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As we know in the event, there is only 1200 Lunar Tokens we can get from the event (900 tokens from playing all the missions + 300 points from gifting mission). And right now the best reward from the shop you can get from all these tokens is a random skin chest and it is a rare tier at max.

It seems a bit underwhelming given that you need to spend at least 10 dollars at minimum (5 gifted emotes or baubles) to get that extra 300 tokens just to get a rare tier random skin chest.

So, right now Im speculating the xayah and rakan event would give a few more tokens. This way any player can get that skin chest without spending money. And if you scroll in the shop a bit there is also a few more content that aren't released yet including xayah and rakan that can be bought for 300 tokens on 12/2.

Just don't spend your tokens yet until the xayah and rakan event so you can make the best choice from the shop.

edit: you can get 500 additional tokens from the Lunar Lovers event. ( 300 tokens from 2 daily missions, 150 each and another 200 tokens from weekly missions, 100 each). So these would total up to 1700 tokens (1400 for all my F2P peeps)

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about 4 years ago - /u/draggles - Direct link

You can actually see the missions that'll be available (and their rewards) with Lunar Lovers over here!