uh just steam friends
4294s list or PlayStation 4 friends list um
4298s yeah so lots of ways to play we got a a
4299s server Lobby so you can see who's
4301s playing what activities they're doing
4302s you can filter for what activities you
4304s want to do and go find those people at
4306s certain levels um and just play the game
4314s yeah uh the co Co-op progression if you
4316s guys are on the same Quest State they
4318s will carry over to your safe file so if
4321s you want to progress with co-op on
4323s somebody and then go back and play solo
4325s um so long as you're doing the same
4326s Quest you will maintain that progress
4329s and get back to your own safe
4331s file there's a crow fart watch out for
4334s the crow fart and a chest love the chest
4337s all right after this we got to go sell
4339s me
4341s thinks I'll show off the uh the mark to
4343s sell all right let's go do this do this
4346s event hey speaking of which we got a
4348s Chester in here perfect demonstr thank
4350s you Chester you just demonstrated how
4352s people can just pop in and pop
4354s out have a third person and just joined
4357s in all the way in the across the
4368s pond get e up oh that hurts
4377s got
4380s him
4382s beautiful all right let's do this
4385s thing I'm so Speedy I am speed F
4397s sanicom beat him
4401s up this
4405s glorious oh
4411s no a big
4423s boy pop our
4426s alt we got some archers somewhere in
4428s here that need to go away that is a
4431s large lad
4436s all right King Hollow let's
4440s go two three so cool thing you can do
4444s with
4445s uh two handers oh it's block attack I
4449s got a lot of damage off right there but
4450s uh I was a little bit greedy is what I
4454s do hey it's giveaway time
4458s folks all right we're doing a steam oh
4461s no this is a uh this A PS5 key this time
4465s around
4466s everybody ready for a PS5
4468s key
4470s um tell me your favorite music
4473s soundtrack like what's your favorite OST
4475s from video game any video game what's
4477s your favorite OST I'm curious I want to
4479s hear throw that down in chat and that's
4482s going to be the uh the
4485s giveaway Xbox code unfortunately do not
4488s have Xbox codes yet all right we got
4490s stardo Valley nice Norgate Celestial
4493s what the heck is that
4496s crash TN sanity Need for Speed
4498s underground D for Tron oh my God we are
4501s getting some variety balers Gate 3 do
4504s you like The Boulders Gate 3 soundtrack
4505s I just kind of lukewarm on it I love
4508s Boulders Gate 3 but soundtrack is kind
4509s of
4515s messy Hades yeah Hades was pretty fire
4517s Hades in general I still need to playes
4520s 2 but I'm waiting for it to be fully out
4526s weit finder oh
4528s thanks oh
4534s [ __ ] anyone who doesn't say Mega Man is
4537s just wrong taking it back G of Rage 4
4541s OST is it great there's a lot of a lot
4544s of variety of in these potions petris I
4546s mean petris is pretty iconic you can't
4549s you can't say it's not
4557s jeez oh we locked I'm an idiot I
4561s lock I saw a thing and I pressed the
4563s thing without looking at the event and I
4564s locked the chest because I'm a dingus
4566s you can blame me I'm sorry
4569s guys there goes another wish I'm a d
4572s dumb Super Smash Bros ultimate all right
4575s all right I see you who's your super
4577s smash I am a I'm a ton link or young
4581s Link name myself all right we're going
4583s to roll it the winner is
4585s potato Viking congratulations potato
4588s Viking that is going to be for a PS5
4595s key speaking of which I did send you
4598s another code I know the first one you
4599s sent didn't work for whatever
4601s reason do you want me to reroll it
4603s potato Viking can we share the wealth
4605s should we
4612s roll roll it all right rolling it thank
4615s potato Viking Forever This is Crimson
4617s sloth congratulations Crimson
4620s sloth legendary potato indeed Crossing
4625s Crimson
4627s sloth congratulations Crimson sloth just
4631s make sure you message me what region you
4632s are in for that bad boy I love it when
4636s they
4637s struggle not very nice
4646s jeesus explosions
4649s Batman thank you teser thank you
4657s DJ oh boy oh
4661s Bob eat them
4664s up I love it when I get the speed boo
4667s feel are
4668s Gooding for go go fast until I get
4671s slowed by this nonsense the goop the
4675s goopy
4686s goopers oh I think we're out of healing
4688s potions that is
4689s noo no
4693s wayo we got 6 minutes until the next
4695s giveaway guys we are going to be doing a
4699s bcy for all you steam fans out there
4702s coming up here ooh secret chest
4711s all right give me the goodies I want the
4714s goodies give them to
4716s me ooh armor sja armor
4725s nice this looks like it leads to
4727s something I want to
4729s know it does lead to something we do
4732s want these yes please
4736s 30 radiant Dawn
4742s nice uh by the way DJ I highly recommend
4744s you go up the the stairs and collect the
4746s thing you up
4757s there give me no buff we love the Buffs
4761s got to go
4762s fast third is pretty good do what uh
4766s this way over here more goodies take the
4770s goodies up
4777s here snag this bad
4781s boy there you
4787s go all right are you guys ready to kill
4790s some phoenixes Phoenix eye
4796s come
4799s here f f Fu f
4803s f oh I did not mean to pop that but we
4805s have popped it
4810s now don't
4813s die got him
4816s beautiful all right let start my Al
4818s activated tell me
4820s your uh Al is gone
4829s we're out of the stamina pieces fine the
4831s explosions are
4833s everywhere one
4845s two beat them up oh the damages damages
4850s are
4853s real I was kind of hating on the weapon
4856s power builds like with grindle just
4857s because I think that Roland is like such
4859s a big part of his uh his kit but boy oh
4862s boy does he hit like a like 12,000
4864s damage like is that's not to be snuffed
4870s at you Tiding
4873s die we do it nice
4877s nice we got two minutes and 50 seconds
4879s till the next giveaway folks coming up
4881s here just shortly do another recharge
4884s station
4889s I found explosions everywhere I did it
4892s we have been murder
4894s treasure we did good we have lost our
4897s friend it's a nice ground we have here
4899s very cold
4903s refreshing
4904s [Laughter]
4910s rip uh can we make the co-op name plate
4912s stay visible no matter the distance they
4914s disappear after I know we were thinking
4916s about doing something like making it
4917s like transparent wall Stu like that um I
4921s remember where we landed on scope for
4923s that
4929s guy I'm
4932s back I got you
4939s Chester get those debuffs
4947s all right surely surely we got a witch
4949s CH after to you from this one
4951s right there's no way we couldn't 1
4954s minute and 43 seconds till the next
4956s giveaway guys coming up very shortly
4958s it's going to be for steam that is a
4960s very very uh we're switching to that
4962s right now
4964s actually we have found the weapon we
4968s want yes please Rose and Thorns we got
4971s to switch up this style though we got to
4973s make this uh theme of appropriate dual
4976s daggers what would look good with like a
4978s bumblebee
4980s Vibe um I do something about these I
4983s just really
4984s like but I think we're going to do The
4987s Duality and then we're going to do
4990s primary
4992s black secondary yellow and a
4997s missive yellow there we go y yep y I'm
5001s into it Echo put back these guys guys
5005s blood Letter we have like no epics at
5008s level
5009s 30 makes me sad sad
5015s Panda um AR Guardian that's really good
5019s that one we can level up for sure um a
5022s ro the death is sure that would be a
5023s good one infinity points almost up there
5027s 30 seconds till the giveway
5029s guys it's coming right around the corner
5039s All We
5052s Ready oh yeah um I love Miss some
5061s daggers I'm so excited to show you guys
5063s how much damage I'm about to do
5065s the big boy once I get my weapon ability
5068s card witness true Power Ren Thorns is
5071s one of my favorite weapons not going to
5072s lie it is so so freaking
5075s good I am out of the healing part though
5078s all right here we
5081s go oh don't die not like
5086s this oh I think we got the giveaway
5088s going time for the giveway but look at
5090s this damage
5093s no hey level up all right ding in chat
5096s for the level
5098s up ding in chat that is going to be the
5101s uh the keyw for this next giveaway this
5104s is going to be for a steam key everybody
5107s Ding Fries Are
5119s Done big old chest pound
5125s ding ding ding Dingus first time chatter
5128s mcginness man hello welcome out you here
5131s if you are just tuning in uh we are
5133s doing the giveaways in our official
5136s Twitch account twitch.tv/ playay
5138s wayfinder join in the fun get over here
5142s say
5142s hello look at this look at this squad we
5145s got a squad going
5149s on Amulet of Eternity the night Paul's
5152s Sisterhood faded to obscurity shortly
5154s after the massacre of the kgr point
5156s while the maze generally tolerated
5157s something rather I could not read the
5158s rest of it because I can't read that
5161s fast H all right and the winner is as
5164s soon as this loading screen finishes we
5166s are going to roll it so make sure you
5168s say ding in chat if you want to
5169s participate this is going to be for a
5171s steam key Global steam key no matter
5173s where you are in the world even if you
5175s live on a abandoned island in the middle
5177s of the Pacific and you have an internet
5179s connection you can redeem this
5183s key one day we're going to finish this
5185s loading screen it's coming it's coming
5187s real
5190s quick ding PR are done Ding PR done I've
5193s got a run I've got a run I work at
5195s Burger King make a burger waffles would
5197s you like an apple pie with that would
5199s you like an apple pie with that all
5201s right and the winner is eldest oh my God
5204s I think it's the third time you've won
5206s my man uh
5209s congratulations e l i d s t
5215s would you like to keep it or would you
5216s like me to reroll
5225s it not for the was that College Humor I
5228s feel like that's like there is to be
5229s done that just like a random YouTube
5233s video you have people that want to play
5235s all right fair enough it's yours to do
5237s with as you wish we just want people to
5239s play it so as long as it's going to be
5241s put to use I'm happy I'm a happy camper
5243s congratulations it's it's completely
5244s random so fair is
5251s fair uh do I need more let's find out
5254s get it glad you could spare a little of
5255s your precious time hey we did
5260s it awaken let's
5264s go all right now we need Infinity
5269s more get that at
5271s least uh gy of aus pretty close
5276s all right now we need glimmering molten
5277s Spectra and then we need a lot more of
5279s those things okay cool I can dig
5281s it um all right we are going to go do a
5285s side quest I'm going to abandon thank
5287s you very much guys it's been a pleasure
5288s playing with you folks you got some sick
5296s mounts here I leave
5299s you all right we're going to go to our
5302s account and I want to do a side quest
5304s there's there's one side quest in
5305s particular that I want to RP and I want
5307s to make people cry that's my goal if I
5309s make one person cry I'll be happy you
5311s know # life
5313s goals all right continue
5318s game reroll the next one he said
5326s okay uh snarf can you settle the world
5329s scaling debate what is the
5331s debate what is the debacle
5335s all right we are going to go I got to
5336s remember where the heck this Quest
5338s starts I think it's like in the middle
5341s of
5343s nowhere you are not about to do the side
5346s quest oh yeah I am oh yeah I
5350s am
5353s um uh World scaling is based on the
5355s Character level or the power level uh I
5358s think it's actually set off of power
5361s level don't quote me on that
5366s yeah I think yeah this is good I'm
5368s pretty sure it's power level it's a
5370s little bit complicated because there are
5371s like banded zones and stuff like that
5373s they change a little
5376s bit you get
5384s parried all right we're fine all right
5387s we got to find out oh I'm so
5390s slow I'm so slow
5394s where the heck does this Quest
5397s start I think it's
5400s somewhere thought it just like in the
5402s woods off the side maybe it's past this
5406s Village I Know It Ends over
5409s there we're going to find out could be
5412s the power level I was getting level 29
5413s and may spawning uh with some other
5415s character level 30 but here yeah pretty
5417s sure it's power level
5425s [Music]
5429s give me your
5430s secrets this is fost March if you
5432s haven't seen this is the the new uh
5435s Second World Zone that we added with the
5437s echo update um quite a bit larger than
5440s it used to be in uh the live version of
5442s the game there's all sorts of Secrets
5445s and treasures and side quests to
5448s discover I'm currently looking for one
5450s side quest I don't think it's here
5454s we will take this
5458s though that's good to
5460s know um where the heck does this Quest
5463s start can't remember it's been such a
5465s long
5466s time I'm look for it now we're going to
5468s be on an expedition uh can there be a
5471s randomized feature when choosing dies I
5474s don't know if you'd want that I think
5475s that would that would physically hurt uh
5479s Bobo is our Le character designer I
5483s think that would I would hurt his soul
5485s even if iose that
5495s often maybe over here all right we're
5497s we're we're questing for a quest I don't
5500s know where the heck it's going to be but
5501s we got 3 minutes until the next giveaway
5503s that's going to be for a PS5 key so if
5505s you do want to join in the fun make sure
5507s you wake over to twitch.tv/ playay
5509s wayfinder that is where we are doing the
5510s giveaways I hope you're having a
5512s wonderful day no matter where you are
5514s whatever you're doing hope this Tuesday
5516s is treating your
5519s right um game is beautiful on the higher
5523s settings I wish I had a good PC can't
5526s help you with that but we are trying to
5529s fix on the optimization as mess can I
5531s don't think it's this way where the heck
5532s would it
5534s be I think it's like maybe over here
5537s somewhere I don't have that unlocked um
5541s I think that's her spot
5545s let's go let's explore over this
5548s way honish you should remove the winner
5550s from Keys pool at least uh during the
5552s stream it doesn't matter if the friends
5553s are playing or watching right though I
5556s don't
5560s understand there's lots of stuff we can
5562s do over there I
5565s think let's go beat this guy up still
5568s need the Epic version of
5571s hiso all the damage pieces shall be
5574s wrong to
5579s me the damage is
5582s real H murder fied couldn't even get one
5585s ability off this
5587s sucker is there a combat ah just a green
5592s get get a purple of
5595s that cuz I'm pretty sure it started like
5597s in a forest somewhere thought it was
5600s like in a group of trees kind of like
5601s over here could be thinking complet
5605s completely wrong me that's probably the
5607s case find
5609s out oh that was painful hello
5615s world all right we're over here again we
5619s we found the
5623s death I think last stream we tried to do
5626s the uh the world boss over there and
5627s that ended in failure
5653s him
5657s up Shaka Waka love to see
5663s it been e on since Dragon Age I try uh
5666s Dragon Age Inquisition I I really do
5668s need to beat at some point
5670s another over
5675s here over here do I already have side
5680s quest where you going I already have
5689s it dear oh my God there's lots of little
5693s slime blob get out of here I'm busy all
5697s right it's a new giveaway time everybody
5701s so if you are wanting to participate in
5703s the giveaway um let's go with what is
5707s your D and D
5709s alignment if you as a character if your
5712s human body was a D and D character what
5714s would your alignment be I'm curious I
5716s want to see what our disposition
5718s is chaotic evil oh boy chaotic neutral
5722s chaotic neutral good all right all right
5724s chaotic good chaotic neutral lawful
5727s stupid chaotic good yeah I I I like to
5731s think myself as chaotic good I don't
5732s know I don't know I'll let other people
5734s decide lawful good all right all right
5737s we got a paladin in
5740s here lawful
5742s evil lawful evil has always confused the
5745s hell out of me that's just a weird thing
5748s to be I just don't know how it
5752s works uh not so Sage advice Among the 's
5755s resource managements open Shadows ster
5759s tracing the PA lost caravana I don't
5760s think I have it
5762s yet speaking
5768s knowledge no all right I don't have it
5771s yet it's somewhere out
5773s here just got to find
5776s it all right and for the winner of the
5778s PS5 key
5781s is midnight cat hologram congratulations
5785s midat hologram you are a winner make
5788s sure you let me know what region you're
5790s in for that
5796s giveaway
5798s congratulations proud of you you did it
5801s out of all the other people that W did
5803s you know the the entire up to this
5806s moment every every action of mankind
5809s humankind all the planets aligning all
5812s the stars and their gravitational Pole
5815s and the eons that have existed before
5817s and will always exist on that let up
5819s this moment of you winning this giveaway
5821s I'm really that's that's that's a feet
5823s that is a feet and not the ones you get
5825s pictures of that's a good
5829s one all right you big ugly prepare to
5833s take all of the damage
5839s pieces oh that's going to hurt I up I
5843s got greedy I I blame only
5846s myself uh Mage s snarf on Discord is it
5848s it should still be pinned is the message
5850s not
5852s pinned killed a man here
5854s once or was it over there might be both
5859s might be
5865s both all right um where the heck does
5869s this Quest start I'm so upset I just
5871s don't know where it is
5878s on a quest for exclamation
5885s marks I need to get somebody in
5887s narrative team to do a co- stream with
5889s me and show me where all the quests are
5894s put is the new wayfinder one that shows
5896s up in the loading screen mayhaps potenti
5899s there's only one way to find out that is
5902s to come back on October 21st when the
5904s game is at 4 1.0 launch but if you do
5907s want to get the game early it's the
5909s cheapest you're going to get it we
5910s missed the sale unfortunately I tried to
5912s tell people the sale was was the best
5914s spot we had 30% off but it is still
5917s cheaper than what 1.0 is going to drop
5918s and you do get access to everything
5920s that's coming in 1.0 so you're curious
5923s make your way over o I do need
5925s this that view gets the blood pumping
5929s don't it
5930s though get that blood of pumping ooh a
5933s sent
5945s me uh-oh just doing some performance
5948s enhancing drugs how could I forgotten
5952s this toasting your enemies with worms
5954s oil that's that seems a little
5959s sus think we have where are the other
5962s lovers I just foret there's three
5965s sneaky levers around here
5969s somewhere come on levers if I was a
5972s lever where would I
5974s [Music]
5977s hide where the heck are you oh there's
5980s another one
5982s two you know
5984s Moss I think I just did that one
5988s right am I blind or is the last
5992s lover feel like it should be over here
5993s here but it's not bothering
5997s me hey last lever let's
6002s go give me that chest and a frost Mark
6006s for that
6007s beautiful that's not bad I was doing
6010s ability
6012s power I guess we're failing we are
6014s trying to find this Quest and we we just
6016s cannot do
6021s it die SP
6026s got
6032s him ow oh my God there's a lot of them
6035s all right we're
6036s alting too many spiders oh my God many
6042s spiders four minutes until the next
6044s giveaway ladies and gentlemen we uh we
6046s got murdered by spiders spiders are the
6048s bane of my existence so uh we need to go
6050s get revenge
6056s come here
6060s you get beat up
6064s son got him dead
6068s sper dead
6072s Spa think you got them all the rest of
6075s them oh there you are
6087s death
6093s excellent oh hello we got
6102s ambushed oh the AOE damage oh my Lord we
6105s just got beat up big sad Mega Drive you
6108s are participating just by being here
6110s just answer questions answer they're
6112s really dumb questions but if you answer
6113s the question you'll probably get the
6114s answer to the question unless you get it
6116s wrong but it doesn't matter as long as
6118s you answer a question doesn't have to be
6122s right but we have 2 minutes and 54
6125s seconds until the next giveaway guys sck
6127s around this next one is going to be a
6130s PS C
6133s PC how you spell
6135s pc pc giveaway oh these are some wolves
6139s I would love to get this guy's that
6141s right here the special
6146s do not think I have any versions of his
6148s yet where are you going I think it is
6150s stop it stop it ghost wolves stop
6154s it oh God I'm very spooked for my
6157s existence that is a lot of boys that is
6160s a lot of the boys get beat up woo that
6163s was a good hit let's wait for a cool
6165s down let's get some of
6166s these oh my God we are getting
6171s murdered SP win
6176s all right get him oh we got wolves we
6179s got wolves we got wolves run away from
6181s the Wolves God the dire song is spooky
6185s lad a come
6188s on is truly the most powerful it is it's
6192s a very powerful console trust me I would
6194s never lie to
6196s you I'm pretty sure it's a PCC or P PSC
6201s I give up my brain my brain is addled it
6204s is full of Swiss
6206s cheese it is full of Swiss cheese not
6209s just
6210s holes my holes have holes probably
6213s shouldn't say that on the
6215s internet all right let's go around this
6218s way wait wait wait did we find
6225s it I think we found
6227s it okay maybe maybe we found it
6234s is this the right Quest is this what I'm
6236s thinking it is here I'm going to I'm
6237s going to go kill the wolf first we got
6238s to go get the
6240s wolf holy holes yes we are we're
6243s ordained by the Catholic
6246s Church all right
6248s you get rid of the ads oh my God there's
6251s so many of
6252s them all of you get out of my house I
6257s live in the woods and
6259s furry we're basically brethren
6265s a hurt so
6268s bad tickles get him get him get him oh
6272s the damage pieces all of it no I didn't
6274s get his Echo big sad they get a Colossus
6277s though not even a very good
6280s one all right do we can we disable these
6288s disabled we damaging fools
6295s disable
6297s disable got to disable four more I think
6301s we need a lot of frost Mark hey giveaway
6303s time time for the PSC key
6306s everybody
6308s um give me your
6311s favorite free 2000's
6315s console what is your favorite free 2000s
6318s console gaming console I'm curious in
6320s chat see see what people say the Trapper
6333s excellent Genesis Game Boy Advance PS1
6340s NES Pac-Man arcade cabinet nice does
6344s that count that's not a console that's
6345s the whole point of a console is that
6346s it's more
6350s game oh
6353s this area has killed me so much it's
6358s absurd was Game Boy Advance really
6360s pretty 2000s I feel like it's like 2003
6363s 2002 am I crazy pen and paper my man's
6366s pretty good what about
6370s rock all right and the winner
6373s is Ping vid congratulations ping
6379s viid that is a steam key which is not a
6382s console
6384s but some would argue it is the master
6385s race i n g v i i n i d
6392s ping that gives me a little bit of a
6394s stroke trying to pronounce but I'm proud
6395s of
6400s you Game Boy advances 01 ah see wasn't a
6404s wasn't a valid answer anybody said uh
6408s dbva not uh we had no chance of winning
6421s where the heck did that Trapper go we
6422s need toact Revenge H what's in
6425s here that looks like a secret
6428s chest one of you guys is going to give
6430s me an epic Echo I know it's going to
6431s happen one of these
6434s days that looks sick funfall hell
6441s yeah where is this it's like over here
6444s is it not over
6447s here
6450s dead where the heck did it go Dreamcast
6453s M
6455s nice A little known fact solid age
6457s collects uh Saturn games I've never
6460s actually played a Saturn but there are
6462s some cool titles that you get on the
6468s Saturn but I think he has almost a
6470s nearly perfect collection of uh of
6472s Saturn titles
6474s PS2 favorite console of all time but the
6476s cast was legendary yeah rip
6480s Dreamcast The Great Battle of our time
6484s think I missed the opportunity to do
6486s that all right we're going to do this
6487s Quest
6491s now she still hears him
6497s please where we going
6501s [Music]
6511s his cries beneath the
6516s floorboards I don't think it's the right
6518s Quest but we're going to do it
6524s [Music]
6526s nonetheless see searched
6530s pegged and cold
6538s not
6542s rock you take you to the basement please
6546s I'll do anything
6552s don't this cries beneath the
6556s floorboards inspect a warn apothecary's
6560s Journal remains of relevance are Ledger
6562s of sale in the people of Darkwood HT or
6563s deepwood HT the entry is detailing
6565s trades with nearby Woodsman
6570s tribe
6572s bird yay got a bird totally
6578s intentional all right what's in the
6580s Apothecary seller up on grd something
6583s that happened to this place tormented
6584s the spirits I should find out whatever
6585s has changed it here before it turns
6587s Hollow
6601s you are torturers and don't deserve to
6604s live no more I
6609s it get him get him we got 4 minutes and
6612s 50 seconds for the next giveaway folks
6614s we're just doing some side quests
6616s casually here in Frost Mar
6623s do our
6629s alt God these archers are
6636s nasty beat them up got
6641s him no
6643s more all right inspect these clothes are
6646s torn to shreds
6651s blood all right here we go more
6654s chesticles who loves seeing
6659s chesticles
6669s glorious oh I dodged that I call
6673s Shenanigans all right we have to go back
6676s again big
6680s sigh come on rage Beast let's go rage
6684s Against the
6686s [Music]
6688s Machine Vengeance shall be
6692s had shenanigan
6698s shenanigan all right we got him take
6701s that y Dingus all right another clue
6705s cages for prisoners seems the reavers
6707s are reappropriated this
6709s place scraps for food anyone didn't
6712s freeze the death on should have star
6714s there's a heavy presence in the
6715s direction of that cage has to be it
6719s right which
6723s Cage
6727s cell
6728s no this one
6731s no take the things
6734s though which cage this one
6743s aha this
6744s way that
6754s cage are infants
6759s clothing show the infant's clothes the
6761s spirit all
6765s right thank you I appreciate you snarf
6768s will you play Remnant 2 DLC on September
6770s I need to beat Remnant 2 like oh it's
6773s really good game I I don't have time to
6776s play games anymore it's big sad all
6778s right let's show them the show the
6779s clothing let's see what happens was
6781s Captain him warm in his crib all right
6784s let's go check out a
6786s crib next on MTV
6794s Cribs got a minute and 40 seconds till
6796s the next giveaway folks and this is
6797s going to be for PS5 key okay we found a
6799s crib place the infant's clothing her
6802s baby she only wanted to hold him
6805s again thank
6808s you did we do it we did it a spirit in
6812s the frost March took the pain of a dying
6814s mother who lost her baby boy to a brave
6816s raid now that the child's belongs are
6818s brought back to her residence it seems
6820s like Spirit has been freed of these bins
6822s the burden of winter Oho I wonder what
6825s that's
6826s for I've actually never completed that
6828s full Quest I'm actually really Ser what
6829s it
6835s all right 1 minute and 8 seconds until
6837s the next giveaway ladies and gentlemen I
6838s hope you're here I hope you're doing
6839s great I hope you have pray to Ron Jesus
6841s that you have sacrificed a baby potato
6844s in the full moon of the second Wednesday
6846s of the night and uh you are going to win
6849s whatever key may be coming up in your
6851s very few future but if you want to
6853s participate make sure you are tuning in
6854s to here twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder that
6858s is where we're doing the giveaway so if
6859s you ain't here you ain't getting a
6861s chance to win and what are you really
6863s doing he gots to be here and need that
6867s PS5 or that make that maybe even a PS5
6870s Pro key say it's a PS5 Pro key you want
6873s to get that fast Hardware that extra
6876s extra power whatever it does for that
6879s low low price of
6881s $799 it could be yours hello lazy bones
6885s welcome
6893s extra Giga flops we love you can always
6895s download more RAM the
6897s say do I want to do no that's too much
6899s that's that's that's too that's too
6901s chunky of a an undertaking to go go do
6904s that event a cool event though if you
6906s haven't done it all right giveaway folks
6909s everybody in chat let's go with your
6911s favorite type of cheese I want to know
6913s what your favorite type of cheese is
6915s whether it's monster whether it's gouda
6917s whether it's a smoked cheddar and
6919s pistachio gouda or if you like some
6922s pepper Jack with uh with like Ghost
6925s Pepper in it maybe
6926s some pizza
6929s cheese Mozzarella got to say the oh ow
6933s you can put any kind of cheese on pizza
6935s it's like saying like a a meat hamburger
6938s like what does that
6940s mean Ro blown is good for M pepperj Jack
6943s is BAS is it base or biased is the real
6946s question smoke GAA let me some smoke
6949s GAA uh what is t IO I'm I'm curious
6955s peino
6957s PE peino I don't know what the heck
6959s peino is I'm
6961s curious I am the weapon yep yep yep yep
6966s yep yep get done get done
6972s did got him get got get gotted all right
6978s and the winner is no favorite cheese
6980s that is that is not a flavor of cheese
6982s my friend that is the anti-cheese that
6985s is the anti
6988s flavor nightbot melter what did what did
6991s it hide pepperoni that is not cheese
6994s where are you
6998s going nightbot really does not like
7001s night poot is like the most prejudice
7002s against C like it does not like excited
7005s people it's like the anti-hat poot no
7007s hype here a no hype Zone nightbot says
7011s no 94 we need need to go sell items very
7014s soon a good crit power uh Cog though
7017s power of the Cog matah get that
7021s matz all right here we go and the winner
7024s is Burger backlog congratulations Burger
7027s backlog I swear you've won at least one
7028s key do you want to do you want this PC
7031s key or or is this a this is a PS5 key do
7035s you want this PS5 key or should we
7036s reroll it I'll leave it to your
7039s discretion renle memory core memory
7041s unlocked
7045s your Empire drone my people through the
7048s Shadows new start of this Slaughter but
7050s work can ended I knew it there's always
7053s another
7054s War
7058s got get them get them get them oh
7061s they're slightly too far away from each
7065s other got him get
7068s him ooh a purple balm level 30 I like
7071s those we take
7074s those Burger backlog uh I'll take it I
7077s know someone who wants it but yeah I
7078s want to key last week as well hey oh hey
7079s congratulations Burger backlog I'm
7081s putting you down for a PS5 key make sure
7083s you let me know what region you want
7085s that
7089s in Burger
7092s backlog that's appropriate because I did
7094s mention something about Burgers it's a
7096s bad
7097s joke let's get in here what do we got
7101s what do we got
7105s the Ancient
