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The whole purpose is to match teams so that they are as close to a similar skill level as possible so that the match is competitive... Right..?

Why have they designed a matchmaking system that makes it so one team is filled with people on a winning streaks Vs a team filled with players on a losing streak...

Then if the team that is ment to lose losses they continue being put with people on loss streaks. This happens until they win one or two or lose enough so that their MMR is so low that they get placed with good players so they can win a few games, until they eventually lose and get placed back with players on loss streaks and the cycle continues.

Riot wonders why there are so many smurfs... maybe riot it's due to the fact that people do not want to spend 3 hours losing 10 games in a row while having to spend 15mins in every queue just to get back into a winnable game without an auto fill jungler.

The matchmaking makes you not want to play the game. It's like winning big on a slot machine (win a few in a row) and then you know the machine isn't going to pay out anymore, so what are you going to do..? Keep play that same machine (main account) or go play on another slot machine (smurf account) thats pay out rate isn't at 0%. It's not rocket science why this game is plagued with smurfs.

It's unfathomable how they thought it was a good idea... I know i'll get down voted but as soon as Pokémon unite come out i'm switching to that ultimately due to the fact that the matchmaking seems to actually work.

I've played around 100 game on the Pokémon unite beta and had more close games than the 4k I've played on wild rift which is just absurd. I'm not saying Pokémon unite is a better game but my god it's less frustrating to play and nearly every game feels winnable or at least feels like you can actually effect the out come of the game if you play well.

This has nothing to do with wanting to just win, losing is part of every game but being forced to lose due to an algorithm is just gross and makes the game feel hollow. It doesn't matter how you play half the time you win or lose due to the matchmaking rather than your actual performance.

This is the only game you can be sleep deprived and go on a 10+win streak playing like a zombie and then the next day be fully refreshed and play really well but loss every game because your coming up against pre made duo/trio queues and your jungler is always auto filled.

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over 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

We responded in an earlier thread too here

Basically, the matchmaker doesn't do anything to create streaks.

It is something we keep an eye on, and there are improvements in the pipeline, but any streaks happening now are not part of any design.