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How are we feeling about this hire? She’s about to go on a mission fr… and I don’t blame her

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29 days ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by CollapsibleFunWave

So does anyone who is aware that Russia is an enemy of the US and Tulsi likes to spread their lies.

This. Russian state TV has repeatedly referred to her as an asset lol

29 days ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by ADgurudude

I have a TS, having one means nothing. By that logic you should trust me as well.


29 days ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Diligent-Hurry-9338

The fact that your "trustworthy source" is Russian state TV shows just how fried your underdeveloped brain is.

Do you know what goes into securing a top-level security clearance? Gabbard has had one for a long, long time. If you think politicians trying to cook up controversy on rivals means more than the intel security apparatus which clearly states Gabbard is reliable and trustworthy, then there's zero point in talking to you.

No one can logic you out of a position that you didn't use logic to get yourself into.

I didn’t get my information that she’s a Russian asset from state tv, but it did confirm what my eyes and ears have seen from her over the years.

28 days ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Originally posted by Diligent-Hurry-9338

Oh man, the "eyes and ears" judgment of a random 20 something year old who works on the dev team of Wayfinder. 

Why do we even have a security screening apparatus at the FBI? What a monumental waste of money when we have SOLIDAge, the most revered idiot of the village TrustMeBro, in the flesh and blood before us.

And serving as a testament to SOLIDAges' innate ability to determine truth, political slander from the Clinton Family has been LEGITIMATELY CONFIRMED by comments from none other than Russian State TV.

I couldn't try to make you sound more retarded than you do for yourself, not with a team of pulitzer prize authors behind me.

I too can look at post history! And it tells me you’re the one constantly looking for the confirmation biased and affirmation based on the circles you’re religiously posting in.