7107s One bring it on Ancient
7111s One hay heavy attack weapon ability
7117s nope there we go weapon ability and let
7120s the damage
7124s commence oh roseen Thorns you op son of
7128s a
7131s b all right
7138s let's do this full we got to
7141s do collect crates from the crash train
7143s all right let's go do
7149s it let's get up here and find some
7152s crates o want to use that actually that
7155s seems very convenient it's like rolling
7158s a four in Machi cororo you right so
7161s convenient
7163s deep cut board game joke for all you
7165s board game fans out
7166s there you haven't played Macho highly
7177s recommend dicks that is totally a crate
7181s I'd like to talk to the manager
7196s um I see no crates
7201s here give me crates aha crates
7207s four oh
7210s crus
7212s you you have a wonderful day
7217s um
7219s no where the heck are they
7223s aha
7226s crates we do it Mission successful
7230s crates on a
7231s train I think it's supposed to be a
7233s snakes on the plane reference good job
7235s narrative I'm proud of
7242s you get out of here there we go Mark
7245s collected let's go well hi
7250s Mark where the hell is that Quest I I am
7252s so confused I want to know where it
7257s ising crane true true you like The Shirt
7261s By the way thank you I like I like the
7263s shirt too it's it's it covers my skin
7265s you know as all good shirts
7270s [Music]
7274s do oh just anybody know the quest I'm
7277s looking for and where the heck it starts
7279s like this is your opportunity to teach a
7281s Dev SC in and teach a Dev where the hell
7285s where are the things we need the things
7286s for the
7289s stuff I kind of want to I'm going to
7292s raid the stronghold
7297s that's
7300s ow get him get him get G
7313s get
7314s smacked and dead glorious
7319s incandescence all
7321s right this
7325s way hate to say it but I got to get back
7328s to work love the game can't wait to get
7329s home and play some more keep the great
7330s work thank you mugal I hope you have a
7332s great rest of the day at work I hope you
7334s get to give a a coworker a high5 I hope
7337s that yall earn a pizza party in your
7340s near future and the pizza is the
7342s delicious and fresh and just gives you
7344s all sorts of
7346s En really Shenanigans I call
7351s shenan we're up here now all right where
7354s is the bone
7355s binder that guy's range is out of this
7358s world where are you
7360s going
7362s uhoh you stop
7366s that get
7371s smacked all right where's the big boy
7374s all right we're going to use big boy
7376s damage on this big
7379s boy I dodged I dodged I was out of
7383s stamina I was a little greedy but I
7385s still think he should have died because
7387s I wanted him to and I think that should
7389s be enough of a
7390s reason sadly it wases not all right
7394s using our you're all going to
7397s die it murdered all the damage the sweet
7401s sweet
7403s damage oh excellent quite
7413s excellent look at that pretty
7418s waterfall ooh you know what we can do
7420s that'll be a fun trial let's go do this
7426s there dead dead
7429s bear you
7432s don't point at me I Point At
7434s You ow ow when I come back I'm going to
7440s rip
7446s you all right 1 minute until the next
7449s giveaway folks 60 seconds 57 55 make
7455s sure you're tuning in to twitch.tv/
7456s playay wayfinder if you want to
7458s participate you have a very
7460s life-altering question coming up and if
7461s you answer it you will be given the
7463s opportunity to win a key this is going
7465s to be for steam
7468s steam as in
7471s computer
7475s CPU use her are rude that you killed me
7481s makes me upset and I will get my
7484s Ving it broken
7487s glorious excellent all
7490s right here we are
7493s gaunt
7500s time
7502s excellent
7504s up all right the key
7508s master you guys ever remember uh God is
7511s a page master great movie underrated
7517s animation hey it's giveaway time ladies
7519s and gentlemen I hear a tinkle in my ear
7522s got him all right the
7526s uh got give me your favorite animated
7530s movie favorite animated movie in chat
7533s and that is going to be the question for
7535s this next
7543s giveaway a lot of toy stories out there
7545s wow I'm
7549s surprised Castle in the Sky the classic
7557s see gble right ghost and shell nice was
7561s that a movie how you such a show wasn't
7565s it Treasure Planet Treasure Planet
7567s another underrated movies highly
7569s recommend I Atlantis two very underrated
7574s uh animated series serious me
7583s excuse me what killed me someone's going
7586s to pay for this Rango Mega M Shrek there
7589s is a ghost sh I thought it was just like
7591s a what is
7592s happening what have I
7595s done I have I've succumbed to
7601s psychosis oh god what have I
7605s done guys I failed the trial and this is
7609s my fate oh no oh no no no oh no it's
7615s awful I hate this this is my life now uh
7619s all right here we go guys we are going
7621s to choose a winner twap congratulations
7625s twap winner of a steam key have you
7628s played this game before twap I think
7630s you'd like it I think it'd be right up
7631s your
7637s alley oh my God this is this is nausea
7640s inducing
7651s all right we're going to I'm going to
7652s try to use my ult again and see if my
7653s ult fixes it feeling if that
7657s effects
7661s R chest thank
7665s you I'm so sad that we lost the uh the
7667s tri though I want to do I want to get
7669s those chest some good some good good you
7676s know this is like you a Perpetual hang
7681s like this is like migraine
7691s mode ah that does so much damage all
7693s right we'll see if this fixes it I don't
7695s think it's going do no it's not going do
7697s all right we're we're over
7698s this we give up
7702s I can't wait for snarf to give me my key
7703s so I can get the grinding me too man me
7714s too beautiful claw I give up for today
7717s good luck guys hey good luck uh wasn't
7718s this game literally dead how are people
7720s playing I want to play too well you're
7721s here this is how you're going to get the
7723s uh things we have we have rescued it
7725s from the dead we have uh converted it
7727s into a co-op arpg that you can play so
7731s you can actually just just go and find a
7732s party and you can just join any of these
7735s these are all all servers you can just
7737s join into or you just join random or you
7739s could play solo whatever you want to do
7741s you can
7744s do I think we got let's see what the the
7746s numbers are at right now give her a
7749s refresh thousand over a thousand people
7752s playing right now and that's just on
7754s Steam got it back on PlayStation 5 as
7757s well
7764s get out of here we don't like
7771s archers get
7773s dead another bone
7777s binder
7779s har got him glorious I think we need to
7782s go clear out some inventory space so
7785s let's go do that and then maybe let's do
7786s like a Mythic I think we've had enough
7788s cross March for now level 25 we're
7790s getting close to 30
7792s uh let's go back to
7794s Skylight let's go sell some
7798s stuff hope we reach over 20k when
7801s released I hope so too that would make
7802s me very happy that would be a lot um but
7805s we'll see again we're we're word of
7808s mouth is going to be our our best friend
7810s because self-publishing you don't you
7813s don't have an endless bucket of money to
7815s to pour into things so it's it's really
7817s just a matter of how much the world
7818s likes it and how much they want to play
7820s with friends and the never underestimate
7822s the power word of mouth it's it's a
7824s powerful
7825s force okay we are going to sell a bunch
7827s of crap what do we want to
7830s sell why are these still equipped I need
7833s to unequip those all right sell all our
7835s lowle
7841s stuff if it ain't level 30 I don't want
7844s it that is our first void binder we'll
7846s keep the void binder all right which of
7849s these I think that one's probably the
7851s best best of those blood song these are
7854s that one slightly better these guys that
7858s one's probably the
7859s best these guys that one's definitely
7863s the best Eclipse keep the eclipse keep
7866s the epap these guys we like that one the
7870s best these guys like that
7873s one I don't like that one these guys
7877s we'll keep their
7878s identical uh keep that is a nice nice
7881s Edge um uh
7884s Ransom I don't like either of those get
7886s them Tempest we don't like Tempest get
7889s out of here get out of here get out of
7893s here out of here keep that one get out
7896s of here that is level 35 though but we
7898s don't want it uh slicer and
7901s dicer bad roll that blood song's
7903s actually really good do we have another
7905s Blood song down here let's get rid of
7907s that and then we got a Rec reim God this
7912s is such a bad roll all right that should
7914s be good selling
7916s those Mark Sell 72,000 gold Don't Mind
7920s If I Do thought I'd see this all right
7923s now let's get our accessories out of
7925s here too
7927s accessories get rid of all this crap
7949s get rid of all this
7956s junk we are moving into the level 30
7960s territory for our accessories
7962s too there we go get rid of that keep
7966s that one all right that should be good
7968s for
7968s nowon again go sell that junk
7972s that could work though I will your
7975s weapon is a memory so well marked
7978s another
7979s $62,000 what it could
7982s be guess we could sell some more um
7985s inventory accessories 2 minutes until
7988s the next giveaway folks uh so these guys
7990s we definitely want that
7992s one uh these guys keep that one these
7997s guys that one
8002s that one looks the
8008s best
8011s that SC give rid that these are
8015s identical that
8017s one that one keep that one these guys
8021s gra these
8024s [Music]
8027s two that one who needs defense right
8031s defense is not offense that's what I'm
8037s saying get of
8039s you
8042s you
8045s um down tracers get rid these
8049s two this one they're
8052s identical get rid of that one get rid of
8054s that
8056s one keep that
8058s one got the same ones
8067s getting there slowly but surely thanks
8069s for bearing with me
8078s guys all right I think that should be
8085s good Mar Another
8089s 48 to the void so beautiful there we go
8095s lots of
8097s money uh how are the winners verified uh
8099s through me manually it's pain in the
8101s butt but I do it because I love you guys
8107s um I can't everyone just SP in the floor
8112s get the Gog Go Juice how do I get that
8114s recipe we're going to try to do a couple
8117s meons me thingss
8121s all right 0o seconds it is time for the
8123s next giveaway uh for the next
8126s giveaway what is the name of the secret
8129s cult and
8131s wayfinder what is the name of the cult
8134s if you know the name throw it down Throw
8137s Down The Cult
8140s name it's not the
8144s cult all right let's see what we got
8146s over here I hear you stalk new pre still
8149s really want to get my
8151s we got to do Phoenix egg all right we
8153s can do that the First with Phoenix egg
8155s make it happen leave allings of the past
8162s behind um let's go the first we go with
8168s Phoenix
8169s egg bre an extra breed beautiful let's
8173s make it happen first time chatter Titan
8176s Prime welcome hello everybody who is
8178s tuning in from other places besides
8181s twitch if you want to participate in the
8182s giveaways make sure you make your way
8184s over to twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder the
8186s official wayfinder account for all of
8188s your wayfinder needs we are doing the
8190s giveaway here so hope you come over and
8193s hope you win good luck pray to R Jesus I
8196s hope you rolling that 20 on your luck
8197s set because you know that's a a thing
8202s um all right we got to fill the
8208s first let's get our potions up there
8213s all right and the winner is Incognito is
8216s the correct answer zero to angry
8218s congratulations zero to angry this is a
8220s PC key actually no we just did a PC is
8223s this a PS5 key I think it's a PS5 key
8226s PS5 key zero to angry
8232s congratulations just let me know what
8234s region you're in and I'll hook you up as
8236s soon as the stream is over give me a
8237s message in Discord check out the pin
8239s message discord.gg SL wayfinder sir
8242s snarf is who you got to message you're
8245s your make sure to let me know who you
8246s are you the and what reason you are if
8249s you're getting a PS5 PC is uh is global
8253s so you don't need to worry about it
8254s there I will not be chained that bagger
8258s Belongs to Me You Belong To Me Omen I
8261s mean
8268s first ow no I dodged I ah nobody saw
8272s that I'm big sad all right second try
8276s second try here we
8278s go
8280s get found your way I was all out subject
8284s you've reached the end of your
8287s Ro let us finish
8290s this that
8293s off
8294s DOD oh doded that
8299s perfectly ow
8308s goodbye go over jump over that that hit
8311s me I call
8314s Shenanigans ooh
8317s dodged you fools eating the bitting of
8321s an echo I shall properly instruct you
8325s you
8326s nice oh that's going to
8329s hurt Dodge
8331s oh God we are we are
8335s hurting you up
8339s beautiful get over
8341s there and
8343s Dodge get a heavy attack off I will not
8347s be shamed that b belongs to
8351s me and Dodge we're fine all right next
8357s phase beautiful get the eggs excellent
8362s stand right here take a
8367s nap come on come on there we go
8370s beautiful I will not be chained that
8373s dagger belongs to
8376s me got this PE
8379s gameplay we're fine almost got punished
8381s never punished go that
8388s way using Al tactically D coming back
8392s for you I missed fat finger dang
8397s it I'm upset this it's that's what I get
8400s for being
8404s cheeky you the
8407s end you let us finish this get beat
8417s up I will not be chained that that
8421s belongs to me out of stamina got to be
8423s careful come on come on Dodge that all
8427s right next phase here we go sit right
8429s here my
8432s popcorn what you got what you got what
8435s you got for me ow okay I'm sorry I'm
8437s sorry I I
8441s apologize fine not even close bab
8447s fasinating and Dodge or not that's fine
8452s got an
8455s add everything's
8457s fine go that way jump straight into the
8459s damage because you know that's a smart
8460s thing to do good job
8465s Alex heal up down to two healings yes
8468s I'm getting excellent from get out of
8470s the way
8471s excellent get a thing we got four
8473s minutes until the next giveaway
8475s folks make sure you are tuned in to the
8478s official wayfinder account on Twitch if
8480s you'd like to participate the giveaways
8482s this time it is going to be for a steam
8486s key you can watch me die in real time
8489s over and over and over again because I
8491s am not sweaty enough as I need to
8494s be you you're
8497s ugly
8502s goodbye okay fine good Dodges we're
8504s going to go right there should be good
8507s should be good should be good hey let's
8509s go
8512s all right this time we are going to
8514s dodge the meatballs of Doom yes I'm
8516s getting
8518s meatballs go
8523s away oh God we're fine try to sneak me
8528s no sneaky
8529s sneaky all right next Zone let's
8534s go all right come here
8536s you second stage we did it we finally
8539s got to the second stage guys
8542s first
8545s try
8548s this why not ow that should not have hit
8551s me I call
8559s Shenanigans that that yes yes I'm
8564s getting exell got a weapon ability off
8566s that should do the trick thank you very
8568s much
8571s all right we're going to have to do this
8572s legitimately because I can't do my
8574s nonsense here we go here we go 2 minutes
8576s and 20 seconds can I beat her before the
8579s giveaway is the real question everybody
8581s is holding their breath the anticipation
8583s is
8584s palpable everybody is holding on to the
8587s edge of their seat like it's the rocket
8589s to the outer space we got a husp that's
8592s just chilling big chilling we don't mind
8595s him he's not messing with us we're not
8597s going to mess with him that's how it
8599s goes get R of that oh he's messing with
8601s us we're going to get him now he messed
8603s up he should not have done
8607s that I kind of want to use my last no I
8610s literally
8611s disp excellent data from this why did we
8614s do this why are you so
8619s bad shame shame
8625s shame reach the end of
8629s your let us finish
8631s this all right come
8633s on get him your Echo who created
8638s you get
8641s away Dodge
8644s heal jump and get behind
8648s her all right use a weapon
8650s ability click click click click click
8653s all the clicking glorious we got this we
8656s got this you should knock her off the
8658s platform we have a chance it is a fun
8659s thing to do but you don't get for that
8661s so that's
8664s boring
8667s ow all right we got get rid of all these
8669s little eggy
8671s boys oh D it
8674s SP dodged I don't even have to look at
8677s her I know what you're doing I can read
8679s your every move every step you take yes
8683s yes that's a creepy excellent data from
8685s really think about the
8687s lyrics zero to 10 not recommend why it
8690s became so popular I don't
8697s know got nice get rid of this egg
8701s excellent let's get over
8702s here take a little nap right about
8706s there get some popcorn out yes yes I'm
8709s getting excellent data from this nom nom
8712s nom nom nom nom nom nom run
8718s away what you going to do can't touch
8722s this can't touch
8725s this can't touch this just to speed I am
8729s speed your meatballs are no match for my
8732s speed oh
8733s God that dagger belongs to
8736s me all right giveaway time it's giveaway
8739s time everybody rip in chat rip snarf
8743s uh big rips F to pay respects wait what
8748s you found your
8752s you've reached the end of your road wait
8755s what let us
8758s finish it's all intentional all part of
8761s the plan I shall properly instruct you
8764s all a part of the master plan that
8769s tickles eat
8775s this we uh practically get through the
8779s second stage right quick oh my God we
8781s had our chance we had an opportunity all
8784s right the winner is uh R MGR Raiden
8788s congratulations MGR that is going to be
8791s for a steam key shoot me a message in
8793s Discord
8796s MGR
8798s Raiden four
8801s fantastic ah that was some nonsense we
8804s we squandered it we squandered it like a
8807s fresh egg left out day s for too long
8811s the
8813s en let us finish this here we go come on
8818s you get dodged get
8821s dodged here we go fools Eventing of an
8826s echo I
8829s should
8832s UT got some more dodging to
8835s do uh Dodge
8838s backwards and
8841s Dodge backwards
8844s glorious get back over here
8849s Kow I'm Spinning You can't touch me Beed
8852s oh we need to gets to me got
8856s him through it get hit in face with it
8860s because you know we're great 's a heal
8862s we're fine we got five more heals I'm
8864s not worried this is the one guess in
8867s chat do you guys believe I'm going to do
8868s it this one am I going to do it one if
8869s you think I'm going to do it this
8871s zero if you think I'm going to die
8874s regret that fools eating
8881s the I swear I swear I've played this
8883s game s it's not my first time I was all
8886s out of test you've reached the end of
8891s your let us finish this you never
8894s emotionally recover from
8897s this come on she is not that hard I have
8900s beat her so many freaking times why is
8902s this purple bus like fools why am I
8905s peret thisle an echo I shall properly
8909s instruct you I cry my spirit is breaking
8913s oh
8915s no
8916s oh my Lord how many hours do I have
8919s obviously not
8922s enough You' reached the end of you know
8926s what the main issue is I'm not playing
8927s this that's that's the big issue here
8931s your Echo who created
8934s you I don't nearly have I missing like
8937s five ey frames and that is a a crucial
8940s part of my
8945s pit come on all right here we go here we
8948s go oh Dodge oh we're fine no don't jump
8953s into it than God fascinating all right
8956s use our weapon ability that should
8958s saveer beautiful phase over phase
8960s complete
8961s get rid of these
8963s eggs oh God run away from
8967s that fine oh we got an ad don't stand in
8971s the middle of
8972s that through it got another of these
8975s dinguses steal the Dingus dead Dingus
8978s fools jump away of let her crack me
8981s anyway because know I shall properly
8983s instruct you I could D this table I
8986s would I swear
8991s boss I swear
8994s you you've reached the end
8999s of finish this oh don't do that bad
9002s timing this
9006s will there we go who created
9010s you uh there she is where' she go she's
9013s over there
9015s now not you all we going to PO you're
9018s all going to die no messing around
9021s where' she go there you
9022s are Dodge
9026s Dodge weapon
9030s ability even theing of an echo I shall
9034s properly instruct
9037s you get out of the way break damage on
9042s her over that
9045s way
9047s nice and nice pH all right this is the
9051s one guys this is the one I believe 4
9054s minutes and 40 seconds till the next
9055s giveaway guys if you do want to
9056s participate make sure you wake your way
9058s over to
9059s twitch.tv/ that is our official
9061s wayfinder streaming account and I am sir
9064s snarf the Dingus that is dying over and
9067s over again and is a masochist obv
9070s because why else would I suffer so much
9074s without any sort of reward purely to
9077s embarrass myself on the
9078s internet get over here
9080s Dodge
9082s fascinating get her get her get
9085s her
9087s Dodge Dodge get some stamina back kill
9090s the egg can't hit the egg that's fine
9093s right jump over there weapon ability out
9096s get her
9098s phased there she goes there she goes
9102s again all right go dance who created
9107s this will surely be fine Can't Touch
9110s This
9113s this is this this always ended
9118s well can't touch
9122s this we're
9131s fine ah no no no no no I'll be
9137s back
9138s it's oh
9142s freaking Doom
9144s balls found your way I was all out test
9148s subject youve reached the end of your we
9151s going to beat her I thought this was
9153s going to be so fast I thought this was
9154s going to be like the easiest little hunt
9156s like all right we're going to move on to
9157s the next one but here we are
9161s crying here we are burning good old
9163s pajama sand if you know you know all
9166s right
9174s your Echoes who created
9178s you
9181s tickles the 4 Hour the F we're we're
9185s doing it man you found your
9188s freedom you've reached the end of your
9191s room going to get you let us finish this
9195s first try first try every
9198s try fools come on feeding the fting of
9201s an echo I shall properly instruct you
9205s all right phase one
9207s complete so far so
9213s good dodged
9218s it got my homies are protect
9225s me I will not be chained that dagger
9229s belongs to me you
9232s got to get that come on
9237s nice no we're
9239s fine everything's
9243s fine running down the first we're trying
9246s we're trying Logan what's
9250s up DOD fools even the of an echo I shall
9256s properly instruct
9257s you oh we got a we got a homie behind
9260s the wall Dead Homie all right we're
9263s going to we're going to survive this
9264s just slow and steady just keep moving
9267s just roll roll Dodge dip dive duck and
9271s Dodge oh my God they're everywhere we're
9273s fine everything's fine get out of
9277s there hey we did it we got past the
9280s second guys guys look I properly
9284s instruct you for here now oh we we did
9287s it I'm so I'm so proud of myself all
9290s right come on you no no no no
9295s no dear God no
9298s why why hey we're still here because
9302s reasons that's totally not about and
9304s absolutely intentional I just want to
9306s reset my healing all part of the
9313s planc all right here we go here we go
9317s just need to get our weapon
9318s ability ow
9320s no no when I come back I'm going to R it
9325s do better be better we're still fine
9329s we're still fine the game is having
9331s Mercy on meame is like you really really
9334s suck so we're going to uh we're going to
9337s shoot for you oh I love
9346s it got her broke her excellent all right
9349s now we just got to dodge on W kill a
9352s husk all right I think it's coming from
9354s that side here we
9355s go and giveaway time ladies and
9358s gentlemen I'm getting excellent from
9360s this vote in chat if you think I'm going
9362s to survive this round yes or no it's up
9365s to you either way you just got to say If
9367s you think I'm going to kill her this
9368s life or
9371s not there's a couple yeses that's thank
9373s you you guys are too generous based off
9376s empirical data I I would be voting no
9378s but you know probably getting like a
9380s good 50/50 split fascinating we got to
9383s go in here we're going to use our weapon
9384s ability I'm going to go to town real
9391s quick we haven't been using any of our
9393s car there we go second phase easy money
9397s let's go all right now we just got to
9399s dodge head on a swivel head on a
9401s swivel uh that's a the full wall I don't
9405s like this yes I'm getting excellent data
9407s from this all right where's the next one
9409s there it is
9410s from this side oh God they're coming
9413s they be coming Dodge this way come back
9416s all where they coming from next where
9417s are they coming from next this side this
9419s side this side here we
9420s go we got this this is the one guys this
9423s is the one this is the
9428s one yes yes I'm getting excellent data
9432s from this no no no no no no no no no no
9435s no no we're fine we're fine we're fine
9436s we're fine we're fine not worried about
9438s it not worried about it you
9440s here we go here we go here we go I
9443s wasn't scared you were scared no no
9447s [Laughter]
9454s no game why all right the winner is
9458s congratulations if you're right of
9460s course it's Reaper that's a thematic
9462s name of winner yes you are the reaper
9464s and you were right and let me guess you
9466s voted I was going to die
9470s ah that is a that is a PS5 key oh my
9474s Lord
9475s Reaper e a p p e r r 100 congratulations
9481s and you did reap me my soul has been
9484s sundered all right chances that she's
9487s actually respawn of course she didn't
9488s reset of course it was all just a Cru
9491s joke a Cru joke in my life You' reached
9494s the end my
9496s freaking Dodge Dodge don't Dodge it's
9499s fine
9502s I'll be
9503s back we're going to do this we are not
9506s giving
9507s up the next code is in fact a PC code
9511s we're going to be doing that in 7
9512s minutes and 22 seconds and uh chances
9515s are I will still be doing fight youve
9517s reached the end of your road here we go
9520s let us finish
9523s this get
9525s him Dodge I will not be chained that d
9529s AG belongs to
9531s me here we go here we go
9533s uh-oh that's
9535s F he laser beam spooky
9539s fine got kill these guys kill one
9543s more exent jump in
9549s there that out of the way use our heavy
9553s attack even the bit
9555s of I shall properly instruct you
9560s oh we got to kill these we're not going
9561s to kill them in time we're so
9563s everything's
9565s fine oh God get out there fine Dodge no
9569s don't jump into it someone's going to P
9572s this smart Alex you're so
9575s smart got this don't don't let him don't
9580s show don't show them your tears you've
9582s reached the end of your road oh let us
9586s finish
9587s this think I am actually are tearing up
9590s this is this is bad hand over your
9593s dagger and I shall make your death quick
9596s please make my death break there we
9599s go all right get our weapon ability off
9602s let's F this real quick yes I'm getting
9605s excellent from this that's a
9609s Parry nice all right we're
9616s good uh
9618s Dodge get away from me husk I don't want
9622s your cookies I do not want your Cutco
9625s knives I would not like to buy your heal
9628s Insurance yes I'm getting excellent dat
9631s this this way out of stamina very
9633s dangerous don't run into it that
9636s way okay okay okay okay okay so far so
9639s good so far so good so far so good stay
9642s away from me meatballs I don't want you
9645s excellent excellent I'm liking this so
9647s far we're getting there
9651s come on come on yes
9654s yes data from
9661s this break damage go go
9665s go dodge
9667s dodge the
9669s attacks behind her weapon
9673s ability that was a really really bad use
9676s of my weapon ability get rid of the
9677s spear go created you really not the best
9682s play but here we are we are here now
9684s halfway ladies and gentlemen this is the
9686s chance this is the one I'm feeling very
9688s positive about this there is no way I
9691s die zero possibilities of
9695s failure all we do is win win win every
9698s day you've never seen me die before and
9701s it'll never happen yes I know how to
9703s play this game excellent data from this
9705s come here
9708s you and and one of the heavy attacks get
9711s our heat down off Dodge no no no no no
9715s no no no no no no no we're fine and jump
9719s away play safe play it safe yeah let get
9724s rid of these guys get that out of the
9726s way I will not be chained over there
9728s that b why we we what what happened why
9731s did our ability work that would have
9733s been horrible dodg oh God jump behind
9737s her go C
9740s okay we need our weapon ability real
9744s bad Dodge Dodge get behind
9749s her we go fascinating there we
9754s go oh God no we're fine we're fine
9757s everything's fine wasn't even confirmed
9760s get out of the way of that need to dodge
9763s good good good good
9765s good get the attacks off get her in the
9768s phase second phase let let's go here we
9770s are this is the one this is the
9772s opportunity one chance I will not bewe
9775s already mom spet belongs to me one
9778s opportunity I kept
9781s knocking here we go here we go here we
9783s go where they coming from this side this
9785s side easy easy peasy can't touch me glob
9789s Glo we're fine where are they going to
9791s spawn where are they going to spawn get
9792s back to the center SP over here here we
9795s go here we go here we go ain't going to
9798s touch this your Echo
9800s over there eggs I don't trust these eggs
9803s get close to her because I don't trust
9804s her nonsense DS Shan going Al here we go
9809s here we go oh God we got we got
9811s meatballs we got CL the CH of
9814s Meatballs jump away we're fine oh God we
9817s got these guys get back on
9822s her yes oh what is she doing I'm getting
9825s ex no no no no no no no no no more
9826s meatballs we don't want more meatballs
9829s fine get back
9830s honor slow and steady slow and steady
9833s here we go more
9835s meatballs almost have weapon ability we
9837s got our weapon ability it's over here it
9838s is right no no no no no we're out of St
9840s no don't jum off the edge don't be a
9842s meatball do not be a meatball no we're
9845s fine I was all out of test subject you
9848s fool get out of the way no the of an
9851s echo I shall properly instruct
9855s [Music]
9857s you why why do this to
9861s me did this to
9864s me did to your test you reach the
9871s end let us finish
9875s this fre close one minute the next I
9880s shaller instruct
9882s youpl fighter official way fighter I'll
9887s give I'll Mo without finder I'm s SAR
9891s the community manager Airship Syndicate
9895s we really appreciate all of you who
9896s tuned in and play the echo
9903s update one of the that we have in the of
9906s echo first I shall properly instruct you
9910s we going to enjoy your
9913s experience can't you see how much fun it
9916s is come play now certainly cheaper on
9920s Steam only
9922s $24.99 the price will increase at 1.
