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almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by xznow

What’s about the target priority bug? It’s not getting fixed ???

We pushed a hot fix for that bug a few days ago.

almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr_Opel

yeah he’s strong; having package at first dra is often game-changing. but he hasn’t been broken since he got nerfed at the same time his item got nerfed - back then he was stupid broken (top 2 in both mid and adc at the same time)

To clarify a few things assassins are high frustration champions at any elo. And typically perform better at higher elos where players know how to push their advantage and have a better understanding of what their champion's limits are.

Kat, Eve, and Akali are all perfect examples where their winrate is, and has always been, much higher at high elos.

While a good assassin can take advantage of lower-skilled opponents they also need skilled players playing them for that to matter.

Along those same lines the myth that we heavily balance the game for low elo is exactly that a myth. While we do, on occasion, make low elo balance changes we recognize that the majority of imbalance at low elo comes from players understanding the game differently and not the champion's power themselves.

When we look at balancing the game we ALWAYS start by looking at high-elite level play. This is because we assume these players have a decent understanding of the game so we can assume a more equal footing.

Also to clarify a point earlier in this thread. Frustration means what you would think Frustration means. If a champion is OP we expect players to be frustrated by them, but it also makes sense if players feel they don't have sufficient counterplay or responses to the champion. Assassins are particularly frustrating because their counterplay is typically accessed through coordination and team play while having limited individual counterplay.

However typically when a champion is OP this frustration is easier to deal with, get them into a good balanced place and they are good to go, we saw this with Brand. The issues really come up when a champion isn't showing as OP but is still frustrating to play against. This is most common among assassins but can happen with any class.