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It can be my fault ? I try pick all time right champ. Didnt feed. Last game (plat rank) Brand 11/5 and lose … how can be ? I think 45%-55% win rate is the regular or normal … how can i lose 7 from 10 match . I reach solo ranked emerald 4 in last season now i almost demoted to gold 1 … i have demencia , or i get retartard? How can i lose almost all of my matches … pvp and urf 8-35 …

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over 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by kokosdera

Wait, solo can vs 3q or 5q squad? No wonder! That explain one of my lost game. I was support, in 2q squad. others seems don't know each other from our team chat. Since early opponent always gank 4v2 my ADC (Varus, has no escape skill). I was wondering how enemy could have excellent coordination since early.

5q can only play vs. 5q. I'm not seeing any games in the data that show otherwise. If you have one, please DM it to me.

Soloq can only play against 3q/2q if they have a 3q or 2q on their team as well. It has to be the same party matched up.

over 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by John__Gotti

not necessary now. with the upgrade 2q + 3q can play against 5q.

No, this doesn't happen.

about 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by zurutan

Mixing solo que with duo and trios is unfair too. For both parties not the solo player only.

But i guess the playerbase is too small to implement strict solo que right?

There's no way for duos to match only duos at all, they need solos or trios to work. Same with trios. That makes the option to only ever allow 3/2 vs. 3/2, which isn't a popular enough combo unless we allow really wide skill gaps in the matches, or really long wait times, or fill up the cracks with solo players.

As far as unfairness, that depends on your definition of fairness. It's 100% possible to make a fair match that includes both solos and duos, or both solos and trios, in terms of both teams having a shot at winning.

If by fairness you mean that the solo players will have less cohesion than a duo or trio, I don't know if that's necessarily true. There has been some evidence that 2 solo players are more likely to coordinate with a trio than a duo would, because the duo is likely paying more attention to each other (being two friends in a duo) than they are to the trio. So I don't know that we can say for sure that having solos mixed in with parties is more or less fair, and it significantly improves match quality in terms of fairness and speed.

about 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by kokosdera

Hi, what info do you need?

I am not sure myself.

I have another hypothesis: one of the duo is 3q. Then the other 2 players are helping their teammate in dragon lane. They already practiced several times so the timing are perfect.

I would need your Riot ID and as much info about the match as you can give. The date and around what time it was. Send this as a personal message rather than posting here.

But right now, in ranked, if your opponent has a 3q, then so do you.