9925s launch on October
9927s 21st oh God I'm so scared I don't have
9930s any my abilities we're fine yes yes I'm
9933s getting excellent data from this
9938s dodge
9941s I'm someone P for this it's
9946s breaking oh we're going to do this come
9949s here
9950s you you found your way I was all out
9953s test subject you've reached the end of
9955s your
9957s fasting let us finish
9960s this get out of the way over here heal
9963s please use our alt that's fine that's
9965s the button to press I swear all right
9967s you this way come on right now right
9970s here right now no more messing around
9972s time to get for serious and it's
9973s giveaway time ladies and
9975s gentlemen uh I'm pretty sure we did the
9978s last one was a
9980s this is for PC cods to PC code um we are
9984s going to go with what is an appropriate
9987s discussion what is your favorite Dark
9990s Souls boss favorite Dark Souls boss in
9993s chat
9997s oh this
9998s game you are going to
10002s die I will not be chained that D belongs
10006s to me
10009s all
10010s right let's go come
10013s on th Creed and smoke or sister fre
10017s sorry nameless King nameless King is
10019s pretty
10019s cool good old Lightning
10023s Lad a lot of nameless my
10027s God nobody saying uh what's it called
10030s though um the the orphan orphan of C
10035s orphan of cost great fight highly
10037s recommend found your I was all out test
10041s subject you've reached the end of your
10044s Ro let us finish
10048s this get out of the way here we
10051s go yes yes as soon as we get to the the
10055s next phase I'm going to roll the
10057s [Music]
10060s winner get over here get over
10064s here and Dodge laser beam everywhere
10069s all right next phasee
10073s beautiful let's see who else we got I'm
10076s going to take a chance I got a chance to
10077s read go who created dancers of The Boro
10080s Valley is very cool get good I'm trying
10085s uh oras who is
10091s orus here we go here we
10097s go all right rolling
10100s Millennia Millennia is great I still
10102s count it nutty silver 6 congratulations
10105s nutty silver 6 that is a steam code for
10111s you all right we we're not ending the
10115s stream until I beat
10119s this
10123s boss you've reached the end of your
10126s road let us finish this all right come
10130s here
10131s you
10133s dodge
10138s beautiful yes yes I'm getting excellent
10142s data from this get phased oh sweet
10144s damage sweet damage 24hour stream POG
10148s Wow have a little bit of Faith a little
10151s bit just a little bit I need I need your
10152s faith right now oh what's up J charts
10157s oh this fight is is not this hard it's
10160s really not I don't know what it's going
10162s on but it's nothing good your Echo who
10166s created
10168s you can't touch this go that
10173s way that way no why did
10185s you over and I shall your ech you
10189s reached the who created
10192s you let us finish
10197s this F come on here we
10205s go click flag click flag click flag
10209s click flag get beat
10211s up fo I'm unstoppable don't run into
10216s laser beams L learn I shall properly
10218s instruct you
10226s your this is a mistake I just want to go
10229s back to the frost March give me the
10231s peaceful music Let me see the Serene
10234s snow let me
10235s kill little monsters hunting for quests
10240s do some lore some secrets you know oh
10243s that sus can we can we go back to the
10245s good days a few short hours ago before
10249s the bad lady
10253s arriv
10256s oh we got 5 minutes and 16 seconds till
10259s the next giveway guys come join the fun
10263s here at twitch.tv/ playay wund
10265s fasinating we are currently subjecting
10268s ourselves to a little bit amount of a
10272s the serious challenge get out of the
10276s way all right drop our oh don't get hit
10280s you're
10283s unable everything's fine everything's
10287s fine fascinating uh remember when this
10290s is the knitting scream true competitive
10292s knitting the best
10293s scream oh need to go back to bors true
10302s true all right come on here we go Dodge
10311s where he
10316s go get out of the way oh no saw it
10323s coming oh
10325s God we're doing
10328s this do guys going to
10334s happen M live on stre created you
10339s let us finish
10344s this okay okay here we go here we go
10347s I'll be so mad if someone joins like no
10350s not allowed to I'm going to defeat her
10352s all by
10353s myself this is this is a Redemption Arc
10356s like I'm I'm not allowed to do this your
10359s Echo who created
10363s you
10365s dodge come here you come here
10372s get got that's right one
10381s down you fools even the Bing of an echo
10387s I shall properly instruct you we
10391s got beautiful all right let's go come on
10396s no you're going to regret that
10401s over here fine we're fine we're fine
10403s we're fine we're
10405s fine come on come on stupid eggs get out
10409s of here your Echo who created you dodge
10415s beautiful drop our weapon ability get
10419s her get her get her get her nicely done
10422s second phase
10425s enabled H bonus giveaway on your beat
10427s her you bet your bottom dollar we're
10429s doing a bonus giveaway when beat her
10430s that is a celebratory giveaway if I've
10432s ever felt one in my entire life I will
10434s not be chained that dager belongs to me
10438s laser beams meatballs of Doom what you
10442s got give me your worst don't actually
10444s give me your worse I I I've experienced
10446s that I want it I don't want it I don't
10448s need
10449s it I believe you you don't have anything
10451s to prove to me we're fine fine we're
10455s fine everything's fine nothing nothing
10458s went wrong
10459s yes yes I'm getting Excell this here we
10464s go let's go let's go
10472s lady easy easy
10475s easy okay didn't get hit love to see
10479s that all right she's doing her Dingus
10481s move love to see her doing Dingus moves
10484s weapon ability get her
10486s gone please
10489s shave my head and put me on a cleaning
10492s commercial
10494s clean all right let's
10498s go I'm ready to sell some
10501s freaking baking
10505s soda I'm going to heal up again I don't
10507s trust I don't trust being at any percent
10509s lower than
10510s 100% here we
10513s go here we go here we go where are you
10518s going where you going ow we're fine not
10522s even close baby jump away jump off the
10525s map that's fine I I didn't want to be on
10527s the map
10528s anyway my freedom oh God I'm so scared
10532s I'm so scared I'm too far away R away
10534s dat from this can't touch me
10537s here your dead my
10541s freedom that
10543s way all right get
10546s closer we have used
10549s the entire entirety of our potions have
10552s gone away during this
10554s fight I don't know if I can say
10557s how frequently that's all you dagg
10559s belongs we need to get rid of these ads
10560s they're starting to stack up and I'm not
10562s a
10567s fan go away no we're fine we're fine all
10571s right got rid of the ads oh we got one
10572s more over here oh get out of the way all
10575s right fine fine fine f f f fine what you
10577s got what you got that one that one
10580s stupid thing your Echo no who created
10586s you I blame that giveaway timer
10589s distracted me
10591s oh all right giveaway time um this is
10595s for PS5 congratulations PS5 folks
10600s um give me a word of
10602s encouragement your something my
10606s freed you've reached the end of your
10609s all I need let us finish this it nice
10614s guys I
10618s need
10619s oh as soon as I get her to go to her her
10622s laser beam mode we're going to roll
10627s it I need a hug yes yes I'm getting
10631s excellent this Dodge
10644s don't get hit thank you get out there
10647s you going down here
10651s you and DOD a laser beam love you see it
10656s come on come on Dodge
10662s Dodge all right here we go we're rolling
10664s it ladies and gentlemen the winner is
10668s kill this guy
10669s that should be good the winner
10673s is solar ceks
10677s congratulations who created
10683s youx you're the winner of the PS5 code
10686s please shoot me a message on Discord and
10688s let me know what region you're in for
10689s that PS5 key thank you very much for
10691s tuning in and watching the serer I mean
10693s snarer I mean have a lot of fun
10697s um YouTube could be having this much fun
10700s right now if you go over to steam or
10702s PlayStation that belongs to me cheaper
10705s now than it will be at 1.0 and all the
10707s progress will carry
10718s over you've reached the end of
10722s your let us finish
10724s this I will not be changed going to
10727s switch in this
10730s this is my
10743s bow got laser beams my God calm
10749s down your Echoes who created
10754s you all right here we go here we go here
10756s we go here we go
10759s get R the chicken egg goodbye chicken
10762s egg another chicken egg over there but I
10764s think he's that so we're good all right
10766s here we
10769s go Dodge
10772s Dodge DOD Dodge and Dodge you
10776s fools the fitting of an echo go weap
10779s ability
10781s activated
10783s glorious glorious
10786s incandesent there we go all that
10789s nonsense run away from everything that
10791s is awful and everything that is
10792s everywhere 6 minutes and 30 seconds till
10794s the next giveaway folks and you can
10796s watch me defeat the First with zero
10799s effort required is I am truly a god at
10803s this game never get down never known
10805s defeat from this call me
10809s Millennia no why would you jump there
10811s come back I'm going to rip
10814s you it so
10823s you found heg did it calculated let's go
10826s you've reached the end your Echo who
10829s created
10833s you what was that
10837s Dodge all right pay attention watch for
10839s things watch for the
10843s things nice got rid of that almost got
10847s our here
10852s I will not be chained that dagger
10854s belongs to me we
10857s fine heal
10859s please okay okay get back in
10863s there and open all
10867s right next phas easy phase let's go
10871s let's go come on baby come on
10876s Bessie fascinating
10880s it's going to happen this is the one
10882s this is the one there is zero there's
10884s exactly 0% chance that I fail this this
10887s attempt like this is nothing has ever
10890s been more guaranteed in the entire
10892s existence of humanity than the fact that
10894s I'm going to defeat her on this run
10896s meant to do it it was it was a cool
10898s parkour hardcore I will not be chained
10901s that that belongs to me
10903s Dodge you so predictable you're like a
10907s book that I know how to read that is how
10911s readable you
10913s are all right we're getting rid of that
10915s ad because ad's going to murder me as it
10917s did demonstrate this last attempt we're
10920s fine not even close to
10922s the get dead
10926s gotting behind
10928s her get ready to dodge get these eggs
10932s come your egg oh no we got things we got
10935s things and stuff I'm scared I'm so
10937s spooked I need an
10939s adult fine get the egg awesome no we're
10942s fine DOD through it oh no no fine get
10945s away get away get away get away get away
10947s your Echo ability who created you get
10950s her get her get her get her get please
10951s please please please please please nice
10954s okay we just got to dodge his stuff so
10956s close so close where are they where are
10959s they coming from here they
10961s are get rid of those two eggs Dodge that
10966s beautiful beautiful
10968s excellent get rid this egg where the
10970s next walls coming from they're right
10971s there we're fine we're fine I I knew it
10973s was coming that direction I was prepared
10975s I was not surprised I was not got flat
10977s footed I did not have a minus one to my
10979s AC check um here we go come on glorious
10984s she's over here we're going to drop
10988s Al don't don't run off the edge you
10990s silly kitty
10995s cat who created you and why is my one
11000s not
11002s working good good
11004s good here we go here we go here we go
11006s here we go and jump behind her why is my
11009s three not working I need that
11013s ability all right here we go here it is
11015s this is it this is it this is it
11021s fascinating it
11023s is come
11025s on can use it to get my weapon ability
11027s up he's over there
11030s now okay get ready to dodge this dodge
11033s it come on weapon ability I don't have
11035s it yet oh no they're starting to oh no
11039s not like this not like
11042s this no they're everywhere data from
11045s this no don't get by it please we just
11048s need I need to get a little bit more of
11049s my weapon Billy charged no please please
11051s please please
11052s please no when I come back I'm going to
11056s rip you up
11062s I have an emotional break on
11066s screen this
11069s game found your was
11072s all you've reached the why are you doing
11075s this to me game let us finish this it's
11079s not fair it's not fair
11086s oh oh oh it hurts my
11092s soul all right here we go here we
11100s go 1 minute and 22 seconds till the next
11103s giveaway folks tune in now your
11105s opportunity to win yes yes I'm getting
11108s excellent data from
11111s this I'm getting BTSD and experiencing
11114s it trust me thank you flower cakes found
11117s your way I was all out of test subject
11120s you've reached the end of your Ro here
11123s we go let us finish
11130s this yes yes I'm getting excellent data
11134s from
11137s this ow I'm
11144s fine get that off I think we're saving
11147s our weap ability for the next round she
11149s should be breaking fairly soon come on
11153s come
11155s on here GES you fools eating the bitting
11159s of an echo I shall properly instruct
11163s you so over here [ __ ] the first you have
11166s no
11169s idea oh
11178s all right here we go use the weapon
11181s ability get that off all right pretty
11185s quick eating the B of an echo I shall
11189s properly instruct glorious these eggs
11192s easily done it is giveaway time ladies
11195s and gentlemen uh iot to write down
11199s the someone's going to pay for
11202s this the last name uh the last name of
11205s the winner who is the last winner
11206s they're they're in here somewhere I'm
11208s going to go get
11211s them it
11212s was
11214s solars congratulation solar you won a
11218s PS5
11222s key
11224s see xvx I'm so proud of you uh this next
11228s winner is going to be for a steam key
11232s steam key everybody steam
11235s key um and all you have have to say is a
11239s number
11240s between three and five tell me a number
11244s between three and five and you will be
11247s entered for a
11248s giveaway I believe in
11252s you believe it or not seven is not
11254s between three and five you reached the
11257s end of your
11258s road let us finish
11263s this
11266s got here we go
11269s Dodge
11271s Dodge
11272s and Dodge beautiful love to see
11276s it get ready to
11282s rumble we're
11286s fine I will not be chained that dagger
11290s belongs to me okay over This
11293s Way
11296s backwards all all right come on come on
11304s Bessie Dodge
11307s fastic it is enough tremble you tell her
11310s tell her it's
11311s enough I will not be chained these guys
11315s belongs to me carries off got them
11319s beautiful got no stamina which is a
11321s little bit of an issue Dodge through
11323s that here comes another one Dodge
11326s through that do we get our potions
11328s activated again we did I'm proud of
11331s us that's I think I was trying to end
11333s the stream like 45 minutes ago but uh
11336s here we are just
11339s suffering all right come
11344s on my my suffering is your guys'
11346s opportunity to win more keys so if
11348s you're just tuning in make your way over
11350s to
11351s twitch.tv/ play wayfinder that's where
11354s the giveaways are going down and a
11357s stream near you don't do that okay we're
11359s fine I was I will not be shamed that
11362s dagger belongs to me SE my own blood
11365s you'll thank you there so much less
11367s sprled
11369s now there we go got it
11374s all hang it
11376s right glorious all right and the winner
11379s is of the
11381s giveaway keyblade dude congratulations
11383s keyblade
11384s dude you have won a key
11388s not a blade dude I shall properly
11390s instruct you all right all right all
11392s right right
11393s right Dodge Dodge
11396s fine you got what you got for
11399s me
11401s fine good you're good so far so good all
11404s right all right I see you we're
11408s dodging we
11410s surviving I'm sub the temptation to not
11413s off is is so high but we're not
11416s going all right
11420s we need to get our weapon ability
11421s charged
11424s ASAP coming back for you I didn't see it
11428s I didn't see it I didn't see it it's
11431s fine it's going to she's not going to
11432s reset it she did
11435s reset uh yes private message in Discord
11437s please you've reached the end of the you
11441s get a PS5 please let me know which uh
11444s which region you're in because they are
11445s region has to be the right region
11449s teleport lady get over here I want to
11452s dagger you a
11460s question he regret
11463s that I regret
11465s everything oh my God I feel like just my
11467s entire body is just becoming disheveled
11471s and
11472s broken I don't know if I'm going to be
11473s able to finish this I think I'm just
11475s going to set my desk try the rest of the
11478s my boss is going to come over to me I'm
11479s like what the heck is wrong with you I
11480s don't want to talk about it just
11482s continue to
11483s SOB my hands my desk can I talk to like
11487s can I schedule an appointment with HR
11488s just
11489s to talk about my feelings I have a lot
11492s of things to talk
11494s about here we go here we
11499s go you take it
11502s DOD
11504s fascinating all right so we need to say
11507s save our weapon ability for that Final
11510s Phase or else there's zero chance we're
11511s going to get close enough as soon as
11513s that a range mechanic happens we if we
11515s aren doing the Tombo Wombo we are going
11518s to be in
11521s trouble
11523s Dodge
11525s Dodge your Echo Dodge who created you
11529s heavy
11530s attack phased fantastic run over to our
11533s little safety Nook we like our little
11534s safety Nook it's a beautiful Nook I
11537s think we're going to heal because we're
11544s scared my Lord 4 minutes until the next
11547s giveaway ladies and gentlemen hope
11549s you're all having a wonderful day I
11550s certainly am never been better in my
11552s entire life Echo I shall properly
11556s instruct you here we go pop that get the
11559s phase done right quick C Dodge
11563s that got her easy easy get this guy out
11567s of the
11569s way
11571s nice watch out for nonsense oh dodg the
11574s nonsense more eggs got the egg yes yes
11580s I'm getting excellent data from this
11582s beautiful watch out the meatballs of
11585s Doom there are the
11589s meatballs more
11591s [Music]
11593s meatballs there more meatballs more
11595s meatballs I think we're good more
11598s meatballs we're done with the meatballs
11600s we chilling we
11603s chilling excellent even the bitting of
11606s an echo I shall properly instruct you
11610s all right I'm going to drop her all
11611s you're all going to
11614s die get her probably should have been
11616s saving her all for the end there but
11618s we're we're just going to power through
11619s right quick Dodge
11624s Dodge and
11626s Dodge keep charging those weapon
11628s abilities that is our main source of
11630s damage your Echo got them beautiful Bey
11635s fabl I'm feeling good guys I I think
11638s this is going to be the one I I know
11640s I've never said this before and it might
11642s alarm a couple of you but I'm pretty
11644s sure pretty sure this is the one I'm
11648s feeling I'm feeling pretty good about
11649s this one I'm I'm a little bit confident
11651s like more confident than a man in a
11653s white suit going into a a Spartan Race
11656s you know what I mean yes I'm getting
11658s excellent feeling pretty good about this
11660s one all right here we
11667s go
11669s Dodge and Dodge get that weapon ability
11673s off here we go here we go here we go
11675s here comes the pain terrain destination
11678s full train easy easy not even close that
11683s dagger belongs to me we did screw up
11685s though we probably should not have used
11686s our weapon ability there so we're going
11688s to have to charge that weapon ability
11689s like fronto mismo otherwise we are going
11692s to be crying even more um I'm just uh a
11697s little bit scared for myself my
11699s confidence level went from 100% down to
11701s 99.9% and that's a that's a ordered
11704s magnitude drop of confidence I will not
11706s be chained here we go here we go that
11708s dagger Belongs to Me 1 minute and 20
11709s seconds for the next giveaway we need to
11712s get on this top of her right away she's
11714s doing the right move all right we need
11715s to charge this weapon ability every
11717s single hit counts we got to get this
11722s up no no no no no no no no no no no no
11724s no
11725s no good good good good good going to
11728s save our
11729s alt there we go weapon ability ready
11732s dropping our Al dropping our weapon
11734s ability I shall proper here it is here
11736s it is here it is here it is here it
11745s is oh lightheaded
11759s you can't be doing this to me
11765s dude 30 seconds until the giveaway
11768s everybody tune in
11771s twitch wayfinder you want to par the end
11775s of your
11776s Ro let us finish so freaking close are
11779s you kidding me like how didn't she
11784s die I don't understand it could have
11788s been freed from this
11791s Purgatory oh get out of the
11795s way your Echo who created
11799s you who give away time
11803s folks um just play play a cute fluffy
11807s animal in uh in chat something something
11811s happy something evoking positive
11814s emotions in chat something that makes
11816s you happy that's all you got to put in
11818s chat that's going to be the giveaway
11820s keyword yes yes bunnies fo pandas
11825s puppies excellent this is this is the
11826s kind of energy we need right now
11838s my
11842s Lord at least it's more giveaway time
11845s right guys
11850s fascinating oh Dodge that like a
11855s bous all right let me get to safety
11857s right quick and uh the winner
11862s is Storm XR didn't you just win one did
11866s you literally just win like two in a row
11868s when did you win one your Echo who
11870s created
11872s you that crazy did you just win
11880s one fine fine we're
11884s fine here we go here we go this is this
11886s is the
11888s time and I think I forgot to write down
11891s the wi before this one as I go back and
11903s drer weapon ability get this guy off
11906s right quick face through here like
11908s nobody in business we're fine oh my God
11910s that was so close to
11914s death your Echo who created all right
11918s here we go here we go here we go
11925s [Music]
11928s doing this doding this way we got an egg
11932s coming R the
11937s egg the combo
11939s Wombo yes yes I'm getting excellent love
11943s it when she uses that ability my
11945s favorite ability to
11947s use charging that Dodge
11951s Dodge this get behind her lovely lovely
11956s dly
11960s come on come on come on no don't get hit
11962s by that don't get hit by that heal up
11963s heal up he up he up yes yes I'm getting
11967s excellent I'm pretty sure the eggs sto
11969s me from using my my three because it
11971s doesn't know where to go okay good good
11974s good got rid of
11977s those Goose forra
11980s goose
11982s bra carry that
11985s one that walls walls for days welcome to
11989s the wall store I heard you wanted to buy
11991s some walls because we got walls for you
11994s and properly instruct you I'm glad I'm
11998s not live on the internet because that
11999s would be embarrassing I got to get rid
12001s of the
12003s egg Dodge okay part so good part so good
12007s Dodge again weapon
12010s ability beautiful beautiful come on come
12013s on come on come on come on come come on
12014s come on come on come on Dodge that Dodge
12017s or not do the attack you fools get out
12020s of
12021s here all right we're giveways ladies and
12029s gentlemen it's
12031s over finally over did
12038s it than listen the music is gone it's so
12044s peaceful it's so serene first freaking
12049s try first try ladies and
12052s Gentlemen let's give some giveaways give
12054s some giveaways and let's get the hell
12056s out of here oh legendary armor we'll
12059s take it that is a sick ass all right
12062s we're going we're going to take a peek
12063s at what that looks like
12066s though see what that skin looks
12070s like that is a sick ass sword and
12074s shield hash worth it
12077s that is dope
12081s AF okay giveaways uh storm
12087s XY was did he did you win a I'm I'm just
12091s I don't even know what existence is
12092s anymore I think we did a um someone
12096s asked me a question storm storm XY just
12098s let me know if you want a steam or PC
12100s key I I don't care either way I got you
12103s s o r m rxy beautiful there was somebody
12108s before
12109s that um I'm going to go find out who it
12111s was Don Juan Kenobi says uh Hey snarf
12114s really enjoying the game great job for
12116s you and the team I was wondering if
12117s there will be another wipe when the game
12118s releases in October no there will not no
12120s more wipes no more wipes except for me
12123s on this fight over and over and over and
12128s over and over again uh Lazarus says
12132s great game so far just got on PS5 we'll
12134s probably download through Steam to show
12135s some extra support thank you for
12136s continuing the game in the community
12137s thank you so much for showing up I
12139s really appreciate you you're awesome
12140s Lazarus uh who is the person that won
12142s before storm
12144s XY um I didn't light them down I was too
12148s en engulfed in
12151s emotions
12153s um I'm trying to remember was it solar
12156s yeah it was solar or I did write down
12157s solar solar was PS5
12159s beautiful oh it's keyblade dude you're
12161s right keyblade dude keyblade dude was
12163s that a steam key I think that was a key
12164s steam key keyblade dude
12171s all right guys I'm exhausted I'm
12174s emotionally physically and just my soul
12178s my spirit has been drained it is time to
12181s go raid some other individual and pass
12183s on all of your guys' beautiful company
12186s and emotional support I hope we had fun
12189s we're going to do another we're going to
12190s do two more key giveaways this the first
12192s we can't give away one because that's
12194s too close to one and we're going to
12196s suppress the first and do two um so two
12199s key giveaways we're going to do a PS5
12201s one first PS5 first is going to go to
12205s complex
12206s zeru congratulations complex zeru you're
12209s a
12212s winner x e Ru and then I'm going to get
12216s this raid ready and then if you stick
