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Seems like more often than not, the people in my games who are disconnected for several minutes or who leave the game are not having the penalty applied.

When does this kick in? If you are disconnected for more than a minute straight you should be flagged as a leaver. Happens twice in a day and banned from ranked for the rest of the day.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

The penalty is applied at the end of the game (usually you see a leaver tag on them in the scoreboard or ranked compensation messaging). However our AFK detection is pretty conservative to minimize false positives. Over time we are going to lower thresholds as we gain more confidence and tune our detection methods. We don't talk about the specifics of thresholds and exact methods because we don't want to help people to evade detection.

almost 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by sipsop123

if you made the threshold strict ranked would be cleaned up of leavers over night. as it stands people are disconnected or leaving for several minute stretches and there is no penalty marker applied, so your thresholds are either way to loose--like 5+ minutes too loose--or they are not working as intended.

Better to start with a system more strict and loosen as necessary. Pretty clear to see if someone is disconnected for 2 mins--there is really no room to complain if they get flagged as a leaver in ranked at that point--too many people have no issue keeping an internet connection and having the time to play a full match.

I agree our thresholds can be tightened. It's not quite that simple because we don't always know when someone is disconnected. If we go too low we start tagging people who are camping brush several times in a game to wait for a gank opportunity or just waiting for item gold in the base. It also takes some time to reconnect to a game if you've crashed or something. So we try to be forgiving when someone is making their best effort to return, especially because it may not be their fault they were disconnected. Obviously there's a middle ground between our current state and something too short which we will be trying to hit.