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So a friend got me this game a week or so ago and this morning I was finally able to DL it. I was stoked to try it out except when I launched it it constantly crashed on what I think was the main menu (not sure cause it would crash imoso I couldn’t get a long look at the screen). Well I went to check the integrity of the files on steam (as I normally do if a game is crashing regularly) and ya it says “one file can not be varified, will require the file” ok sweet so I go to my Dls and yup there’s like a 25mb download ready…..except now every time I try the download it fails. So now I can’t even launch the game cause it needs the Dl but the DL fails. Any recommendations besides fully redownload the game(I can’t do that cause my internet is limited) I really wanna experience this game and find out what it’s about but at this rate I don’t know if I will :/


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2 days ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

This sounds 100% like a steam issue where it was unable to either write files correctly or couldn't due to permissions. I doubt we'll see anything but can you post your DXDiag?