12218s around for the raid we're going to roll
12220s one more for PS5 uh you just got to say
12222s the name of the person that we're rating
12224s who is going to be
12225s twitch.tv who's playing some wayfinder
12229s Ed is playing some wayfinder Ed is
12230s pretty awesome is there anybody else
12231s streaming that we might be able to show
12233s some love we showed some love to kilix
12234s the other day uh here we go we got a we
12238s got a vtuber let's go to
12241s reira rira
12243s vtv all right guys we're going to go
12245s raid this individual if you see who it
12247s is you just put that in the chat that is
12249s the keyword SL
12251s raid this
12253s person and uh I'm going to roll it here
12256s in
12257s uh a few seconds five 4 3
12262s two one just kidding you got more time
12266s I'm just kidding just put it in chat
12268s thank you everybody who's here I really
12270s appreciate you I hope you enjoyed that
12273s more than I did um that was
12277s that that was hard that was really
12279s really hard but we got there um but yeah
12282s no please uh continue to show the
12285s amazing support that you guys have been
12286s doing you guys are amazing uh love all
12287s the messages that come through on
12289s Discord on Steam the Steam Reviews we
12290s love seeing those so thank you guys you
12293s guys mean the world to us um you were
12294s the reason why we do what we do uh it's
12296s been a lot of fun it's always so fun
12298s hanging out with you look forward to
12299s more streams we got to do another five
12300s streams to uh get switch partner so
12302s we're going to be busting that up pretty
12304s soon but to give the winner we got 300
12307s entries here we go the winner
12309s is gy gonky congratulations gonky let me
12314s get my pen I'll write it down in a
12315s second gonky I got got you shoot me a
12317s message on Discord discord. gfinder sir
12321s snarf that's me give me a message I'll
12323s hook you up you guys have a great rest
12324s of the afternoon go send some love say
12326s hi to our riro TV and make sure that
12328s they feel special because they are
12330s special they're playing wayfinder and we
12332s go to we got to support the community we
12333s build community community is what it's
12335s all about so go have fun bye guys I'm
12337s out of here
4 months ago - Wayfinder - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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1169s w
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1187s [Music]
1206s [Music]
1221s [Music]
1237s [Music]
1246s [Music]
1250s hello ladies and gentlemen wayfinders
1253s all around the world how the heck we
1255s doing today we are back again we are on
1257s a freaking stream marathon and we're
1260s just GNA see how long we can keep this
1261s going because as long as people are
1262s playing and I get to play with all y'all
1264s I'm gonna I'm gonna keep showing up and
1266s I'm Gonna Keep stuff giving stuff away
1267s and getting Keys away for yourselves
1270s feel like everybody in chat's going to
1271s have a key by the time we start stop
1274s doing all these things but uh how we
1276s doing Tails 774 incredible fun to play
1280s uh post PS5 update for eeko I've been
1282s really enjoying wayfinder and telling
1283s all my friends about it thank you so
1285s much I really appreciate that that is
1287s very kind of you and that's we need to
1289s be honest so thank you keep doing that
1291s everybody do that please means a lot it
1294s helps a lot uh speaking of which I was
1296s looking at the reviews from yesterday um
1298s take a peek steam you guys are freaking
1301s awesome thank you so much this means a
1303s lot 84 I think we're I mean I call me
1306s crazy but I'm thinking with 1.0 launch
1308s we're we're going to be getting this up
1309s into the 90s if uh if everything keeps
1311s going with this trend so I don't know if
1313s we're ever going to overcome this but at
1316s least in the the recent reviews that's
1318s going to be awesome to so thank you
1320s everybody been dropping reviews checking
1322s the game out um means a lot to all of us
1326s uh big man upstairs what's up gaming
1328s Raptor hello potato Viking welcome back
1331s Lars Hi how are you guys doing Poseidon
1335s ranto haven't heard of this game in a
1336s while excellent I'm glad we are uh
1339s finding our way across your radar one
1340s more time we've been doing a lot of work
1342s over here at our ship so um excited for
1345s you to see some of the changes that
1346s we've been implementing um ping viid
1349s hello ping viid uh the eye of Naga
1352s agreed got squared no longer yeah sorry
1355s don't know about that anyway we're going
1357s to we're going to jump back into it
1358s let's see how many people are playing oh
1360s my God we got all sorts of things should
1361s we just jump into a a random thing just
1364s just jump into a random one start us off
1366s just go see if we can snag some free
1371s loot
1373s ah always happy if you are snarf I'm
1375s always happy except when I'm not that's
1377s that's how it goes for me
1379s um itchy Colt
1381s 18567 s looked at this game on YouTube
1384s been really on the fence about getting
1386s it well excellent I hope I can be a
1389s person to help assist you I will try to
1390s be as unbiased as possible which is
1392s impossible because I am biased and
1393s you're going to think I have a biased
1394s but I'm going to still try to give you
1396s as much information as you need to make
1398s a good purchasing decision because
1400s there's a lot to this game and uh I'm
1402s glad you're here to find out a little
1403s bit more um but yeah my name is snar I
1406s am the community manager here at Airship
1408s syndicate
1409s um so I get to do all the fun things
1412s about hanging out with y'all in chat and
1414s do trailers and and nonsense uh oh we
1418s have a dead
1419s lad I suppose you're on another
1421s errand well good where is our boy at not
1424s for that woman we would have crumbled
1425s months I think our boy's dead I think I
1428s think I may have stumbled into a a dead
1430s lad's uh game but we're going to go try
1431s to find
1433s him you do not have to type exclamation
1435s mark key just by being here you are
1438s eligible
1439s um there's oh I do have to do the statue
1442s at I'm going to try to find where our
1443s boys at so this is the highlands this is
1445s one of the uh the open world zone right
1447s now we have two of these um we got the
1449s highlands and we have Frost March Frost
1450s March is much bigger um and it's very
1453s snowy uh this is the first Zone you're
1456s going to get into pretty quickly into
1458s the main story Quest um if you are a
1460s Founder you do get a Founder key and you
1462s can buy yourself amount right off the
1463s bat otherwise you'll get one probably
1465s around like a level 10 or so um and this
1469s is uh all sorts of monsters things in
1472s this update we added uh World scaling
1474s which is pretty exciting so if you did
1476s uh get you know past this early Game
1478s Zone and you want to come back and get
1479s some unique Echoes and loot and whatnot
1482s you can come back here and um kill those
1484s and the enemies will be scaled up and
1486s drop higher level loot most importantly
1488s so you can do that uh kind of new to the
1490s game just started two days ago but there
1492s any plans on implementing in-game
1493s trading system one of my friends are
1495s getting terrible drops and I wish I
1496s could get some of mine uh we do not have
1499s any plans for doing in-game trading um I
1502s found the lad what's he
1505s doing he's just he's just chilling hey
1509s buddy we're going to go find a different
1511s game um no game no plans on doing that
1515s uh one I
1517s mean it's it's a local game so people
1519s can do play the game and experience it
1521s however they like uh but it was mainly
1523s probably a remnant of when we were live
1524s service and that was just going to open
1526s the door to all sorts of Bot and hacks
1529s and jading and black market nonsense
1531s which is never fun for a a live service
1534s economy um but right
1537s now there's there's no plans of of
1539s implementing that uh find party let's
1541s find another random let's join another
1544s Rando um enjoying the game so far thanks
1547s for the giveaway yesterday you're very
1548s welcome thanks for showing up I'm glad
1550s you uh I think you won complex zero
1552s pretty sure oh shoot I never got a I
1553s need to go get my little black book
1554s again unless I have a pen in here
1556s somewhere do I have a pen
1559s do not have a I have more daggers though
1561s these are daggers should we do a dagger
1562s giveaway I don't know if we should um
1565s where the heck I going to find one here
1567s in a
1569s second a man all right got we're in aan
1572s party now see if they're there or
1577s not just got to invade invade
1580s everybody's
1581s game so this is Skylight if you're new
1585s to the stream and new to the game this
1587s is kind of like the Social Hub this is
1589s where you're going to find a lot of your
1590s quests and uh hey we're going to the
1592s blood Works hell yeah uh a lot of quests
1594s and this is where you're going to be
1595s crafting gear and accessories and your
1598s housing and stuff is here um yeah and
1601s you can just meet up with people and
1603s this is the main Hub to go into all of
1605s the different Expeditions that we call
1607s lost zones basically the repeatable
1610s dungeons um I do need to go get my book
1612s so while we're in this loading session
1613s I'm going to go snag my book I'll be
1614s right back
1628s all right we're in this thing little
1631s back book has been acquired and you know
1633s what that means that means it is time to
1635s do a giveaway everybody in chat just say
1638s good morning good afternoon or good
1639s evening wherever you might be in the
1641s world um just curious to see where
1643s everybody's tuning in from so whatever
1646s your local times is say good morning
1648s good afternoon good evening and we're
1649s going to roll that here in just a second
1652s I think I need
1653s to put some echo on this bad
1657s boy uh we want weapon power magma
1660s Blaster would be good uh get a Trapper
1663s on there get a hollow whor got Ark like
1667s guardian and then let's do I think we
1670s like ocarro let's get rid of the night
1672s maw let's do I may think first would be
1674s pretty
1675s good we earned we earned
1679s this if anybody was here yesterday's
1681s stream you know we earned this uh weapon
1684s power I think we probably just want to
1686s put
1687s some just do some health I think Max
1690s Health get a WR in there beautiful
1693s ability points uh we got our third jump
1695s I think we're just going to get our
1697s extra upgrade on our alt um and we're
1701s getting close to level 25 here to get
1702s our last perk so that's what we're going
1704s to try to do there uh oh actually we
1708s need black bloomstone we're actually
1711s close we could probably do some more and
1713s we're abandoning our our homie so let's
1715s go find our
1724s homie beat him up got him
1733s boom chesticle he loves chesticles o
1736s we're going down to the pit I don't know
1738s if I've actually ever
1740s done this uh this tile and this map
1743s particularly we going let's go down we
1748s go Captain America slam let's go uh all
1752s right and then the winners is we got 72
1754s people in the entries let's go get a
1756s winner winner is ity Colt 18 hey perfect
1761s timing you just mentioned your name
1764s congratulations on that winner so that's
1765s going to be a uh steam fee to start a
1768s off
1770s so as soon as I get out of this fight I
1772s will put you down in my little black
1773s book and carry on with the
1775s show no shot it is it is a
1780s shot thanks for tuning in I appreciate
1783s you I hope you have
1788s fun all right big boy over
1793s here so with sword and shield um I need
1797s to show it off a little bit but if you
1798s you do block and then Counterattack
1801s shortly after the the successful block
1804s you do get to do a repost oh God we got
1807s one of
1808s these I tried to do the three poost too
1811s soon and uh it destroyed me storm
1814s strikes are no joke even level 26 level
1818s 20
1827s rather get her up
1830s nice all right next wave oh no we did it
1834s oh no we didn't what is
1836s this what the hell is this
1840s enemy well there we go another enemy
1842s I've never seen before in 3,000 hours of
1848s playing what is it doing all right crawl
1850s to
1851s me I keep wanting to say amaranth but
1854s it's definitely not amaran it hurts you
1856s got to crawl out of it my homie
1859s block it ow ow I don't know if we're
1862s going to live oh we got
1865s her get out of there get out of
1869s there for you save me Obi-Wan
1876s Kenobi over here come on come on no
1882s tragedy all right I can put you down in
1884s my black belt now at least nothing else
1886s all right so we're starting off with
1887s steam
1889s draw a black line beautiful
1892s steam that is going to do itchy
1896s Colt I hope you get some cream Andor
1900s powder it c o l t 18
1906s 5677 oh and we need to drop in chat how
1910s you redeem this so make sure you message
1912s me um I'm sir snarf uh
1916s message that's cap locks
1919s that's
1921s sarf
1923s in
1925s Discord
1928s Ginder if you
1931s win he has five
1935s winners please tell me your
1946s region beautiful
1949s message that pin that pin that for the
1952s rest of the stream cool that should
1956s help all right Mission
1961s successful uh I'm going to get my timer
1963s going as well the next one is going to
1965s be for
1967s PS5 um mdle known fact we are going to
1970s have crossplay at uh 1.0 launch in
1974s October 21st so if you do win a PC key
1978s or steam key on on 1.0 you will be able
1980s to play it any the platform so something
1982s to keep in
1984s mind ooh a legion air Helm or wind grave
1988s nice I don't think I've actually run
1990s this um last time very much so I should
1992s be getting a lot of loot I have missed
1994s thus far uh let me get my timer going
1997s clock timer 10
2000s minutes boom shaka
2003s Locka we got it going 9 minutes and 55
2006s seconds till the next giveaway
2013s all right let's get back through
2020s it
2022s ah Good Old Red Bull we're we're going
2024s to need it if we have any more Mythic
2026s hunts like we did yesterday my Lord I'm
2028s going to need every ounce of energy I
2030s can
2031s muster hey
2034s you the break damage on that ability
2036s nuts oh I don't get World kill that's
2039s why I'm going to be a little bit op I'll
2041s take it
2045s though go
2047s fast curse R gloves nice yeah we're
2050s getting a lot of armor that we've missed
2051s so
2057s far gold
2059s piles it's so sad that we're missing the
2061s sound effects for stepping over the gold
2063s piles I I definitely want to get
2066s those Spectra fantastic wow we have like
2069s a thousand of that that's pretty
2070s impressive
2075s o this got him take that worm how dare
2080s you hey and we got another friend robot
2082s trude what's up robot
2084s trude
2087s ow more gold you want all the gold
2091s you're greedy kitty
2096s cat they have the sound effects at least
2100s we're going to get it fixed I I've made
2101s it a a personal mission mine to make
2103s sure we get that fixed for uh
2112s one all right you ready wait for our lad
2116s more
2117s gold okay up we
2123s go have quick snack got to have your
2126s popcorn and delicious part of this
2130s chest thank you very
2133s much what is
2137s happening did we just break the
2141s game I think we just spawned Infinity
2144s gold
2147s M I've never seen that before but it was
2150s amazing how many of those did we just
2152s spawn just like broke the entire
2156s game that was awesome I want to do do
2158s that again you saved
2161s me oh that was
2165s hilarious how much gold did I just get
2166s from that you D on me fantastic I will
2169s get you after the
2171s stream uh
2173s friends all right I guess I guess I am
2176s not meant to be
2179s saved um are you trying to defeat the
2181s first again no we are done with the
2183s first we uh we showed that off plenty
2185s yesterday me thingss
2189s I wonder where did the rest of those
2191s gold guys go there press over
2195s here what we got what do we got what we
2197s got give me an item give me something
2199s fancy I want to know where the rest of
2200s these guys
2205s went they're they're I think they
2208s spawned so many of them that they just
2210s didn't even get on the map that was the
2211s weirdest little bug I've ever seen no
2213s pun intended maybe down here
2220s here they are
2227s Revenge oh that was
2229s funny snark from RE
2238s coming that was the weirdest little
2241s [Music]
2243s bug all right we're going up
2252s ow curious what
2256s happens
2258s huh that was
2260s fun H am I missing any question so in
2264s reality is there a small chance that
2265s wayfinder and dark cider have something
2267s saw in Reddit that there's a chance
2268s maybe eventually it would be incredible
2270s so Darksiders is owned by
2273s THQ um I know that they are doing a new
2277s dark side is coming out soon which is
2279s exciting uh but we do not own even
2281s though Joe um did create it and a lot of
2284s the the folks here were from vigil the
2286s original dark cider creators uh they no
2289s longer own that IP um so cannot make any
2293s promises it would be cool we'd love to
2294s keep doing uh collabs but it is believe
2296s it or not pretty expensive to do the
2298s collaboration so we can't commit to it
2299s unless we think that's actually going to
2302s uh make
2303s profit so um we love to y' if you think
2309s the the support packages are are worth
2313s the value and something that you'd
2315s actually like to uh continue to support
2316s the game
2323s for another defense these guys are
2325s spooky
2349s up should be tell them that they're on
2351s the live stream right now dying wasn't
2353s even the worst part in
2355s day rip rip rip
2369s o we got a a piece of the machine
2373s parts oh we didn't spawn Infinity gold
2375s Ms again take out that was
2394s fun all right
2398s blow up did that blow
2401s up we got 3 minutes and 19 seconds till
2404s the next giveaway folks if you do want
2406s to participate if you're tuning in from
2407s YouTube or Twitter uh make sure you wake
2410s over to twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder that
2412s is where we are doing the chat based
2415s giveaways so come over say hi ask some
2418s questions I'm happy to answer if I got
2421s an
2422s answer really enjoying the game so far
2424s awesome mul glad to
2426s hear all right where are we going where
2429s is we is uh o we got
2432s a a I don't think I've actually bought
2435s all the stuff here yet I love me some
2438s Cosmetics give me the dyes I need all
2439s the dyes I think it's archaic bones in
2442s this place yes I got 42 of them okay got
2444s the Dives could get the storm Strider do
2447s we have enough for everything I don't
2448s think we have enough for everything but
2449s let's get the storm
2451s Strider this looks pretty
2453s cool I think yeah will be slightly short
2456s for the uh St feeder but that's fine
2460s cool check out what that mountain looks
2463s like where can someone get mounts well
2465s there you go you can get him out right
2472s there love supp to use some of magical
2475s weapon you are not the first to say that
2476s Rune let me tell you
2479s what we see with the again don't have
2482s any plans for that uh wor 1.0 but we do
2485s have some uh I'm excited to see what
2487s people are able to do with the official
2489s mod support so we are going to be doing
2490s official integrated mod support with 1.0
2492s and uh everything's on the table with
2494s that so I'm very curious to see what
2498s happens how long will he be doing the
2500s giveaways uh we're goinging the stream
2502s for a couple hours here and we're doing
2503s giveaways every 10 minutes so stick
2505s around every 10 minutes I'll ask stupid
2506s questions you answer the questions and
2508s um you're putting the chance for
2510s giveaways basically what been doing for
2512s the last week or so and it's been fun so
2514s I'm going to keep doing it until uh
2516s people stop showing up
2519s where are you
2522s going
2528s get you all going to have a very bad
2542s day oh what hit me I all man
2547s the voting
2556s propy run away laser
2562s beam got
2568s him oh damn it I saw that going I
2571s probably should have Ked that was my
2573s fault block it block the beam it's about
2576s time
2585s nice get him get him get
2588s him
2590s fantastic that'll do that'll
2596s do excellently done uh question will the
2599s critical role personas come with special
2601s voice lines over heal backs speak in
2604s Miss voice uh I don't know if we have an
2608s official answer to that yet um agreed it
2611s would be freaking awesome um but for now
2614s let's assume it's just the
2621s Cosmetics all right giveaway time PS5
2624s key um let's go with ah perfect what is
2628s that Goblin's name what is this Goblin's
2631s name next to
2634s venomous if you know that throw it down
2636s in chat it is not Ted believe it or
2647s [Music]
2649s not da punking first time chatter
2652s welcome to chat glad you found it
2654s another one HRA it's not Freeman either
2657s but thanks for showing up first time OA
2660s hello slothy welcome hair bicks welcome
2663s all these first time Chatters I'm glad
2665s uh new people are showing up that means
2667s that
2668s these streams are worth it if new people
2670s are showing up that's my my biggest
2671s thing I just want to get this game in as
2673s front of many people eyes as possible
2675s all right let's see what the storm
2676s Strider I think the storm Strider is
2678s actually going to match our style pretty
2679s damn good um get the storm Strider on
2682s what saddle do we want okay yeah let's
2684s definitely put that guy on there all
2686s right let's take a look what do we
2688s think I think it matches pretty
2694s good repository of knowledge all right
2696s let's go
2703s uh why is talks not part of the venomous
2705s in the story
2708s um I
2711s mean unfortunately there's there's
2713s aspects of the story that we still would
2715s love to be able to flash out uh flush
2716s out but we have not yet had a chance he
2719s again the the original idea for the the
2721s story and the huge arcs that we had uh
2723s for all the different
2725s characters we had plans we had plans but
2728s unfortunately uh the the Rope was cut a
2731s little bit too
2733s soon all right what do we want to do can
2736s we change the color of this it's going
2738s to be interesting to die let's try to
2741s do
2744s black
2746s yellow there we go there we go now we're
2749s masching another Talent Point uh where
2752s are we trying to go I think we're trying
2753s to grab this guy now cause a small
2756s amount of damage to en a hit with a
2758s field okay yeah so we can get some uh
2761s thorns on us we need some red Gloom or
2764s black Gloom
2766s Stone
2768s yeah
2769s okay where the hell are
2776s we
2779s Spectra amaranth is uh no longer with us
2789s let's get our popcorn out oh she's
2795s back all right and the winner is I don't
2797s think we rolled it the winner of the
2799s talks giveaway is Daft punking
2801s congratulations da
2803s punking
2806s PS5 Dash punking d a f t punking un n k
2811s i n g shoot me a message on Discord and
2814s I'll hook you up with a key we got six
2815s minutes till the next giveaway folks
2819s um we would like an eighth wayfinder
2822s that is a Archer robot that would be
2824s different than
2825s fun are you the same person that
2827s messaged that in Discord because that
2829s sounds awful lot like uh R I'm being
2832s 100%
2833s honest risk rain is great game though
2835s highly recommend
2843s it ooh Got The Hourglass event up in
2846s here
2850s chesticle like
2853s testicles we got what we got hey
2856s skeleton justest
2864s go spider
2868s problem s damage
2878s another one of these bad boys I don't
2879s know if I have enough helon orbs how
2882s many got we got 16 all right buy a
2884s couple
2885s things and we got the Tracer
2892s event I think I have a couple kill
2894s tracers at
2895s least I only had one I need
2905s more no don't F yet don't party yet oh
2908s tragic we need more for
2912s aelion you almost level
2921s 27
2924s meried could have been
2927s better all right I got four more H ORS
2930s for that though pretty
2933s good all right what we got what we got
2936s in here that we haven't bought yet
2938s oh we bought everything all right
2941s nice that poison is
2964s brutal get got
2971s secret wait I thought we could go
2972s through that crazy H maybe we changed it
2976s you died healing oh rip I didn't see
2987s that oh we got let's go uh become the
2990s weed
2992s whacker get rid of all of those
2994s mushrooms
3002s oh boy all right out of
3006s here there's something going on over
3008s here we got to fight where are you
3014s going get him SP win
3017s boys glorious how do you unlock dindle
3020s just play the main spory quest and you
3022s will unlock him all right got one
3029s we need
3032s more more hourglass
3042s eye big
3047s chest get out of
3050s here uhoh someone doesn't like us stay
3055s here oh think there's over here but I'll
3058s check o nice more armor for
3065s grindle wait go back in there go back in
3070s there oh damn it walking in there go go
3073s back in yeah yeah yeah yeah
3075s yeah a
3080s lame keep
3084s going hello from Brazil is this game
3087s good on Steam deck it is steam deck
3089s verified uh we are heard there's a few
3091s performance hiccups here and there that
3092s we're still working on but we are steam
3094s deck verified
3103s yes o
3109s hello got beautiful
3127s no way this is an ambush you're
3132s done you're all going to die let's go to
3144s town oh no shouldn't have gotone into
3147s the laser being big
3150s sad
3152s get thank you very much you will watch
3156s out thank you very
3162s much come here are
3165s you got
3167s him that'll do got to go fast got to go
3170s fast
3177s there's another
3180s arglass still need two more pages B
3189s sad all right I got one more hourglass I
3192s think we're still missing
3196s two maybe one I think there might be one
3199s in there automatically
3208s hey there it is all right I think we got
3210s all of them I'm going to go back and
3212s check out if we can get the uh ARL UNL
3214s hey it's giveaway time everybody uh
3217s Hourglass in chat keyword is hourglass
3220s throw down an hourglass if you are just
3222s tuning in from Twitter or YouTube uh
3224s make your way over to twitch.tv/ playay
3226s wayfinder if you want to participate in
3227s the giveaways we're about to give away a
