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23 days ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Acceptable-Juice-882

This is unhinged. Like, going out of your way to find out wether someone who is working on a game is queer, just to post it publicly to a place full of queer hating people is genuinely spastic behaviour.

You desperately, -desparately- need to get a life, you brain twisted freak.

This. 90% of this sub needs to touch grass and a woman/man from time to time (whichever you’re into)

23 days ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by PersonalityHot8350

You shouldn’t trust Sucker Punch. They are a Sony studio and they are all captured. 

“Captured” lol

23 days ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Acceptable-Juice-882

Grass, yes, person? No.

I'm not convinced the people in this sub wouldn't just strangle whoever tried to touch them, these are very sad, very angry people.

True but perhaps interacting with a human will make them realize not everyone is out to get them or impede on their life.

23 days ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Wide_Combination_773

Have you seen Erika's tweet history about men, lmao. According to you she apparently browses this sub because men are always out to get her and impede her life.

No because I don’t care. She’s the voice actor in a game I want to play and that’s all that matters. Remember when people here went nuts about Disney firing Gina Carano for sh*t she said outside the show and the argument was it didn’t impact Mando so who cares? Quite literally the same situation except reverse and you’re all preemptively attacking her without hearing her act a single line.