I'm a new player moving from pc and i'm curious why they do that. I first found this out when I tried annie and her q was a really thin skillshot instead of her easy point and click stun when you have max passive. Now kassadin also has a skillshot instead of a point and click silence. Is there a reason for this?
Edit: I get it now thank you u/phorezkin3000 he actually seems to know what it's like to play kass or annie on pc.
Edit 2: for the wild rift players who only play wild rift and can't understand "to require more skill" is not a valid reason as it completely changes champions like annie and kassadin. Annie is way scarier to face in pc knowing that challenging her to a 1v1 as a squishy would get your ass oneshot with a q stun into ult because you need qss or zhonya's to avoid her q (excluding champions with spell shield or the ability to go untargetable which also turns fizz into a great counter for annie on pc). For kassadin I used to be a kassadin main and his q while mainly used to farm against ranged champs is useful to poke behind minions (which becomes crucial against yasuo and malzahar) laning phase in league is more tedious so if his q was a skillshot he would suck more dick in the early to mid game. So a simple "to make them harder" is just not a valid answer.
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