2 months
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You're either 1. blocked by a firewall and it can't connect to the EOS server or 2. you don't have write permissions to the AppData folder.
Originally posted by Maron:Originally posted by SOLIDAge: You're either 1. blocked by a firewall and it can't connect to the EOS server or 2. you don't have write permissions to the AppData folder.Get rid of the funny "phone home to load saves", or watch us get rid of it by dumping the game.
Originally posted by Patrick Star:I don't disagree and will raise it with the team. https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/c-Category_TechnicalSupport/c-TechnicalSupport_GeneralSupport/which-domains-need-to-be-whitelisted-to-reach-the-epic-servers-a000086907Originally posted by SOLIDAge: You're either 1. blocked by a firewall and it can't connect to the EOS server or 2. you don't have write permissions to the AppData folder.
Interesting... I'd really appreciate some (even if cheap) error message like "Cannot connect to EOS", to give some pointer...
While my firewall is not blocking anything, it might be possible that my DNS blocker is blocking something, which is needed. However, no other issues in any other game (which might use EOS)...
Any hints of which domains it could be?