3229s TC key steam key Global any region in
3233s the world if you put down the keyword
3236s hourglass in the next like 15
3242s seconds where this room there it is all
3247s right I think we're good to put this in
3251s hourglass that's a bug that it's
3253s rotating turn the sands of
3256s time unlock hey let's
3264s go oh a lot of too nice
3267s actually pretty running pretty low on
3282s chaos all right and the winner is who's
3285s they made glad he made it in just in
3287s time vitan one congratulations
3292s vitan b a i t m n one
3297s got you in my little black book
3299s congratulations hope you have fun oh we
3302s got a a named enemy up
3313s here byebye
3316s ohen I'm coming coming
3324s buddy got you I got you
3328s uhoh don't do that do
3331s that I'm keeping busy you go you
3338s revive got you
3341s buddy yes crawl away slowly very
3348s [Music]
3354s menacingly pathetic yeah run away he's
3357s scared that's right that's it
3361s [Music]
3364s done kick your legs
3368s up
3371s a not sure if I wanted be in your black
3373s book that sounds ominous
3376s excellent no pain no gain no risk no
3378s reward oh snarf is it normal for bosses
3380s to shoot the sky with
3383s Silo shoot into the sky with Silo uh uh
3387s no but it sounds fun and I'm
3391s curious I'll trade you key for wayfinder
3394s for a key for my game it's a good deal
3397s what is your game I'm
3404s curious um as long as it doesn't say
3406s Death Note it you're probably good
3410s right all right 6 minutes and 40 seconds
3413s until the next giveaway folks and that's
3415s going to be a PS5 key so again everybody
3418s who has been uh tuning in supporting the
3421s game since the last week thank you so
3422s much I'm curious to see what our numbers
3423s are like today I'm assuming it's going
3425s to start to drop off but this last week
3427s was freaking awesome to see how many
3429s people jump back in Steam DB let's take
3433s a
3433s look yeah dropping down a little bit
3436s it's still early but yeah having having
3438s this amount of support like compared to
3440s like the weeks before like this is
3441s awesome thank you so much guys for
3443s hopping back in and checking the game
3444s out
3446s again this is just the uh 0.6 launch
3450s before we get into
3452s um the the real meat and potatoes which
3455s is going to be 1.0 on October
3460s 21st collect your meat ring of bells
3463s ring the bell in the highlands need five
3466s keys for that that's it oh man I got to
3469s got to ring that
3473s Bell Tey Master handy out keys and
3476s wunder Matrix yeah
3481s right Wolf's Watchers stumble across
3485s these lands like newborn
3487s pops loud as a stomper blind as a me
3491s well hey I'm proud of you for for doing
3493s it man Game Dev is no joke so I wish you
3496s the best of luck with your uh your game
3498s I'm excited to see how it
3499s goes I'm going I'll do a shout out what
3501s is it what's it called it is is the game
3504s a chance that is your game I wish you
3507s the best of luck dude that's
3520s awesome all right what do we doing next
3523s I got to go got some statuettes to do
3525s maybe we go I'll probably do some more
3527s Mythic on in a little bit but I'm like
3530s I'm I'm I'm enjoying helping out a
3531s fellow wayfinder through their main
3533s story
3535s Quest I think probably Reviving me more
3537s than uh not but i' I've helped out a
3539s little bit maybe let's see if you have
3541s enough helper coins for anything
3545s interesting we meet again we got 15 we
3548s should be able to get something with
3549s that I mean I do want to get all the
3552s loading art so we're going to get these
3554s two got five remaining got a n obviously
3558s got to take the
3559s N do want to get that open bin getting
3562s as
3563s well there's still lots of goodies for
3565s us to get here that's a cool one
3568s too all
3572s right uh if we are I mean level 26 we're
3576s about the same same level so I'll keep
3578s keep going on
3581s here traveling to the under is truly
3585s remarkable we're going full on the man
3588s in yellow where Curious Geor as they are
3591s or if they
3594s evolved man of the Yellow Hat is that
3596s what I was called trying to remember 3
3598s minutes and 40 seconds till the next
3599s giveaway folks we got um a PS5 key
3604s coming up next so if you're interested
3605s in playing the game on PlayStation 5 um
3608s or you got a buddy that you've been
3609s wanting to play with PlayStation 5 and
3610s do some co-op with make sure you tune in
3612s to twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder that's
3614s where we're going to be doing these
3615s giveaways overall reception from our
3617s Global prototype was good uh hoping for
3620s a decent release when you do well hey
3621s that's awesome dude good
3623s luck uh oops I am pressing the wrong
3627s buttons oh we're doing a
3636s hunt what's up
3640s cheser to I love how apartment has
3642s expanded compared to the early release W
3645s so many floors decorations dropping of
3647s an El enjoying apartment yet right it's
3648s so cozy the music in there it's just
3650s it's a good vibe it's a good vibe our
3653s our housing team did a spectacular job
3659s all right
3663s you beat him up while he's
3671s distracted got him w we are making him
3674s mince
3675s [Music]
3683s meat turn not from their fight all right
3688s te like I don't know if it's just like
3691s the the
3692s king getting there is a fair all right
3695s not czy it is possible
3698s bad all right wow this guy just had the
3701s worst day imaginable and just showed up
3703s to work and just uh had the business
3705s knocked out of
3707s him got
3711s him happens when you get a level 30 um
3714s character into uh
3717s early quest I guess yeah level 18
3720s yeah I do not think we have World
3723s scaling on we do have World scaling on
3725s maybe that's my settings maybe this
3726s Lobby
3728s doesn't um hey fellas uh did part snarf
3732s get the first B last I did thank you I
3735s will have you know never give up never
3745s surrender but I think I'm about to get
3747s my Vengeance on a non- Mythic variety of
3749s her um coming up here in a second it'll
3751s help uh that'll actually be a good
3753s little putot note we'll put uh help this
3757s person get through the first Quest and
3759s then we'll hop on to uh hop on to ours
3761s and get some actual progression done on
3763s my
3764s character I got a lot of lot of
3768s Awakening to get done uh 45 seconds
3771s until the next giveaway folks so if you
3773s do want to tune in we are giving
3774s giveaways on our twitch channel so
3776s twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder if you want
3778s to participate got 35 seconds I have to
3781s come up with some random trivia question
3783s you put that in chat and you're
3784s automatically eligible to win we're
3787s going to be doing a PS5 key for this one
3790s PlayStation 5 so welcome to all of our
3794s new PlayStation players who have yet to
3796s play or or just coming back since um the
3798s echo's update a lot of changes lots of
3801s Juicy
3803s changes got about 10 seconds oh what
3806s question are we going to
3809s [Music]
3812s ask let's go with itching for some blood
3818s blood um that's time resetting the timer
3823s got to think of a
3826s question let's go
3829s with
3833s um all right what is is the ah it's too
3837s complicated a question uh what and
3840s answer is 42 I know but what is the
3841s question it's the real
3845s question where are you
3850s going you know what I I want some I want
3854s some book recommendations I'm a big fan
3856s of like Stormlight Archives and Name of
3859s the Wind and like those High fantasy
3862s titles drop some fantasy book
3864s recommendations in chat so I can know
3866s what to download an I have a very long
3874s Comm that is your ke word Harry Potter
3878s red
3880s misor red Harry
3882s Potter Bible black never heard of
3886s that eclipse of the Titans I wrote it
3889s what hell
3890s yeah oh damn it I'm not paying dreadon
3893s files dreadon files is tempting I I've
3896s read a lot of um what's his
3898s face
3900s uh he did the trials of uh really or
3904s whatever it
3906s is what what is his name um Bron weeks
3912s no Percy Jackson Cy Jackson is a little
3914s bit too young though for me I think Jim
3916s Butcher that's
3921s right name of the Winds name of the wind
3924s is great Forest Stone wind
3929s Mark Aragon is good I do merag is I'm
3933s curious about reading mer tag um have to
3936s get I'm curious if it's if it's like
3940s more it's still a young adult or if it's
3942s like
3945s actual Harry pret yeah heard ter
3948s pret Ro best boy I don't know if I agree
3951s with that Rus has been doing some kind
3954s of stuff moves recently but his writing
3957s is you can't can't deny his writing uh
3960s will we get raids in the future black
3961s ninja first time chatter welcome um we
3964s don't know uh we were definitely working
3966s on it when it was live service but that
3967s was like right as we had to Pivot to to
3969s do this um we'd really like to but we we
3972s can't make any promises right
3976s now all right we're rolling it some good
3978s Assassin series yes I've read those
3980s those were good ones I've heard I've
3983s heard good things about Dark Tower I was
3985s very surprised about Stephen King doing
3987s some uh some fantasy but I've heard good
3989s things cir to freak a
3991s classic read those back in freaking the
3994s early 2000s those were
3996s awesome um bound and broken by Ryan
4001s Cahill interesting haven't heard of that
4003s also highly recommend
4006s um starts with The Crucible uh will
4010s white will white the is it the
4014s inheritance no that's Aron it starts
4017s with The Crucible very good
4020s will low key very fun book series read
4024s there's like 11 or 12 of them highly
4025s recommend Goosebumps all right we're
4028s rolling it the winner is the PS5 key
4030s missed a robot congratulations Mr
4034s Robot not to be confirmed with M borne
4038s is what we uh said together also a great
4040s book series highly recommend Mr Robot
4049s okay I'm going to have to go back
4050s through this VOD and and read some of
4051s these uh these recommendations though
4053s see if there's a couple I this there's
4054s definitely a few of them I haven't heard
4055s of
4057s before is a
4059s classic uh snarf have you been reading
4061s The Stormlight Archives uh preview every
4064s Monday no I I'll wait until I don't
4067s spoil myself I'll I believe and good old
4071s freaking Brandon Sanderson the machine
4073s it'll come out sooner than later
4079s [Music]
4081s uh will there be any way for me to swap
4082s my PS5 key for a PC key if that's not
4085s it's completely fine but I thought I
4087s would ask uh let me know just shoot me a
4089s message in in Discord um I'll see if we
4092s can I I triply try to facilitate people
4095s do want to do trades I I try to trade
4096s them around for you guys so just let me
4098s know which one you prefer i' I'd rather
4100s make a key that's useful than uh
4102s something that's not Captain Zas says
4105s love to see a to tip for the UI it was
4107s so overwhelming the number of materials
4108s and the UI kons didn't help too much uh
4112s which tool tip are you speaking of
4113s because we do have like tutorials and
4115s stuff um so like if you go here you can
4119s get the different tutorials that will
4120s pop up at any point um and then also if
4123s you're looking for like crafting
4125s ingredients um in the crafting menus you
4128s can open up like where all those things
4129s are going to be coming from um echo's
4132s menu will do you like Echo
4134s tutorial um trying to think what else
4136s could be useful got the Affinity menu
4140s tutorials got the perk menu tutorials
4144s um I'll show you what I mean for the oh
4147s am I going to get there in time got to
4149s go fast got to go fast got to go fast if
4151s you head out into the field do say hello
4153s to my granddaughter for me would you you
4155s can open up like where these those types
4158s of tool tips are
4172s ah yes next key will be a steam key in
4175s four minutes in fact FYI the weapon
4179s skills are explained under the abilities
4180s in the character Min found out that was
4182s f um that makes sense
4187s blood all right we're going to get sweet
4190s Vengeance on a non- Mythic Version of
4192s First and it's going to feel so freaking
4194s good
4197s oh what we're
4208s fine oh
4212s rip all right ready we ready for
4216s this God grindle looks pretty badass not
4222s lie all right we
4224s ready I'm going to beat her up
4230s where are you
4238s going I'm am well practic in your BS
4242s first I will not be chained that dagger
4246s belongs to me
4270s fascinating easy oh my gosh not doing
4273s this
4274s onic what a breath of fresh air sweet
4282s Vengeance meatball
4284s time show me or Worse we should have a
4286s lot of
4294s Meatballs your Echo who created
4300s you no meat ball for me not the day all
4303s right let's see how many times I can
4304s boun it's one of my favorite mini games
4306s to do with uh with her just got to get
4309s right underneath where she
4311s spawning and one oh only got one
4324s fascinating ow thank you for
4329s heal the homies the homies with the
4339s heals got
4341s it oh bomb excuse you your echoes
4346s who created you do do Dodge
4354s nice get over there beautiful got your
4361s homie well that
4366s sucked this I will not be changed that
4370s dagger belongs to me
4379s got her nice nice noise nice
4384s nice
4387s bye all right we got 30 seconds until
4390s the next giveaway everybody so if you'd
4391s like to participate make your way over
4393s to twitch.tv/ playfinder and I will not
4396s be chained that dagger belongs to me we
4399s are going to be doing a keyword giveaway
4402s here in just a
4404s moment oh and again feel free to answer
4408s what's up race gamer first time chatter
4410s welcome hope you're having fun hope
4411s you're having a good w Wait say
4414s w I don't know I'm weird dud I think
4421s it's
4423s fools about time I shall properly
4427s instruct you we giv her the business
4430s easy
4433s clap goodbye
4437s easy peasy lemon
4440s squeezy all right perfect timing for the
4443s giveaway nice it done
4447s everybody um for the giveaway we are
4450s going to go with um you have some music
4453s recommendations throw down uh what kind
4455s of bands you like give me your favorite
4457s band in chat I'm curious
4467s manman okay good night Minus the Bear
4470s The Cardigans link Park nice I think we
4472s said that last time uh bring me to the
4474s Horizon death CER cutie same one as last
4476s time romstein oh we're seeing romstein
4478s live it was so freaking
4484s epic uh Infected Mushrooms nice another
4487s first time chatter welcome vas
4489s here Lincoln Park some more Lincoln Park
4493s Jers baby metal is baby metal a band or
4496s just a genre Dance Gavin Dance nice I've
4498s seen them live a couple times venge
4500s Sevenfold more Lincoln Park God there's
4502s a lot of Lincoln Park fans I grew up on
4505s L Park uh what's the question what is
4507s your favorite
4509s band I just listen to on the radio true
4512s pendulum Metallica baby metal Last
4514s Dinosaur never heard of that voicey sets
4517s fire slip knot two
4520s sod um God I haven't listened to wait
4523s sod who I think I am making I think pod
4526s a missing pod obituary Park Kevin Gates
4530s World Republic nice all right we got a
4532s we got a good variety but it seems like
4533s everybody's kind of in that like
4535s rock rock genre seems to be pretty
4539s common
4541s theme all right we did it we have
4543s successfully done what we set out to do
4547s here GG y'all we're going to go back to
4550s our
4553s profile we are going to leave them to
4556s their ways let them continue on without
4559s us all right and we're going to roll the
4561s winner is for this
4563s giveaway Ed zaplin congratulations not
4566s Leed zappelin but Ed
4570s zappelin um this is for PS5 key
4572s congratulations
4574s man or actually no this is for steam key
4576s I lied I lied to you I apologize
4580s Ed
4583s zaplin gotcha shoot shoot me a message
4586s after the stream and I will hook you up
4587s with a
4589s key all right is anybody doing mythics
4593s though I might want to just join in
4594s somebody if they're doing
4596s mythics um no I don't see anybody doing
4599s Mythic cons so some on her though i'
4602s like to see
4604s that all right we're going to continue
4606s our
4609s Quest oh is that the new uh loading art
4612s I got I think it might be
4615s Red Bull is
4617s dead we will have to survive off the
4620s energy that we've uh squeezed from it uh
4624s I think I do want to go kill some deer
4626s and I do want to go ring the
4630s bell those would be some easy coins let
4633s me go get some easy coins right
4637s quick be careful saying mythicon too
4639s quickly true Ash true uh let's just try
4643s to level up a little bit I think I do
4645s want get uh the second Awakening level
4647s for grindle so I'm going to go snag a
4651s little bit of them uh materials I'm
4653s missing I think I'm missing some molten
4655s shimmering molten if I'm not mistaken
4658s we'll go back to Omen hey it's Chester
4660s what's up
4662s Chester I'd love to get some Gog go
4664s juice that's a big mission of mine as
4666s well all right go search for
4673s statuettes nothing here but old clothes
4675s I need surrender your goat and I'll make
4677s it
4678s quick it's up
4682s here
4685s no over here
4689s NOA caruna statues like haran said wait
4692s a note collect the rest of the ship near
4694s the shore I can see what I found it
4696s found all right go do that got to go
4700s find our action figures for good old
4703s Seeker pigan where you
4707s going yall need to calm down you
4713s hear get out of my
4716s town there's some deer up ahead ooh
4718s let's go get some
4720s deer I want some
4722s deer after I get that go
4726s blood deer
4728s time give me the deer
4731s meat where are they at you think you
4734s grazing not in my
4739s life
4745s murder No Escape no mercy no mercy for
4749s deer all right I think I got to ring the
4750s bell over
4758s here Bell has been rung
4770s tou the res
4775s notes there she
4778s blows we need to go find the other Bells
4781s as well I actually don't know where all
4783s the bells are which is kind of sad I've
4785s yet to find all of them Ryan did a very
4787s good job hiding
4789s though CU there is a little Mark over
4792s here which makes me think there is
4793s another
4793s one see
4795s that view gets the blood pumping there
4798s we
4801s go
4806s okay we got to go down to the beach
4808s too go down to the beach I don't know if
4811s that was referring to that it's been
4812s months since I found those with need to
4814s map myself
4816s right um because there is this
4821s here I gotten that I think I've gotten
4824s yeah SEC over
4830s here I don't see
4833s anything no little
4837s bells all right let's go to the beach go
4840s down to the
4841s [Music]
4848s river remember where one is for sure
4851s okay I'm go find that in a second
4858s ow need to go get some more statuettes o
4866s goblins a
4869s damage got
4871s him
4872s beautiful it
4877s him dead dead is a door nail
4886s the big
4893s boy oh I haven't collected that crab yet
4897s got the
4898s crab my
4901s crab memory
4905s sure can a champion overcome a legion of
4907s the
4909s deep this supposed to be a
4912s challenge good old SRA
4916s how could I have forgotten this fell
4919s before the champion give me give me
4921s those
4926s statues dead dead dead oh you grabbed me
4929s midair
4931s rude nice nois aies no AES all right
4938s let's
4939s go I think there might be some down here
4942s maybe
4949s got him uh what was that what tasty
4953s mushrooms all right don't know what I
4955s need these mushrooms for but I'm going
4956s to collect them cuz they tasty you
4963s know okay let's do this little
4970s clal get dead
4977s large wooden cupboard got to get the
4980s large wooden
4982s cupboards think we got all those
4984s mushrooms all right let's see which
4985s symbols we need to light here we got the
4989s squiggly
4991s boy we got the squiggly boy and then the
4994s squiggly boy all right we got three
4996s squiggly
4998s boys let's find ourselves a squiggly boy
5001s is that a squiggly
5002s boy that we need I think it might
5006s be looks quite
5009s squiggly I think it's the same squiggly
5011s boy we're going to go with it one
5013s squiggly
5016s boy
5020s um you got that squiggly boy already
5023s wait are you right in are you lighting
5024s the right ones don't need that squiggly
5027s boy don't think we need that
5030s one mushrooms everywhere
5035s what ones are we
5037s missing is it like the
5043s hook yeah yeah we do need the hook back
5045s of there giveaway time I hear a
5049s tinkle I think it's this one we get
5052s right think
5055s so lit now I think it's supposed to go
5058s different
5060s color that
5062s crazy all right giveaway time everybody
5064s we are doing a PS5 key giveaway uh in
5068s chat let's go with
5072s um what questions do we
5074s have what questions do we want or Nate
5078s Pearl excuse
5080s me um we need a good question we need a
5084s good
5088s question um
5095s let me hear oh I think it's this one
5098s we're we're missing something uh give me
5102s your favorite action RPG in chat okay I
5105s guess we need the mushrooms for
5107s something I want to hear what your
5109s favorite action RPG is in
5112s chat dark sliders Skyrim Skyrim an
5116s action
5117s RPG is
5123s it maybe I did it wrong I think it's
5125s like a left-handed hook RuneScape in
5128s near Witcher
5129s three wayfinder thong darkstone Poe
5133s Devil's my
5134s cry all I think this is the wrong one oh
5137s I I screwed it up I'm the problem it's
5138s me
5139s hi I lit the wrong
5145s one thank you very much I will take that
5148s amazing
5150s [Music]
5151s one Monster Hunter Kingdom Hearts
5156s are those are they act
5159s RPGs it maybe I'm just maybe I'm
5162s crazy my memory is amazing I believe
5171s it all right see if there's a bell up
5175s here I think
5178s so what's up homies
5185s treasure like
5198s treasure think we want to go
5201s there all right let's go find what else
5204s do we need to do out here I think we're
5206s probably pretty good to go
5207s into do some
5210s Expeditions I do want to or where's the
5213s show me the Bell where's the bell at
5218s but where's the bill you know
5221s about God such a cool
5230s Mount near the three bird bosses okay go
5234s there take the zip line
5238s up all right we're going to roll it the
5241s winner of the PS5 key is B
5245s congratulations bigloo thank you very
5247s much for being here I hope you're having
5248s a fantastic H day happy hump day I'm
5251s getting murdered run away we fine safe
5255s so B loaf
5262s congratulations got you in my little
5264s black
5272s book oh we could do
5275s heart Ripper I don't think I have an
5276s epic heart Ripper yet too yeah so we'll
5278s do that
5279s afterwards
5280s um all right let's get
5287s a I don't have these at level 30 either
5290s these are actually good
5295s on hey got one of them give me an epic
5298s give me an
5299s epic ah this green health and ability
5303s power is pretty good though hey
5308s B get wrong
5311s son all right well we got one I'll take
5314s it I've never actually found that so
5316s thank
5321s you is it a Beyblade no it's grindle
5324s spind or is it Garen who knows do be
5327s careful it's dangerous in the field it's
5330s dangerous to go alone here take
5332s this all right what are we I want to
5335s find the rest of
5338s them someone you remember ah there's a
5341s symbol
5342s here is it inside or is it
5350s outside keep an eye out I want to find
5358s it
5360s no I was a bell where would I hide maybe
5363s it's in the cave
5366s let's go check out in the
5374s cave let's go find
5378s out are this just for the chest oh was
5381s it I thought there was for the bells
5389s too don't get paid enough for this
5404s easy
5418s bye-bye got him
5434s bad bad
5438s Alex little Gloom
5446s shroom did you just say chesticle yes
5448s there's a
5450s chesticle more chesticles
5456s all
5460s right's back
5462s here all the
5465s chesticles yeah we got that already
5468s cool maze them with a double sword
5471s that's not
5476s bad don't see a bell big sad I don't
5479s know where the heck they
5481s are hello wayfinders Raiden how you
5483s doing welcome
5489s welcome uh being on the fence sounds
5491s uncomfortable you should hop town and
5493s join us here and do some way finding
5494s true
5506s true where the heck are they Ryan
5512s [Music]
5522s all the Spectra shall belong to
5525s us never have enough frag Spectra I've
5528s learned anything from this
5530s game hello bear Jesus
5541s Rice got him purple give me a purple
5545s hey let's go purple th ban
5559s finally I don't think the giant Bell
5562s counts the Bell but I'm going to hit it
5563s just
5565s there I don't know if I've gotten an
5567s epic from all of these guys
5570s either getting a a better Ember
5578s on him
5580s up
5584s nice where'd he go there you
5591s are get him up no you had to say it
5596s grindle you had to say it Goblin
5602s Hunter another Goblin Hunter
5607s green o m
5622s that got
5627s him I think I might want to mix a little
5629s bit of ability power into this build as
5631s well just so my um my Whirlwind does a
5633s bit more more damage I kind of feel like
5636s grindle is one of the better hybrid
5640s characters like actually mixing a bit of
5642s ability power with uh weapon power I'm
5645s going do that right now
5647s actually oh we need more I'll do one
5649s more Mythic for that um another upgrade
5652s point we probably want to just put it
5655s into
5657s Whirlwind
5659s yeah put into whirlwinds let's get some
5661s more ability power up in here
5665s um how do we have this low level get rid
5666s of this giveaway time giveaway time this
5670s is going to be for a steam key everybody
5672s norf what are your favorite W uh weapon
5674s character builds uh definitely n with
5677s daggers of some sort probably like
5679s really like
5681s um Thorn and Rose I think is probably
5683s one of my favorite um and other things
5685s that I can't describe yet these are new
5687s weapons that you guys don't know about
5689s that are really cool coming we have six
5690s new weapons coming with uh 1.0 which is
5693s cool stuff
5695s oh game looks nice you look nice it's
5697s first time chatter Stefan how you doing
5699s welcome all right uh I'm going to get
5702s some ability power up in here I get a
5704s four boating that's pretty juicy uh Max
5709s Health weapon power 400 weapon power
5712s 400 we probably a better blood Letter at
5715s this point I'm going to get rid of all
