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I saw a post recently about getting getting auto-filled while in your promotional game, and a comment about getting auto-filled on your last role and how frustrating it is. So I was wondering what your opinion on this topic is. Personally, I want them to remove 5-role pre-pick thingy, and maybe reduce it to only 2 roles. Perhaps even only your main role should remain. This way, people won't troll for being auto-filled jungle. I don't care how long I have to wait for it.

(There should also be a reminder for example "This role is the least popular, picking this would get you a match instantly" or something like that)

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over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by Ramonis5645

I think there's a solution for this JG matter


I have learn JG and I have never seen so many people flaming me when they're losing a 1v1 lane and they want a gank when I'm literally on the other side of the map they even refuse to help on objectives because you didn't gank the solution for this is a better punishment system many people have been asking for s real punishment system and riot keep ignoring it

2: Make the JG a fun rol this year they have released a lot of top champs even supp champs and they ignore the JG we need more champs on the role so people get interesting on it and stop nerfing champs that are flexed to JG like Gwen, Jax, Irelia people like those champs and they crippled them on the JG it would have sense for me if they add more champs to the JG but they didn't

3: Give auto fill some protection for JG only if they have it on the 5th position

4: Push people to learn every 5 roles one thing that I have always heard is that League have a really really bad tutorial that doesn't really explain you the game and they did the same f**king mistake here on Wild Rift give people a depth tutorial about every role ( doesn't need to be the beginner tutorial but an optional tutorial for people who really wants to learn )

Did you know when you get your 5th position, you already get protection on the next game?