about 2 months ago - SOLIDAge - Direct link
Originally posted by Yenii: I'm sure there's a marketing term for the perception of a games longevity but I don't know what it is.

I want to give this game a chance, but the impending "gloom" of no new content makes a game based on progression a very hard sell for me.

A side note, my god the production value of the art in this game is insane. It looks amazing. No wonder they ran out of money if they were paying their artists a proper wage.

I miss wildstar.

We've been very open from the start. The goal is to deliver a solid 1.0 version of the game that players can have and play forever and we'll release that later this year and drop all the new content with it.

Anything beyond that depends on the 1.0 launch and the reception.

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about 20 hours ago - SOLIDAge