Trying to kite the enemy, but nah, dumb controls said, They want to auto pick an enemy and run towards it in a straight line, without me having control on my damn character, it has been happening a lot lately.
External link →Trying to kite the enemy, but nah, dumb controls said, They want to auto pick an enemy and run towards it in a straight line, without me having control on my damn character, it has been happening a lot lately.
External link →Do you have "Force attack follow" ON in the controls settings? If you do, turn it off and it should stop that behavior. If you don't that is a bug and a pretty painful one. It could be either the movestick going inactive when it shouldn't, some network problem, or the force attack follow system is active when it should be off. If you can capture a video of the behavior happening that would be really helpful.
it is off, yet it keeps happening, a lot this patch.
I'll keep an eye out, but if you can get a video it will really help us in figuring out what's going on. On iPhone it's pretty easy to enable screen recording and then capture a whole game.