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over 3 years ago - /u/wav3break - Direct link

Sensitivity shouldn’t actually affect spell 2’s feel because it’s a direction cast, meaning it always takes the angle from aim center to finger input even if your finger is dragged way past the max range of the button. Visually, the aim area on spell 2 is changing to reflect what it would be however.

over 3 years ago - /u/wav3break - Direct link

It should only really affect Fiora Q as riven Q is also a direction cast. To clarify for direction casts, You can drag your finger as far as you want to aim it since it’s always aiming at a fixed range/max range so no matter how large the button’s aim area visually is, you’re always able to go past it to get a finer control without cost. Try reverting to default sensitivity and then tuning up from there to match what you had, 65% may no longer be the same. Need to look into it for exact details.