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about 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Yes, my hypothesis is that when dragging onto the map you sometimes roll over the next ping and then send the wrong one. Especially when targeting the bottom half of the map. We've made some changes for the upcoming patch to make it stick to your original ping when you drag out to the minimap. This should hopefully address this pain point.

We're also investigating and working on more small changes in the upcoming patches this year to improve the system.

about 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by Sidoney

It's not rolling. If I want to ping drag or Baron timer for example every time I try to do it the first time it jumps down to on my way so I quickly pull on then off the map to reset it so I can then drag correctly.

This is 100% of the time and I can make a video if you really want. Trust me I thought I was just always mis-clicking on the first instance but it changes from one ping to on my way (below what I want).

I'm D1 with 2k games and this is the work around I need. While I'm at it I also have the Android tablet joystick bug to deal with every game. At some point the joystick will start stuttering and cannot be used properly until I remove all inputs for about a second to essentially reset it. It's random when it happens. Seems to be more likely if I'm charging my device at the time.

Samsung Galaxy tab s7+

Actually can you capture me a video of your android tablet joystick bug? I got one report from someone on an iPad Pro, but our QA couldn't reproduce the issue. It looks a lot like you've slid your finger off the screen, but I think there's more going on than that. So I need help getting evidence of this happening in the wild. I especially need to see the joystick losing input when it is not near the edge of the screen so I can say definitively that it's not just the player's finger sliding off the edge of the screen onto the frame. I experience this too, rarely, and it's driving me crazy because I can't get it to happen reliably. We need to be able to reproduce it reliably so that the dev's can track down what's causing it and we can make sure that it's actually getting fixed.

If you want to include pinging to baron and drag, that would help us figure out exactly what's going on too.

about 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by Sidoney

Ok I'll get something recorded in the next few days. I want to also have something showing the "true" device recognised inputs as an overlay too as a comparison.

Also I can link you to a thread from 2015 I found talking about this android tablet joystick bug if you want - it doesn't have a solution, just that other games have had this issue too without google ever addressing it.

Thanks for the response :)

Ohhhhh crap, you think it is a platform level or hardware problem? Maybe it's different than the iPad problem I've seen. Anyway a video would be helpful, there may be something we can do to mitigate the problem even if we can't fully resolve it.

We do have a touch overlay function, but unfortunately it's only in our internal builds to help us diagnose things

about 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by Sidoney

The joystick bug I'm talking about yes, I do believe it's an Android + tablet issue based on what I've read. I do have a galaxy note 20 ultra and no issue there (also no ping change issue). The problem is I can't go back as I'm so used to the tablet ahahaha.

I believe it's the case that the joystick is an Android asset that devs can use for a game? I.e. you guys didn't develop the joystick from scratch.

If this is the case I believe it 100% is a Google issue specifically affecting tablets (again, from what I've read up on).

Are you able to confirm (around the source/implementation of the Android joystick)? I.e. if it's an Android asset or something developed in house?


It's in-house, AFAIK, but it existed before I even joined the project so who knows :D However our game is created using Unity, so I think it's unlikely that it's an Android standard asset when everything is build for cross platform compatibility.

about 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by Sidoney

Thank you again for the response!

Btw this is the post form 5 years ago I found first complaining about the joystick issue. What they describe is what happens to me. Again, only on tablet, not on phone


Edit: scroll down and watch the video of someone recording it. That's literally what I deal with.

Gotcha, can you enable recording of taps as shown here to help us see where your fingers are?