5717s the whites I think we need to start
5718s upgrading into uh the blues
5722s minimum all right let's see if we can do
5724s a nice ability power up all right let's
5727s level this guy
5729s up
5731s beautiful God I need so much dust we
5735s could probably dust let's dust some
5736s echos too let's sort by item level let's
5740s get rid of all of our low levels so Mark
5743s Mark Marky Mark that's equipped Mark
5747s Mark Mark
5748s Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
5753s Mark Mark Mark Mark Mar mark
5754s Mark
5756s Mark mar mar
5760s mar mar
5785s okay that should be good for now Mark
5786s all that 88,000 we'll take it
5791s Mark new feature that we added uh I
5794s think in the last quality Life Update oh
5796s hi
5797s Mark uh did I did I do the the next
5800s giveaway I don't think we had uh type
5801s Mark in chat or type oh high oh high in
5805s chat oh high or Mark in chat and uh that
5809s will be the the next giveaway and that's
5811s going to be for
5812s a steam key I
5815s think oh hi
5818s Mark um all right we want to get more
5822s ability
5825s power whoa oh whoa oh whoa I'm going to
5831s regret saying that
5837s um New Zealand hello from Dan
5841s Ander all right we're going to do it in
5843s the the winner
5845s is twizzle hello twizzle welcome how you
5848s doing that's going to be a steam key
5849s shoot me a message on Discord and I got
5851s you t w i l l e z Twi
5856s is praise the sun
5859s indeed all right uh that's level 31
5863s Hollow husk we're going to continue to
5865s fuse this one that is a juicy
5867s Echo increase to Max boom
5870s shakalaka that's some nice nice stats
5874s boosts this one we could also probably
5877s increase a
5882s bit we love our ability power Echo so
5886s I'm pretty happy with those level 29 War
5889s bear silent butcher do we have a better
5892s silent butcher we could put
5894s on uh let's do weapon
5898s power W
5901s um I guess we don't huh
5904s marker
5907s dust uh weapon grip
5910s power
5913s n
5915s Mark
5918s Mark Mark
5922s Mark Mark Mark
5924s Mark Mark Mark
5928s Mark um Mark Mark Mark
5939s can't do that one
5941s Mark Mark
5943s Mark Mar Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
5949s okay get rid of those another 45,000
5952s beautiful
5955s um kind level 29 is not terrible we'll
5958s hold on to it for now oh one cool thing
5961s uh didn't get to show off but one need
5963s quality life feature that we did add
5965s with this patch let's do some on Silo
5968s he's way behind we actually added the
5970s ability to do this straight from the
5972s character menu so if you go to this and
5973s you press e you can just straight up use
5976s these caches so we're just going to use
5977s all these guys and I highly recommend
5979s just holding to the right and you can
5981s just boom use all of that levels up
5984s right away Pronto rmo let's do some of
5987s the mediums as
5988s well
5990s and holy crap we have a lot of these
5997s how high can we get
5999s him how many do we have so many of these
6002s oh my
6004s Lord
6006s and open all
6009s right boom
6011s shakalaka so yeah something you can do
6013s just keep in mind time to pay up another
6017s Talent beautiful uh let's try to get
6019s right over
6020s here we will get enough for final one of
6023s those should be
6029s juicy all right let's go get this
6033s guy enough add poison okay I guess we're
6036s poisoning Goos are we the
6041s baddies all
6051s right ooh Hunter Tel we really want
6054s him God I completely forgot about this
6056s dude this guy has a really nice
6059s Echo we get a level 30 of that that's
6062s going to be
6064s op can't that guys we don't have red
6066s names
6068s scw
6070s nice did we get his Echo I don't think
6073s we did
6075s sadly what's down here I
6078s foret you're having a nice family meal
6080s but now it's
6082s flavored it's a flavor
6086s meal another
6091s testicle C Spectra we actually have a
6093s lot of
6095s CRA dead let's see how much more damage
6099s we're doing with our our spin to wind
6101s now that's hitting for a lot more
6106s already ma Punk base
6109s beautiful slowly collecting all of our
6112s gear that's we we we're we're a little
6115s bit of completionist when it comes to
6117s all that
6118s nonsense love all of the armor
6121s pieces purified Dragon potion one day
6124s we're going to get the uh Go Go Juice I
6127s don't think the Go Go Juice sh in this
6128s area though I think we have to go to
6130s shadowed woods so I think that's
6132s actually probably where we're going to
6133s do some of our runs as shadowed Woods
6135s then I just wanted to say it's been
6137s great to return to wayfinder after PS5
6139s release I've already made it farther
6140s than the pre-echo I'm having a good time
6142s props the team for all the work and such
6143s a small window all time thank you so
6146s much for saying that I know it takes
6148s effort to come pop into a stream and
6150s type all that out and uh we know you
6153s wouldn't do it if you didn't actually
6154s care so thank you very much it means a
6156s lot to us and it's what keeps the team
6158s motivated and keep the team um pushing
6160s hard to get everything out there and
6161s yeah definitely had to make some hard
6164s sacrifices and it's been a long journey
6166s and rightly and understandably justly so
6169s there's a lot of upset people out there
6171s um but sometimes life hands you lemon
6173s and you just got to do the best with
6174s that you can oo a purple Goblin sear
6177s level 30 let's go um but yeah no thank
6180s you very much I really do appreciate
6181s that uh lpo 69 says a question I saw a
6184s YouTuber with a samurai wind grave skin
6187s is it paid or is it in the game for free
6188s all the Skins are in the game for free
6190s except for the exclusive ones that came
6192s with part of the thunder packs so yes it
6194s is in the game for free I think that one
6197s in particular is I'm not going to say
6199s but it's definitely possible hey we got
6200s ter Hawk what's up ter Hawk
6211s uh I do want to go get let's see if we
6212s can get the silent butcher at a level 30
6215s also this guy I'm curious what this
6217s guy's uh stick
6221s is everyone
6228s dies boom boom boom
6233s no Echo sadly oh
6235s well I do want to go up here and find
6238s this
6241s lad more tasty
6245s mushrooms all right silent butcher what
6247s you
6253s got in for 700 now it's still not as
6257s high as I'd like it I think I want to
6258s get a little bit
6261s more ooh EO purple purple
6264s purple okay more ma Punk we take those I
6267s think we got like the full maze Punk set
6268s now ah just a green boring it's a nice
6271s Echo though giveaway time ladies and
6274s gentlemen um everybody say apenis in uh
6278s in chat a penis in chat that is going to
6282s be the keyword of the day because that
6284s is my favorite build no that's not how
6287s you say it there you go no no no no no
6292s chat there you go there you go go
6293s Chester got it
6296s right there we go there it
6300s is it's an important space okay
6305s cat so many of you probably just got
6312s banned proud of you guys I'm so proud of
6315s you that is my favorite build somebody
6317s asked earlier I'm definitely an AIS uh
6320s player
6329s drop your
6338s coin
6341s yeah and this is for a PS5 key I believe
6346s all right and the winner
6349s is beerless congratulations beerless
6356s beerless 01 you are the winner of the
6360s apz
6362s giveaway I am a very well-known apz uh
6374s [Music]
6379s Enthusiast I do not know want poison I
6382s guess do we have to poison some On's
6383s over here
6390s too could use that uh level
6393s 30 F I got name your
6400s poison all right I think we're pretty
6403s happy with the the progress here let's
6404s go finish this little thing M [ __ ]
6425s murder where are you
6429s going ow
6431s ow made
6433s mistakes I've made
6436s mistakes per Hawk you looking pretty
6439s badass I need to getness
6447s I've been waiting for this
6450s beautiful
6456s gorgeous
6458s murfi
6460s excellente all right let's go back to
6461s town back to town let's see how many
6464s helper coins that we got from all that
6466s nonsense and then um let's do a an
6470s expedition shall
6471s we come on I'm I'm not in combat
6477s game there we
6480s go Gloom
6483s gut gear tooth toolbox all
6490s right oh my God play wave hinder we're
6492s in Twin chairs this is also the game is
6494s amazing well hey David thank you yeah
6497s these uh I think these are like G I want
6500s to say can't
6502s remember we got a um whatam weall it uh
6506s embody at home which is really nice I
6507s like my embody a
6515s lot what's up Luka uh Josh from the
6518s office
6520s congrat Chad you know there's something
6522s else all right uh let's go oh let's see
6526s the helper store real quick
6533s do be sure to check in with my wardens
6536s each of them knows firsthand what
6537s situations trouble our forces in the
6541s area in the wrong
6543s hole all right let's get
6547s the let's get this skin all right got
6551s four coins we're close to getting
6553s another we're getting there don't go
6555s dying on us I mean if I'm not dying I
6556s ain't living that's that's how I live my
6558s life
6563s now and then a all right let's go
6566s do re find out what we need to the first
6571s scribe we need to
6573s get
6574s some we need more wish charm FES and we
6577s need glimmering molten Spectra so
6579s glimmering molten is two solar mutations
6583s so we can go do that right
6586s quick double solar and we're going to go
6589s to the Bone
6590s Orchard double solar with a little bit
6594s of greed on the side because we are
6596s greedy
6597s boys uh did we get a level increase of
6601s 1.0 I will tell you that the the next
6603s level the next area is definitely uh a
6606s higher level than everything else in the
6607s game so
6615s far PC key is in fact
6618s next complex zero
6623s has anyone has uh everybody who is
6625s tuning in if you want to participate in
6626s the giveaways I haven't done this shout
6628s out in a little while we are doing the
6629s giveaways on the official wayfinder
6631s account for twitch so twitch.tv/ playay
6633s wayfinder so if you'd like to
6635s participate in the key
6636s giveaways we're going to be doing the um
6639s the next one here in about 3 minutes and
6642s 50 seconds so just tune in and answer my
6644s dumb questions and uh that's all you got
6646s to do uhoh what the
6648s heck uh this was a
6651s double this is a good example but I just
6653s wanted to show if there is a crash that
6654s happens in Early Access sending these
6657s reports is very useful so this is a good
6659s example so double
6662s solar plus greed
6666s imant and Bone
6671s Orchard bone
6673s Orchard um walking over one of the
6679s golds while a player
6688s occurred and then send in close see that
6691s is how you do a Unreal 4 crash report I
6695s just wanted to demonstrate that to the
6697s class and this is all part of the
6699s scripted
6700s event um now we can go back into the
6702s game as simple as that here you
6707s go Shad the Cod stream was so cool who's
6710s Shad Chad I was lurking here myself when
6712s I watched
6715s well hey I'm glad you're interested
6716s first time chatter I hope you're doing
6718s well welcome are there any major
6720s progression changes in 1.0 or is it
6722s focused on adding playable content it's
6724s definitely more focused on adding
6725s playable
6727s content uh what do I have to do for the
6729s giveaway you just have to be here Lori
6731s and you're doing it you're doing great
6733s just show up hang out i' I'd make stupid
6735s questions off the top of my head and
6737s just participate in those and then
6738s that's all you got to do just that's
6740s that's as simple as it is it's going to
6742s be a
6743s [Music]
6744s um 1 two 3 4 One Two Three 4 it's going
6747s to be a steam key coming up next steam
6750s is next all right we're going to go back
6752s to the River Woods we're going to try
6753s this again let's see if it's
6755s reproducible oh we need more
6757s solar let's see if we can crash the game
6759s again cuz that sounds like
6762s fun Nova first time chatter howdy how
6765s you
6766s doing um nice demonstration you're
6769s welcome you know I I I live to serve
6772s that's all I try to
6773s do uh are you and solid going to do any
6776s 1.0 preview streams close to launch most
6778s likely
6781s yes going to try to do some stuff um Ron
6784s I've been talking about doing U some
6786s some content as
6788s well see if we can crash it crash it
6792s flare up a curd okay yeah I have no idea
6795s what crashed it then we'll have to find
6797s out it was with
6800s um two other I should have mentioned
6803s that it was Co-op and people were trying
6804s to join at the same
6806s time actually there I have been noticing
6809s a lot of crashes with Co-op and the reer
6812s woods places so there might be something
6814s tied into that I think we've been
6818s investigating gold
6820s kns think I do I want to put
6824s on oh my God there's so many of them
6827s stop it all right I want to put on
6831s please please just died
6833s I want to put on a couple more we can
6837s put one of these guys
6838s on uh let's just get some Max Health
6842s always more max
6845s Health WR um what do I want to take off
6851s for that's decent amount
6855s of those are both really good let's get
6857s rid of this for some ability power is
6860s that level 30 Goblin sear I was talking
6862s about that's pretty Ju
6864s juicy pretty
6868s juicy do
6870s those excuse
6872s me all right well
6875s crash and giveaway time crash while
6885s upgrading
6887s upgrading Ember
6889s troll this is a goblin seer
6893s uh
6894s echo in Boneyard bone
6901s Orchard bone
6903s Orchard double solar plus
6908s greed
6910s imbuement Co-op I think somebody was
6913s probably trying to
6915s join so we're going to send that send
6917s and
6918s close all right I'm blaming I'm blaming
6921s the imbuement Andor or the co-op
6924s nonsense but we're we're going to find
6926s out another scripted one is just in case
6928s somebody missed the first uh
6930s demonstration we always got to do things
6932s in threes so if there's another one to
6934s happen again it's it's all part of the
6936s all part of the master
6939s plan it's me dsing your lobby I believe
6942s it I believe
6948s it comedy does happens in
6951s 3 well you just may me use all of my
6953s freaking imbuements thanks chat I'm I'm
6955s going to blame the chat always you know
6957s it's a great look for game game
6959s developers to to blame their players so
6961s I'm going to do that right now it's all
6963s your guys's fault could not be us we
6966s make perfect products there's nothing
6968s that we do wrong it's all about you guys
6970s waiting for party excuse
6972s me what do you mean I'm waiting for
6979s party I hate this why
6984s [Music]
6987s let's try that
6991s again uh send that key my way and you
6994s can blame me lauo um if you want a key I
6997s got
6999s you all right thank you thank you Game
7003s allowing me to do things all right we
7004s got to go craft some more imbuement
7006s because reasons actually you know this
7008s is a good opportunity to use some of our
7009s power Keys we got 19 keys to spend
7013s got some imum up in here most likely
7016s some this way um let's see if there's
7018s any more on the path that we're trying
7020s to take
7021s though got
7024s that uh some more ement that way oh here
7027s we go perfect that's what I'm looking
7029s for give me that inment
7031s pack fragments the highlands hustle oh
7036s God what is that uh blood shorn gloves
7040s fantastic shade collar
7043s here we go there's a couple this way um
7045s that is a nice bench do I want to get a
7048s nice
7050s bench tempting all right we're going to
7052s take this one first there's a color this
7055s way we do like colors another loading
7057s art we definitely want those that looks
7059s sick we're going to go get that
7063s actually get those get this get this
7067s that looks dope what the heck uh get
7071s that guy get this guy get some more
7074s imbuement lovely
7076s lovely another shoe rack Fantastic Fifth
7080s Floor hey got the full armor set let's
7084s go uh cat scratch that sounds like fun
7087s and there is a die that way that is
7090s tempting I do like the housing pet
7093s too uh another loading art I do want
7097s that loading art oh which one do I go
7099s for this one has loading art and a die
7101s though and the catch scratch so I think
7103s this is the winner we are not going to
7105s have enough all right that should give
7107s us some the ABS that we need all right
7108s guys are you going to break my game
7110s again is it is it going to happen do I
7113s have to go on
7116s private there's no way it happens again
7119s right 0%
7121s chance solar imbuement and
7125s breed at first you don't succeed try try
7128s again as they say right 5 minutes and 45
7131s seconds until the next giveway folks I
7133s hope you're all having a wonderful
7135s Wednesday um if you are trying to
7138s participate in the giveaways and you
7139s haven't made it way over to twitch.tv/
7141s playay wayfinder that is where we're
7142s doing the giveaway so I hope you find
7144s your way over here say hello I'm sir
7147s snarf I'm the community and marketing
7149s Partnerships manager here at Airship
7151s Syndicate so you got questions about the
7152s game I may or may not have answers for
7154s you but that does not stop you from
7156s asking them so highly recommend it uh
7158s can anyone tell me what the player level
7160s cap is it is level 30 and and you can
7163s get to level five Awakening for all of
7165s the wayfinders currently where the hell
7168s are
7170s we all
7173s right I blame
7176s treasure I
7179s blame
7184s treasure
7186s and uh Hawk
7193s and
7195s ganic and send him close all right I
7199s guess we're not doing uh doing that so
7201s now we know definitively that that is a
7205s bug and something that we need to fix
7208s and we will fix it I guarantee it we
7210s will fix
7218s it
7220s ah all right and that's going to prompt
7223s a bonus giveaway round a rare and shiny
7225s bonus giveaway round uh everybody say
7228s thanks ganick in chat for uh
7230s appreciating the the crash that we had
7233s right there thanks
7236s ganick um Contin you
7242s again thanks ganick appreciate you uh
7245s and this is going to be a bonus round
7247s for a PS5 key in
7251s fact tvt Damon welcome first time
7254s chatter Rat Pack thank you for joining
7256s in welcome to the shoe the shoe the show
7258s the showy shoe all right let's see if it
7260s happens on all of them let's do double
7262s solar no greed cuz
7269s boring remember you forgot one giveaway
7272s during one of your crashes apparently a
7273s few players you're saying to it okay
7275s well this will catch up for it I guess
7277s all right and the winner
7280s is Phoenix congr congratulations
7284s Phoenix this is the bonus we have the
7286s next one is going to be PC uh fex p h e
7290s exen fexon I lied
7293s sorry congratulations
7296s fexon where the are the hell are we all
7301s right we are going to go get
7305s ourselves ow back for you ow my dude my
7309s homie that hurt
7315s there we go now we're hitting for some
7316s damage on here that feels
7319s better glad we got a little bit of
7325s upgrades more
7328s spers freaking ow
7335s dude
7339s jeez fire hurts let it be known ooh
7342s enigmatic base that's a cool
7344s skin oh wow I haven't found this event
7347s in a
7356s while got him got him uhoh he's trying
7359s to get me got him instead all right we
7362s got to go find a
7363s crown get out of the fire fire is no
7370s joke leave me fire
7374s all right here we go here we go we got a
7377s big
7378s ugly where you now heal heal heal
7389s excellent beat him
7396s up got him beautiful get out of
7400s fire excellent ooh blood song let's
7404s switch up the weapons I'm down for a new
7405s weapon
7408s um God I do love this uh but let's try
7411s out you know what I haven't done any
7413s ranged weapon nonsense let's try to do
7417s that uh uh let's go with some HP as
7422s always actually do some mag
7425s defense some mag defense let's do a
7427s little bit of ability
7430s power razor in there
7432s let's go with more
7436s Health get the wretch up in the awe uh
7439s we could actually use one of the there
7442s we go do the barrage Echo uh Max Health
7446s break
7448s power oh no I think we want more weapon
7451s power 26 seconds till the next giveaway
7453s ladies and gentlemen stick around we're
7455s about to be blowing it wide open for all
7457s of y'all um let's go or Max health
7462s but X initiate
7465s fantastic oh God I keep forgetting that
7467s we do not have any black wi done all
7470s right let's try to do some ranged
7481s Warfare it punches
7488s [Music]
7492s all right so cool thing about range
7494s weapons is they're going to spawn those
7496s Hawkeye points restart giveaway times
7499s and if you shoot those that's how you're
7501s going to charge up your weapon ability
7503s uh it also qualifies as like a critical
7505s hit um all right we are going to be
7507s doing the game has a bit of an audio
7509s delay that's
7512s awkward let's try just swapping scenes
7514s real
7516s quick see if that fixes it
7530s this thing is punching for a lot of bit
7532s of damage though I will
7542s say still delayed uh snarf I have DM you
7546s on the Discord fantastic
7549s congratulations I will get you at the
7550s end of the stream uh uh I don't know why
7552s the delay happens occasionally
7555s um anybody have suggestions I don't know
7558s why that happens I just kind of
7559s sometimes
7574s does all right got chest over here
7577s another chest this way ooh beautiful we
7580s want those
7582s definitely want these that's something
7584s it' be fun to do this this stream as
7585s well five of them I have
7587s enough all right where are we trying to
7589s go we're definitely trying to go that
7590s way and we have a shop on this one
7598s beautiful all right let's try to do one
7600s of these ambushes with the rain see how
7602s you like
7608s this oh my God the be able to shoot
7611s through things is pretty not
7616s fair mine him
7619s up take him down oh my God the damage is
7621s actually nuts this thing is
7630s insane pathetic got a little I got a
7633s little
7637s eyeball all right
7640s nice fine totem
7643s up jeez like I'm hitting for that is so
7647s much damage this thing is
7655s absurd is so much damage what the
7659s hell oh feel powerful unclear what's
7664s up are this gallion I can't tell if
7667s that's Galion or there or
7670s not Frost Hunter that's a pretty good
7682s one no back
7686s up zap
7689s them oh no did not get out of there in
7692s time uh are there any plans to change
7694s the imbuement effects are they in a good
7696s place in your opinion uh we're going to
7697s continue to bounce them um like we we
7700s made quite a few changes this last
7702s update um but for the most part they're
7705s going to stay pretty close to what they
7707s are unless we find anything that really
7709s needs a change with
7723s them
7725s Spectra hey there's the crown finally
7728s found
7729s it all right we got to go kill some
7731s enemies probably do it down in here
7734s we'll find some good
7737s ones this is tricky though because I
7739s need to use these for my my level up but
7741s I do want these skins oh I want them so
7744s bad but we can't atas we're going to
7747s hold off we'll save ourselves let's go
7750s kill some of these that should get us
7751s some more of
7757s them all right bring it on homies
7770s line them
7776s up line them
7779s up
7788s beautiful oh they coming they coming
7794s 10,000 damage it's
7803s go come
7809s here oh no we can't we weren't allowed
7812s to die no oh the crown big sad we just
7816s lost the crown Shame Shame Crown's
7820s weight was too much to fair I'm upset
7824s myself we were actually doing that been
7826s more
7836s careful all right now I just focus on
7840s ugly I don't think the barrage damage
7843s makes sense I think that's a something
7845s that we need to look at doesn't seem to
7847s be doing nearly enough damage for what
7849s it should be doing
7855s get rid of your
7858s silencer
7860s ow I'm unstoppable
7864s Z all right mission
7868s accomplished see how much glimmering
7871s molten spure we got out of
7874s that uh did we roll the last giveaway am
7876s I crazy I know we had F and
7880s win I think I missed it I think I'm
7882s supposed to roll a steam one so we're
7884s just going to roll a steam one
7885s here spunks 37 congratulations
7891s spunks p u NX
7894s 37
7898s congratulations Miss two I don't know
7900s what you're talking about I don't know
7901s what you're talking about crazy me miss
7903s something never that doesn't sound
7905s possible 69 nice nice
7919s H mad gasar than mad yo
7925s welcome every now and then a memory how
7927s much how close did we get so sell short
7930s on that Tri coin we have enough Spectra
7933s beautiful get the
7936s memory now we have what do we
7939s need I need a lot more glimmering molten
7942s and we need more witch charms we're
7944s going back in be doing this actually
7946s let's try to do
7948s a let's do a hunt there let's go fight
7952s the
7953s wormwood oh we need to get
7955s more let's go get some of our our thing
7964s miggers all right let's make some more
7967s of
7970s these that should do the tri
7972s or not
7977s craft there we go beautiful let's get
7981s some more of
7984s these
7986s beautiful um how many of these we have
7989s 21 of those 24 of those 23 of these 30
7991s of those 32 of those beautiful UT fa hey
7995s it's treasure that's a
8000s treasure all right let's try this
8003s again go Reaver Woods wormwood double
8009s solar let's make it
8012s happen let's make it happen correct me
8014s if I'm wrong but I think world scaling
8016s should increase the amount you harvest
8017s from one or rocks and same with the
8020s fragments doesn't
8023s it could be crazy I thought it
8026s did
8028s H missed a PS5 key actually fine I'm
8031s going to roll a PS5 key right now
8034s stricken TTV congratulations you got a
8036s PS5
8042s key ah let it be said I did not miss
8047s anything eyes open
8054s pop all right let's do this thing we got
8058s a big chunky lad this won't take long
8068s ohow all right we're
8074s fine all right got to get these guys out
8076s of the get out of there get out of there
8080s beautiful o spooky
8093s the Eagle
8097s Eye well some damage don't mind if I do
8100s oh the laser beam is doing work
8104s too where's
8106s e ow dude giveaway time I think this is
8110s going to be for a steam
8115s key get our weapon ability off
8124s oh God we're fine come on there it is
8128s fantastic
8131s woo oh Dodge I forgot oh I'm so
8135s dumb I'm so
8139s dumb big rip big
