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i just wanna otp a few chars and don’t mind reading a book or something while i wait if it means i don’t have to autofill support and jgl and screw my team

shouldn’t there be a no autofill individual option if we’re willing to sit through the queue time?

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over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by Nynanro

You can but, i think your waiting time would be atrocious. As of right now if you queue it lasts sometimes for a few minutes if you get a guarantee. So if everyone actually gets the option to just get one role, example mid lane, and 25 people all chose that lane, then you would be the 26th. Now if the rest of the lanes only have 10 - 15 players in queue and jungle has none then you start the wait. People who has autofill on and doesn't have a guarantee will then keep getting autofilled jungle. Now if we totally remove the autofill feature then it makes it worse. Simply because you will only be able to start games if people fill all roles. And judging the amount of people who want to play jungle, well lets just say your queue time would probably last a lifetime.

This is why we have you rank your position preference for all 5 positions. If you tried to wait only for your top preferred position, the wait time would actually eventually devolve to infinity for all positions except the most in-demand on (i.e. jungle). Just think that as more people try to play the line for all positions except jungle get longer and longer because everyone is waiting for a jungler to appear. Although realistically your wait time would be roughly around when most people give up on queuing and quit.