8142s Ronis all right PS5 key uh rip snarf in
8145s chat because I'm a dingus I'm a big old
8147s dingy dongus a labyrinth knife neat
8152s uh O Death Blossom headpiece that's an
8155s epic headpiece beautiful uh let me make
8158s sure I didn't not in combat
8162s game
8164s game fine I won't go check if there's
8166s any Spectre I missed I didn't want to
8170s anyway rip snarp indeed all right as
8173s soon as we finish this loading screen we
8174s will roll it Chester you're looking
8176s really cool I just want to throw that
8178s out there uh we did not get any
8182s of the things that we were looking for
8183s because crying but we did get the
8185s headpiece so I'll take the headpiece
8186s that's that's not too mad about that
8188s how's the battery on this thing good you
8190s guys can still hear
8192s me uh this one is for steam correct rip
8195s sar from chat Yan first time chatter
8197s hello blackr of 2004 first time chatter
8199s hello welcome to the stream uh if
8202s anybody is wanting to participate in the
8204s giveaways just make sure you made over
8205s to twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder that is
8208s where we are doing the giveaways so jump
8210s up in chat say hello
8211s do random thingy M jiggers and I get to
8214s click this button right here and then
8216s it's that winner so Walmart
8218s Jesus congratulations Walmart Jesus you
8221s are the winner of a steam
8228s key shoot me a message after the stream
8231s in Discord and I will hook you up for
8232s the key
8235s congratulations estellar wolf hello
8237s joystick live howdy paid Walker 7
8242s how you doing all these first time
8243s Chatters coming in love to see it as
8245s long as we're seeing new people coming
8246s here we're going to keep this thing
8247s going so if you guys are uh showing up
8251s I'll be here to to entertain or or lack
8254s thereof whatever it might
8257s be all right we're going to try to
8260s do let's do a hollow heart Expedition
8264s with double
8265s solar all right Chester you're not going
8267s to crash me again are you
8276s words I never thought I would hear W
8278s Jesus hey it's Troy Mackin what's up
8280s Troy shout out to Troy mackan making
8282s some great waiter wayfinder content on
8284s uh on YouTube go check out his channel
8286s if you want to learn more about the game
8288s he's uh I think he just put out a video
8290s on how to get sja quickly so if you want
8292s to play some sja go check out his new
8294s latest
8295s video um bipolar otter what's up Monty
8301s de bestus one uh would you coin flip for
8304s a key uh sure I need a coin I got a I
8309s think I actually have a coin let me let
8310s me go look I'll be right back coin flip
8315s key um where would a coin
8326s be do we have one
8337s do you have that wayfinder coin still
8339s the
8340s Airship what do you have that Airship
8342s coin that we got like when we moved this
8344s office you know what I'm talking about
8346s no what happened to
8350s that need a coin I don't oh this is that
8354s it yeah can I that for a second
8358s sweet all right judging by the uh the
8360s lack of music it looks like treasure
8362s crashed us again I blame treasure thanks
8364s ganick uh but yeah we'll do uh we got a
8367s fancy coin look at this fancy coin good
8369s timing fancy coin so and this is
8373s exclusively for the person who asked
8374s this is not for everybody just so you
8375s know we don't have enough keys for that
8383s uh double
8385s solar
8387s in Reaper Woods uh Ross March
8393s Expedition Solo or
8397s Co-op send and close let's do this again
8401s all right so who who is it that P that
8403s asked so get the the key out again so
8405s you guys can
8408s see
8410s um who was it that
8414s asked it's over here somewhere got to
8418s look for it coin flip all right da
8421s bestie one this is for You Da besti One
8424s we're going to see if you get do you
8426s want the do you want the Airship or do
8428s you want the Airship Syndicate which one
8430s which one are you voting for whatever
8432s you
8433s vote da bestie this is just for da
8436s bestie because they they offered the
8444s challenge I'm looking for da bestie said
8447s me all right he's voting for the air so
8450s I'll keep it honest
8451s if it comes up this side you get a key
8455s comes up this
8456s side um you have to buy the game for a
8460s friend is that fair is that
8463s fair this side you get it for free this
8466s side you got to you got to buy a gift
8469s copy for a friend or yourself do you
8471s agree do you agree those are the
8476s stakes all right um
8481s H he's thinking about it he's thinking
8483s about it
8496s 50/50 uh can I play you a game at
8498s Twilight Imperium for a key then you'd
8500s have to roll oh dude I got to play
8502s Twilight Imperium fourth edition uh
8504s about a month ago [ __ ] was so
8506s fun we ended up tying for first place
8511s let's do it all right all right here we
8512s go we're doing it live we're doing it
8514s live No
8517s Nonsense guys
8519s ready you guys ready remember if it says
8523s Airship Syndicate you got to buy a copy
8525s if if if it's the Airship I'm going to
8527s give you a key here we
8530s go what is it what is it I can't see we
8536s win so it's this side hey I think I won
8547s funding the funding our Studio One coin
8550s flip at a time doing doing doing the
8554s Lord's work over here for our game our
8556s humble little game
8561s studio all right uh let's go back to the
8564s free words let's try all right I'm going
8565s to going go private for a second so uh
8569s people stop crashing my
8572s game and we're going to go
8574s to double solar put a greed on this is a
8580s this is an experiment to see if it's
8581s actually due to the um the co-op or not
8583s I think it
8591s is can't bling train you know me you
8594s know me coming up with nonsense welcome
8596s to welcome to an Airship stream
8601s uh so people stop f is people yes fet is
8605s people and a cat Believe It or Not uh I
8607s believe you just missed the sale on G A
8609s few days ago last sale will there be any
8610s another sales for 1.0 uh no but the
8614s price will be going up for for 1.0 so if
8617s you do want to buy the game now is the
8619s best time because it is uh it is
8624s cheaper this gun is insane people use
8627s range weapons cheat I'm looking at you
8629s two tap
8634s easy
8635s mode I swear I'm just like one hitting
8637s everything it's not even two Taps just
8639s one
8655s tap
8659s excellent we got a thing over there
8661s let's go find if we see any events on
8664s this side I want more gold piles all of
8667s the gold will belong to
8673s [Music]
8686s US 22 seconds till the next giveaway
8688s folks and this is going to be for a p
8694s s5p if you want to jump in if you are
8696s just tuning in make sure you join over
8697s at twitch.tv/ playay wayfinder that is
8700s where we're doing the keyword giveaways
8702s and seeing who the winners are uh seeing
8706s the map I need to I wish I had the whole
8708s thing unrevealed so actually with that
8710s in mind next giveaway giveaway time
8713s everybody type Black Sheep Wall in uh in
8716s chat Black Sheep Wall if you know you
8718s know because I really wish I could do
8720s that right right
8725s now all one word one word actually all
8729s one
8732s word oh no I'll be back big sad big sad
8737s Arad sad
8739s arenos did it work did the damn it it
8742s didn't work chat it's not working why
8744s isn't it
8747s working all right we're going to be
8749s rolling the away Li Birds welcome first
8751s time chatter so many first time people
8753s popping in today love to see
8755s it um Jasmine fish hi are there magic
8759s weapons like staff or wizard classes
8761s you're not the first to ask for it there
8763s are some magical looking weapons but
8764s there's nothing that's technically
8766s exactly what you're asking for all right
8768s and then about 30 more seconds and we're
8770s going to be rolling this giveaway for a
8771s PS5 key if you do want to join in
8773s remember go to twitch.tv/ playay
8775s wayfinder uh and type Black Sheep Wall
8778s for this this round to giveaways
8781s boy I wish I had few coverage of all the
8785s stuff on the map right now all
8788s right we' have been
8797s ambushed ow if you shoot me I shoot you
8801s how's
8807s that you all get away
8811s zap
8812s him
8816s beautiful zap him oh little laser beam
8819s dude you're you're my
8822s homie excellent got rid of
8827s them more
8835s money got him got him beautiful all
8839s right and the winner is of the black
8840s cheap wall
8842s giveaway we Groot Groot a winner again
8845s congratulations we Groot I know you won
8847s one a couple days ago do you want to
8848s keep it do you want to give it away I'll
8851s I'll leave it up to your
8853s discretion roll I didn't enter all right
8855s we rolling again we
8857s rrolling root being
8860s honorable it's chatty congratulations
8863s it's chatty that is a PS5
8868s key congratulations
8874s all right who knows what Black Sheep
8877s Wall did am I the only one am I a
8888s boomer all right let's go with this
8898s away boom boom
8905s h of the gold give it to
8911s me I love
8913s gold believe it was the Age of Empires I
8915s don't was it Age of Empires thought it
8918s was Warcraft 3 that's crazy no no
8921s Warcraft 2 I think it might have been
8923s both Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 maybe it
8925s did something
8926s in what the AG of Empires am I crazy
8929s definitely St
8931s Starcraft like BR
8932s War now I'm now I'm I'm doubting
8937s existence draw what's up draw how you
8946s doing popping
8949s over uh we as Groot has made an offer to
8952s you uh chat I just need him to see the
8954s offer I made what did you just say I
8955s missed it it's scroll it's too scrolled
8958s too many people chatting too many
8960s chatting we got some chatty catties in
8962s here we chatty in
8963s here I'm just trying to get all this
8965s gold all this beautiful beautiful gold
8968s that's making me go fast got to go
8976s fast all right that's a pretty juicy
8978s amount of
8979s gold Run Through the Fire and
8985s Flames Prime gaming weak Roots qu funer
8988s I have an offer pull a random PC winner
8990s I'll buy that person a copy if you can
8992s beat the first on your first try same
8995s difficulty as yesterday no death crashes
8998s uh reset the
9000s challenge you know what I
9003s will I will take you up on that bet 100%
9007s I will take you off from that bet do you
9008s know why because it's already been
9009s sealed you didn't say what character I
9011s have to
9012s play I will be in the same difficulty
9015s first try
9018s guaranteed I'm going to show you the
9020s power of
9023s a always read the fine
9033s Prince making deals with the devil over
9042s here oh God these guys are spooky
9048s dude was
9052s ooh new die did we get level
9054s 30 I think we hit Level 30
9057s baby which means we can switch
9059s characters perfect timing to switch to
9061s who you know who
9062s what that's actually great because we
9064s need to get our uh we need to get
9066s ourselves
9068s a uh what you call it
9072s um heroicness anyway it's actually
9075s fantastic timing so thank you very much
9076s for this challenge I accept
9079s wholeheartedly I'm going to be super
9081s embarrassed when I do die but I'm still
9083s going to attempt it
9091s nonetheless get
9096s there boom boom
9100s boom
9102s boom 14,000 damage excuse
9108s you there we go get some more armor
9112s sweet it's foreshadowing for what we're
9114s about to
9119s play
9122s ow everywhere I'm going to rip you
9127s a all right here we go here we go where
9129s are they at let me at them let me at
9133s them the chest I missed I just uh I
9136s wanted to teleport back to that chest
9138s the only reason I let myself die there
9140s was all part of the plan didn't want to
9142s have to walk back that was uh very
9143s inconvenient but spawning right there
9146s felt like a big brain
9156s move ooh a level 30 umbros that's
9159s actually kind of
9161s sexy um let's get up here
9165s somehow more treasure oo and a star
9168s Shard yes please
9172s out there
9174s everywhere get away get away from
9177s me oh we're going fast now we are going
9191s fast drop it
9193s down today there you
9197s go
9198s testicles shade Bor picture love to see
9202s it uh all right yes it will be a PC code
9205s I've never get a PS5 so uncomfortable
9206s doing that all right all
9209s right spooky dookie and Halloween is
9211s coming
9213s up give it to me first try every
9220s try did we get a single wish charm epy
9223s this
9224s from I don't think we did did we miss
9228s anything no I think we did pretty good
9230s oh there's a chest over there uh this
9237s way give me the chest I the chest
9240s beautiful thank you glimmering molt ins
9243s Spectre we like that we love to see
9246s it all right bring it on dinguses I have
9250s a challenge to
9253s win
9257s love hello that was
9264s 18,000 damage yes
9267s please Power the overwhelming
9270s power
9272s oh
9274s 14,000 it
9280s murdered
9282s no did
9285s youle
9288s oh all right here we go here here we
9291s go
9293s uh leonus it wasn't necessarily that
9296s they they dropped the game they shut
9297s down their entire
9300s publishing oh the
9302s what no no no no no no no no no that
9304s wasn't
9309s cool all right get away oh we got
9314s carts my God we got three and the
9316s ancient enchanter this is going to be
9317s very spooky very spooky dooky
9322s this weapon is insane they're everywhere
9327s this oh my God back up back it up back
9330s it up like a dumb truck oh you're fine
9334s jump away JP no can't jump away jump
9340s away oh giveaway time ladies and
9343s gentlemen I heard the tinkle 11k get
9347s that lock one of them down laser beam do
9349s your thing
9350s please thank you oh they're everywhere
9353s this is horrifying jump
9356s away oh got Crow Parts incoming two pro
9359s Parts
9361s incoming come on baby get shot get
9367s shot oh I'm going to get three for one
9370s unable every time you say it I swear
9374s rindle all right here we go come on come
9377s on comeon
9385s boom was hoping for more get
9392s dead ooh level 30 Knights edge with
9395s really really bad rolls big sad all
9398s right it is time for the challenge
9400s everybody stall art what's up stream it
9403s is stream or steam steam all right
9405s giveaway time uh everybody in chat uh do
9408s power overwhelming
9411s keyword is power overwhelming if you are
9412s just tuning in make sure you head over
9414s to twitch.tv/ playfinder I got the
9417s Primal Colossus skin um and power
9420s overwhelming is going to I think it's
9422s one word one word power overwhelming one
9424s word uh that is going to be the keyword
9426s for this next round of giveaways did we
9428s not get a single witch charm
9431s Effigy I don't think we did Big sad big
9437s big
9438s sad look at all the first time chatter
9440s is popping in thank you so much for
9441s showing up guys I really appreciate it
9443s means a lot to us it means a lot to the
9444s studio seeing people pop in get
9446s interested in the game that's that's
9448s huge so thank you for being here hope
9450s you all having a wonderful Wednesday and
9452s good luck to all of the new people
9454s coming in they AR my memories all right
9457s here we go three belong to the first
9459s subcribe one and the winner
9462s is apocalypse congratulations
9466s apocalypse this is for Este steam key
9468s apocalypse
9474s beautiful shoot me a message at the end
9476s of the stream and I got you it is time
9478s for us to do a challenge I don't think I
9482s got it I did not I did not get a single
9485s fine it's fine everything's fine I'm not
9486s upset you're upset I do want to see what
9488s the skin looks like though um skin
9492s Primal
9494s Colossus oh
9496s yeah that's kind of
9498s sick um uh still okay actually no this
9501s will be perfect I need a lot more um
9504s black room Stone all right it is time to
9507s bring back the one the only hun Begins
9510s the
9511s aenis all right um got the maiden's
9515s rhyme do a better embered should
9517s probably ability
9520s power do we really only have whites of
9523s these that is so
9524s disappointing 412 that is at least
9528s better uh uh let's go with this
9533s one let's rid of that we can do better
9536s ability
9538s power it's pretty juicy Goblin Seer do
9542s we have a better Goblin Seer we do have
9543s a better Goblin Seer now I don't want to
9546s upgrade
9547s this
9550s beautiful
9554s beautiful oh yeah give it to
9557s me right a little bit shy of all the way
9560s but that's fine get rid of that that's
9563s garbagio Hollow husk yes that is
9567s Juicy uh glitter greed don't need see
9571s what I did there it
9573s rhymed uh for boating propy uh do we
9575s already have one of these
9576s equipped I have a green one I need to
9579s put where's the for boating prophecy
9580s right now that let's put a better one of
9584s them on
9585s there uh for voting prophecy
9588s beautiful uh the first first we'll keep
9590s the first ice Lancer ability power let's
9594s get ourselves
9596s a can mark all these to sell marker dust
9600s marker dust dust
9602s dust um guys have have you seen that um
9606s it was a classic classic
9609s Wow music video the dust to dust it was
9612s actually pretty sweet highly recommend
9615s uh snarf if you can kill the first in
9616s one go no deaths or crashes on the same
9618s difficulties yesterday yep that is what
9620s we're doing um ability power that's only
9623s 150 H 300 health though is is pretty
9626s juicy we'll keep that Talent of p is
9629s fine worm magic defense is fine more
9633s magic defense is fine ability power is
9637s fine uh ability power is fine there they
9641s probably do a better Tiding Echo
9643s hopefully yeah that's better um level 30
9648s that's fine
9650s Baylor's br br br Max Health crit power
9654s it's not bad you have something better
9659s though break power don't really care
9661s about third keeper ability power break
9663s power don't really care about I guess
9665s we're fine with that
9667s then um Oracle level 24 can be
9672s better
9673s [Music]
9675s um that seems decent pop that in there
9680s this looks
9681s garbage do we have any more Health that
9684s we can throw on
9686s here let's throw
9688s on codex hole all right I think we're
9691s pretty happy with
9693s that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
9696s affinities got level 15 level 15 we do
9699s want to get uh Your Shadow set follow
9702s attack hits and their damage taken
9703s that's pretty
9705s good oh that's also really good
9709s uh I think we'll just get
9711s [Music]
9714s more we'll go this
9717s way okay talents let see what else we
9721s can get here already got that bad boy
9724s let's get
9728s these glorious and we'll start making
9731s our way out on that one as
9733s well all right I think I think we ready
9737s make sure all of this is equ physical
9738s damage mag defense
9740s ability
9741s power crit power ability power ability
9746s power Tex ability power okay I think
9750s we're have as good as we're going to
9752s get what other styles we want to put
9755s on do the full
9761s hollowed yeah going take her on like
9763s this and then weapon skin wise let's put
9768s on HM
9771s thinking do The Hourglass against her
9774s actually it doesn't make sense with the
9775s skin let's
9776s go this is kind of
9779s cool going to go
9782s black
9785s white
9788s white
9790s green it's better
9792s green
9796s teal what is this fing that's her hair
9799s wh if you know we'll
9801s do do the teal and
9806s then yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
9808s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
9810s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
9811s we're good are we ready we ready for
9816s this all right we ready for the
9827s challenge this is going into battle
9830s folks oh actually no one last thing we
9831s got to do let's get our potions
9837s ready I have an
9839s idea I have an idea uh we
9845s [Music]
9847s want oh we have we have ideas we have we
9850s have ideas we're going to pull some
9853s nonsense uh is ps+ still needed to play
9855s wayfinder no it is uh offline if you do
9858s want to play multiplayer will need it as
9860s like any
9862s paid May fa Platinum BH what is up
9865s welcome how you
9867s doing all right here we go here we go
9869s we're going to the
9871s first uh we did have this what mutators
9875s do we have I think it was uh Phoenix
9877s eggs right Phoenix
9880s eggs uh I think that was
9883s it Phoenix
9886s eggs here we go
9890s didn't there uh 30 game is in content or
9892s what uh so the right now 30k 30 is ing
9896s game content plus the uh the five
9897s Awakening levels and all the mythics
9899s that's what we're doing right now all
9901s right here we go we're we're going to do
9903s some nonsense prepare to witness
9905s shenanigan enry we're going to do this
9908s guy
9909s first
9911s six and then we're going to go SW up
9915s to we want our ability power not dragon
9919s and we're looking for the arc bless or
9921s ancient tiers powered ancient tiers
9924s fantastic want one of
9927s those uh seven I think that's actually
9930s the right potion we want for
9932s seven uh this is magical and physical
9935s yes we want one of those now we want to
9939s put this as this guy and then we want
9942s this guy
9944s as go back to the unfiltered we got
9947s another giveaway folks ladies and
9949s gentlemen this is going to be for um PS5
9953s and uh I'm going to need the the
9955s motivation chat is you can do it snar in
9957s chat please we're we're going to do this
9960s first try we're going to get Vengeance
9961s for all the nonsense of last yesterday's
9964s stream one step closer to
9974s Revenge oh it wasn't there tragic
9985s all right pop this
9990s again all right here we
9994s go and then everybody who's tuning in
9997s we're about to do the giveaway this is a
9998s challenge run given by we are groots um
10002s so we're going to give an away an extra
10003s key if I die once uh but if I don't die
10007s then we gro is going to buy a key for
10009s somebody because they're a very generous
10011s individual um so the goal is here um
10016s we're going to roll real quick where the
10018s winner is metal gamergeek
10021s congratulations metal gamergeek that is
10022s a PS5 key for you shoot me a message
10024s after the stream
10026s metal
10028s gamer
10030s geek all right you're in my little black
10033s book and now we are going to do this
10037s challenge get that over there we got
10040s the all right let's do this
10046s nonsense feels so good be playing her
10048s again the true let us finish BOS doch
10053s that nonsense just be smart be smart
10055s wait for dat from
10059s this I'm getting a little bit too close
10062s a little bit too close for comfort not
10064s going to
10066s lie all right our attacks are going to
10069s do zero damage it's pure weapon power or
10071s ability
10074s power there we go phased phase one done
10078s got an ability Echo who created
10082s you dodge that Dodge
10086s that here we go first try first try baby
10089s that should not have hit me I call
10093s Shenanigans hand over your dagger and I
10096s shall make you come
10098s swiftly take all of the damage get based
10102s I will not be chained that dagger
10105s belongs to
10108s me and
10110s Dodge
10114s and
10118s Dodge all right as long as I don't die
10120s here I think we got this in the
10124s bag see keep them coming keep them
10127s coming keep them coming
10129s more Doom meatballs I shall properly
10132s inst Doom meatballs of Doom pretty good
10136s pretty good pretty good we'll take
10137s it excellent so far so good so far so
10145s good Raven's Wings your death my
10154s spr yes yes excellent data from this
10159s we're fine we're
10162s fine everything's fine everything is
10164s good we're Gucci we're chilling we're
10168s chillaxing everything is just perfect
10171s hunky dory nothing worried about easiest
10176s fight of my
10183s life I'm just I am within the confines
10186s of what the uh the agreement was
10190s your death my fre your death my
10194s fre all watch out for this nonsense
10198s fine here we go here we go here we
10204s [Music]
10205s go beautiful all right I will not be
10208s chained that dagger I'll do the next one
10211s legit I'm that I'm not worried about
10214s that mode to be fair I just wanted to I
10216s wanted to be snarky you know me
10219s dodged got me or you
10222s Shadow dodg do
10225s [Music]
10227s that don't get hit by that
10230s beautiful there fascinating Dodge come
10235s here you need cool Downs cool Downs cool
10239s Downs there's that
10242s fantastic do
10247s through attack up
10251s got to get my weapon ability Char can
10254s nice yes yes I'm getting those
10259s guys get some eggs all right actually do
10262s this legitimately just so people don't
10264s think I cheated too
10268s hard go with that turn from the side
10273s fantastic that nice back to the center
10278s come on this side
10280s I will not be chained go here we go that
10282s dagger belongs to me nice all right
10286s first you're about to have a very bad
10296s day too
10301s [Music]
10305s easy we did it
10312s arkstorm level 35 nice what else we get
10316s that's it all right that fair we do it
10320s chat chat was it accurate do we do we
10324s fall within the confines of the
10329s contract do I have to roll for who
10331s you're buying the key for or is it just
10333s a a random person
10340s want to meet in the middle on two codes
10341s one from both of us sure that works with
10343s me that works with me all right so are
10345s we am I rolling the person you're buying
10347s it
10355s for uh radiant
10357s octron black Moonstone that's
10363s nice that was a great watch
10367s awesome heix oil Abus or banish him hey
10370s I didn't die I didn't die I just got
10371s downed you did say die I mean I'm just
10373s saying I'm just
10376s saying um yeah we both roll for it uh
10379s I'll add the first winner okay so this
10381s is the first winner this is for who is
10383s Groot thank you to we are Groot we are
10385s gr you're so freaking awesome for for
10386s offering to one help support the studio
10388s and two just help uh support somebody
10391s here in chat so this is the first winner
10393s this will be doy DOI winefest what a
10397s name that is for uh we are Groot is
10401s buying we are
10404s Groot is getting doy doie wingfest
10413s key congratulations doy DOI
10416s wingfest um all right and then I'm Gonna
10421s Roll Another one this is for me giving
10423s away this is to t
10426s kot t kurot or or is that a cross I
10429s don't know kot k u r o t
10434s congratulations from The Challenge that
10438s uh we are group put together there you
10440s go shoot me a message at the end of the
10442s stream we got
10443s you nice hair and shirt dude you look
10446s great you look great stop it you're
10449s breathtaking stumble across these lands
10451s like let's go how many do we have six we
10454s need a few more we're going to try to
10455s get ourselves a heroicness right now
10458s right here right now let's see what we
10460s can get done uh let's do a blood spawn
10462s that should be easy blood spawn with
10464s Mayhem mutator my
10468s favorite uh AR Point thanks J sharts um
10473s all right we're going to go to the blood
10478s spawn chaos boom boom Mayhem of course
10483s greed because we greedy we
10486s greedy how much is nist three
10489s all the wayfinders are
10492s free uh how do I enter just be in chat
10495s uh I do random BS and then you just do
10498s the random BS with me in chat and uh
10501s you'll be eligible for the giveaways
10503s that's how it works this is a dangerous
10505s place I like it if you are just tuning
10507s in from Twitter or YouTube make sure you
10509s wake your way over to twitch.tv/ playay
10511s wayfinder that is the official Twitch
10513s account for wayfinder here at Airship
10515s Syndicate streaming live from Austin
10518s Texas uh in our fancy little stream
10520s studio uh but participate in the twitch
10523s chat and uh that is how you're going to
10525s be participating in the giveaways we're
10527s doing a PS5 key giveaway right after
10532s this right now we're doing some Mythic
10534s hunts because I am on a mission to get
10535s heroic n because it has been too far
10537s along since me having that heroic skin
10540s and I want it I want it in my soul every
10543s fiber of my being needs
10546s it just beaten up on some botes because
10549s I am playing my main now and they ain't
10551s got no chance I have arguably the most
10555s played hour of Miss in the world I think
10558s is a fair thing for me to say two tap
10561s you definitely have it with Silo I say
10563s that's definitely fair but I think I
10565s have the most play time of n in the
10567s entire
10568s world which is kind of cool
10574s say get murdered actually going to wait
10577s until these guys are close together to
10579s do this extra
10582s nonsense oh we got another key giveaway
10584s looks
10585s like get
10587s dead all right next giveaway winner this
10590s is going to be for fs5 key uh tell me
10594s your favorite PS5 game in chat you want
10597s a PS5 key you probably have a P Favorite
10599s PS5 game I want to hear what favorite
10602s PS5 games
10606s are Shadow St
10612s get out of
10613s here I have survived no no no no no no
10616s no no no no we're fine no I face my fate
10619s with open oh that knockdown was so
10621s brutal damn
10624s it oh upsetting upsetti spaghetti that
10628s is me all right we're going to roll it
10629s the winner is let's see who said we got
10632s some Elder ring I mean Elder ring is a
10633s freaking phenomenal game I'd have to
10635s agree with you um I really enjoy Demon
10637s Souls though like as a first game on PS5
10639s Demon Souls was freaking great um
10641s anybody in here collect all of the
10643s Rusted coins or the ceramic coins i f
10645s what they were called um that have been
10647s impressive they another local Austin
10649s Studio blueo here's here in Austin so we
10651s support we support blueo uh Spider-Man 2
10654s nice I have a a buddy of mine uh worked
10656s on Spider-Man 2 which is super cool
10658s right now astrobot I've heard really
10659s good things about astrobot Final Fantasy
10662s 7 rebirth nice wayfinder Polo guy I
10665s appreciate you you're not going to bribe
10667s me though it's going to be for r
10671s Ragnarok all right here we go we rolling
10673s it we rolling it the winner is I of Naga
10676s congratulations I
10684s Naga
10686s beauti all right let's continue we got
10690s about another 20 minutes in the Stream
10692s so we'll probably do another two at
10694s least two more giveaways and see if I
10696s can get to uh
10699s or I can get my heroicness by the time
10700s this is a
10713s work the
10719s damages all of the damages all the dam
10723s belong to us
10728s get
10730s dead get
10732s Dead Beautiful
10739s Death get
10743s parried get
10748s pared Shadow
10753s Rising get
10755s parried weapon ability and game over
10759s that is how you do it ladies and
10760s gentlemen God I love n she is so
10763s freaking
10764s good disgustingly good Mythic Essence
10768s ooh legendary armor for venomous let's
10774s go H Souls game third person bright
10777s looks interesting hey plumber welcome
10778s first time yeah we're doing some of the
10780s uh the Mythic hunts right now and uh I'm
10782s I'm I'm a little bit Strunk but yeah we
10784s uh we just we we laid down the hurt
10787s that's what a a late game build looks
10789s like in this game uh if you were here
10790s yesterday you can see me suffer through
10792s when you're not as uh op as that is uh
10795s to be roll the yeah we did I have Noto
10798s was the PS5 Winer
10800s congratulations all right let's see who
10802s do we want to do next
10804s um let's go I'm going to hate this I'm
10809s really really going to hate this but if
10810s there's if there's anybody I'm going to
10812s do it with it's going to be Miss so
10815s might as well try Gloom collapse Reaver
10818s King here we
10819s go this is going to be spicy I'm
10822s probably not going to Fair too well on
10825s this but we're going to try it
10826s nonetheless uh let's put some chaos in
10829s there
10832s too all right here we
10837s go uh I wasn't having problems with the
10839s difficulty but I appreciate the options
10841s yes so yeah you can play on multiple
10842s difficulties you can swap it in any time
10845s uh we have some interesting things
10846s coming to the difficulties after one
10848s point .0 but those are secrets NDA #
10851s redacted one step closer to
10854s that all right yeah yeah no cares you go
10865s away get in there all
10868s right suckers you can't get
10871s me all
10874s right here we go you've SED my ties to
10877s their heart but this is still my place
10881s of power yeah yeah get buff stack these
10884s guys up you guys are dumb for stacking
10887s up shouldn't have done
10890s that get the buff think you got it
10895s nice make him teleport
10897s and Dodge
10900s Dodge ooh triple the v g of happiness
10904s and joy and all things
10906s sacrimoni just hit the best di I've ever
10910s seen hit by that all right we're hurting
10912s a little bit but that's fine we're going
10914s to pop one of these
10917s guys I have survived worse a little bit
10920s hurt get this nice got to go
10927s fast ow man is hurting me man is hurting
10931s real good
10932s like okay keep going wait for to
10935s teleport and oh that prob away I
10943s there we go he's about to do his thing
10945s kill him kill him kill him kill him kill
10946s him kill him kill him kill him please
10949s nice go some time keep charging up our
10951s weapon
10952s ability keep hitting those
10957s bombs ability is charged try to get
10959s three more Pips if we can oh that's a
10962s nice one
10963s diagram all right wait for the bear to
10967s come alive
10968s popper weapon
10971s ability fall before
10974s me all right watch out for one two
10977s explosions fantastic go through we're
10980s going to one two get the explosion drop
10983s our
10984s alt man's about to have a very bad day
10987s so am I going to heal because I'm not
10989s greedy once in my
10992s life all right get off her
10995s Rock uh we killed him way too fast
10997s unfortunately
10998s strike with both
11001s blades shall return to me get over there
11005s all right they're both half fall I'll
11007s take
11008s that ow put the explosion get this guy
11012s ow last heal no more heals we got to be
11016s a little bit more careful all right he's
11017s summoning ads it looks
11019s like a rock is a little bit more damage
11022s I think we just need to get our alts and
11024s we'll be
11025s okay almost there for these guys to
11028s stack up that should
11030s help oh we are very low I don't think we
11033s have any form of healing we are in what
11036s you call the
11037s trouble no impossible we were so close
11044s no all right we can do better we can do
11046s better damn it
11051s Alex we didn't kill the freaking bear so
11053s quickly we would have been okay we got
11057s greedy uh ah all right let's do this
11063s again you think to fight me here let's
11067s go let's go You' SED my ti to the heart
11070s but this is still my place of
11073s power
11075s byebye all right teleport and Dodge
11078s Dodge Dodge back in get both those guys
11081s off hit the explosion go through these
11085s are three not attacking get our second
11087s one off do that use our weapon ability
11090s get our single hit hit the exra damage
11093s 15% damage Dodge oh don't use that that
11096s was a
11099s mistake fall before me return I saw the
11103s attack I was being dumb big
11108s dumb all right here we go get this sad
11112s boy fantastic
11119s all right here we go here we go here we
11120s go all right we're going to be a little
11121s spicy
11124s now I am the blade of
11127s Shadows see how much damage he has
11129s 189,000 Health down to 90 70 60 50 30 12
11135s 10 zero suck it out the
11140s rock what a
11146s sucker here we go
11149s n op let me tell you
11151s what 30 seconds till the next giveaway
11158s folks
11160s [Music]
11163s tou fall before
11166s me get away watch out for the D
11169s explosions ground pound ground pound 4
11171s seconds till we heal get her heal off
11174s now Dodge through watch out for the
11177s ground pounds three two one one two get
11182s our two off Dodge through Dodge through
11185s use our three go after
11190s aaro boom one two with the weapon
11194s ability he's going to do his Al Bunny
11197s Hop away Bunny Hop away get safety made
11200s it fantastic almost have our alts wait
11203s for these guys to come over here group
11205s up like dungus cuz they are dungus
11209s giveaway time ladies and gentlemen all
11212s right the G keyword is
11215s um Maro say Mero in chat and that's
11218s going to be the keyword for this
11220s giveaway all right here we go let's get
11222s this guy get over there on two ground
11227s slams I am you cannot die you want to
11231s bet
11234s son heal heal heal heal
11239s bye-bye get out of here return to me out
11243s of my
11245s house die beautiful who left
11248s me At Last At Last I can die all right
11254s ladies and gentlemen the winner of that
11257s marow giveaway is Prince Yar
11263s congratulations Prince wear uh this is
11265s for steam key it looks like P r i n c e
11270s y Kamar Kar
11273s Kar I probably pronounce that in the
11275s worst way possible but congratulations
11277s dude
11279s uh all right here we
11283s go Mythic otaro that's a pretty juicy
11287s one I want to put that on my grindle
11289s opal of the
11291s king H Vapor Eddie Deluxe happy birthday
11296s dude we are GRE it's seems doy doi's
11299s friend is in Singapore and not be able
11300s to accept the gift on Steam really if
11302s that's cames will you be able to give
11304s them a code that we can reroll for
11306s someone else for me to purchase a copy
11308s uh chat help me get this message been
11310s seen all right I'm going to roll it this
11311s is for VR
11313s Groot complex zero you already won one
11315s that doesn't count we're going to go
11317s with Shadow Walker 78 Shadow Walker
11321s that's a new
11323s name all right how close are we I have a
11327s friend though
11330s a new hunt all right I'll leave it I'll
11331s leave it up to uh this is groot's
11333s purchase I'll leave it to their
11335s discretion it's up to
11339s Groot we are Groot can
11342s decide um we are so close we seven see
11346s if we can get another one done by at
11348s least the end of the stream accepted we
11351s just did it was it not did I not have
11354s glom claps on I'm so upset what did I
11356s do all right we'll do something else
11358s then uh gold blooms mutator for grand
11361s toy for sure that sounds
11363s fun all right gold blooms on Grand
11368s deceiver uh Grand
11371s deceiver right gold Dooms gold blooms
11377s all right let's make it
11378s happen doy DOI says I'd like the key
11381s instead of the gift so I can gift it to
11383s him when he gets back
11385s home uh yes that's that's fine I will
11389s shoot me a message we we'll make it
11393s happen another battle lies
11397s ahead we are Drew just being the Chad
11400s that he is and getting V from a copy
11402s look at you dude thank you so much for
11403s the support group that that also means a
11405s lot like I love giving G uh giveaways um
11409s and we've been trying to do a ton of
11410s them but we do we do need to make some
11412s sales too as uh that is going to be how
11415s the studio gets to survive so thank
11417s thank you very much for for helping
11419s Shred the love and giv the opportunity
11421s to share the game with the people want
11424s to play means a
11426s lot all right you you big chesty
11431s boy ow that did not feel
11435s great come here where's where's the spot
11437s where's the spot where's where's where's
11438s it going to go where is it going to go
11440s he's going to go
11441s there get behind him nice
11448s Dodge
11450s that Dodge through that all right on to
11454s the next
11455s round gold bonss stop sending things at
11461s me kill those guys all right what we got
11464s what we got ooh first
11472s try Dodge that
11476s nonsense I excuse in
11481s game gold
11484s boom
11486s there a strike with both blades need our
11490s abilities to come back cool down for
11493s flavor all right
11495s and get behind him no get behind him no
11499s oh wasted ability son of a
11501s donkey over there all right round two so
11505s hike let's see should should we should
11508s we be spicy I think we're going to be
11509s spicy no looking just random activate as
11513s many chests as possible here we
11516s go one
11519s 2
11520s 3 four don't die don't die don't die
11523s don't die before we even open the
11525s chest another
11529s one another one there he is all right
11533s this ends now
11535s get get him beat him up
11541s H it dead
11545s son all right here we go here we go what
11547s we got what we got we do it again we
11549s don't have our Al this time it's going
11550s to be real
11551s spooky all right but never back down
11554s from a
11557s challenge come
11560s on come on come on oh it hurts oh it
11565s hurts so bad all right we're fine
11568s no no no no we dodged the wrong
11571s direction I tell you what oh big
11575s sad can only blame ourselves though can
11578s only blame
11583s ourselves all right do better do better
11587s Alex uh can you gift DLC extra content
11590s packs to friends on PS so I'm going to
11592s buy multiple critical packs I don't know
11594s to be honest genuinely don't know but
11596s that's very generous to say thank you
11598s very much Shadow
11601s Rising ow nice
11607s Dodge Dodge
11609s that Dodge through him Dodge that got
11613s him phased phase one complete ow stop
11617s shooting me with
11619s gold hey first try yet again we are
11623s ready to play the shell game Dodge to
11625s him
11628s get him
11628s again get Parry off ow oh my God we're
11633s alive he's going over this way he's
11635s going over that way where's he going
11636s where's he going and Dodge through oh
11639s damn it he got us Dodge through use are
11643s free next phase
11646s fantastic we do have a weapon ability
11648s ready which is great always reserve two
11650s on cool down first try again oh my God
11653s are we good are we good oh we're over
11656s here now
11658s let us
11660s dance ow got hit by that one I think
11663s we're saving our weapon ability for the
11665s next next
11667s round no we'll use the weapon ability
11670s now we save all for the next one oh my
11672s God the sweet lores damages get buried
11674s son keep going keep going get oh we're
11678s fine no they're
11681s poison wasn't worried we were worried
11684s just talking about Willis all right get
11686s our stamina back let's open a bunch of
11689s chest let's go Hog Wild woo Pig Su
11694s baby oh my God they're everywhere oh
11697s we're fine okay here we go here we go
11699s let's get our stamina back get our
11700s stamina
11703s back more poison balloons let's go away
11706s stop
11707s it stop it one
11711s two two there it
11714s is and Par Parry him
11718s here we go here we go all the
11720s damage come here race
11724s car oh God we have no Health oh we had
11727s literally no Health oh
11731s Perfection woo 43 HP let's
11737s go H Banner Lord gloves all right all
11742s right ooh level 35 crit power crit
11745s rating Max Health that is a great
11747s venomous uh item if we seen it any
11749s chance purchasing the art game um ingame
11753s art signed by Joad no but we do do
11755s giveaways of signed art occasionally do
11757s you want to see a couple pieces so we
11759s got the
11762s grindle good old grindle boy uh got this
11766s one this is signed by Joad this is uh
11770s Riven Neato
11772s stuff uh I got another grindle there
11775s where else uh I don't have the other
11776s piece in front of me but we we have a
11778s few we have the key artarts and a couple
11779s other stuff too he does he does good art
11782s believe it or not who have thoughted who
11784s would have
11786s thinked all right uh got a trial Ling
11790s right we got wormwood speaking of Riven
11792s let's do Riven Riven with a shadow spawn
11795s mutator we got 20 seconds till the next
11798s giveaway folks if you want to tune in
11799s this is going to be probably the last
11802s we'll do second to last giveaway we'll
11804s do this last hunt and then
11808s uh we need Shadow spawn I think that's
11810s chaos yeah Shadow spawn mutator Riven
11813s devour last times of the day this is
11815s going to be a giveaway for
11818s PS5 let the winner be we're going to
11821s roll it uh what's going to be the
11824s keyword um just say Joe mad Joe mad in
11833s chat
11834s another nightbot did not like you that
11838s message uh Joe mad in chat because
11841s without Joe mad we would not have this
11842s company and we' not have this game and
11844s that is like pretty quintessential Joad
11846s fight that we're doing right now so Joad
11849s in chat if you are tuning in twitch.tv/
11851s playay wayfinder is where we are doing
11852s the giveaways just come in say Joe mad
11854s that is our CEO um and the art style
11859s that has uh inspired a whole lot of
11861s different types of games and genres out
11863s there he's a very talented man and we're
11864s we're lucky to to have him uh head this
11867s Airship and then the winner is roller
11870s roller roller
11872s doer Roku m46 42 congratulations shoot
11876s me a DM along with the region for your
11879s PS5 code r o k e r m
11885s 4642 you are in my little black book
11887s congratulations now let's kill this lady
11891s Ren she hungry Ravens come
11895s nope nope can't touch
11900s this
11902s dodge our abilities com Co down dodge
11905s dodge
11906s dodge oh Rude
11908s Boy
11911s Terry Terry oh what I parried I call
11915s Shenanigans oh that was stupid to me
11918s that was a big big dumb big big dumb all
11921s right I will return I will return big
11925s sad
11928s come on you all right we should let's
11930s put some of our potions back on um
11934s powered and then I think we still have a
11936s greater brood on yes we do let's get
11940s this on at least nice all
11943s right here we go these fou things must
11947s be destroyed
11953s tou
11955s ow ow all right you dodge a strike oh
11960s she bit
11963s me Dodge oh that was a good
11966s Dodge come very
11972s beautiful har try to get our weapon
11975s ability
11977s ready
11980s through all right little scared no I
11982s face my f all right we got this we got
11985s this
11989s all right here we go here we go here we
11992s go killing these wretches is a
11997s Dodge
12002s ow that
12006s fantastic har fantastic get her weapon
12009s ability off weapon ability har
12012s fantastic heavy attack carry awesome
12015s single attack get that weapon buff going
12018s Parry didn't Parry it because we're bad
12020s almost got
12021s killed go through get hit by that one
12024s too because we're awful run away like a
12025s little you know
12028s what all right murder all these
12033s guys run into explosions because you
12035s know that sounds
12037s spicy get our shadow step back kill all
12041s those guys welcome her home this ends
12043s now threaten her do Naruto
12048s be not be scared just be perfectly fine
12051s pH her
12053s awesome uh kill all these
12057s Lads goodbye goodbye goodbye
12062s goodbye get hit get murdered you Goblin
12067s son of a jack rabbit's
12070s uncle wouldn't be a a snarp stream if I
12073s didn't just get murdered over and over
12074s again when I'm just trying to end the
12076s stream that would that would that
12077s wouldn't make any sense that must be
12079s dest here we go Goblin's still here
12081s bastard dead here we go
12085s one Dodge Dodge away fantastic get our
12089s weapon ability charged up very beautiful
12093s get attack
12095s by I have not die we're
12098s fine you beautiful strike with both
12102s blades har
12104s bar Dodge through
12110s nice har got
12113s him get our weapon ability ready nice
12116s with ey with our heavy attack do that
12119s get hit by that cuz we're bad get ready
12121s for this next phase here we go here we
12124s go here we go here we go
12127s now these guys are coming along get all
12130s the way over
12133s here watch out for the ler beam of Doom
12137s got
12138s him
12140s back get ready to phase with our
12143s alt actually just use weapon ability
12146s instead pleas don't die oh don't die
12150s don't die all right she's about to do
12151s things about to do nasty
12154s things don't don't get grabbed don't get
12157s grabbed don't get grabbed don't get
12159s grabbed just got grabbed
12170s okay Goose
12175s farra Swift and
12178s Silent down goodbye
12184s Rich the Shadows take us
12189s all
12192s why come here
12197s these here we go here we go one
12200s through one
12202s through one through come on Dodge
12207s through should not be this difficult I
12211s swear Dodge through of course you did
12214s the bite thank you for the bite I
12215s appreciate
12218s you I face my fate with open eyes we got
12223s this we got this we got this 3 minutes
12227s until the next giveaway can we beat her
12228s in 3 minutes these
12235s PR ow need to get hit by it it's all
12239s part of the
12242s plan son of a
12245s donkey come here
12248s you all right phed
12251s glorious kill all of the ads come your
12254s ads I want to have a party with your
12259s es sweet
12264s murder all right we do have our weapon
12266s ability ready as soon as Riven comes
12268s back we will dra up that on her and do
12270s all the Glorious weapon damages I would
12272s like to see large
12277s numbers large numbers
12282s coming all of the number
12285s pieces weapon
12288s weapon ability go
12292s Burr don't get jumped
12294s on don't get jumped on don't get jumped
12296s on you're fine all right
12300s cool next phase glorious so far so good
12303s I think we can drop her alt save her alt
12305s for when she comes
12307s [Music]
12309s back so those
12312s three use our weapon weapon ability
12315s there we go and drop the alt there we go
12319s game over first try every
12322s try 60% of the time I win every
12326s time that'll do her and a minute and 30
12329s to spare let's go let's go all right
12334s ladies and gentlemen we've done it per
12337s another stream in the bucket thank you
12339s everybody who showed up we appreciate
12341s you you guys are amazing we're going to
12343s do one more giveaway before we wrap the
12345s stream up for the night but I'm glad
12347s you're here let's see what what sweet
12349s loot we got I'm curious I want to see
12351s show me the loots show me the loots what
12355s do we get we got some silver Spectra we
12357s got a glory Amulet of
12359s Eternity the Nightfall faded into
12362s oburity shortly masc car's point the ma
12364s generally tolerated the presence arkans
12365s of the of our faith acted swiftly when
12367s the news of the noble sect reached the a
12370s throne okay okay okay got some more we
12372s got some black
12373s bloomstone um
12377s oh all right so giveaway time let's go
12379s see if we can raid raid some Raiders up
12381s in this raid um let's keep the wayfinder
12385s train rolling loving seeing the new
12387s people in the uh the the directory is
12391s super cool
12393s um the Seth 87 seems like a new person I
12396s don't think we've raided them before so
12398s we're going to go raid we're going to go
12400s raid Seth 87 go say
12405s hi hi in chat
12407s um and that is going to be the keyword
12410s for this next
12411s giveaway say who we're rating in chat
12414s and that will be the keyword for this
12416s last PC
12420s giveaway um so you have to be paying
12423s attention I'm not going to say it out
12424s loud say that in chat that's a key word
12426s for this next giveaway but I want to
12428s thank everybody from the bottom of my
12430s heart everybody here at the studios
12431s bottom of the heart for tuning in being
12433s a part of the wayfinder community
12435s wayfinder like we checking out Reddit is
12437s just filled with just you know
12439s positivity and good energy and positive
12441s vibes and seeing everybody jump in and
12443s play co-op together just being able to
12445s do this just seeing like how many people
12447s are playing um and you can just join
12449s into a random is is really freaking cool
12451s so never been a better time to to hop in
12453s and play some wayfinder if you're
12455s interested it is $25 on Steam right now
12458s uh the price will go up on October 21st
12461s once we get into uh 1.0 we are going to
12463s be doing another update after 1.0 as
12466s well so there's going to be even further
12467s content so if you are interested if
12469s you're on defense a couple of you guys
12470s mentioned if you're on defense there's
12472s no better time to do it I hope you
12473s enjoyed the game play I hope you liked
12475s what you saw uh this is kind of like the
12477s end game of what we have right now but
12478s we have that third chapter so we only
12480s have like two of the three chapters out
12482s right now there's a whole new one coming
12483s 1.0 the whole new area new loss zones
12486s lots of fights lots of bosses all of
12488s that jazz all right and we're going to
12489s do the winner the winner of this one is
12491s going to be Derpy MC Squirtle I love
12494s your name that is a fantastic name
12496s intereting Squirtle hoot me up for a
12498s steam key everybody who want a key make
12500s sure you message me on Discord
12502s discord.gg wayfinder appreciate you guys
12505s please take care
12508s bye-bye Derpy MC Squirtle